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荧光蛋白研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
荧光蛋白在生物学众多研究领域中有着广泛的应用,基于荧光蛋白的分子探针和标记方法已成为活细胞或活体内动态成像研究生物大分子或细胞功能的重要工具。本文对现有荧光蛋白的种类和理化特性,及其在生物学研究中的应用进行了综述介绍。重点介绍了近年来荧光蛋白在亮度、Stokes位移、光谱改变等方面的研究进展,介绍了光转换与光活化荧光蛋白及其在超分辨荧光成像技术中的应用。最后对荧光蛋白未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)自发现以来,由于具有自发荧光等特性,在分子生物学和细胞生物学领域得到广泛应用。GFP作为一种报道分子,在研究蛋白质相互作用和构象变化、检测蛋白质表达、蛋白质和细胞荧光示踪中,起到了重要的作用。该文通过对绿色荧光蛋白特性的分析.介绍其作为荧光标记在蛋白质研究中的应用,并展望进一步的研究前景。  相似文献   

荧光共振能量转移(fluorescence resonance energy transfer,FRET)是基于荧光基团供体和荧光基团受体间偶极子–偶极子耦合作用的非辐射方式的能量传递现象。基于荧光蛋白的FRET技术已被广泛用于研究细胞信号通路中蛋白质–蛋白质活体相互作用检测、蛋白质构象变化监测以及生物探针的研制中。基于荧光蛋白的荧光共振能量转移探针使得人们可以在时间和空间层面上研究细胞信号的转导过程。该文简要介绍了四大类基于荧光蛋白的FRET生物探针的设计、研制以及其在生物信号分子检测、活细胞成像以及药物筛选中的应用和进展情况。  相似文献   

珊瑚和海葵来源红荧光蛋白的研究和应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绿色荧光蛋白作为标记蛋白和报告蛋白在生物学研究中应用越来越广。但在荧光共振能量转移(fluorescenceresonanceenergytransfer,FRET)等技术中存在一些缺陷,需要更大波长范围的荧光蛋白。最近研究发现了多种来源于珊瑚和海葵的红荧光蛋白,这些长波长的荧光蛋白对绿色荧光蛋白是一种很好的代替和补充,可以实现细胞内多荧光标记,提供更理想的FRET荧光对。经随机突变和定点突变等方法改建获得的红荧光蛋白变种显示出更高的荧光强度,成熟时间也更短。目前应用较多的是来源于香菇珊瑚(Discosomasp.)的红荧光蛋白DsRed。  相似文献   

活细胞的分子探针——绿色荧光蛋白   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
来自水母的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP),在不加外源物质的情况下,紫外光激发后,能在原核和玩具核活细胞中发绿色荧光,荧光性质稳定,突变蛋白发光效率提高,激发和发射光谱明显改变。GFP是一种十分有用的活细胞分子探针,在基因表达调控,转基因动物研究,蛋白在细胞中功能定位,迁移变化,病原菌侵入活细胞的分子过程等诸多方面均有广泛的用途。  相似文献   

自从绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)被发现以来,荧光蛋白在生物医学领域已经成为一种重要的荧光成像工具.随着红色荧光蛋白DsRed的出现,各种优化的DsRed突变体和远红荧光蛋白也不断涌现.其中荧光蛋白生色团的形成机制对改建更优的荧光蛋白变种影响很大,对于红色荧光蛋白而言,大多数的红色荧光蛋白的生色团类型为DsRed类似生色团,在此基础上又出现了Far-red DsRed类似生色团.目前,含DsRed类似生色团的荧光蛋白主要有单体红色荧光蛋白、光转换荧光蛋白、斯托克斯红移蛋白、荧光计时器等.这些优化的荧光蛋白作为分子探针可以实现对活细胞、细胞器或胞内分子的时空标记和追踪,已经在生物工程学、细胞生物学、基础医学领域得到广泛应用.本文综述了含DsRed类似生色团的荧光蛋白的研究进展及其应用,以及由此发展起来的远红荧光蛋白在活体显微成像技术中的应用,并展望了荧光探针技术研究的新方向.  相似文献   

绿色荧光蛋白及其应用   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
张峰  任燕 《生命科学》1999,11(2):61-65
绿色荧光蛋白是在水母中发现的新型报告分子,能在多种生物体内表达并发出荧光。对GFP中一些特定氨基酸进行突变可以产生多种类型的突变体,有利于研究蛋白之间或细胞器之间的相互作用。目前,GFP已经用于基因表达的报告、细胞动态的研究、活细胞内蛋白的定位及westernbloting检测中。GFP美好的应用前景也促进了有关GFP的研究,特别是寻找新的突变体并将之运用到细胞生物学和分子生物学的各个领域。  相似文献   

光激活荧光蛋白是指用特定光照射时,其荧光特性发生显著改变的一类荧光蛋白。借助光激活荧光蛋白的这种特性,可以实现对活细胞、细胞器或胞内分子的时空标记和追踪。该文介绍了目前光激活荧光蛋白的性质,并从多个方面对其应用进行了概括,包括分子标记与动态分析、蛋白质相互作用、细胞器及细胞组分动态研究、细胞追踪以及在光激活定位显微镜中的应用等,且对目前光激活荧光蛋白在植物分子细胞生物学中的应用进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

光激活荧光蛋白是指用特定光照射时, 其荧光特性发生显著改变的一类荧光蛋白。借助光激活荧光蛋白的这种特性,可以实现对活细胞、细胞器或胞内分子的时空标记和追踪。该文介绍了目前光激活荧光蛋白的性质, 并从多个方面对其应用进行了概括, 包括分子标记与动态分析、蛋白质相互作用、细胞器及细胞组分动态研究、细胞追踪以及在光激活定位显微镜中的应用等, 且对目前光激活荧光蛋白在植物分子细胞生物学中的应用进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

目的:建立一种通过观察荧光强度,快速、直观地判断蛋白可溶性的方法。方法:选择抗辐射蛋白CBL502-AA及其突变体CBL502-ΔAA′作为目的蛋白,增强型绿色荧光蛋白作为报告分子,分别构建融合蛋白表达载体;通过SDS-PAGE和荧光观察两种手段检测和比较融合蛋白的可溶性。结果:荧光观察融合蛋白的可溶性与SDS-PAGE检测结果一致。结论:建立了一种基于荧光强度,快速、简单、直观的比较蛋白可溶性的方法。  相似文献   

甲醇固定导致绿色荧光蛋白的荧光消失   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
发现用甲醇固定转染了绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因的细胞会导致GFP的荧光消失,而当用聚甲醛固定时,GFP的荧光就没有失去。因此建议避免用甲醇对有GFP表达的细胞进行免疫组化前的固定。  相似文献   

Proteomics, the study of protein function on a global scale, will play an important role in furthering our understanding of gene functions, complex biological pathways, and discovery of novel drug targets. A number of techniques have been developed for proteomic studies to identify and analyze proteins, compare protein expression levels, and study protein-protein interactions. Recent developments have applied a DNA array-type approach to immobilize proteins on a surface for high-throughput analysis. Here we report the development and construction of protein chips using derivatized glass and nitrocellulose-coated slides and the employment of recombinant proteins fused with green and red fluorescent proteins for detection. Fluorescent signals were found to be proportional to the amount of arrayed proteins and could be readily detected with a conventional fluorescence slide scanner. This technique allows the investigation of protein-protein interactions without the need for additional labeling steps of probe proteins.  相似文献   

A novel orange fluorescent protein (OFP) was cloned from the tentacles of Cnidarian tube anemone Cerianthus sp. It consists of 222 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 25.1 kDa. A BLAST protein sequence homology search revealed that native OFP has 81% sequence identity to Cerianthus membranaceus green fluorescent protein (cmFP512), 38% identity to Entacmaea quadricolor red fluorescent protein (eqFP611), 37% identity to Discosoma red fluorescent protein (DsRed), 36% identity to Fungia concinna Kusabira-orange fluorescent protein (KO), and a mere 21% identity to green fluorescent protein (GFP). It is most likely that OFP also adopts the 11-strand β-barrel structure of fluorescent proteins. Spectroscopic analysis indicated that it has a wide absorption spectrum peak at 548 nm with two shoulders at 487 and 513 nm. A bright orange fluorescence maximum at 573 nm was observed when OFP was excited at 515 nm or above. When OFP was excited well below 515 nm, a considerable amount of green emission maximum at 513 nm was also observed. It has a fluorescence quantum yield (Φ) of 0.64 at 25°C. The molar absorption coefficients (ɛ) of folded OFP at 278 and 548 nm are 47,000 and 60,000 M-1−1 • cm-1−1, respectively. Its fluorescent brightness (ɛ Φ) at 25°C is 38,400 M−1-1 • cm−1-1. Like other orange-red fluorescent proteins, OFP is also tetrameric. It was readily expressed as soluble protein in Escherichia coli at 37°C, and no aggregate was observed in transfected HeLa cells under our experimental conditions. Fluorescent intensity of OFP is detectable over a pH range of 3 to 12.  相似文献   

绿色荧光蛋白——照亮生命科学的一盏明灯   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
单永立  李艳  朱学良 《生命科学》2008,20(6):850-855
绿色荧光蛋白的发现及应用具有划时代的重要意义,它不仅为当代生物学研究提供了极为实用的基本研究手段,并且在此基础上改造发展和发现了一系列荧光蛋白,拓展了应用范围。这使得对微观生物学的研究也可以进入一个时空结合,研究鲜活动态过程的新时代。本文主要回顾总结了绿色荧光蛋白的发现、优化改造及其应用。  相似文献   

A reversible green fluorogenic protein‐fragment complementation assay was developed based on the crystal structure of UnaG, a recently discovered fluorescent protein. In living mammalian cells, the nonfluorescent fragments complemented and rapidly became fluorescent upon rapamycin‐induced FKBP and Frb protein interaction, and lost fluorescence when the protein interaction was inhibited. This reversible fluorogenic reporter, named uPPI [UnaG‐based protein‐protein interaction (PPI) reporter], uses bilirubin (BR) as the chromophore and requires no exogenous cofactor. BR is an endogenous molecule in mammalian cells and is not fluorescent by itself. uPPI may have many potential applications in visualizing spatiotemporal dynamics of PPIs.  相似文献   

In the present study, new applications of the transgenic technology in developing novel varieties of ornamental fish and bioreactor fish were explored in a model fish, the zebrafish (Danio rerio). Three "living color" fluorescent proteins, green fluorescent protein (GFP), yellow fluorescent protein (YFP), and red fluorescent protein (RFP or dsRed), were expressed under a strong muscle-specific mylz2 promoter in stable lines of transgenic zebrafish. These transgenic zebrafish display vivid fluorescent colors (green, red, yellow, or orange) visible to unaided eyes under both daylight and ultraviolet light in the dark. The level of foreign protein expression is estimated between 3% and 17% of total muscle proteins, equivalent to 4.8-27.2mg/g wet muscle tissue. Thus, the fish muscle may be explored as another useful bioreactor system for production of recombinant proteins. In spite of the high level of foreign protein expression, the expression of endogenous mylz2 mRNAs was not negatively affected. Furthermore, compared to the wild-type fish, these fluorescent transgenic fish have no advantage in survival and reproduction.  相似文献   

The PEND protein is a DNA-binding protein in the inner envelope membrane of the developing chloroplast. It consists of a short pre-sequence, an N-terminal DNA-binding domain (cbZIP), a central repeat domain, and a C-terminal transmembrane domain. PEND homologs have been detected in various angiosperms, including Arabidopsis thaliana, Brassica napus, Medicago truncatula, cucumber and cherry. Monocot homologs have also been detected in barley and rice, but sequence conservation was low in monocots. PEND-related sequences have not been detected in non-flowering plants and algae. Green fluorescent protein fusions consisting of the N-terminal as well as full-length PEND homologs in A. thaliana and B. napus were targeted to chloroplasts, and localized to nucleoids and chloroplast periphery, respectively. Immunoblot analysis suggested that crucifer homologs were present in chloroplasts probably as a dimer, as in the case of pea. These results suggest that PEND protein is present in angiosperms, and the homologs in crucifers are functionally analogous to the PEND protein in pea.  相似文献   

利用基因工程重组技术获得了绿色荧光蛋白(gfp)基因与HCV核心蛋白基因的嵌合体,并在大肠杆菌中高效表达了48kDa的融合蛋白,经Dot-ELISA和Western blot免疫活性分析证实,融合蛋白仍具有core抗原的三个免疫活性部位,同时用荧光显微镜观察并用荧光光度计测定了大肠直菌表达的融合蛋白的荧光光谱,结果证实,我们在大肠杆菌中表达的GFP-core融合蛋白既能发射易于检测的绿色荧光,又具  相似文献   

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