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中国柳莺属鸟类分类研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
柳莺属(Phylloscopus)是广泛分布于旧大陆地区的小型食虫鸟类,目前全世界已知66种,其中约50种见于亚洲。该属鸟类外部形态十分相近且同域分布种数较多,历来是鸟类分类学中的研究难点及热点。2003年贾陈喜等介绍了20世纪90年代以来发表的分布于我国的柳莺属鸟类新种及相关分类学变动,涉及3个新描述种和9个由亚种提升的种,共计30种26亚种。2003年以来关于柳莺属鸟类的分类学研究取得了许多新的成果,同时我国境内也发现了一些新的分布记录。综合最新的文献及分布资料,整理得知我国现有柳莺属鸟类41种31亚种,与2003年的状况相比已有较大的变化。主要表现在:新描述种方面,德国学者Martens等2008年描述了黄腹柳莺(P.affinis)种组中的一新种———华西柳莺(P.occisinensis);2010年瑞典学者Alstrm等报道在越南和老挝地区新发现的灰岩柳莺(P.calciatilis)已被证实在我国有分布;亚种提升为种方面,如日本柳莺(P.xanthodryas)自极北柳莺(P.borealis)中独立,冠纹柳莺(P.claudiae)和西南冠纹柳莺(P.reguloides)分开等;分类地位再评议方面,如灰头鹟莺(Seicercusxanthoschistos)实为灰头柳莺(P.xanthoschistos)等;新分布纪录方面,如欧柳莺(P.trochilus)在内蒙古达里诺尔湖地区发现确切记录等。现今对柳莺属鸟类分类学方面的研究已明显呈现出传统形态学、分子遗传学、声谱分析及野外鸣声回放实验等新老技术手段相整合,多方面多角度地阐述问题的局面。中国是世界柳莺属鸟种分布最多的国家(其中有9种仅在或主要于我国境内繁殖),但我国鸟类学者关于该属鸟类的研究工作并不多见。柳莺属鸟类在分类学和进化生物学等领域具有重要的研究价值,我国鸟类学工作者应当引起足够的重视和关注。  相似文献   

连云港市发现震旦鸦雀   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
震旦鸦雀是我国稀有特产鸟类,它在我国有两个亚种,即指名亚种(Paradoxornis h.heudei)和黑龙江亚种(P.h.poliuanoui)。前者分布于长江下游,九江至江阴和浙江杭州,后者分布于黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市扎龙渔场及兴凯湖(郑作新,1976)。  相似文献   

鸣声在鸣鸟的生活史中具有重要作用,是其与外界进行信息交流最有效的方式之一。鸟类的鸣唱与其个体因素(如体型、子代性别比等)有着十分重要的联系。为了揭示个体体型、子代性别比与鸣唱特征之间的相关性,于2014—2015年3—6月在辽宁省仙人洞国家级自然保护区对杂色山雀指名亚种Parus varius varius的鸣声进行录制,测量了各体型参数,并对每巢雏鸟进行性别鉴定。结果显示:(1)杂色山雀体型与其鸣唱的最高频率具有显著相关性,但单一体型参数(体质量、跗蹠长度)与其鸣声参数相关性均不显著;(2)鸣唱语句长度与子代性别比具有显著相关性,子代性别比与其他鸣声参数均不存在显著相关性。本研究结果有助于进一步了解小型鸟类体型与鸣唱的关系,以及鸣唱与子代性别比之间的关系。  相似文献   

黑龙江省地处中国东北地区最北,属典型中温带与寒温带,鸟类资源丰富。《黑龙江省鸟类志》于1992年出版,记载鸟类19目57科343种,占当时全国1186种的29%。时隔二十余年,随着鸟类新纪录不断增加与鸟类分类学研究快速发展,需要对黑龙江省鸟类的变化做出及时总结。通过查阅1990—2016年发表文献,并对比《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》第二版,总结新增鸟类2目8科51种;删除1目、1科、11种;修订2科名、14属名、14拉丁种名、16鸟种亚种名、38中文名;21个亚种提升为种。由此省内目前共计鸟类20目64科384种,占国内1371种的28%;其中21种在《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》第二版中并未记录黑龙江省分布。研究结果为今后黑龙江省鸟类志与国内鸟类分布名录修订提供参考。  相似文献   

动物行为是个体与社群适应内外环境变化(刺激)所作出的动态反应。动物的行为特征对其适合度以及进化有着重要意义,但关于鸟类行为特征对扩散以及分布的研究还较少,本文以杂色山雀(Sittiparus varius)和大山雀(Parus cinereus)这两种生活史策略相似、分布范围差异显著的雀形目鸟类为例,采用经典新环境测试法对两物种探索性、活跃性、冒险性三种行为进行比较。Mann-Whitney U-test结果显示,大山雀的探索性(Z =﹣2.582,P < 0.01)、活跃性(Z =﹣5.148,P < 0.001)、冒险性(Z =﹣2.046,P < 0.05)得分均显著高于杂色山雀,证明广域分布的大山雀探索性、活跃性及冒险性明显强于狭域分布的杂色山雀。我们由此猜想鸟类行为特征可能会与种群的分布范围相关;通过对鸟类行为特征的探究或许可以间接预测种群未来的发展方向,为种群的保护提供指导。  相似文献   

2010年12月和2011年4月,分别在广西西北部百色市右江区和靖西县古龙山自然保护区拍摄和观察到黑冠黄鹎(Pycnonotus flaviventris)的johnsoni亚种.其喉部为红色,与中国其他记录亚种区别明显,属中国鸟类亚种的新记录.该文亦初步讨论了该亚种的分类和分布.  相似文献   

吴毅 《四川动物》1996,15(4):177-178
日本对野生貉的保护与管理吴毅四川师范学院南充637002貉为亚洲东部特产中型兽类。主要分布于中国南部、原苏联西南部、朝鲜和日本等。日本有两个亚种,分布于本洲、四国和九洲的为日本亚种(Npe——邱W向南——),分布于北海道的为北海道亚种(N.p.de。...  相似文献   

黑龙江省烟腹毛脚燕及其种名修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛脚燕(Delichon urbica)有5个亚种,在我国东北地区的分布,过去认为是lagopoda亚种[1~4].其中dacypus亚种没有分布的报道,现根据笔者的调查和标本的鉴定,认为分布于黑龙江省的是dacypus亚种.而该亚种现已和cashmeriensis、 nigrimentalis两亚种一起从毛脚燕中分离出来,单立为独立的种--烟腹毛脚燕(D. dacypus )[5~8].在黑龙江省分布的是指名亚种,并为东北地区及黑龙江省鸟类分布新记录种.标本衡量度如下.  相似文献   

快步麻蜥复合体(Eremias velox complex)分布于亚洲中部干旱区,不同地理居群形态和遗传变异较大。学界长期认为,快步麻蜥在我国有两个亚种:指名亚种(E.veloxvelox)和E.v.roborowskii亚种。前者分布于新疆准噶尔盆地和伊犁河谷;后者分布于新疆吐鲁番盆地,近年分类地位由亚种提升为种——吐鲁番麻蜥(E. roborowskii)。我们在吐鲁番市高昌区一万泉附近捕获到3只麻蜥,经过COI基因序列比对和系统发育关系重建以及外部形态比较,鉴定为快步麻蜥指名亚种。这是首次发现新疆天山以南存在快步麻蜥指名亚种分布,同时也确定为吐鲁番盆地的蜥蜴类分布新记录种,此发现可为研究快步麻蜥的谱系地理格局和演化历史提供基础资料。  相似文献   

2005年4月7日在广州中山大学康乐园校区竹园内观测到一只黄眉姬鹟琉球亚种Ficedula narcissina owstoni的first-spring雄性个体,并以照片记录了该种,是中国大陆的鸟类亚种新纪录.本文对比了该亚种与指名亚种first-spring雄鸟的外形特征,并对该亚种的分布进行了简要讨论.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial control region sequences from European populations of the blue tit Parus caeruleus were used to reveal the Pleistocene history and the post-glacial recolonization of Europe by the species. The southern subspecies, P. c. ogliastrae was found to represent a stable population with isolation-by-distance structure harboring a lot of genetic variation, and the northern subspecies P. c. caeruleus a recently bottlenecked and expanded population. We suggest that after the last Ice Ages, the subspecies have colonized Europe from two different southern refuges following previously proposed general recolonization routes from the Balkans to northern and Central Europe, and from the Iberian Peninsula north- and eastwards. The two subspecies form a wide secondary contact zone extending from southern Spain to southern France.  相似文献   

华南梅花鹿的分布和现状   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
华南梅花鹿(Cervus nippon kopschi) 亚种可能是现存梅花鹿亚种中最濒危的物种。目前主要分布于安徽皖南的泾县、旌德、黟县、宁国,江西的彭泽和浙江的临安等县。 分布的范围仍在不断缩小,种群被隔离,并逐步在分散。本文在野外调查的基础上对该亚种的现在分布区和栖息地的现状进行了分析和描述。由于目前缺乏对华南梅花鹿的生态学和生物学的研究,对该种群尚无有效的保护措施。迫切需要采取有力措施加强对野生梅花鹿的保护。  相似文献   

Territorial songs of 4 Asian Willow Tit subspecies namelyParus montanus kamtschatkensis, P. m. songarus, P. m. affinis andP. m. stoetzneri and in addition those of a southern outpost ofP. m. baicalensis are dealt with. These far-eastern subspecies use song types of their own, but nearly identical types may used by different geographical representatives, which are not closely related. The consequences for reconstructing the evolution of the Willow Tit complex by means of acoustical characters are discussed.  相似文献   

杂色山雀对人工巢箱内苔藓类巢材的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年及2009年每年的3~8月,在辽宁省仙人洞国家级自然保护区对杂色山雀(Parus varius)人工巢箱内苔藓类巢材进行了收集和鉴定,发现巢中共有藓类植物7科9属。其中,小锦藓属(Brotherella)、青藓属(Brachytheccium)、棉藓属(Plagiothecium)及绢藓属(Entodon)所占比重较大。我们分别按照样方和苔藓群落采集了周围环境中的藓类植物,鉴定出7科8属的藓类植物;采集到35个苔藓群落,出现最多的是东亚小锦藓(B.fauriei)群落。结果显示,杂色山雀对苔藓的选择可能与苔藓的生物学特性、分布和数量有关。另外通过统计分析和比较得出,按照苔藓群落来采集的方式更适合本文的研究。  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the Blue Tit-Azure Tit assemblage (genus Parus; Aves: Passeriformes) were studied using mitochondrial DNA sequences of 24 specimens representing seven subspecies from Eurasia and North Africa. Previous work based on comparative morphological and acoustic data suggested a division of the Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus) into two species. Our analyses clearly indicate that the Blue Tit represents a paraphyletic assemblage, including a European/Middle Asian clade that is the sister group to the Azure Tit (Parus cyanus) and a North African clade. The North African clade (teneriffae subspecies group) is a sister group to the European Blue Tit/Azure Tit clade. We suggest a division of the Blue Tit into two separate species, Eurasian Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus s. str.) and African Blue Tit (Parus teneriffae). However, our data give no support for assigning species rank to Parus cyanus flavipectus, a subspecies of the Azure Tit, as suggested by several authors on morphological grounds.  相似文献   

Threeline grunt (Parapristipoma trilineatum) distributes around the southwestern coast of Japan and the east coast of China. The Chinese P. trilineatum was imported by Japan as an aquacultural seed because of its rapid growth compared with that of the Japanese P. trilineatum. The Japanese P. trilineatum differs from the Chinese P. trilineatum in some quantitative traits, and it has been suggested that these two P. trilineatum populations are genetically different. In order to identify the population structures around Japan and China, 5 local populations of the Japanese P. trilineatum and 2 local populations of the Chinese P. trilineatum were analyzed using 4 microsatellite DNA markers. Significant differences were detected between Japanese and Chinese P. trilineatum and among samples of Chinese P. trilineatum; however, among the samples of Japanese P. trilineatum, no significant differences were detected. These results suggest that care must be taken to prevent the escape of the Chinese P. trilineatum from culture cages around the Japanese coast, in order to preserve the genetically different population structures of Japanese and Chinese P. trilineatum.  相似文献   

本文对过去一直认为是日本特有的两种珍珠菜属植物作了归并和组合:将Lysimachia,tashiroiMakino归并作L.patungensisHand.-Mazz.的异名,将L.tanakaeMaxim.降级作L.christinaeHance的亚种处理.对此间植物在中国和日本的地理替代现象作了讨论.  相似文献   

During the last decade, evidence from a number of studies has suggested systematic deviations from a 1 : 1 primary sex ratio in birds, in spite of the fact that birds have chromosomal sex determination systems; the mechanism of sex allocation is not fully understood. However, it still remains uncertain whether adaptive manipulations of primary sex ratio occur, especially in Parus species. We studied sex ratio variation in the Varied Tit Parus varius , which is a socially monogamous species similar to the Great Tit P. major and the Blue Tit P. caeruleus . In total, 362 chicks that hatched from 72 broods over 3 years were sexed. Of all nestlings, 51.9% (188/362) were male. The nestling sex ratio did not differ significantly from unity. However, the proportion of sons in each brood was significantly and positively related to the father's tarsus length. This corresponds with our predictions, given that larger males have higher resource holding potential if tarsus length is a heritable character between fathers and sons.  相似文献   

为了揭示中国岩羊不同地理种群的遗传差异,探讨岩羊亚种分化的分子机制,采用中国岩羊不同地理种群的细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因的全序列,分析了碱基变异情况、遗传距离以及核苷酸序列差异。用最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建分子系统树并对获得的拓扑结构进行分析。结果发现,西藏亚种与四川亚种Cyt b基因平均序列差异为4.2%(±0.007),处于偶蹄目亚种的序列差异范围内,支持了目前对岩羊西藏亚种的分类地位。四川亚种内部各地理种群之间的遗传距离(0.033±0.0 111)与它们分别到西藏种群的遗传距离(0.042±0.007)差异不显著(t=1.824,P=0.084),说明四川亚种内部各地理种群间已经发生较显著的遗传分化。其中,四川、甘肃和青海种群亲缘关系较近,并与四川亚种内部的其它种群已产生了显著的遗传分化。因此认为四川亚种内部各地理种群的种下分化需要深入研究。  相似文献   

The phylogeographic relationships of the trans-Palearctic Willow Tit assemblage were studied by obtaining sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from 34 specimens representing nine subspecies from across the species range. Four distinct genetic groups were identified: Parus montanus weigoldicus, P. m. affinis, P. m. songarus, and a clade containing six Eurasian subspecies (ssp. baicalensis, borealis, montanus, restrictus, rhenanus, and sachalinensis). P. m. weigoldicus, P. m. affinis, and P. m. songarus were reciprocally monophyletic and separated from each other and other subspecies by uncorrected genetic distances between 1.9 and 5.8%. The remaining six subspecies were closely related and shared mitochondrial haplotypes, despite marked morphological and acoustical differences, suggesting a rapid evolution of distinct vocalization patterns. The current classification splitting the species into the songarus and montanus subspecies groups is not concordant with our phylogeny. Also, the four regiolect groups, Lowland, Alpine, Siberian, and Sino-Japanese, are not fully mirrored in the phylogeny. Our data suggest that the mono-frequency song type may be ancestral and was retained over a long evolutionary time in certain populations, but was altered or camouflaged by learning processes in others.  相似文献   

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