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青花菜花粉母细胞减数分裂及雄配子体发育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用染色体制片及爱氏苏木精染色-冬青油透明技术对青花菜花粉母细胞减数分裂及雄配子体发育过程进行了细胞学研究.结果表明:花粉母细胞减数分裂的细胞质分裂为同时型,四分体为正四面体型或十字交叉型;中期Ⅰ和中期Ⅱ,少数细胞可见赤道板外染色体;后期Ⅰ和后期Ⅱ部分细胞出现染色体桥及落后染色体;四分体时期可观察到二分体、三分体及含微核的异常四分体.雄配子体发育过程包括2次有丝分裂,成熟花粉为3细胞型,具3个萌发孔.减数分裂过程中染色体行为异常的花粉母细胞约占10.28%;雄配子体发育过程中异常频率约为3.2%,败育主要发生在单核期.  相似文献   

玉兰减数分裂观察及染色体构型分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用去壁低渗方法,观察研究了玉兰Magnolia denudata有丝分裂和减数分裂的细胞学特征。实验结果证实玉兰存在两种染色体倍性,即2n=4x=76和2n=6x=114。通常,在木兰属甚至整个木兰科每个物种只具有一种染色体数目。玉兰有丝分裂间期核为复杂染色中心型,其中期染色体较小。玉兰在减数分裂中期I的构型表现出多样性,其中最主要的特点是比同源多倍体预期的二价体出现的频率更高些,其次是在减数分裂中期I可以观察到1或2个环状和(或)链状六价体。这些特征与同源异源六倍体或部分的异源六倍体种北美红杉Sequ  相似文献   

普通小麦与华山新麦草的杂交   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
陈涑阳  张安静 《遗传学报》1991,18(6):508-512
华山新麦草是分布在秦岭山脉华山段的1个特有种,经细胞学鉴定为二倍体种(2n=14)。利用普通小麦与之杂交并通过幼胚培养获得了杂种,杂交结实率为0.19%,幼胚培养出苗率为33.3%。杂种表现为双亲的中间型,杂种F_1体细胞染色体数为2n=28,花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ每细胞平均0.99个二价体,26.01个单价体。杂种花粉粒败育,以小麦花粉与杂种回交时获得了种子,回交结实率为2.5%。回交一代体细胞染色体数为2n=49,花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ染色体构型多数为2Ⅲ 7Ⅰ。  相似文献   

吕琳  何聪芬  董银卯  刘家熙 《遗传》2005,27(3):429-434
文章从减数分裂过程、小孢子发育两方面,探讨了木立芦荟(Aloe arboresens Mill.)花粉败育的原因。木立芦荟花粉母细胞染色体数目为2n=14,由四对长染色体和三对短染色体组成,属二型性核型。其减数分裂异常,发现存在单价体和多价体、染色体桥、落后染色体、不均等分离、微核等。同时观察到木立芦荟染色体具有极度的粘质性,使减数分裂各阶段的染色体不易散开。统计各种异常现象出现的频率并分析了这些异常现象形成的可能机制及对正常小孢子形成的影响,推测染色体间的丝状粘连可能是木立芦荟小孢子母细胞减数分裂异常并导致败育花粉产生的主要因素。成熟花粉粒中90%以上为败育花粉,属碘败型。  相似文献   

采用常规压片法对羽衣甘蓝花粉母细胞减数分裂及雄配子体发育进行了细胞学观察,结果显示:羽衣甘蓝减数分裂类似甘蓝种,细胞质分裂为同时型,四分体以正四面体型或十字交叉型为主;终变期有9个二价体,此时可进行染色体计数;中期Ⅰ和Ⅱ少数细胞中可见赤道板外染色体,后期Ⅰ和Ⅱ存在落后染色体,四分体时期可观察到少量含微核的异常四分体;单核靠边期时花蕾长度约为2.0~2.2 mm,小孢子经过发育最终成为3-细胞型花粉并具3个萌发孔,成熟花粉中败育花粉比率为1.3%.  相似文献   

大麦×小麦杂种愈伤组织及再生植株的细胞学观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究了Ant-13大麦×中国春小麦未成熟胚诱导的愈伤组织细胞,再生植株体细胞和花粉母细胞染色体的变化情况。发现在这三个不同分化和发育阶段中都存在着混倍体现象。但随着分化和发育过程的进行,混倍体程度越来越小,正常双单倍体细胞的比例越来越大。从再生植株花粉母细胞减数分裂前的有丝分裂开始到整个减数分裂过程中都可以看到染色体行为的异常现象,从而形成败育花粉,造成杂种不孕。花粉败育发生在单核小孢子时期。  相似文献   

采用染色体制片技术对Cucumis属双二倍体种(Cucumis hytivus Chen et Kirkbride)小孢子发生和雄配子体发育进行了细胞学研究。结果显示:在小孢子发生过程中,约31%的花粉母细胞在减数分裂中期Ⅰ具有正常的19Ⅲ,约69%的花粉母细胞染色体构型复杂,平均构型0.41Ⅰ 14.69Ⅲ 0.06Ⅲ 0.93Ⅳ 0.62Ⅵ 0.07Ⅷ;在四分体时期,形成约8.78%的四分孢子,其余为各种异常的多分孢子;在雄配子体发育过程中,约10%的小孢子可进行有丝分裂,最终发育为正常的两细胞、三孔花粉,其余90%的小孢子最终成为败育花粉。此外,还观察到了减数分裂后期Ⅱ的染色体组分离和新种花粉形态的变异等特殊现象。  相似文献   

本文以早熟品种冀麦31号和晚熟品系88—4284萌动种子为材料,报道了等离子束处理对小麦种子萌发的影响和细胞学效应。观察表明,等离子束长时间处理抑制种子发芽。在根尖细胞有丝分裂中期观察到染色体断裂和断片,冀麦31号染色体断裂的频率为0.49—1.34%,88—4284为0.21—2.14%。随着处理时间延长,染色体断裂频率逐渐提高。有丝分裂后期和末期出现大量的落后染色单体和染色体桥。在花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ,经过等离子束处理的材料出现环状单价体。后期Ⅰ观察到染色体倒位造成的染色体桥和断片。在四分体期还有微核出现。  相似文献   

广东万年青的细胞遗传学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规压片法和去壁低渗法,以生长于广西凭祥和广东深圳的广东万年青(Aglaonema modestumSchott ex Engl.)为材料,对二者的体细胞染色体、花粉母细胞减数分裂染色体配对行为和花粉发育过程进行了观察。结果表明:(1)野生植株为二倍体2n=40,栽培植株为三倍体2n=60;(2)野生种的小孢子母细胞减数分裂前期I终变期均为二价联会,栽培种偶见三价联会;(3)中期I,野生种为20个二价体排列在赤道板上,未见单价体,栽培种的20个二价体排列于赤道板上,20个单价体随机分布于两极,证实其为三倍体;(4)后期I,野生种二价体分离,出现单染色单体桥和断片,几率为10%,栽培种几率为3%,还存在落后染色体,部分不能进入两极的落后染色体和染色体断片在末期I形成微核;(5)四分体时期,野生种未观察到异常孢子,栽培种出现大量败育的四分体或多分体;(6)小孢子进入正常的发育分化,通过两次有丝分裂形成三细胞型花粉。野生种成熟花粉败育率为2.18%,栽培种为88.29%;(7)野生种正常结实,栽培种果实中未发现种子,为高度不育。  相似文献   

枣属植物经过染色体鉴定的5个种,未发现奇数倍性;中国枣为二倍体,未见自然多倍体类型。1978年通过胚乳培养,已首次诱导出三倍体植株。1983年三倍体始花结果,其细胞学特点如下: 1.胚乳二倍体胚乳二倍体的染色体数2n=24。小孢子母细胞减数分裂染色体行为正常。前期Ⅰ和中期Ⅰ,形成12个二阶体。减数分裂结束,形成正常的四分体,小孢子大小整齐。花粉粒属于正常的三孔沟型。2.胚乳三倍体胚乳三倍体的染色体数2n=36。小孢子母细胞较二倍体大。减数分裂染色体行为不正常。前期Ⅰ和中期Ⅰ有数目不等的单价体、二价体和多价体,染色体群数变动于14—20之间。后期Ⅰ、Ⅱ染色体分离不规则,数目不均衡,有落后染色体,多极分裂,并带有微核。减数分裂结束时,部分小孢子母细胞形成一分体、二分体、不等四分体、五分体和六分体等,小孢子大小不一致。正常花粉比二倍体大,有三孔沟和四孔沟两种类型,还有部分小花粉粒和败育花粉。  相似文献   

黄芩的花粉母细胞减数分裂及核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用压片法,对黄芩花粉母细胞减数分裂及核型进行了研究。结果表明:黄芩的大多数花粉母细胞减数分裂中染色体的行为正常,在终变期同源染色体配对后可形成9个二价体,后期Ⅰ染色体以9∶9的方式向细胞两极分离,其减数分裂为同时型;在少数花粉母细胞减数分裂中观察到落后染色体、染色体桥等异常行为;其花粉粒育性为76.49%。黄芩的染色体数目为2n=2X=18,核型公式为K(2n)=2X=18=16m+2 sm,染色体相对长度组成为2n=1 s+4M1+3M2+1L,其核型为"1A"型。  相似文献   

R. D. Brock  A. J. Pryor 《Chromosoma》1996,104(8):575-584
An unstable minichromosome comprising part of the short arm of chromosome 10 of maize was recovered from an oil yellow variegated plant as a consequence of gamma irradiation of pollen. The cytological and gene dosage observations are consistent with the minichromosome being a partial isochromosome, which lags at mitotic and meiotic anaphase. Loss of the minichromosome, which carries two doses of the +gene, causes phenotypic variegation in otherwise yellow lethal (Oy/Oy or Oy/oy) and olive (Oy/+ or oy/oy) genotypes. The minichromosome was transmitted to 8.1% of progeny via the pollen and 0.5% via the egg. Variations in the number and size of the minichromosome were recovered in progeny from a large test cross designed to test the feasibility for the detection of genetic variants including apomicts. No apomicts were recovered. All progeny with the appropriate maternal olive phenotype and the paternally derived coloured aleurone proved to be haploids. The recovery of a large minichromosome provides evidence for rare pairing and exchange with the short arm of chromosome 10. The variants of chromosome 10S generated from this programme provide useful material for further cytological, genetic and molecular analysis.  相似文献   

Summary Four barley telotrisomics (Triplo 3S, 5S, 6S, and 7S) were studied. No major qualitative differences in morphology between the telotrisomics and their diploid sibs were found. The pollen and seed fertility of these telotrisomics was comparable to their diploid sibs. The meiotic study showed that the average frequency of 6II + 1III at diakinesis and metaphase I was 84.2% and 71.7%, respectively. The normal chromosome separation ranged from 77.2% to 89.4% at anaphase I through telophase II. The transmission rate of the extra telocentric chromosomes averaged 28.4% upon selfing and 28.7% through the female. All four telotrisomics showed various degrees of pollen transmission, the average being 3.6%. Ditelotetrasomic plants (2n = 14 + 2 homologous telocentrics) were obtained in the progenies of selfed monotelotrisomic plants of all four types. These ditelotetrasomic plants were viable and showed various degrees of seed fertility.Contribution from the Department of Agronomy. Supported by USDA-CSU Cooperative Research Project No. 58-82HW-6-8 and CSU Hatch Project.  相似文献   

首次对鸭跖草科杜若(Pollia japonicaThunb.)进行了花粉母细胞减数分裂观察,并重新报道了该种的染色体数目为2n=32。结果显示,减数分裂中期I构型为16Ⅱ,并且观察到次级联会现象。减数分裂后期I和后期Ⅱ存在落后染色体、染色体断片、二次分裂不同步等异常现象,统计各时期畸形率都低于10%。随机统计花粉粒活性,成熟率达到90%以上。这说明杜若的减数分裂过程基本正常,也证明了2n=32的体细胞染色体数目是可信的。  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers and meiotic behavior are reported for the climbing cacti species Hylocereus undatus, Hylocereus polyrhizus, and Selenicereus megalanthus. The Hylocereus spp. are diploid (2n = 22), while S. megalanthus is a tetraploid (2n = 44). Irregular chromosome disjunction at anaphase I in pollen mother cells of S. megalanthus is probably the major cause of its reduced pollen viability and may contribute to low seed set, low number of viable seeds and, consequently, low fruit mass. A pollination study confirmed self-incompatibility in H. polyrhizus and a weakened incompatibility reaction in H. undatus and S. megalanthus. Major crossability barriers do not exist between the Hylocereus spp. investigated. Reciprocal intergeneric crosses were successful between Hylocereus spp. and S. megalanthus, suggesting that an Hylocereus sp. might be one of the diploid progenitors of the tetraploid S. megalanthus. The implications of the results on cacti nomenclature and systematics are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Sexual polyploidization has both a theoretical as well as an applied significance. Morphological screening for large pollen grains and shape of pollen produced by the individual, cytological investigation of hybrid progeny, and unbalanced separation of chromosomes at anaphase I in pollen mother cells were used to detect the gametes with somatic chromosome number in Fuchsia. The interspecific hybrids of F. fulgens (sect. Ellobium) × F. magellanica (sect. Quelusia), F. fulgens (sect. Ellobium) × F. splendens (sect. Ellobium), and F. triphylla (sect. Fuchsia) × F. splendens (sect. Ellobium) produced at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, showed both large and normal pollen grains in the same anther indicating the presence of unreduced gametes. Cytological investigation carried out on the hybrid progeny of F. fulgens (diploid, 2n=22, sect. Ellobium) × F. magellanica (tetraploid, 2n=44, sect. Quelusia) and F. triphylla (diploid, sect. Fuchsia) × F. arborescens (diploid, sect. Schufia) revealed unexpected chromosome numbers of 2n=44 and 2n=33, respectively. In general, the hybrids showed low fertility caused by genetically unbalanced gametes resulted from random disjunction of chromosomes at anaphase I. Studies on meiosis together with the presence of different shapes and sizes of pollen grains in Fuchsia proved indirectly that unreduced gametes are the products of first division meiotic nuclear restitution. These unreduced gametes were viable irrespective of pollen shape, their predominance in the hybrids, nuclear DNA amount and species phylogenetic position.  相似文献   

濒危植物巴东木莲花粉母细胞减数分裂观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对巴东木莲Manglietia patungensis及其近缘种乳源木莲M. yuyuanensis的花粉母细胞减数分裂过程的基本特征进行了比较研究。乳源木莲与巴东木莲的染色体数目和核型相同,但不经任何人为因素诱导,它们之间在减数分裂过程中的染色体行为上有明显差异。(1)巴东木莲减数分裂中期I构型为0.30IV+18.33II+0.15I,与乳源木莲构型19II不同,巴东木莲可能存在同臂内倒位杂合子,染色体结构存在一定的杂合性。(2)后期I和后期II染色体行为异常现象发生频率明显不同。以后期II为例,乳源木莲减数分裂相中有迟滞染色体的细胞占8.8%,迟滞染色体不超过2个;巴东木莲有迟滞染色体等异常现象的细胞占29.2%,迟滞染色体最高达11个,还出现染色体碎裂成断片现象。巴东木莲减数分裂过程中染色体组表现出染色体结构杂合变异和迟滞染色体与染色体的断裂频率很高的异常现象在一定程度上可能影响了雄配子体的发育。  相似文献   

T. Tsuchiya 《Chromosoma》1969,26(2):130-139
In the progeny of a trisomic type for chromosome 6, Purple, a 16-chromosome type was obtained, which had a pair of new metacentric chromosome 6 in excess. The new metacentric chromosome 6 was shorter than any of the 14 chromosomes of normal barley complement and showed a heteropycnotic nature at late prophase in somatic mitosis. At metaphase I in the plants with 14+one metacentric chromosome 6 (2n=15) the chromosome configuration was exclusively 7II+1I indicating that the extra metacentric chromosome 6 could not associate with the normal chromosome 6. At diakinesis and metaphase I in the new 16-chromosome plants most of the sporocytes showed 8IIor 7II+2I. Neither tetravalents nor trivalents were observed at meiosis. The chromosome behaviour at anaphase I and later stages of meiosis was regular in general, resulted in a fairly high pollen fertility of about 61 per cent. Seed fertility however, was very low. The transmission rate of the new metacentric chromosome 6 through the pollen was extremely low in 16-chromosome plants. Possible origin of new basic number and B-chromosome in diploid level through trisomic condition was suggested (Summary see p. 138).Contribution No. 141 of the Department of Plant Science, University of Manitoba.  相似文献   

双低两用温敏核不育水稻96-5-2S在11.31-20.19℃低温条件下,花粉母细胞形成、减数分裂和花粉后期发育均正常,最后形成充满淀粉的成熟花粉,而作对照的两用温敏不育水稻陆18S在相同低温条件下,除花粉母细胞形成早期发育正常外,花粉母细胞晚期、减数分裂期均有异常,败育主要发生在单核小孢子靠边期,没有形成成熟花粉,结果表明,96-5-2S桫胜殖期抗寒性强,低温生理障碍雄性不育临界温度低。  相似文献   

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