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古河祥  周婷 《四川动物》2005,24(1):54-55
2001年, 广东惠东港口海龟国家级自然保护区管理局在 1000 多枚绿海龟的卵孵化过程中, 发现一例白化稚绿海龟 (见封3图版, 1)。现报道如下。白化稚绿海龟通体白色; 背甲、腹甲和四肢发育正常, 其量度见表 1。背甲卵圆形, 中央隆起,椎盾5枚, 肋盾8枚, 颈盾2枚, 左侧缘盾12枚,表1 白化稚绿海龟 (编重量体长背甲长背甲宽腹甲长腹甲宽15 2 53 38 40 9 35 3 25 01 23 36   人类白化病患者眼睛呈肉红色[1]。白化龟、白化鳖眼睛曾出现红色和黑色两种现象。该稚绿海龟白化个体因无眼睛, 故不知其…  相似文献   

绿海龟稚龟性别鉴定及临界温度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过组织形态学鉴定、羊水和血液中性激素测定等手段,对惠东港口海龟保护区不同恒温下孵化的绿海龟(Chelonia mydas)进行研究,寻求绿海龟稚龟性别鉴定的最佳方法。结果显示,(1)组织形态学,绿海龟性腺切片分皮层和髓质两部分,卵巢的皮层较厚、基质中有大小不一的未成熟卵细胞,髓质中空腔较少;睾丸的皮层较薄,髓质中空腔较多,呈现出显著的被基质包围的髓质索。(2)性激素测定,当雌二醇与睾酮含量之比E2∶T1.5时,孵出的稚龟为雄性(♂);当E2∶T1.5时,为雌性(♀)。(3)绿海龟性别决定的临界温度在29.4~29.5℃之间,此时孵出稚龟的性比约为1∶1。本文还讨论了各种不同性别鉴定方法的优劣和时期选择。  相似文献   

黄喉拟水龟的繁殖生物学研究   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
1998年4-11月对黄喉拟水龟的繁殖生物学进行了研究,在广东,黄喉拟水龟的产卵高峰期在5-6月,窝卵量1-7枚,平均2.5枚;卵重平均13.95g;长径平均4.34cm;短径平均2.23cm。卵重与卵长径呈正相关关系,在25-32℃、沙床含水量5-10%孵化条件下,孵化时间平衡73.8d,孵化率84.2%。初生稚龟均重9.75g。背甲长平均3.77cm;背甲宽平均2.91cm。稚龟体重与背甲长、宽呈极显著的正相关关系,稚龟经8-11月3个月生长,平均日增重0.149g。稚龟体重、背甲长、宽与日龄呈极显著的正相关关系。稚龟体重与背甲长宽也呈极显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

中国海龟的保护问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程一骏 《四川动物》1998,17(2):74-75
在中国,共有5种海龟会在东侧的大陆棚沿岸海域及南中国海出现,它们分别是绿海龟(Cheloniamyds),龟(Carettacaretta),玳瑁(Eretmochelysimbricata),丽龟(Lepidochelysolivacea),及棱皮龟(Dermochelyscoriacea)。在这5种海龟中,以绿海龟的数量为最多。此外在5种海龟中,仅有绿海龟、龟及玳瑁会在我国领土沿海的沙滩上产卵。和其他的沿海民族一样,数千年来,沿海省份的居民,不但捕食海龟及龟蛋,而且利用其部分的身体做为中药材来治疗高血压等疾病,或将其皮甲制成标本出售,稚龟亦被当成水族宠物加以出售图利。根据估计…  相似文献   

对不同年龄段绿海龟Chelonia mydas的口腔进行形态学观察。口腔均由喙、内鼻孔、舌、气门及咽喉腔组成。喙覆盖角质鞘,无牙齿。稚龟喙呈V型,无角质锯齿,下喙钩状;幼龟和成年龟喙呈U型,具多排角质锯齿,口裂均相对较稚龟小。上喙内侧角化内鼻孔2个;内鼻孔梳状乳突在稚龟中缺失,但在幼龟和成年龟中可见,且随年龄增长、增密。舌呈"U"型,短小;舌正后方有游离的半圆形膜状皱褶,其下方可见1个裂隙。气门紧随裂隙内侧,游离,由2个杓状软骨支撑。舌和气门下方舌骨1块;角腮骨1对,分别可伸至咽喉腔下方和头骨后方。咽喉腔约占口腔的1/2,表层分布有大量弧状皱褶,且左右各具1个咽鼓管孔。光镜下,口腔腔壁包含黏膜层、肌层和骨骼。黏膜层均由角化复层鳞状上皮和固有层构成,但仅稚龟舌后部的黏膜层可见分泌细胞分布。舌体与膜状皱褶之间有分支泡状腺;膜状皱褶下方的裂隙表面覆盖复层柱状上皮,可见管状腺分布;复层柱状上皮细胞和腺体细胞在ABPAS染色中均呈玫红色。肌层为骨骼肌,其在舌体分布较少,而在气门区域较发达。扫描电镜下,口腔黏膜上皮由多边形的角质细胞组成,其表面有不规则的波纹分布,微绒毛和杯状细胞均缺失。绿海龟口腔的组织形态及结构与其食性及生态适应紧密相关。  相似文献   

绿海龟背甲盾片的变异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周婷  张飞燕 《四川动物》2004,23(3):285-286
通过对 2 92只 1龄绿海龟活体和 114只当年龟标本观察 ,发现 6 0只龟背甲盾片有变异现象。变异部位表现在椎盾、肋盾 ,颈盾和缘盾 ,未发现臀盾变异现象。各部位变异频率依次为椎盾 >椎盾和肋盾同时变异>多个部位同时变异 >肋盾 >颈盾 >缘盾。测量正常龟和变异龟各 15只的背甲长、宽和高 ,经t值检验 ,差异均不显著 ,说明正常龟和变异龟的背甲形状无明显差别 ,盾片数目的变化属个体变异。  相似文献   

为了解锯缘闭壳龟指名亚种Cuora mouhotii mouhotii (Gary,1862)的人工饲养与繁殖,2016—2017年在广西壮族自治区桂林市永福县对人工饲养条件下5只性成熟个体(2雌3雄)的生长与繁殖状况进行了观察研究。结果表明,实验对象生长状况良好,体质量年平均增长率达5. 17%,交配高峰期为每年5—6月,产卵期为6—7月。实验过程中获得7枚受精卵,2次产卵之间积温为188 397~189 710℃·h。共孵化得到5只稚龟,孵化时间为86~102 d,孵化积温为57 792~68 052℃·h,孵化率71. 43%。自然孵化组和恒温孵化组测得的孵化积温变异系数为5. 74%,1日龄稚龟体质量变异系数为6. 27%。本研究为锯缘闭壳龟的人工饲养与繁殖提供了理论依据和实践基础。  相似文献   

不同体重瘤背石磺性腺发育规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用组织学方法研究了瘤背石磺体重(2—28g)与性腺发育、性腺指数与肝胰腺指数或卵黄腺指数间的关系,不同体重瘤背石磺性腺内各期生殖细胞的组成与比例以及瘤背石磺卵子和精子发生的规律。结果表明,(1)瘤背石磺的性腺指数有随体重增加而增加的特点:10g以上个体性腺指数达到最高且基本无变化;不同体重瘤背石磺性腺指数与肝胰腺指数和卵黄腺指数有明显的正相关性(P<0.05);(2)6g以下组的瘤背石磺性腺滤泡管内未发现有雌性生殖细胞,6g以上组的性腺滤泡管内雄性与雌性生殖细胞并存;(3)所有瘤背石磺个体性腺内均有精子分布,6g以下个体雄性生殖细胞组成以次级精母细胞为主,而6g以上个体则以精子为主;6g以上组的雌性生殖细胞成熟程度随体重增加有明显增加,其中6—8g以卵原细胞为主(57%),8—10g开始出现外源性卵黄合成期的卵母细胞,10—14g时的外源性卵黄合成期的卵母细胞约为69%,且开始出现成熟卵母细胞。(4)卵子发生共经历6期:分别为卵原细胞期、卵黄合成前卵母细胞期、内源性卵黄合成期、外源性卵黄合成期、近成熟期和成熟卵母细胞期,成熟卵母细胞直径约为(59.36±3.88)μm。精子发生经历精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子细胞和精子共5个阶段,精子长约(52.44±20.65)μm。石磺体重与性腺发育程度密切相关,10g以上的个体可做为亲本使用。  相似文献   

三线闭壳龟繁殖生态的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李贵生  唐大由 《生态科学》2002,21(2):112-114
在暨南大学爬行动物养殖场对三线闭壳龟的繁殖生态进行了研究。结果显示:三线闭壳龟每年产卵1次,每次产卵平均3.6枚。受精卵长径为48.00±2.63mm,短径为26.42±1.66mm,卵重为23.89±3.34g。未受精卵长径为44.35±4.36mm,短径为25.39±2.71mm,卵重为20.39±4.96g。卵的受精率为50.9%,孵化率为83.3%,孵化期平均88d,估计积温为59.581℃·h。稚龟的背甲长为44.83±2.41mm,背甲宽为36.90±1.86mm,体重为15.85±2.07g。  相似文献   

贺兰山岩羊冬春季取食生境的比较   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
2003年11~12月和2004年4~6月,在贺兰山设定了25条固定样线,采用直接观察法对岩羊冬春季的取食生境选择进行了研究。结果表明,岩羊冬季对12种取食生境生态因子有选择性,偏爱选择位于山地疏林草原带,优势乔木为灰榆,乔木密度〈4株、高度4~6m,灌木密度〉5株、高度〉1.3m,食物质量〉50g,人为干扰距离〈500m,距裸岩距离〈2m的地方取食。而春季对11种取食生境生态因子有选择性,偏爱选择山地疏林草原带,优势乔木为灰榆,乔木密度〈4株、高度〈6m,灌木密度5~10株、高度1.3~1.7m,食物质量〉100g,海拔高度〈2000m,距水源距离〈500m,隐蔽级50%~75%的地点。冬春季岩羊对植被类型、地形特征、优势乔木、乔木密度、乔木高度、灌木密度、灌木距离、食物丰富度、坡向、坡度、距水源距离、人为干扰距离和隐蔽级的选择存在显著差异。主成分分析表明,冬季第1主成分的贡献率达24.493%,其中绝对值较大的权系数出现在植被类型、优势乔木、乔木高度、乔木距离、灌木密度、灌木高度、海拔高度、距水源距离和人为干扰距离等生态因子:春季第1主成分的贡献率达28.777%,其中绝对值较大的权系数出现在植被类型、乔木距离、灌木高度、灌木距离、食物丰富度、海拔高度和人为干扰距离等生态因子。随着北方地区冬春季食物数量和质量的剧烈变化,贺兰山岩羊对取食生境的利用对策也将发生一定程度的改变,与其他分布区的岩羊相比,贺兰山独特的地理位置和特殊生境使其在取食生境选择上存在很大差异。  相似文献   

The feeding habitat selection of blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur)was studied by direct observation method in the Helan Mountains,China during winter (from November to December)and spring (from April to June)from 2003 to 2004.We established 25 line transects to collect information on feeding habitats used by blue sheep.Blue sheep in the study area preferred mountain savanna forests,a habitat dominated by Ulmus glaucescens,with medium tree density (<4 individuals/400 m2),moderate tree height (4-6 m),higher shrub density (>5 individuals/100 m2),higher shrub (>1.3 m),higher food abundance (>50 g),moderate distance to human disturbance (<500 m),and mild distance to bare rock (<2 m).Such habitats characterized by 12 ecological factors were preferred as feeding areas by blue sheep during winter.Similar to habitat selection by the species during winter,blue sheep also showed a preference for mountain savanna with tree dominated by Ulmus glaucescens and medium tree density (<4 individuals/400 m2)during spring.Nevertheless,blue sheep preferred medium tree height (<6 m),moderate tree density (5-10 individuals/100 m2),medium shrub height (1.3-1.7 m),higher food abundance (>100 g),moderate altitude (<2 000 m),moderate distance to water resource (<500 m),and medium hiding cover (50%-75%)during spring.Selection of the feeding habitats by sheep showed a significant difference in vegetation type,landform feature,dominant tree,tree height,shrub density,distance to the nearest shrub,food abundance,slope direction,slope degree,distance to water resource,and hiding cover between winter and spring.Results of principal components analysis indicated that the first principal component accounted for 24.493%of the total variance among feeding habitat variance during winter,with higher loadings for vegetation type,dominant tree,tree height,distance to the nearest tree,shrub density,shrub height,altitude,distance to water resource,and distance to human disturbance.In spring,the first principal components explained 28.777%of the variance,with higher loadings for vegetation type,distance to the nearest tree,shrub height,distance to the nearest shrub,food abundance,altitude,and distance to human disturbance.  相似文献   

Head-starting programs are extremely important for restoring the population of sea turtles in wild whereas husbandry conditions and feeding regimens of captive turtles are still limited. In the current study, the optimal dietary protein requirement for green turtle (Chelonia mydas) was investigated to support rearing in head-starting programs. Twenty-five-day-old turtles (44.5–46.2 g body weight, n = 45) were randomly distributed into 15 experimental plastic tanks, comprising three treatment replications of 3 turtles each. They were fed fishmeal-based feeds containing different levels of protein (30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, and 50%) for 8 weeks. At the end of feeding trial, growth performance (specific growth rate = 1.86% body weight/day) and feed utilization (protein efficiency ratio = 3.30 g gain/g protein) were highest in turtles fed with 40% protein in feed (p < .05). These nutritional responses were significantly supported by specific activities of fecal digestive enzymes, especially trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase, and the amylase/trypsin ratio. Also, this dietary level improved the deposition of calcium and phosphorus in carapace, supporting a hard carapace and strong healthy bones. There were no negative effects in general health status of reared turtles, as indicated by hematological parameters. Based on a broken-line analysis between dietary protein levels and specific growth rate, the optimal protein level for green turtles was estimated as 40.6%. Findings from the current study support the use of artificial diets of specific protein levels to rear captive green turtle before release to natural habitats.  相似文献   

Japanese monkeys, Macaca fuscata, living in a cool temperate forest experienced energy crises in winter. We measured feeding times and feeding rates (mass of foods eaten per unit time of feeding) in six different-sized, age–sex classes (1.2–12.6 kg body mass) in autumn and winter. One-, 2- and 3~4-year-olds spent 34–35% and 44–46% of the day feeding in autumn and winter, respectively. Monkeys less than 0 years old spent less time feeding (16–28%) than average in winter and autumn; adult females spent less (41%) in winter; and adult males spent less (25%) in autumn. All age–sex classes ate mainly fruits in autumn and the heavier classes fed more on tree bark than buds in winter. The feeding rate for fruits (2.3–53.5 g min–1) was nine to 12 times faster than those for buds (1.0– 4.8 g min–1) and bark (0.5–4.4 g min–1), and energy content did not differ among fruits (22.1 kJ g–1 dry mass), buds (19.9 kJ g–1 dry mass) and bark (23.2 kJ g–1 dry mass). Energy base feeding rates increased with body mass where the body mass exponent for buds (0.29) was smaller than those for bark (0.64) and fruits (0.63), which might be attributable to the unit size of food items and mass dependency of masticatory apparatus. Our monkeys obtained two to five times more energy in autumn (1567–1150 kJ day–1) than in winter (604–3020 kJ day–1). Adult females obtained 60% of expected energy expenditure and other classes obtained 77–88% of that in winter.  相似文献   

Lyngbya majuscula, a toxic cyanobacterium, was observed blooming during June–July (winter) 2002 in Shoalwater Bay, Queensland, Australia, an important feeding area for a large population of green turtles (Chelonia mydas). The bloom was mapped and extensive mats of L. majuscula were observed overgrowing seagrass beds along at least 18 km of coast, and covering a surface area of more than 11 km2. Higher than average rainfall preceded the bloom and high water temperatures in the preceding summer may have contributed to the bloom. In bloom samples, lyngbyatoxin A (LA) was found to be present in low concentration (26 μg kg−1(dry weight)), but debromoaplysiatoxin (DAT) was not detected. The diet of 46 green turtles was assessed during the bloom and L. majuscula was found in 51% of the samples, however, overall it contributed only 2% of the animals’ diets. L. majuscula contribution to turtle diet was found to increase as the availability of the cyanobacterium increased. The bloom appeared to have no immediate impact on turtle body condition, however, the presence of a greater proportion of damaged seagrass leaves in diet in conjunction with decreases in plasma concentrations of sodium and glucose could suggest that the turtles may have been exposed to a substandard diet as a result of the bloom. This is the first confirmed report of L. majuscula blooming in winter in Shoalwater Bay, Queensland, Australia and demonstrates that turtles consume the toxic cyanobacterium in the wild, and that they are potentially exposed to tumour promoting compounds produced by this organism.  相似文献   

In this case study, the ecological background of an unusual hunting behaviour was investigated, when otters Lutra lutra preyed upon European pond turtles Emys orbicularis in a Hungarian fish pond system during an 18-month period. Predation on turtle was found only during cold periods (established by spraint analysis and also by the collection of 182 turtle carcasses in 2003). The relationship was not close between fish availability and turtle consumption ( r P =−0.325, P =0.19). The crude protein content of the turtle head and leg was higher than that of fish, frog and turtle body, whereas the energy content of the samples was similar. The mean body weight of the killed turtles (460 g) fell within the range of the optimal prey size of the otter. Turtles were used as cache foods by otters during extreme environmental conditions (as in the long winter), but occurred only rarely as buffer foods during moderate winter. In fish ponds, the conservation of the coexistent otter and turtle depends on pond management. The maintenance of a higher fish availability in ponds during winter makes it possible to avoid the need to acquire a proper hunting technique on turtle, indicated by the scarcity of primary fish food.  相似文献   

Foraging dynamics of muskoxen in Peary Land, northern Greenland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Muskoxen Ovibos moschatus in northern Greenland (79-83°N) are at the northern limit of their distribution and exist under seasonal extremes dominated by nearly 10 months of winter, much of which is without sunlight. The period of summer vegetative growth is less than two months. In the Kap København area (82°30'N), diversity of plant species is low (76 species of vascular plants) and forage biomass in major vegetation types in summer varies from over 40 g m-2 in sedge-dominated fens to ≤5 g m-2 in polar barrens. Nonetheless, 90-95% of the ice-free area consists of barren ground or sparcely vegetated polar desert. During summer, muskoxen apparently foraged opportunistically to maximize intake, with sedges the major food item in fens while willows were the major dietary component when on willow-dominated slopes. Quality of summer forage was high during its early phenological stages, with 21-28% crude protein and 60-75% in vitro digestibility. Microhistological analysis of winter feces indicated dominance by graminoids. Muskoxen spent > 50% of their daily activity feeding, which fits a cline of increasing feeding time with increasing latitude in summer. Increased feeding times at high latitudes appears to be a function of both reduced forage biomass and need to maximize forage intake during the brief summer period when forage quality is high. Movement rates in summer while foraging were inversely related to available forage biomass. Seasonal activity of muskoxen peaks during the rutting period (July-September) and then declines gradually through early winter to a low in late winter (March-April).  相似文献   

The feeding habitat selection of blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur) was studied by direct observation method in the Helan Mountains, China during winter (from November to December) and spring (from April to June) from 2003 to 2004. We established 25 line transects to collect information on feeding habitats used by blue sheep. Blue sheep in the study area preferred mountain savanna forests, a habitat dominated by Ulmus glaucescens, with medium tree density (<4 individuals / 400 m2), moderate tree height (4–6 m), higher shrub density (> 5 individuals / 100 m2), higher shrub (> 1.3 m), higher food abundance (> 50 g), moderate distance to human disturbance (< 500 m), and mild distance to bare rock (< 2 m). Such habitats characterized by 12 ecological factors were preferred as feeding areas by blue sheep during winter. Similar to habitat selection by the species during winter, blue sheep also showed a preference for mountain savanna with tree dominated by Ulmus glaucescens and medium tree density (< 4 individuals / 400 m2) during spring. Nevertheless, blue sheep preferred medium tree height (< 6 m), moderate tree density (5–10 individuals / 100 m2), medium shrub height (1.3–1.7 m), higher food abundance (> 100 g), moderate altitude (< 2 000 m), moderate distance to water resource (< 500 m), and medium hiding cover (50%–75%) during spring. Selection of the feeding habitats by sheep showed a significant difference in vegetation type, landform feature, dominant tree, tree height, shrub density, distance to the nearest shrub, food abundance, slope direction, slope degree, distance to water resource, and hiding cover between winter and spring. Results of principal components analysis indicated that the first principal component accounted for 24.493% of the total variance among feeding habitat variance during winter, with higher loadings for vegetation type, dominant tree, tree height, distance to the nearest tree, shrub density, shrub height, altitude, distance to water resource, and distance to human disturbance. In spring, the first principal components explained 28.777% of the variance, with higher loadings for vegetation type, distance to the nearest tree, shrub height, distance to the nearest shrub, food abundance, altitude, and distance to human disturbance. Translated from Zoological Research, 2005, 26(6): 580–589 [译自: 动物学研究]  相似文献   

The seasonal feeding pattern of sea‐run brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis was studied from November to May 2010–2012 in Antigonish Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada (45° 38′ N; 61° 55′ W). Sixty‐three S. fontinalis (mean ± s.d . fork length = 330 ± 70 mm and mass = 536 ± 351 g) captured had fed predominantly on fishes (Fundulidae and Gasterosteidae). Percentage of empty stomachs was highest during autumn (18%) and winter (22%) and lowest in spring (7%). Stomach fullness increased from autumn to a maximum during winter, relating to near‐zero body temperatures which may have effectively stopped gastric evacuation. Although feeding occurred during winter (December to March), consumption rates were calculated as negative values, and subsequently returned to positive values in spring (April to May). The over‐winter life‐history strategy of this sea‐run S. fontinalis population appears to be a feeding marine migration in which fish continually increase body condition, representing an alternative to the more common overwintering strategy of starvation in fresh water until spring.  相似文献   

Angela  von Känel 《Ibis》1981,123(4):438-449
Investigations on the feeding ecology of Wigeon were carried out in winter 1978–79 at the species' most important inland wintering habitat in Britain. The study area included 287 ha of grassland, about one-sixth of the Washes, which is grazed by cattle and sheep until late autumn. In winter the area is partly or fully flooded. The number of Wigeon increased to 11 200 in January but cold weather in February, with snow and frozen flood water, forced the birds to leave, only 600 staying in the reserve. In March up to 4000 birds were again present. The distribution of the population within the refuge depends on whether the habitat is dry pasture with only a few ponds, partly flooded, fully flooded or covered with snow and frozen flood water. Under dry or slightly wet conditions 98% of the Wigeon were grazing (October to January), while under partly flooded conditions (February and March) 42%, fed on water. With increasing water depth, upending was used by 13%, while 45% of the population moved to the barrier banks, grazing there in March. The feeding method can change within a few hours with increasing water depth. The diurnal activity pattern varies during the wintering period. A lower percentage of morning feeding occurred after flights back from feeding outside the refuge and under frozen conditions. The feeding activity was higher at mid-day with a slight decrease towards dusk. The average diurnal feeding activity was 71% (October to April), with a maximum of 90% in November. Wigeon feed diurnally and nocturnally. During a 24 h period in March they were foraging for 15 h 40 min; by day 81% of the time was spent feeding, while at night only 48%. Standing crop measurements showed that the biomass of green vegetation declined significantly outside enclosures due to Wigeon usage. Pasture land should be grazed at different intensities by cattle and sheep before the arrival of the ducks. Inland reserves should include such pasture together with some standing water where the birds are undisturbed. The use of inland pastures can compensate for the loss of coastal habitats.  相似文献   

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