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古河祥  周婷 《四川动物》2005,24(1):54-55
2001年, 广东惠东港口海龟国家级自然保护区管理局在 1000 多枚绿海龟的卵孵化过程中, 发现一例白化稚绿海龟 (见封3图版, 1)。现报道如下。白化稚绿海龟通体白色; 背甲、腹甲和四肢发育正常, 其量度见表 1。背甲卵圆形, 中央隆起,椎盾5枚, 肋盾8枚, 颈盾2枚, 左侧缘盾12枚,表1 白化稚绿海龟 (编重量体长背甲长背甲宽腹甲长腹甲宽15 2 53 38 40 9 35 3 25 01 23 36   人类白化病患者眼睛呈肉红色[1]。白化龟、白化鳖眼睛曾出现红色和黑色两种现象。该稚绿海龟白化个体因无眼睛, 故不知其…  相似文献   

本文记述了陆龟科甘肃龟属的一新种——济源甘肃龟和三个该科的未定种。标本皆产自河南济源济源群,时代为始新世。新种的主要特征是:个体较大,背甲高凸,椎板大多为六角形,短侧边朝前。肋板内、外缘长度交替变化。倒数第二上臀板分叉,包围后面一块上臀板。尾盾分离为二。上腹甲内面增厚,略突出于背甲之前。喉盾位于内腹甲之甚前,喉肱沟和肱胸沟都不割切内腹甲。腹盾长度为胸盾的六倍。骨桥宽,腹甲后端锐凹。腋柱、鼠鼷柱徽弱,前乌喙骨突与肩胛骨本体夹成钝角。  相似文献   

江耀明 《四川动物》2001,20(4):180-180
观察国产平胸龟标本 2 2号 ,盾片变异者 3号( 1 3 6 % )。肋盾多于 4者 1号 ,两侧对称为 5。缘盾少于 1 1者两号 ,均系右侧 1 0枚。腹甲少于 6对者 1号 ,两侧胸盾与腹盾愈合 ,对称为 5。此外腋盾多于 1者两号 ,一号左 2右 3,另一号右 2。胯盾两侧均消失者 1号。下缘盾一侧或两侧多于或少于 1者 9号。一号腋盾与胯盾前后相接 ,两侧下缘盾均消失 ,另一号右侧下缘盾缺失 ,两侧 3或 2者各 1号 ,仅一侧 2另一侧 1者6号。缘盾、下缘盾、腹甲盾片同时出现变异者 1号。下缘盾的数目问题 ,陈壁辉等 ( 1 991∶1 6 8)记每侧 3~ 6枚 ,张孟闻等 ( 1 998…  相似文献   

研究龟鳖的两性异形对理解形态适应具有重要意义。通过测量41只(21♀,20♂)成体四眼斑水龟(Sacalia quadriocellata)的20个形态特征指标,研究四眼斑水龟个体大小和体形的两性异形。结果表明:除头长、头宽、尾长和尾长肛前段长外,四眼斑水龟其他的形态特征均与背甲长呈正相关。雌性的背甲长、腹甲长、腹甲中线长、腹甲曲线长显著大于雄性;雄性的头长、头宽、后肢长、尾长和尾长肛前段长显著大于雌性;雌雄两性的体重、体周长、前肢长、腹甲宽、肛盾切口长、肛盾切口宽以及除背甲长外的所有背甲形态特征指标均无显著差异。研究结果表明,四眼斑水龟存在个体大小和体形两性异形。  相似文献   

本研究通过黄喉拟水龟Mauremys mutica(♀)与三线闭壳龟Cuora trifasciata(♂)进行杂交,成功获得了杂种龟。这说明黄喉拟水龟和三线闭壳龟是可以进行属间远缘杂交的,但杂交组合的受精率及孵化成功率均低于黄喉拟水龟的同种组合。杂种稚龟与黄喉拟水龟稚龟在背甲纹路、腹甲黑斑、四肢和尾腹面的皮肤颜色、喉盾前端形状及起点位置、喉盾宽/喉盾缝长、喉盾缝长/肱盾缝长、股盾缝长/肛盾缝长存在差异。1龄前,杂种龟生长快于黄喉拟水龟。形态特征上,杂种龟头顶部淡棕黄色,头侧眼后有两条黑色纵纹,颈腹部淡黄色;背甲棕色,腹甲浅黄色,每一盾片中间都有边缘呈放射状的黑斑;四肢、尾腹面及裸露皮肤部分为黄褐色。形态可量数据分析显示杂种龟在形态上接近黄喉拟水龟。建立了三种龟的形态判别公式,判别的准确率为100%(p<0.01),判别分析中贡献最大的4个变量分别是腹甲后半部长/背甲长、喉盾宽/背甲长、肱盾缝长/背甲长、股盾缝长/背甲长,可见三线闭壳龟、黄喉拟水龟与杂交种腹部的腹甲后半部长、喉盾宽、肱盾缝长、股盾缝长等参数可作为鉴别三者的直接依据。本实验的结果对杂种龟的鉴定、龟类的杂交育种及养殖生产实践都有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

江耀明  陈跃英 《四川动物》2000,19(3):183-183
平胸龟PlatysternonmegacephalumGray属龟鳖目平胸龟科。根据中国科学院成都生物研究所历年在国内各省(区)搜集的22号平胸龟标本(9雄、8雌、5幼),初步观测发现雄雌幼之间有以下形态差异(表):1、背甲宽与背甲长之比 雄龟为064~078,雌龟为070~081,幼龟为082~106。背甲宽与背甲长之比值为幼龟>雌龟>雄龟。其中广西龙州一幼龟背甲宽度超过长度。2、腹甲长与背甲长之比 雄龟为074~081,雌龟为079~086,幼龟067~079。腹甲长与背甲长之比值为幼龟<雄龟<雌龟。3、头高与甲壳高之比 雄龟为068~080,雌龟为057~07…  相似文献   

描述了产自四川内江晚侏罗世的中国龟科(Sinemydidae)化石一新属新种──叶氏香港龟Hongkongochelys yehi。它以椎盾较横宽、第7、8椎板较退化、上臀板缺失、具腹甲后窗等特征区别于中国龟属(Sinemys)和满洲龟属(Manchurochelys)。这是中国龟科化石在四川的首次发现.  相似文献   

淡水龟科具闭壳结构龟类分类及系统进化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
闭壳龟类是淡水龟科(Bataguridae)中一群具有"闭壳"结构的水栖或半水栖龟类的总称,即腹甲的腹盾和胸盾之间以可动的铰链韧带相连,使背甲和腹甲可以全部或部分闭合,它们是盒龟属(Cistoclemmys)、闭壳龟属(Cuo-ra)、锯缘龟属(Pyxidea)、齿缘龟属(Cyclemys)和果龟属(Notochelys),前4个属的龟类在中国均有分布。近几十年来,由于食用、传统中医药开发和宠物贸易的兴起,导致许多闭壳龟类野生物种数量急剧减少,并且当前许多亚洲闭壳龟的分类工作过多的依赖于市场购买的物种样本,这就使我们对闭壳龟属及种的归属划分变的较困难,因此对闭壳龟类物种种的界限的划分及属间系统发育关系的研究仍然是一个艰巨的挑战。通过对淡水龟科具有闭壳结构龟类的形态学研究,细胞遗传学研究以及分子系统学研究等进行了综述,以期为闭壳龟类的相关保护研究提供参考。  相似文献   

描述了产自四川自贡大山铺恐龙化石坑中的三件龟甲标本,命名为一新属新种—周氏四川龟(Sichuanchelyschowigen.etsp.nov.)。该属以椎盾极横宽,中部缘盾极狭长为主要特征,它代表了成渝龟科中一类较特别的类型。  相似文献   

凹甲陆龟Manouria impressa(Gunther)为濒危珍贵物种。国外分布泰国、缅甸、越南、马来半岛等山区。我国宗愉、马积藩(1974)及赵秀壁(1986)分别报道在海南海口市和湖南邵阳市曾各得1只,1989年6月9日本所自市场购得1只活体凹甲陆龟,体重2460克,背甲长24厘米,背甲宽17厘米,壳高11.5厘米,前肢长11.5厘米,后肢长12.5厘米。盾片同心环纹模糊,缘盾半透明状,系老年雌龟。经饲养15个月,于1990年9月5日死亡。现将观察情况报道于后:1食性文献记载,陆龟类是草食性。我们先后用米饭、馒头、瘦猪肉、白菜叶、软浆叶、莴笋叶、蕹菜、大米、嫩玉米粒、金鱼…  相似文献   

化石闭壳龟的新发现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
闭壳龟(Cuora)是龟科(Emydidae)中的一个现生属,有6个现生种,分布于东亚和东南亚,我国产4种。为该地区龟类动物中的一个小类群,以前未有化石发现。本文记述的是闭壳龟属的一个化石新种(Cuora pitheca,sp.nov.),时代为上新世早期。这是该属龟类的首次化石记录。它的发现,不仅把闭壳龟属的历史从现代推至上新世早期,并为探讨该龟类的进化和分布提供重要资料。  相似文献   

四川中侏罗世的龟化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对产自四川自贡中侏罗世的三件龟甲标本作了鉴定,认为均可归成渝龟属(Chengyuchelys)。一为自贡成渝龟,新种(Chengyuchelys zigongensis,sp.nov.),一为似贝氏成渝龟(C.baenoides, Young et Chow),一为成渝龟未定种(Chengyuchelys sp.)。在形态描述的基础上,讨论了成渝龟属的系统分类。  相似文献   

新疆首次发现的侏罗纪龟类   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文记述了新疆准噶尔盆地的一件龟化石,名为准噶尔新疆龟,新属、新种 (Xinjiangchelys junggarensis, Gen. et sp. nov.),其时代可能为中侏罗世.这是新疆地区侏罗纪龟类的首次记录.早、中侏罗世是龟类的早期进化阶段,国外材料甚少.文章在讨论了新疆龟的系统分类后,综述了我国早、中侏罗世的龟类记录,并结合泰国近年发现的晚三叠世的龟类,认为亚洲是迄今所知拥有龟鳖类进化各时期记录最完全的地区,是探索龟类起源和早期进化的重要地区之一.  相似文献   

Dermal ossifications, including osteoderms, are present in many vertebrates and are frequently interpreted as a defense against predators. Nevertheless, osteoderms remain ubiquitous in adult crocodilians while being absent in hatchlings, even though adults rarely experience predation. In other biological systems, increased variation, particularly fluctuating asymmetry, have proven useful for identifying biological structures likely to have evolved under relaxed selection, which in turn may inform their function. Therefore, using the keratinous scutes as proxies for the underlying osteoderm morphology, I investigated the average intraspecific variability of geometry and fluctuating asymmetry in dorsal scutes in five species of crocodilians. I first tested for differences in variability of scute length and width, then for differences in bilateral fluctuating asymmetry of scute number, before finally investigating scute distribution patterns for each species compared to hypothetical rectangular and hexagonal scute arrangements. The American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus, shows significantly more asymmetry than other species, which is consistent with relaxed selection on osteoderms in this species. A suspected decrease in intraspecific aggression within Crocodylus acutus, in conjunction with the inferred relaxed selection, suggests that, in general, crocodilian osteoderms function primarily as defensive armor in aggressive encounters with conspecifics. The smooth‐fronted caiman, Paleosuchus trigonatus, exhibits increased variation in scute dimensions linked to the mediolateral offset of osteoderms in adjacent rows, possibly resulting in a more rigid carapace. Unfortunately, comparative data on crocodilian behavior, physiology, and development is extremely limited and restricts the ability to explore other potential explanations for the patterns observed, highlighting the need for more research on rare and cryptic crocodylians.  相似文献   

The blackness and physical appearance of Mediterranean spur-thighed tortoises ( Testudo graeca L.) are recorded in field populations. The inter-relationships between carapace and plastron length, fourth vertebral scute width and other morphometric characters are related to growth. The rear fontanelle is larger in males and the plastron length correspondingly smaller. The relationship between carapace length ( y ) in mm and body mass ( x ) in g is strongly allometric and given by y = 16.63 x 0–34. The maximum carapace lengths recorded for male and female T. graeca graeca L. in NW. Africa are 151 and 198 mm, and for larger T. graeca ibera Pallas in W. Turkey and NE. Greece 208 and 218 mm, respectively. The growth annuli of epidermal scutes are deposited yearly until external growth ceases. The number is used to assess the age of wild animals. Tortoises can be full-grown by 19 years but some, especially slower growing ones, deposit further annuli. The biggest mean growth increments occur up to 7 years with the largest in individuals over the 5–12 year period. The proportion of immature tortoises, adult sex ratios, size and body mass structure, age distribution, annual recruitment and survivorship until full-grown, and abundance (sighting frequency) are compared in northern and southern range populations of NW. African T. g. graeca and S. Anatolian and SE. European (Thrace and Macedonia) ones of T. g. ibera. These are discussed in relation to other tortoise species.  相似文献   

Variation in the vertebral number of the puyen grande Galaxias platei was examined for specimens from 22 localities that span the entire distribution range of the species (from 40° to 55° S). The mean vertebral number (NMW) increases towards high latitudes, i.e. Jordan's rule is applicable to this species. Owing to the wide geographic variation of the species, not only in latitude but also in altitude, the most explicative variable for NMW was mean winter air temperature, showing negative dependence. Morphological data suggest that the increment in vertebral number lies in the pre‐pelvic region of the trunk and in the caudal region, but not in the segment between pelvic‐fin insertion and the origin of the anal fin. As these alterations in body shape have important consequences for hydrodynamics and swimming performance, vertebral number variation in G. platei also holds implications for both individual and population fitness.  相似文献   

The proliferation of the epidermis in soft skin, claws, and scutes of the carapace and plastron in the tortoise (Testudo hermanni) and the turtle (Chrysemys picta) were studied using autoradiographic and immunocytochemical methods. During the growing season, a basal keratinocyte in the epidermis of soft skin and claws takes 5-9 days to migrate into the corneous layer. In the tortoise, during fall/winter (resting season) a few alpha-keratin cells are produced in soft epidermis and hinge regions among scutes and occasional beta-keratin cells in the outer scute surface. When growth is resumed in spring (growing season), cell proliferation is intense, mainly around hinge regions and tips of marginal scutes. No scute shedding occurs and numerous beta-keratin cells are produced around the hinge regions, while alpha-keratin cells disappear. Beta-cells form a new thick corneous layer around the hinge regions, which constitute the growing rings of scutes. Beta-keratin cells produced in more central parts of scutes maintain a homogeneous thickness of the corneous layer along the whole scute surface. In the turtle, a more complicated process of scute growth occurs than in the tortoise. At the end of the growing season (late fall) the last keratinocytes formed beneath the old stratum corneum of the outer scale surface and hinge regions produce more alpha- than beta-keratin. These thin alpha-keratin cells form a scission layer below the old stratum corneum, which extends from the hinge regions toward the center of scutes and the tip of marginal scutes. In the resting season (fall/winter) most cells remain within the germinative layer of the carapace and plastron and a few alpha-cells move in 7-9 days into the corneous layer above hinge regions. In the following spring/summer (growing season) a new generation of beta-keratin cells is produced beneath the scission layer from the hinge region and more central part of the scutes. The epidermis of the inner surface of scutes and hinge regions contains most of the cells incorporating thymidine and histidine, while the remaining outer scute surface is less active. It takes 5-9 days for a newly produced beta-cell to migrate into the corneous layer. These cells form a new corneous layer that extends the whole scute surface underneath the maturing scission layer. The latter contains lipids and eventually flakes off, determining shedding of the above outer corneous layer in late spring or summer.  相似文献   

An elastostatic, finite element model (designated THORAX I) of the human thoracic skeleton has been developed. The model includes the primary load-carrying members of the thorax; namely, the sternum, costal cartilage, ribs, and vertebral column. The soft tissue has been neglected.

Using gross geometric data measured from a skeleton with an apparent ‘small’ frame and approximate cross-sectional properties, the THORAX I model has been subjected to three loading distribution applied to the anterior chest wall in the anterior-posterior direction. Calculations were carried out on the IBM 7094 computer, and primary attention was focused upon the displacement fields of the sternum, costal cartilage and ribs and stresses in costal cartilage and ribs. The sternum and rib nodal point displacement fields are reported in detail, and a simple 2-degree-of-freedom model for the sternum, which correlates well with the analytic results, is also presented. Maximum normal stresses in the cartilage and bony regions of the individual ribs for one loading condition are also given.  相似文献   

The morphometric characteristics of the European Pond Turtle, Emys orbicularis, were studied at Anzali lagoon on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. Males were on average (N=249) with 272.0?g significantly lighter than females with 447.0?g, and average carapace length was significantly smaller (123.0?mm in males, 139.0 in females). Females exceeded males also in all other studied characters (carapace width, plastron length, plastron width, and scute height). The sex ratio of male to female was 1 to 1.03, and the comparison of total tail length and cloaca-tail tip length revealed a difference between the position of the cloaca in both sexes, a character useful for sex determination in this species.  相似文献   

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