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为了较系统地了解基因芯片在地下水污染研究中的应用进展,调研了基因芯片技术及其在地下水污染研究中应用的有关文献,简述了基因芯片原理、分类及实施流程,总结了系统发育寡核苷酸芯片和功能基因芯片在地下水污染研究中的最新应用进展,探讨了基因芯片检测性能、数据分析和应用等方面存在的问题和措施,在基因芯片性能改进和应用方面提出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

综述了光感应化合物在以光为手段治疗疾病方面的研究和应用.介绍了光动力治疗及卟啉类和酞菁类化合物在光动力治疗中的应用现状,讨论了光动力作用中活性氧的产生机理,着重介绍了含偶氮苯基团的光感应化合物和含其它光感应材料的脂质体在光控治疗中的应用和发展,阐述了光化学内化的研究进展,并展望了光感应脂质体在光控治疗中潜在的应用价值.  相似文献   

董大鹏  金政  赵凯 《生物技术》2022,(6):787-795
碳纳米管具有良好的表面修饰性、机械性和电学特性,在电化学生物传感器材料领域应用广泛,在病原微生物检测、环境保护、农业以及食品等行业具有广阔的应用前景。该文综述了碳纳米管在生物检测技术中的应用进展,以病毒检测为主分析了碳纳米管在检测技术方面的应用进展和优缺点,展望了碳纳米管在生物检测领域的应用发展趋势。  相似文献   

自杂交保护检测(Hybridization Protection Assay,HPA)技术首次被报道以来,在很多领域都得到了应用。本文综述了HPA技术的主要原理特性和应用的研究进展,包括微生物的鉴定检测、端粒和端粒酶检测、基因突变检测和基因多态性分析、mRNA转录水平监测和其他方面的应用,并对HPA技术在我国应用的局限和应用前景进行分析。  相似文献   

胚挽救技术在果树育种上的应用研究进展作了综述,并对应用中可能出现的问题,如胚龄、培养基和培养条件等进行了分析,初步提出了胚挽救技术培育果树新种质应用方面的不足和研究热点。  相似文献   

郝建华  强胜 《植物学报》2007,24(4):490-497
通过采用不同的透明剂和透明方法, 对番茄 (Lycopercicon esculentum)侧根原基、加拿大一枝黄花 (Solidago canadensis)与一枝黄花 (S. decurens)的亲和性识别反应和苏门白酒草 (Conyza sumatrensis)的胚珠发育过程进行了观 察, 提供了整体透明技术在植物生物学中的应用实例, 简要回顾了该技术在植物生殖生物学中的应用和发展状况, 分析了该技术在植物生物学应用中的优势和不足, 探讨了该技术应用中一些具体的技术环节, 如透明剂的选择和使用以及与特殊用途显微镜的配合使用等方面的问题, 并对该技术的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

整体透明技术在植物生物学中的应用实例及其剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郝建华  强胜 《植物学通报》2007,24(4):490-497
通过采用不同的透明剂和透明方法,对番茄(Lycopercicon esculenturm)侧根原基、加拿大一枝黄花(Solidago canadensis)与一枝黄花(S.decurens)的亲和性识别反应和苏门白酒草(Conyza sumatrensis)的胚珠发育过程进行了观察,提供了整体透明技术在植物生物学中的应用实例,简要回顾了该技术在植物生殖生物学中的应用和发展状况,分析了该技术在植物生物学应用中的优势和不足,探讨了该技术应用中一些具体的技术环节,如透明剂的选择和使用以及与特殊用途显微镜的配合使用等方面的问题,并对该技术的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

文中分析了膜分离技术在石油化工领域的运用,主要分析了水处理过程中的应用、在有机溶剂混合物分离中的应用和在气体分离中的应用。  相似文献   

刺吸电位技术应用中的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,刺吸电位技术( electrical penetration graph,EPG)在我国得到越来越广泛的应用,但在应用过程中还存在一些问题或误区,在一定程度上影响了EPG的应用效果.本文根据多年实际应用经验,讨论了EPG应用中可能遇到的和容易出现的一些问题及解决办法,包括EPG技术的适用范围、昆虫和植物的处理办...  相似文献   

综述了杏鲍菇多糖的提取、纯化、结构表征、生物活性以及应用研究进展,展望了杏鲍菇多糖对人体保健的应用前景,为杏鲍菇多糖将来的研究和应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

广西大苗山“打鸟坳”趋光性鸟类调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
2000年9月、2001年5月和10月2、002年5月和10月、2003年10月、2005年9月,通过实地调查和访问当地群众的方法,对广西大苗山“打鸟坳”的趋光性鸟类进行了调查,在大苗山发现了规模较大的“打鸟坳”共5个,并记录趋光性鸟类58种,隶属于10目14科。其中留鸟16种,夏候鸟15种,冬候鸟17种,旅鸟10种。趋光性鸟类主要以鹭科(Ardeidae)、三趾鹑科(Turnicidae)、秧鸡科(Rallidae)等涉禽为主。鹭科鸟类数量较多的有白鹭(Egretta garzetta)和池鹭(Ardeola bacchus);三趾鹑科数量最多的为黄脚三趾鹑(Turnix tanki);秧鸡科以白胸苦恶鸟(Amaurornis phoenicurus)最多。文中还对“打鸟坳”的形成以及部分留鸟被捕获的现象进行了讨论,并对大苗山“打鸟坳”鸟类的保护提出了建议。  相似文献   

目的:研究光声耦合和对照光激发蝗虫趋光响应试验,为蝗虫的光电诱导捕集治理及趋光增益调控激发技术提供理论基础。方法:依据蝗虫趋光机理和声频刺激激发蝗虫的响应特性,利用LED光源、声频播放设备和蝗虫行为试验装置,进行了蝗虫对光声耦合和光谱光照趋光响应的对比测定,并探讨了光声耦合对蝗虫趋光效果影响的机理。结果:(1)蝗虫光声感受器对光能和声能接受和神经处理方式的不同,光谱光照和声频耦合刺激激发蝗虫生物活性和趋光v向应的双重叠加效应,增强了蝗虫的趋光活性,强化了蝗虫的趋光行为,提高了蝗虫的趋光响应,达到了推拉驱动蝗虫趋光响应的效应;(2)在光声耦合激发蝗虫趋光响应峰值上,蝗虫对不同声刺激的敏感性参数不同;(3)蝗虫对声刺激敏感参数接受的容限性,导致光谱光照在蝗虫诱导响应行为中起主导作用,而声刺激则起驱动激发蝗虫趋光响应的增益效应。结论:光谱光照和声刺激的合理布置和组合,能够有效提高蝗虫的趋光诱导响应效果。  相似文献   

1. Stentor coeruleus exhibits negative phototaxis (due to phototactic orientation response) and step-up photophobic response (avoiding reaction) to visible light. 2. The effect of Ja-value ([K+]/[Ca2+]1/2) and calcium ion concentration of the surrounding medium on the photoresponses in Stentor were studied. 3. The both types of photoresponses in Stentor are greatly affected by the Ja-value. A higher Ja-value medium suppressed the step-up photophobic response of Stentor, whereas the organism showed a higher degree of phototactic orientation response in higher Ja-value solutions. 4. The effect of the Ja-value on the step-up photophobic response was opposite to that on the phototactic orientation response. 5. With increasing calcium concentration but at a constant Ja-value, the number of Stentor showing the step-up photophobic response increased, whereas the phototactic orientation response of Stentor was suppressed at higher Ca2+ concentrations. 6. The effect of the calcium concentration on the photophobic response was also opposite to that on the phototactic orientation response, as in the case of Ja-value effect.  相似文献   

Phototaxis mazes have been employed to select photopositive and photonegative strains of Drosophila simulans. The results suggest that phototactic behavior in D. simulans, as in other Drosophila species, is a polygenic trait. Hybridization using divergent strains revealed that the genes controlling negative phototactic behavior in D. simulans are autosomal, as opposed to D. melanogaster in which negative phototactic behavior is known to be very strongly sex-linked.  相似文献   

A virgin ant queen has only one opportunity in her lifetime to realize her reproductive fitness when she leaves her nest for a mating flight. After successful mating she sheds her wings, excavates a nest and starts laying eggs to initiate her own colony. Here we report the results of our study on two related species of Camponotus ants - day active Camponotus paria and night active Camponotus compressus - aimed at investigating (i) if there exist inter-species differences in the activity and phototactic behaviors of males and queens, (ii) whether these behaviors in the queen change after mating, and (iii) whether the activity rhythm of queens changes with age. We find that while activity profiles differ between C. paria and C. compressus virgin males and queens, such differences in queens disappear after mating. Once mated, the activity rhythm of queens shows little change with age; the rhythm in virgin queens, on the other hand, changes considerably. As virgins, C. paria queens are positively phototactic, while C. compressus queens are negatively phototactic. After mating, C. paria queens become less phototactic, particularly during the subjective night, while C. compressus queens remain negatively phototactic. These results indicate that there are considerable differences in the activity and phototactic behaviors of virgin queens of the two related species of Camponotus ants. Most of these differences disappear after mating, which suggests that these behaviors may have evolved primarily for the proper execution of pre-mating events.  相似文献   

不同光源和暗适应时间对棉铃虫蛾趋光行为的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 引  言诱虫灯是监测昆虫迁飞、扩散、发生期和发生量的重要工具 ,也是害虫综合治理的重要措施之一 .一般认为 ,昆虫飞向光源是一种趋光行为 ,但国内外很多学者认为这种行为是光源对昆虫正常活动的干扰 ,并非是昆虫的趋性[4 ].昆虫对不同波长的光源反应不同 .丁岩钦[6 ]对棉铃虫蛾 (Helicover paarmigera)进行了 1 3种单色光的行为选择实验 ,最高峰在333nm ;侯无危等[9]对桃小食心虫 (Carposinaniponensis)的趋光性研究发现 ,其对 333nm以上的单色光均有趋光反应 .魏国树等[12~ 14 ]在 340~ 6 0 5nm波谱范围内测定了棉铃虫蛾的行为反…  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟蛾趋光行为及复眼结构节律性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
用行为实验和光学显微镜观察比较了夜间暗适应处理和日间暗适应处理的亚洲玉米螟蛾Ostrinia furnacalis(Guenee)趋光反应及小眼的显微结构。(1)夜间暗适应处理组的趋光反应率明显高于日间暗适应处理组。5个照度行为实验中,前者最高反应率达80%,最低23%,总反应率近48%,而后者分别只有35%、10%和21%。(2)夜间暗适应与日间暗适应的复眼其屏蔽色素分布大体相同,但小网膜细胞核的分布区域有明显差异,表明亚洲玉米螟蛾小眼结构变化存在一定的节律性。这种结构节律变化可能是导致趋光反应昼夜差异的原因之一。  相似文献   

We tested two competing models that could explain how differential flagellar activity leads to phototactic turning in spheroids of Volvox carteri f. weismannia (Powers) Iyengar. In one model, turning results from the flagella of anterior cells in the lighted and shadowed hemispheres beating at different frequencies. In a competing model, turning results from a change in beat direction in these flagella. Both models successfully explain phototactic steering under constant illumination, but they make different predictions when colonies are exposed to abrupt changes in light intensity. If turning is due to control of flagellar beat frequency, both progression and rotation rates will change in the same direction and with similar magnitudes. If spheroid turning is due to a change in flagellar beat direction, a decreased rate of progression will accompany an increased rate of rotation and vice versa. We used video-microscopy to observe the behavior of positively phototactic V. carteri spheroids exposed to 10× step-up and step-down stimuli. After a step-up stimulus, spheroids slow their progression and rotation by equal amounts. No significant changes are reported in these parameters after the reciprocal step-down response. These observations are consistent with the variable flagellar frequency model and inconsistent with the variable flagellar direction model for phototactic turning. Switching the direction of light stimulus by 180° results in reorientation of positively phototactic spheroids. The kinetics of this reorientation did not precisely match the predictions of either model.  相似文献   

Luc De Meester 《Oecologia》1994,97(3):333-341
To test the hypothesis of co-adaptation of life histories and daytime vertical distribution (vertical migration behaviour) in Daphnia, life history characteristics were analysed for two positively, three negatively, and four intermediately phototactic Daphnia magna clones. Clones with different phototactic behaviour were found to have divergent life history strategies, with positively phototactic clones being good exploiters under the non-limiting conditions provided in the laboratory, i.e. low density (1 ind./1), high food concentration (6,5–7 105 Scenedesmus cells/ml, restored daily) and high temperature (20° C). They realized a high intrinsic rate of increase at a small adult body size through rapid development, at a cost of producing small neonates. Negatively and intermediately phototactic clones had larger adult body sizes, and produced larger neonates that were more starvation-resistant than those of positively phototactic clones. Selection for high intrinsic rate of increase in intermediately phototactic clones was mediated through the production of large clutches.  相似文献   

E. Michels  L. De Meester 《Hydrobiologia》1998,379(1-3):199-206
We examined the influence of food quality on the phototactic behaviour of Daphnia magna. Cohorts of a positively phototactic D. magna clone were fed nine diets differing in quality. Diets were obtained by substitution of a fraction of unicellular algae ( Scenedesmus acutus) by a biomass-equivalent of fresh yeast ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Some of the diets were enriched with an inoculum of ciliates and organic compounds added as a hay infusion filtrate. Animals fed with a diet containing at least 25% algae showed a similar phototactic behaviour as animals fed with a diet that contained 100% algae. Addition of ciliates to the yeast diets resulted in a lower mortality and a higher reproductive rate compared to diets without a ciliate supplement. The presence of ciliates did not influence phototactic behaviour. Experiments testing for a maternal effect showed that the phototactic behaviour of the animals was strongly influenced by diet during the early developmental stages, but was not influenced by the diet of the mother. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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