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基于涡度相关法和静态箱/气相色谱法(箱式法)的碳通量观测数据,对比分析了两种方法在评价禹城冬小麦 夏玉米复种农田生态系统和海北高寒矮嵩草草甸生态系统呼吸中的差异.结果表明:在保证涡度相关法和箱式法观测数据质量的条件下,两种方法实时观测的夜间通量结果具有较好的一致性,相关系数达0.95~0.98;箱式法白天的观测结果与涡度相关法估算的白天生态系统呼吸值有较好的一致性,但前者普遍大于后者;两种方法测定生态系统呼吸日平均值的差异达极显著水平(P<0.01),但二者的季节变化趋势较一致.在整个观测期内, 冬小麦-夏玉米复种农田观测箱内外平均温差为1.8 ℃,涡度相关法较箱式法测定的生态系统呼吸日平均值偏低30.3%;高寒矮嵩草草甸观测箱内外平均温差为1.9 ℃,涡度相关法较箱式法测定的生态系统呼吸日平均值偏低31.4%.两种方法对生态系统生长季呼吸日平均值测定结果的偏差高于非生长季.  相似文献   

利用涡度相关技术观测了青藏高原两个典型的生态系统即矮嵩草(K obresia hum ilis)草甸和金露梅(P oten-tilla f ruticosa)灌丛草甸的CO2通量,并就2003年8月份的数据,分析了生态系统通量变化与环境因子的关系.8月份是这两个生态系统的叶面积指数达到最高也是相对稳定的时期,在此期间矮嵩草草甸和金露梅灌丛草甸净碳吸收量分别达56.2和32.6 g C.m-2,日CO2吸收量最大值分别为12.7μm o l.m-2.-s 1和9.3μm o l.m-2.-s 1,排放量最大值分别为5.1μm o l.m-2.-s 1和5.7μm o l.m-2.-s 1.在相同光合有效光量子通量密度(PPFD)条件下,矮嵩草草甸CO2吸收速度大于金露梅灌丛草甸;在PPFD高于1 200μm o l.m-2.s-1的条件下,随气温增加,两生态系统的CO2吸收速度都下降,但矮嵩草草甸的下降速度(-0.086)比金露梅灌丛草甸(-0.016)快.土壤水分影响土壤呼吸,并且影响差异因植被类型不同而不同.生态系统日CO2吸收量随昼夜温差增加而增大;较大的昼夜温差导致较高的净CO2交换量;植物反射率与CO2通量之间存在负相关关系.  相似文献   

高寒矮嵩草草甸冬季CO2释放特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴琴  胡启武  曹广民  李东 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5107-5112
冬季碳排放在高寒草地年内碳平衡中占有重要位置。为探讨高寒草地冬季碳排放特征及温度敏感性,于2003-2005年在中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统研究站,利用密闭箱-气相色谱法连续观测了高寒矮嵩草草甸2个冬季的生态系统、土壤呼吸通量特征。结果表明:1)高寒矮嵩草草甸冬季生态系统呼吸、土壤呼吸均具有明显的日变化和季节变化规律,温度是其主要的控制因子,能够解释44%以上的呼吸速率变异。2)冬季生态系统呼吸与土壤呼吸速率在统计上没有显著差异,土壤呼吸占生态系统呼吸的比例高达85%以上。3)2003-2004年冬季生态系统呼吸、土壤呼吸的Q10值分别为1.53,1.38;2004-2005年冬季生态系统呼吸与土壤呼吸的Q10值为1.86,1.68,2个冬季生态系统呼吸的Q10值均高于土壤呼吸。4)未发现高寒矮嵩草草甸冷冬年份的Q10值高于暖冬年份以及冬季的Q10值高于生长季。  相似文献   

三种方法测定高寒草甸生态系统蒸散比较   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
利用涡度相关技术(Eddy covariance technique)、小型蒸渗仪(Mini-lysimeter)和波文比-能量平衡法(BREB)对2005年和2006年夏季(7~8月份)青藏高原海北高寒草甸生态系统的昼间蒸散(E)变化进行了对比观测研究.在观测期间,存在能量不闭合现象,涡度相关系统测定的湍流通量相当于有效能量的73%.3种不同方法测定的蒸散量之间具有较好的相关性,涡度相关系统与小型蒸渗仪测定的蒸散量相关系数达0.96,与波文比法的结果相关系数为0.95.然而,波文比法计算的蒸散量最大,比涡度相关系统的观测值高43%;小型蒸渗仪法的测定值次之,比涡度相关法的观测值高19%;涡度相关法测算的蒸散值最小.研究结果表明,利用涡度相关技术测定该高寒草甸生态系统的潜热通量,可能会过小评价该生态系统的蒸散量.  相似文献   

由于荒漠生态系统植被覆盖度低、生产力低下,其在全球碳循环中的作用被长期忽视。为探讨荒漠生态系统碳收支各组分的变化规律,以腾格里荒漠红砂(Reaumuria soongorica Maxim.)-珍珠(Salsola passerina Beg.)群落为研究对象,采用静态箱式法研究了该群落的净生态系统CO2交换量(NEE)、生态系统呼吸、土壤呼吸的日变化规律,同时将该方法所获得的NEE结果与涡动相关法观测的结果进行了比较。结果表明:(1)红砂-珍珠群落NEE的日变化表现为,在6:00—9:00左右出现一个CO2吸收的高峰值,随后在12:00—15:00左右出现一个CO2释放高峰值。红砂种群、珍珠种群和整个群落NEE的平均值分别为0.018、0.020和0.028 mg CO2m-2s-1;(2)红砂种群、珍珠种群、土壤及整个群落生态系统呼吸速率的日变化规律一致,均表现为明显的单峰变化趋势,在12:00—15:00左右出现一个CO2释放的高峰值。红砂种群、珍珠种群、土壤和整个群落的生态系统呼吸的平均值分别为:0.121、0.062、0.029和0.040 mg CO2m-2s-1。以盖度为加权因子计算得到红砂种群、珍珠种群和土壤呼吸占生态系统呼吸的比例分别为:9%、21%和70%,由此可见,生态系统呼吸主要来源于土壤呼吸。(3)将箱式法和涡动相关法观测的NEE进行比较,结果表明两种方法观测的NEE变化规律基本一致,相关系数达到0.7。采用箱式法观测的NEE高于涡动相关法观测的结果,平均值分别0.028 mg CO2m-2s-1(箱式法)和0.015 mg CO2m-2s-1(涡动相关法),涡动相关法的观测结果与箱式法观测结果的比值为0.54。综上可得,荒漠生态系统土壤呼吸的变化速率决定了生态系统呼吸的变化规律,采用箱式法可能高估了荒漠生态系统CO2的释放量。  相似文献   

利用2014—2015年中国科学院封丘农业生态实验站涡度相关系统观测的冬小麦农田生态系统CO_2通量数据,结合试验地常规气象观测系统的气象数据,分析冬小麦4个生育期(分蘖期、越冬期、拔节期和灌浆期)内CO_2通量的日变化,研究净生态系统碳交换(NEE)的季节变化及其与气象要素的关系.结果表明:冬小麦整个生育期内NEE为-360.15g C·m-2,总初级生产力总量为1920.01 g C·m-2,冬小麦农田生态系统具有较强的固碳能力.冬小麦农田生态系统CO_2通量具有明显的日变化和季节变化特征,分蘖期表现为碳源,越冬期、拔节期和灌浆期表现为碳汇.表观初始光能利用率平均值为0.03 mg CO_2·μmol-1,光饱和时的生态系统生产量平均值为1.53 mg CO_2·m-2·s-1,月平均生态系统呼吸为193.92g C·m-2·month-1.冬小麦农田生态系统4个生育期NEE与光合有效辐射的相关关系均达到极显著水平.分蘖期、拔节期和灌浆期NEE与饱和水汽压差的相关关系极显著,越冬期达显著水平.冬小麦分蘖期、越冬期和灌浆期NEE日总量与土壤温度呈正相关,拔节期呈负相关关系.  相似文献   

为准确揭示三江源区退化高寒草甸生态系统的水分收支状况,本文利用涡度相关系统(EC)和蒸渗仪对退化高寒草甸的蒸散进行了连续观测,结果表明:两种方法测定的蒸散量年变化趋势一致,涡度相关法测定的年蒸散量为481 mm(约占降水量的86%),低于蒸渗仪法的558 mm。涡度相关法的湍流能量与有效能的闭合度(EBR)年均值约为0.78,生长季的EBR要高于非生长季;当摩擦风速(u*)0.25 m·s~(-1)时,EBR随u*的增大而增加,当u*0.25 m·s~(-1)时,EBR随u*的增大无明显变化。此外,土壤热通量相对于太阳净辐射的滞后可能也是导致能量不闭合的原因之一。随着净辐射、温度和风速的升高,涡度相关法测定的蒸散逐渐接近于蒸渗仪法的测定值,而土壤含水量对两种方法观测蒸散的影响不明显。本研究结果说明,涡度相关和蒸渗仪法测定的蒸散具有较好的相关性,但涡度相关法可能会低估该生态系统的蒸散量。  相似文献   

高寒灌丛是青藏高原重要植被类型,因特殊生物学性质致使其系统碳功能较难评估。采用静态箱式法测定高寒金露梅(Potentilla fruticosa)灌丛草甸的生态系统呼吸,结合生物量收获法估测生态系统净初级碳量。结果表明,高寒金露梅灌丛草甸生态系统呼吸、土壤呼吸和植物呼吸具有明显的季节动态变化,其年总量分别为886.28、444.93 gC/m2和441.36 gC/m2;灌丛区、草本区以及土壤区的呼吸均与5 cm地温具有极显著的指数关系(R2分别为0.95、0.94和0.83),各区温度敏感系数Q10分别为4.40、4.13和3.16;8a(2003—2010)植被净初级生产力平均为468.55 gC/m2。结合系统土壤呼吸,生态系统年均净固碳量为27.19 gC/m2,即高寒金露梅灌丛草甸生态系统为碳汇。对比涡度相关标准方法连续观测数据表明该方法评估生态系统碳功能具有较大可信度。  相似文献   

基于涡度相关法的农田生态系统碳通量研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涡度相关法作为国际上公认的碳通量测定的标准方法,在农田生态系统碳通量研究领域具有广阔的空间。本研究旨在总结涡度相关法的农田生态系统碳通量最新研究成果,为涡度相关法与农田生态系统碳通量研究提供参考。文章综述了国内外基于涡度相关技术的农田生态系统碳通量研究现状,重点总结了其在时间变化、驱动因子、生产力模型、数据处理等方面的最新研究成果。经了解发现涡度相关技术对农田生态系统碳通量的时间变化特征研究较多,且众多研究结果表明在单一种植模式下农田碳通量的日变化和季节变化呈显著单峰"U"型趋势,在多熟种植模式下季变化呈"W"型,但对种植模式的碳通量研究缺乏区域代表性;同时驱动因子研究集中在温度、光照、水分等环境因素对农田碳通量的影响方面,对环境因子与农艺措施之间的关系研究较少;且对于通量夜间数据的处理和无效、缺失数据的剔除与插补缺乏统一的标准。因此本文认为区域典型种植模式的长期定位监测、多因子协同分析、数据质量监控等方面具有较大研究空间。  相似文献   

李积兰  李希来 《生态科学》2016,35(2):156-165
青藏高原高寒草甸的建群种矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)以自身重要的生态价值、营养价值、耐寒耐牧和高抗逆性, 对该地区生态环境的稳定和畜牧业的发展具有重要意义。由于全球气候变暖, 长期超强度的放牧压力和啮齿动物的破坏活动, 使矮嵩草的生存和发展受到严重破坏, 使高寒草甸生态系统受到了一系列既有的或潜在的影响。因此,学者们从各方面研究矮嵩草及其生态系统, 以期实现矮嵩草草甸草地的可持续利用。总结了矮嵩草的资源特性、矮嵩草对自然干扰和人为干扰环境的适应, 以及适应环境的形态结构和生理生态特征等方面的研究进展, 旨在为今后深入开展矮嵩草相关研究, 高寒草甸草地的可持续利用、保护和恢复提供科学参考。  相似文献   

This paper evaluated the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) gross primary production (GPP) product (MOD17) by using estimated GPP from eddy‐covariance flux measurements over an irrigated winter wheat and maize double‐cropping field on the North China Plain in 2003–2004, and an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau in 2002–2003. The mean annual GPP from MOD17 accounted for 1/2–2/3 of the surface estimated mean annual GPP for the alpine meadow, but only about 1/5–1/3 for the cropland. This underestimation was partly attributed to low estimates of leaf area index by a MODIS product (MOD15) because it is used to calculate absorbed photosynthetically active radiation in the MOD17 algorithm. The main reason is that the parameter maximum light use efficiency (εmax) in the MOD17 algorithm was underestimated for the two biomes, especially for the cropland. Contrasted to the default, εmax was optimized using surface measurements. The optimized εmax for winter wheat, maize and meadow was 1.18, 1.81 and 0.73 g C/MJ, respectively. By using the surface measurements and optimized εmax , the MOD17 algorithm significantly improved the accuracy of GPP estimates. The optimum MOD17 algorithm explained about 82%, 68%, and 79% of GPP variance for winter wheat, maize, and meadow, respectively. These results suggest that it is necessary to adjust the MOD17 parameters for the estimation of cropland and meadow GPP, particularly over cropland.  相似文献   

In the present study, we used the eddy covariance method to measure CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and an alpine shrubland meadow ecosystem (37°36′ N, 101o18′ E; 3 250 m a.s.l.) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, during the growing season in 2003, from 20 April to 30 September. This meadow is dominated by formations ofPotentillafruticosa L. The soil is Mol-Cryic Cambisols. During the study period, the meadow was not grazed. The maximum rates of CO2 uptake and release derived from the latitudes. Daily CO2 uptake during the measurement period indicated that the alpine shrubland meadow ecosystem may behave as a sink of atmospheric CO2 during the growing season. The daytime CO2 uptake was correlated exponentially or linearly with the daily photosynthetic photon flux density each month. The daytime average water use efficiency of the ecosystem was 6.47 mg CO2/g H2O. The efficiency of the ecosystem increased with a decrease in vapor pressure deficit.  相似文献   

Temporal trends in photosynthetic capacity are a critical factorin determining the seasonality and magnitude of ecosystem carbonfluxes. At a mixed deciduous forest in the south‐eastern United States (Walker Branch Watershed, Oak Ridge, TN, USA), we independently measured seasonal trends in photosynthetic capacity (using single‐leaf gas exchange techniques) and the whole‐canopycarbon flux (using the eddy covariance method). Soil respiration was also measured using chambers and an eddy covariance system beneath the canopy. These independent chamber and eddy covariance measurements, along with a biophysical model (CANOAK), areused to examine how leaf age affects the seasonal pattern of carbon uptake during the growing season. When the measured seasonality in photosynthetic capacity is representedin the CANOAK simulations, there is good agreement with the eddy covariance data on the seasonal trends in carbon uptake. Removing the temporal trends in the simulations by using the early season maximum value of photosynthetic capacity over the entire growing season over estimates the annual carbon uptake by about 300 g C m?2 year?1– halfthe total estimated annual net ecosystem exchange. Alternatively, use of the mean value of photosynthetic capacity incorrectly simulates the seasonality in carbon uptake by the forest. In addition to changes related to leaf development and senescence, photosynthetic capacitydecreased in the middle and late summer, even when leaf nitrogenwas essentially constant. When only these middle and late summer reductions were neglected in the model simulations, CANOAK still overestimated the carbon uptake by an amount comparable to 25% ofthe total annual net ecosystem exchange.  相似文献   

In forest ecosystems the single largest respiratory flux influencing net ecosystem productivity (NEP) is the total soil CO2 efflux; however, it is difficult to make measurements of this flux that are accurate at the ecosystem scale. We examined patterns of soil CO2 efflux using five different methods: auto-chambers, portable gas analyzers, eddy covariance along and two models parameterized with the observed data. The relation between soil temperature and soil moisture with soil CO2 effluxes are also investigated, both inter-annually and seasonally, using these observations/results. Soil respiration rates (R soil) are greatest during the growing season when soil temperatures are between 15 and 25 °C, but some soil CO2 efflux occurs throughout the year. Measured soil respiration was sensitive to soil temperature, particularly during the spring and fall. All measurement methods produced similar annual estimates. Depending on the time of the year, the eddy covariance (flux tower) estimate for ecosystem respiration is similar to or slightly lower than estimates of annual soil CO2 efflux from the other methods. As the eddy covariance estimate includes foliar and stem respiration which the other methods do not; it was expected to be larger (perhaps 15–30%). The auto-chamber system continuously measuring soil CO2 efflux rates provides a level of temporal resolution that permits investigation of short- to longer term influences of factors on these efflux rates. The expense of building and maintaining an auto chamber system may not be necessary for those researchers interested in estimating R soil annually, but auto-chambers do allow the capture of data from all seasons needed for model parameterization.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the present study, we used the eddy covariance method to measure CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and an alpine shrubland meadow ecosystem (37°36'N, 101°18'E; 3 250 m a.s.l.) on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China, during the growing season in 2003, from 20 April to 30 September. This meadow is dominated by formations of Potentilla fruticosa L. The soil is Mol-Cryic Cambisols. During the study period, the meadow was not grazed. The maximum rates of CO2 uptake and release derived from the diurnal course of CO2 flux were -9.38 and 5.02 μmol·m-2·s-1, respectively. The largest daily CO2 uptake was 1.7 g C·m-2·d-1 on 14 July, which is less than half that of an alpine Kobresia meadow ecosystem at similar latitudes. Daily CO2 uptake during the measurement period indicated that the alpine shrubland meadow ecosystem may behave as a sink of atmospheric CO2 during the growing season. The daytime CO2 uptake was correlated exponentially or linearly with the daily photo synthetic photon flux density each month. The daytime average water use efficiency of the ecosystem was 6.47 mg CO2/g H2O. The efficiency of the ecosystem increased with a decrease in vapor pressure deficit.
(Managing editor: Ya-Qin HAN)  相似文献   

Base Cation Cycling in a Pristine Watershed of the Canadian Boreal Forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In forest ecosystems the single largest respiratory flux influencing net ecosystem productivity (NEP) is the total soil CO2 efflux; however, it is difficult to make measurements of this flux that are accurate at the ecosystem scale. We examined patterns of soil CO2 efflux using five different methods: auto-chambers, portable gas analyzers, eddy covariance along and two models parameterized with the observed data. The relation between soil temperature and soil moisture with soil CO2 effluxes are also investigated, both inter-annually and seasonally, using these observations/results. Soil respiration rates (R soil) are greatest during the growing season when soil temperatures are between 15 and 25 °C, but some soil CO2 efflux occurs throughout the year. Measured soil respiration was sensitive to soil temperature, particularly during the spring and fall. All measurement methods produced similar annual estimates. Depending on the time of the year, the eddy covariance (flux tower) estimate for ecosystem respiration is similar to or slightly lower than estimates of annual soil CO2 efflux from the other methods. As the eddy covariance estimate includes foliar and stem respiration which the other methods do not; it was expected to be larger (perhaps 15–30%). The auto-chamber system continuously measuring soil CO2 efflux rates provides a level of temporal resolution that permits investigation of short- to longer term influences of factors on these efflux rates. The expense of building and maintaining an auto chamber system may not be necessary for those researchers interested in estimating R soil annually, but auto-chambers do allow the capture of data from all seasons needed for model parameterization.  相似文献   

Eddy covariance nighttime fluxes are uncertain due to potential measurement biases. Many studies report eddy covariance nighttime flux lower than flux from extrapolated chamber measurements, despite corrections for low turbulence. We compared eddy covariance and chamber estimates of ecosystem respiration at the GLEES Ameriflux site over seven growing seasons under high turbulence [summer night mean friction velocity (u*) = 0.7 m s?1], during which bark beetles killed or infested 85% of the aboveground respiring biomass. Chamber‐based estimates of ecosystem respiration during the growth season, developed from foliage, wood, and soil CO2 efflux measurements, declined 35% after 85% of the forest basal area had been killed or impaired by bark beetles (from 7.1 ± 0.22 μmol m?2 s?1 in 2005 to 4.6 ± 0.16 μmol m?2 s?1 in 2011). Soil efflux remained at ~3.3 μmol m?2 s?1 throughout the mortality, while the loss of live wood and foliage and their respiration drove the decline of the chamber estimate. Eddy covariance estimates of fluxes at night remained constant over the same period, ~3.0 μmol m?2 s?1 for both 2005 (intact forest) and 2011 (85% basal area killed or impaired). Eddy covariance fluxes were lower than chamber estimates of ecosystem respiration (60% lower in 2005, and 32% in 2011), but the mean night estimates from the two techniques were correlated within a year (r2 from 0.18 to 0.60). The difference between the two techniques was not the result of inadequate turbulence, because the results were robust to a u* filter of >0.7 m s?1. The decline in the average seasonal difference between the two techniques was strongly correlated with overstory leaf area (r2 = 0.92). The discrepancy between methods of respiration estimation should be resolved to have confidence in ecosystem carbon flux estimates.  相似文献   

Three years of eddy covariance measurements were used to characterize the seasonal and interannual variability of the CO2 fluxes above an alpine meadow (3250 m a.s.l.) on the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau, China. This alpine meadow was a weak sink for atmospheric CO2, with a net ecosystem production (NEP) of 78.5, 91.7, and 192.5 g C m?2 yr?1 in 2002, 2003, and 2004, respectively. The prominent, high NEP in 2004 resulted from the combination of high gross primary production (GPP) and low ecosystem respiration (Re) during the growing season. The period of net absorption of CO2 in 2004, 179 days, was 10 days longer than that in 2002 and 5 days longer than that in 2003. Moreover, the date on which the mean air temperature first exceeded 5.0°C was 10 days earlier in 2004 (DOY110) than in 2002 or 2003. This date agrees well with that on which the green aboveground biomass (Green AGB) started to increase. The relationship between light‐use efficiency and Green AGB was similar among the three years. In 2002, however, earlier senescence possibly caused low autumn GPP, and thus the annual NEP, to be lower. The low summertime Re in 2004 was apparently caused by lower soil temperatures and the relatively lower temperature dependence of Re in comparison with the other years. These results suggest that (1) the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau plays a potentially significant role in global carbon sequestration, because alpine meadow covers about one‐third of this vast plateau, and (2) the annual NEP in the alpine meadow was comprehensively controlled by the temperature environment, including its effect on biomass growth.  相似文献   

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