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固定周期脉冲微分方程到状态依赖脉冲的转化及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了一类二维状态依赖脉冲微分方程的阶1周期解存在性和轨道稳定性条件.然后,将一维固定周期脉冲的微分方程转化为二维状态依赖脉冲微分方程,研究其阶一周期解的存在性和稳定性.作为应用,我们研究了固定周期常数收获的Logistic方程的动力学性质,以及两个固定周期注射药物单室扩散模型的动力学性质.  相似文献   

研究了一个具有脉冲出生的Leslie-Gower捕食者一食饵系统的动力学性质.利用频闪映射。得到了带有Ricker和Beverton-Holt函数的脉冲系统准确的周期解.通过Floquet定理和脉冲比较定理,讨论了该系统的灭绝和持久生存.最后,数值分析了以b(p)为分支参数的分支图,得到的结论是脉冲出生会带给系统倍周期分支、混沌以及在混沌带中出现周期窗口等复杂的动力学行为.  相似文献   

研究一类资源以Cui-Lawson增长为基础的具有状态依赖脉冲收获的生态系统.首先对无脉冲作用的系统进行定性分析,得到正平衡点存在和稳定的充分条件.其次对具有状态依赖的脉冲系统,利用微分方程几何理论中后续函数法得到系统的阶一周期解存在的充分条件,证明该周期解是轨道渐近稳定的,同时利用数值模拟讨论了系统生态意义.  相似文献   

在文献[1]中研究的状态依赖脉冲微分方程的基础上,推广了其中的判定一般性平面自治状态依赖脉冲微分方程的准则,并利用它得到了文献[1]中所没有涉及到的情况下的状态依赖脉冲微分方程的阶一周期解☆栌在性.之后本文以此为基础并结合数值模拟的手段讨论了系统在农业害虫治理中的一些应用意义.  相似文献   

建立信号转导通路的数学模型是系统生物学的一个重要目标.但是信号转导通路本身的复杂结构及其所表现出的强非线性特征,使得对该类模型的参数辨识十分困难.参数辨识所需要的测量数据的选择对于辨识结果有重要影响.本文研究了一类信号转导通路模型参数辨识中最小应测量状态的计算问题.给出了用于确定该最小应测量状态的目标函数,通过对目标函数进行简单的运算,确定了用来估计未知参数的最小应测量状态的数量,同时给出了一种计算系统状态对应于未知参数的敏感性系统曲线的新方法.以TNFα诱导的NF-κB信号转导通路为例进行了仿真研究,并给出了仿真结果.  相似文献   

在文献[10]的基础上,基于害虫治理问题,建立具有两个状态脉冲控制的HollingⅡ功能性反应的害虫治理模型,利用所定义的后继函数和分析的方法研究了系统阶一周期解的存在性和吸引性.  相似文献   

讨论一类非线性脉冲中立型时滞抛物方程组解的振动性,利用一阶脉冲中立型微分不等式给出了该类方程组在Robin,Dirichlet边界条件下所有解振动的若干充分条件.所得结果充分反映了脉冲和时滞在振动中的影响作用.  相似文献   

研究了一类带Monod增长率及脉冲状态反馈控制的微生物杀虫剂模型.证明了无脉冲系统的负向全局渐近稳定性及带有脉冲状态反馈控制系统具有阶一周期解,并且给出阶一周期解存在和稳定的充分条件.数值模拟验证了理论结果.  相似文献   

PC—12细胞离子单通道开放状态的检测   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文对用片膜钳技术记录的PC-12细胞钾通道数据进行了连续分组平均开放时间分析,检测到通道活动的三种开放状态.并用正态密度函数对通道平均开放时间的频数分布进行了拟合,估计了各状态的开放持续时间的均值、方差等参数.本文提供的方法,在通道的数据分析中具有广泛的应用价值.  相似文献   

脉冲电场作用对植物释放负离子的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在脉冲电场作用下对蟹爪兰等10种植物释放负离子的能力进行研究.结果表明:在自然状态下,10种植物释放负离子的能力很弱,吊兰和绯牡丹的24 h浓度均值最高,为43ion·cm-3,金边龙舌兰最低,为19 ion·cm-3,当适当强度的脉冲电场作用在植物的根际土壤时,10种植物较自然状态下(未刺激)释放负离子的能力均大幅提高,以脉冲电压2.0×104V、脉冲频率1 Hz、脉冲宽度50 ms的脉冲电场效果最佳,10种植物中释放负离子浓度最高的为寒兰,达1454967 ion·cm-3,是自然状态下的48498.9倍;最低为蟹爪兰为34567 ion·cm-3,是自然状态下的843.1倍.在不同强度脉冲电场作用下,植物释放负离子的能力差异显著.  相似文献   

Most ecosystems provide multiple services, thus the impact of biodiversity losses on ecosystem functions may be considerably underestimated by studies that only address single functions. We propose a multivariate modelling framework for quantifying the relationship between biodiversity and multiple ecosystem functions (multifunctionality). Our framework consolidates the strengths of previous approaches to analysing ecosystem multifunctionality and contributes several advances. It simultaneously assesses the drivers of multifunctionality, such as species relative abundances, richness, evenness and other manipulated treatments. It also tests the relative importance of these drivers across functions, incorporates correlations among functions and identifies conditions where all functions perform well and where trade‐offs occur among functions. We illustrate our framework using data from three ecosystem functions (sown biomass, weed suppression and nitrogen yield) in a four‐species grassland experiment. We found high variability in performance across the functions in monocultures, but as community diversity increased, performance increased and variability across functions decreased.  相似文献   

Including ecosystem functions into restoration ecology has been repeatedly suggested, yet there is limited evidence that this is taking place without bias to certain habitats, species, or functions. We reviewed the inclusion of ecosystem functions in restoration and potential relations to habitats and species by extracting 224 publications from the literature (2004–2013). Most studies investigated forests, fewer grasslands or freshwaters, and fewest wetlands or marine habitats. Of all studies, 14% analyzed only ecosystem functions, 44% considered both biotic composition and functions, 42% exclusively studied the biotic component, mostly vascular plants, more rarely invertebrates or vertebrates, and least often microbes. Most studies investigating ecosystem functions focused on nutrient cycling (26%), whereas productivity (18%), water relations (16%), and geomorphological processes (14%) were less covered; carbon sequestration (10%), decomposition (6%), and trophic interactions (6%) were rarely studied. Monitoring of ecosystem functions was common in forests and grasslands, but the functions considered depended on the study organisms. These associations indicate research opportunities for certain habitats, species, and functions. Overall, the call to include ecosystem functions in restoration has been heard; however, a lack of clarity about the ecosystem functions to be included and deficits of feasible field methods are major obstacles for a functional approach. Restoration ecology should learn from recent advances in rapid assessment of ecosystem functions, and by a closer integration with biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research. Not all functions need to be measured in all ecosystems, but more functions than the few commonly addressed would improve the understanding of restored ecosystems.  相似文献   

Rural landscapes are often multifunctional, meaning that at one single location different goods and services are being provided. Multifunctionality is spatially heterogeneous as not all areas are equally suitable to supply multiple goods and services. This suitability depends on favourable biophysical and socio-economic conditions and interactions among landscape functions. The objective of this paper is to identify and quantify interactions among landscape functions in a diverse and dynamic rural region, the Gelderse Vallei in the Netherlands. To be able to study these interactions first seven landscape functions (residential, intensive livestock, cultural heritage, tourism, plant habitat, arable production, and leisure cycling) are quantified and mapped using landscape indicators. These landscape function maps are subsequently aggregated to identify and quantify multifunctionality. The results of these analyses are used to study three aspects of landscape function interactions (a) influence of landscape characteristics on function interactions, (b) interrelations among landscape functions and (c) effect of multifunctionality on the different landscape functions. Landscape functions do not equally interact with one another, some landscape functions are affected negatively by the presence of other functions while other landscape functions benefit from multifunctionality. At multifunctionality hot spots different landscape functions are present that are enhancing one another. Additionally, in our study area it appears that mainly locations with landscape functions that sub-optimally provide goods and services are strongly multifunctional. Quantification and an improved understanding of landscape interactions will help to design and evaluate spatial policies related to the provision of multiple goods and services by the landscape.  相似文献   

Joung W  Latimer C 《Spatial Vision》2003,16(2):155-182
This paper follows from studies by Joung, van der Zwan and Latimer (2000) in which symmetrical dot patterns with one axis of symmetry were used to produce tilt aftereffects (TAEs). The present paper investigates TAE functions produced by symmetrical dot patterns with multiple axes of symmetry. In Experiments 1 and 2, TAE functions produced by dot patterns with two axes of symmetry were compared with TAE functions produced by line stimuli arranged in the same orientation and location as the axes of symmetry in the dot patterns. Similar functions were found. In Experiments 3 and 4, functions produced by dot patterns with four axes of symmetry were compared with functions produced by line stimuli arranged in the same orientation and location as the four axes of symmetry. Again, similar functions were found. These experiments demonstrate that line stimuli and dot stimuli produce similar TAE functions. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of feathers to perform many functions either simultaneously or at different times throughout the year or life of a bird is integral to the evolutionary history of birds. Many studies focus on single functions of feathers, but any given feather performs many functions over its lifetime. These functions necessarily interact with each other throughout the evolution and development of birds, so our knowledge of avian evolution is incomplete without understanding the multifunctionality of feathers, and how different functions may act synergistically or antagonistically during natural selection. Here, we review how feather functions interact with avian evolution, with a focus on recent technological and discovery-based advances. By synthesising research into feather functions over hierarchical scales (pattern, arrangement, macrostructure, microstructure, nanostructure, molecules), we aim to provide a broad context for how the adaptability and multifunctionality of feathers have allowed birds to diversify into an astounding array of environments and life-history strategies. We suggest that future research into avian evolution involving feather function should consider multiple aspects of a feather, including multiple functions, seasonal wear and renewal, and ecological or mechanical interactions. With this more holistic view, processes such as the evolution of avian coloration and flight can be understood in a broader and more nuanced context.  相似文献   

Quantifying the vulnerability of ecosystems to global change requires a better understanding of how trophic ecosystem functions emerge. So far, trophic ecosystem functions have been studied from the perspective of either functional diversity or network ecology. To integrate these two perspectives, we propose the interaction functional space (IFS) a conceptual framework to simultaneously analyze the effects of traits and interactions on trophic functions. We exemplify the added value of our framework for seed dispersal and wood decomposition and show how species interactions influence the relationship between functional trait diversity and trophic functions. We propose future applications for a range of functions where the IFS can help to elucidate mechanisms underpinning trophic functions and facilitate understanding of functional changes in ecosystems amidst global change.  相似文献   

Feig M  Brooks CL 《Proteins》2002,49(2):232-245
Physical energy scoring functions based on implicit solvation models are tested by evaluating predictions from the most recent CASP4 competition. The best performing scoring functions are identified along with the best protocol for preparing structures before energies are evaluated. Ranking of structures with the best scoring functions is compared across CASP4 targets to establish when physical scoring functions can be expected to reliably distinguish structures that are most similar to the native fold in a set of misfolded or unfolded protein conformations. The results are used to interpret previous studies where scoring functions were tested on the standard decoy sets by Park, Levitt, and Baker. We show that the best physical scoring functions can be applied successfully in automated consensus scoring applications where a single best conformation has to be selected from a set of structures from different sources. Finally, the potential for better protein structure scoring functions is discussed with a suggestion for an empirically parameterized linear combination of energy components.  相似文献   

The probability of the occurrence of consecutive closed-open or open-closed intervals of specified durations in single-channel recordings may be of enormous help in the establishment of the kinetic scheme that describes the behavior of the channel. The relevant probability functions are linear combinations of products of exponential functions of the closed durations and the open durations. A method is presented for the evaluation of the coefficients of the exponential functions using a set of auxiliary functions that are each orthogonal to all but one of the exponential functions. The coefficients in the probability functions may then be obtained from the experimental data by multiplication by the auxiliary functions and subsequent simple integration operations. Furthermore, the variance to be expected in the evaluated numerical magnitude of the parameters, due to the stochastic nature of the transitions in the channel conductance, is also readily estimated by use of the above auxiliary functions. The procedure is illustrated by analysis of synthetic data obtained from computer simulated experiments.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria possess multiple,functionally distinct NADPH dehydrogenase (NDH-1) complexes.In this mini-review,we describe the cyanobacterial NDH-1 complexes by focusing on their identification,regulatory properties,and multiple functions.The multiple functions can be divided into basic and extending functions,and the basic functions are compared with those in chloroplasts.Many questions related to cyanobacterial NDH-1 complexes remain unanswered and are briefly summarized here.  相似文献   

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