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机体依靠免疫系统识别和清除真菌.在免疫系统识别真菌过程中,吞噬细胞及树突状细胞通过其表面模式识别受体结合真菌表面的特异性抗原.免疫识别是真菌免疫的始动环节.  相似文献   

食药用真菌多糖是食药用真菌的主要天然生物活性成分,可以从多层次、多靶点调节机体的免疫功能,被认为是一种天然免疫调节剂。此前食药用真菌多糖抗肿瘤机制研究集中在提升机体的免疫力达到抑制肿瘤的目的,但近年的研究表明它可以调节肿瘤微环境,恢复机体对肿瘤以及肿瘤微环境的监视能力,提升机体对肿瘤微环境的特异性免疫应答能力,进而达到充分发挥其抑制和杀伤肿瘤的功能。我们课题组前期研究中也发现食药用菌多糖可以正向调节肿瘤小鼠外周血免疫细胞数量,促进免疫细胞浸润到肿瘤微环境中帮助机体识别及杀伤肿瘤细胞,改善肿瘤微环境免疫状态。本文在我们团队的研究工作的基础上,结合国内外文献总结食药用真菌多糖作为免疫调节剂在抑制肿瘤免疫逃逸中的生物活性,结合肿瘤微环境探讨其与肿瘤免疫的关系、作用机制和在肿瘤治疗中的作用,以期为食药用真菌多糖免疫治疗提供新思路。  相似文献   

北京夏植黄瓜内生真菌区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解黄瓜植株内生真菌的区系组成及其变化,从而为进一步研究黄瓜内生真菌的生态和功能奠定基础,对采自北京延庆的不同品种和不同生育期的40株黄瓜进行了内生真菌的分离培养。经形态学鉴定和18S rDNA序列分析,分离到的1,024株内生真菌属于18属,其中Exserohilum和Neocosmospora尚未见内生真菌的报道。Alternaria、Aspergillus、Chaetomium、Cladosporium和Fusarium在各生育期和各器官普遍存在。其中,Alternaria在叶中的定殖率达47.0%,远高于在其他器官中的定殖率;Fusarium在根中的定殖率达32.5%,远高于在其他器官中的定殖率。多数真菌类群表现出不同程度的器官偏好性,有些真菌类群则只出现在特定器官中。叶和根的内生真菌类群数量和总定殖率均高于茎和果实。随着黄瓜的生长,各器官内生真菌的类群数在增加,部分真菌的定殖率也呈上升趋势,但Neocosmospora和Chaetomium在各器官中的定殖率则随植株生长呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

Nigrospora属真菌是常见的药用动植物内生真菌,其次级代谢产物结构多样且生物活性显著,是药用活性物质的重要来源。本文对1997年至2021年报道的Nigrospora属真菌化学成分及其生物活性首次进行了系统综述,涵盖聚酮、蒽醌、萜、甾体和生物碱等199个化合物,并总结其抗菌、抗氧化、抗病毒、抗糖尿病和抗肿瘤等生物活性,以期为该属真菌药用成分的深度开发提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,真菌耐药发生率呈逐年上升趋势,真菌对氟康唑等氮唑类药物的耐药性最为严重,成为临床抗真菌治疗失败的原因之一.对于耐药真菌的治疗,往往采用加大剂量或联合用药的方法.此外,文献报道了一些植物提取物、小分子化合物能显著增强抗真菌药物对耐药真菌的敏感性,两个药物的协同作用有望成为治疗耐药真菌的新策略.该文结合近几年的研究报道,简要综述了抗真菌药物增效剂的研究进展.  相似文献   

范黎 《微生物学通报》2016,43(7):1660-1660
正细菌是世界上已知分布最广的生命体,可引起人体疾病,临床主要采用抗生素进行治疗,与此同时,抗生素的广泛应用也导致细菌产生耐药性,进而阻滞对其引起的感染性疾病的治疗。因此,人们渴望获得更多新型、疗效更为显著的抗菌药物。植物内生真菌是一个特殊的真菌类群,据估计约有一百万至数百万种内生真菌存活于维管植物细胞内或细胞间[1]。研究表明,内生真菌代谢产物类型与其宿主植物息息相关,  相似文献   

植物内生真菌中的二萜类成分结构新颖,生物活性显著。其中紫杉烷型、半日花烷型、harzianone型、异海松烷型、guanacastane型、壳梭孢菌素型、吲哚二萜型、银杏内酯型、phomactin型、cyclopiane型、norcyclostane型、松香烷型等12种骨架类型化合物具有抗肿瘤、抗病毒、抗炎、抑菌、杀虫等多种生物活性。通过整理、分析相关文献,全面综述了从植物内生真菌中所产生的137个二萜类成分及其生物活性,并对部分生物活性作用机制及构效关系加以介绍,以期为更好地开发利用植物内生真菌二萜类化合物提供参考。  相似文献   

绞股蓝是我国特色天然资源,近年来研究发现多糖是其重要的药用活性成分,具有抗肿瘤、免疫调节、抗氧化、降血糖、抗疲劳等生物活性。更重要的是绞股蓝多糖不仅具有显著的抗肿瘤活性,还参与和介导了免疫功能的调节,能够提高机体免疫功能而对正常细胞没有毒副作用,在恶性肿瘤、艾滋病等威胁人类健康疾病的防治和治疗方面具有广阔的应用前景,有希望开发成我国特色的创新药物。本文对绞股蓝多糖分离纯化、结构以及生物活性等方面进行详细综述,为以后进一步研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

皮肤作为人体最大的器官,也是人体免疫屏障的第一道防线。近期研究表明,皮肤并不是一个被动的免疫器官,它具有主动的免疫防御、免疫监视及免疫自稳功能,为皮肤免疫系统。皮肤共生微生物数量以万亿计,皮肤中T淋巴细胞数量是人体循环T细胞总量的2倍,皮肤相关疾病有1 000种以上,而皮肤中细胞成分与体液成分的互作机制十分复杂。现针对皮肤免疫系统功能进行研究成果的概述与待解问题的展望。  相似文献   

捕食线虫真菌   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
捕食线虫真菌是一类通过捕食器官捕食线虫的生物,在自然界是影响线虫数量的主要因子。对捕食线虫真菌的捕食器官、捕食机制、捕食线虫真菌的形态及其在植物线虫的生物防治进行了简要论述。  相似文献   

Aerobiology of caves is still in its infancy. At present, no clear information has been generated on the limits of acceptance of fungal spores in air which permit classification of the atmosphere of a cave as not dangerous for the conservation of rock-art paintings. We had the unique opportunity to visit and sample different caves in Spain and France, under different managements. We obtained a collection of data related with contamination episodes that permitted the formulation of a tentative index of fungal hazard in show caves. This is supported by the concentration of fungal spores in the cave air, the knowledge of the cave history and management, and a detailed survey of the different halls of the caves. The index classifies the risks into five categories: category 1 identifies a cave without fungal problems, category 2 is an alarm signal for caves, category 3 is a cave threatened by fungi, category 4 is assigned to a cave already affected by fungi, and category 5 is a cave with an irreversible ecological disturbance. This index, a working hypothesis, is launched to promote interest and forum discussion and should be validated by the scientific community after being updated with more surveys and cave analyses carried out under different managements and with different contamination episodes.  相似文献   

Fungi contain a remarkable range of metabolic pathways, sometimes encoded by gene clusters, enabling them to digest most organic matter and synthesize an array of potent small molecules. Although metabolism is fundamental to the fungal lifestyle, we still know little about how major evolutionary processes, such as gene duplication (GD) and horizontal gene transfer (HGT), have interacted with clustered and non-clustered fungal metabolic pathways to give rise to this metabolic versatility. We examined the synteny and evolutionary history of 247,202 fungal genes encoding enzymes that catalyze 875 distinct metabolic reactions from 130 pathways in 208 diverse genomes. We found that gene clustering varied greatly with respect to metabolic category and lineage; for example, clustered genes in Saccharomycotina yeasts were overrepresented in nucleotide metabolism, whereas clustered genes in Pezizomycotina were more common in lipid and amino acid metabolism. The effects of both GD and HGT were more pronounced in clustered genes than in their non-clustered counterparts and were differentially distributed across fungal lineages; specifically, GD, which was an order of magnitude more abundant than HGT, was most frequently observed in Agaricomycetes, whereas HGT was much more prevalent in Pezizomycotina. The effect of HGT in some Pezizomycotina was particularly strong; for example, we identified 111 HGT events associated with the 15 Aspergillus genomes, which sharply contrasts with the 60 HGT events detected for the 48 genomes from the entire Saccharomycotina subphylum. Finally, the impact of GD within a metabolic category was typically consistent across all fungal lineages, whereas the impact of HGT was variable. These results indicate that GD is the dominant process underlying fungal metabolic diversity, whereas HGT is episodic and acts in a category- or lineage-specific manner. Both processes have a greater impact on clustered genes, suggesting that metabolic gene clusters represent hotspots for the generation of fungal metabolic diversity.  相似文献   

Structure and fungal identities were examined in the mycorrhizal roots of Schizocodon soldanelloides var. magnus (Diapensiaceae) to determine the mycorrhizal category. Previous studies had suggested the mycorrhizae of Diapensiaceae could be categorized as ericoid, but the mycorrhizal fungi have never been identified. The diameter of the fine lateral roots, in which coiled hyphae were found in epidermal cells, was mostly less than 100 μm. Molecular analyses identified the fungal isolates to be Helotiales and Oidiodendron. From the structure and fungal identities, we confirmed that the mycorrhiza of S. soldanelloides is an ericoid mycorrhiza.  相似文献   

植物病原真菌的MAPK基因及其功能   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
叙述在植物病原真菌中促分裂原活化蛋白激酶 (Mitogenactivatedproteinkinase,MAPK)基因的种类和特征 ,概括了MAPK基因在植物病原真菌生长发育、胁迫反应和侵染、致病过程中的作用及其研究现状 ,讨论了进行植物病原真菌MAPK基因研究的意义及重点研究的课题 ,并根据最新研究进展 ,提出了植物病原真菌MAPK基因研究的发展前景。  相似文献   

To discover the relationship between a leaf-rolling moth and the fungi densely covering its cocoons, the rolled nest leaves were collected in two districts in Japan and antibacterial properties of the fungi were examined. Cocoons and fungi isolated from the nest were classified into 5 categories by the growth stages of the insects, and 7 categories based on taxonomic properties and pigment productivity, respectively. The dominant genus was Penicillium in each location. However, the composition of the fungal categories was different and seemed to depend on their circumstances. From all cocoons with larvae, the strains that belonged to the same fungal category and produced the same antibiotic (deoxyherqueinone) were isolated. From these results, the species-specific relationship between the insect and fungi or fungal products was considered to be not extremely tight, and it was suggested the period of the larval spinning of the cocoon is a key stage of this unique relationship.  相似文献   

A critical factor in the success of fungal growth is spore adhesion to host surfaces. Generating spores capable of rapid and firm bonding to their hosts is not only important for keeping spores from prematurely detaching from the host surface but can also serve as a trigger for spore germination and the development of infection structures. In this paper fungal spore adhesion mechanisms are reviewed as well as factors influencing spore adhesion, germination, and differentiation. This review ends with a brief discussion on the future of fungal adhesion research.  相似文献   

Gregg M. Recer 《Aerobiologia》2004,20(3-4):179-190
Exposure to fungal allergens is an important contributor to allergic respiratory disease, but information on the efficacy of residential fungal allergen-avoidance in allergic-disease management is lacking. Using vacuum cleaners with high-efficiency exhaust filtration is one method recommended for reducing residential allergen exposure levels, but their use to reduce fungal-spore exposure levels has not been evaluated. To evaluate the effectiveness of high-efficiency vacuuming to control airborne fungal-spore levels, fungal bioaerosols were repeatedly assessed over the course of 10 months in homes randomly assigned to groups using either conventionally filtered (control) or high-efficiency-filtered vacuum cleaners for routine vacuum cleaning. Air samples were analyzed for three fungal-spore categories representing taxa with predominantly outdoor sources and one representing taxa that commonly have indoor sources. In a two-way analysis of variance, sampling period had a significant effect on mean levels of all fungal-spore categories. Vacuum cleaner type had a marginally significant effect on the indoor spore category, with one high-efficiency vacuum group mean (of three) significantly lower than one control mean. No effect was observed of vacuum cleaner type on outdoor spore categories. Including home-environment variables in analysis of covariance models strengthened the effect of the vacuum-type treatment on the indoor spore category, with no effect on the three outdoor spore categories. Decreased indoor spore levels vs. controls were only observed in high-efficiency vacuum groups during the last sampling period, at the end of the heating season. The results suggest that using a vacuum with high-efficiency filtered exhaust could have some modest effectiveness in controlling airborne fungal-spore exposure in homes when infiltration of outdoor air is very limited.  相似文献   

摘要:真菌感染引起的疾病在临床上呈现较快的上升趋势,在国际上引起了广泛的重视。新型隐球酵母是主要病原真菌之一。过去十余年,对其致病的分子生物学研究有了较大的进展。重要致病因子(virulence factors)的合成调控及致病过程中信号传导途径等研究进展较快,这些都可能成为治疗甚至预防该真菌的焦点。本文在简要介绍致病因子的基础上,详细综述了分子生物学研究的进展情况。  相似文献   

Exposure to fungal allergens is an important contributor to allergic respiratory disease, but information on the efficacy of residential fungal allergen-avoidance in allergic-disease management is lacking. Using vacuum cleaners with high-efficiency exhaust filtration is one method recommended for reducing residential allergen exposure levels, but their use to reduce fungal-spore exposure levels has not been evaluated. To evaluate the effectiveness of high-efficiency vacuuming to control airborne fungal-spore levels, fungal bioaerosols were repeatedly assessed over the course of 10 months in homes randomly assigned to groups using either conventionally filtered (control) or high-efficiency-filtered vacuum cleaners for routine vacuum cleaning. Air samples were analyzed for three fungal-spore categories representing taxa with predominantly outdoor sources and one representing taxa that commonly have indoor sources. In a two-way analysis of variance, sampling period had a significant effect on mean levels of all fungal-spore categories. Vacuum cleaner type had a marginally significant effect on the indoor spore category, with one high-efficiency vacuum group mean (of three) significantly lower than one control mean. No effect was observed of vacuum cleaner type on outdoor spore categories. Including home-environment variables in analysis of covariance models strengthened the effect of the vacuum-type treatment on the indoor spore category, with no effect on the three outdoor spore categories. Decreased indoor spore levels vs. controls were only observed in high-efficiency vacuum groups during the last sampling period, at the end of the heating season. The results suggest that using a vacuum with high-efficiency filtered exhaust could have some modest effectiveness in controlling airborne fungal-spore exposure in homes when infiltration of outdoor air is very limited.  相似文献   

甲基化修饰是蛋白翻译后修饰的主要方式之一。真菌中,多种赖氨酸甲基转移酶能够执行组蛋白特定位点上赖氨酸的甲基化。组蛋白上赖氨酸的甲基化与真菌DNA的复制、转录以及异染色质的形成相关。甲基化参与了多种生物学过程,如真菌发育、昼夜节律调节、次级代谢基因簇表达、水解酶合成、致病真菌毒力形成。本文结合笔者工作,对目前真菌中已经发现的组蛋白赖氨酸甲基转移酶的命名、分类、结构域特征、催化域的三维结构以及它们所执行的甲基化在各种真菌中的作用进行了总结,提出了目前研究的不足并对未来的研究方向和内容进行了展望。  相似文献   

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