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水稻茎秆形态结构特征和化学成分与抗倒伏关系综述   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
水稻茎秆形态结构特征和化学成分与其抗倒伏性能相关。本文对水稻茎秆高度、茎秆基部第1、2节间长度、茎秆粗细、茎壁厚度、厚壁组织(机械组织)数量和强度、维管束数量、细胞壁纤维素和木质素含量、细胞中碳水化合物积累的数量、硅与钾的含量以及茎秆抗倒伏相关的QTL等与水稻的抗倒伏性的相互关系进行了综述,为水稻抗倒伏优良品种性状的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

分析水稻品种‘沈农265’和‘丽江新团黑谷’杂交的F2群体基部第二节间茎秆机械强度与该节间形态和茎秆解剖结构的相关性,并对基部第二节间机械强度和相关性状进行QTL定位的结果表明:机械强度与茎粗、茎壁面积、茎壁厚度、大小维管束数目、大小维管束面积、大小维管束韧皮部面积、大小维管束木质部面积呈显著或极显著的正相关,与节间长度呈极显著的负相关,而与茎秆扁平率的相关不显著。采用复合区间作图,从研究的14个目标性状中检测到18个QTL。控制基部第二节间的抗折力的QTL检测到4个,位于第4、7、9和10号染色体上,可解释遗传变异的12%~23%。在第4和第7染色体上的相同区间上还同时检测到了控制茎壁性状和维管束性状QTL,贡献率在12%~21%之间。说明这两个位点是控制基部第二节间机械强度的重要区域,也是茎壁性状、维管束性状与机械强度高度正相关的遗传学基础。  相似文献   

小麦种质抗倒性的评价和抗倒性状的相关与通径分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对96份小麦种质资源的抗倒性进行了鉴定评价,筛选出高抗型材料9份,其中4份是丰源,表明抗倒性能够与丰产性状很好地协调结合。对抗倒性状的相关分析表明,在株高相差较大的情况下,株高和重心高度对抗倒性十分重要。但在对株高相差不大的情况下,茎秆的机械强度是主要决定因素,对于株高较高的材料,重心高度对抗倒性有较大影响;对于较矮的材料,基部第一节间长度则较为重要。通径分析结果进一步表明,茎秆机械强度对抗倒性的  相似文献   

种植密度与喷施多效唑对冬小麦抗倒伏能力和产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
于2008-2010年2个生长季在山东农业大学试验农场,以烟农21和藁城8901为材料,研究了不同种植密度下喷施多效唑对冬小麦基部茎秆形态特征、抗折力和抗倒指数及产量的影响.结果表明:藁城8901的抗倒伏能力高于烟农21,但籽粒产量低.与低密度(基本苗为180×104株·hm-2)条件相比,同一品种高密度(基本苗为240×104株·hm-2)使茎秆抗折力和抗倒指数下降,尤以烟农21表现更为明显.喷施多效唑可明显降低株高和基部节间长度,显著提高茎秆抗折力和抗倒伏指数,增强其抗倒伏能力,提高单位面积穗数和产量.相关分析表明,茎秆抗倒伏指数与基部第2节间长度、基部(1+2)节间长度占节间总长的比例和表观倒伏率均呈显著负相关.因此,采用合理的种植密度并结合喷施多效唑,能够提高小麦的抗倒伏能力和产量,可作为半湿润地区小麦高产栽培的重要技术措施.  相似文献   

倒伏是影响小麦产量的主要因素之一,选育抗倒伏性强的品种是育种研究的重点目标。本研究以528份我国主推的小麦品种和育成品系为材料,对影响小麦倒伏的主要性状进行测定,利用无偏线性估计值进行遗传变异分析、相关分析、主成分分析、线性回归分析和聚类分析,综合评价不同小麦品种的抗倒伏性。研究表明,6个抗倒伏性状在品种间都存在着广泛的遗传变异。基部节间长度、株高与抗推力呈极显著负相关,基部节间直径与抗推力呈极显著正相关,节间长度与节间直径相关性不显著。主成分分析表明,所有性状的信息可以用3个主成分代表,其累计贡献率达83.837%。回归分析结果表明,第1节间直径、第1节间长度、第2节间直径、第2节间长度和株高等5个性状均对抗推力有显著影响。依据抗推力将528份材料聚类为4类,其中第Ⅰ类群有66份小麦品种(系),其抗倒伏能力最强。研究结果为小麦抗倒伏品种利用、抗倒伏育种亲本的筛选以及育种后代品系的选育评价提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

中国李种质资源形态性状和农艺性状的遗传多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以国家果树种质熊岳李杏圃中保存的405份中国李和杂种李为材料,依据32个主要形态性状和农艺性状的评价数据,对这些主要性状进行了遗传多样性、相关性和主成分分析.结果表明,中国李表现出丰富的遗传多样性;从字符型形态和农艺性状数据看,叶形、果形、果皮彩色和果肉色泽等性状均表现出较为丰富的多样性;从数值型形态和农艺性状数据看.各性状的变异系数为47.09%~14.85%;其中单果重的变异系数最大,为47.09%,其变幅为4.50~107.90g.其次是维生素C含量,变异系数为40.44%,变幅为0.80~14.70mg/100g;相关性分析得出,节间长度与一年生枝条长度和可溶性糖含量呈正相关,果实发育期与可溶性固形物和可溶性糖含量也呈正相关,而与可滴定酸和维生素C含量呈负相关.  相似文献   

以黄淮麦区优良品种矮抗58、周麦18、豫麦49、百农418为研究对象,采用田间试验与实验室分析相结合的方法,对不同小麦品种在不同生育时期的抗倒伏性状进行研究.结果表明: 茎秆机械强度在开花期至花后20 d处于较高水平,在花后30 d明显下降;倒伏指数在开花期最小,花后30 d最大,其余两个时期处于中间水平.相关分析表明,开花期机械强度与重心高度呈显著负相关,与纤维素、木质素含量呈显著正相关,倒伏指数与节长、株高、重心高度呈显著正相关,与纤维素、木质素含量呈显著负相关;花后10 d和花后20 d机械强度与节长、株高、重心高度呈显著负相关,与茎粗、纤维素、半纤维素、木质素含量呈显著正相关,倒伏指数这段时期正好与之相反;花后30 d机械强度与株高、重心高度呈显著负相关,倒伏指数与株高、重心高度呈显著正相关,与木质素含量呈显著负相关.因此,明确各个生育时期与抗倒性相关的茎秆特性,可为黄淮麦区高产抗倒性品种的选育提供依据.  相似文献   

为探究玉米基部节间质量性状与茎秆强度形成的内在关系,该研究选用不同耐密性玉米品种为材料,采用随机区组设计,在田间条件下研究玉米基部节间形态特征、干物质积累的变化特点,分析茎秆内部木质素积累动态变化及其相关合成酶活性对茎秆强度形成的影响。结果表明:(1)耐密品种‘先玉335’基部节间单位长度干重(DWUL)和直径均较高,不同品种的茎秆强度快速形成时期有一定差异,与木质素的积累密切相关。(2)耐密品种茎秆穿刺强度(RPS)和木质素积累快速形成时期较不耐密品种‘新玉41’长5~7 d,穿刺强度高于不耐密品种24.9%~36.6%,其木质素积累量高于不耐密品种12.5%~47.0%,且RPS和木质素积累速率较不耐密品种快。(3)玉米抽雄期(VT)前是基部节间木质素快速积累的关键时期,玉米大喇叭口期(V12~V15)酶活性与抽雄期木质素积累量呈显著或极显著正相关,对茎秆强度形成至关重要。(4)在玉米12叶期耐密品种‘先玉335’的木质素合成相关酶均显著高于不耐密品种‘新玉41’,PAL、TAL、CAD和POD分别较‘新玉41’高1.85、0.30、0.11和0.42 U·mg-1。研究认为,玉米大喇叭口期茎秆干物质积累量较高、木质素合成相关酶的活性较强,能有效促进木质素的快速积累,增加茎秆抗倒伏强度,进而提高玉米茎秆抗倒伏能力。  相似文献   

硅钾肥配施对水稻茎秆理化性状及抗倒伏能力的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该研究以易倒伏品种‘B优827’为试验材料,通过分析硅钾肥配合施用对水稻茎秆的弯曲力矩、抗折力以及倒伏指数的影响,探索通过肥料调控提高水稻抗倒伏能力的方法与技术措施。结果显示:(1)硅钾肥配施能显著增加水稻基部节间茎秆直径和壁厚,缩短节间长度,并在低硅中钾处理(T2,硅肥300kg/hm2、钾肥400kg/hm2)下基部各节间长度缩短幅度最大(12.44%~20.80%),直径和壁厚增加幅度分别为2.82%~5.76%、22.95%~28.57%。(2)硅钾肥配施处理后,水稻基部各节间纤维素、木质素及灰分含量显著变化,并以低硅中钾处理(T2)差异较显著,且基部节间木质素含量分别比对照显著提高14.55%、8.67%、7.73%。(3)硅钾肥配施处理能显著增加水稻基部节间抗折力,降低倒伏指数,同时仍以低硅中钾处理(T2)的抗折力最大、倒伏指数最小,对提高‘B优827’植株抗倒伏能力效果最好。研究表明,合理的硅钾肥配比(硅肥300kg/hm2、钾肥400kg/hm2)能显著增加易倒伏水稻品种‘B优827’的茎秆壁厚和直径,缩短基部节间长度,提高抗折力,同时还能增加其基部节间木质化程度,最终增强植株抗倒伏能力;硅钾肥配合施用可通过改善茎秆物理化学特性有效增强易倒伏水稻植株的抗倒伏能力。  相似文献   

水稻上部节间长度等数量性状基因的定位及其遗传效应分析   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
对水稻籼粳杂交(窄叶青8号×京系17)F_1的花药进行离体培养,建立一个含133个DH系的作图群体,通过构建分子连锁图谱,对水稻上部节间长度、株高和抽穗期的QTL进行区间作图,定位了影响上部节间长度的12个QTL、株高的4个QTL和抽穗期的1个QTL。对这些QTL的遗传效应分析的结果表明,控制抽穗期的1个QTL即Hd8a为主效基因,其余的16个QTL为微效基因。控制上部节间长度单个的QTL对表型的贡献率介于8-18%,其加性效应可使所控制的节间长度增加大约1.6-3.6cm。值得注意的是,一些控制相关性状的、作用方向相同的QTL定位于同一染色体的相同或邻近区段上。这一结果揭示了这些性状相关的遗传基础,在水稻育种中运用这些QTL将有助于对株高进行精细的遗传调控。  相似文献   

  • Lodging resistance can be improved by enhancing the mechanical strength of culms, and culm carbohydrates could improve this mechanical strength. Culm carbohydrates can regulate development of the culm and affect its toughness.
  • The present study determines the relationship between lodging and carbohydrate content in oat culms. Field experiments were conducted in alpine regions in 2017 and 2018 using three oat varieties with different lodging resistance. Lodging‐related morphological characteristics were directly determined and culm carbohydrate content and enzyme activity related to cellulose synthesis and sucrose metabolism were evaluated with ultraviolet spectrophotometry.
  • Results showed that the lower the gravity height or the lower ratio of gravity height to plant height, the stronger the lodging resistance of the varieties. Higher culm nonstructural (NSC) and structural (SC) carbohydrate content contributed to the ability of culms to resist lodging, especially the content of cellulose and sucrose. PCA showed that sucrose metabolism and SC content were closely related to lodging resistance. Correlation analysis showed that the lodging index (LI) was significantly negatively correlated with NSC. Sucrose content was highly and significantly positively correlated with NSC. Additionally, the activities of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and sucrose synthase (SS) were highly and significantly positively correlated with sucrose and cellulose content.
  • The relationship between field characters and oat lodging, as well as the regulatory mechanism of carbohydrate content on lodging resistance of the culm are discussed.

 Lodging can strongly affect both the grain yield and the quality of wheat. Lodging represents a quantitative trait and is difficult to assess on a phenotypic basis. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) could therefore become an important tool in breeding for lodging resistance. In this study, we mapped and characterised quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for lodging resistance, as well as morphological traits correlated with lodging, in a segregating population of 226 recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross of the lodging-resistant wheat variety Forno with the susceptible spelt variety Oberkulmer. Lodging, plant height, leaf width, leaf-growth habit, culm stiffness, culm swinging, culm thickness, days to ear emergence and days to flowering were assessed in field trials at two locations in 1996 and at one location in 1997. Additionally, at one location weight and length parameters were also assessed. Plant height and culm stiffness explained 77% of the phenotypic variance of lodging in a multiple regression model over all three environments. QTL analysis of lodging and morphological parameters was based on a genetic map containing 230 loci with 23 linkage groups (2469 cM). With the method of composite interval mapping nine QTLs for lodging resistance were detected, explaining 63% of the phenotypic variance in a simultaneous fit. Seven of these QTLs coincided with QTLs for morphological traits, reflecting the correlations between these traits and lodging. In our population the most efficient way to improve lodging resistance would be by a combination of indirect selection on plant height and culm stiffness together with MAS on the two QTLs for lodging resistance which did not coincide with QTLs for morphological traits. Received: 3 August 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

Dense plant cultivation is an efficient approach to utilize the maximum inputs for increasing maize production. However, dense plant populations may prone to lodging as it results in increased plant height and reduced culm diameter; therefore, we hypothesized that weaker stems may be responsible for maize lodging. In this study, we examined the regulatory effects of paclobutrazol under two commonly used application methods (seed-soaking and seed-dressing). Seed-soaking with paclobutrazol at the rate of 0 (CK1), 200 (S1), 300 (S2), and 400 (S3) mg L?1, while seed-dressing at the rate of 0 (CK2), 1.5 (D1), 2.5 (D2), and 3.5 (D3) g kg?1 were used. Results showed that paclobutrazol improved the culm physical strength by increasing the rind penetration strength, stalk breaking strength, culm diameter, wall thickness, and dry weight per unit length of basal third internode, compared to control plants. Moreover, paclobutrazol reduced the internode length, plant height, ear height, center of gravity height and lodging rate in both growing seasons. In addition, more lignin was accumulated in the basal internode and the activities of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POD), cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) and 4-coumarate: CoA ligase (4CL) increased with paclobutrazol, and their maximum values were observed in the S2 and D3 treatments, resulting in strong lodging resistance. Lignin content was positively and significantly correlated with the rind penetration strength, breaking strength of internode, and activities of PAL, 4CL, POD, and CAD, while significantly and negatively correlated with lodging percentage. The present findings suggested that 300 mg L?1 and 3.5 g kg?1 of paclobutrazol may efficiently be utilized to minimize the risk of lodging, not only by manipulating plant height but also by enhancing culm physical strength and lignin accumulation in basal internodes.  相似文献   

Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is the most widely cultivated annual forage grass in Japan. Lodging damage reduces both harvested yield and forage quality. To identify the chromosomal regions controlling lodging resistance in Italian ryegrass, we analyzed seven quantitative characters—heading date, plant height, culm weight, culm diameter, culm strength, tiller number, and culm pushing resistance—and evaluated lodging scores in the field in a two-way pseudo-testcross F1 population. Significant correlations between most combinations of the traits examined were found. Seventeen QTLs for all traits except culm weight were detected on six of seven linkage groups by simple interval mapping using cross-pollination (CP) algorithm, and 33 independent QTLs were also detected by composite interval mapping from both male and female parental linkage maps. In addition, up to 18 QTLs for lodging scores evaluated at nine different times were detected on all linkage groups. The flanking markers of those QTLs will serve as a useful tool for marker-assisted selection of lodging resistance in Italian ryegrass.  相似文献   

Varietal differences among ten rice cultivars showed that stem diameter is a key factor in lodging resistance (measured in terms of pushing resistance). Two near-isogenic lines (NILs) were selected from a series of chromosome segment substitution lines developed between cultivars Nipponbar and Kasalath, one containing a single stem diameter QTL (sdm8; NIL114), and another with four stem diameter QTLs (sdm1, sdm7, sdm8, sdm12; NIL28). Compared with the Nipponbare control, stem diameters were larger in NIL114 and NIL28 by about 7 and 39%, respectively. Pushing resistance in NIL28 was significantly greater than in Nipponbare, but NIL114 was similar to Nipponbare. The two NILs had greater weight of lower stem and culm wall thickness than Nipponbare. NIL28 had higher plant height, which is a negative effect on lodging resistance, than Nipponbare. The non-structural carbohydrate contents of NIL stems were higher than that of Nipponbare, whereas the silicon contents were lower in the NILs, and cellulose contents were lower only in NIL28. The basal internodes of the two NILs were significantly stiffer than those of Nipponbare. These results suggest that increasing stem diameter in rice breeding programs would improve lodging resistance, although the combination of multiple QTLs would be necessary to produce thicker stems with higher pushing resistance, whereas the higher plant height could also result from the combination of multiple QTLs.  相似文献   

倒伏是影响作物品种选育和产业化推广的重要限制因子,会使作物籽粒与秸秆的产量和品质显著降低且易引发病虫害,不利于机械化收割使作物经济效益显著降低。株高、茎秆强度、壁厚、分蘖数、分蘖夹角等性状同作物茎秆抗倒伏特性密切相关。倒伏主要分为为根倒伏和茎倒伏,茎倒伏与茎秆特性相关,其中株高与分蘖数分别受赤霉素信号转导和独脚金内酯信号转导的调控;根部各性状主要受生长素、乙烯以及细胞分裂素等激素信号转导的调节。本文对植物抗倒伏相关性状与抗倒伏的关系以及各重要性状相关信号转导途径方面的研究进行综述,并对基于激素信号转导途径的作物抗倒伏性状改良和分子育种今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

不同养分和水分管理模式对水稻抗倒伏能力的影响   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:33  
大田试验下,通过对水稻茎秆基部物理性状、形态特征和硅、钾含量的测定和比较,系统研究了不同养分和水分管理模式对水稻茎秆抗倒伏能力的影响.结果表明,有机无机肥配施,特别是秸秆与化肥配施(CS)养分模式可明显提高水稻植侏茎秆粗度、茎壁厚度和茎重,从而有效提高了基部茎秆的抗折力(RS)和明显降低了水稻的倒伏指数(LI),秸秆与化肥配施(CS)养分模式对水稻抗倒伏能力的效果在干湿交替(AWD)和控水模式(DRA)下表现更为明显。有机无机肥配施,特别是秸秆与化肥配施(CS)的养分模式在干湿交替(AWD)和控水模式(DRA)下更有助于提高水稻茎秆的硅、钾含量、相关分析表明,水稻基部茎秆茎壁厚度、茎重和抗折力与茎秆硅、钾含量存在显著(P<0.05)或极显著正相关(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

To understand the lodging behavior in kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.) at morphological, biochemical, and molecular levels, 22 germplasm accessions selected based on previous trials were characterized for culm strength-related morphological traits such as pulling force, culm weight per unit length, culm diameter, recovery angle after bending and degree of lodging, and biochemical traits such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin content of the culm. Correlation among traits and path analysis with degree of lodging showed that only lignin content per unit length of the culm had a very high negative effect on degree of lodging, followed by culm diameter, which means that higher the lignin content and culm diameter, the lesser will be the degree of lodging. Hence, it was concluded that any improvement for lodging resistance in kodo millet can be achieved through improving the lignin content (mg/cm of the dry culm) and culm diameter. Gene expression studies in kodo millet for FLEXIBLE CULM 1 (FC1), a gene implicated in lignin biosynthetic pathway and lodging resistance in rice, suggests the role of FC1 gene ortholog in lignin accumulation in kodo millet as well. Accordingly, the highest gene expression was recorded in strong culm line “Adari” a land race and the lowest expression in “Aamo 10,” a weak culm line.  相似文献   

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