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生物发酵是以微生物菌种为生物催化剂,以淀粉糖、生物质等可再生资源为原料发酵生产各种食品、化学品、燃料、材料等物质的生产过程,具有绿色、低碳和可持续等特征。我国拥有全球规模最大的生物发酵产业,尤其氨基酸、维生素等传统发酵产品占全球市场份额的60%–80%。发展生物发酵产业对于我国实现“碳中和、碳达峰”的战略目标和生物经济发展具有重要的意义。微生物工业菌种是生物发酵产业的核心,直接影响原料路线、产品种类和生产成本。创新发酵工业菌种,提升其原料转化利用效率,提高产物生产水平,拓展产品种类,是生物发酵产业高质量发展的关键。近年来,合成生物学、系统生物学等学科的发展,进一步加深了研究者对微生物底盘细胞生理代谢机制的理解,加速了基因编辑等菌种设计创制使能技术的发展,为发酵工业菌种改造提升提供了新动能。本文选取了具有代表性的大宗氨基酸、B族维生素、柠檬酸、燃料乙醇等发酵产业,从其工业微生物底盘的基础研究和技术开发角度,综述发酵工业菌种改造提升的最新进展,并展望人工智能、自动化与生命科学交叉融合将对工业菌种迭代产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

工业生物技术的进步离不开工业生物过程工程研究的不断深入及发展,我国作为工业发酵大国在工业生物技术由实验室向产业化转化过程中面对诸多挑战,由此而逐渐发展起来的我国工业生物过程工程发展先后经历了多个阶段,伴随着不同阶段的发展,我国的工业生物技术水平得到不断的提升。本文重点回顾了近三、四十年来我国工业生物过程工程发展的历程,包括早期由化工过程研究引入的动力学模型化研究、基于过程控制的优化理论与方法的应用、基于过程在线监测技术发展起来的参数相关性分析方法、过程多尺度理论的建立、基于现代固态发酵的新型固态发酵罐的设计及优化技术发展等。通过对生物过程工程发展历程的回顾对先进工业生物过程发展面临的技术难题及由此引出的未来发展重点方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

生物能源是改善我国能源结构、实现经济可持续发展的重要途径,其产业化技术的突破将加快以生物质能源替代化石能源的步伐。高能耗、水耗以及大量有机废水等问题严重限制了传统液体发酵的发展前景。近年来对固态发酵原理和应用的研究使得清洁、节能的固态发酵已然成为发酵工业的关注热点。从固态发酵的原理和应用现状方面着重介绍其在生物能源领域中应用的研究进展。  相似文献   

廉价生物质资源的利用是工业生物技术领域研究的热点,复杂的成分和较多的杂质使传统的单菌发酵方式难以应对,成为产业化的关键问题。文中从微生物菌群的工业应用、微生物菌群发酵与纯种发酵的比较、微生物细胞间的相互作用等方面综述了微生物菌群发酵技术的最新研究进展,并对微生物菌群的设计和应用进行了展望。微生物菌群发酵可以充分利用廉价生物质基质、生产多个产品或减少副产物的生成,在生物基化学品和燃料的生产中将是一种有前景的发酵技术。  相似文献   

先进固体发酵技术(ASSF)生产甜高粱乙醇   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了利用高产能源作物甜高粱生产燃料乙醇的先进固态发酵(ASSF)技术,从甜高粱茎秆保存、菌种、反应器,到固体发酵过程的数学模拟和工程放大进行了系统研究。筛选出高效产乙醇的菌种CGMCC1949,固体发酵时间低于30 h,乙醇收率高于92%;优选出贮存甜高粱茎秆的有效方法,通过抑菌处理,厌氧贮存200 d糖分损失小于5%;对固态发酵过程进行了数学模拟,设计并优化了固体发酵设备,成功进行了工程放大试验,并且基于ASPEN软件对该技术进行了技术经济评价,结果表明ASSF法生产甜高粱乙醇在技术、工程和经济上均具有充分的可行性和明显优势。  相似文献   

中华民族的发酵技术具有悠久的历史。经典的发酵技术工艺独特,现代发酵工业亦颇具规模。当今分子生物学、细胞生物学和应用遗传学技术迅速发展,为发酵工业注入了新的活力。当代发酵工程学是一门多学科相互渗透而成的综合学科;其开发的技术已成为生物工业的重要工具,也是新兴生物产业发展的基石。有关研究报道极为丰富,书籍亦多有出版。为达到古为今用、洋为中用的目的,一部完善的发酵工业词典必不可少。而这本词典的问世填补了这一空白。  相似文献   

维生素C发酵研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩晓东  张惟材  张通 《生物技术通讯》2009,20(3):433-435,454
生物发酵法是生产维生素C的主要途径。目前具有工业应用前景的维生素C发酵途径主要有葡萄糖发酵工艺和山梨醇发酵工艺。我们分别从这2条产生维生素C重要前体2-酮基-L-古龙酸反应路线的代谢机制、反应酶系及工程菌构建等方面出发,综述了维生素C生物发酵的研究现状和最新进展,并对维生素C生物发酵应用前景做了展望。  相似文献   

<正>生物过程工业(bioprocess industry)包括传统的发酵工业和现代生物技术工业,是国民经济可持续发展的支柱之一。生物过程关键技术和装备是发展我国生物产业的重要支撑。国务院颁布的《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006~2020年)》明确将新一代工业生物技术和过程工业的绿色化、自动  相似文献   

<正>2013年11月18日,2013年生物发酵产业年会暨系列论坛在上海隆重召开,此次会议由中国生物发酵产业协会主办,杜邦工业生物科技事业部、上海兆光生物工程设计研究院和大连工业大学协办。本届年会以"调结构,促转型,稳增长,增效益,推动生物发酵产业经济,促进绿色可持续发展"为主题,旨在探讨生物发酵产  相似文献   

脂肪酶在水相和非水相中都具有催化活性,在众多工业领域应用前景十分广阔。但脂肪酶的生产成本仍然过高,限制了其在某些工业领域的大规模使用。固体发酵因具有设备比较简单、能耗低、成本低、对环境危害小、易于推广等诸多优点,已逐渐成为微生物脂肪酶生产的一个重要方式。由于能源成本的抬高和人们环保意识的加强,自上世纪90年代以来,原来一直认为技术含量较低的固态发酵技术重新受到重视并得到了快速的发展。综述了固态发酵在脂肪酶生产中的应用研究,重点介绍了固态发酵生产脂肪酶的特点、脂肪酶固态发酵的影响因素及其生物反应器。  相似文献   

Zymomonas mobilis is a natural ethanologen with many desirable industrial biocatalyst characteristics. In this review, we will discuss work to develop Z. mobilis as a model system for biofuel production from the perspectives of substrate utilization, development for industrial robustness, potential product spectrum, strain evaluation and fermentation strategies. This review also encompasses perspectives related to classical genetic tools and emerging technologies in this context.  相似文献   

固态发酵生物反应器   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
廖春燕  郑裕国   《微生物学通报》2005,32(1):99-103
固态发酵是指微生物在没有或几乎没有游离水的固体的湿培养基上的发酵过程。与深层液体发酵相比,它具有很多优点,因此近年来受到了研究者的重视。主要介绍了固态发酵的特点和数学模型,综合论述了各类应用于固态发酵的生物反应器的研究现状、设计标准和应用领域。  相似文献   

In the paper some problems of the mathematical modeling of anaerobic (methane) fermentation of animal waste in stirred tank bioreactors are considered. Laboratory experiments are carried out with highly concentrated organic pollutants and transient step responses of the control output for continuous methane fermentation are obtained. The dynamic behavior of this process is described by sets of deterministic nonlinear differential equations from 2nd order with different structures. Static characteristics are obtained with these models analytically. Investigations by computer simulation of the methane fermentation are performed with the aim to chose appropriate models for automatic control system design of this process.  相似文献   

粗糙脉孢菌(Mzcrospora crassan)具有直接转化植物纤维性物质生产乙醇的能力。研究了不同氧限制条件对粗糙脉孢菌发酵葡萄糖生产乙醇的影响,构建了该过程的数学模型,并利用数学模型进行了模拟和预测研究。结果表明,数学模型能够很好地预测氧限制条件下乙醇的发酵过程,即使微量氧对乙醇发酵也有较大的负面影响。  相似文献   

This article describes the development of Multivariate Statistical Process Control (MSPC) procedures for monitoring batch processes and demonstrates its application with respect to industrial tylosin biosynthesis. Currently, the main fermentation phase is monitored using univariate statistical process control principles implemented within the G2 real-time expert system package. This development addresses integrating various process stages into a monitoring system and observing interactions among individual variables through the use of multivariate projection methods. The benefits of this approach will be discussed from an industrial perspective.  相似文献   

发酵工程是利用对微生物或其他生物细胞进行改造,在特定的生物反应器内,培养生产某种特定产品的工业化生产过程和技术体系。发酵工程从纯粹依赖经验积累的古老的食品发酵,发展成为食品、农业、医药、化工等生产生活资料的重要生产方式,成为支撑人类可持续发展的关键技术,这离不开交叉学科技术的持续进步。多学科融合交叉和我国在全球产业链的不断上移,必然对新形势下发酵工程复合型人才培养提出更高要求。为不断完善多学科交叉的发酵工程复合型人才培养体系,近年来,研究室不断凝练与提升人才培养理念,积极深化人才培养体系改革。围绕培养方案、招生体系、师资背景、课题设置、科研实践、评价体系等方面展开了系统的研究和实践,推动了发酵工程和相关支撑行业的技术进步,为培养具有学科交叉知识的复合型人才,进而为我国从发酵大国向发酵强国的转变贡献了重要力量。  相似文献   

Sets of simulations of run-away fermentations were structured as two-level factorial experimental designs with parameters in a mathematical model as factors. By this technique it was possible to document the robustness and sensitivity of the model and to show why run-away fermentations may be difficult to control in practice. In an engineering approach to fermentation development it is beneficial to integrate simulation of fermentation experiments with real fermentation experiments in order to get a better planning and interpretation.  相似文献   

Systematic simulation may decisively help in development and optimization of bioprocesses. By applying simulation techniques, optimal use can be made of experimental data, decreasing development costs and increasing the accuracy in predicting the behavior of an industrial scale plant.The procedure of the dialogue between simulation and experimental efforts will be exemplified in a case study. Alcoholic fermentation of glucose by zymomonas mobilis bacteria in a gasified tubular recycle reactor was studied first by systematic simulation, using a computer model based solely on literature data. On the base of the results of this simulation, a 0.013 m3 pilot plant reactor was constructed. The pilot plant experiments, too, were based on the results of the systematic simulation.Simulated and experimental data were well in agreement. The pilot plant experiments reiterated the trends and limits of the process as shown by the simulation results. Data from the pilot plant runs were then used to improve the simulation model. This improved model was subsequently used to simulate the performances of an industrial scale plant. The results of this simulation are presented. They show that the alcohol fermentation in a tubular recycle reactor is potentially advantageous to other reactor configurations, especially to continuous stirred tanks.List of Symbols CPFR Continous plug flow reactor - CST R Continous stirred tank reactor - CTR Continous tubular reactor - FMC Fermentation micro computer - P kg/m3 Product concentration - S kg/m3 Glucose concentration - S o kg/m3 Glucose concentration in the feed - X kg/m3 Biomass concentration - z Cell damage  相似文献   

The most important kinetic models developed for acetic fermentation were evaluated to study their ability to explain the behavior of the industrial process of acetification. Each model was introduced into a simulation environment capable of replicating the conditions of the industrial plant. In this paper, it is proven that these models are not suitable to predict the evolution of the industrial fermentation by the comparison of the simulation results with an average sequence calculated from the industrial data. Therefore, a new kinetic model for the industrial acetic fermentation was developed. The kinetic parameters of the model were optimized by a specifically designed genetic algorithm. Only the representative sequence of industrial concentrations of acetic acid was required. The main novelty of the algorithm is the four-composed desirability function that works properly as the response to maximize. The new model developed is capable of explaining the behavior of the industrial process. The predictive ability of the model has been compared with that of the other models studied.  相似文献   

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