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广西石灰岩地区蜈蚣蕨居群的遗传多样性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用等位酶分析方法 ,研究了广西石灰岩地区蜈蚣蕨居群的遗传多样性 ,分析了其空间变化趋势。检测了 8个酶系统 ,1 5个酶位点。分析结果表明 :广西石灰岩地区蜈蚣蕨居群遗传多样性程度较高 ,每个位点的等位基因平均数为 1 .6 7,多态位点为 5 7.78% ,平均期望杂合度为 0 .2 4 9。蜈蚣蕨居群的遗传组成在居群间有一定的差异 ,但差异的程度并不与空间距离成正比  相似文献   

利用10对SSR引物对濒危植物秦岭冷杉(Abies chensiensis)6个自然居群的120个个体进行了遗传多样性研究,旨在分析秦岭冷杉6个自然居群的遗传多样性、遗传结构及基因流变化.研究结果表明,120个个体在10个位点上共检测到149个等位基因,平均每个位点的等位基因数(A)为14.9,每个位点的有效等位基因数(e)为7.7,每个位点的平均预期杂合度(He)和平均观察杂合度(Ho)分别为0.841和0.243,Shannon多样性指数(Ⅰ)为2.13,自然居群杂合性基因多样度的比率(FsT)为6.7%,居群间的基因流(Nm)为3.45.利用Mantel检测到自然居群的遗传距离与地理距离间无显著相关性(r=0.490 6,P>0.05).秦岭冷杉自然居群的遗传多样性水平较低,遗传变异主要存在于居群内部.结合研究数据、实地调查及相关资料,推测秦岭冷杉自然居群间基因流较原来增大可能是因为居群间发生了远交衰退.  相似文献   

采用等位酶电泳技术了云南省中北部昆明、富民、宾川3县(市)及四川省西南布拖县的硬枝野荞麦(Fagopyrum urophyllum)6个天然居群的遗传多样性和分化。硬枝野荞麦居群内维持有较高的遗传多样性,多态位点比率为50.0%,预期杂合度和观察杂合度分别为0.251和0.471。并对硬枝野荞麦(F.urophyllum)与栽培荞麦之间遗传变异作了比较。  相似文献   

简曙光  吴梅  刘念   《广西植物》2005,25(6):566-569,561
采用等位酶技术,分析了葫芦苏铁5个居群的遗传多样性。分析6个酶系统,共获得了13个基因位点, 结果表明:葫芦苏铁具有较高水平的遗传变异性,多态位点百分率(P)为56.9%,等位基因平均数A=1.62,等 位基因多样性指数Ho=0.105,He=0.164,居群杂合体过量的位点为50%。居群遗传结构分析表明,大部分 遗传变异(93.6%)存在于居群内(FST=0.064),居群间分化程度甚微。根据葫芦苏铁的居群遗传结构式样并 结合相关研究,提出了就地保护所有居群,迁地保护从东一、王下和水田三个大居群取样的保护策略。  相似文献   

青岛耐冬山茶的多样性 (Ⅱ)——居群的遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用等位酶电泳技术,检测了青岛近海岛屿--长门岩岛、大管岛和浙江普陀山的天然山茶居群的遗传状况,并与青岛植物园和杭州植物园的栽培山茶居群作了比较。分析结果表明:青岛近海岛屿山茶居群内的遗传多样性水平较高,每个位点的等位基因平均数为2.3,多态位点比率为83.3%,平均观察杂合度与期望杂合度分别为0.245及0.320,这个结果可以为青岛耐冬山茶的保护提供依据。为了探讨形态分化与等位酶变异之间的关系,对山茶居群内一些形态特殊类型的酶谱作了比较。  相似文献   

缙云山特有植物缙云黄芩的遗传多样性研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直平板电泳检测了重庆缙云山特有植物缙云黄芩7个居群70个个体的过氧化物酶、细胞色素氧化酶、超氧化物歧化酶、淀粉酶和酯酶5种等位酶,获得20个基因位点的资料,由此分析了其遗传分化水平。结果表明:缙云黄芩遗传多样性水平较高,多态位点比率P为45.7%,平均每个多态位点的等位基因数目A为1.46,平均预期杂合度He为0.205,平均观察杂合度Ho为0.352。缙云黄芩居群间遗传分化水平较高,Gst=0.401,居群间遗传一致度和遗传距离的平均值分别为0.741和0.300。缙云黄芩遗传多样性的40.1%来源于居群之间的基因差异,59.9%属于居群内的遗传分化,因而对缙云黄芩遗传多样性的保护,应保护其较多的居群。  相似文献   

极濒危植物中华水韭休宁居群的遗传结构   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用超薄平板微型聚丙烯酰胺等电聚焦电泳方法对极濒危蕨类植物中华水韭(Isoetes sinensis)现存于安徽休宁的5个亚居群的等位酶多样性和遗传结构进行了研究。结果表明:中华水韭居群每位点平均等位基因数A=1.7,平均多态位点比率P=55.56%,平均预期杂合度He=0.201。居群中半数的多念位点表现为等位基因的“固定杂合”,5个亚居群的遗传多样性无显著差异,但都表现出严重偏离Hardy—Weinberg平衡的杂合子过昔;其遗传变异主要发生于亚居群内(94.27%),亚居群之间的遗传分化较小(Gsl=0.0573),亚居群间遗传一致度较高(I=0.960—0.999)。我们推断这可能是由于居群构建之初的奠基者效应或者原种群曾经历了较为严重的遗传瓶颈所导致;此外亚居群间便利的基因交流也可能起到了很大作用(Nm=4.5062)。取自休宁居群的75株样品由13个专一多位点基因型(18个位点等位酶基因型)组成,亚居群及个体间高度遗传均质。本文还就中华水韭休宁野生居群濒危的遗传因素进行了探讨,并提出了相应的保育策略。  相似文献   

青岛耐冬山茶的多样性(Ⅱ)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用等位酶电泳技术,检测了青岛近海岛屿———长门岩岛、大管岛和浙江普陀山的天然山茶居群的遗传状况,并与青岛植物园和杭州植物园的栽培山茶居群作了比较。分析结果表明:青岛近海岛屿山茶居群内的遗传多样性水平较高,每个位点的等位基因平均数为23,多态位点比率为833%,平均观察杂合度与期望杂合度分别为0245及0320,这个结果可以为青岛耐冬山茶的保护提供依据。为了探讨形态分化与等位酶变异之间的关系,对山茶居群内一些形态特殊类型的酶谱作了比较  相似文献   

光叶珙桐的等位酶分析及其生物地理学意义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用水平切片淀粉凝胶电泳实验方法,对光叶珙桐(Davidia involucrata var.vilmoriniana)4个居群、78个个体、11种酶系统,21个位点进行了等位酶分析。各居群的多态位点百分比P=28.6%-47.6%,实际杂合度Ho=0.177—0.308,平均每个位点的等位基因数A=1.3-1.6。在变种水平上,多态位点百分比P=52.4%,平均每个位点的等位基因数A=1.8,实际杂合度Ho=0.272,期望杂合度Ho=0.216。基因分化系数FST=0.1928,说明光叶珙桐居群问分化小。各项指标表明光叶珙桐的遗传多样性水平较高,比原变种珙桐高,外部环境可能是影响珙桐分布格局的重要因素。昭通与宝兴的遗传多样性明显高于其他两个居群,遗传多样性保存较为完整,而处于分布区东、西两侧边缘(云南西北部和湖北五峰)遗传多样性则相对较低,推测四川盆地边缘山地是该种的遗传多样化中心,可能是在地质灾难中(如第四纪冰期),光叶珙桐真正的避难所。分布区东西两侧的居群可能是从四川盆地边缘山地扩散而来。  相似文献   

湖北海棠的等位酶变异和遗传多样性研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
康明  黄宏文 《生物多样性》2002,10(4):376-385
采用超薄平板微型聚丙烯酰胺等电聚焦电泳方法对湖北海棠(Malus hupehensis)的9个野生居群和2个人工栽培居群的等位酶变异和遗传多样性进行了初步研究。通过对12个酶系统29个酶位点的检测,结果表明湖北海棠有25个酶位点的等位基因频率分布差异,,有10个居群发现稀有等位基因,并有11个(37.9%)重复位点;湖北海棠的遗传多样性水平很高,等位基因平均数A=2.127,多态位点百分率P=74.927,平均预期杂合度He=0.376;居群间的基因分化系数GST=0.224。与其他苹果属植物相比,湖北海棠具有中等丰富的遗传变异水平。居群间的基因流仅为Nm=0.866,表明遗传漂变是影响居群遗传变异和遗传结构的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

Betula alnoides is an ecologically and economically important species in the tropics and warm subtropics. Nineteen polymorphic microsatellite markers were isolated from this species, which displayed three to 12 alleles per locus. The observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.100 to 0.905, and the expected heterozygosities from 0.510 to 0.893. These markers would be useful tools in genetic resource assessment, molecular marker-assistant breeding, parentage analysis and genetic diversity studies for this species.  相似文献   

栓皮栎天然群体SSR遗传多样性研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
徐小林  徐立安  黄敏仁  王章荣 《遗传》2004,26(5):683-688
利用微卫星(SSR)标记对我国4个省内的5个栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis Bl.)天然群体的遗传多样性进行了研究。16对SSR标记揭示了栓皮栎丰富的遗传多样性:等位基因数(A)平均8.4375个,有效等位基因数(Ne)平均为5.9512个,平均期望杂合度(He)0.8059,Nei多样性指数(h)为0.8041。栓皮栎自然分布区中心地带的群体具有较高的遗传多样性,而人为对森林的破坏将降低林木群体的遗传多样性。栓皮栎群体的变异主要来源于群体内,群体间分化较小,遗传分化系数仅为0.0455。此外,栓皮栎群体间的遗传距离与地理距离之间存在显著的正相关。这些遗传信息为栓皮栎遗传多样性的保护和利用提供了一定依据。Abstract: Genetic diversity of five Quercus variabilis natural populations in four provinces of China was studied with microsatellite (SSR) markers. A relatively high level of genetic diversity was detected in Q. variabilis species with 16 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Average number of alleles (A) and effective number of alleles (Ne) were 8.4375 and 5.9512 respectively. The mean expected heterozygosity (He) was 0.8059 and Nei diversity index (h) was 0.8041. Higher diversity was found with the populations from the central range of the species in contrast to those from peripheral areas and human activities might decrease the genetic diversity of populations. The majority of genetic variation occurred within populations, which could be concluded from the low coefficient of genetic differentiation (Fst=0.0455). In addition, significant correlation was found between geographical distance and genetic distance. All these results present a basis to the conservation and utilization of genetic diversity of Quercus variabilis.  相似文献   

桂东南地区普通野生稻遗传多样性研究   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
利用25个微卫星位点对广西壮族自治区贺州、崇左、防城港3市8个居群301份普通野生稻材料的遗传多样性和遗传结构进行研究,结果表明桂东南地区普通野生稻遗传多样性丰富,平均等位基因数A=10.2400,有效等位基因数Ae=5.0221,平均期望杂合度He=0.7641,实际观察杂合度Ho=0.4840.根据固定指数(F=0.5653)计算出的异交率(t=0.2777)表明,普通野生稻的繁育系统是典型的混合繁育系统.对其遗传结构分析表明,总的遗传变异中有34.59%存在于居群间(Fst=0.3459).进一步研究发现大多数居群偏离了Hardy-Weinberg平衡且杂合体不足(Fis=0.2680,Fit=0.4817).最后根据各居群的遗传变异特点和遗传多样性比较,建议居群QT、YJ和TJ需要优先保护.  相似文献   

The razor clam (Sinonovacula constricta) is an important aquacultured bivalve in China. The natural populations of this species are decreasing quickly. To facilitate studies on genetic diversity and population structure of wild populations, microsatellites were isolated from a CA enriched genomic library. Eight microsatellite loci were polymorphic in 30 individuals from Chongming in Shanghai, China. The number of alleles per polymorphic locus varied from 6 to 13 and the values of observed heterozygosity and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.350 to 1.000 and from 0.602 to 0.902, respectively. These microsatellites are being used in studying population differentiation and genetic diversity for effective conservation and management genetic resources of S. constricta.  相似文献   

以中国新疆伊犁地区的巩留县莫合镇库尔德宁、新源县交吾托海、霍城县大西沟和塔城地区的裕民县巴尔鲁克山4个种下居群的109个新疆野苹果实生株系为材料,利用8对苹果SSR引物进行群体遗传结构的研究。结果表明:8对SSR引物在4个居群中可平均扩增出16条带,其中巩留县居群多态性带数百分比最高为89.06%,各位点平均Nei基因多样度为0.257;4个群体共扩增出128个位点,在种级水平及巩留县、新源县、霍城县和裕民县4个居群水平多态性位点百分比分别为100%、88.28%、84.38%、87.50%、78.12%,种级水平Nei基因多样度(H=0.2619)和香农信息指数(I=0.4082)大于种下居群,4个种下居群Nei基因多样度和香农信息指数比较巩留县>霍城县>新源县>裕民县;巩留县居群和新源县居群遗传一致度最大,遗传距离最近;根据基因分化系数(GST=0.064)值,测得的基因流Nm为7.265。UPGMA聚类分析结果表明,巩留县和新源县居群遗传关系最近,霍城县居群次之,裕民县居群远离其他3个居群,巩留县、新源县、霍城县和裕民县4个居群是相对独立的群体,但同时存在部分基因交流。所有参数分析表明,巩留县遗传多样性最丰富,故在制定原位种质保护计划时应优先考虑巩留县居群。  相似文献   

光皮桦6个南方天然群体的遗传多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示中国特有珍贵用材树种光皮桦(Betula luminifera)天然群体的遗传多样性和遗传结构, 采用AFLP分子标记, 分析了采自浙江、福建、江西、广西和贵州5个省区6个天然群体的120份样品。9对引物获得了355个位点, 其中多态性位点323个。分析结果表明光皮桦天然群体具有较高的遗传多样性, 多态位点百分率(PPL)达90.99%, 各群体的PPL和Nei’s基因多样性(hj)分别为93.20-98.60%和0.3143-0.3645; 总群体遗传多样性指数(Ht)为0.3616, 群体间遗传分化系数(Fst)为0.0650, 群体间总的基因流较高(Nm= 3.5962)。AMOVA分析表明群体间的遗传变异占总变异的11.49%, 浙江临安群体和贵州修文群体间的遗传距离最大(0.0665), 江西龙南群体和广西龙胜群体间的遗传距离最小(0.0173), 且遗传结构分析显示这两个群体的部分个体可能来自同一近祖。Mantel检测发现, 群体间的遗传距离与地理距离没有显著相关性(r = 0.423, P = 0.113), 而与两两群体所在地的均温差呈显著相关(r = 0.449, P = 0.017)。结合群体实地调查, 可以得出光皮桦天然群体的遗传多样性和遗传结构的形成不仅与其广域分布、自然杂交、种子特性以及生活史有关, 而且与群体被人为砍伐、生境片断化等因素有重要关系。基于上述结果我们提出了光皮桦天然种群的保护策略。  相似文献   

ISSR markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity and genetic structure of eight natural populations of Cupressus chengiana in China. ISSR analysis using 10 primers was carried out on 92 different samples. At the species level, 136 polymorphic loci were detected. The percentage of polymorphic bands (PPB) was 99%. Genetic diversity (He) was 0.3120, effective number of alleles (Ae) was 1.5236, and Shannon's information index (I) was 0.4740. At the population level, PPB = 48%, Ae = 1.2774, He = 0.1631, and I = 0.2452. Genetic differentiation (Gst) detected by Nei's genetic diversity analysis suggested 48% occurred among populations. The partitioning of molecular variance by AMOVA analysis indicated significant genetic differentiation within populations (54%) and among populations (46%; P < 0.0003). The average number of individuals exchanged between populations per generation (Nm) was 0.5436. Samples from the same population clustered in the same population-specific cluster, and two groups of Sichuan and Gansu populations were distinguishable. A significantly positive correlation between genetic and geographic distance was detected (r = 0.6701). Human impacts were considered one of the main factors to cause the rarity of C. chengiana, and conservation strategies are suggested based on the genetic characters and field investigation, e.g., protection of wild populations, reestablishment of germplasm bank, and reintroduction of more genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Hucho taimen are listed as endangered in China. The population size has declined recently, prompting an increase in the level of listing from grade three in 2002 to grade five in 2006. We analyzed the genetic diversity of wild populations using 17 microsatellite markers to establish a scientific basis for conservation of this species. We collected tissue samples from four populations in the Heilongjiang River basin: Huma River (HM), Hutou (HT), Haiqing (HQ), and Zhuaji (ZJ). A total of 21 loci were amplified, 18 of which were polymorphic. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 9 (mean: 4.1905). There were 13 highly polymorphic loci and 5 moderately polymorphic loci. Analysis of five genetic diversity parameters (Na, Ne, Ho, He, and PIC) suggested moderate levels of diversity within the populations. The populations were ranked HT > HQ > ZJ > HM, but the differences in diversity were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). A comparison of variation among all four populations suggested Hardy–Weinberg disequilibrium at 20% of the loci. Genetic differentiation (Fst) was 0.0644 and the gene flow among populations was estimated at 3.36 individuals per generation. The majority of diversity (93.88%) occurred among individuals within a population. In contrast, relatively little (6.12%) of the genetic diversity was distributed between the populations. An analysis of genetic differentiation and genetic distance between pairs of populations revealed that both parameters were higher in comparisons of the HM population to the HT, HQ, and ZJ populations than among the three latter populations. This suggests that the HM population has a distinct genetic structure. We hypothesize that habitat degradation and excessive fishing, not low genetic diversity, has caused the decline in H. taimen populations. However, this species should be protected from further declines in genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Information on genetic variation is essential for conservation and stock improvement programs. Seven dinucleotide microsatellite loci were analyzed to reveal genetic variability in three wild populations (Kella beel, Hakaluki haor, and Shobornokhali beel) and one hatchery population of the freshwater walking catfish, Clarias batrachus, in Bangladesh. Upon PCR amplification, the alleles were separated on polyacrylamide gel using a sequencing gel electrophoresis system and visualized by the silver-staining method. The loci were polymorphic (P95) in all the populations. Differences were observed in number and frequency of alleles as well as heterozygosity in the studied populations. Current gene diversity (He) was higher than expected under mutation-drift equilibrium, significantly in the Hakaluki haor and Shobornokhali beel populations, indicating a recent genetic bottleneck. Population differentiation (FST) values were significant (P<0.05) in all the population pairs. A relatively high level of gene flow and a low level of FST values were found between wild population pairs compared to hatchery-wild pairs. The unweighted pair group method with averages dendrogram based on genetic distance resulted in two major clusters: the hatchery population was alone in one cluster whereas the three wild populations made another cluster. The results reflect some degree of genetic variability in C. batrachus populations indicating potentialities for improving this species through a selective breeding program. The results revealed a recent bottleneck in some wild populations of C. batrachus. Protection of habitat may help increase the population size and lower the risk of vulnerability of the species in the future.  相似文献   

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