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植物根际促生细菌定殖研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物促生菌(plant grwth-promoting bacterium,PGPB)因可有效抑制根际病原菌,促进植物生长,增加作物产量等作用,在农业生产领域展现出巨大前景。以了解植物根际促生细菌的种类,理解定殖相关的促生机制为目的,展示了根际细菌的定殖过程及影响细菌在根部定殖的因素,通过抗生素标记、免疫学方法、外源基因标记等方法进行定殖微生物的检测,以高通量测序技术在根际定殖中的广泛应用为结果,得出结论应从遗传水平上对菌株进行解读,获得植物根际土壤微生物群落多样性,功能基因等研究,这项工作对预测根际促生细菌与植物的交互作用,生物菌剂的田间应用有重要意义,应是植物根际促生细菌今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

土壤有益细菌在植物根际竞争定殖的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在土壤有益微生物应用于生物肥料、生物杀虫剂、植物生长刺激剂和生物处理剂的过程中,根际定殖具有重要作用。细菌在植物根际定殖是一个比较复杂的过程,影响定殖能力的因素也是复杂多样的。本文综述了参与根部竞争定殖的生物因素,包括受细菌遗传控制的某些特性如鞭毛/运动性、趋化性、多糖、位点特异重组酶/菌落阶段变异、NADH脱氢酶,植物根的分泌物和植物种类等;影响微生物根际定殖的非生物因素如土壤类型、土壤特性和土壤温度等,探讨了影响微生物根际定殖的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

影响引人微生物根部定殖的因素   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
从外界引入的各类有益微生物如生防菌(BCA)和根际促生菌或增产菌(PGPR,YIB)到种子表面随其生根发芽而蔓延或直接到根表沿根分布定殖.外来微生物在根际定殖的过程为与根尖接触,沿根分布,最后在根际建立自己的种群.定殖的位点以PGPR为例,是表皮细胞间隙,或侧根、根毛基部.外来微生物在根际定殖动态变化的原因,由于根际生物的和非生物的因素引起的.生物因子除去外来微生物本身的生理特性,还有根际土著微生物与外来微生物的相互作用,更重要的是植物基因型对微生物定殖的影响.非生物因子包括土壤环境、土壤结构和含水量,土壤温度和土壤pH值均能影响外来微生物在根部的定殖.  相似文献   

荧光假单胞菌生防机理的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
荧光假单胞菌是植物根际促生细菌(Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria,PGPR)具有分布广、数量多、营养需要简单、繁殖快、竞争定殖力强的特点。它们能通过产生多种次生代谢物及有效的根际定殖防治植物病害,成为植物生防控制的重要研究对象。主要论述了荧光假单胞菌对植物病害生物防治机理的研究进展。  相似文献   

微生物肥料是支撑农业绿色发展的重要投入品,根际益生菌是微生物肥料菌种的主要来源。我国农业发展对促进作物根系发育、增强作物耐盐胁迫能力等新型功能的微生物肥料提出了需求,然而目前对根际益生菌促进作物根系发育和增强耐盐胁迫的分子机理研究仍然薄弱,成为制约优异菌种选育的瓶颈。另一方面,微生物肥料的根际定殖能力低也是导致其田间应用效果差的重要因素。本文综述了根际益生菌调控根系发育、增强植物耐盐的活性物质和作用机理,分析其根际定殖的过程和菌植互作机制,提出了增强根际定殖的策略,以期为微生物肥料研究提供参考。  相似文献   

假单胞菌属生防菌株的遗传工程改良*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
拮抗细菌的利用是植物病害生物防治的重要内容,其中利用最多的为假单胞菌属菌株,特别是用于土传病害的生物防治。假单胞菌类容易在植物根际定殖,也是根际最普遍的微生物类群,许多菌株具有防病促生的能力,如引起人们广泛注意的植物根际促生苗(PlantGrowth-promoting Rhizobacteria,简称PGPR),其研究大多集中在该类群。假单胞菌类筛选菌株能够抑制多种植物病害特别是土传病害已成为植病生防工作者之共识,其作用机制包括:有效的根部定殖、抗生作用、根际的营养竞争(特别是对铁的竞争)、诱…  相似文献   

荧假单胞杆菌化感作用的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 引  言化感作用 (Allelopathy)是指一种植物或微生物通过产生化学物质而对其它生物产生的直接或间接的刺激或抑制作用[7] .虽然有关高等植物之间化感作用的研究已有大量报道 ,但微生物对高等植物的化感作用研究报道却较少 ,尤其是细菌在生态系统中的化感作用往往被忽视[1] .荧光假单胞杆菌 (P .fluorescens)是定殖于植物根际的优势细菌种群 ,此类细菌以其分布广、适应能力强、繁殖速度快、易于人工培养等特点 ,成为最具生防潜力和应用价值的生防菌[5] .对陕西农田土壤有益微生物的筛选研究中发现 ,一株荧光假单胞杆菌培养液对番茄灰霉…  相似文献   

作为人类条件性感染的前三大病原菌之一的铜绿假单胞菌,是一种革兰氏阴性细菌,对免疫功能低下和囊性纤维化患者可以造成严重和持续性感染。造成这种持续感染的原因主要是由于细菌接收外界信号后,在自身调控网络的协同作用下,会依附于固体表面,并产生胞外多糖、基质蛋白和胞外DNA等大分子物质形成高度结构化的膜状复合物将自身包裹形成生物被膜群体结构。生物被膜可以有效帮助细菌定殖、提高细菌对抗菌物质和宿主免疫反应的抵抗能力、促进群落细菌的细胞-细胞之间的信号交流等,是临床治疗中病原菌慢性感染和反复感染最重要的原因之一。本篇综述重点介绍了铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜的各组成成分及其在生物被膜形成中的重要功能,并进一步阐述了群体感应系统(las、rhl、pqs与iqs)和c-di-GMP对铜绿假单胞菌生物被膜形成的调控作用。通过本篇综述可以更清晰地了解细菌生物被膜形成和调控的过程,为开发新的治疗生物被膜感染策略提供帮助。  相似文献   

代金霞  田平雅  张莹  苏建宇 《生态学报》2019,39(8):2705-2714
土壤微生物对土壤肥力的形成和植物营养的转化起着积极的作用。对盐渍化土壤中植物根际微生物群落组成和多样性进行研究,有助于发现新的重要微生物功能类群或者功能潜力,对于盐碱土壤的植被恢复和生态重建都具有十分重要的意义。通过高通量测序和分离培养方法,对宁夏银北地区盐渍化土壤中的6种耐盐植物根际细菌的群落结构和多样性进行了分析。结果表明:所有土壤样品共检测到31门(亚门) 67纲253科400属细菌类群,不同植物根际微生物群落组成相似,但丰度各有差异,厚壁菌门、变形菌门、放线菌门和拟杆菌门为主要优势类群;在纲水平芽孢杆菌纲相对丰度最高,其次为α-变形菌、γ-变形菌和梭菌纲;在属水平上,芽孢杆菌属以极高的丰度(15.57%—53.85%)占据绝对优势,其次是鞘氨醇单胞菌属、不动杆菌属和节杆菌属。6种植物根际细菌的群落结构组成表现为芨芨草和柽柳相似,柳枝稷、苜蓿与枸杞相似,苦豆子则与另外5种差别最大。分离培养出的110株根际细菌多数具有较强的盐碱耐受性和一种以上生物学活性,分别隶属于芽孢杆菌属、假单胞菌属、鞘氨醇杆菌属、节杆菌属和中华根瘤菌属,在属水平上多样性单一,其中芽孢杆菌属是优势属。传统的分离培养和高通量测序结果都反映出银北地区盐渍化土壤中定殖着许多有重要生态功能的微生物类群,可用于进一步筛选和利用根际微生物改良盐碱土壤。  相似文献   

藻际环境中胞外聚合物的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
微藻向细胞周围释放营养物质而形成了独特的藻际微环境,吸引了大量细菌的定殖。藻际环境中藻菌关系错综复杂,其间充斥着多样的物质交换与信息交流。以胞外聚合物(extracellularpolymeric substances,EPS)为代表的有机质在其中起着纽带作用。微藻和细菌都可以产生EPS,其过程受多种因素的调节。EPS在藻际环境中具有重要的生态功能,包括参与生物被膜(biofilm)的形成,影响藻菌共生关系的建立以及调节藻际微生物群落组成等。此外,EPS中的一大类别透明胞外聚合物颗粒(transparent exopolymer particles,TEP)还介导了海洋溶解有机碳向颗粒有机碳的转化,参与了海洋碳循环过程。本文以EPS的产生、组成以及对碳转化的影响为重点,综述了其在藻际生态位(Niche)中的生态功能,以期为深入理解藻际环境中的有机质特征和藻菌共生关系提供理论依据。  相似文献   

生物被膜是微生物附着在生物或非生物表面所形成的一种三维结构,细胞被其自身所产生的胞外聚合物所包围,生物被膜的形成被认为是微生物应对生物和非生物胁迫时所产生的一种自我防御机制。众多微生物能够在植物叶、维管束和根等组织中生长,并在植物不同组织表面附着形成生物被膜,病原细菌的生物被膜随植物内部环境动态变化是其有效发挥致病作用的关键,研究植物病原细菌生物被膜调控机制是认识植物-病原菌互作的重要方面。文中将系统地介绍植物病原细菌生物被膜特征、组成成分、分子调控机制及最新研究进展。  相似文献   

Biofilms are complex bacterial assemblages with a defined three-dimensional architecture, attached to solid surfaces, and surrounded by a self-produced matrix generally composed of exopolysaccharides, proteins, lipids and extracellular DNA. Biofilm formation has evolved as an adaptive strategy of bacteria to cope with harsh environmental conditions as well as to establish antagonistic or beneficial interactions with their host. Plant-associated bacteria attach and form biofilms on different tissues including leaves, stems,vasculature, seeds and roots. In this review, we examine the formation of biofilms from the plant-associated bacterial perspective and detail the recently-described mechanisms of genetic regulation used by these organisms to orchestrate biofilm formation on plant surfaces. In addition, we describe plant host signals that bacterial pathogens recognize to activate the transition from a planktonic lifestyle to multicellular behavior.  相似文献   

Bacteria form surface attached biofilm communities as one of the most important survival strategies in nature. Biofilms consist of water, bacterial cells and a wide range of self-generated extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Biofilm formation is a dynamic self-assembly process and several distinguishable stages are observed during bacterial biofilm development. Biofilm formation is shown to be coordinated by EPS production, cell migration, subpopulation differentiation and interactions. However, the ways these different factors affect each other and contribute to community structural differentiation remain largely unknown. The distinct roles of different EPS have been addressed in the present report. Both Pel and Psl polysaccharides are required for type IV pilus-independent microcolony formation in the initial stages of biofilm formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. Both Pel and Psl polysaccharides are also essential for subpopulation interactions and macrocolony formation in the later stages of P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm formation. Pel and Psl polysaccharides have different impacts on Pseudomonas quinolone signal-mediated extracellular DNA release in P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilms. Psl polysaccharide is more important than Pel polysaccharide in P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance. Our study thus suggests that different EPS materials play distinct roles during bacterial biofilm formation.  相似文献   

In recent decades, many researchers have written numerous articles about microbial biofilms. Biofilm is a complex community of microorganisms and an example of bacterial group behavior. Biofilm is usually considered a sessile mode of life derived from the attached growth of microbes to surfaces, and most biofilms are embedded in self-produced extracellular matrix composed of extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs), such as polysaccharides, extracellular DNAs (eDNA), and proteins. Dispersal, a mode of biofilm detachment indicates active mechanisms that cause individual cells to separate from the biofilm and return to planktonic life. Since biofilm cells are cemented and surrounded by EPSs, dispersal is not simple to do and many researchers are now paying more attention to this active detachment process. Unlike other modes of biofilm detachment such as erosion or sloughing, which are generally considered passive processes, dispersal occurs as a result of complex spatial differentiation and molecular events in biofilm cells in response to various environmental cues, and there are many biological reasons that force bacterial cells to disperse from the biofilms. In this review, we mainly focus on the spatial differentiation of biofilm that is a prerequisite for dispersal, as well as environmental cues and molecular events related to the biofilm dispersal. More specifically, we discuss the dispersal-related phenomena and mechanisms observed in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an important opportunistic human pathogen and representative model organism for biofilm study.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation by pathogenic microorganisms has been a tremendous challenge for antimicrobial therapies due to various factors. The biofilm matrix sequesters bacterial cells from the exterior environment and therefore prevents antimicrobial agents from reaching the interior. In addition, biofilm surface extracellular polymeric substances can absorb antimicrobial agents and thus reduce their bioavailability. To conquer these protection mechanisms, liposomes have been developed into a drug delivery system for antimicrobial agents against biofilm-mediated infections. The unique characteristics of liposomes, including versatility for cargoes, target-specificity, nonimmunogenicity, low toxicity, and biofilm matrix-/cell membrane-fusogenicity, remarkably improve the effectiveness of antimicrobial agents and minimize recurrence of infections. This review summarizes current development of liposomal carriers for biofilm therapeutics, presents evidence in their practical applications and discusses their potential limitations.  相似文献   

材料表面特征对生物膜形成的影响及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物膜是微生物细胞粘附于材料表面的群体性生长方式。在实践应用中,有目的地调控微生物在材料表面的成膜进程具有重要意义。本文概述了生物膜在材料表面的形成机制及其影响因素,综述了材料表面的电荷特征、亲疏水性、形貌模式和功能性化学修饰等物化特性对细胞粘附和生物膜形成的影响,并介绍了目前在不同实际应用场景中抑制成膜和促进成膜材料的研发现状。  相似文献   

The soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis is widely used in agriculture as a biocontrol agent able to protect plants from a variety of pathogens. Protection is thought to involve the formation of bacterial communities - biofilms - on the roots of the plants. Here we used confocal microscopy to visualize biofilms on the surface of the roots of tomato seedlings and demonstrated that biofilm formation requires genes governing the production of the extracellular matrix that holds cells together. We further show that biofilm formation was dependent on the sensor histidine kinase KinD and in particular on an extracellular CACHE domain implicated in small molecule sensing. Finally, we report that exudates of tomato roots strongly stimulated biofilm formation ex planta and that an abundant small molecule in the exudates, (L) -malic acid, was able to stimulate biofilm formation at high concentrations in a manner that depended on the KinD CACHE domain. We propose that small signalling molecules released by the roots of tomato plants are directly or indirectly recognized by KinD, triggering biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Bacterial biofilms are assemblages of bacterial cells and extracellular matrix that result in the creation of surface-associated macrocolony formation. Most bacteria are capable of forming biofilms under suitable conditions. Biofilm formation by pathogenic bacteria on medical implant devices has been linked to implant rejection in up to 10% of cases, due to biofilm-related secondary infections. In addition, biofilm formation has been implicated in both bacterial persistence and antibiotic resistance. In this study, a method has been developed for the discovery of small molecule inhibitors of biofilm formation in Vibrio cholerae, through the use of high-throughput epifluorescence microscopy imaging. Adaptation of a strategy for the growth of bacterial biofilms in wellplates, and the subsequent quantification of biofilm coverage within these wells, provides the first example of an image-based 384-well format system for the evaluation of biofilm inhibition in V. cholerae. Application of this method to the high-throughput screening of small molecule libraries has lead to the discovery of 29 biofilm lead structures, many of which eliminate biofilm formation without altering bacterial cell viability.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL1606 (PcPCL1606) displays plant-colonizing features and exhibits antagonistic traits against soil-borne phytopathogenic fungi. Biofilm formation could be relevant for the PcPCL1606 lifestyle, and in this study the role of some putative extracellular matrix components (EMC; Fap-like fibre, alginate and Psl-like polysaccharides) in the biofilm architecture and biocontrol activity of this bacterium were determined. EMC such as the Fap-like fibre and alginate polysaccharide play secondary roles in biofilm formation in PcPCL1606, because they are not fundamental to its biofilm architecture in flow cell chamber, but synergistically they have shown to favour bacterial competition during biofilm formation. Conversely, studies on Psl-like polysaccharide have revealed that it may contain mannose, and that it is strongly involved in the PcPCL1606 biofilm architecture and niche competition. Furthermore, the Fap-like fibre and Psl-like exopolysaccharide play roles in early surface attachment and contribute to biocontrol activity against the white root rot disease caused by Rosellinia necatrix in avocado plants. These results constitute the first report regarding the study of the extracellular matrix of the PcPCL1606 strain and highlight the importance of a putative Fap-like fibre and Psl-like exopolysaccharide produced by PcPCL1606 in the biofilm formation process and interactions with the host plant root.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages, as the most dominant and diverse entities in the universe, have the potential to be one of the most promising therapeutic agents. The emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria and the antibiotic crisis in the last few decades have resulted in a renewed interest in phage therapy. Furthermore, bacteriophages, with the capacity to rapidly infect and overcome bacterial resistance, have demonstrated a sustainable approach against bacterial pathogens-particularly in biofilm. Biofilm, as complex microbial communities located at interphases embedded in a matrix of bacterial extracellular polysaccharide substances (EPS), is involved in health issues such as infections associated with the use of biomaterials and chronic infections by multidrug resistant bacteria, as well as industrial issues such as biofilm formation on stainless steel surfaces in food industry and membrane biofouling in water and wastewater treatment processes. In this paper, the most recent studies on the potential of phage therapy using natural and genetically-modified lytic phages and their associated enzymes in fighting biofilm development in various fields including engineering, industry, and medical applications are reviewed. Phage-mediated prevention approaches as an indirect phage therapy strategy are also explored in this review. In addition, the limitations of these approaches and suggestions to overcome these constraints are discussed to enhance the efficiency of phage therapy process. Finally, future perspectives and directions for further research towards a better understanding of phage therapy to control biofilm are recommended.  相似文献   

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