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一般认为网蝽科及其近缘类群所特有的伪储精囊与其它半翅目异翅亚目昆虫的储精囊具有相同的储存精子的功能,但近期的功能形态学研究否定了伪储精囊的储精功能并认定其为雌性生殖附腺。本文从成虫性成熟过程中的内生殖系统发育角度,描述了菊方翅网蝽Corythucha marmorata的卵巢、侧输卵管、伪储精囊、精巢、精囊和雄性生殖附腺的结构及其形态变化。在成虫性成熟过程中,雄虫内生殖器官精囊和雄性附腺逐渐加长,且成熟期的雄性附腺充满粉红色分泌物;雌虫内生殖器官的成熟过程分为卵巢小管的卵室形成、卵黄沉积和卵粒成熟三个阶段,且排完卵后卵巢重新孕卵,出现周期性形态变化;交配时侧输卵管基部膨大为精液接受器,并接受精液(含精子和精浆);交配1d后侧输卵管恢复为正常状态,精液或至少部分精浆弥漫性渗入伪储精囊,并在伪储精囊内形成黄棕色沉积核;未交配雌虫的伪储精囊一直保持透明状,而已交配雌虫的伪储精囊具有明显的黄棕色沉积核。据精液传递和粉红色雄性生殖附腺分泌物渗入雌虫伪储精囊两个关键证据推断,菊方翅网蝽雌虫的伪储精囊具有储存精液的功能。  相似文献   

昆虫雄性附腺蛋白是精液蛋白的主要来源,对雌雄虫生殖过程具有重要生理功能,按功能可分为精包结构蛋白和功能蛋白两类。精包结构蛋白参与精包的形成;功能蛋白在交配过程中随精子一起转移到雌虫体内,导致雌虫行为和生理的深刻变化,如降低雌虫再交配率、提高产卵量、促进精子转移、储存和竞争等。随着对昆虫雄性附腺功能蛋白研究的深入,特别对果蝇附腺功能蛋白的详细研究,从分子水平上阐述蛋白质序列与功能的关系,明确其作用机制,可为进一步阐明昆虫生殖和进化机制等提供新依据。  相似文献   

昆虫雄性生殖腺分泌物的功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
昆虫两性成功交配后,雄性生殖腺分泌物使雌性昆虫的生理和行为都发生了巨大的改变。昆虫雄性生殖腺分泌物含有多种具有生物活性的分子,这些生物活性分子通过成功交配转移到雌虫生殖道后,对雌虫的生殖活动产生影响,使交配雌虫一段时间内不再交配,使已转移的精子易于在雌虫生殖道内储藏,使卵与精子完成受精过程,还可刺激雌虫产卵和卵的发育,调控排卵和产卵等生殖过程。在精子的转移过程中,雄性生殖腺分泌物中的抗菌媒介质能使雌虫的生殖导管提供友好的环境。此外,一些昆虫的雄性生殖腺分泌物还含有一些有毒的化学物质,保护已产下的卵不被天敌取食和病原体侵染。  相似文献   

棕尾别麻蝇雄性附腺分泌物的生理功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棕尾别麻蝇Boettcherisca peregrina Robinean-Desvoidy雄性附腺的分泌物中包含许多生物活性分子,将成熟的雄性附腺分泌物注射到未交配的雌虫体内,发现其能影响雌虫生殖活性的很多方面:如降低雌虫的再次交配率;增加卵巢内的含卵量;缩短交配后雌虫的寿命。另外,还证明附腺分泌物中存在有可抑制革兰氏阳性菌的物质的存在。  相似文献   

根据淡色库蚊卵巢卵泡的生长,对该种类雌蚊成虫期的卵巢发育及蜕皮甾酮对吸血前雌蚊卵巢发育的诱导作用进行了研究。结果证明:蜕皮甾酮不影响羽化后早期雌蚊的卵巢发育,但能引起羽化后一天至吸血前的雌蚊的卵巢生长并伴有卵黄沉积,而正常情况下这种现象仅在雌蚊吸血后才发生。卵巢提取物的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳证明,蜕皮甾酮诱导发育的卵巢与正常吸血雌蚊的卵巢在沉积的卵黄蛋白方面是一致的。  相似文献   

粘虫精液在雌体生殖系统中的分布转移及其作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
赵万源 《昆虫学报》1981,(2):135-141
本文叙述了粘虫生殖系统各器官名称、功能及授精过程中精包的形成。并用P32放射性同位素标记测量及大体放射自显影技术研究精液(包括黄色腺分泌物)在雌体生殖系统内的分布转移及作用。结果表明:(1)粘虫精液除从精包或交配囊内通过导精管转移至受精囊外,还进入卵巢管和粘液腺;并为卵吸收利用,具有促进雌虫卵巢发育的效应:(2)精液在雌体生殖系统中的转移,并非由于精子的可动性,而是由于交配雌虫生殖系统各器官有节奏地进行机械收缩。  相似文献   

本研究利用室内饲养成虫,对柑桔爆皮虫的蛹及正常取食和交配、正常取食但未交配以及正常交配但未取食三种处理的雌成虫的卵巢发育进行了系统观察。结果显示:该虫具有1对卵巢,每侧有5根卵巢管。前两种处理的雌虫卵巢管均能正常发育,成虫寿命在30天左右; 没有取食的雌虫寿命只有7天左右,在其卵巢管的生长区和成熟区均无卵形成。根据卵巢的形状、卵的产生过程、卵巢萼内有无卵粒以及卵黄沉积情况等将卵巢发育程度分为6个级别,即发育初期(0级)、卵黄沉积前期(Ⅰ级)、卵黄沉积期(Ⅱ级)、成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)、产卵盛期(Ⅳ级)和产卵末期(Ⅴ级)。每头雌虫最高怀卵量在140粒左右,根据雌虫怀卵量变化趋势,推测正常取食和交配的柑桔爆皮虫雌虫在出孔后10天左右开始产卵,产卵历期可达22天左右。据此提出该虫卵巢管发育到成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)之前(即羽化出孔后10天之内)为出孔成虫的防治适期。  相似文献   

不同时期加温催化的红铃虫越冬代雌蛾,其卵巢的发育程度及速度是明显不同的,而卵巢的发育与否似乎又与其交配能力相关。4月上旬刚羽化的雌蛾卵巢小而透明,没有任何卵巢沉积,以后几天的发育甚微,而此时的交配率仅为13%左右。到8月初,刚羽化的雌蛾卵巢已部分发育,末端卵粒已有少量卵黄沉积,其发育速度也较前者快,而此时的交配率已上升至49%左右。 经ZR515点滴的刚羽化雌蛾(无论是什么时期加温催化的),它们的卵巢发育程度和速度均显著提高,并促进了卵黄沉积。因而,它们的交配能力也随之增强。经最适剂量0.1μg/头点滴的雌蛾,交配率可高达70%。 经点滴的雌蛾产卵周期和产卵高峰均大大提前,卵母细胞的成熟比较一致,因而每次均能产出成批的卵,总产卵量也明显高于对照。并且,这些卵均能孵化,胚后发育亦属正常。 本文还探讨了激素、卵巢以及交配等三者的相互关系,并试论了补充营养、激素对交配及产卵的作用。  相似文献   

粉尘螨生殖系统形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴桂华  刘志刚  孙新 《昆虫学报》2008,51(8):810-816
粉尘螨Dermatophagoides farinae是一种重要的医学螨类。本文用光镜和扫描电镜研究了粉尘螨雌雄生殖系统的形态和结构。结果表明:雄性生殖系统由睾丸、输精管、 附腺、射精管、阳茎及附属交配器官组成。睾丸位于血腔末端,不成对,精原细胞、精母细胞和精子依照精子发育的顺序有规则地分布在其内部。雌性生殖系统包括交配孔、囊导管、储精囊、囊导管、卵巢、输卵管、子宫、产卵管及产卵孔,其中卵巢由一个中央营养细胞和围绕其周围的卵母细胞组成。  相似文献   

硬蜱一些生物学特性的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
实验室内饲养17种硬蜱,分析和比较了它们生长发育的一些特性.硬蜱成虫、幼虫和若虫的吸血时间受温度影响不大.同一种成虫在不同寄主上吸血时间略有差别.雌虫吸血时间的长短与其生理年龄和与雄虫交配的早晚有关.雄虫较雌虫吸血时间稍长.产卵前期、产卵期、孵化期及饱食幼虫和若虫的蜕化期在不同月份有较大差异,受温度影响很大.其中,产卵前期是生活史中变异范围最大者,有些种类还具有产卵延迟的滞育现象.  相似文献   

In penaeid shrimps, vitellogenin (VTG), the precursor of vitellin, is synthesized in the ovary and hepatopancreas and accumulated in oocytes during ovarian development. In the present study, VTG gene expression levels and hemolymph VTG levels were determined throughout ovarian development in female kuruma prawn, Marsupenaeus japonicus. Hemolymph VTG levels and VTG mRNA levels in the ovary and hepatopancreas were high during vitellogenesis, remained high until final maturation, and then decreased after oviposition. This profile suggests that VTG synthesis activity increases during vitellogenesis and decreases after oviposition. Absence of a significant increase in ovary size in final maturation suggests cessation of yolk accumulation and low activity of VTG synthesis in spite of high VTG mRNA levels. VTG mRNA levels in ovary and hepatopancreas were both highly correlated during vitellogenesis. Thus, their contribution to yolk accumulation seems to be similar. In contrast, VTG mRNA levels in the hepatopancreas increased more slowly at the start of vitellogenesis and declined more sharply after oviposition than in the ovary. This suggests a difference in the regulation of VTG synthesis between the ovary and the hepatopancreas.  相似文献   

The study of male insects’ accessory gland (MAG) secretions will promote our understanding of reproductive strategies and their evolution, and will facilitate the development of new approaches for pest control. Here, we carried out a series of experiments to determine the functions of MAG secretions on modulating female post-mating behavior in the moth Spodoptera litura. Results showed that females injected with MAG secretions called and mated significantly less than controls in the night after treatment, which were independent of mechanical stimulation during mating and the presence of sperm. However, a successful mating resulted in a longer loss in sexual receptivity (lasting to the second night after mating). This study also demonstrated that MAG secretions not only triggered oviposition but also promoted egg development, which also were not dependent on mechanical stimulation during mating and the presence of sperm. MAG secretions also showed negative effect on female longevity, which may be because MAG secretions stimulate females to allocate more resources to egg development and oviposition, leaving fewer resources for survival. Results of this study also suggest that oviposition behaviors incur energy costs. The hypothesis that virgin females may conduct oosorption to prolong longevity is not supported.  相似文献   

Abstract  The ecdysteroid levels in hemolymph, ovary, synganglion and whole body of diapausing female Dermacentor niveus were detected by HPLC, and compared with the results of nondiapausing female. It is revealed that the ecdysteroid levels in hemolymph and ovary of diapausing female are similar basically to that of nondiapausing female in the first few days after engorgement. From the 10th day after engorgement, the ecdysteroid levels of diapausing female decreased and even became distinctly lower than that of nondiapausing female. The paucity of ecdysteroids in these individuals would influence the normal development of oocytes. In order to explore the effect of ecdyateroids on the diapausing female, we injected 20-hydroxyecdysone with different dosages at different time into the ticks, and found that after just complete engorgement the injection with large dosages (10000 and 1375 ng/tick) caused death of the ticks. From 10th to 20th day after engorgement the ecdysteroid levels of diapausing female are lower than that of nondiapausing one before oviposition, the injection with certain dosages 50, 70 and 100 ng/tick> of 20E can accelerate vitellogenesis and terminate reproductive diapause, but the amount of eggs produced by them is less than that produced by nondiapausing female. The termination of diapause in female of ixcdid tick by exogenous ecdysteroids is reported for the first time.  相似文献   

用高效液相色谱法和放射免疫测定法测定了银盾革蜱滞育雌虫的合神经节、血淋巴、卵巢和整体中蜕皮激素的含量,并与正常发育的雌虫做比较。结果表明,滞育雌虫血淋巴和卵巢中蜕皮激素的含量在饱血后前10天与正常发育雌虫基本上相同。饱血10天以后,滞育雌虫蜕皮激素的含量下降,较正常发育雌虫少得多。蜕皮激素的缺乏影响了卵母细胞的发育。为阐明蜕皮激素对滞育雌虫的影响,在不同时间向银盾革蜱滞育雌虫体内注入不同剂量的β-蜕皮素。刚饱血者注入大剂量(1.375和10000ng/蜱)的β-蜕皮素引起雌虫死亡。饱血后20—30天,注入一定剂量(50,70,100ng/蜱)的β-蜕皮素可以促进卵黄形成,并解除了雌虫的生殖滞育,但其所产的卵量明显少于正常发育的雌虫。应用外源蜕皮激素解除硬蜱雌虫的生殖滞育现象尚属首次报道。  相似文献   

In mosquitoes, a hormone (egg development neurosecretory hormone or EDNH), produced by the medial neurosecretory cells and stored in the corpus cardiacum soon after eclosion, is released after a blood meal, and vitellogenesis begins a few hours later. When either the ovaries or the neurosecretory cells and corpus cardiacum are removed before the blood meal, vitellogenin is not synthesized. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that the release of EDNH from the corpus cardiacum is dependent on the secretion of a releasing factor from the ovaries.Using a bioassay for EDNH in the corpus cardiacum, we found that the gland of an ovariectomized female remained active after blood feeding, and therefore, has not released EDNH. When an ovary was implanted before the blood meal, the corpus cardiacum was inactive, and therefore, had released EDNH. We concluded that the ovaries secrete an EDNH-releasing factor, and that this factor and EDNH must both be in circulation before vitellogenesis can begin. Although releasing factor alone did not stimulate vitellogenesis, it was the rate limiting process that controlled the onset of vitellogenesis.Using a bioassay for the EDNH-releasing factor from the ovaries and using rocket-immuno-electrophoresis, we showed that a Culex ovary, but not an Anopheles ovary, could replaces Aedes ovaries as a source of the releasing factor.In Ae. aegypti, EDNH-releasing factor was required again after oviposition in order to reinitiate the vitellogenic process in females that took a second blood meal. Thus, the releasing factor is part of the mechanism regulating cyclic egg maturation in mosquitoes.  相似文献   

InDermacentor variabilis (Say), the onset of vitellogenin production and vitellogenesis (up-take of vitellogenin into oocytes) began during the rapid-engorgement feeding period. Mating was required for both vitellogenin production and vitellogenesis to complete the tick's life cycle. Complete immunological identity, as measured by Ouchterlony's double diffusion test, existed between vitellogenin from the fat body, midgut and hemolymph, and vitellin from the ovaries and eggs. Antivitellin antibody did not react with host hemoglobin nor with fat body, midgut, and ovary extracts from feeding females prior to rapid engorgement, feeding unmated females, or unfed or fed males. Some unmated females fed for 13 days and then hand-detached from the host eventually began oviposition after going through a preoviposition period. In these ticks, organ extracts from the midgut, fat body and ovary reacted with antivitellin antibody. The presence or absence of presumed vitellogenic cells in the midgut and yolk bodies in oocytes corresponded with the presence or absence of vitellogenin and vitellogenesis as measured by Ouchterlony's test. Presumed vitellogenic cells increased in size during the preoviposition period. These cells reached their greatest size during the time when the most eggs were being produced, and then declined in size toward the end of oviposition. Vitellogenin was deposited directly into developing yolk bodies in oocytes and was not processed through lysosomes. Feeding was the process that initiated the formation of eggshell cuticle. Detachment from the host was required for the initiation of oviposition.  相似文献   

棉铃虫卵巢形态与卵子发生过程观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
害虫发生高峰期、 发生量的准确预测和田间防治适期的确定与种群雌虫卵巢结构及卵子发生过程密切相关。为了明确棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera卵巢结构及卵子发生过程, 本研究利用光学体视显微镜和透射电子显微镜, 对棉铃虫成虫卵巢管和卵子的超微结构进行了研究, 并确定了发育级别划分标准。结果表明: 根据卵巢的形状、 卵的产生过程、 卵黄沉积情况等将棉铃虫卵巢发育程度分为6个级别, 即发育初期(0级)、 卵黄沉积前期(Ⅰ级)、 卵黄沉积期(Ⅱ级)、 成熟待产期(Ⅲ级)、 产卵盛期(Ⅳ级)和产卵末期(Ⅴ级)。根据卵子发生过程中滋养细胞、 卵母细胞的变化, 将卵子发生期分为3个阶段: 卵黄发生前期、 卵黄发生期和卵黄成熟期。本研究首次对棉铃虫的卵子发生进行电子显微观察, 并完善了棉铃虫卵巢发育的分级标准, 为进一步研究棉铃虫的生殖发育机理提供了理论参考, 对田间棉铃虫种群发生期和发生量的预测预报也有重要的实践参考价值。  相似文献   

The feather back, Notopterus notopterus is an important food fish. Its ovary is an extremely dynamic organ and the oocytes present an asynchronous development. Variations in ovary weight, GSI, diameter of oocytes were studied in different months of the year in this fish. Different developmental stages of female germ cells were identified on the basis of histological and ultrastructural characteristics in the ovary of N. notopterus (Pallas). In the present investigation the oocyte development of N. notopterus was divided into five stages (oogonia, perinucleolar oocyte, cortical alveolus, yolk granules stage and mature oocyte). The cytophysiological features like vitellogenesis, chorion formation and atresia of some follicles were also studied in the present investigation. The seasonal changes in the ovary have been described according to the variations in gonadosomatic index and the cytological changes of the female germ line cells.  相似文献   

Sex steroids (17beta-estradiol and progesterone) and morphological variations of the reproductive system of the female of Octopus vulgaris from the Bay of Naples were followed over a period of 2 years. The increase in the ovary weight was independent of body weight as demonstrated by the gonado-somatic index (GSI). Both 17beta-estradiol and progesterone have been detected in the ovary of O. vulgaris, and their concentrations changed in correlation with the ovarian development. No 17beta-estradiol or progesterone was found in the hemolymph. 3beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity has been detected in the ovary, indicating that in the female of O. vulgaris the reproductive system is a source of sex steroid hormones. According to the morphological changes of the ovary, the ovarian cycle can be divided into the following phases: previtellogenesis; early vitellogenesis, full vitellogenesis and late vitellogenesis. The morphological changes of the oviducts and oviducal glands throughout the reproductive cycle were in accordance with their role in the transport and secretion of gelatinous coat covering the eggs, as well as in sperm storage and sperm reactivation during fertilization. J. Exp. Zool. 289:33-47, 2001.  相似文献   

This report describes the dynamics of oocyte growth during vitellogenesis in a population of virgin female rainbow trout. Indices of ovarian development increased dramatically during the period of study: the gonadosomatic index (GSI) increased over 50-fold, reaching a peak of 20 just before ovulation; the mean oocyte diameter increased from less than 1 mm to 5.4 mm; and plasma levels of vitellogenin increased from less than 1.5 mg/ml to 25 mg/ml. There were no changes in the numbers of developing oocytes (measuring 0.5 mm or greater in diameter) from the time when the majority of oocytes undergoing secondary development had entered vitellogenesis in August to ovulation in February (averaging 4000 oocytes per fish). The increase in ovary weight during vitellogenesis was, therefore, due to an increase in the size of oocytes rather than to recruitment of more maturing oocytes. The numbers of vitellogenic oocytes in the ovary during the entire study also suggested that atresia of vitellogenic oocytes does not play a prominent role in determining fecundity. During early vitellogenesis, the volume of maturing oocytes within an ovary varied by as much as 250-fold. From September onwards, when all oocytes to be ovulated that season had entered vitellogenesis, a gradual uniformity in size began to develop, such that at ovulation, in February, all the eggs were very similar in size (there was less than a 2-fold variation in volume). The pattern of growth of oocytes in an ovary during vitellogenesis suggests that growth between oocytes is closely coordinated.  相似文献   

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