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<正> 1990年出版第4卷A,内容包括形态、分类及系统发育,生殖生物学及遗传学,发育生物学及生理学,生态学及采集、保存、饲养、制片技术。第4卷B内容包括天敌:致病真菌、捕食者及内外  相似文献   

《当前优先发展的高技术产业化重点领域指南(2007年度)》发布《当前优先发展的高技术产业化重点领域指南(2007年度)》已经国家发展改革委、科学技术部、商务部、国家知识产权局联合修订,日前发布,其中涉及“生物技术”的部分主要包括:生物反应及分离技术、发酵工程关键技术及重大产品、新型疫苗、重大疾病防治创新药物、基因工程药物、单克隆抗体系列产品与检测试剂、新型给药技术及药物新剂型、计划生育药具、中药材及饮片、中药制品、中药制药工艺及设备、生物医学材料、新型医用精密诊断及治疗设备、医学信息技术及远程医疗、生物芯片、…  相似文献   

BNP及NT-proBNP是诊断心衰的重要指标。近年来BNP及NT-proBNP与2型糖尿病关系的研究有了新的进展。我们收集近年来国内外关于2型糖尿病中BNP及NT-proBNP的相关文献并进行研究。结果显示2型糖尿病合并冠心病、高血压、糖尿病肾病患者BNP或NT-proBNP有升高趋势。单纯2型糖尿病及糖尿病视网膜病变患者以及低血糖患者BNP或NT-proBNP差异无统计学意义。高血压、年龄、性别、体重指数、肾功能及心脏结构功能改变是2型糖尿病患者BNP及NT-proBNP的影响因素。降糖药物对2型糖尿病患者BNP及NT-proBNP水平的研究尚少,糖尿病病程、FPG以及HbA1c对BNP及NT-proBNP的影响尚存在争议。BNP及NT-proBNP升高对2型糖尿病合并冠心病、高血压、糖尿病肾病患者病情评估,预后判断及诊治具有非常重要的意义。降糖药物、糖尿病病程、FPG以及HbA1c对BNP及NT-proBNP的影响需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的:评价血清CEA、CA199及CA153联合检测对肺癌诊断及分期的临床价值。方法:用化学发光分析法测定144例不同类型及分期的肺癌患者、92例肺良性疾病患者及76例健康体检者血清CEA、CA199及CA153水平的变化。结果:肺癌组血清CEA、CA199及CA153水平均高于正常对照组及肺良性疾病患者,有显著性差异,且TNM分期越晚,其水平越高;3项肿瘤标志联合检测可提高敏感性及准确性。结论:CEA、CA199及CA153联合检测可以为肺癌的诊断及分期提供有价值的实验室依据。  相似文献   

肠道微生物、茶及茶多酚与肥胖及并发症密切相关,它们之间的相互作用是食品、医疗、生物等领域的研究热点。本文就肠道微生物、茶及茶多酚以及它们之间的相互作用对肥胖及并发症的影响进行综述,阐明茶及茶多酚通过肠道微生物来调节肥胖及并发症的机理机制,以期为茶叶功能成分研究与产品开发提供依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中国45岁及以上居民膳食果糖的摄入状况及其食物来源。方法:利用2010—2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测中膳食调查数据,结合美国食物成分数据库和中国预包装食品中单体糖和总糖含量数据库中果糖和蔗糖数据,对34 264名45岁及以上居民的膳食果糖摄入状况及食物来源进行分析。结果:中国45岁及以上居民平均每日膳食总果糖的摄入量为8.29 g,其中游离状态果糖为4.78 g、结合状态果糖为3.51 g。膳食总果糖的摄入量随年龄的增加而降低,男性高于女性,城市高于农村。蔬菜类及制品、水果及制品、谷类及制品是膳食总果糖前三大类食物来源,共占膳食总果糖的69.72%。不同食物来源膳食果糖对总果糖的贡献在城市和农村间存在差异,城市居民来源的前三大类食物为水果及制品、蔬菜类及制品、零食类,农村居民为蔬菜类及制品、水果及制品、谷类及制品。结论:中国45岁及以上居民膳食总果糖的摄入量平均为8.29 g/d,处于相对较低水平。蔬菜类及制品、水果及制品、谷类及制品是其最主要的食物来源。  相似文献   

哺乳动物精子在雌性生殖道内及体外获能培养过程中伴随着胆固醇外流、质膜重组、离子通道调节及获能相关蛋白磷酸化状态改变等相关生理调节过程,其中信号通路及相应信号分子对精子获能及功能修饰起到重要调节作用,成为精子细胞超激活运动及完成受精作用的关键环节。根据近年来的研究报道,对哺乳动物精子获能过程中已知的信号通路、信号分子及调节因子、离子通道、存在的问题及未来研究主要方向进行综述,为精子体外培养及辅助生殖等提供理论参考。  相似文献   

常规PCR及RT-PCR已用于对虾DNA及RNA病毒检测,但存在费时、灵敏度较低、不能定量等问题。建立了TaqMan实时荧光定量PCR及RT-PCR方法,分别用于检测白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)、传染性皮下及造血组织坏死病毒(IHHNV)及桃拉综合征病毒(TSV)、黄头病毒(YHV)4种对虾病毒。与常规PCR及RT-PCR比较,所建立的TaqMan实时荧光定量PCR及RT-PCR检测上述4种对虾病毒不仅有很高的特异性,检测灵敏度也提高了10~100倍,同时还具有快速、简便、不污染环境、重复性好、实时定量等优点,可明显提高对虾病毒检验检疫工作质量及效率。  相似文献   

本文对近20年来红蓝草的化学成分、药理活性及开发应用情况进行了综述,红蓝草的化学成分主要包括主要含有黄酮、生物碱、苯丙素、三萜、甾体、苷类及挥发油等,具有食品着色剂、美容保健及中药新药的开发及应用价值。  相似文献   

HF人工熏气后佛手叶中光合速率及叶绿素、可溶性总糖、蔗糖、核酸、蛋白质含量均下降,淀粉及果糖含量上升;花中果糖、蔗糖、可溶性总糖及核酸含量均下降;果中的果糖、蔗糖及可溶性糖含量均上升,蛋白质含量下降.  相似文献   

In a continuing search for new compounds for the control of the vectors of schistosomiasis, we have tested the activity of some Brazilian medicinal plants as sources of molluscicidal natural compounds, using two molluscicidal bioassays. Twenty-seven crude extracts, from twenty-six species belonging to nineteen families, were tested. Seven extracts showed significant molluscicidal activity against Biomphalaria glabrata adults with DL50 values of less than 50 ppm, and five of them were very active in the test using egg masses. The species most active against B. glabrata adults (LD50 value = 3.65 ppm) and their egg masses (LD50 value = 0.13 ppm) was Derris sp. Annona muricata [LD50 value (adult) = 11.86 ppm and LD50 value (egg) = 49.62 ppm], Jatropha elliptica (from Goiás state) [LD50 value (adult) = 24.80 ppm and LD50 value (egg) = 3.03 ppm] and Renealmia exaltata [LD50 value (adult) = 28.03 ppm and LD50 value (egg) = 21.67 ppm], were also considered promising molluscicidal plants.  相似文献   

Influence of absorbed dose rate has been studied in BALB/c mice for early intestinal tolerance. After selective abdominal irradiation, LD50 at 5.5 days increases from 12.36 to 20.22 and 21.79 Gy when dose rate decreases from 0.61 to 0.054 and 0.026 Gy/mn. LD50 at 6.5 days increases from 12.05 to 19.22 and 21.58 Gy respectively. The LD50 ratios are then 1.6 and 1.8 for both endpoints. After total body irradiation. LD50 at 5.5 days increases from 9.92 to 15.20and 16.83 Gy when dose rate decreases from 0.56 to 0.049 and 0.024 Gy/mn. The corresponding LD50 ratios, i.e. 1.5 and 1.7, are then similar to the former ones. Increase of LD50 when decreasing dose rate is in agreement with that expected taking into account only repair of sublethal lesions, for the generally accepted cellular models.  相似文献   

The virulence of beta-hemolytic and non-hemolytic strains of Streptococcus mutans was studied in neonatal mice by LD50 determinations after intracerebral injection of the bacteria. Although the differences in LD50 values are small the results may indicate that beta-hemolytic S. mutans strains (mean LD50 of 6.3 X 10(7) c.f.u.) were more virulent than non-hemolytic S. mutans strains (mean LD50 of 47.7 X 10(7) c.f.u.). The LD50 values of other viridans streptococci varied between 4.8 and 10(7) c.f.u. Strains of S. pyogenes and S. agalactiae were highly virulent in this animal model with LD50 values lower than 10(5) c.f.u.  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) causes the disease botulism, which can be lethal if untreated. Previous work in our laboratory focused on developing Endopep-MS, a mass spectrometric-based endopeptidase method for the detection and differentiation of BoNT serotypes. We have expanded this effort to include an antibody capture method to partially purify and concentrate BoNT from serum and stool extract samples for the Endopep-MS assay. Because complex matrices such as serum and stool contain abundant endogenous proteases, this technique was needed to remove most proteases from the sample while concentrating BoNT from a sample size of 100 to 500 microl to 20 microl. When this antibody capture method is combined with the Endopep-MS reaction, limits of detection in 500mul of spiked human serum are 10 mouse LD50 (20 mouse LD50/ml) for BoNT A, 0.5 mouse LD50 (1 mouse LD50/ml) for BoNT B, 0.1 mouse LD50 (0.2 mouse LD50/ml) for BoNT E, and 0.5 mouse LD50 (1 mouse LD50/ml) for BoNT F. The limits of detection in spiked stool extracts are somewhat higher due to the high-protease environment of stool extract that also requires use of protease inhibitors. The entire method can be performed in as short a time as 4 h.  相似文献   

Levels of the amino acids GABA and glutamine were determined in the whole brain of the white albino rat Rattus norvegicus after daily injection of 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and 1/100 LD50 of cyolane. With 1/2 LD50 an increase in the level of both GABA and glutamine in the brain was recorded. Dose levels of 1/4 and 1/8 LD50 caused an increase in the level of GABA and a decrease in glutamine concentration followed by an increase from the 7th and 11th days for 1/4 and 1/8 LD50, respectively. The induced increase in GABA level started from the 2nd week for 1/16 and 1/32 LD50 and from the 3rd week for 1/100 LD50. Dose levels of 1/16, 1/32 and 1/100 LD50 caused a fluctuating increase in glutamine concentration starting from the 2nd, 3rd and 6th weeks, respectively, which was followed by a fluctuating decrease at the 9th week for 1/32 and 1/100 LD50. These findings support previous findings that the enhanced transformation of glutamic acid to GABA and glutamine is a result of a disturbance in the metabolism of the glutamic acid-GABA and the glutamic acid-glutamine systems in the rat brain.  相似文献   

Most immunological studies that utilize different strains of inbred mice following T. gondii infection fail to compensate for differences in host susceptibility to the size of the parasite innoculum. To address this concern, susceptible C57BL/6 and resistant CBA/J mice were orally infected with either an equivalent 50% lethal dose (LD50) of brain cysts of the 76K strain of T. gondii (15 cysts in C57BL/6, 400 cysts in CBA/J) or the same dose of parasites in each mouse strain. C57BL/6 mice receiving 400 cysts (LD50 of CBA/J mice) died post infection, whereas CBA/J mice that received 15 cysts (LD50 of C57BL/6 mice) survived. Parasite loads in the brains and serum Toxoplasma-specific IgG1 titers of LD50-infected C57BL/6 mice were significantly higher than those in LD50- or 15 cysts-infected CBA/J mice, whereas splenocyte proliferation to Toxoplasma antigen and the percentage of CD8 alpha+ T cells were reduced in LD50-infected C57BL/6 mice. In contrast, serum IgG2a and IgM titers, the percentage of gamma delta T cells and IFN-gamma expression of spleen of LD50-infected CBA/J mice were higher than those of either 15 cysts-infected CBA/J mice or LD50-infected C57BL/6 mice. These observations demonstrate that the immune response between LD50-infected C57BL/6 and CBA/J mice was more prominent when compared to C57BL/6 or CBA/J mice receiving the same parasite inoculum. These observations would suggest that caution must be excersized in the planning and interpretation of data when the size of the parasite inoculum has not been adjusted for mouse strain.  相似文献   

L A Kalish 《Biometrics》1990,46(3):737-748
The results of quantal dose-response experiments are often summarized by an estimate of the "median lethal dose," denoted LD50, and many sequential designs have been proposed for efficient estimation of LD50. These designs strive to produce a sequence of trials at dose levels that get closer and closer to LD50. Consequently, they may not provide very good estimates of the overall shape of the dose-response curve. In this paper we propose guidelines for the design of experiments that estimate LD50 fairly efficiently and that also allow for efficient global estimation of the curve.  相似文献   

An adequate assessment of scorpion and snake venom LD50 is an important step for accurate evaluation of antivenom sera potencies and the optimization of serotherapy. The LD50 variation of Tunisian scorpion (Androctonus australis garzonii: Aag and Buthus occitanus tunetanus: Bot) venoms with body weight, sex and strain (Swiss or C57BI/6) of mice used, the route of venom injection, the venom-milking procedures (manually or electrically) and the venom batches have been studied over a 7-year period (1990-1996). Aag venom is 3-4 times more toxic than Bot venom. However for both venoms, the LD50 determined in C57BI/6 mice, in small body weight animal or by intraperitoneal route were respectively significantly lower than those determined in Swiss mice, in high body weight or by subcutaneous route. Significant LD50 variations (25-50%) were also seen from one electrically prepared batch to another. A good correlation (r = 0.982) was observed between the concentrations of the crude venom toxic fraction determined by ELISA and LD50 values when assessed in vivo. The LD50 variation of Tunisian viper (Cerastes cerastes: Cc and Vipera lebetina: VI) venoms with the strain (Swiss or BALB/c), sex and body weight of mice used, the season and the year of venom milking were also investigated over a 3-year period (1990-1992). No significant LD50 variations were observed with the mouse strain, the sex or the season of venom milking. However, LD50 varies significantly with the year of the venom collection and the body weight of mice used. Furthermore, SDS-PAGE analysis shows annual variation for VI venom composition where no such variations were observed for Cc venom. These results stress the need either for the standardization of the venom LD50 evaluation or of the venom quality used for the development of an efficient antivenom.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest in studying the various effects of organophosphate insecticides in humans and experimental animals. Only a few data are available on the effect of the organophosphate insecticide, diazinon, on lipid metabolism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of diazinon on plasma lipid constituents in mammalian animals. The plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides (TG), and phospholipids (PL) were measured in albino rats that were orally treated with a single dose of diazinon at a level of LD(50) or with repeated daily doses at the levels of 1/2, 1/8, and 1/32 LD(50) for 2, 8, and 32 days, respectively. After a 24 h post-treatment with a single LD(50) dose of diazinon, TC was not significantly changed, the HDL-C and PL levels were significantly decreased, but the LDL-C and TG levels were significantly increased. Separate daily oral administrations of diazinon at 1/2 LD(50), 1/8 LD(50), and 1/32 LD(50) doses resulted in a significant decrease in HDL-C and PL, with no significant change in TG. The LDL-C levels were significantly increased and TC showed no significant change with 1/2 LD(50) and 1/32 LD(50) doses of diazinon, whereas a significant decrease in the levels of TC, HDL-C, as well as LDL-C, was observed with the 1/8 LD(50) dose. These data suggest that diazinon may interfere with lipid metabolism in mammals.  相似文献   

The role of lysosomal enzyme released by macrophages was examined in relation to the toxic effect caused by food yeast. Mouse peritoneal macrophages exposed to yeast in culture showed marked release of N-acetyl glucosaminidase, beta-galactosaminidase and beta-glucuronidase below the median lethal dose (LD50). LD50 was measured from the dose response curves of the cytoplasmic lactate dehydrogenase enzyme. Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed the highest LD50 followed by Kluyveromyces fragilis and Candida utilis yeast. LD50 values obtained as well as the in vitro lysosomal release by mouse peritoneal macrophages may be relevant to assess the toxic capacity of food yeast intended for human consumption.  相似文献   

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