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美洲鲥胚胎及仔稚鱼的发育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对美洲鲥(Alosa sapidissima)早期生活史阶段的生长发育特征进行了观察和测量, 描述了胚胎和仔、稚鱼的生长发育特征。美洲鲥受精卵球形、无油球, 为沉性卵, 卵径2.85-3.28 mm。在水温20.3℃-21.9℃孵化条件下, 经过82h 孵化出膜, 根据其胚胎发育过程的形态特征, 胚胎发育分为受精卵、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期、器官形成期和出膜期7 个发育阶段。美洲鲥初孵仔鱼全长为(8.56±0.36) mm, 其卵黄囊体积为(4.57±0.77) mm3。1 日龄仔鱼脑部发育明显, 口张开, 肛门开通, 胸鳍形成。2 日龄仔鱼卵黄囊体积(0.71±0.23)mm3, 只有刚孵化的15.54%。3 日龄仔鱼经过1d 的混合营养期, 卵黄被完全吸收, 4 日龄仔鱼完全营外源性营养, 卵黄囊的体积(V)随孵化时间(h)的变化方程为V=4.1583e?0.0356h(R2=0.9901)。此后, 背鳍鳍条、尾鳍鳍条、臀鳍鳍条和腹鳍鳍条相继在晚期仔鱼出现, 9 日龄仔鱼尾椎开始弯曲, 21 日龄仔鱼尾椎弯曲完成。27 日龄鱼鳞开始形成, 到33 日龄稚鱼全身披鳞, 个体发育进入幼鱼期, 仔稚鱼期间的生长模型方程为: TL=0.0049D2+0.5091D+9.2578 (R2=0.9885, TL 为全长, D 为日龄)。    相似文献   

日本鬼鲉胚胎发育及仔、稚鱼形态学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对日本鬼鲉的胚胎及仔稚鱼形态发育进行观察,描述了各发育时期的发育时序和形态特征。日本鬼鲉的受精卵呈正圆球形,无色透明,无油球,平均卵径为(1.42±0.04)mm,呈浮性。在水温(22±0.5)℃,盐度31‰的条件下,历时约52h10min完成孵化。初孵仔鱼全长(3.04±0.13)mm,卵黄囊长(2.23±0.08)mm,卵黄囊高为(1.65±0.06)mm,在(21±0.5)℃水温下,仔鱼孵化后3d内营内源性营养(卵黄囊仔鱼),第4天卵黄囊完全消失,开口摄食轮虫。13d全长(7.12±0.35)mm,背鳍鳍条出现进入稚鱼早期,15d全长(7.92±0.61)mm鱼体及各鳍开始出现金黄色斑纹,25d全长(13.66±0.55)mm,整个鱼体呈黄褐色,完成变态进入幼鱼期,开始营底栖生活。同时观察了自胚胎发育至幼鱼期鱼苗体表色素分布的变化及其器官发育的形态变化。  相似文献   

为阐明拟赤梢鱼(Pseudaspius leptocephalus)胚胎发育和仔稚鱼发育特点, 采用人工催产的方式获得受精卵, 观察分析了拟赤梢鱼胚胎发育和仔稚发育的时序特征。结果表明: 拟赤梢鱼成熟卵粒为黄色圆球形, 平均卵径为(1.77±0.20) mm, 遇水具微黏性; 在水温23℃条件下, 胚胎发育经历合子期、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期、器官形成期和孵化出膜期7个阶段26个时期, 共历时47h 55min完成孵化过程。初孵仔鱼在(23±1)℃水温条件下, 经历卵黄囊期仔鱼(0—7d)、晚期仔鱼(8—26d)和稚鱼期(27—31d), 进入幼鱼期; 卵黄囊期仔鱼游泳能力差, 随着卵黄囊逐渐消耗, 体表色素斑、胸鳍和尾鳍等逐渐形成, 消化道贯通, 鳔充气; 晚期仔鱼卵黄囊完全消失, 仔鱼游泳能力增强, 开口摄食, 腹鳍形成, 皮肤透明; 稚鱼期鳞片形成并覆盖全身, 鱼体形态已逐渐与成鱼无异。拟赤梢鱼仔稚鱼阶段全长生长特性公式为TL=0.0125x2+0.3579x+6.2058 (R2=0.9953), 出膜15d内, 仔鱼生长速度缓慢, 全长日生长率仅为(0.38±0.02) mm/d, 15d后, 仔鱼生长速度变快, 全长日生长率可达(1.24±0.09) mm/d。研究初步阐明了拟赤梢鱼的胚胎发育和仔稚鱼发育的时序特征, 为拟赤梢鱼的苗种规模化繁育提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

以人工繁殖获得的长鳍吻鮈Rhinogobio ventralis受精卵为材料,观察了长鳍吻鮈胚胎发育,分析了其发育特征。结果显示:成熟长鳍吻鮈卵的卵径为1.52 mm±0.07 mm,吸水膨胀后卵膜径达到6.44 mm±0.08 mm,为卵径的4.2倍。在水温17.35℃±0.24℃条件下,长鳍吻鮈受精卵历时73.50 h孵化出膜,出膜仔鱼全长6.25 mm±0.11 mm,从受精到孵化出膜的积温为1275.44℃·h。根据胚胎发育过程形态特征,将长鳍吻鮈胚胎发育过程分为受精卵、卵裂、囊胚、原肠、神经胚、器官发生和出膜7个阶段26个时期。结果表明:长鳍吻鮈受精卵吸水后的卵膜径、出膜前胚体蜷曲程度等可作为长鳍吻鮈早期发育阶段形态学鉴定的依据。长鳍吻鮈胚胎发育阶段的积温高于一些产漂流性卵鱼类。  相似文献   

采用活体观察和固定观察2种方法,对野生洛氏鱥胚胎发育进行了系统观察,分析了洛氏鱥胚胎及仔鱼发育过程及各时期特点。结果表明:洛氏鱥成熟卵为圆球形,米黄色,略透明,卵沉粘性,卵膜适中,略有弹性;受精卵吸水后极度膨胀,弹性增大明显;受精卵在水温15.0~17.1℃条件下,历经170 h孵出,整个发育期间所需积温为2612.8℃·h,整个胚胎发育过程可分为受精卵、卵裂、囊胚、原肠胚、神经胚、器官形成至破膜等6个阶段,各阶段发育所需积温分别为17.0、119.0、145.0、132.0、164.0、2035.8℃·h;在胚胎发育期间,许多器官分化形成,至孵化时,胚胎已具有较完善的内部器官,胸鳍、尾鳍、臀鳍均已形成,背鳍原基开始出现;初孵仔鱼卵黄囊为长椭圆形,鱼体透明,无色素,3日龄仔鱼黑斑呈块状,卵黄基本吸收完全,不久便可以摄食单胞藻、草履虫或蛋黄。  相似文献   

厚唇裸重唇鱼胚胎发育的形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用体视显微镜对厚唇裸重唇鱼的胚胎发育过程进行连续观察和描述。结果表明,受精卵呈卵圆形,卵径较大,吸水膨胀后为(4.41±0.13)mm。在水温为9℃条件下,授精后9h进入卵裂期,23h 30min进入囊胚期,33h进入原肠期,71h进入神经胚期,74h 30min进入器官分化期,210h开始破膜而出,初孵仔鱼全长9.35mm。破膜后16d仔鱼开始上浮。对厚唇裸重唇鱼的胚胎发育特点与其近缘种的差异进行了讨论。  相似文献   

为保护伊犁河水系特克斯河特有鱼类斑重唇鱼(Distychus maculates)种质资源,探究斑重唇鱼胚胎发育与胚后发育规律。2021年5月,对斑重唇鱼开展人工繁殖,观察其胚胎发育和胚后发育过程,记录各发育阶段形态特征。水温15.0~16.0℃条件下,斑重唇鱼胚胎发育历经受精、卵裂、囊胚、原肠胚、神经胚、器官形成和孵化出膜7个阶段,经过2969.830℃·h破膜而出。斑重唇鱼成熟卵子淡黄色,卵径(2.75±0.24)mm(n=20),卵受精35 min后卵周隙最大,为(3.46±0.16)mm(n=20),其中卵黄约占体积的3/5。胚后发育过程中,仔鱼全长(L_(T),mm)和出膜天数(D)关系式:L_(T)=0.50D+9.15(R^(2)=0.90);卵黄囊全长(L_(Y))和出膜天数(D)关系式:L_(Y)=﹣0.11D^(2)+7.61(R^(2)=0.76);仔鱼全长(LT)和卵黄囊体积(L_(P))关系式:LT=﹣2.35LP+19.96(R2=0.88);卵黄囊全长(LY)和卵黄囊体积(L_(P))关系式:L_(Y)=0.49LP+5.34(R^(2)=0.68);卵黄囊体积(L_(P))和出膜天数(D)关系式:L_(P)=0.002D^(2)﹣0.24D+4.67(R^(2)=0.98)。本研究通过特克斯河斑重唇鱼人工繁殖实验,观察其胚胎和胚后发育特征,丰富斑重唇鱼早期生活史资料,为特有鱼类苗种培育提供理论数据,进一步为种质资源保护和开发奠定基础。  相似文献   

子陵栉(鰕)虎鱼(Ctenogobius giurinus)在嘉陵江中游南充段繁殖期在4~6月,产卵时间持续2~3h,每间隔1~2min交尾一次,每次交尾产卵30~50枚,累计产卵可达1000~1600枚.多数时间由雄性亲鱼负责孵卵,当雄性亲鱼出巢摄食时,由雌性亲鱼替代孵卵.成熟卵产出时为球形,卵径0.453~0.644mm,具黏性,呈淡黄色,半透明,油球1~30个,其中大油球1~4个.受精4min后吸水膨胀成椭圆形.根据其胚胎发育过程的形态特征,胚胎发育全程可划分为7个阶段:受精卵胚盘形成阶段、卵裂阶段、囊胚阶段、原肠胚阶段、神经胚形成阶段、器官形成阶段和孵化出膜阶段.在水温22.3~25.7℃的条件下,胚胎发育共需109h52min.出膜前的器官分化程度高,胸鳍原基、鳃板、半规管、鳔、下颌及颌齿在出膜前均已存在,初孵仔鱼全长2.485~2.640mm,体高O.350~O.460 mm,初孵仔鱼至卵黄囊消失需要4d,至油球消失约6d.  相似文献   

通过观察日本七鳃鳗Lampetra japonica (Martens, 1868)胚胎外部形态和内部组织结构变化, 描述受精卵从卵裂至器官形成以及仔鱼孵出的发育阶段, 采用实验生态学方法研究卵黄囊期仔鱼的异速生长模式。结果表明: 日本七鳃鳗卵子为乳白色, 呈卵圆形; 受精卵卵裂方式为全卵裂; 胚胎发育过程主要包括卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期、头凸期、孵出前期和孵出期, 历时11—12d; 初孵仔鱼为乳白色, 全长约(3.41±0.24) mm, 体质量约为0.0006 g。日本七鳃鳗胚胎发育研究可为了解七鳃鳗胚胎发育过程, 早期脊椎动物的起源和发育进化研究提供参考。卵黄囊期内仔鱼身体各部分中, 头长和尾长均表现出快速生长, 同在7 日龄出现生长拐点, 且生长拐点后的生长速率都大于生长拐点前的生长速率; 而仔鱼体长在卵黄囊期内表现出慢速生长。在头部器官中, 吻长、鳃前长和鳃长均表现出快速生长现象, 吻长和鳃长分别在9日龄和8日龄出现生长拐点; 口笠长在3日龄时出现生长拐点, 在生长拐点前为等速生长, 而在生长拐点后表现出快速生长; 眼径和眼鳃间距则分别表现出等速生长和慢速生长。泄殖孔在卵黄囊期内未出现生长拐点, 生长速率相对于全长生长速率表现出快速生长现象。七鳃鳗卵黄囊期仔鱼的异速生长是在长期进化过程中, 适应早期生活环境和独特的生活方式而形成特有的发育机制。  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎仔鱼的摄食与生长   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在水温23.4-24.0℃、盐度33.00、pH7.78-8.02的培养条件下,半滑舌鳎初孵仔鱼全长为3.55±0.161mm(n=60),依照公式4/3π.R/2.(r/2)2计算其卵黄囊体积为0.606±0.106mm3(n=60)。1日龄仔鱼,全长为4.99±0.211mm(n=10),卵黄囊体积较初孵仔鱼缩小近10倍,约为0.066±0.008mm3(n=10);2日龄,仔鱼的巡游模式建立,仔鱼全长为5.61±0.069mm,卵黄囊体积为0.030±0.002mm3(n=10),口初开;2.5日龄,口完全裂开,口裂0.24±0.024mm(n=10),仔鱼进入摄食期;3日龄,仔鱼的外源性摄食关系初步建立;4日龄,仔鱼的摄食率达100%,完成了内源性营养向外源性营养的转换;5日龄,仔鱼的卵黄完全被吸收,仅剩聚成一团的小油球,仔鱼的混合营养期持续2.5天时间;21日龄,稚鱼全长为12.96±0.611mm(n=11),仍有40%的个体残余的油球还没有完全被吸收,其体积仅为0.0000005±0.000003mm3(n=11)。仔鱼发育过程中,其长度的生长存在内源性营养阶段的快速生长、混合营养阶段的慢速生长以及饥饿期间的负生长三个生长期相,平均增长率为0.45mm/d,依照TL=aD3 bD2 cD d方程式对仔鱼的全长与日龄进行回归,其生长模型为TL(mm)=0.0026D3-0.0704D2 0.7993D 3.55(R2=0.9811,n=324)。仔鱼耐受饥饿的时间临界点发生在孵化后第10天(即9日龄)。仔鱼具有摄食能力的时间约6天,不可逆转饥饿期的时间约3天。残余的油球较长时间的存在,相对地延长了仔鱼混合营养期的时间,对仔鱼的发育、生长和存活有着至关重要的作用。5-20日龄的个体都具有胸角这个明显的形态学特征,只是饥饿个体和不可逆转饥饿期个体的胸角比摄食个体更为明显和尖锐,胸角不能作为区分健康仔鱼和饥饿仔鱼的形态学依据之一[动物学报51(6)1023-1033,2005]。  相似文献   

长薄鳅胚胎发育的观察   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
1999年5月,作者首次通过人工繁殖获得长薄鳅的受精卵,并对其胚胎发育特征进行了连续的观察。卵膜无粘性,吸水后卵周间隙明显膨胀扩大,卵膜径3.67-4.00 mm,平均3.79mm,属漂流性卵。胚胎发育可分为26个时期,初孵仔鱼长5.0mm左右,通体透明无色素。  相似文献   

Fish eggs of successive stages of embryonic development, which were identified as belonging to specimens of Commerson's anchovy Stolephorus commersonnii through comparative molecular techniques, were collected from Leqing Bay, Zhejiang, China. Some eggs were reared artificially to obtain samples of successive developmental stages of larvae. The fertilized eggs of S. commersonnii are ellipsoidal and non-adhesive. The surface of the egg membrane is smooth and the perivitelline space is narrow. There is a single oil globule in the irregularly segmented yolk. Newly hatched larvae are transparent and devoid of pigments. Development of the larvae occurs in the following sequence: 8?h after hatching, the anus unfolds; 12?h after hatching, the pectoral fins emerge; 24?h after hatching, the liver and branchial arches emerge, and the alimentary canal differentiates into the oesophagus and intestinal canal; 30?h after hatching, the eyes become pigmented; 36?h after hatching, the upper and lower jaws become distinct; 42?h after hatching, the stellate melanophores emerge; 72?h after hatching, the postlarval developmental stage begins with the emergence of the dorsal fin. Based on the morphology of eggs and larvae of S. commersonnii, a taxonomic key to fish eggs of the Clupeidae and Engraulidae off China is established to provide an efficient and convenient way to identify the egg specimens. The fish eggs of the Clupeidae and Engraulidae off China could be identified to some extent by the buoyancy, shape and diameter of eggs, the number of layers in the egg membrane, the size of the perivitelline space, the number and diameters of oil globules, and the distribution of pigments. Meanwhile, their prelarvae could be identified by the number and diameters of oil globules, the distribution of pigments, the location of the anus and the number of myomeres.  相似文献   

贝氏高原鳅胚胎和仔鱼的形态发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过人工授精获得受精卵,对贝氏高原鳅胚胎和仔鱼的发育过程进行了观察和描述。结果表明,成熟卵淡黄色,卵径较小(直径0.94-1.10mm),遇水后产生强黏性。在水温9.0-12.8℃下,胚盘在受精后4h20min开始分裂,在19h50min和27h40min时达到囊胚期和原肠期,64h40min胚孔封闭,287h时部分胚胎开始出膜,405h30min全部出膜。初孵仔鱼全长(4.32±0.23)mm,肌节36-38对,眼和躯干部黑色素细胞明显,胸鳍原基发育良好。出膜后第5天仔鱼体侧和头部出现浓密的感觉芽。到第8天时全长(6.05±0.41)mm,卵黄吸收完全。仔鱼鳔一室和鳔二室分别于出膜后第30天和第50天形成。第55天的仔鱼全长(14.05±1.01)mm,肌节52-53对,体侧出现7-8条黑色素带,各鳍鳍条数目与成鱼基本一致,但仍有少量鳍褶存在。仔鱼的卵黄囊体积减小速度为0.027mm3/d,鱼体长度生长、鱼体长度性状间的比例关系并不相同,其中,肛后长/全长比例随胚后发育逐渐增加,由初出膜时的31%增加到最后的42%左右。  相似文献   

The eggs, early larvae and juveniles of the sharpnose pufferfishCanthigaster valentini are described, based on material collected in Great Barrier Reef waters. Eggs were obtained in the field by divers and reared in the laboratory. The eggs are spherical, strongly adhesive, 0.68–0.72 mm in diameter, possess a dense cluster of small oil droplets, and hatch around sunset 3 to 5 days after fertilization. Newly hatched larvae have a small yolk sac, pectoral fin folds, 17 myomeres (6 pre-anal, 11 post-anal) and measure 1.30–1.40 mm in notochord (standard) length. The eggs ofC. valentini differ from those of other tetraodontids in being much smaller and having a longer incubation time. The larvae can be distinguished from other tetraodontid larvae by pigmentation, myomere count and size at hatching. Growth is most rapid during the first day of larval life. Age determinations (based on otolith microstructure) of field collected juveniles, both pelagic and newly settled, indicate a pelagic phase of between 64 and 113 days for this species. This estimate appears consistent with the extended pelagic juvenile stages observed in other tetraodontiform fishes and could indicate thatC. valentini can delay settlement for some time after becoming competent to settle at a minimum age of 64 days.  相似文献   

The embryonic and larval development ofCobitis takatsuensis, a mountain stream spinous loach, was surveyed by incubating artificially inseminated eggs. The mean diameter of the inflated eggs and mean total length of newly-hatched larvae were 2.7 mm and 5.7 mm, respectively. The eggs were spherical, transparent and unpigmented, with a pale yellow yolk and no oil globule. The daily cumulative temperature to hatching was estimated to be 70–110°C. day. Hatched larvae were unpigmented with outer gill filaments on their cheeks, as in otherCobitis species, but the melanophores were comparatively less obvious at each developmental stage. The larvae started feeding eleven days after hatching yolk absorption being completed sixteen days after hatching. All the fin rays were fully developed and the juvenile stage reached at 16 mm TL, 38 days after hatching. Embryonic and larval developmental traits ofC. takatsuensis, such as egg size, clutch size and larval pigmentation, were similar to the Korean species,Niwaella multifasciata, that lives in the upper reaches of the Nak-tong river, andN. delicata, which inhabits Japanese mountain streams, rather than to its congeners. Among cobitine fishes, the spawning of a small number of larger eggs yielding larger larvae without pigmentation, characteristics shared byC. takatsuensis, N. multifasciata andN. delicata, is attributable to adaptation to cold mountain streams.  相似文献   

Craterocephalus sp. nov. showed sexual dimorphism in body shape during the breeding season. Pairing occurred during daylight with a single release of eggs amongst submerged vegetation between sunrise and the early afternoon on the same day. The eggs were demersal, adhesive, spherical (0.87–0.96 mm diameter) and had 12 adhesive filaments (0.5–1.5 mm long) at the animal pole. Approximately 24 oil droplets (0.02–0.08 mm diameter) persisted throughout egg and larval development. Hatching occurred 155–160 h after spawning at 25–27° C.
The yolk-sac larvae were 3.85–3.95 mm notochord length at hatching and began feeding at the surface after absorption of the yolk (3–12 h after hatching). All fin rays were developed in 9.4 mm standard length fry, which moved from midwater to feed on the substrate. Aquarium reared fish first spawned at 30 mm s.L. when 165 days of age.
Features of Craterocephalus reproduction, as they relate to a specific survival strategy, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The pelagic eggs, yolk-sac and pelagic larvae of the macrourid fish, Coryphaenoides marginatus, from Suruga Bay in southern Japan, are described. The identification of the pelagic eggs based on 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequences agreed with that obtained from morphological analyses. The spherical eggs, 1.14–1.30 mm in diameter, contained a single oil globule 0.30–0.38 mm in diameter, and had hexagonally patterned ornamentation on the chorion, 0.025–0.033 mm in width. Many melanophores were present on the anterodorsal region of the embryo after the caudal end had detached from the yolk. Within a day after hatching, each of the yolk-sac larvae had a body axis that was bent slightly at the anterior trunk region, many dorsal and lateral melanophores on the trunk plus several on the gut, and small irregular wrinkles on the dorsal and anal fin membranes. The pelagic larvae had a short caudal region in comparison to other known congeners (length 2.0–3.2+ times head length vs. 4–7, respectively), a short stalked pectoral fin base, and no elongate first dorsal and pelvic fin rays. They were further characterized by the presence of numerous very dense melanophores from just behind the eye to the anterior part of the caudal region at 5.1 mm head length (25.8+ mm total length). The significant difference in vertical distribution between the pelagic eggs and larvae (dominant depths ca. 200–350 m vs. ca. 10–100 m, respectively), with no subsequent collection of pelagic larvae with greater than 6 mm head length, indicate two stages (rising and falling) of ontogenic vertical migration.  相似文献   

The eggs ofAlcichthys alcicornis were spawned in tank at the laboratory and reared for the studies of embryonic, larval and juvenile development. This species takes place entosomatic fertilization, and females spawn fertilized eggs after copulation. The eggs are demersal and adhesive, released as a clump forming a thin layer on the bottom of tank. There was no significant difference in embryonic development between this species and other oviparous teleostean species. Hatching occurred between 17 and 18 days after spawning at a mean water temperature of 8.5?C. The newly hatched larvae averaged 4.44 mm in body length (BL). The larvae attained to post-larval stage at 5.80 mm BL, and juvenile stage at 10.2 mm BL. A specific feature of the post-larvae was the appearance of three lines of the melanophores on the caudal part of fin fold. Carotenoid first appeared on the nape at 8.70 mm BL, heavily emerged beyond 12.9 mm BL, and turned up on the back also beyond 15.2 mm BL. Scales on the lateral line were completed by 18.5 mm BL. Three pairs of flaps were observed on the dorsal surface of the head at 37.0 mm BL. External features of adult specimens are almost completed by 52.0 mm BL, yet the tip of the first preopercular was not branched but remained simple.  相似文献   

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