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污水生物处理系统的性能和稳定性与微生物群落结构和动态密切相关。通过深入了解活性污泥中微生物群落结构及其影响因素,有助于提高污水厂污染物的去除效果。在不同污水活性污泥处理系统中细菌群落主要以变形菌、绿弯菌、放线菌、厚壁菌和拟杆菌为功能菌群;活性污泥中寄居的大多数真菌来自于子囊菌门,还有少量担子菌门;古菌以产甲烷菌为主;而病毒中分布最广的噬菌体和致病性病毒是最主要的关注点。本文通过对相关文献分析及总结,综述了进水组成、不同处理工艺、参数(理化参数和运行参数)、地理位置和气候条件等环境因子对活性污泥中细菌、真菌、古菌以及病毒群落组成的影响,尽可能全面地介绍污水厂微生物群落多样性及其对环境因子的响应。同时,对未来研究方向进行探讨,以期能够为活性污泥中功能微生物的应用及调控提供理论和应用基础。  相似文献   

京津冀区域市政污水厂活性污泥种群结构的多样性及差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【背景】活性污泥中微生物的种群结构影响着污水生物处理的高效性及稳定性,是有效保证污水处理效果的关键。【目的】研究活性污泥中细菌的群落结构组成及多样性,并分析相应菌群的主要功能,旨在更好地发挥细菌的净化作用、保持污水处理过程的稳定及提高污水的处理效率。【方法】以京津冀区域内典型市政污水厂活性污泥为研究对象,通过IlluminaMiSeq高通量测序及实时定量PCR技术,对5个污水厂活性污泥的微生物种群结构特征进行了详细解析,研究不同工艺参数下活性污泥中优势种群及脱氮菌群丰度的差异。【结果】5个污水厂活性污泥种群结构具有一定差异,其中Hengshui (HS)厂污泥的群落结构受温度的影响最大,而Shahe (SH)、Daoxianghu (DXH)、Nangong(NG)厂活性污泥群落结构则受总氮、总磷与氨氮的共同影响,氨氮对SH厂活性污泥种群结构影响最大。DXH、NG和HS厂污泥中优势菌均为Anaerolineaceae,而SH和Hejian (HJ)厂的优势菌则为Saprospiraceae与Lactobacillus。活性污泥中反硝化菌丰度最高的为HJ厂,丰度最低的为HS厂,反硝化功能基因nirS比nirK分布更为广泛。【结论】对于不同污水厂,影响其活性污泥群落结构组成的环境因素也是不同的,并且特殊的进水水质也会对污泥菌群组成和生物多样性产生影响。  相似文献   

王莹  陈冰  梁永禧 《生态科学》2002,21(3):254-256
通过镜检分析运转流程中曝气池污泥中的水生生物,对某药厂污水处理所采用的间歇式活性污泥处理法(SBR)工艺的效果进行分析,寻找出该厂在应用该处理工艺过程中所出现的污水处理效果时好时坏的原因,针对其工艺的不足之处提出改进建议,为改良该类的污水处理工艺提供了一条新思路。  相似文献   

目的:对脱氮污水处理工艺的活性污泥的菌群组成进行分析,以期获得适合于脱氮基因工程改良的出发菌.方法:首先采用平板稀释法对活性污泥进行菌落计数,并对分离到的菌落进行详细的生化鉴定,对其中的优势菌-假单胞菌进行脱氮能力测定,并分析其对常作为筛选标志的抗生素的药物敏感性.结果:发现在采用该工艺的活性污泥中,优势菌为假单胞菌、肠杆菌、莫拉菌和不动杆菌,分别占总菌数的23%、16%、16%和12%.根据菌群分析的结果,从中选择了两株耐药性弱、脱氮能力强的菌作为基因改良的出发菌.结论:本研究阐明了活性污泥的菌群构成,获得了两株适合基因工程改良的菌株,为日后脱氮基因工程菌的构建奠定基础.  相似文献   

膜生物反应器的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
膜生物反应器是近年来发展的废水处理新技术,具有活性污泥浓度高、污泥龄长、占地面积小、投资省的特点。利用膜生物反应器进行污水处理不仅可以大大节约水资源,还可以大大节约能源,节省设备和运行费用,已成为二十一世纪研究热点。膜生物反应器是通过高效膜分离技术与活性污泥相结合,增大污泥中的特效菌来加快生化反应速率,提高废水处理效果。目前处理对象已从生活污水扩展到高浓度的有机废水和难降解的工业废水。本文综述了膜生物反应器在废水中的应用研究情况,并分析比较了各种膜材质的特点、适用范围以及膜的污染因素和清洗方法,展望了膜生物反应器的应用前景及进一步研究方向。  相似文献   

活性污泥中微生物群落内部关系非常复杂 ,及时对活性污泥中优势菌群和群落内部关系进行监测是污水处理中采取正确措施的关键。历史研究表明传统培养方法经常导致活性污泥优势菌群检测的失败 ,而r RNA- targeted寡核苷酸探针作为一种快速原位监测活性污泥微生物群落结构和功能的新工具被引入 ,使我们对参与污水净化的微生物群落结构和优势菌群能有较全面的了解。就该方法在识别除磷污泥、脱氮污泥、污泥泡沫和膨胀污泥中微生物群落结构和功能的典型应用进行综述 ,分析了该方法存在的优点和缺点 ,并对目前已建立且应用于活性污泥微生物检测的 r RNA- targeted寡核苷酸探针进行了详细总结  相似文献   

污水处理活性污泥微生物群落多样性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究污水处理活性污泥微生物多样性,提取了活性污泥宏基因组DNA,并采用细菌通用引物27F和1492R扩增了上海污泥厂活性污泥细菌16S rDNA片段,构建了细菌16S rDNA克隆文库,并对该文库中的微生物群落进行了分析。共获得200条高质量序列并建立系统发育树,结果显示活性污泥主要的细菌类群为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)(91.9%)、厚壁菌门(Firmicures)(4.6%)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)(2%)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)(0.5%)、硝化螺菌门(Nitrospirae)(1%)。其中,明显的优势菌群为Alcaligenes feacalis(55%)、Pseudomonas aeruginosa(12.8%)和Stenotrophomonas(12.8%),优势菌的产酶能力在活性污泥中显示生态修复功能菌的作用。  相似文献   

生物废水处理系统的细胞自动机模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖金宝  李镇清 《生态学报》2009,29(8):4231-4241
建立了活性污泥处理生物废水的细胞自动机模型,对活性污泥生物量与有机物浓度动态进行了研究,提出了计算活性污泥回流循环比的方法.结果表明,在Moore邻居模型下废水达标排放所需时间较Von. Neumann邻居模型少,不同生长阶段的微生物浓度波动具有时滞性.稳定期有机物浓度和生物量不受活性污泥初始浓度的影响.活性污泥处理生物废水的细胞自动机模型有助于为污水处理提供理论依据.  相似文献   

目的:建立对投菌生物强化处理废水的效应评估方法。方法:在流化床生物反应器系统处理油脂废水过程中,投加高效油脂降解菌进行强化处理,采用RISA法对生物强化处理油脂废水的效应进行了评估。结果:投加强化菌后,载体表面的球形菌明显增加,丝状菌减少;油脂去除率提高了15%~21%,CODCr去除率提高了20%~23.5%;RISA分析表明,投加的强化菌5d后在系统中还能被检测到,但在第8d时,强化菌的特征谱带已检测不到。结论:投加的强化菌对系统原有菌群结构产生的影响很小;本实验数据可为生物强化技术应用于实际污水处理提供参考。  相似文献   

微生物技术在医疗废水处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医院污水含有多种病菌、病毒及寄生虫,其直接危害和潜在危害都是显而易见的,因此,进行医疗废水治理,已成为当务之急。微生物处理主要是通过采用活性污泥法、生物接触氧化法、膜生物反应器、曝气生物滤池法等对污水进行处理,从而有效去除水中的有机物,破坏病原微生物赖以生存的物质基础和保障消毒效果。不同的处理工艺各有优缺,适合于不同规模的医院。  相似文献   

Sludge minimisation technologies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The treatment and disposal of excess sludge represents a bottleneck of wastewater treatment plants all over the world, due to environmental, economic, social and legal factors. There is therefore a growing interest in developing technologies to reduce the wastewater sludge generation. The goal of this paper is to present the state-of-the-art of current minimisation techniques for reducing sludge production in biological wastewater treatment processes. An overview of the main technologies is given considering three different strategies: The first option is to reduce the production of sludge by introducing in the wastewater treatment stage additional stages with a lower cellular yield coefficient compared to the one corresponding to the activated sludge process (lysis-cryptic growth, uncoupling and maintenance metabolism, predation on bacteria, anaerobic treatment). The second choice is to act on the sludge stage. As anaerobic digestion is the main process in sewage sludge treatment for reducing and stabilising the organic solids, two possibilities can be considered: introducing a pre-treatment process before the anaerobic reaction (physical, chemical or biological pre-treatments), or modifying the digestion configuration (two-stage and temperature-phased anaerobic digestion, anoxic gas flotation). And, finally, the last minimisation strategy is the removal of the sludge generated in the activated sludge plant (incineration, gasification, pyrolysis, wet air oxidation, supercritical water oxidation).  相似文献   

为探究造纸废水活性污泥中微生物群落结构多样性以及对造纸废水处理效果的影响,利用Illumina MiSeq 高通量测序方法,分析在处理造纸废水过程中,同一运行阶段两个并联氧化沟内活性污泥的微生物群落与多样性组成。结果表明,系统中处理造纸废水的活性污泥在同一废水条件下微生物群落结构总体稳定,优势细菌为绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidota)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、Myxococcota、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)等。最重要的优势细菌类群为Chloroflexi,相对丰度占比为47.67%~48.22%,远远高于其他废水中Chloroflexi的占比,其中厌氧绳菌纲(Anaerolineae)是其主要成员,占比84.39%~88.34%,可针对性地去除造纸废水中的污染物。造纸废水活性污泥样品中存在大量特殊功能菌群,其在废水中污染物尤其是木质素的去除中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

Characterization and biological treatment of pickling industry wastewater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pickling industry wastewaters present unique difficulties in biological treatment because of high salt content (3–6% salt). Conventional activated sludge cultures disintegrate or loose microbial activity as a result of plasmolysis at salt concentrations above 1%. In order to overcome adverse effects of salt in pickling wastewater, salt tolerant bacteria (Halobacter halobium) was added to activated sludge culture and used in biological treatment of the wastewater in an activated sludge unit. After characterization and nutrient balancing of the wastewater, an activated sludge unit was used in laboratory to investigate the effects of major process variables such as sludge age and hydraulic residence time on performance of the system. Single stage and two stage activated processes were used for the treatment of the pickling wastewater. More than 95% of COD removal was obtained with a single stage process at a sludge age of θc=10?d and hydraulic residence time of θH=30?h. Similar results were obtained with the two stage process, when sludge ages and hydraulic residence times for each stage were θc1c2=10?d, and θH1H2=15?h, respectively. Kinetic coefficients were determined and the design equations were developed by using the experimental data.  相似文献   

Many sludge reduction processes have been studied for the minimization of sludge production in biological wastewater treatment. The investigations on most of these processes have monitored the increase of the soluble chemical oxygen demand, the sludge mass reduction, or the decrease of the floc size, but little information has been obtained on cell lysis and the change of the biological cell activity. However, employing any strategy for reducing sludge production may have an impact of microbial community in biological wastewater treatment process. This impact may influence the sludge characteristics and the quality of effluent. The objective of this study concerns the determination of the physiological state of activated sludge microorganisms during a sludge minimization process. A thermal treatment at 80 °C for 5, 20, 40 and 60 min was chosen in this study. Staining bacteria with CTC and SYTOX green was used to evaluate biological cell activity and viability of cell types contained in activated sludge, respectively. The monitoring of cell activity and viability was performed using flow cytometry (FCM) analysis before and after thermal treatment of activated sludge. Results indicated an increase in the number of permeabilized cells and a decrease in the number of active cells, subsequent to the thermal treatment. The study also confirms the potential of FCM to successfully evaluate the physiological heterogeneity of an activated sludge bacterial population. Moreover, the experimentally observed correlations between the FCM results and the organic matter solubilization in activated sludge samples during thermal treatment revealed that the increase in the soluble organic matter concentration was predominantly due to an intracellular material release. Identifying the increase in activated sludge hydrolysis requires a precise knowledge of the involved mechanisms, and this study indicated that the FCM, used in conjunction with specific probes, could be a useful tool.  相似文献   

The microbial communities of three sludge samples were identified by using a combined cloning-Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) method. Two communities were taken from the aerobic and the rotating biological contactor (RBC) of a novel hybrid system, named TNCU-I, which is a combined activated sludge-RBC bioprocess. The other sample was taken from the aerobic tank of a typical anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic (A2O) process. Acidovorax defluvii, Hydrogenophaga palleronii and Streptococcus suis were the most predominant bacteria, respectively, in TNCU-I activated sludge, TNCU-I RBC biofilm and A2O activated sludge, with abundances of 13.2%, 18.7% and 16.5%. Other predominant bacteria and their characteristics in wastewater treatment process are also described.  相似文献   

污水生物处理是一种利用微生物分解污水中的污染物、实现污水净化的方法。噬菌体是侵染细菌的病毒,在污水生物处理系统中广泛存在,它们能够特异性地控制微生物菌群,影响污水处理效果和调控污泥性状。因此,研究污水生物处理中噬菌体的分布及其功能具有重要意义。本文介绍了不同污水生物处理中噬菌体的分布,简要分析了噬菌体分离、培养与鉴定方法及其优缺点,详细总结了噬菌体在污水生物处理中的功能,包括:(1)调节微生物群落结构,影响污水处理效果;(2)作为环境监测的指示生物;(3)控制病原菌、污泥膨胀、污泥发泡和膜污染;(4)减少污泥产量,重点分析了影响噬菌体功能的因素,探讨了污水生物处理中噬菌体功能应用存在的问题及其解决方法,最后对噬菌体未来应用的发展方向进行了展望,以期为污水生物处理技术和工艺的开发与应用提供参考,促进污水处理健康发展。  相似文献   

随着有机氟化物在各领域的广泛应用,含氟有机废水处理面临巨大挑战。活性污泥作为有机废水处理的核心技术之一,微生物在其中发挥着极其重要的作用。本综述首先聚焦在活性污泥微生物群落多样性、组成、结构和功能及其与含氟废水类型、处理工艺和处理效率之间的关系,进而讨论了功能微生物降解/转化有机氟化物的途径和作用机制,最后展望了结合分离培养降解有机氟化物的关键微生物,以及微生物组学技术解析活性污泥微生物群落构建、互作、代谢等核心问题,以提高对含氟有机废水微生物降解机理的认识,优化含氟有机废水处理工艺。  相似文献   

The biodegradation-electron transfer with sulfur metabolism integrated (BESI®) process was used for the treatment of real flue gas desulfurization wastewater. The BESI® process consists of an anaerobic activated sludge reactor, an anoxic activated sludge reactor, and an aerobic bio-film reactor. The performance of the integrated process was evaluated by the removal efficiencies of organics and nitrogen pollutants. The sulfate in the wastewater was used as an abundant sulfur source to drive the integrated process. The removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, ammonia nitrogen, and total nitrogen of the integrated process were 87.99, 87.04, 30.77, and 45.17%, respectively. High-throughput 454-pyrosequencing was applied for the analysis of microbial communities in the integrated process. From the anaerobic activated sludge (Sample 1), anoxic activated sludge (Sample 2), and aerobic bio-film (Sample 3), totals of 1701, 1181, and 857 operational taxonomic units were obtained, respectively. The sulfur cycle was associated with the removal of organics and nitrogen pollutants. The sulfate-reducing bacteria participated in the organics removal in the anaerobic reactor, and the sulfide oxidation was related with the denitrification in the anoxic reactor. A complete nitrogen degradation chain was built in the integrated process. Through the degradation chain, the nitrogenous organic pollutants, ammonia nitrogen, and nitrate could be removed. The participant functional bacteria were also detected by pyrosequencing.  相似文献   

Soluble microbial products (SMPs) are considered as the main organic components in wastewater treatment plant effluent from biological wastewater treatment systems. To investigate and explore SMP metabolism pathway for further treatment and control, two innovative mechanistically based activated sludge models were developed by extension of activated sludge model no.3 (ASM3). One was the model by combining SMP formation and degradation (ASM3-SMP model) processes with ASM3, and the other by combining both SMP and simultaneous substrate storage and growth (SSSG) mechanisms with ASM3 (SSSG-ASM3-SMP model). The detailed schematic modification and process supplements were introduced for comprehensively understanding all the mechanisms involved in the activated sludge process. The evaluations of these two models were demonstrated by a laboratory-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR) operated under aerated/non-aerated conditions. The simulated and measured results indicated that SMP comprised about 83% of total soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) in which biomass-associated products (BAPs) were predominant compared with utilization-associated products (UAPs). It also elucidated that there should be a minimum SMP value as the reactive time increases continuously and this conclusion could be used to optimize effluent SCOD in activated sludge processes. The comparative results among ASM3, ASM3-SMP and SSSG-ASM3-SMP models and the experimental measurements (SCOD, ammonia and nitrate nitrogen) showed clearly the best agreement with SSSG-ASM3-SMP simulation values (R = 0.993), strongly suggesting that both SMP formation and degradation and SSSG mechanisms are necessary in biologically activated sludge modeling for municipal wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

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