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在贵州省六盘水市杨梅乡慕尼克村,利用陷阱法捕捉到3号麝鼩属(Crocidura)标本。本次采集标本的体形较小,头体长(49.0 ± 0.8)mm,尾长[(41.8 ± 4.2)mm]略短于头体长(尾长/头体长为85%)。背毛呈浅灰褐色,腹毛颜色浅于背毛,呈灰色。尾部双色,背侧黑褐色,腹侧淡于背侧。前足背部白色,后足则为淡灰色。尾近乎裸露,尾基约1/3着生稀疏白色长毛。颅全长(15.92 ± 0.55)mm,脑颅高(4.75 ± 0.18)mm。上门齿1枚,有一长而大的前尖和一小而矮的后尖。上单尖齿3枚,第1单尖齿最大,第2单尖齿略大于第3单尖齿,1枚第四前臼齿(P4),3枚臼齿。上述特征与东阳江麝鼩(C. dongyangjiangensis)模式标本的描述和鉴定特征基本一致,因此将3号采集标本鉴定为东阳江麝鼩。基于Cyt b基因进行分子系统发育分析,采集标本与麝鼩属物种中的东阳江麝鼩遗传距离最近,在0.004 ~ 0.027之间。系统发生树显示,3号标本与东阳江麝鼩构成一个单系进化分支,进一步证实本次采集的3号标本是东阳江麝鼩,为贵州省分布新记录种。  相似文献   

2021年8月,在安徽省合肥市庐江县牛王寨采集到东亚腹链蛇属(Hebius)蛇类标本1号。经形态比较发现,该蛇明显不同于大别山地区已有的东亚腹链蛇属物种——棕黑腹链蛇(H. sauteri)和绣链腹链蛇(H. craspedogaster)。分子系统学分析显示,该标本与东亚腹链蛇(H. vibakari)遗传关系最近,且形态上符合东亚腹链蛇特征,提示该标本应为东亚腹链蛇。东亚腹链蛇是安徽省和大别山地区爬行动物分布新记录种,这也是该物种在中国东北地区之外首次被报道。该分布新记录扩大了对东亚腹链蛇的分布范围的认知,对东亚腹链蛇的种群分化和生物地理学研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

裴俊峰  冯慧 《动物学杂志》2024,59(1):103-114
2011年4和8月及2014年4月在陕西省宝鸡市太白县分别采集到2只、1只和1只共4只蝙蝠个体,标本保存于陕西省动物研究所标本馆(标本编号为TB0001、TB0002、TB0017和TB0042)。其主要形态特征为:体型小,头体长34.59 ~ 43.86 mm(n = 4);耳较小,黑色;耳前缘近凸圆,耳后缘在基部有一浅的缺刻;耳屏细长,约为耳长的一半;后足不及胫长的一半;背部毛基黑色,毛尖为赤褐色;腹部毛基为黑色,毛尖为灰褐色;翼膜起始于后足外趾的基部。以上特征均与喜山鼠耳蝠moupinensis亚种(Myotis muricola moupinensis)相符。结合线粒体Cyt b基因序列,构建其系统发生关系,与基因库中宽吻蝠属未定种(Submyotodon sp.)序列聚为较高支持度的一支。综合形态与系统发育证据,参考目前最新的中国兽类物种分类和分布信息,将采集到的标本初步鉴定为喜山鼠耳蝠moupinensis亚种,此次发现是陕西省境内该物种的首次记录,拓展了对其在我国分布范围的认识。  相似文献   

胡洁  宋森 《动物学杂志》2023,58(3):450, 466-472
我国分布的宽耳蝠包括北京宽耳蝠(Barbastella beijingensis)和东方宽耳蝠(B. darjelingensis)2个物种。东方宽耳蝠在我国分布于内蒙古、新疆、青海、陕西、甘肃、河南、湖南、江西、四川、重庆、云南、贵州、台湾等省(自治区、直辖市),但北京宽耳蝠仅记录于北京。2022年7月于山西省祁县昌源河湿地公园林道中(37°19′15″ N,112°26′18″ E,海拔812 m),采集到1只雄性宽耳蝠。该蝠体型中等,前臂长43.7 mm。双耳在额部相连,外耳廓近方形,横嵴明显,耳廓中部外缘具有较小的耳突,其第三掌骨长大于第四掌骨长大于第五掌骨长。颅全长为14.6 mm,具有强壮的上前臼齿和下前臼齿。以上特征均与北京宽耳蝠相符。头骨特征中,与北京宽耳蝠相比其具有较小的颅基长和颅宽,其余头骨测量参数值均与北京宽耳蝠相近。基于Cyt bND1基因序列的系统发育学证据亦支持形态鉴定结果。结合外部形态、头骨参数及分子数据,将山西样本鉴定为北京宽耳蝠,为山西省翼手目分布新记录种。  相似文献   

我国分布的宽耳蝠包括北京宽耳蝠(Barbastella beijingensis)和东方宽耳蝠(B. darjelingensis)2个物种。东方宽耳蝠在我国分布于内蒙古、新疆、青海、陕西、甘肃、河南、湖南、江西、四川、重庆、云南、贵州、台湾等省(自治区、直辖市),但北京宽耳蝠仅记录于北京。2022年7月于山西省祁县昌源河湿地公园林道中(37°19′15″ N,112°26′18″ E,海拔812 m),采集到1只雄性宽耳蝠。该蝠体型中等,前臂长43.7 mm。双耳在额部相连,外耳廓近方形,横嵴明显,耳廓中部外缘具有较小的耳突,其第三掌骨长大于第四掌骨长大于第五掌骨长。颅全长为14.6 mm,具有强壮的上前臼齿和下前臼齿。以上特征均与北京宽耳蝠相符。头骨特征中,与北京宽耳蝠相比其具有较小的颅基长和颅宽,其余头骨测量参数值均与北京宽耳蝠相近。基于Cyt bND1基因序列的系统发育学证据亦支持形态鉴定结果。结合外部形态、头骨参数及分子数据,将山西样本鉴定为北京宽耳蝠,为山西省翼手目分布新记录种。  相似文献   

琴蛙属(Nidirana)是广泛分布于东洋界的两栖动物,目前安徽省琴蛙属仅记录了弹琴蛙 (N. adenopleura)1种。2022年7月在安徽省黄山地区(九龙峰自然保护区和马金岭自然保护区)采集到9号两栖动物标本,其形态特征与孟闻琴蛙(N. mangveni)相似;此外,基于线粒体COI基因片段的分子系统发育分析显示,此次采集到的琴蛙标本与孟闻琴蛙聚为一支,且具有高的支持率(贝叶斯后验概率/最大似然支持率为1.00/98%),而且和孟闻琴蛙遗传距离最近,与模式产地的孟闻琴蛙遗传距离仅有0.04%。因此,结合形态比较和分子系统学分析,鉴定此次采集的琴蛙属标本为孟闻琴蛙,为安徽省两栖动物分布新记录种。这一发现将孟闻琴蛙的分布范围扩展至皖南地区,为琴蛙属和皖南地区的生物地理学和地史研究提供了重要数据。  相似文献   

2021年9月,在贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州荔波县黎明关水族乡采集到一雌一雄2号白环蛇属(Lycodon)物种个体,两个体具有以下形态学特征:背鳞17-17-15行,光滑;上唇鳞8枚,下唇鳞10枚;颊鳞1枚,入眶;眶前鳞1枚,眶后鳞2枚;颞鳞8枚,2 + 3 + 3排列;腹鳞209 ~ 213枚(+ 1或2枚前腹鳞),雄性尾下鳞90对,雌性标本尾末端缺损,肛鳞完整。活体背面棕黑色,雄性体背部具29条浅色环,尾背部具12条浅色环,雌性体背部具30条浅色环,尾背部具10条浅色环。2号标本与锦白环蛇(L. pictus)原始描述中提供的形态学鉴定依据相符。线粒体Cyt b基因序列分析显示,本次采集的标本与已知锦白环蛇样本的遗传距离在0.3% ~ 0.8%之间。综合形态特征和系统发育分析比较,鉴定此次采集的白环蛇属标本为锦白环蛇,为贵州爬行动物分布新记录种。  相似文献   

巢鼠属(Micromys Dehne,1841)隶属于啮齿目(Rodentia)鼠科(Muridae),是最小的啮齿动物之一。此前的研究显示该属包含巢鼠(M.minutus)和红耳巢鼠(M.erythrotis)两个物种,但由于数据缺乏,红耳巢鼠的有效种地位仍存争议,且两个物种在中国的地理分布也不确定。本研究在安徽清凉峰国家级自然保护区采集到一批巢鼠属标本,经形态与分子学鉴定发现其包含巢鼠和红耳巢鼠两个物种,它们在清凉峰海拔1 600 m处同域分布,支持红耳巢鼠的有效种地位。基于安徽清凉峰巢鼠和红耳巢鼠的外形特点,本文对国家动物标本资源库的巢鼠属照片进行了分析,并结合相关文献资料,对中国巢鼠属的地理分布进行了整理,同时绘制了地理分布图。结果显示:在我国巢鼠主要分布在黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、河北、陕西、甘肃、新疆、江苏、安徽、浙江、湖南、江西、广东、福建、台湾;红耳巢鼠主要分布在云南、四川、陕西、湖北、西藏、贵州、重庆、安徽、福建、广西;两者在安徽清凉峰和陕西镇巴县、城固县皆有分布。此外,分子系统学分析显示,我国巢鼠属多样性仍被低估,极有可能存在未知的分类单元,巢鼠属的分类研究工作仍需加强。  相似文献   

2022年6月在陕西省安康市镇坪县化龙山自然保护区(32°00′01″ N,109°17′05″ E,海拔1 641 m)采集到1号无尾两栖类标本,经形态特征比较确认为臭蛙属(Odorrana)物种,基于线粒体16S rRNA分子片段对臭蛙属35个物种的系统发育进行分析,其与模式产地四川南江的光雾臭蛙(O. kuangwuensis)在最大似然系统发育树中聚为一支,支持率高达99%,且遗传分化较小,应属种内关系。综合形态特征比较和系统发育分析,确定采集到的标本为无尾目(Anura)蛙科(Ranidae)臭蛙属的光雾臭蛙,系陕西省两栖动物分布新记录种,此发现为光雾臭蛙在大巴山脉分布的连续性提供了一定依据。  相似文献   

2021年8月,在安徽省合肥市庐江县牛王寨采集到东亚腹链蛇属(Hebius)蛇类标本1号。经形态比较发现,该蛇明显不同于大别山地区已有的东亚腹链蛇属物种——棕黑腹链蛇(H. sauteri)和绣链腹链蛇(H. craspedogaster)。分子系统学分析显示,该标本与东亚腹链蛇(H. vibakari)遗传关系最近,且形态上符合东亚腹链蛇特征,提示该标本应为东亚腹链蛇。东亚腹链蛇是安徽省和大别山地区爬行动物分布新记录种,这也是该物种在中国东北地区之外首次被报道。该分布新记录扩大了对东亚腹链蛇的分布范围的认知,对东亚腹链蛇的种群分化和生物地理学研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Harvest Mouse (Micromys minutus) has a very wide range of distribution in Asia and Europe. However, the phylogenetic relationship of M. minutus is still uncertain. In this study, we determined the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome sequences of M. minutus, and used the complete mitochondrial genome sequences constructed the phylogenetic tree of Muroidea. The size of the genome is 16,232 bp in length and has a base composition of 33.6% A, 29.1% T, 24.8% C, and 12.5% G. The mitogenome structure was similar to that of typical vertebrate and other rodents' mitochondrial genomes, includes 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNA genes (12S rRNA and 16S rRNA), 22 tRNA genes, and 1 control region. We suggested a new initiation codon for ND5 (NADH dehydrogenase subunit), which has been never reported in the mitochondrial genome of vertebrate. The ML and BI phylogenetic trees, which based on the combination of the 12 protein-coding genes, supported strongly that the genus Micromys was represent an early offshoot within the Muridae with high support values (BI = 1.00, ML = 100).  相似文献   

The harvest mouse, Micromys minutus (MMIN), has a very wide range of distribution (from the British Isles across the Euroasian continent to Japan and Taiwan). We studied an isolated population of MMIN in Taiwan, which is at the southeastern margin of the species’ geographic distribution, and compared its genetic complement with those of the same species previously reported from other geographic locations and with two model rodent species, the house mouse (Mus musculus) and the brown Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus). The diploid number (2N) of MMIN was 68, consistent with that reported for other populations. However, variations were noted in the fundamental number (FN) and the shape and banding patterns of the individual chromosomes among populations. The FN of MMIN was estimated to be 72, including 2 bi-armed autosomes, 31 one-armed autosomes, and one pair of one-armed sex chromosomes. Here, we propose the first ideogram for MMIN. C-banding, Ag-NOR, and the locations of 18S rRNA gene sequences (MMIN chromosomes no. 10, 14, 19, 29, 31, 33, and X) mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) are also reported. Additionally, we compared the 18S rDNA sequences and performed cross-species X chromosome painting (FISH) for M. minutus, M. musculus, and R. norvegicus. The results indicate that both genetic elements are rather conserved across species. Thus, implications for the phylogenetic position of Micromys were limited.  相似文献   

In an overgrown clearing, which occupied an area of 5 ha within mixed spruce-deciduous forest, 106 and 20 nests of the harvest mouseMicromys minutus (Pallas, 1771) and 81 and 59 nests of the common dormouseMuscardinus avellanarius (Linnaeus, 1758) were recorded in the fourth and fifth years after clear-felling, respectively. The highest densities of nests ofM. minutus andM. avellanarius were 46 nests/ha and 39 nests/ha, respectively, in two different plots. The affinity betweenM. minutus andM. avellanarius was negative in overgrown clearings according to the distribution of their nests. Such a result was expected becauseM. minutus andM. avellanarius used different nest supporting plants:M. minutus used tall grasses, whileM. avellanarius used young trees and shrubs. However, no positive relationship was found between the number of nests ofM. minutus and cover of grass vegetation in plots with the highest density of nests ofM. minutus. Most nests ofM. Minutus were situated in areas covered by young trees among which tall grasses, mainlyCalamagrostis epigeios, grew, often on the borders with the areas covered by grass vegetation. The successionary stage when woody vegetation reached 4–5 years old did not choke grass vegetation yet was favourable for bothM. minutus andM. avellanarius in overgrowing clearings.  相似文献   

2022年7月在重庆市黔江区武陵山市级自然保护区采集到1号两栖动物标本,经形态特征比较,与尾突角蟾(Boulenophrys caudoprocta)相似;基于线粒体16Sr RNA和COI基因联合构建布角蟾属(Boulenophrys)部分物种系统发育树,此次采集的角蟾标本与尾突角蟾聚为一支,具有较高的支持率(1/100,贝叶斯法/最大似然超快速引导支持分析值);基于p-distance估算本次采集的角蟾标本与尾突角蟾湖南模式产地标本间的遗传距离为0%,远小于角蟾属物种间的遗传距离(8.7%~15.9%)。综合形态特征和分子系统发育比较,确定此次采集到的角蟾标本为无尾目(Anura)角蟾科(Megophryidae)布角蟾属的尾突角蟾,系重庆市两栖动物分布新记录种。重庆市尾突角蟾的发现,进一步扩展了该地区的物种名录,拓宽了对尾突角蟾分布范围的认知,为该属区系分类学和系统学提供了新信息,同时为当地生态系统和物种多样性的研究提供了基础信息,对制定更加全面和针对性的保护措施有着积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic studies and taxonomic reviews have led to nearly complete resolution of the phylogenetic divisions within the old world rats and mice (Muridae, Murinae). The Micromys division and Pithecheir division are two notable exceptions where groupings of species into these divisions based on morphology and arboreal lifestyle have not been supported by phylogenetic evidence. Several enigmatic species from these divisions have been missing from molecular studies, preventing a rigorous revision of phylogenetic relationships. In this study, we sequenced for the first time one mitochondrial and three nuclear genes from South‐East Asian keystone species of these two arboreal divisions: Hapalomys delacouri (Micromys division), Lenothrix canus and Pithecheir parvus (Pithecheir division). We also complemented the molecular data already available for the two divisions with new data from Sundaic Chiropodomys, Indian Vandeleuria oleracea and the recently described Sulawesian Margaretamys christinae. Using this new phylogenetic framework and molecular dating methodologies, our study allows some more detailed classification of the former Micromys and Pithecheir divisions, while confirming their polyphyletic status. Specifically, the former Micromys division should now be split into four monotypic divisions: Chiropodomys, Hapalomys, Micromys and Vandeleuria divisions. The former Pithecheir division is likely to be refined and restricted to Pithecheir and probably Pithecheirops, whereas Lenothrix and Margaretamys should now be recognized as representatives of the Dacnomys division. Our findings have profound implications with regard to the systematics of Murinae, as well as to the early evolution of murine morphology and dental characters.  相似文献   

2013年7月在广东南岭国家级自然保护区阳山县境内(24°48′39.5′′N,112°51′01.3′′E,海拔155 m)捕捉到4只雄性蝙蝠,体型小,前臂长34.1~34.7 mm,颅全长14.3~14.7 mm;体毛浓密,背毛毛基黑色,毛尖灰色,腹毛黑或棕色,毛尖奶油白,靠近肛门处腹毛浅灰色,些许白色;翼膜附着于跖部末端;后足特别延展,长度超过胫骨长之半;鉴定为长指鼠耳蝠[Myotis longipes(Dobson1873)]。同时,基于Cyt b基因序列(1 140 bp)构建的部分鼠耳蝠物种系统进化关系,进一步确认上述标本为长指鼠耳蝠,为广东省翼手目新纪录。该种蝙蝠在我国贵州、广西、重庆有分布记载,但标本和相关资料很少。本文给出了长指鼠耳蝠的外形和头骨特征测量数据,并与印度的标本进行了对比。长指鼠耳蝠的回声定位声波为调频型(FM),主频率为68.2 k Hz;此外,对其分类地位和分布状况进行了讨论。标本保存于广东省生物资源应用研究所。  相似文献   

2019年5月18和19日,在贵州赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区金沙沟片区(28°26′12″N,105°59′52″E海拔465m)采集到8只两栖动物标本。形态上,这些标本与模式产地的峨眉角蟾(Megophrys omeimontis)相近。基于528 bp的16S rRNA基因片段构建最大似然系统发育树表明,本次采集的8只标本与峨眉角蟾模式产地标本聚在一起,其遗传距离远小于角蟾属其他物种之间的遗传距离。因此,结合分子系统学分析及形态学比较,确认这些标本为无尾目(Anura)角蟾科(Megophryidae)角蟾属的峨眉角蟾,系贵州省两栖动物分布新记录种。  相似文献   

The traditional order Mischococcales (Xanthophyceae) is polyphyletic with some original members now classified in a separate class, Eustigmatophyceae. However, most mischococcalean species have not yet been studied in detail, raising the possibility that many of them still remain misplaced. We established an algal culture (strain CCALA 838) determined as one such species, Trachydiscus minutus (Bourr.) H. Ettl, and studied the morphology, ultrastructure, life cycle, pigment composition, and phylogeny using the 18S rRNA gene. We discovered a zoosporic part of the life cycle of this alga. Zoospore production was induced by darkness, suppressed by light, and was temperature dependent. The zoospores possessed one flagellum covered with mastigonemes and exhibited a basal swelling, but a stigma was missing. Ultrastructural investigations of vegetative cells revealed plastids lacking both a connection to the nuclear envelope and a girdle lamella. Moreover, we described biogenesis of oil bodies on the ultrastructural level. Photosynthetic pigments of T. minutus included as the major carotenoids violaxanthin and vaucheriaxanthin (ester); we detected no chl c. An 18S rRNA gene‐based phylogenetic analysis placed T. minutus in a clade with species of the genus Pseudostaurastrum and with Goniochloris sculpta Geitler, which form a sister branch to initially studied Eustigmatophyceae. In summary, our results are inconsistent with classifying T. minutus as a xanthophycean and indicate that it is a member of a novel deep lineage of the class Eustigmatophyceae.  相似文献   

Three species of the bunocotyline genus Saturnius Manter, 1969 are described from the stomach lining of mugilid fishes of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Two of the species are new: S. minutus n. sp. occurs in Mugil cephalus off the Mediterranean coast of Spain; and S. dimitrovi n. sp., a parasite of M. cephalus off the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and the Spanish Mediterranean coast, was originally described as S. papernai by Dimitrov et al. (1998). In addition, S. papernai Overstreet, 1977 is redescribed from M. cephalus off the Spanish Mediterranean coast and from Liza aurata and L. saliens off the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The three species are distinguished morphometrically using univariate and multivariate analyses. These results were verified using Linear Discriminant Analysis which correctly allocated all specimens to their species designations based on morphology (i.e. 100% successful classification rate) and assigned almost all specimens to the correct population (locality). The following variables were selected for optimal separation between samples: the length of the forebody, ventral sucker and posterior testis, the length and width of the posteriormost pseudosegment, and the width of the muscular flange at ventral sucker level.  相似文献   

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