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描述了一种新的构建cDNA文库的方法,其中用来合成cDNA第一链的随机引物5'-端被加上碱基d(AC),在cDNA双链合成后所添加的连接头的末端含有碱基d(GTCG).在cDNA舣链3'-端,连接头连接上后会形成一个完整的Sall酶切位点d(GTCGAC),而在5'-端几乎不会形成Sall位点.在Sall酶切后利用形成的3'-粘性末端与5'-EcoRI粘性末端一起将cDNA双链定向导入线性化的质粒载体,再通过转化细菌获得cDNA文库.利用此方法构建了一个不同发育时期非洲爪蟾胚胎酵母双杂交cDNA文库.检测了文库中空载体的比例,插入片段大小和不同基因的表达水平几个指标,都符合预期,但是同时发现定位于mRNA的3'-端的插入片段比例比较低.这种倾向性符合文献报道,应该是实验系统的倾向性,不影响进一步的酵母双杂交实验.这些数据证明成功地构建了定向非洲爪蟾酵母双杂交cDNA文库.  相似文献   

介绍一种新的方法构建近随机多肽文库。选取从大基因组物种的组织或细胞中提取的基因组DNA ,利用切割频率高的限制性内切酶切割 ,产生的短片段可以近似地认为是随机序列的片段 ,将它们与匹配的载体连接后转化进宿主细胞进行表达 ,从而获得近随机多肽文库。这样的文库可以用于蛋白质相互作用的研究。同一种基因组DNA可以利用不同的酶切 ,再分别连接到表达载体的不同读码框架 ,从而产生不同编码序列的多种近随机多肽文库。介绍了充分利用烟草基因组DNA构建两种不同酶切 ,三种读码框架 ,共六种不同编码序列的近随机多肽文库的方法。  相似文献   

张杰  周启明  魏江春 《菌物研究》2010,8(3):176-180
为了从耐旱地衣漠黄梅的共生菌藻基因组中筛选功能基因,并为蛋白质类药物的基因筛选提供平台,采用改进的CTAB方法提取其总DNA,用Sau3AⅠ限制性内切酶部分酶切基因组DNA,以质粒pUC19为载体,转入大肠杆菌DH5α中,构建了漠黄梅共生菌藻的宏基因组文库。该文库包含了4.8×105个重组子,插入片段的平均大小为4kb,覆盖漠黄梅菌藻的整个基因组4次。  相似文献   

载体DNA的制备是构建大片段基因组文库的关键步骤之一,高质量载体DNA受到酶切、脱磷等因素的影响,以载体pBHYG为材料,优化了限制性内切酶胁HindⅢ酶切和小牛肠碱性磷酸酶(CLAP)脱磷的作用条件,并在T4连接酶作用下自连,通过胶回收纯化制备了可用于进一步构建大片段基因组文库的线性载体DNA。  相似文献   

将鹅源新城疫病毒ZJI株全基因组cDNA克隆通过酶切切下包含T7启动子区域和转录载体的片段,将其自身环化后获得约6.5kb的质粒。设计引物,利用基因定点突变技术,在此质粒上T7启动子与NDV Leader序列之间突变插入额外的3个G碱基,将此突变最终引入到原基因组cDNA克隆中。应用RT-PCR技术从尿囊液中扩增NDV基因组F/HN基因区域部分片段,利用限制性内切酶BsmB I将扩增片段连接,最终将原cDNA克隆中相应片段替换下。测序结果表明,原基因组cDNA克隆中特定位置碱基  相似文献   

本文介绍了构建水稻二化螟和三化螟"双酶切限制性酶切位点关联DNA测序"(Double digest restrictionsite associated DNA sequencing,ddRADseq)文库的方法。利用安捷伦2100生物分析仪对4种单酶切及2种双酶切的酶切产物片段大小及分布范围进行分析,筛选出Mlu C I和Nla III两种限制性内切酶组合对螟虫基因组DNA进行酶切。酶切后的DNA片段两端连接上特定的P1、P2接头后,用Pippin Prep回收大小为285-435 bp的DNA片段。通过PCR扩增进行文库的富集并引入index序列。构建好的ddRADseq文库用琼脂糖凝胶电泳和生物分析仪进行质量检测。本方法所构建的文库DNA片段长度、分布和摩尔浓度能够达到Illumina平台测序的技术要求。本研究证实了利用Mlu C I和Nla III组合酶切构建水稻螟虫基因组ddRADseq文库的可行性,为在水稻螟虫中利用ddRADseq技术开展生物地理学、种群遗传学和系统发育重建等方面的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

本文以PcR法克隆得到牛α—s1酪蛋白基因5’端800bp片段,并以该片段为探针,筛选了以EMBL3为载体构建的牛基因组文库,得到一个阳性克隆。酶切该克隆,并以牛α—s1酪蛋白基因5’端800bp片段及该基因cDNA为探针杂交,鉴定了该插人片段的方向,亚克隆了各相应酶切片段,制作了较为详细的限制酶图谱,并分析了该基因转录起始点前后部分序列。与该基因现有的资料比较,酶切图谱存在部分位点的差异,序列存在少量突变和缺失,在5’上游区均发现有内含子及外显子部分,且缺失均发生于有重复序列的部位。  相似文献   

采用链霉亲和素包被的磁珠富集法筛选曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiella maindroni)微卫星位点。试验样品来自舟山六横岛,提取4个样品的DNA混合成DNA pool,用限制性内切酶Sau 3A I酶切。接上接头后构建基因组PCR文库,用生物素标记的(GT)15探针筛选。将筛选获得目的片段进行PCR扩增,连接pMD18-T载体,转入DH5α感受态大肠杆菌里,扩大培养后PCR筛选阳性克隆。总共选取278个克隆,对120个经过检测含有插入片段的克隆进行测序,发现102个克隆含有微卫星序列,阳性克隆比率为85%。除去重复测序和侧翼链不足的序列,可以设计引物的微卫星序列有64条。  相似文献   

勒氏笛鲷微卫星位点的筛选及特征分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
郭昱嵩  王中铎  刘楚吾  刘筠 《遗传》2007,29(3):355-359
采用PCR法快速筛选勒氏笛鲷(Lutjanus russelli)基因组文库, 以获得(CA)n微卫星位点。勒氏笛鲷基因组DNA经限制性内切酶HaeⅢ+ DraⅠ双酶切后, 连接T-载体克隆, 构建基因组文库。以通用引物M13+/-与重复序列引物(CA)15对基因组文库进行筛选, 二次筛选后得到121个可能含有微卫星位点的阳性克隆。进行序列测定, 共获得53个CA(n≥7)重复序列, 重复次数主要分布于7~15(80.77%)。在所得微卫星序列中, 重复单元除CA外, 还观察到单碱基、三碱基、四碱基、五碱基重复单元。根据侧翼序列设计48对引物, 通过优化PCR反应条件, 可获得清晰可重复的目的条带。研究旨在为勒氏笛鲷遗传多样性研究及遗传图谱的构建等奠定基础, 为勒氏笛鲷资源的合理开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

一种用于穿透多肽筛选的随机文库的构建及筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以增强型绿色荧光蛋白(enhanced green fluorescence protein, EGFP)为示踪物,在pET-14b载体上构建编码12个氨基酸的随机多肽表达文库.建立一种简便、经济、有效的文库筛选方法,从所构建的文库中筛选出细胞穿透多肽(cell-penetrating peptide, CPP). 采用点突变技术,首先在pET-14b载体多克隆位点NdeⅠ和XhoⅠ之间加入4个限制性内切酶位点,随后在BamH Ⅰ位点后加入三联终止密码子,接着再利用亚克隆的方法在Kpn Ⅰ 和XhoⅠ之间插入EGFP,形成一个新的用于原核表达示踪蛋白的载体pET-14bMCStop/EGFP.最后再利用点突变技术在上述构建的示踪载体的多克隆位点XhoⅠ和BamH Ⅰ之间插入36个随机碱基序列.以His-Tat-EGFP作为工具建立有效的筛选方法,利用这种方法对文库进行筛选. 酶切和测序表明,示踪载体的构建是正确的,且在大肠杆菌中可有效地表达出His标记的EGFP.在示踪载体的基础上构建的随机多肽文库至少包含了105个独立克隆,其中90%以上的克隆插入的随机片段都是36个碱基.建立的筛选方法是可行的,并用此方法进行了初步的筛选.  相似文献   

Three large-insert genomic DNA libraries of common wheat, Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring, were constructed in a newly developed transformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) vector, pYLTAC17, which accepts and maintains large genomic DNA fragments stably in both Escherichia coli and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The vector contains the cis sequence required for Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer into grasses. The average insert sizes of the three genomic libraries were approximately 46, 65 and 120 kbp, covering three haploid genome equivalents. Genomic libraries were stored as frozen cultures in a 96-well format, each well containing approximately 300-600 colonies (12 plates for small library, four for medium-size library and four for large library). In each of the libraries, approximately 80% of the colonies harbored genomic DNA inserts of >50 kbp. TAC clones containing gene(s) of interest were identified by the pooled PCR technique. Once the target TAC clones were isolated, they could be immediately transferred into grass genomes with the Agrobacterium system. Five clones containing the thionin type I genes (single copy per genome), corresponding to each of the three genomes (A, B and D), were successfully selected by the pooled PCR method, in addition to an STS marker (aWG464; single copy per genome) and CAB (a multigene family). TAC libraries constructed as described here can be used to isolate genomic clones containing target genes, and to carry out genome walking for positional cloning.  相似文献   

Liu YG  Liu H  Chen L  Qiu W  Zhang Q  Wu H  Yang C  Su J  Wang Z  Tian D  Mei M 《Gene》2002,282(1-2):247-255
The transformation-competent artificial chromosome vector (TAC) system has been shown to be very useful for efficient gene isolation in Arabidopsis thaliana (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 96 (1998) 6535). To adapt the vector system for gene isolation in crops, two new TAC vectors and rice genomic libraries were developed. The new vectors pYLTAC17 and pYLTAC27 use the Bar gene and Hpt gene driven by the rice Act1 promoter as the plant selectable markers, respectively, and are suitable for transformation of rice and other grasses. Two representative genomic libraries (I and II) of an Indica rice variety Minghui63, a fertility restorer line for hybrid rice, were constructed with pYLTAC17 using different size classes of partially digested DNA fragments. Library I and library II consisted of 34,560 and 1.2 x 10(5) clones, with average insert sizes of approximately 77 and 39 kb, respectively. The genome coverage of the libraries I and II was estimated to be about 5 and 11 haploid genome equivalents, respectively. Clones of the library I were stored individually in ninety 384-well plates, and those of the library II were collected as bulked pools each containing 30-50 clones and stored in eight 384-well plates. A number of probes were used to hybridize high-density colony filters of the library I prepared by an improved replicating method and each detected 2-9 positive clones. A method for rapid screening of the library II by pooled colony hybridization was developed. A TAC clone having an 80 kb rice DNA insert was successfully transferred into rice genome via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The new vectors and the genomic libraries should be useful for gene cloning and genetic engineering in rice and other crops.  相似文献   

E R Zabarovsky  R L Allikmets 《Gene》1986,42(1):119-123
For the preparation of gene libraries, DNA from lambda EMBL3 phage was digested with SalI and EcoRI, and the cohesive ends partially filled-in by addition of dTTP, dCTP and Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I (PolIk). Genomic DNA was cleaved partially with Sau3A and subsequently incubated with dATP, dGTP and PolIk. The phage and genomic DNAs were then mixed and ligated. The recombinant DNAs were packaged in vitro. The efficiency of packaging was 10(5)-10(6) of infectious phage lambda particles per microgram of the genomic DNA (as compared to approx. 10(7) per microgram for the wild-type lambda DNA). This procedure is very rapid and requires only microgram quantities of genomic DNA for preparing an entire gene library. The other important advantage is that multiple independent insertions of genomic DNA cannot occur in a single recombinant phage and self-ligation of phage DNA is blocked. It is also applicable for other SalI-containing vectors.  相似文献   

目的:制备基于XcmⅠ酶切的高效TA克隆载体,并检测其克隆PCR产物的效果。方法:设计一对互补配对的寡核苷酸,经过变性及退火后插入质粒pUC19的多克隆位点,从而在该多克隆位点中引入2个XcmⅠ酶切位点,用XcmⅠ酶切后即获得含有3’突出T碱基的T载体;为了提高该T载体的克隆效率,优化了2个XcmⅠ酶切位点之间的碱基数目,排除了载体自连产生白色克隆的可能性,使假阳性大大减少;此外,为了便于完全酶切与未完全酶切载体的分离,在2个XcmⅠ之间插入了一段无关DNA片段。结果:改进得到的T载体可以有效克隆PCR产物,其阳性克隆率可达95%。结论:构建了基于XcmⅠ酶切的TA克隆载体,经过改进的T载体具有很高的克隆效率。  相似文献   

Here we present a novel and simple PCR-after-ligation method for efficient assembly of multiple DNA inserts. After initial ligation of multiple inserts and vector, the ligation mixture is used as template for a PCR using a pair of primers flanking the cloning sites on the vector. The fragment with correct size is gel purified and inserted into the vector by conventional two-way ligation. With this method, a recombinant plasmid containing four DNA inserts was correctly constructed. As a control, all of the constructs obtained directly from DNA ligation were found to be self-ligation of the vector.  相似文献   

An efficient and simple method for constructing a genomic DNA library is presented using a TA cloning vector. It is based on sonication cleavage of genomic DNA, blunting of the fragment ends with mung bean nuclease, and addition of a single 3'-deoxyadenylate with Taq DNA polymerase, followed by ligation with a TA vector. This method is useful for improving the quality of genomic libraries for organisms whose genomic DNA is not well digested with restriction enzymes owing to the presence of polysaccharides and/or DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library is an important tool in genomic research. We constructed two libraries from the genomic DNA of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) as a crucial part of the grass carp genome project. The libraries were constructed in the EcoRI and HindIII sites of the vector CopyControl pCC1BAC. The EcoRI library comprised 53,000 positive clones, and approximately 99.94% of the clones contained grass carp nuclear DNA inserts (average size, 139.7 kb) covering 7.4× haploid genome equivalents and 2% empty clones. Similarly, the HindIII library comprised 52,216 clones with approximately 99.82% probability of finding any genomic fragments containing single-copy genes; the average insert size was 121.5 kb with 2.8% insert-empty clones, thus providing genome coverage of 6.3× haploid genome equivalents of grass carp. We selected gene-specific probes for screening the target gene clones in the HindIII library. In all, we obtained 31 positive clones, which were identified for every gene, with an average of 6.2 BAC clones per gene probe. Thus, we succeeded in constructing the desired BAC libraries, which should provide an important foundation for future physical mapping and whole-genome sequencing in grass carp.  相似文献   

A method for generation of arbitrary peptide libraries using genomic DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Random peptide libraries can be constructed either by in vitro synthesis of random peptides, or through translation of DNA sequences from synthetic random oligonucleotides. Here we describe an alternative way of making arbitrary peptide libraries with high diversity that can be used in screening as random peptide libraries. Genomic DNA digested with a frequent-cutting restriction enzyme recognizing four nucleotides will theoretically consist of small DNA pieces with average length of 256 nucleotides, and on average around 107 fragments can be generated from a genome of 3 × 109 bases. A peptide library translated from these fragments will have sufficient diversity for some protein interaction screening experiments. Moreover, the same genome digested with a different four-cutter enzyme or ligated into different reading frames will result in different nonoverlapping libraries. A series of such libraries could be generated with genomic DNAs from different species. In this study, human genomic DNA was digested with four-cutter restriction enzymes DpnII and Tsp509I, respectively, and cloned into yeast expression vector pGADT7 to generate arbitrary peptide libraries. These libraries were used in yeast two-hybrid assays to screen for binding motifs of the PDZ domain containing protein synectin. Our results showed that in addition to various native carboxy-terminal tails, synectin could also bind to many artificial ones, some of which contained a consensus sequence—(S/T)XC-COOH.  相似文献   

Construction of tomato genomic DNA libraries in a binary-BAC (BIBAC) vector   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This is the first report of large insert genomic DNA libraries constructed in a binary-BAC (BIBAC) vector. Genomic DNA libraries containing approximately 4.6 haploid nuclear genomic equivalents were constructed for Lycopersicon esculentum (cv. Mogeor) and Lycopersicon pennellii (LA716) in the BIBAC2 vector. The L. esculentum library has an average insert size of 125 kb and is comprised of 42 272 individual colonies stored as frozen cultures in a 384-well format (108 plates). The L. pennellii library has an average insert size of 90 kb and is comprised of 53 760 individual clones (140 384-well plates). In each of the libraries, it is estimated that 90% of the colonies contain genomic DNA inserts. The composition of the L. esculentum and L. pennellii libraries was determined by analyzing a series of randomly selected clones. The L. esculentum library was surveyed for clones containing chloroplast DNA (1.4%), mitochondrial DNA (0.012%) and repetitive DNA motifs. BIBAC clones that may contain a gene of interest can be identified from these libraries by colony hybridization with homologous or heterologous probes or by PCR pooling techniques. Once identified, BIBAC genomic DNA library clones are immediately suitable for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated plant transformation.  相似文献   

We report one large-insert BIBAC library and three BAC libraries for japonica rice cv Nipponbare. The BIBAC library was constructed in the HindIII site of a plant-transformation-competent binary vector (pCLD04541) and the three BAC libraries were constructed in the BamHI, HindIII and EcoRI sites of a BAC vector (pECBAC1), respectively. Each library contains 23,040 clones, has an average insert size of 130 kb, 170 kb, 150 kb and 156 kb, and covers 6.7x, 8.7x, 7.7x and 8.0 x rice haploid genomes, respectively. The combined libraries contain 92,160 clones in total, covering 31.1 x rice haploid genomes. To demonstrate their utility, we screened the libraries with 55 DNA markers mapped to chromosome 8 of the rice genetic maps and analyzed a number of clones by the restriction fingerprinting and contig assembly method. The results indicate that the libraries completely cover the rice genome and, thus, are well-suited for genome research in rice and other gramineous crops. The BIBAC library represents the first plant-transformation-competent large-insert DNA library for rice, which will streamline map-based cloning, functional analysis of the rice genome sequence and molecular breeding in rice and other grass species. These libraries are being used in the development of a whole-genome, BAC/BIBAC-based, integrated physical, genetic and sequence map of rice and in the research of genome-wide comparative genomics of grass species.  相似文献   

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