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2005年11月18日~12月28日和2006年3月8日~5月8日对洪泽湖东部湿地自然保护区境内淮河入洪泽湖河口处(33°06′~33°07′N,118°29′~118°30′E)雁鸭类的种类组成、数量及生境分布进行了研究。在河道和鱼塘生境分别设置了2个和4个样带(方),共统计到雁鸭类6属18种。与历史记录相比,雁鸭类种类明显减少。11~12月记录到雁鸭类5属12种,优势种为斑嘴鸭(Anas poecilorhyncha)、绿翅鸭(A.crecca)、花脸鸭(A.formosa)和绿头鸭(A.platyrhynchos);2006年3~5月记录到雁鸭类3属8种,优势种为绿翅鸭、白眉鸭(A.querquedula)和斑嘴鸭。研究区域内,11~12月河道与鱼塘生境分布的雁鸭类种类和数量差异均显著,鱼塘生境分布的雁鸭类种类多、数量大,而3~5月河道与鱼塘生境分布的雁鸭类种类差异不明显,数量差异显著,河道生境分布的雁鸭类数量较大。人类活动引起的隐蔽场所和食物资源的变化是造成分布差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

雷进宇  谢红钢  颜军  王雪峰 《动物学杂志》2016,51(3):486,491-486,491
正2015年11月22日,在湖北省武汉市东西湖区府河柏泉段(30°45′10″N,114°9′15″E)观察并拍摄到小美洲黑雁(Branta hutchinsii)1只(图1),隶属于雁形目鸭科黑雁属。该雁所发现之处,为长江一级支流——府河流经武汉柏泉的河段,该河段夏季被高水位所淹,冬季水位降低后,露出草滩,河道则因人为挖筑的堤岸而形成一个面积数百亩的开阔水面,中间有若干泥土堆积而成的小岛。同域分布有豆雁(Anser fabalis)、灰雁(A.anser)、绿头  相似文献   

正2016年1月6日,在西藏自治区乃东县泽当镇羌哉村(29°16′29.634″N,95°49′44.202″E,海拔3 557 m)观察到2只雁,该雁全身以灰褐色为主,尾下覆羽为白色,脚为橙黄色,喙黑色、喙端有黄斑,嘴甲和鼻孔间有白色斑点,两胁具灰褐色黄斑。经鉴定为豆雁(Anser fabalis)(约翰·马敬能等2000,Mark 2009,曲利明2014)。查阅相关文献(中国科学院青藏高原综合科学考察队1983,赵正阶2001,郑光美2011,刘迺发等2013),确认  相似文献   

正2018年5月3日傍晚在位于吉林省白城市通榆县的吉林向海国家级自然保护区鹤类核心区青年坝附近(44°59′51.5″N,122°17′52.1″E,海拔168 m)使用NIKON-D4相机800 mm定焦镜头拍摄到1只黑白相间雁类,拍摄距离约120 m。经查阅相关文献(段文科等2017)确定本次发现的鸟类为白颊黑雁(Branta leucopsis)。  相似文献   

2018年12月14日,在位于河南省孟津县的河南黄河湿地国家级自然保护区内(112°39′38″E,34°50′35″N,海拔116 m)使用单筒望远镜(Swarovski ATS 80HD+20-60X目镜)观察到1只体色黑白相间雁类个体,使用相机(佳能EOS 7DⅡ+EF 300 mm f/2.8 ISⅡ)拍摄到照片(图1),拍摄距离约180 m。其为中等体型的深色雁,头、颈、胸黑褐色,背和两翅灰褐色,颈的两侧各有一白色横斑,在颈前后断开,未能联成颈环。尾上覆羽白色,尾黑褐色,下腹和尾下覆羽白色。查阅相关文献(赵正阶1995,约翰·马敬能等2000),鉴定为黑雁(Branta bernicla)。  相似文献   

正2017年11月4日上午11时左右,在天津市北大港湿地自然保护区的万亩鱼塘(38°47′15.33″N,117°25′3.98″E,海拔3 m)观察到1只白额鹱(Calonectris leucomelas)飞过,并拍照记录。此后数日前往观察,均未能再看到此鸟。被观察到时,该白额鹱的飞行高度约60 m;当时同域空中有红嘴鸥(Chroicocephalus ridibumdus)、红嘴巨燕  相似文献   

正2019年4月22日,杜银磊等在云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州盈江县那邦镇那邦村一水塘(24°42′58.40″N,97°34′08.70″E,海拔239 m)拍摄到一只鸭类(见封面)。该鸟通体棕褐色;头、颈褐色并杂有白色点斑,而不全为黑色,与疣鼻栖鸭(Cairina moschata)不同(Johnsgard 2010);颈部领环黑色,下体深色,与瘤鸭(Sarkidiornismelanotos)有别(Johnsgard2010);飞行时,可见翼上的白色覆羽与蓝紫色的翼镜形成鲜明反差),翼下的白色覆羽与黑色的飞羽形成鲜明对比(图1);  相似文献   

报道了青藏高原通泉草科(Mazaceae)肉果草属(Lancea)粗毛肉果草(Lancea hirsuta Bonati)新分布。该种分布于西藏八宿县(30°12′3.8″N,97°16′48″E)、西藏林周县(30°4′58.8″N,91°16′48″E)、西藏当雄县(30°32′24″N,91°20′24″E)和青海杂多县(33°4′48″N,95°9′36″E),该次发现将中国该种自然分布区扩大到西藏、青海等地,海拔分布也增加至4 300m。凭证标本现存于中国科学院青藏高原生物标本馆(HNWP)。  相似文献   

2018年9月19日,云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州盈江县太平镇石梯村民徐卫强在村寨附近(24°28′05″N,97°34′15″E)用手机拍摄到一段杜鹃类惊飞的视频;2019年7月19日,赵泽恒等在云南省大理白族自治州大理市洱海月湿地公园的树林内(25°36′36.05″N,100°13′51.96″E,海拔1967 m)拍摄到一只鸟类(图1)。  相似文献   

河北沿海发现小凤头燕鸥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
正2017年7月25日,在河北省唐山市海港开发区金沙岛一季节性水塘(39°10′26″N,118°58′16″E)观察到1只小凤头燕鸥(Thalasseus bengalensis),该鸟停歇约10 min后飞离该地。至8月7日,在该地点多次记录到单只小凤头燕鸥停歇洗浴。附近亦有普通燕鸥(Sterna hirundo)、白额燕鸥(S.albifrons)、反嘴鹬(Recurvirostra avosetta)、环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)、青脚滨鹬(Calidris temminckii)等水鸟在此停歇或觅食。所发现的小凤头燕鸥  相似文献   

The young pistils in the melanthioid tribes, Hewardieae, Petrosavieae and Tricyrteae, are uniformly tricarpellate and syncarpous. They lack raphide idioblasts. All are multiovulate, with bitegmic ovules. The Petrosavieae are marked by the presence of septal glands and incomplete syncarpy. Tepals and stamens adhere to the ovary in the Hewardieae and the Petrosavieae but not in the Tricyrteae. Two vascular bundles occur in the stamens of the Hewartlieae and Tricyrtis latifolia. Ventral bundles in the upper part of the ovary of the Hewardieae are continuous with compound septal bundles and placental bundles in the lower part. Putative ventral bundles occur in the alternate position in the Tricyrteae and putative placental bundles in the opposite. position in the Petrosavieae. The dichtomously branched stigma in each carpel of the Tricyrteae is supplied by a bifurcated dorsal bundle.  相似文献   

在为编写《Flora of China》伞形科而进行的修订工作中,提出了11个新组合,即矮小丝瓣芹Acronema minus (M. F. Watson) M. F. Watson & Z. H. Pan, 短柄丝瓣芹A. brevipedicellatum Z. H. Pan & M. F. Watson, 川西当归Angelica sinensis var. wilsonii (H. Wolff) Z. H. Pan & M. F. Watson, 云南细裂芹Harrysmithia franchetii (M. Hiroe) M. L. Sheh, 钝叶独活Heracleum candicans var. obtusifolium (Wall. ex DC.) F. T. Pu & M. F. Watson, 中华天胡荽Hydrocotyle hookeri ssp. chinensis (Dunn ex R. H. Shan & S. L. Liou) M. F. Watson & M. L. Sheh, 普渡天胡荽H. hookeri ssp. handelii (H. Wolff) M. F. Watson & M. L. Sheh, 锐棱岩风Libanotis grubovii (V. M. Vinogradova) M. L. Sheh & M. F. Watson, 美脉藁本Ligusticum likiangense (H. Wolff) F. T. Pu & M. F. Watson和线叶藁本L. nematophyllum (Pimenov & Kljuykov) F. T. Pu & M. F. Watson, 无管藁本L. nullivittatum (K. T. Fu) F. T. Pu & M. F. Watson和二色棱子芹Pleurospermum bicolor (Franch.) C. Norman ex Z. H. Pan & M. F. Watson.; 发现了1个新种,即短柄丝瓣芹。此外,还为Pleurospermum govanianum var. bicolor Franch.指定了后选模式。  相似文献   

Penetration rate (the percentage of the initial infective juvenile inoculum that invades an insect host) was tested as an indicator of entomopathogenic nematode infectivity. Several host-parasite-substrate combinations were evaluated for penetration rate. Four steinernematids, Steinernema carpocapsae, S. glaseri, S. feltiae, S. riobravis and two strains of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora were tested in a contact bioassay against the wax moth, Galleria mellonella, the yellow meal worm, Tenebrio molitor, the beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua, the black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon, and the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis. The insect larvae were confined individually in sand and filter paper arenas and exposed to 200 infective juveniles. After incubation, dead insects were dissected in order to count the nematodes penetrated. The data were analyzed for the effects of nematode strain and substrate on penetration rate. The bioassay substrate had a variable effect depending on the insect species. The nematode effect was highly significant for all insects tested. The penetration rate therefore allowed comparisons among nematode strains invading a host. Nematode ranking for infectivity differed according to the insect tested.  相似文献   

1. The N-terminal tail of histone H3 is specifically cleaved during EV71 infection.
2. Viral protease 3C is identified as a protease responsible for proteolytically processing the N-terminal H3 tail.
3. Our finding reveals a new epigenetic regulatory mechanism for Enterovirus 71 in virus-host interactions.  相似文献   

The incidence of parasitism and disease in third-instar and adult Ceroplastes destructor Newstead and C. sinensis Del Guercio (Hemiptera: Coccidae) on citrus in Northland, New Zealand, was measured from 1991-1994. Both species were parasitized by female Euxanthellus philippiae Silvestri (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). Female E. philippiae were hyper-parasitized by males of their own species and by Coccidoctonus dubius Girault (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Male E. philippiae were also tertiary parasitoids of C. dubius. E. philippiae was found in third-instar and adult C. sinensis , but was virtually restricted to third-instar C. destructor . Parasitoid phenology varied according to the instar and species of the host. Two fungal pathogens, Verticillium lecanii (Zimmermann) Viegas and Fusarium spp., were identified from both C. destructor and C. sinensis . Disease was a greater mortality factor than parasitism in C. destructor , whereas the opposite applied to those C. sinensis for which the cause of death could be identified. Disease levels were underestimated, particularly in C. destructor. Mortality from parasitism and disease did not act in a density-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Doryaspis groenhorgensis nov. sp. is a new pteraspidiform from the lower devonian of Spitsbergen. The genus Doryaspis is now considered as the most abundant pteraspidiform of the Wood Bay formation, with five described species. Moreover, the pteraspidiform diversity of this formation has been under rated all along the XXth century. A morpho-functional analysis of the Doryaspis generic characters (e.g. flat dorsal shield, ventral pseudorostrum, long cornual plates) allows to consider two possible mode of life. However, none of the pelagic or benthic mode of life is better supported than the other. The same analysis introduce some interpretative hypothesis on histology and moving of the Pteraspidiformes. The Pteraspidiformes diversity of Spitsbergen is important for further Devonian circum-arctic comparisons (e.g. siberian platform).  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among 10 species of bugs belonging to the tribe Rhodniini (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), including some important vectors of Chagas disease, were inferred from allozyme analysis of 12 enzyme loci (out of 21 enzyme systems examined), using agarose gel electrophoresis. These species formed two clusters: one comprising Rhodnius brethesi, R. ecuadoriensis, R. pallescens and R. pictipes; the other with Psammolestes tertius, Rhodnius domesticus and the Rhodnius prolixus group comprising R. nasutus, R. neglectus, R. prolixus and R. robustus. The resulting tree was [((R. ecuadoriensis, R. pallescens) R. brethesi) R. pictipes], [R. domesticus (P. tertius [(R. nasutus, R. neglectus) (R. prolixus, R. robustus)])]. Rhodnius nasutus and R. neglectus differed by only one locus, whereas no diagnostic loci were detected between R. prolixus and R. robustus (22 loci were analysed for these four species), despite considerable DNA sequence divergence between species in each of these pairs. Allozymes of the R. prolixus group showed greater similarity with Psammolestes tertius than with other Rhodnius spp., indicating that Rhodnius is paraphyletic and might include Psammolestes.  相似文献   

Curcumin is the yellow pigment of turmeric that interacts irreversibly forming an adduct with thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), an enzyme responsible for redox control of cell and defence against oxidative stress. Docking at both the active sites of TrxR was performed to compare the potency of three naturally occurring curcuminoids, namely curcumin, demethoxy curcumin and bis-demethoxy curcumin. Results show that active sites of TrxR occur at the junction of E and F chains. Volume and area of both cavities is predicted. It has been concluded by distance mapping of the most active conformations that Se atom of catalytic residue SeCYS498, is at a distance of 3.56 from C13 of demethoxy curcumin at the E chain active site, whereas C13 carbon atom forms adduct with Se atom of SeCys 498. We report that at least one methoxy group in curcuminoids is necessary for interation with catalytic residues of thioredoxin. Pharmacophore of both active sites of the TrxR receptor for curcumin and demethoxy curcumin molecules has been drawn and proposed for design and synthesis of most probable potent antiproliferative synthetic drugs.  相似文献   

The species of seventeen genera of Agathidinae (Braconidae) from Vietnam are revised: Agathis Latreille, 1804, Bassus Fabricius, 1804; Biroia Szépligeti, 1900; Braunsia Kriechbaumer, 1894; Camptothlipsis Enderlein, 1920; Coccygidium de Saussure, 1892; Coronagathis gen. n. (type species: Coronagathis cornifera sp. n.); Cremnops Foerster, 1862; Disophrys Foerster, 1862; Earinus Wesmael, 1837; Euagathis Szépligeti, 1900; Gyragathis gen. n. (type species: Gyragathis quyi sp. n.), Gyrochus Enderlein, 1920; Lytopylus Foerster, 1862; Therophilus Wesmael, 1837; Troticus Brullé, 1846, and Zelodia gen. n. (type species: Zelomorpha varipes van Achterberg & Maetô, 1990). Keys to the Vietnamese species are given.Sixty-five species are recognised, of which twelve species are newly recorded for Vietnam: Bassus albifasciatus (Watanabe, 1934), Coccygidium angostura (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), Cremnops atricornis (Smith, 1874), stat. n., Disophrys erythrocephala Cameron, 1900, Gyrochus yunnanensis Wang, 1984, Lytopylus romani (Shestakov, 1940), comb. n., Therophilus festivus (Muesebeck, 1953), comb. n., Therophilus javanus (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus lienhuachihensis (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus marshi (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia absoluta (Chen & Yang, 1998), comb. n. and Zelodia longidorsata (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n.Forty-two species are new to science: Agathis citrinisoma sp. n., Bassus albobasalis sp. n., Bassus albozonatus sp. n., Biroia soror sp. n., Braunsia bicolorata sp. n., Braunsia devriesi sp. n., Braunsia maculifera sp. n., Braunsia nigrapiculata sp. n., Braunsia pumatica sp. n., Camptothlipsis hanoiensis sp. n., Coronagathis cornifera sp. n., Earinus aurantius sp. n., Earinus brevistigmus sp. n., Euagathis flavosoma sp. n., Disophrys maculifera sp. n., Disophrys quymanhi sp. n., Disophrys rhinoides sp. n., Gyragathis quyi sp. n., Therophilus annuliferus sp. n., Therophilus cattienensis sp. n., Therophilus contrastus sp. n., Therophilus crenulisulcatus sp. n., Therophilus depressiferus sp. n., Therophilus elongator sp. n., Therophilus levisoma sp. n., Therophilus marucae sp. n., Therophilus mellisoma sp. n., Therophilus nigrolineatus sp. n., Therophilus nuichuaensis sp. n., Therophilus parasper sp. n., Therophilus planifrons sp. n., Therophilus punctiscutum sp. n., Therophilus robustus sp. n., Therophilus rugosiferus sp. n., Therophilus scutellatus sp. n., Troticus alloflavus sp. n., Troticus giganteus sp. n., Zelodia albobasalis sp. n., Zelodia anginota sp. n., Zelodia bicoloristigma sp. n., Zelodia brevifemoralis sp. n. and Zelodia flavistigma sp. n.The following new synonyms are proposed: Euagathis nigrithorax Bhat & Gupta, 1977, Euagathis variabilis Enderlein, 1920, Euagathis variabilis var. tibialis Enderlein, 1920, Euagathis variabilis var. melanopleura Enderlein, 1920 and Euagathis variabilis var. sucarandana Enderlein, 1920 with Euagathis abbotti (Ashmead, 1900); Euagathis jinshanensis Chen & Yang, 2006 and Euagathis sharkeyi Chen & Yang, 2006, with Euagathis forticarinata (Cameron, 1899). The genus Amputostypos Sharkey, 2009, is synonymised with Coccygidium de Saussure, 1892, syn. n.The following new combinations are given: Bassus subrasa (Enderlein, 1920), comb. n., Gyragathis angulosa (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Lytopylus romani (Shestakov, 1940), comb. n., Therophilus annulus (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus asper (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus cingulipes (Nees, 1812), comb. n., Therophilus daanyuanensis (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus fujianicus (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus javanus (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus lanyuensis (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus luzonicus (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus muesebecki (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus rudimentarius (Enderlein, 1920), comb. n., Therophilus similis (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus sungkangensis (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus tanycoleosus (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus tonghuaensis (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus tongmuensis (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus transcasperatus (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Troticus latiabdominalis (Bhat, 1978),comb. n., Zelodia absoluta (Chen & Yang, 1998), comb. n., Zelodia achterbergi (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Zelodia albopilosella (Cameron, 1908), comb. n., Zelodia chromoptera (Roman, 1913), comb. n., Zelodia nihonensis (Sharkey, 1996), comb. n., Zelodia cordata (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia diluta (Turner, 1918), comb. n., Zelodia dravida (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia exornata (Turner, 1918), comb. n., Zelodia longidorsata (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia longiptera (Yang & Chen, 2006), comb. n., Zelodia maculipes (Cameron, 1911), comb. n., Zelodia nigra (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia philippinensis (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia reticulosa (Yang & Chen, 2006), comb. n., Zelodia quadrifossulata (Enderlein, 1920), comb. n., Zelodia ruida (Sharkey, 1996), comb. n., Zelodia similis (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia penetrans (Smith, 1860), comb. n. and Zelodia varipes (van Achterberg & Maetô, 1990), comb. n.  相似文献   

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