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为研究近自然森林经营下的樟子松人工林不同林分类型对昆虫群落多样性的影响,本文以塞罕坝自然保护区内的樟子松纯林与混交林作为研究对象,对5种林分类型(樟子松、樟子松-落叶松、樟子松-白桦、樟子松-山荆子、樟子松-落叶松-白桦-山荆子-山刺玫)中的昆虫多样性进行分析.共获得昆虫标本9617头,隶属于7目70科195种,以双翅目、半翅目和鞘翅目为优势类群.5种不同林分类型中的昆虫物种均比较丰富,且各林分类型之间的昆虫群落结构均处于中等不相似水平,樟子松混交林内的昆虫物种数和个体数均高于纯林,但昆虫群落特征指数在不同林分类型之间无显著差异.主成分分析显示,植食性类群、捕食性类群和寄生性类群是构成昆虫群落结构的主要成分,且捕食性和寄生性等天敌类群对植食性类群的制约作用较强,各林分内昆虫群落结构均具有较高的稳定性.  相似文献   

扎龙湿地不同生境的昆虫多样性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Gu W  Ma L  Ding XH  Zhang J  Han ZW 《应用生态学报》2011,22(9):2405-2412
为了探讨湿地不同生境对昆虫物种多样性的影响,对扎龙湿地8种生境的昆虫进行了系统调查.共捕获昆虫5822只,分属11目58科143种,其中直翅目、双翅目、蜻蜒目为扎龙湿地的优势类群.不同生境中,草原草甸昆虫多样性最高,湖边生境多样性指数和均匀度指数均较高,杂草甸均最低.聚类分析和主分量分析结果表明,不同生境的昆虫群落相似性与水资源状况和植被类型有关,捕食性类群种类数和个体数量对昆虫群落稳定性具有重要的调控作用.湖边生境昆虫群落稳定性最强,湿草甸稳定性最弱.湿地水资源状况能影响昆虫生存生境,进而影响昆虫群落的组成和分布格局.  相似文献   

不同林分类型对昆虫群落多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究近自然森林经营下的华北落叶松人工林不同林分类型对昆虫群落多样性的影响,以塞罕坝自然保护区内的华北落叶松纯林和混交林作为研究对象,对6种不同林分类型中的昆虫群落结构进行了研究。共获得昆虫标本9542头,隶属于7目,68科,187种,以双翅目、半翅目和鞘翅目为优势类群。研究结果表明:6种林分类型中的昆虫在物种和个体数上存在差异,相似性分析显示群落结构均不相似;群落多样性指数分析表明华北落叶松纯林和其它类型的混交林均具有较高的丰富度指数和多样性指数;主成分分析表明各林分类型中捕食性类群和寄生性类群是影响昆虫群落结构的主要因素,且捕食性类群和寄生性类群对植食性类群的控制作用较强;稳定性分析显示6种林分类型昆虫群落结构均具有较高的稳定性。  相似文献   

濒危植物四合木(Tetraena mongolica)为我国特有的蒺藜科单种属落叶小灌木.对四合木林地昆虫群落进行了调查,共得昆虫标本11363号,263种.隶属于67个科(或总科)11个目.同翅目的个体数量和优势度指数最高;膜翅目的物种丰富度和多样性指数最大;双翅目的均匀度最大.数量优势类群(>10%)为木虱和叶蝉类,常见类群(1%~10%)是象甲、小蜂、粒脉蜡蝉、拟步甲、蚂蚁、蝽科、皮蝽、盲蝽、斑翅蝗科昆虫.营养结构中植食性类群在种类和数量上占绝对优势,其中的吸食类昆虫优势度最大;天敌昆虫以寄生性类群为主,多样性最高;捕食性和中性昆虫的种类和数量相对较少,但捕食者的均匀度最高.灌木层与草本层相比,灌木层昆虫群落的物种丰富度和个体数量明显占优;优势种的优势度大.而草本层昆虫群落的多样性和均匀度高.2层整体的相似性低.膜翅目的共有种最多.  相似文献   

长白山阔叶红松林昆虫多样性研究   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
通过季节性观察,系统地研究了长白山阔叶红松林昆虫类群及其多样性.结果表明,长白山阔叶红松林已知的森林昆虫26目131科1162属1960种,其中森林害虫11目105科881种、重要森林害虫638种;森林昆虫群落中植食性昆虫类群总数所占比重最大,天敌昆虫群落中以捕食性类群总数所占比重最大.植食类群、寄生性类群和捕食类群全年的均匀度指数分别为0.884、0.830和0.806.各类群问季节变动系数的大小顺序为捕食类群>寄生性类群>植食类群.  相似文献   

生物多样性监测和保护过程中通常用到指示类群,然而对于这些指示类群有效性的测度仍然十分欠缺.为探讨不同类群水生昆虫群落的一致性及空间因子、环境变量的相对影响,作者于2010年4月对东苕溪流域源头溪流21个采样点进行了调查.共记录水生昆虫7目44科92属130种.我们将水生昆虫群落划分成鞘翅目(C)、蜉蝣目+襀翅目+毛翅目(EPT)和双翅目+广翅目+蜻蜒目(DMO)3个类群.一致性分析结果表明:3个类群的群落一致性(r)较高,分别为C对EPTr=0.65 (P<0.001)、C对DMO r=0.67 (P<0.001)、EPT对DMO r=0.82 (P<0.001).方差分解表明环境变量是影响不同类群水生昆虫群落结构的主要因素,空间因子的影响相对较小.环境因子中影响不同类群水生昆虫群落的关键变量大体相似,其中海拔、pH、平均流速和化学需氧量是最主要的驱动因子.我们的结果表明该研究区域不同类群的水生昆虫群落一致性很高,且对环境变量的响应也相似;因此,在水生昆虫生物多样性保护中可考虑利用其中的某一类群,如蜉蝣目+襀翅目+毛翅目(EPT)类群,作为有效的指示类群.  相似文献   

为了研究小兴安岭地区处于森林恢复期的典型人工林与原始林昆虫群落的结构,对位于凉水自然保护区的4种典型林型的昆虫群落进行了系统调查.共采集昆虫标本11712号,隶属于10目81科293种,其中膜翅目、双翅目、鞘翅目为优势类群.对不同林型昆虫群落稳定性分析得知,落叶松人工林和原始阔叶红松林昆虫群落结构相对于其他林型更为稳定.主分量分析表明,各林型中捕食性昆虫和中性昆虫对昆虫群落稳定性发挥着关键性作用,增加捕食性昆虫种类和数量能增强昆虫群落的稳定性.昆虫群落的极点排序表明,红松人工林和原始阔叶红松林环境差异相对较小.  相似文献   

麦田昆虫群落结构及多样性的季节动态   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
通过2年对麦田昆虫群落的系统调查,共查得昆虫11目、62科1、13种,其中植食类51种、捕食类23种、寄生类24种、腐食和食血类15种,种类数和个体数分别占群落总数的45.13,20.35,21.24,13.27%和92.89,2.19,3.63,1.35%。麦田昆虫群落可划分为4个营养层、6个功能团和19个类群,麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae(Fabricius)是绝对的优势种,其数量变动决定着总群落结构和多样性的季节动态。麦田昆虫群落多样性表现为前期和后期高、中期低的时间格局,类群多样性与物种多样性的变化趋势最为相似,可用类群多样性代替物种多样性进行群落分析。  相似文献   

蛾蛉类昆虫是脉翅目中化石记录最完整的的类群之一,现生类群蛾蛉、美蛉和山蛉统称为蛾蛉科,但是现生类群与化石类群分类标准的不一致性,为蛾蛉类昆虫化石研究带来较大的困难。本文统计了世界已发现的蛾蛉类昆虫化石属种名录,介绍了蛾蛉类昆虫化石研究历史、地质年代及地理分布、系统发育研究进程,并提出了现今有待解决的问题以及对未来研究的展望。  相似文献   

吴东辉  张柏  陈鹏 《生态学杂志》2007,26(1):131-134
对吉林省中西部平原典型农林用地进行土壤昆虫幼虫调查。结果表明,中部平原土壤昆虫幼虫类群数和个体数量显著高于西部平原,中部平原与西部平原土壤昆虫幼虫个体数量差别主要表现在步甲科、拟球甲科和大蚊科3个类群,农田和居民点园地土壤昆虫幼虫类群数量和个体数量明显低于防护林,耕作活动使土壤昆虫幼虫个体数量土壤剖面分布更均匀,鞘翅目幼虫、双翅目幼虫和鳞翅目幼虫对农林用地方式变化的反应存在差异。  相似文献   

The present work is designed to study diversity of five insect orders (viz., Hemiptera, Orthoptera, aculeate Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Coleoptera) in the industrial region of Haldia (India) and in non-industrial area of the same district and to evaluate the impact of industrialization on the biodiversity of those insect orders. The objective also extended to find out the possibility of existence of bioindicator, if any. Eight study sites were selected from the East part of Midnapur district covering 40 km aerial distance. Out of eight different study sites, five were distributed in and around Haldia industrial complex and three in industry-free area. During this study, a total of 120 species under 98 genera in 37 families of insects were collected. Binary data of 5 orders revealed that the species richness of Hemiptera, Orthoptera and Lepidoptera is higher in non-industrial zone in comparison to that of industrial zone. Aculeate Hymenoptera shows no particular trend whereas Coleoptera shows higher species richness in industrial areas. Results of multivariate analyses are compared with the species richness data for all the eight study sites. It is concluded that even in an apparently homogeneous ecological condition species richness may drastically change with the influence of industries. Total insect fauna decline by at least 23.33% is noticed in industrial areas. It is found that some species of lepidopteran, hemipteran and orthopteran insects are susceptible to industrial pollution and some of the members of these orders may be considered as a bioindicator group.  相似文献   

The effect of industrial pollution on soil free-living nematode communities, trophic groups, and taxon composition was investigated along an 18-km transect that included the Angren power plant, a gold-refinery plant, farm areas, and recreation areas. Soil samples were collected in May 2005 and October 2006 from the upper (0–10 and 10–20 cm) soil layers in downwind directions from the industrial complex emission sources of the Angren industrial sites.Direct and indirect (through soil property changes), separate and integrated effects of industrial pollution and livestock activity on the soil nematode community were found. The total number of nematodes was found to be negatively correlated with the amounts of chemical elements in soil and positively correlated with the calcium concentration in soil. The nematode communities, trophic diversity, and taxon composition were found to be affected by the variety and concentration of chemical elements.The widely used ecological indices applied in the present research were sensitive to environmental disturbances caused by industrial pollution as well as livestock activity. The Wasilewska index, nematode channel ratio, and maturity index were mostly affected by trace metal concentration, while the diversity indices and species richness were mostly affected by soil property changes. The nematode channel ratio indicated that the bacterial-based decomposition process was dominant in soils exposed to both strong industrial pollution and livestock activity. The diversity indices indicated the disappearance of rare species in the industrial area and an increase of the contribution of common nematodes with increasing depth and distance from the unfavorable area. The current study confirmed that the grazing in accompaniment to industrial pollution, intensify a negative effect on soil nematode communities.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most widely used yeast in industrial/commercial food and beverage production and is even consumed as a nutritional supplement. Various cases of fungemia caused by this yeast species in severely debilitated traumatized or immune-deficient patients have been reported in recent years, suggesting that this species could be an opportunistic pathogen in such patients. To determine whether the industrial S. cerevisiae strains can be included in this virulent group of strains, we carried out a comparative study between clinical and industrial yeasts based on the various phenotypic traits associated with pathogenicity in two other yeast species (Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans). The majority of the clinical isolates were found to secrete higher levels of protease and phospholipase, grow better at 42°C and show strong pseudohyphal growth relative to industrial yeasts. However three industrial yeast strains, one commercial wine strain, baker’s yeast and one commercial strain of S. cerevisiae (var. boulardii), were exceptions and based on their physiological traits these yeasts would appear to be related to clinical strains.  相似文献   

Monitoring for wild yeast contaminants is an essential component of the management of the industrial fuel ethanol manufacturing process. Here we describe the isolation and molecular identification of 24 yeast species present in bioethanol distilleries in northeast Brazil that use sugar cane juice or cane molasses as feeding substrate. Most of the yeast species could be identified readily from their unique amplification-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fingerprint. Yeast of the species Dekkera bruxellensis, Candida tropicalis, Pichia galeiformis, as well as a species of Candida that belongs to the C. intermedia clade, were found to be involved in acute contamination episodes; the remaining 20 species were classified as adventitious. Additional physiologic data confirmed that the presence of these major contaminants cause decreased bioethanol yield. We conclude that PCR fingerprinting can be used in an industrial setting to monitor yeast population dynamics to early identify the presence of the most important contaminant yeasts.  相似文献   

Penicillium species are a widespread source of biologically active compounds and enzymes which are exploited in biotechnologies. The ongoing discovery of new species, their biochemical and molecular characterization, and the application of the new findings in diverse industrial processes stimulate an increasing interest of patentees worldwide. An overview of the patents released in the last four years in agriculture, bioremediation, and in several industrial fields for the production of biofuels, food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals is proposed for an exhaustive appreciation of the potential cues offered to inventors by these fungi.  相似文献   

Cephalosporium acremonium has been widely applied in industrial cephalosporin C fermentation. However, little is known about the molecular basis of fermentation behavior of this strain. In this study, comparative lipidomic analysis using LC/ESI/MSn technology was employed to investigate responses of Cephalosporium acremonium to multiple environment variations in realistic industrial cephalosporin C fermentation process and provide molecular basis for the discrepancies between industrial and pilot fermentations. Totally 77 phospholipids species were detected and 65 species were further quantified. Score plot revealed that phospholipids metabolism differed in industrial and pilot process. Loading pilot indicated that the main variables responsible for the discrimination of industrial and pilot process were phosphatidylinositols (PIs), phosphatidylserines (PSs) and phosphatic acids (PAs). Higher PIs content in industrial process indicated that cells were more vigorous in industrial process than those in pilot process. Larger increases of PSs, PAs and ratio of oleic acid to linoleic acid coincided well with the earlier and more thorough cellular morphological differentiation in industrial process. The synergetic reaction between cellular behavior and cells living environment led to titer discrepancies between industrial and pilot process. These findings provided lipidomic insights into industrial cephalosporin C production.  相似文献   

Oil sands mining is a major disturbance to boreal landscapes in north-eastern Alberta, Canada. Freshwater peatlands dominate the landscape prior to mining, but the post-mining reclamation landscape will have wetlands that span a salinity gradient. Little is known about the native vegetation communities in subsaline and saline marshes in the boreal region, yet these communities offer the best potential for reclamation of wetlands after oil sands mining. The overall intent of this study is to provide information on natural wetland communities along a gradient of salinities that can be used to enhance oil sands wetland reclamation. Our specific study objectives were to: (1) characterize environmental conditions of industrial and natural wetlands, (2) characterize vegetation communities (composition and diversity) in these wetlands, (3) and explore how vegetation communities (composition and diversity) may be influenced by environmental conditions. We surveyed vegetation communities and environmental variables in 25 natural boreal wetlands along a salinity gradient and in 10 industrial marshes in the oil sands mining region. We observed an electrical conductivity (EC) range of 0.5-28 mS cm−1 in the wetlands, indicating that salinity similar to or higher than anticipated for oil sands reclamation is naturally present in some boreal wetlands. We observed low species richness in both industrial and natural wetlands. There were 101 plant species observed in all the wetlands, with 82 species recorded in the natural wetlands and 44 species in industrial wetlands. At the plot level, richness decreased with increasing EC and pH, but increased with soil organic matter. Using Cluster Analysis and indicator species analysis we defined 16 distinct vegetation community types, each dominated by one or two species of graminoid vegetation. In general these communities resembled those of boreal or prairie marshes. Electrical conductivity, pH, and water depth were important factors correlating with community composition of the wetlands, however peat depth and soil organic content did not differ among community types. Not all community types were present in industrial wetlands, indicating that these communities may need to be planted to enhance overall diversity in future reclaimed oil sands wetlands.  相似文献   

许喆  米文宝  米楠  樊新刚 《生态学报》2023,43(12):5060-5071
研究工业运输活动释放出的重金属元素对周边荒漠草原植被群落特征和土壤性状的关系,为工业活动影响下的荒漠草原植被恢复和重建提供科学依据。以宁夏盐池县高沙窝工业集中区邻近的荒漠草原为研究对象,结合前期土壤和降尘的重金属含量,根据内梅罗污染指数划分了五个污染梯度(梯度Ⅰ、梯度Ⅱ、梯度Ⅲ、梯度Ⅳ和梯度Ⅴ),采用野外调查和室内分析的方法,对比分析了不同污染梯度下的植被群落特征与土壤性状的关系。结果显示:在前三个污染梯度下物种组成相对较多,禾本科(Gramineae)、藜科(Chenopodiaceae)、豆科(Leguminosae)和菊科(Compositae)为优势科。其中,牛枝子(Lespedeza potaninii)和短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)的重要值分别为59.41和44.26,是研究区工业生产和交通运输影响下的主要物种。随着污染梯度的升高,植物群落均匀度指数显著下降(P<0.05),工业交通运输活动造成研究区荒漠草原植被组成单一,群落结构不稳定。表层土壤养分受重金属影响波动较大,土壤全氮和有机质是影响物种多样性指数的主要土壤因子,随着污染梯度的升高显著降低(P...  相似文献   

Water bodies of West Siberia mainly belong to the Ob River basin, which is not connected to other basins by shipping canals. The relative isolation of the basin predetermined the major role of industrial fisheries and aquarium trade in alien invertebrate transfer into the basin reservoirs. About 60% of the alien species were introduced into water bodies of West Siberia through industrial fisheries, and about 40% through aquarium fisheries. This paper is the first attempt to supplement a list of alien aquatic invertebrates from the Ob River basin. The data on the spread of 21 known non-indigenous species of invertebrates in this area are available. It should be noted that 7 species were deliberately introduced to enhance food reserves for fish, 8 were released by aquarists, 5 were inadvertently released during fish and forage organism introduction, and 1 (a crayfish) was imported for human consumption. For species with a known establishment period, there was a prolonged lag time in cases of both intentional and inadvertent introduction. The high invasion rate in the relatively isolated water bodies of the Ob River basin is comparable to that in Europe; hence, establishment of control over fishery-induced movement of alien invertebrates is required.  相似文献   

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