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应用动力学方法研究了太平洋白对虾(Penaeusvannamei)β-N-乙酰-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶在二甲亚砜溶液中以pNP-β-D-GlcNAc为底物时酶活力的变化规律.表明酶在DMSO浓度低于4.20mol/L,酶的失活过程是可逆的,DMSO并不造成酶绝对量的减少,仅对酶的活力发生可逆的下降.测得DMSO对酶抑制的IC50为1.2mol/L.观测了在不同底物浓度下NAGase在0、0.35、0.70、1.05、1.40、1.75mol/L的DMSO溶液中的失活过程,分别测定了游离酶(E)和酶-底物络合物(ES)的微观失活速度常数k+0和k′+0比较结果(k+0值远远大于k′+0)表明,在DMSO溶液中游离酶比酶-底物络合物更易失活,即底物的存在对于酶被DMSO的失活具有明显的保护作用.随着DMSO浓度的增加,游离酶的逆向微观复活速度常数k-0却不断降低,说明在高浓度DMSO环境中,NAGase可逆恢复的能力逐渐微弱.  相似文献   

已纯化的溜曲霉β-N-乙酰氨基己糖苷酶(表现出β-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶和β—N-乙酰氨基半乳糖苷酶活力)水解对硝基酚-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷和对硝基酚-N-乙酰氨基半乳糖苷,其Km值分别为0.44和2.0mol/L。 Vmax值分别为740.0和476.5μmol·min-1·mg-1。氨基葡萄糖、氨基半乳糖、GlcNAc及GalNAc均为这两个酶的竞争性抑制剂,对β-GlcNAca se的KI值分别为34.9、62.5、1 6.9及38.2mmol/L,而对β-GalNAcase的K1值分别为24.1、7 5.0、50.0及1 31.8mmol/L。将pNPGIcNAc和pNPGalNAc等量混合为底物,其酶活力小于单独以pNPGlcNAc为底物的话力,大于以pNPGalNAc为底物的活力。两种底物以不同摩尔分数混合测活结果,用Lineweaver—Burk双倒数法作图,均为直线,求出表观Vmax5 将各个vmax对摩尔分数f(从f=0至f=1)作图,没有出现最大值。由抑制作用及混合底物竞争动力学说明β-GlcNAca se和β-GalNAcase同存在于一个蛋白质,并共用一个活力部位。  相似文献   

【目标】N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖糖苷酶(NAGase)是一种重要的几丁质分解酶,能从N-乙酰葡萄糖苷的非还原端催化去除β-1,4-N-乙酰-D-氨基葡萄糖残基,参与了昆虫外骨骼的蜕皮过程。研究蜜蜂该酶的特征有助于阐明其在蜜蜂发育过程中的作用机制。【方法】采用40%-70%硫酸铵分级沉淀、DEAE-纤维素离子交换层析和葡聚糖G-100凝胶过滤层析的方法从意大利蜜蜂Apis mellifera ligustica幼虫体内分离纯化NAGase。以对-硝基苯-N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷(pNP-NAG)为底物检测该酶的活力,用native PAGE和SDS-PAGE检测酶的纯度。IEF-PAGE测定该酶等电点。葡聚糖G-200凝胶过滤层析测定酶的总分子量。【结果】结果显示,纯化的NAGase酶的比活力为803. 09 U/mg,总分子量为77. 3 kD。结合SDS-PAGE表明该酶由两个具有相同分子量(39 k D)的亚基组成。该酶等电点为4. 8。酶水解底物pNP-NAG的过程遵循米氏方程,米氏常数(Km)和最大反应速度(Vm)分别为0. 11 mmol/L和17. 65μmol/L·min。该酶水解反应的最适pH和最适温度分别为pH 5. 5和60℃。酶催化pNP-NAG反应的活化能为64. 8 k J/mol。Pb2+,Cu2+,Zn2+和Al3+对该酶有不同程度的抑制作用。【结论】本研究描述了意大利蜜蜂NAGase的分离纯化方法及其理化性质,为进一步进行蜜蜂NAGase的结构解析和功能研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

内切β-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶广泛应用于糖生物学研究和工业生产。本研究从苜蓿链霉菌Streptomyces alfalfae ACCC 40021中克隆并原核表达了一个新的内切β-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶,该酶最适反应温度为35℃,最适pH为6.0,具有良好的pH稳定性、温度稳定性和高比活(1×10~6 U/mg)的特性,可催化不同蛋白底物去糖基化,具有作为工具酶和生物催化剂的潜力。  相似文献   

本研究以中华绒螯蟹内脏为材料,经过硫酸铵沉淀分级分离、两次DEAE-32离子交换柱层析和Sephadex G-100分子筛柱层析纯化,获得比活力为4490.79U/mg、纯化倍数为28.07倍的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳纯的N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶制剂。酶分子中各亚基的分子量分别为121.219、8.63和73.48 kD,等电点为4.5。以对-硝基苯-N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖为底物,进行酶催化底物水解的反应动力学研究,结果表明:酶催化底物反应的最适pH为5.5,最适温度为45℃。该酶在pH4.9—9.3区域或40℃以下处理30min,酶活力保持稳定。酶促反应动力学符合米氏双曲线方程,测得米氏常数Km为0.357 mmol/L,最大反应速度Vm为10.41μmol/L.min。酶催化pNP-β-D-GlcNAc反应的活化能为76.50kJ/mol。金属离子对酶的效应试验表明:Mg^2+、Ca^2+和Ba^2+对酶活力没有影响。Na+对酶有激活作用,Li^+、K^+、Zn^2+、Hg^2+、Pb^2+、Cu^2+和Al3+对酶活力表现出不同程度的抑制作用。  相似文献   

β-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶体,可作用于几丁质或壳聚糖等天然底物,从末端水解产生N-乙酰-β-D氨基葡萄糖 (GlcNAc) 单体,其在医药和农业领域有较广泛的用途。文中克隆了耐热菌凝结芽孢杆菌Bacillus coagulans DMS1的β-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶基因 (BcNagZ),并成功在大肠杆菌Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) 进行了分泌表达,蛋白表达量达到0.76 mg/mL。纯化后的BcNagZ分子量为61.3 kDa,测得的比活力为5.918 U/mg;进一步对该酶进行表征,结果显示酶的最适反应pH为5.5,最适反应温度为75 ℃,在65 ℃处理30 min后还有85%的残余酶活力,表明该酶具有良好的热稳定性。该酶的米氏常数Km为0.23 mmol/L,Vmax为0.043 1 mmol/(L·min)。重组BcNagZ可以水解胶体几丁质得到微量的GlcNAc,可以将二糖水解为单糖;偶联已报道的外切几丁质酶AMcase,可以有效地将胶体几丁质水解为GlcNAc,得率达到86.93%。  相似文献   

本文研究了Cu2+、Pb2+、Zn2+和Ag+等重金属离子对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAGase)活力的影响。其结果表明:Cu2+、Pb2+和Zn2+对酶活力有不同程度的抑制作用, Cu2+和Zn2+对酶的抑制作用均表现为非竞争性抑制类型,Cu2+和Zn2+对酶的抑制常数(KI)分别为1.25 mmol/L和8.10 mmo/L;Pb2+对酶的抑制作用表现为混合型抑制类型,其对酶的抑制常数KI与KIS分别为10.44 mmol/L 和2.18 mmol/L。Ag+对酶的效应为先激活后抑制作用,其抑制作用表现为反竞争性抑制类型,Ag+对结合酶(ES)的抑制常数KI为204.51 mmol/L。  相似文献   

本文研究了Cu2+、Pb2+、Zn2+和Ag+等重金属离子对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAGase)活力的影响。其结果表明:Cu2+、Pb2+和Zn2+对酶活力有不同程度的抑制作用,Cu2+和Zn2+对酶的抑制作用均表现为非竞争性抑制类型,Cu2+和Zn2+对酶的抑制常数(KI)分别为1.25mmol/L和8.10mmo/L;Pb2+对酶的抑制作用表现为混合型抑制类型,其对酶的抑制常数KI与KIS分别为10.44mmol/L和2.18mmol/L。Ag+对酶的效应为先激活后抑制,其抑制作用表现为反竞争性抑制,Ag+对结合酶(ES)的抑制常数KIS为204.51mmol/L。  相似文献   

利用微生物来源的糖基转移酶GT-1、GT-2和BTGT-1对槲皮素进行糖基化修饰。研究发现这3种酶均能够催化以槲皮素和UDP-葡萄糖为底物生成槲皮素-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖(异槲皮苷),GT-1、 GT-2和BTGT-1催化反应的产物生成率分别为5.33%、15.18%和63.82%。通过对槲皮素、异槲皮苷和槲皮素-N-乙酰-D-氨基葡萄糖进行水溶性以及体外细胞抗炎活性检测,发现槲皮素经糖基化后其水溶性得到较大提高,异槲皮苷和槲皮素-N-乙酰-D-氨基葡萄糖水溶性分别是槲皮素的13.8倍和15.4倍。同等浓度下槲皮素糖苷对RAW264.7 细胞的毒性作用低于槲皮素,且3种化合物在一定浓度范围内对LPS诱导RAW264.7细胞释放NO、 IL-1β、IL-6 都有显著的抑制作用,且呈剂量依赖性,研究表明3种化合物都具有一定的抗炎作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨日本鳗鲡(Anguilla japonica)N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(EC3.2.1.52, NAGase)的分离纯化及其酶学性质, 通过硫酸铵沉淀分级分离、Sephadex G-100分子筛凝胶柱层析和DEAE-32离子交换柱层析纯化NAGase, 经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)和SDS-PAGE鉴定酶的纯度、测定酶蛋白亚基分子质量; 以对-硝基苯-N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖为底物, 研究NAGase催化反应的动力学参数, 探讨其酶学性质。结果表明: 日本鳗鲡肠道NAGase纯酶制剂比活力为2517.40 U/mg, 酶蛋白亚基分子质量为69.98 kD, 酶的最适pH、最适温度、米氏常数Km和最大反应速度Vmax分别为6.0、60℃、0.336 mmol/L和7.634 μmol/(L·min); 酶在pH 4.8—7.2较稳定, 在温度60℃以下具有较好的热稳定性, 在65℃以上酶迅速失活。Mg2+、Ca2+、Mn2+、Cu2+和Fe3+对NAGase表现出不同程度的激活作用, Na+、Li+和Ba2+对酶活力几乎没有影响, Zn2+、Fe2+、Pb2+和Hg2+对酶活力有不同程度的抑制作用, Hg2+对酶活力抑制作用最强, 1.0 μmol/L Hg2+可使酶活力丧失83.69%。化学修饰法研究表明, 精氨酸胍基不是日本鳗鲡NAGase的必需基团, 而赖氨酸?-氨基、半胱氨酸巯基、组氨酸咪唑基、丝氨酸羟基和色氨酸吲哚基是酶的必需基团, 二硫键是NAGase活性所必需的。综上所述, 实验采用的日本鳗鲡肠道NAGase分离纯化方案有效可行, 酶活力易受环境中酸碱度、温度和金属离子的影响, 且与其他不同动物来源的NAGase具有相似的必需基团。  相似文献   

Xie XL  Huang QS  Gong M  Du J  Yang Y  Chen QX 《IUBMB life》2009,61(2):163-170
Prawn (Litopenaeus vannamei) beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase, EC is involved in the digestion and molting processes. Zinc is one of the most important metals often found in the pollutant. In this article, the effects of Zn(2+) on prawn NAGase activity for the hydrolysis of pNP-NAG have been investigated. The results showed that Zn(2+) could reversibly and noncompetitively inhibit the enzyme activity at appropriate concentrations and its IC(50) value was estimated to be 6.00 +/- 0.25 mM. The inhibition model was set up, and the inhibition kinetics of the enzyme by Zn(2+) has been studied using the kinetic method of the substrate reaction. The inhibition constant was determined to be 11.96 mM and the microscopic rate constants were also determined for inactivation and reactivation. The rate constant of the inactivation (k(+0)) is much larger than that of the reactivation (k(-0)). Therefore, when the Zn(2+) concentration is sufficiently large, the enzyme is completely inactivated. On increasing the concentration of Zn(2+), the fluorescence emission peak and the UV absorbance peak are not position shifted, but the intensity decreased, indicating that the conformation of Zn(2+)-bound inactive NAGase is stable and different from that of native NAGase. We presumed that Zn(2+) made changes in the activity and conformation of prawn NAGase by binding with the histidine or cysteine residues of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Green crab (Scylla serrata) alkaline phosphatase (EC is a metalloenzyme which catalyzes the nonspecific hydrolysis of phosphate monoesters. Some pollutants in seawater affect the enzyme activity causing loss of the biological function of the enzyme, which affects the exuviating crab-shell and threatens the survival of the animal. The present paper studies the effects of thiohydroxyal compounds on the activity of green crab alkaline phosphatase. The results show that thiohydroxyal compounds can lead to reversible inhibition. The equilibrium constants have been determined for dithiothreitol (DTT) and mercaptoethanol (ME) binding with the enzyme and/or the enzyme-substrate complexes. The results show that both DTT and ME are non-competitive inhibitors. The kinetics of enzyme inactivation by ME at low concentrations has been studied using the kinetic method of the substrate reaction. The results suggest that at pH 10.0, the action of ME on green crab ALP is first quick equilibrium binding and then slow inactivation. The microscopic rate constants were determined for inactivation and reactivation. The rate constant of the forward inactivation (k(+0)) is much larger than that of the reverse reactivation (k(-0)). Therefore, when the ME concentration is sufficiently large, the enzyme is completely inactivated.  相似文献   

beta-N-Acetyl-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase, EC., a composition of chitinases, cooperates with endo-chitinase and exo-chitinase to disintegrate chitin into N-acetylglucosamine (NAG). NAGase from prawn (Penaeus vannamei) is involved in digestion and molting processes. The investigation of enzymatic properties, functional groups and catalytic mechanism is an essential mission to its commercial application. Bromacetic acid (BrAc) is a specific modifier for the histidine residue in specific condition. In this paper, the effect of BrAc on prawn NAGase activity for the hydrolysis of pNP-NAG has been investigated. The results showed that BrAc can reversibly and non-competitively inhibit the enzyme activity at appropriate concentrations and the value of IC(50) was estimated to be 17.05+/-0.65 mM. The inhibition kinetics of the enzyme by BrAc has been studied using the kinetic method of the substrate reaction. And the inhibition model was set up and the microscopic rate constants for the reaction of the inhibitor with free enzyme and the enzyme-substrate complexes were determined for inactivation and reactivation. The rate constant of the forward inactivation (k(+0)), which is 1.25 x 10(-3)s(-1), is about eight times as much as that of the reverse reactivation (k(-0)), which is 1.64 x 10(-4)s(-1). Therefore, when the BrAc concentration is sufficiently large, the enzyme is completely inactivated.  相似文献   

The effects of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on prawn NAGase activity for the hydrolysis of pNP-beta-D-GlcNAc have been studied. The results show that H2O2 can reversible inhibit the enzyme (IC50 = 0.85 M) and the inhibition is of a mixed type. The kinetics show that k+o is much larger than k+0, indicating the free enzyme is more susceptible than the enzyme-substrate complex in the H2O2 solution. It is suggested that the presence of the substrate offers marked protection against inhibition by H202. Changes of activity and conformation of the enzyme in different concentrations of H202 have been compared by measuring the fluorescence spectra and residual activity and show that the change of conformation is more rapidly than that of the residual activity, which implies that the whole conformation of the enzyme changes more rapidly than the conformation of the active centre of the enzyme in the H2O2 solution.  相似文献   

Chemical modification of p-chloromercuribenzoate (PCMB) on beta-N-acetyl-d-glucosaminidase (NAGase, EC from green crab (Scylla serrata) has been studied. The results show that sulfhydryl group is essential for the activity of the enzyme. Inhibitory kinetics of the enzyme by mercuric chloride (HgCl2) has been studied using the kinetic method of the substrate reaction during inhibitor of enzyme. The kinetic results show that the inhibition of the enzyme by mercuric ion (Hg2+) at lower than 1.0 microM is a reversible reaction with residual activity and the inhibition belongs to be competitive. The inhibition kinetics model of Hg2+ on the enzyme was set up and the microscopic rate constants were determined and the data obtained were well fitted with the model. It was also turned out that only one molecule of HgCl2 binds to the enzyme molecule to lead the enzyme lose its activity. The above results suggest that the cysteine residue is essential for activity and is situated at the active site of the enzyme.  相似文献   

beta-N-acetyl-d-glucosaminidase (NAGase, EC., a composition of the chitinases, catalyzes the cleavage of N-acetylglucosamine polymers into N-acetylglucosamine. In this paper, the effects of mercuric ion on the activity of NAGase from Penaeus vannamei for the hydrolysis of pNP-NAG have been studied. The results show that HgCl2 can lead to irreversible inactivation to this enzyme. The inactivation process follows a first-order reaction and the inactivation rate constants have been determined. The relationship between the inactivation rate constants and HgCl2 concentration has been studied and the result shows that only one molecule of HgCl2 binds to the enzyme molecule to lead the enzyme lose its activity. Moreover, the conformational changes of the enzyme inactivated by HgCl2 were studied by following changes in the intrinsic fluorescence emission and ultraviolet absorption spectra.  相似文献   

beta-N-Acetyl-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase, EC catalyzes the cleavage of N-acetylglucosamine polymers. It is in the composition of the chitinases and cooperates with endo-chitinase and exo-chitinase to disintegrate chitin into N-acetylglucosamine. In this work, the effects of dioxane on the enzyme activity for the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminide from the prawn (Penaeus vannamei) have been studied. The results show that appropriate concentrations of dioxane can lead to reversible inactivation of the enzyme, and the IC(50) is estimated to be 1.1 M. The kinetics of inactivation of NAGase in the appropriate concentrations of dioxane solution has been studied using the kinetic method of the substrate reaction. The rate constants of inactivation have been determined. The results show that the free enzyme molecule is more fragile than the enzyme-substrate complex in the dioxane solution. It is suggested that the presence of the substrate offers marked protection of this enzyme against inactivation by dioxane.  相似文献   

Chemical pollution such as chromium and phenol in the sea water has been increasing in recent years in China sea. At the same time, marine shellfish such as prawn and crab are sensitive to this pollution. beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase, EC. catalyzes the cleavage the oligomers of N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) into the monomer. In this paper, the effects of phenol on the enzyme activity from green crab (Scylla serrata) for the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl-N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminide (pNP-NAG) have been studied. The results showed that appropriate concentrations of phenol could lead to reversible inhibition on the enzyme and the inhibitor concentration leading to 50% activity lost, IC(50), was estimated to be 75.0+/-2.0 mM. The inhibitory kinetics of phenol on the enzyme in the appropriate concentrations of phenol has been studied using the kinetic method of substrate reaction. The time course of the enzyme for the hydrolysis of pNP-NAG in the presence of different concentrations of phenol showed that at each phenol concentration, the rate decreased with increasing time until a straight line was approached. The results show that the inhibition of the enzyme by phenol is a slow, reversible reaction with fractional remaining activity. The microscopic rate constants are determined for the reaction on phenol with the enzyme.  相似文献   

Cysteine residues in prawn (Penaeus vannamei) β-N-acetyl-d-glucosaminidase (NAGase, EC have been modified by p-chloromercuribenzoate (PCMB). The results show that sulfhydryl group is essential for the activity of the enzyme. Inactivation kinetics of the enzyme by mercuric chloride (HgCl2) has been studied using the kinetic method of the substrate reaction during inactivation of enzyme previously described by Tsou. The kinetic results show that the inactivation of the enzyme is an irreversible reaction. The microscopic rate constants for the reaction of Hg2+ with free enzyme and with the enzyme-substrate complex are determined. Comparison of these rate constants indicates that the presence of substrate offers marked protection of this enzyme against inactivation by Hg2+. The above results suggest that the cysteine residue is essential for activity.  相似文献   

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