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通过截短玉米黑粉菌CYP51(P450-14DM,UmCYP51)基因(去除编码跨膜区部分)和选取不同的表达载体,构建了9种重组表达质粒,在大肠杆菌中进行UmCYP51基因的表达,发现只有BL21(DE3)/pET32-Um-35重组表达工程菌获得了表达.对稀有密码子和mRNA翻译起始区二级结构进行分析,结果表明稀有密码子和mRNA翻译起始区二级结构对UmCYP51蛋白的表达都有影响.适用于稀有密码子表达的菌株Rosetta(DE3)不利于UmCYP51蛋白的表达;同时只有翻译起始区二级结构自由能值最低的重组载体pET32-Um-35可以表达.为了设计以UmCYP51为靶标的新型抗真菌抑制剂,基于最新解析的真核生物人类的CYP51晶体结构,利用同源模建的方法构建了UmCYP51的三维结构并进行了分子动力学模拟优化.通过与商品化杀菌剂戊唑醇进行分子对接获得了此类抑制剂与UmCYP51的理论结合方式,阐述了戊唑醇分子的杀菌机理,为开发新型的抗真菌抑制剂奠定了基础.  相似文献   

目的:通过优化PET11b-s TNFαRI 5'mRNA翻译起始区(TIR)二级结构从而提高可溶性肿瘤坏死因子I型受体(sTNFαRI)在大肠杆菌[E.coli BL21(DE3)]中的表达水平。方法:通过对PET11b-s TNFαRI mRNA 5'端TIR区二级结构的自由能及核苷酸位置熵分析,设计相应的引物对mRNA 5'翻译起始区(TIR)相应密码子进行突变,从而使核糖体结合位点(RBS)及起始密码子(AUG)暴露于发夹结构之外,此外将p ET11b核糖体结合位点由GAAGGAGA突变为GAAGAA,以利于翻译复合体的组装以及翻译起始。通过基因克隆的方法将5'端TIR区优化后的序列与s TNFαRI序列一起克隆到p ET11b载体中,并转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),阳性转化子经IPTG诱导表达,SDS-PAGE和Western blot检测。结果:通过对PET11b-s TNFαRI 5'TIR mRNA二级结构优化,经SDS-PAGE和Western blot分析表明重组s TNFαRI的表达水平较优化前提高50%~60%。结论:通过对重组载体翻译起始区(TIR)mRNA序列的二级结构优化可以有效提高目的蛋白的表达水平,对进一步工业化生产具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:研究人β神经生长因子(β-NGF)基因中稀有密码子及其mRNA二级结构对其在大肠杆菌中表达量的影响。方法:根据对人β-ngf中稀有密码子及其mRNA二级结构的研究,同义突变人β-ngf基因,通过PCR得到人β-ngf的5’端同义突变基因rh-β-ngfp32和全同义突变基因rh-β-ngfmu,将这2个序列克隆入载体pET3a中,得到重组质粒pET3a-ngfp32和pET3a-ngfmu,分别转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)感受态,IPTG诱导表达,收集菌体,SDS-PAGE检测其表达量的改变。结果:构建的pET3a-ngfp32和pET3a-ngfmu表达载体酶切和测序结果正确,SDS-PAGE结果显示,与在重组菌pET3a-NGF总蛋白中的表达量相比,目的蛋白rh-β-NGF在重组菌pET3a-NGFP32和pET3a-NGFmu中的表达量均明显增高,并且在重组菌pET3a-NGFmu中的表达量高于重组菌pET3a-NGFP32。结论:目的蛋白rh-β-NGF在重组菌pET3a-NGFP32和pET3a-NGFmu中表达量的增高,说明人β-ngf基因中稀有密码子和mRNA的二级结构对其在大肠杆菌中的表达有较为明显的影响,结果为构建rh-β-NGF的大肠杆菌工程菌株奠定了基础。  相似文献   

降低mRNA翻译起始区的稳定性原核非融合表达HAb18GEF   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为在大肠杆菌中非融合表达肝癌相关抗原HAb18G胞外区片段(HAb18GEF),将HAb18GEF基因的cDNA插入原核表达载体pET21a+。通过计算机辅助设计,对重组的HAb18GEF/pET21a+的mRNA翻译起始区(TIR)的二级结构和密码子偏性同时进行预测。结果发现其存在稳定的茎环结构和许多稀有密码子。通过优化二级结构和优化密码子偏性二种策略分别来降低HAb18GEF/pET21a+的mRNA翻译起始区(TIR)的稳定性。在不改变氨基酸序列的前提下,利用密码子的简并性,通过非连续定点突变实现这两种优化。将突变前后的重组子经酶切鉴定和测序验证后,转化感受态JM109DE3宿主菌后,随机挑菌37℃下用IPTG诱导表达。SDSPAGE、间接ELISA、Western blot 和细胞分级分离法分析这些重组子的诱导表达情况。RNA dot blot对比分析优化前后目的基因mRNA的量。结果证明,成功地构建了HAb18GEF/pET21a+及其二种优化突变体。仅优化TIR区二级结构或仅优化TIR区密码子偏性均能实现HAb18GEF蛋白的非融合表达,而未优化的重组子不表达任何HAb18GEF。非融合表达产物在大肠杆菌中主要以包涵体形式存在,高达293%。由于过表达和细胞渗漏,培养基和周质腔中也可检测到少许的HAb18GEF。优化二级结构和优化密码子偏性二种策略的HAb18GEF的非融合表达量基本相同。优化前后HAb18GEF转录的mRNA量没有差别。这些结果表明,降低mRNA翻译起始区的稳定性可实现肝癌相关抗原HAb18G胞外区片段在大肠杆菌中的非融合表达。  相似文献   

稀有密码子影响人RNaseH-Apaf1融合蛋白原核表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过限制性内切酶克隆法构建两个pET-28a-TAT-RNaseH-Apaf1重组质粒,其中一个质粒经过稀有密码子的优化。将两个重组质粒分别转化原核表达宿主菌BL21(DE3)和Transetta(DE3),通过SDS-PAGE观察相应融合蛋白诱导表达的情况,并用His标签抗体和Apaf1抗体通过Western Blotting鉴定诱导蛋白。菌液PCR和测序证明经稀有密码子优化和未经稀有密码子优化的人源RNaseH-Apaf1序列成功重组到pET-28a-TAT载体中;经稀有密码子优化的重组质粒成功地在大肠杆菌宿主菌中表达RNaseH-Apaf1融合蛋白,并用Western Blotting检测到该融合蛋白。结果表明,稀有密码子可影响人RNaseH-Apaf1融合蛋白的原核表达。  相似文献   

D-氨基酸氧化酶(DAAO)是一种重要的工业酶。为了进一步提高DAAO在大肠杆菌中的可溶性和活性表达, 分别构建了麦芽糖结合蛋白(MBP)和透明颤菌血红蛋白与三角酵母DAAO (TvDAAO) 的N-端融合蛋白。其中, MBP融合蛋白MBP-TvDAAO在组成型(JM105/pMKC-DAAO)和诱导型菌株(JM105/pMKL-DAAO)中表达时, 目标蛋白的可溶性表达量分别达到全细胞蛋白表达量的28%以上和17%左右, 比无MBP融合的对照菌株BL21(DE3)/pET-DAAO分别提高3.7和1.8倍; 但其酶活水平显著下降。VHb融合蛋白VHb-TvDAAO在重组菌BL21(DE3)/pET-VDAAO中摇瓶诱导表达时, DAAO酶活达到了3.24 u/mL, 比对照菌株BL21(DE3)/pET-DAAO提高了约90%。  相似文献   

以碱性蛋白酶生产菌克劳氏芽孢杆菌(Bacillus clausii)基因组DNA为模板PCR扩增获得尿酸氧化酶基因(BcU),插入原核表达载体pET28α中,构建表达载体pET-BcU,并转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)获得重组大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)/pET-BcU。经IPTG诱导,重组菌BL21(DE3)/pET-BcU表达出有活性的尿酸氧化酶,含空质粒的重组菌在同样条件下没有酶活。酶学性质分析显示,重组酶最适pH值为9.0,在pH值9.0~11范围内酶活几乎不变,是一种高碱性尿酸氧化酶。  相似文献   

通过对产普鲁兰酶的重组大肠杆菌E.coli BL21(DE3)/p ET28a-s-pul菌株在发酵过程中质粒稳定性和普鲁兰酶生成量的考察,发现不同宿主对质粒稳定性及酶活性有重要影响。本文利用E.coli BL21(DE3)p Lys S菌株为宿主,构建重组菌E.coli BL21(DE3)p Lys S/p ET28a-s-pul,通过控制外源蛋白的本底表达,提高了重组菌株的质粒稳定性。优化发酵培养基和发酵条件以后,重组菌产普鲁兰酶能力由480 U/m L提高至627 U/m L,增幅为30.6%。研究结果认为,严格控制外源蛋白的本底表达,是改善重组菌稳定性的重要方法之一。  相似文献   

文献报道红霉素合成蛋白DEBS2 (6-脱氧红霉内酯B合酶)(374 kD)基因在大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)中异源表达量比较低,难以开展后续蛋白纯化和结构等研究.为获得该大蛋白基因的异源高表达,本研究通过PCR的方法,对编码红霉素合成蛋白DEBS2的基因起始5'端设计了起始密码子之后的十一个简并密码子序列,随机筛选获得在表达宿主BL21(DE3)中高表达的简并序列质粒,质粒命名为DEBS2-17.结果 表明:mRNA的起始二级结构影响200 kD以上的蛋白质表达水平.本研究为开展红霉素合成蛋白的结构及生化研究提供理论基础,同时对表达分子量200 kD以上蛋白具有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

E75是昆虫蜕皮级联反应中的早期转录因子之一。本研究运用RT-PCR和RACE技术, 首次获得了斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura E75D基因, 命名为Sli-E75D (GenBank 登录号: JQ266225), 其开放阅读框全长1 836 bp, 编码611个氨基酸残基, 3′非翻译区全长为358 bp, 同时获得其5′非翻译区共341 bp。经核苷酸序列比对分析, E75在鳞翅目昆虫间保守性较高, 尤其3′非翻译区具有高保守性, 但由于启动子不同, E75异构体mRNA 5′端序列存在差异; 经氨基酸序列比对, Sli-E75D与棉贪夜蛾Spodoptera littoralis、 烟草天蛾Manduca sexta、 家蚕Bombyx mori E75D的一致性分别为98.4%, 79.3%和76.5%。基于E75 3′非翻译区的高保守性, 利用PITA和RNAhybird程序预测了最有可能调控鳞翅目昆虫E75基因的3种miRNAs: miR-14, miR-33和miR-87。构建pET28a-Sli-E75D表达载体, 分别转化BL21(DE3)和Transetta(DE3)菌株, 检测大肠杆菌Escherichia coli稀有密码子对E75D原核表达的影响, SDS-PAGE结果显示, 转化Transetta(DE3)菌株的pET28a-Sli-E75D可高效表达大小约74.79 kD(含预测的67.19 kD Sli-E75D, 7.6 kD T7·Tag 和His·Tag)的重组蛋白, 与其理论分子质量基本吻合, 而转化BL21(DE3)菌株的pET28a-Sli-E75D质粒只见微量重组蛋白表达。由于Transetta(DE3)菌株可补充大肠杆菌6种稀有密码子的tRNA, 较BL21(DE3)更适合于E75D的外源表达。qPCR检测了斜纹夜蛾从末龄幼虫到成虫发育过程中各时间点Sli-E75的相对表达水平: Sli-E75在6龄幼虫期的表达量较低, 从预蛹开始, 表达量急剧升高, 并在蛹中期达到最高峰, 之后迅速下降, 但成虫期表达水平又出现回升。这些结果有助于深入研究E75在昆虫蜕皮级联反应中的作用。  相似文献   

The plasmid pET-21d-2c-5BDelta55 effectively expressing a C-terminally truncated form (NS5BDelta55) of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) was constructed. It was derived from pET-21d-5BDelta55 plasmid and contained six mutations in the ATG-start codon region and an additional cistron upstream the target gene. The C-terminally His-tagged NS5BDelta55 protein was expressed in Rosetta(DE3) Escherichia coli strain bearing an additional pRARE plasmid encoding extra copies of rare tRNAs. The yield of the target enzyme exceeded by a factor of 29 the yield of NS5BDelta55 protein expressed from the parental pET-21d-5BDelta55 plasmid (5 mg/L). The increase in the protein yield could be explained by facilitated protein translation initiation, resulted from disruption of the stable secondary mRNA structure. The pET-21d-2c-5BDelta55 plasmid yielded one third amount of the protein when expressed in BL-21(DE3) strain, indicating that the pRARE plasmid is required for a high-level expression of NS5BDelta55 protein. The 29-fold enhancement of the protein yield was accompanied by only a 2.5-fold increase of the corresponding mRNA level. The expression of another HCV NS5A protein His-tagged at the C-terminus in the developed system yielded a similar amount of the protein (4 mg/L), whereas its N-terminally His-tagged counterpart was obtained in a 30 mg/L yield. The NS5A protein purified under denaturing conditions and renatured in solution inhibited the HCV RdRp and was a substrate for human casein kinase II.  相似文献   

The trmD operon of Escherichia coli consists of the genes for the ribosomal protein (r-protein) S16, a 21 kilodalton protein (21K) of unknown function, the tRNA(m1G37)methyltransferase (TrmD), and r-protein L19, in that order. The synthesis of the 21K and TrmD proteins is 12 and 40-fold lower, respectively, than that of the two r-proteins, although the corresponding parts of the mRNA are equally abundant. This translational control of expression of at least the 21K protein gene (21K), is mediated by a negative control element located between codons 18 and 50 of 21K. Here, we present evidence for a model in which mRNA sequences up to around 100 nucleotides downstream from the start codon of 21K fold back and base-pair to the 21K translation initiation region, thereby decreasing the translation initiation frequency. Mutations in the internal negative control element of 21K that would prevent the formation of the proposed mRNA secondary structure over both the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence and the start codon increased expression up to about 20-fold, whereas mutations that would disrupt the base-pairing with the SD-sequence had only relatively small effects on expression. In addition, the expression increased 12-fold when the stop codon of the preceding gene, rpsP, was moved next to the SD-sequence of 21K allowing the ribosomes to unfold the postulated mRNA secondary structure. The expression increased up to 150-fold when that stop codon change was combined with the internal negative control element base-substitutions that derepressed translation about 20-fold. The negative control element of 21K does not seem to be responsible for the low expression of the trmD gene located downstream. However, a similar negative control element native to trmD can explain at least partly the low expression of trmD. Possibly, the two mRNA secondary structures function to decouple translation of 21K and trmD from that of the respective upstream cistron in order to achieve their independent regulation.  相似文献   

使用一种新策略在大肠杆菌中高效表达hbFGF   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
翻译起始区(TIR)二级结构是影响翻译效率的决定性因素,同时密码子的偏好性问题也是个至关重要的方面。基于以上两点考虑,对hbFGF5‘末端35个碱基进行了改造,对其中4个位点进行了定点突变,另有4个位点进行了随机点突变。这些突变都可能造成TIR二级结构变化。这4个随机突变共有32种组合,使用RNA结构预测软件DNASIS v2.5对这32种序列分别模拟其二级结构且计算其自由能,并选取了10条自由能最高的序列。根据这10条序列,分别设计引物引入突变,克隆至表达载体pET-3c上,然后转化宿主菌E.coli,通过诱导表达纯化及生物测活等常规实验方法,最后确定有两株为高表达菌株,从某种程度上证明了用计算机辅助设计定点突变的方法来优化外源基因在E.coli中的表达是有效且很有潜力的。  相似文献   

Secondary structure of the mRNA in the translational initiation region is an important determinant of translation efficiency. However, the secondary structures that enhance or facilitate translation initiation are rare. We have previously proposed that such structure may exist in the case of bacteriophage T4 gene 25 translational initiation region, which contains three potential Shine-Dalgarno sequences (SD1, SD2, and SD3) with a spacing of 8, 17, and 27 nucleotides from the initiation codon of this gene, respectively. We now present results that clearly demonstrate the existence of a hairpin structure that includes SD1 and SD2 sequences and brings the SD3, the most typical of these Shine-Dalgarno sequences, to a favourable spacing with the initiation codon of gene 25.Using a phage T7 expression system, we show that mutations that prevent the formation of hairpin structure or eliminate the SD3 sequence result in a decreased level of gp25 synthesis. Double mutation in base-pair V restores the level of gene 25 expression that was decreased by either of the two mutations (C-to-G and G-to-C) alone, as predicted by an effect attributable to mRNA secondary structure. We introduced the mutations into the bacteriophage T4 by plasmid-phage recombination. Changes in the plaque and burst sizes of T4 mutants, carrying single and double mutations in the translational initiation region of gene 25, strongly suggest that the predicted mRNA secondary structure controls (enhances) the level of gene 25 expression in vivo. Hybridization of total cellular RNA with a gene 25 specific probe indicated that secondary structure or mutations in the translational initiation region do not notably affect the 25 mRNA stability. Immunoblot analysis of gp25 in Escherichia coli cells infected by T4 mutants showed that mRNA secondary structure increases the level of gp25 synthesis by three- to fourfold. Since the secondary structure increases the level of gp25 synthesis and does not affect mRNA stability, we conclude that this structure enhances translation initiation. We discuss some features of two secondary structures in the translational initiation regions of T4 genes 25 and 38.  相似文献   

The effect of two Escherichia coli expression strains on the production of recombinant human protein fragments was evaluated. High-throughput protein production projects, such as the Swedish Human Protein Atlas project, are dependent on high protein yield and purity. By changing strain from E. coli BL21(DE3) to E. coli Rosetta(DE3) the overall success rate of the protein production has increased dramatically. The Rosetta(DE3) strain compensates for a number of rare codons. Here, we describe how the protein expression of human gene fragments in E. coli strains BL21(DE3) and Rosetta(DE3) was evaluated in two stages. Initially a test set of 68 recombinant proteins that previously had been expressed in BL21(DE3) was retransformed and expressed in Rosetta(DE3). The test set generated very positive results with an improved expression yield and a significantly better purity of the protein product which prompted us to implement the Rosetta(DE3) strain in the high-throughput protein production. Except for analysis of protein yield and purity the sequences were also analyzed regarding number of rare codons and rare codon clusters. The content of rare codons showed to have a significant effect on the protein purity. Based on the results of this study the atlas project permanently changed expression strain to Rosetta(DE3).  相似文献   

Translational efficiency in Escherichia coli is known to be strongly influenced by the secondary structure around the ribosome‐binding site and the initiation codon in the translational‐initiation region of the mRNA. Several quantitative studies have reported that translational efficiency is attributable to effects on ribosome accessibility predominantly caused by the secondary structure surrounding the ribosome‐binding site. However, the influence of mRNA secondary structure around regions downstream of the initiation codon on translational efficiency after ribosome‐binding step has not been quantitatively studied. Here, we quantitatively analyzed the relationship between secondary structure of mRNA surrounding the region downstream of the initiation codon, referred to as the downstream region (DR), and protein expression levels. Modified hairpin structures containing the initiation codon were constructed by site‐directed mutagenesis, and their effects on expression were analyzed in vivo. The minimal folding free energy (ΔG) of a local hairpin structure was found to be linearly correlated with the relative expression level over a range of fourfold change. These results demonstrate that expression level can be quantitatively controlled by changing the stability of the secondary structure surrounding the DR. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 611–616 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A set of plasmids containing short DNA deletions in the N-part of cro-lacIZ coding zone as constructed using Bal31 nuclease. Development of models of mRNA secondary structure was carried out stepwise beginning from the 5'-end by taking into consideration the hairpins first formed during mRNA synthesis. Comparison of the results of mRNA secondary structure determination and protein production analysis demonstrated a correlation between the efficiency of translation initiation and the appearance of a single-stranded region upon disruption of the mRNA local secondary structure in the translation initiation zone generated by ribosomes. These results confirm the suggestion of the central role played by the Shine-Dalgarno sequence in the generation of a single-stranded region. Some plasmids from the set are supposed to determine protein synthesis by a translation reinitiation mechanism in the absence of Shine--Dalgarno interaction. In this case, correlation between reinitiation efficiency and local disruption of the mRNA secondary structure by the terminating ribosome was also observed. The terminating ribosome that forms the single-stranded region near the initiation codon fulfils the major function of the Shine--Dalgarno interaction. In addition, the possible effect of another mRNA secondary structure region on the translation initiation efficiency is discussed.  相似文献   

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