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白水江自然保护区大熊猫的主食竹类及灾情调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大熊猫所食竹类种群的数量和其他生物种群的数量一样有相对的稳定性;同时,大熊猫进食时总是择优采食竹类地上部分的竹笋、鲜嫩的竹秆和叶稍。因此在测定灾区大熊猫主食竹类资源量时,不必花费、也不允许花费较多的时间完全应用生态学中一般的生产量测定法,而可以迅速地通过抽样得到资料,从数量统计中取其竹类受灾面积和种群相对蕴藏量中的近似值,同样可以为发展大熊猫和抢救受灾大熊猫提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

为了探讨圈养大熊猫主食竹食谱组成及主要影响因素,并为圈养单位提供科学合理的食物营养配比和饲养管理建议。本研究通过对成都大熊猫繁育研究基地10 只成年大熊猫4 年(2009. 03 -2013.02)的饲养数据,3只成年大熊猫1 年(2012. 07 -2013. 06)的觅食行为观察数据,以及投饲的3 种竹笋和5 种主食竹常规养分和总黄酮含量的统计分析。结果发现,基地圈养大熊猫偏好竹笋,喜食巴山木竹叶、白夹竹茎和苦竹茎,随机采食箬竹叶和刺竹茎;基地大熊猫根据投饲竹种类和季节的变化,形成了较为稳定的食谱组成;对投饲竹各部位成分比较分析发现,投饲竹养分含量的变化呈现出一定的规律性:其中粗蛋白、粗脂肪、蛋白质和能量比都以竹叶最高,竹枝次之,竹茎最低;干物质和粗纤维的含量则以竹茎最高,竹枝次之,竹叶最少;竹茎和竹枝呈现钙少磷多的现象,而竹叶则是钙多磷少;各投饲竹不同部位总黄酮含量以叶中最高,枝中其次,茎中最低。研究结果表明,圈养大熊猫主食竹食谱的选择遵循能量和营养学的规律,选择适口性强、营养价值高的食物假说。  相似文献   

2002 年4 ~11 月,在蜂桶寨自然保护区对小熊猫的觅食特征和营养对策进行了研究,并采用Vanderloeg 和Scavia 选择指数Ei衡量小熊猫对竹笋和竹茎年龄的选择程度。结果表明,小熊猫食物由竹叶(70.5% )、竹笋(22.1% )、野果(7.2% )以及毛(0.2% )等组成。小熊猫几乎全以冷箭竹为食,未发现采食短锥玉山竹。春季食物主要由竹叶和竹笋组成,夏秋季主要由竹叶和果实组成,而冬季以竹叶为主。小熊猫对竹笋、竹叶的觅食具有很强的选择性。基径在3 mm 以上被采食竹笋,Ei的值为0.071 9 ~0. 094 4,竹高在10 ~70 cm 未被采食竹笋, Ei 的值为0.149 6 ~0.1989。对不同年龄竹茎和竹叶的选择在各个月份间存在变化,4 ~6 月一年生、二年生和多年生竹竹叶Ei分别为0. 036 2 、0.224 8 和0.487 6, 7 ~8 月三者Ei分别为0.0071、0.0027 和0. 0098,9~11 月特别喜食当年生老笋上的竹叶(Ei =0.552 1)。此外,小熊猫在6 ~ 8 月还特别喜食已展开(53.4% )和未展开的卷曲嫩叶(36.3% ),不喜食较老的竹叶(10.3% )。小熊猫的食性及其对食物的选择体现了在长期进化过程中觅食对策的优化,可最大化觅食过程中的物质或能量摄入。  相似文献   

举世闻名的珍稀动物大熊猫,由于其食性高度特化,主食高山、亚高山林内的各种竹类,偶食一些玉米秆、木贼等植物性食物和一些动物尸体、木炭和铁锅碎片等。曾有学者认为:竹类萌发的实生苗含的有机酸、植物碱等成分较成竹复杂,其味苦涩,熊猫是不会采食它的。带着这个问题,于1981年  相似文献   

秦岭羚牛的食性   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:13  
在佛坪自然保护区对秦岭羚牛的食性研究中,记录到羚牛采食161种植物,其中草本占32.9%,木本占62.7%,苔藓植物和蕨类植物牛4.4%。羚牛的食物呈季节性变化,它采食的植物种类在春季、夏季比秋季多、冬季多。羚牛是广食性的植食动物,但它对所采食植物的部位具有一定的选择性,主要以采食植物的嫩枝叶为主,同时还有啃食树皮的习性。野外见到羚牛以直接饮水或舔雪的方式来补充对水份的需求。  相似文献   

马边大风顶自然保护区大熊猫对竹类资源的选择利用   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
魏辅文  周才权 《兽类学报》1996,16(3):171-175
本文对凉山山系大熊猫对竹子资源选择利用进行了研究,发现对不同的竹类有不同程度的选择性。最喜食大叶筇竹和白背玉山竹,几乎不选择刺竹子;就大叶筇竹而言,喜食基径大于10mm的幼竹竹茎,特别喜食基径大于18mm的竹笋;就白背玉山竹而言,喜欢选择基径大于12mm的竹茎和基径大于16mm的竹笋,但对白背玉山竹的老嫩无明显选择。  相似文献   

大熊猫在野外食物选择的广泛性远大于圈养个体。均衡饮食对于大熊猫异地保护至关重要,其中包括适当水平的微量营养素。评估圈养大熊猫不同采食期的营养状况,有助于构建科学的大熊猫饲养策略。本研究选取7只健康成年圈养大熊猫,依次饲喂竹叶(竹叶采食期)和竹笋(竹笋采食期)。竹叶采食期进行3次饲喂实验,竹笋采食期进行2次饲喂实验,每次饲喂实验持续3 d,每次饲喂实验间隔28 d。实验期间记录大熊猫的日采食量,测定竹子的维生素含量并查阅其矿物元素含量,从而比较大熊猫在不同采食期的维生素和矿物元素日摄入量。各采食期结束时采集大熊猫血样,测定血清中13种维生素和10种矿物元素水平。结果发现:与竹叶相比,竹笋的VA、VE、VK1、烟酸、吡哆醛及吡哆醇含量显著下降,VB5和VB12含量显著增加(P<0.05)。与竹叶采食期相比,竹笋采食期大熊猫的VE、VK1、Ca、Fe、Cu和Mn日摄入量显著降低,VB5、VB6  相似文献   

从集群、迁移、时间、方式、饮水和舔盐6个方面报道了秦岭羚牛的采食行为。羚牛主要以集群的方式在白天采食,也见到羚牛单独采食及在夜间活动采食的情形,研究期间集群活劝的羚牛个体数占所见羚牛总数的95.4%,有50%以上的羚牛是在大于15只的羚牛群体中见到的。头牛在羚牛群体的采食迁移过程中起着重要的作用。它通过发出低沉的吼叫声来使牛群聚集在一直一起并共同采食迁移。随着食物的季节性生长变化,羚牛具有季节性上下垂直迁移采食的习性。羚牛采食时,多用上下唇扯断植物的枝(茎)叶,而不是以舌卷食,也用牙咬或啃食木本植物的幼枝或皮。羚牛有多种采食方式,一般是以常规行走的方式采食。但当食物超出正常彩食方式所能获得的特殊情况下,羚牛会采用一些特殊的方式取食,包括后肢站立采食、骑树采食、压枝采食、撞击采食和跪地采食。  相似文献   

亚高山竹类占据着野生大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)食物组分的99%,竹子的生命周期与大熊猫的生活史密切相关,竹子的更新和生长直接影响着大熊猫的生存与保护.为了弄清大熊猫的采食利用和人为砍伐是否促进或制约竹子的繁殖更新,应用样方法、定位观察法,连续研究了卧龙自然保护区大熊猫栖息地内野化培训大熊猫采食、人为砍伐和对照样方中拐棍竹无性系种群的更新动态.结果表明,在相同种群数量和环境条件的基础上(p>0.05),被大熊猫采食竹子的比例为67.07%,致死率29.07%;人为砍伐竹子的比例为65.67%,致死率46.68%,可见与大熊猫采食相比,砍伐更为影响拐棍竹种群的生存.从出笋数量来看,不同处理方式有利于拐棍竹无性系种群的更新(p<0.05),尤其是人为砍伐措施大大提高了竹子的出笋率,但人为砍伐样方的竹笋质量(地径和株高生长)却远低于大熊猫采食和对照样方,未能达到大熊猫觅食的选择利用标准.不同年份之间,各种处理方式下的拐棍竹出笋数量波动较大(p=0.006~0.035),并随着恢复时间的延长,逐渐趋于相似(2007,p=0 825).不同处理方式之间,拐棍竹无性系种群的年补充率,各年份均具有显著性差异(p<0.05,除2007年外),年死亡率仅2003年和2004年有明显的差异(p<0.05),2005~2007年均不显著(p>0.05).拐棍竹无性系种群的年补充率与年死亡率之间表现出年补充率﹥年死亡率的格局(p<0.05),唯有大熊猫采食样方的2004年和2005年、人为砍伐和对照样方的2005年的年死亡率略高于年补充率(p>0.05),这表明拐棍竹无性系种群对大熊猫采食和人为砍伐具有无性系整合的补偿效应.  相似文献   

秦岭羚牛的采食行为   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
从集群、迁移、时间、方式、饮水和舔盐 6个方面报道了秦岭羚牛的采食行为。羚牛主要以集群的方式在白天采食 ,也见到羚牛单独采食及在夜间活动采食的情形。研究期间集群活动的羚牛个体数占所见羚牛总数的 95 4% ,有 5 0 %以上的羚牛是在大于 1 5只的羚牛群体中见到的。头牛在羚牛群体的采食迁移过程中起着重要的作用。它通过发出低沉的吼叫声来使牛群聚集在一起并共同采食迁移。随着食物的季节性生长变化 ,羚牛具有季节性上下垂直迁移采食的习性。羚牛采食时 ,多用上下唇扯断植物的枝 (茎 )叶 ,而不是以舌卷食 ,也用牙咬或啃食木本植物的幼枝或皮。羚牛有多种采食方式 ,一般是以常规行走的方式采食。但当食物超出正常采食方式所能获得的特殊情况下 ,羚牛会采用一些特殊的方式取食 ,包括后肢站立采食、骑树采食、压枝采食、撞击采食和跪地采食。  相似文献   

本文以2010—2020年15只母兽带仔野化培训的大熊猫幼仔为研究对象,基于红外视频监控系统观察和音频颈圈解译获得的行为资料、GPS颈圈跟踪定位采集的粪样数据,分析了野化培训大熊猫幼仔的行为发育进程和食性转换特征。结果表明:随着野化培训大熊猫幼仔的生长发育,与觅食和警戒相关的行为得到充分发育,且具有较强的时间关联性,包括食乳、爬行、走动、玩耍物品、爬树、咬玩竹子、饮水和采食竹子等。8 ~ 10月龄的大熊猫幼仔开始取食竹子,其发育性食性转换过程划分为3个阶段:食乳期 (1 ~ 7月龄)、食母乳—食竹子转换期 (8 ~ 28月龄) 和食竹期 (29 ~ 39月龄),其中转换期细分为关键期 (8 ~ 18月龄) 和过渡期 (19 ~ 28月龄)。从统计检验来看,不同食性阶段间差异显著;过渡期的大熊猫幼仔可离开母兽独立生活,此阶段大熊猫幼仔食物组分比例与食竹期相比无显著差异。野化培训大熊猫幼仔的季节性食性转换规律与带仔母兽和野生大熊猫具有相似的格局,即春季主要取食竹笋,夏、秋季则以嫩竹茎和竹叶为食,冬季采食竹叶与竹茎。  相似文献   

中华竹鼠胃肠道内分泌细胞分布型的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨贵波  王平 《兽类学报》1996,16(4):303-308
本文用免疫组织化学方法(PAP法)对10种GIEC在中华竹鼠(Rhizomyssinensis)15个胃肠段中的分布作了观察和统计分析,以探讨中华竹鼠胃肠内分泌细胞与其特殊食性的适应关系.结果表明:中华竹鼠胃肠中可能至少有7种免疫反应活性内分泌细胞。与大熊猫相比,尽管都以竹类为主食,但由于取食行为不同,它们GIEC的分布型不尽相同.这些结果从一定程度上表明GIEC的分布不仅与食物组成相关。也可能与取食行为有关。  相似文献   

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), one of the most threatened mammalian species in the world, has adapted to herbivorous diet consisting mainly of bamboo (Poaceae: Bambusoidea). The most acute threats to the survival of the giant panda are habitat loss and fragmentation. However, changes in habitat may influence also the quality of giant panda diet through the bamboo species composition as well as their symbiotic leaf endophytes and plant chemical properties. Here we explore species composition and frequency of endophytic fungi and silica content in different bamboo species in the range of giant panda habitat in relation to panda food preference. Silica content of the bamboos varied from 3.7 g/kg to 45.7 g/kg and did not correlate with panda preference and altitudinal gradient. Systemic and vertically in seeds transmitted fungal endophytes or bacterial endophytes were not detected in bamboo leaves. Nearly half of the identified endophytic fungi belonged to genus Arthrinium. Pandas preferred bamboo species naturally occurring in higher altitudes. Furthermore, the total amount of endophytes tended to be lower in samples collected from bamboos in higher altitudes. This draws attention to the importance of more detailed studies on the endophytic fungi-bamboo-panda trophic interactions and the effect of land use and climate change on conservation programs of giant panda.  相似文献   

In most mammals, the energetic costs of lactation significantly increase a female's daily energy requirements. Previous research indicates that such energetic costs may be met through changes in increased food consumption ranging from around 35 % to 150 %. In this paper, changes in food intake during lactation are measured in the red panda (Ailurus fulgens), a species of the order Carnivora which possesses a digestive system suited for a carnivorous diet but yet exclusively feeds on bamboo. Four feeding characteristics were studied: duration of feeding bouts, number of bamboo leaves consumed per mouthful, number of bamboo leaves consumed per minute, and interval between mouthfuls of bamboo. In three lactating females, three of four feeding behaviors significantly increased up to 200 % above the rate observed during non-lactation. Males showed no change in feeding behavior during the same reproductive months with identical available foods. Red pandas appear to suffer a more severe energetic cost during lactation (at least with respect to food consumption) than other mammals previously studied. This may relate to their inefficient digestive capacity to process a herbivorous diet of bamboo. The data presented here suggest that general discussions of the relative costs of reproduction and in turn parental investment should include a female's relative digestive efficiency during stressful reproductive periods.  相似文献   

汶川地震对大熊猫栖息地的影响与恢复对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 大熊猫是生物多样性保护的旗舰种, 保护大熊猫及其栖息地是保护生物多样性和生态系统功能完整性与稳定性的重要保障体现。汶川地震灾区位于大熊猫重点分布区岷山-邛崃山, 地震及其次生灾害导致该区27个大熊猫自然保护区不同程度受损, 8.3%的大熊猫栖息地因地震而被破坏。地震及其次生灾害对大熊猫栖息地的影响主要表现在: 1) 地震埋没和砸毁大熊猫赖以生存的主食竹, 地震可能诱发主食竹开花, 威胁到大熊猫的健康和食物安全; 2) 地震及其诱发的土壤和山石运动显著影响森林的动态特征, 森林大面积丧失或质量下降; 3) 地震改变大熊猫栖息地生境特征, 大熊猫个体交流的廊道阻断, 形成“生殖孤岛”, 遗传多样性降低, 栖息地破碎化进程加快。应对震后大熊猫栖息地恢复的主要对策有: 1) 重新评估震后大熊猫栖息地质量, 并重新规划现有大熊猫保护区群的布局; 2) 应用地理信息系统、遥感及数学模型等手段与野外实地实证研究相结合的方法, 全面查清震后大熊猫栖息地主食竹资源状况及分布规律并及时监测其动态, 复壮更新大熊猫主食竹; 3) 利用天然植被自然恢复和人工重建等措施恢复因地震而退化或丧失的大熊猫栖息地。  相似文献   

Background/ObjectiveThe giant panda belongs to the family Ursidae and, as a species of bear, still retains the simple digestive system of a Carnivoran. However, under the pressure of a specific habitat they had to adapt to a plant mono-diet consisting of bamboo with different species and growth stages around the year. A plant-based diet has relatively low iodine content with risk of iodine deficiency. Furthermore, bamboo contains cyanogenic glycosides releasing cyanide whose detoxification metabolite the thiocyanate acts as antagonist against iodine uptake and storage in the thyroid. To date very little is known about the iodine nutritional status of the giant panda, thus this study was conducted to receive the first information about the iodine nutrition of captive giant panda.Subjects/MethodsHere we investigated the iodine content of bamboo with different plant parts/vegetation stage and species and further compounds of the captive giant panda diet. Next, the urinary iodine (UI) and urinary thiocyanate (UT) levels of infant, sub-adult, adult and geriatric captive giant pandas was measured during the periods when the pandas consume both bamboo leaves- and culm (bamboo leaf-culm stage). Afterwards, the UI of 19 adult giant pandas was measured again for the different iodine intake during bamboo shoot stage. Finally, in this study part also the fecal iodine concentration was analyzed for calculation of total iodine excretion in relation to the iodine intake.ResultsBamboo leaves had the highest iodine content (453 μg/kg dry matter (DM)), followed by the shoots (84 μg/kg DM, p < 0.05), while bamboo culm had the lowest value (12 μg/kg DM, p < 0.05). During bamboo leaf-culm stage, giant pandas of different age groups had different UI and UT levels (p < 0.05). Furthermore, UI and UT were positively correlated among sub-adult, adult and geriatric giant pandas (p < 0.05). In adult giant pandas during bamboo shoot stage, the iodine excretion in feces was not different from that in urine while their total iodine excretion was less than their iodine intake (p < 0.05). Moreover, during bamboo shoot stage, the UI level of adult giant pandas was much lower than noted during bamboo leaf-culm stage (p < 0.05).ConclusionsOur results indicate that UI of captive giant pandas was related to their age as well as to the vegetation stage/part of bamboo they consumed reflecting a different periodic iodine supply. Thiocyanate and fecal excretion should be emphasized when considering the iodine nutrition of giant pandas.  相似文献   

Plants producing toxic plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) deter folivores from feeding on them. Animals that can cope with noxious PSMs have a niche with a competitive advantage over other species. However, the ability to cope with toxic PSMs incurs the costs of detoxification. To assess possible compensations for the ingestion of toxic PSMs, we compare the chemical quality of plants consumed by bamboo lemurs (genera Hapalemur and Prolemur; strepsirrhine primates of Madagascar) in areas with and without bamboo. Some bamboo lemurs consume bamboo containing concentrations of cyanogenic substances 10–50 times above the average lethal dosage for mammals, and we postulate that animals consuming cyanogenic substances need supplementary protein or readily available energy for detoxification. We compared the chemical composition of food consumed by three species of bamboo lemurs that feed mainly (>80% of their time) on bamboo in the evergreen rainforest of Ranomafana (Madagascar) with published data of the diets of bamboo lemurs at two sites without highly cyanogenic plants (reed beds of Lac Alaotra and the evergreen littoral forest of Mandena) and with food of sympatric folivorous lemur species that do not feed on bamboo. Lemurs feeding on bamboo consumed up to twice as much protein as bamboo lemurs in areas without bamboo and sympatric lemur species that feed on leaves of trees. Concentrations of nonstructural carbohydrates (a source of energy) showed the opposite trend. This result supports the hypothesis that feeding on cyanogenic plants is linked to high protein intake, either as a source of protein or for sulfur-containing amino acids that can be used for detoxification. Owing to the high protein concentrations in bamboo, however, we cannot distinguish between the hypothesis that lemurs that eat bamboo target additional food items with higher protein from the hypothesis that lemurs feeding on bamboo unavoidably obtain higher concentrations of protein than animals feeding on leaves of trees, without an added nutritional benefit.  相似文献   

用间接遥感方法探测大熊猫栖息地竹林分布   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
竹子是野生大熊猫赖以生存的唯一食物。探测大熊猫栖息地内的竹林分布状况,有助于深入了解大熊猫及其栖息地的空间分布格局与特点,并为评估其栖息地适宜性、破碎化程度和生态承载力提供科学依据。由于大熊猫的主食竹大都生长于林下,直接通过遥感影像解译的方法很难实现对其分布密度的探测。以佛坪自然保护区的两大优势竹种——巴山木竹和秦岭箭竹为例,在运用遥感和GIS方法获取空间连续的环境变量时,引入了林上和林下的光照条件,通过分析不同竹种与各环境要素之间的关系,建立竹子密度的预测模型,最后在GIS空间分析技术的支持下实现了对林下竹子密度的绘制。研究结果显示:该方法能够比较准确地预测出林下竹子的分布状态,对两种竹子的密度预测精度均可达到70%以上。  相似文献   

气候变化对邛崃山系大熊猫主食竹和栖息地分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气候变化对生物多样性的影响,特别是珍稀濒危物种的影响是当前的研究热点。全球气候变化对大熊猫的影响一直受到广泛关注。根据野外调查的大熊猫活动痕迹点、竹类分布点和主食竹扩散距离数据,采用Maxent模型,利用植被、地形、气候等因素,在RCP8.5下分析了2050年和2070年邛崃山系大熊猫主食竹分布及栖息地变化趋势。结果显示:(1)未来大熊猫适宜生境及主食竹气候适宜区面积均有所减少,到2070年分别减少37.2%和4.7%;(2)未来主食竹分布范围总体向高海拔扩展,但面积持续减少,到2070年分布面积比当前减少8.3%;(3)大熊猫栖息地未来有向高海拔扩张的趋势,在低海拔地区退缩明显,到2070年较当前减少27.2%;但到2070年大熊猫栖息地面积加上非栖息地有主食竹分布的面积,较现有大熊猫栖息地面积大1.5%;(4)受气候变化影响较严重的区域是邛崃山系南部以及低海拔地区,其余区域所受影响相对较小;(5)未来需要加强对受气候变化影响严重区域的监测与保护,特别是邛崃山系中部的大熊猫集中分布区。  相似文献   

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