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长春花(Catharanthus roseus)中含有丰富的次生代谢产物,可产生130多种萜类吲哚生物碱,包括目前临床应用最广的天然植物抗癌药物长春碱(vinblastine)和长春新碱(vincristine)。长春花萜类吲哚生物碱(terpenoid indole alkaloids,TIAs)合成途径包括在内韧皮部相关薄壁细胞、上皮细胞、异细胞和乳管细胞等多种组织细胞内进行的20多步酶促反应。本研究选取TIAs途径上的CPR、LAMT、SLS、STR、SGD、TDC、16-OMT、T16H、D4H等9个酶基因,基于长春花转录组数据库,分析其在各组织器官和MeJA处理下的无菌苗、毛状根和悬浮细胞中的数字表达谱,找出其中可能对MeJA信号响应的基因。本研究发现,MeJA处理后,长春花无菌苗中以上9个基因表达量均发生上调;毛状根中除了TDC,另外8个基因表达丰度均为上调;悬浮细胞中除了D4H,另外8个基因表达丰度均上调。对整个转录组数据进行分析,发现经过MeJA处理后,仅有673条Unigene能在无菌苗、毛状根和悬浮细胞中均表现出差异表达,说明无菌苗、毛状根和悬浮细胞的MeJA应答机制存在较大不同。对这些能在3种体系中均发生差异表达的基因进行功能分类,主要包括初生代谢相关蛋白、次生代谢相关蛋白、植物激素相关蛋白、矿质离子结合蛋白、转运蛋白、信号转导相关蛋白、细胞壁合成与降解相关蛋白、转录因子、植物逆境响应蛋白9个方面。本研究可为通过外源因子调控长春花生物碱的生物合成提供参考。  相似文献   

对长春花吲哚生物碱合成途径的基因工程研究进行了综述。研究人员为探索利用长春花大量生产抗肿瘤药物长春碱和长春新碱等,对长春花吲哚生物碱的合成途径展开了深入的研究,克隆和鉴定了多个编码合成途径关键酶的基因,并研究了相关转录因子对该合成途径基因表达的调控作用;另外,一些关键基因和转录因子已被用于长春花吲哚生物碱代谢途径的遗传改造,相关研究显示利用基因工程手段提高长春花药用成分含量的可行性。  相似文献   

转录因子是一类在生物生命活动过程中起到调控作用的重要因子,参与了各种信号转导和调控过程,可以直接或间接结合在顺式作用元件上,实现调控目标基因转录效率的抑制或增强,从而使植物在应对逆境胁迫下做出反应。 WRKY转录因子在大多数植物体内都有分布,是一类进化非常保守的转录因子家族,参与植物生长发育以及响应逆境胁迫的生理过程。众多研究表明,WRKY转录因子在植物中能够应答各种生物胁迫,如细菌、病毒和真菌等;多种非生物胁迫,包括高温、冷害、高光和高盐等;以及在各种植物激素,包括茉莉酸( JA)、水杨酸( SA)、脱落酸( ABA)和赤霉素( GA)等,在其信号传递途径中都起着重要作用。 WRKY转录因子家族蛋白至少含有一段60个氨基酸左右的高度保守序列,被称为WRKY结构域,其中WRKYGQK多肽序列是最为保守的,因此而得名。该转录因子的WRKY结构域能与目标基因启动子中的顺式作用元件W ̄box( TTGAC序列)特异结合,从而调节目标基因的表达,其调控基因表达主要受病原菌、虫咬、机械损伤、外界胁迫压力和信号分子的诱导。该文介绍了植物WRKY转录因子在植物应对冷害、干旱、高盐等非生物胁迫与病菌、虫害等生物胁迫反应中的重要调控功能,并总结了WRKY转录因子在调控这些逆境胁迫反应过程中的主要生理机制。  相似文献   

转录因子是一类在生物生命活动过程中起到调控作用的重要因子,参与了各种信号转导和调控过程,可以直接或间接结合在顺式作用元件上,实现调控目标基因转录效率的抑制或增强,从而使植物在应对逆境胁迫下做出反应。WRKY转录因子在大多数植物体内都有分布,是一类进化非常保守的转录因子家族,参与植物生长发育以及响应逆境胁迫的生理过程。众多研究表明,WRKY转录因子在植物中能够应答各种生物胁迫,如细菌、病毒和真菌等;多种非生物胁迫,包括高温、冷害、高光和高盐等;以及在各种植物激素,包括茉莉酸(JA)、水杨酸(SA)、脱落酸(ABA)和赤霉素(GA)等,在其信号传递途径中都起着重要作用。WRKY转录因子家族蛋白至少含有一段60个氨基酸左右的高度保守序列,被称为WRKY结构域,其中WRKYGQK多肽序列是最为保守的,因此而得名。该转录因子的WRKY结构域能与目标基因启动子中的顺式作用元件Wbox(TTGAC序列)特异结合,从而调节目标基因的表达,其调控基因表达主要受病原菌、虫咬、机械损伤、外界胁迫压力和信号分子的诱导。该文介绍了植物WRKY转录因子在植物应对冷害、干旱、高盐等非生物胁迫与病菌、虫害等生物胁迫反应中的重要调控功能,并总结了WRKY转录因子在调控这些逆境胁迫反应过程中的主要生理机制。  相似文献   

MYB转录因子是植物最大的转录因子家族之一,广泛参与植物的生长发育、逆境胁迫和次生代谢产物积累。该研究通过同源比对和功能注释,在地黄(Rehmannia glutinosa)转录组中筛选出MYB的转录本,设计特异性引物对MYB基因的cDNA序列进行PCR扩增,用水杨酸(SA)、Ag+、茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)和腐胺(Put)这4种诱导子处理地黄毛状根,并通过实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)检测候选MYB基因的表达。结果显示:(1)成功克隆到1个地黄MYB基因,命名为RgMYB10;该基因编码247个氨基酸残基,蛋白质相对分子质量28.48 kD,等电点为5.14,属于R2R3-MYB转录因子。(2)qRT-PCR结果显示,RgMYB10在须根中表达量最高,其次为茎,块根中的表达量最低。(3)RgMYB10在MeJA处理后的毛状根中显著上调表达,为特异响应MeJA诱导的基因,推测RgMYB10基因可能是响应MeJA参与地黄毛蕊花糖苷生物合成的关键转录因子。研究表明,地黄MYB10基因可能参与地黄毛蕊花糖苷的生物合成,为进一步研究MYB10基因在地黄毛蕊花糖苷合成中的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

萜类吲哚生物碱(terpeniod indole alkaloids, TIAs)是植物中产生的一类具有药理活性的次生代谢产物.药用植物长春花(Catharanthus roseus)因含有长春碱和长春新碱等重要的抗肿瘤萜类吲哚生物碱而成为研究TIAs次生代谢的主要模式植物.应用正、反向遗传学和各种代谢组学技术对长春花TIAs次生代谢途径及其调控进行了较深入的研究,相继鉴定了参与TIAs代谢途径调控的CrORCAs、CrMYCs、CrZCTs和CrWRKYs等转录因子,特别是发现茉莉素(jasmonates, JAs)介导TIAs生物合成的转录调控网络. 本文以长春花TIAs生物合成途径为模式,重点论述其代谢途径中的关键酶、参与调节的转录因子,尤其是茉莉素介导的调控网络及机制,解析植物中这些天然抗癌生物碱合成积累水平低的制约因素和组织细胞特异性,讨论基于这些新知识的长春花抗肿瘤TIAs代谢工程策略和工厂化绿色生产前景.  相似文献   

WRKY基因家族是主要存在于植物中的一大类转录调控因子,拥有很多家族成员.拟南芥WRKY25属于第Ⅰ类WRKY蛋白,参与植物生物和非生物胁迫反应.通过GUS染色和qRT-PCR发现WRKY25基因主要在根,叶和茎生叶中表达.过量表达WRKY25的转基因植株在长光照下比野生型拟南芥提前开花.通过RT-PCR检测与开花时间相关基因发现,AP1基因的表达量在培养21 d和27d的WRKY25过量表达植株中上调,由此推测WRKY25很可能通过增强AP1的表达来影响开花.  相似文献   

WRKY蛋白是一类在植物生长发育过程及生物与非生物胁迫过程中起重要调控作用的转录因子。该研究利用石榴全基因组数据,采用生物信息学的方法,对石榴WRKY转录因子家族成员蛋白理化性质、系统进化、基因结构、保守基序、顺式作用元件、蛋白互作及基因共表达和转录组表达模式进行系统分析。结果共鉴定出69个PgWRKY基因;分组鉴定和进化分析显示WRKY蛋白可分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ共三大类型。顺式作用元件分析表明,PgWRKY基因广泛参与到非生物胁迫中;蛋白互作网络与共表达分析暗示PgWRKY基因在同一胁迫应答中可能作用一致并同时诱导表达;RNA-Seq数据分析表明,PgWRKY基因有一定的组织表达特异性,广泛参与植物营养、生殖生长以及根部逆境胁迫应答过程。  相似文献   

采用反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC)对23个长春花品种中的重要萜类吲哚生物碱文多灵、长春质碱和长春碱含量进行了测定,发现这3种生物碱的含量在不同品种中存在较大差异。相关性分析表明,文多灵、长春质碱和长春碱这3种生物碱中,文多灵含量和长春碱含量有极显著的相关性(P0.01)。利用RT-PCR分析了香叶醇10-脱羧酶基因(g10h)和异胡豆苷合成酶基因(str)在萜类吲哚生物碱含量有显著差异的品种之间的表达水平差异,并结合生物碱含量数据结果,发现g10h和str的表达水平和文多灵和长春质碱的总含量有显著的正相关性(P0.05),说明g10h和str基因可以作为长春花中文多灵和长春质碱含量的参考基因标记。该研究对为选育高萜类吲哚生物碱含量长春花品种及长春花萜类吲哚生物碱代谢工程具有重要意义。  相似文献   

植物中逆境反应相关的WRKY转录因子研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李冉  娄永根 《生态学报》2011,31(11):3223-3231
WRKY转录因子是植物体内一类比较大的转录因子家族,它在植物的生长发育以及抗逆境反应中起着非常重要的作用。本文综述了WRKY转录因子在植物应对冻害、干旱、盐害等非生物胁迫与病原菌、虫害等生物胁迫反应中的重要调控功能,并概括了WRKY转录因子在调控这些逆境反应中的机制。  相似文献   

Geraniol 10-hydroxylase (G10H) is a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase involved in the biosynthesis of iridoid monoterpenoids and several classes of monoterpenoid alkaloids found in a diverse range of plant species. Catharanthus roseus (Madagascar periwinkle) contains monoterpenoid indole alkaloids, several of which are pharmaceutically important. Vinblastine and vincristine, for example, find widespread use as anti-cancer drugs. G10H is thought to play a key regulatory role in terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthesis. We purified G10H from C. roseus cells. Using degenerate PCR primers based on amino acid sequence information we cloned the corresponding cDNA. The encoded CYP76B6 protein has G10H activity when expressed in C. roseus and yeast cells. The stress hormone methyljasmonate strongly induced G10h gene expression coordinately with other terpenoid indole alkaloid biosynthesis genes in a C. roseus cell culture.  相似文献   

We have established Catharanthus roseus hairy root cultures transgenic for the rol ABC genes from T(L)-DNA of the agropine-type Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain A4. The rol ABC hairy root lines exhibit a wild-type hairy root syndrome in terms of growth and morphology on solid medium. However, they differ from wild-type hairy root lines in that they more frequently have excellent adaptability to liquid medium and do not appear to form calli during cultivation. Moreover, they do not produce detectable levels of mannopine and agropine which, in contrast, are often synthesized abundantly in wild-type hairy root lines. The absence of these opines does not appear to cause the rol ABC lines to have higher levels of terpenoid indole alkaloids than wild-type hairy root lines. Unlike wild-type lines, rol ABC lines produce very similar levels of total alkaloids despite wide variations in individual alkaloid contents. This work demonstrates that the three genes rol ABC are sufficient to induce high-quality hairy roots in Catharanthus roseus.  相似文献   

Among the pharmacologically important terpenoid indole alkaloids produced by Catharanthus roseus are the anti-cancer drugs vinblastine and vincristine. These two drugs are produced in small yields within the plant, which makes them expensive to produce commercially. Metabolic engineering has focused on increasing flux through this pathway by various means such as elicitation, precursor feeding, and introduction of genes encoding specific metabolic enzymes into the plant. Recently in our lab, a feedback-resistant anthranilate synthase alpha subunit was over-expressed in C. roseus hairy roots under the control of a glucocorticoid inducible promoter system. Upon induction we observed a large increase in the indole precursors, tryptophan, and tryptamine. The current work explores the effects of over-expressing the anthranilate synthase alpha or alpha and beta subunits in combination with feeding with the terpenoid precursors 1-deoxy-D-xylulose, loganin, and secologanin. In feeding 1-deoxy-D-xylulose to the hairy root line expressing the anthranilate synthase alpha subunit, we observed an increase of 125% in h?rhammericine levels in the induced samples, while loganin feeding increased catharanthine by 45% in the induced samples. Loganin feeding to the hairy root line expressing anthranilate synthase alpha and beta subunits increases catharanthine by 26%, ajmalicine by 84%, lochnericine by 119%, and tabersonine by 225% in the induced samples. These results suggest that the terpenoid precursors to the terpenoid indole alkaloids are important factors in terpenoid indole alkaloid production.  相似文献   

In plants, the indole pathway provides precursors for a variety of secondary metabolites. In Catharanthus roseus, a decarboxylated derivative of tryptophan, tryptamine, is a building block for the biosynthesis of terpenoid indole alkaloids. Previously, we manipulated the indole pathway by introducing an Arabidopsis feedback-insensitive anthranilate synthase (AS) alpha subunit (trp5) cDNA and C. roseus tryptophan decarboxylase gene (TDC) under the control of a glucocorticoid-inducible promoter into C. roseus hairy roots [Hughes, E.H., Hong, S.-B., Gibson, S.I., Shanks, J.V., San, K.-Y. 2004a. Expression of a feedback-resistant anthranilate synthase in Catharanthus roseus hairy roots provides evidence for tight regulation of terpenoid indole alkaloid levels. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 86, 718-727; Hughes, E.H., Hong, S.-B., Gibson, S.I., Shanks, J.V., San, K.-Y. 2004b. Metabolic engineering of the indole pathway in Catharanthus roseus hairy roots and increased accumulation of tryptamine and serpentine. Metabol. Eng. 6, 268-276]. Inducible expression of either or both transgenes did not lead to significant increases in overall alkaloid levels despite the considerable accumulation of tryptophan and tryptamine. In an attempt to more successfully engineer the indole pathway, a wild type Arabidopsis ASbeta subunit (ASB1) cDNA was constitutively expressed along with the inducible expression of trp5 and TDC in C. roseus hairy roots. Transgenic hairy roots expressing both trp5 and ASB1 show a significantly greater resistance to feedback inhibition of AS activity by tryptophan than plants expressing only trp5. In fact, a 4.5-fold higher concentration of tryptophan is required to achieve 50% inhibition of AS activity in plants overexpressing both genes than in plants expressing only trp5. In addition, upon a 3 day induction during the exponential phase, a trp5:ASB1 hairy root line produced 1.8 times more tryptophan (specific yield ca. 3.0 mg g(-1) dry weight) than the trp5 hairy root line. Concurrently, tryptamine levels increase up to 9-fold in the induced trp5:ASB1 line (specific yield ca. 1.9 mg g(-1) dry weight) as compared with only a 4-fold tryptamine increase in the induced trp5 line (specific yield ca. 0.3 mg g(-1) dry weight). However, endogenous TDC activities of both trp5:ASB1 and trp5 lines remain unchanged irrespective of induction. When TDC is ectopically expressed together with trp5 and ASB1, the induced trp5:ASB1:TDC hairy root line accumulates tryptamine up to 14-fold higher than the uninduced line. In parallel with the remarkable accumulation of tryptamine upon induction, alkaloid accumulation levels were significantly changed depending on the duration and dosage of induction.  相似文献   

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