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应用生态经济系统能值分析理论,定量分析广州市南沙地区十九涌红树林沼泽湿地的生态效益以及系统内的物流和能流.结果表明,2002年红树林的能值-货币价值为1.88×104美元,湿地水禽和水产的能值-货币价值分别有22.78×104美元和12.00×104美元,湿地系统能值总投入17.96×1016sej,不可再生能源9.44×1016sej;产出能值总量31.28×1016sej.通过湿地生态系统能值分析图和能值分析表,可以看出南沙十九涌红树林沼泽湿地整体投入/产出的效益非常合理,即投入少(10.49×104美元),产出量大(42.82×104美元),说明红树林湿地具有低投入高产出的特点.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖湿地生态能值分析研究   总被引:34,自引:7,他引:27  
崔丽娟  赵欣胜 《生态学报》2004,24(7):1480-1485
应用奥德姆 (H.T.Odum)创立的生态经济系统能值分析理论 ,定量分析鄱阳湖湿地生态系统内的物流和能流。研究认为分析湿地生态效益主要有 4个步骤 ,即 :(1 )建立概念性的能值分析系统 ,全面反映能值分析方法 ;(2 )能值指标系统分析表制作与能值计算 ;(3)能值指标估算 ;(4 )依能值指标系统分析表和能值图解阐述湿地生态效益。通过整理实地考察所获数据和历史资料 ,运用所提的方法进行分析研究 ,其湿地生态系统能值图解和能值指标分析表的分析结果表明 :鄱阳湖湿地的投入量太阳能值为 3.36× 1 0 1 9sej,产出量太阳能值为 3.0 7× 1 0 2 0 sej,初级生产力为 5 .0 4× 1 0 1 9sej,不可再生能源或资源为 6 .35× 1 0 1 9sej,资本投入 /产出中的生态服务、生态旅游和科研工作太阳能值分别有 8.79× 1 0 1 9sej,4 .80× 1 0 1 9sej,1 .0 5× 1 0 1 9sej,总计 1 .4 6× 1 0 2 0sej,进而得出鄱阳湖湿地生态系统整体投入 /产出的效益良好。湿地水禽的太阳能值为 1 .6 1× 1 0 2 0 sej,说明鄱阳湖湿地在保护水禽方面的地位不可替代 ,在长江流域内有着非常重要的生态功能  相似文献   

从能值效益角度研究互花米草生态工程资源配置   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
张晟途  钦佩  万树文 《生态学报》2000,20(6):1045-1049
应用能值分析的方法 ,分别对江苏省射阳河口的 3种治理方法 :海滨潮间带盐沼湿地 (方案 A)、互花米草湿地 (方案B)和互花米草生态工程 (方案 C)进行能值计算和评价。计算结果为能值投放 A:2 .84 E 1 2 sej/a· m2 ;B:3.67E 1 1 sej/a1· m2 ;C:8.94 E 1 1 sej/a·m2 ;能值产出 A:5.78E 0 9sej/a· m2 ;B:3.4 4E 1 1 sej/a· m2 ;C:3.4 6E 1 2 sej/a·m2。从主要能值指标看 ,A的持续性需以人类活动的不断投入来维持 ,B和 C较 A具有明显的优越性 ,C的能值产出更大。以能值为单位 ,考察资源的最佳配置点 ,B的自然资源对资本和服务的边际技术替代率较大 ,其 MRTS=MP2 /MP1较大说明 B的人类经济活动所投入占的比例较小 ,增加少量的资本和服务投入可取得更大的边际产出。  相似文献   

采用碘量法对毛乌素沙地碱湖的钝顶螺旋藻S1 与国外引进的钝顶螺旋藻S2 和极大螺旋藻S3 的过氧化氢酶 (CAT)进行了比较研究。结果表明 :S1 、S2 和S3CAT活性在 2 5℃、pH 7 0时分别为 41 0 7U/g·FW、 550 4U/g·FW和 370 3U/g·FW ;Km值分别为 5 0× 1 0 - 2mol/L、 5 4× 1 0 - 2 mol/L和 3 8× 1 0 - 2 mol/L ;最适温度分别为 2 5℃  相似文献   

不同类型的棉田生态系统功能特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
戈峰  刘向辉  丁岩钦 《生态学报》2002,22(9):1433-1439
通过对 7种不同时空类型的华北棉区棉田生态系统能流、价值流和 N、P、K变化的研究表明 ,华北棉区棉田生态系统的能量生产为 3 0 .41× 1 0 3~ 71 .63× 1 0 3k J/(m2· a) ,纯收入为每 hm2 3 5 65 .80~ 81 46.5 0元 ,主要能量投入为劳动力的投入 ,占总投入能的 75 .80 %~ 81 .1 4%。其在不同时空类型棉田所表现出的变化特征为 :随着播种期的推后 ,棉田内害虫的取食为害作用增加 ,天敌的捕食作用减少 ,光能的利用效率下降 ,棉田经济效益降低 ;实行间套作 ,棉田内害虫的为害作用和天敌的捕食作用均增加 ,光能利用率增加 ,棉田经济效益上升 ;进行免耕种植 ,棉田内害虫的为害取食作用减少 ,天敌的捕食作用增加 ,光能利用率增加 ,棉田经济效益上升。由此进一步探讨了华北棉田生态系统生态调控的途径。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖自然保护区蚌湖和中湖池苦草冬芽的调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1998年 1 2月对鄱阳湖自然保护区内蚌湖和中湖池苦草冬芽进行调查。苦草生活冬芽的平均长度为 3 .0 5± 0 .5 6 cm,平均直径为 0 .84± 0 .1 4cm,平均鲜重为 1 .0 3± 0 .3 0 g,平均干重为 0 .3 0± 0 .1 0 g,含水量为 70 .6 2 %。生活冬芽在蚌湖和中湖池的平均密度分别为 1 5 .8个 /m2和 2 4 .3个 /m2 。苦草冬芽在蚌湖的分布比较均匀 ,在中湖池各采样点的分布有显著差异 ,这种差异与不同采样点的基质状况有关。苦草生活冬芽在基质中分布最大深度为 3 5 cm,在0— 1 0 cm土层中所占比例最大 ;冬芽死亡数以 2 0— 3 0 cm土层中所占比例最大。冬芽分布深度对其以后的萌发有重要影响。  相似文献   

遥感与GIS支持下的盘锦湿地水禽栖息地适宜性评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
盘锦湿地位于辽河三角洲的核心地带,是重要的水禽栖息地。受自然和人类活动的影响,该地区水禽栖息的生境面积不断缩小,致使湿地生态系统受到严重破坏,生物种群数量急剧下降。在此背景下,以GIS/RS为技术手段,根据盘锦湿地环境特点,采用层次分析法,从干扰条件、水源状况、遮蔽物以及食物丰富度4个方面对盘锦湿地水禽栖息地适宜性进行空间分析,再按照不同指标因子的等级划分,得到适宜性最好、适宜性良好、适宜性一般以及适宜性最差4个等级的盘锦湿地水禽栖息地适宜性评价图。结果表明:(1)盘锦湿地水禽栖息地适宜性最好、适宜性良好、适宜性一般、适宜性差的面积分别为803.79,913.47,905.29,1023.65hm2,分别占总面积的22.04%,25.05%,24.83%,28.07%;(2)前三类总面积为2622.55 hm2,占71.93%,说明盘锦地区水禽栖息的适宜地区较多,主要分布于流域、河漫滩等人为干扰较少的芦苇湿地以及食物和水源比较充足的大面积耕地中;(3)基于遥感分析和GIS空间分析技术,能有效、简便地对湿地生态环境处于快速动态变化中的水禽栖息地适宜性进行快速、客观准确的评价分析,其结果能为盘锦湿地水禽种群及其生存环境的规划、保护、管理和决策提供数据支持和科学依据。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲湿地生态系统的形成及其保护   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:19  
通过对黄河三角洲新生湿地的野外调查,利用TM陆地卫星影像图的判读,结合黄河尾闾变动的历史资料分析,结果表明,黄河三角洲新生湿地是多泥沙的黄河淤积和海岸蚀退所形成.受区域气候、地貌、地质沉积、土壤、植被的相互作用和互相影响,形成4.5×105hm2的湿地,其中有6.84×104hm2的人工湿地.湿地生态类型随着黄河尾闾摆动和海退陆进程度而变化,自海洋向陆地依次为潮下带水生生态系统潮间带湿地生态系统潮上带盐生生态系统芦苇獐茅湿地生态系统草甸湿地生态系统陆上农田生态系统.该系统资源丰富,共有野生动物1524种,鸟类300种,鱼类1040种.石油开发和近年来黄河断流对湿地产生一定影响,应在开发利用中加强管理和保护  相似文献   

螺旋藻过氧化氢酶的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用碘量法对毛乌素沙地碱湖的钝顶螺旋藻S1 与国外引进的钝顶螺旋藻S2 和极大螺旋藻S3 的过氧化氢酶 (CAT)进行了比较研究。结果表明 :S1 、S2 和S3CAT活性在 2 5℃、pH 7 0时分别为 41 0 7U/g·FW、 550 4U/g·FW和 370 3U/g·FW ;Km值分别为 5 0× 1 0 - 2mol/L、 5 4× 1 0 - 2 mol/L和 3 8× 1 0 - 2 mol/L ;最适温度分别为 2 5℃、 2 5℃和 40℃ ;最适pH值分别为 7 2、 7 6和 7 8。内蒙古特有的S1 CAT对温度和pH适应范围宽 ,且在低温、高温和强碱下的活性比引进种的高。  相似文献   

用1%TinopalLPW荧光增白剂作为蜀柏毒蛾核型多角体病毒增效剂对蜀柏毒蛾2龄幼虫进行室内毒力测定,结果表明1%Tinonal LPW对Parocneria orienta NPV有较强的增效作用.使用3.6×1011PIB/hm2+1%TinopalLPW、1.8×1011PIB/hm2+ 1%TinopalLPW、9.0×1010PIB/hm2+1%TinopalLPW和3.6×1011PIB/hm2、1.8×1011PIB/hm2、9.0×1010PIB/hm26种处理对林间越冬代2-3龄幼虫进行超低容量喷雾防治,结果表明除9.0×1010PIB /hm2+1%TinopalLPW 表现出显著的增效作用外,其余剂量有增效作用但不显著.  相似文献   

江苏海涂两种水生利用模式的能值分析   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
自然资源的开发利用模式是多种多样的 ,要明确哪一种模式更优化 ,就必须对其生态经济效益作比较全面的分析评价。传统经济学的劳动价值论或市场价值论只表现了人对生态经济系统的贡献 ,没有体现自然对生态经济系统的贡献 ;传统的能量分析方法 ,把所有的可利用能量看成是等同的 ,没能体现能级和能质的差异[10 ]。能值分析方法克服了以上各方法的缺陷 ,从自然进化和系统演化的角度指出真正财富的共同价值基础能值 ,使得生态经济系统中各种能量、信息和物质能以同一标准进行比较和估算1) 。最大能值流原理提供了几条明确标准 ,反映系统自组织的…  相似文献   

Although epipelic diatoms play a key role in primary production of many ecosystems, many aspects of their biodiversity, ecology and geographical distribution are poorly understood. The present study is based on sampling of 45 man-made fishponds in the Czech Republic covering an environmental gradient from oligo/dystrophic highland ponds within protected areas to the eutrophic/hypertrophic lowland ponds used for intensive fish production. Diatom distribution patterns assessed using biomass and species composition variables were assessed along environmental and geographical gradients. In total, 185 epipelic diatom taxa were found in the investigated samples. The differences in species composition between sites were correlated with environmental parameters, but not with the geographic distance of the localities. This pattern might suggest that niche-based control, rather than the effect of dispersal limitation, is the main driving force in the species composition of epipelic diatoms in fishponds. The alpha-diversity of sites correlated with altitude, nitrogen and chlorophyll a concentrations but did not correlate with the area of the ponds. The significant relationships between local abundance of species and their regional occupancy were very similar to previous studies of diatoms in boreal streams. In addition, these data concur with patterns known for multicellular organisms suggesting that in this respect diatoms may not differ from groups of organisms with larger body sizes. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

We evaluated a radar-activated integrated hazing system for the protection of waterfowl at large contaminated ponds at a power plant. The hazing devices in the system included acoustic alarm calls, pyrotechnics and chemical repellents dispersed in the form of a bird tear-gas. Unlike, timed interval systems, or systems with random activation sequences, birds did not habituate to the demand-performance system tested. Over the course of a year, we documented that waterfowl were 12.5 times less likely to fly over the hazed contaminated ponds relative to a non-hazed control pond. Of the waterfowl that did fly over both ponds, the likelihood of landing on the hazed contaminated pond was 4.2 times less relative to the control. Hazing also altered the flight direction and altitude of waterfowl. Mortality during the year the hazing system was in place decreased by a factor 6.5 relative to previous years where the system was not in operation. Demand-performance integrated hazing systems show promise in protecting large areas where placement of operators is not practical for logistic, safety, or long-term cost reasons.  相似文献   

This paper examines the distribution and infection of Biomphalaria glabrata with Schistosoma mansoni in all aquatic snail habitats in a rural area in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in relation to physico/biotic and behavioral factors. Snail and environmental surveys were carried out semi-annually between July 2001 and November 2002 at 106 sites. Collected snails were examined in the laboratory for infection. B. glabrata densities were highest in overflow ponds, irrigation ponds, springs, canals and wells, and lowest in fishponds and water tanks. Snail densities were higher during the hot, rainy season except for streams and canals and were statistically associated with the presence of fish, pollution, and vegetation density. Tilapia fish and an unidentified Diptera larva were found to be predators of B. glabrata but ducks were not. Twenty-four of the 25 infected snails were collected in 2001(1.4% infection rate) and only one in 2002, after mass chemotherapy. The occurrence of B. glabrata in all 11 snail habitats both at and away from water contact sites studied indicates widespread risk of human infection in the study area. In spite of the strong association between B. glabrata and tilapia in fishponds we do not recommend its use in schistosomiasis control for ecological reasons and its relative inefficiency in streams and dams.  相似文献   

One major area dealt with by the concept of Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives (ZERI) is the utilisation of huge volumes of nutrient-rich waters from household toilets, kitchen sinks and municipal and organo-industries for integrated purposes. The arrangements at the Tunweni Sorghum Brewery, Tsumeb, Namibia are such that wastewater is utilised in the polyculture of locally available riverine fish species in large (3 000m2; 120m long × 25m wide), deep (3m) earthen ponds. Before reaching the fishponds the wastewater passes through a series of bio-system processes such as mushroom and earthworm beds, a pig sty, anaerobic and aerobic digesters and algae ponds. A pH of about 8.0 is desirable for maximum fish production in the large (9 000m3) fishponds. The old Chinese technique is followed whereby wastewater is utilised for growing fish without adding any feed supplement; various plankton and invertebrates produced naturally serve as feeds for various kinds of fish feeding at different trophic levels. A variety of locally-available riverine fish species, of different trophic levels, are useful for sustainable stocking in the ponds where no feed-supplement is necessary. Various plankton and invertebrates are produced naturally as feeds for the various kinds of fish feeding at different trophic levels, obviating the purchase of costly artificial feeds which can make fish culture uneconomical. Fish wastes are naturally mineralised into nutrients in the ponds and the nutrient-rich water supports phytoplankton, zooplankton and invertebrates, all of which comprise a varied food chain supporting the fish growth.  相似文献   

Urbanisation is increasing and it is essential to integrate biodiversity into the spatial planning of urban areas. This requires deeper understanding of biodiversity patterns in cities. We investigated which habitat variables are major determinants of dragonfly diversity and species assemblage structure in the municipal area of Dortmund (Germany). We sampled dragonfly larvae in 33 ponds situated in city parks, commercial, residential and agricultural areas. We recorded 30 autochthonous dragonfly species with species richness ranging from zero to 17. Additionally, we surveyed a set of environmental variables including habitat size, water level, pond structures and vegetation as well as surrounding landscape and potential disturbances like waterfowl and fish. Multivariate methods were used to identify the major determinants of dragonfly diversity, abundance and assemblage structure. Analysis indicated that diversity of aquatic and terrestrial vegetation affected dragonfly diversity positively. City park ponds had low diversity, but Ischnura elegans was obviously promoted by the specific park pond conditions, including high waterfowl density. We found five assemblages mostly determined by generalistic species which were related to different pond types. Moderately disturbed ruderal and pioneer ponds in residential and agricultural areas also contained increased numbers of rare species. Our results indicate that urban ponds may have a great value for maintaining biodiversity, but various disturbances have negative impact. To promote urban biodiversity we suggest a natural design of well-vegetated ponds as well as a high diversity of different pond types and particularly a more-natural redesign of city park ponds.  相似文献   

Summary Three groups of fishponds with brown water were studied during 1967–1970: A — fishponds in natural state on crystalline rocks, B — medium managedfishponds on tertiary formations, C — extensively managed peat-bog-like ponds on Cordioritgneis. The first group consists of extremely poor oligomineral ponds, pH never reaching 7, with an average transparency of 1 m, with maximum alkalinity 0,16 mval/l and with the cladoceran Holopedium gibberum in the plankton. The second group is treated with line and fertilizers, so that pH oscillates near 7, alkalinity between 0,4–1,44 mval/l and feeble water blooms occur in October and November, consisting of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Anabaena scheremetievi and Chrysopyxis paludosa. The third group comprises highly brownish colored pond with an average transparency of 69 cm. Many interesting algae were reported from these ponds, among them some new for science. Lists of phytoplankton and zooplankton show great numbers of species. Diatoms are characteristic for the first group, Chlamydomonas species for the second one. The rotifer Trichotria truncata is considered a glacial relict. Many of the Diatoms and Chrysophyceans prefer low light intensity and are thus able to live in the brown-water ponds, where the light is absorbed within a few meters.  相似文献   

  1. Ponds can provide important refuges for aquatic biota on developed floodplains and are increasingly being constructed in an effort to enhance native biodiversity and ecosystem services in degraded landscapes. This study examined 34 constructed ponds to investigate the influence of design features on community composition, native biodiversity, and the biomass or abundance of common fish and waterbirds on the lower Waikato River floodplain, northern New Zealand.
  2. Inundation frequency appeared to be a key factor affecting biomass of the native shortfin eel Anguilla australis and three invasive fish species (common carp [Cyprinus carpio], brown bullhead [Ameiurus nebulosus], and goldfish [Carassius auratus]), suggesting that colonisation occurred during flooding by adjacent waterbodies. Linear models indicated that shortfin eel abundance and total eel biomass were positively associated with the biomass of potential fish prey, the area occupied by islands and cover by trees in the riparian zone.
  3. Native waterbird species richness was strongly related to water area, edge length (including islands) and area:perimeter ratio, with little increase in richness for ponds >1 ha in area, perimeters longer than 800 m, and ratios over 20. The protected grey teal (Anas gracilis), and the recreationally hunted species phenotypically assigned as mallard (Anas platyrhynchos + hybrids) and grey duck (Anas superciliosa + hybrids) appeared most strongly influenced, respectively, by perimeter length, water depth, and biomass of potential macroinvertebrate food supplies, suggesting variable effects of pond design attributes among waterfowl species.
  4. Overall, these results indicate that constructed ponds can be designed to promote native waterbird diversity, enhance eel fishery and waterfowl gamebird services, and also limit the proliferation of some non-native invasive fish species in degraded floodplain landscapes. A hierarchy of constructed pond design attributes was identified, involving landscape position and connectivity, pond morphology and complexity, and riparian maturity and buffering, which were associated with direct (habitat) and indirect (food supply, physicochemistry) effects on biodiversity and provisioning services.

海岸带既是区域经济发展的黄金地带,亦是陆海系统交互胁迫的敏感区域,快速城镇化与工业化导致海岸带关键生态系统服务受损、生态网络格局紊乱、珍稀物种安全保障空间萎缩等重大生态安全问题。以闽三角海岸带珍稀物种-栖息地系统为研究对象,从“多物种-多生境-多尺度”视角出发,基于陆海统筹理念系统评估了闽三角海岸带珍稀物种-栖息地系统的脆弱性,建立了基于物种水平的海岸带生态保护与修复网络,构建了海岸带陆海统筹生态安全“一张图”。研究结果表明:(1)高强度围填海驱动下,闽三角红树林与水鸟栖息地脆弱性显著增加,高脆弱区域主要集中于九龙江河口、厦门同安湾和泉州湾;(2)闽三角生态安全网络由12条水鸟迁徙廊道和11个生态节点组成,其中影响陆海统筹生态安全的生态节点4个,预警生态节点3个;(3)闽三角海岸带未来安全韧性生境(水鸟栖息地与文昌鱼、中国鲎低脆弱生境较密集的区域)分布于云霄红树林保护区、东山岛近岸、九龙江河口、厦门大嶝海域、围头湾、深沪湾。本研究能够为设计规划未来韧性海岸带“受损海水-滨海湿地-珍稀物种”一体化修复与保护的生态安全格局,保障陆海统筹生态安全提供理论支撑和一体化解决方案。  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of salmonids were examined in Junction Pond, Northeast River, Placentia and Conne Pond, Conne River, Newfoundland using Lundgren multiple-mesh experimental gillnets. Both ponds contain populations of Atlantic salmon and brook trout with Junction Pond also possessing brown trout and resident Arctic charr. For salmon parr there was a significant month effect in distribution of catch rates in both ponds, and in Junction Pond, there was a significant diel effect. There was also significant variation in catch rates by lentic zone. For brook trout, there was a significant lentic zone × month interaction in Junction Pond; in Conne Pond, the main effects lentic zone and month were significant. Highest benthic catch rates of Atlantic salmon parr occurred in the littoral zone of both ponds. Most captures of brook trout also occurred benthically in both ponds; similar to salmon parr, littoral zone catch rates were higher than those of the deeper benthic area in Conne Pond but the reverse was true for Junction Pond. For both salmon parr and brook trout, the deeper benthic area and the pelagic area were relatively important rearing habitats in each pond. The distribution of catches for brown trout (few in number relative to the other species) in Junction Pond was similar to that of brook trout while Arctic charr were found mainly pelagically. Within the benthic area, most Arctic charr were caught at depths beyond the littoral zone. There was a tendency for Altantic salmon parr and brook trout found in the deeper benthic area and the pelagic area to be significantly larger and older than those in littoral zone in each pond. Sizes of Arctic charr did not differ significantly among lentic zones.  相似文献   

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