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淡水育珠蚌体外培养外套膜细胞分泌的珍珠质的性质研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
石安静  王喜忠 《动物学报》1994,40(2):191-197
对淡水育珠蚌分泌珍珠质的外表皮进行组织培养,取培养不同时间的培养基,用氨基酸分析仪对其氨基酸测定的结果与空白培养基作比较,其中珍珠所含的各种氨基酸均增加,尤其是珍珠中含量最高的丙氨酸,甘氨酸和谷氨酸增加最多,珍珠药用有效成分之一的牛磺酸,随组织培养时间的延长而逐渐增加,用等离子光谱测定培养组织匀浆液与未培养比较,钙的含量也大为增加,结果表明,离体组织培养分泌的珍珠质的化学成分和性质与活体基本相同。  相似文献   

河蚌培养组织的几种生化成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析测定了三角帆蚌,褶纹冠蚌和背角无齿蚌外套膜培养组织及其培养液中的氨基酸,牛磺酸及钙含量。在珍蛛中含量较高的丙的氨酸和甘氨酸分别增加541%和91%。三种蚌在培养中牛磺酸含量增加5.78%到3倍,培养组织的钙含量增加1倍左右。同时测定了培养组织的碱性磷酸酶活性,培养组织与河蚌外套膜具有相近的比活及相对酶活。结果表明,河蚌外套膜在离体培养条件下,也具有分泌珍珠质的能力。  相似文献   

褶纹冠蚌外套膜组织培养的分泌物的偏光显微镜观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以淡水育珠贝中珍珠形成较快的褶纹冠蚌为材料,用相差显微镜观察组织培养的外套膜的分泌物的形成和变化,用偏光显微镜观察分泌物的双折射现象,并与活体外套膜的分泌物、贝壳的角质层、棱柱层、珍珠层的双折射现象进行比较。结果表明;离体培养的外套膜细胞不仅能产生活体细胞相同的分泌物,而且分泌物还能在培养过程中形成结晶,并逐渐生长。发现外套膜的不同部位分区培养所形成的分泌物的性状与结晶性质和活体有一致性,表明组织培养的外套膜小片具有贝体原来的组织结构、分化特征和分泌功能。  相似文献   

背角无齿蚌珍珠囊形成过程中钙代谢的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用同位素活体标记、人工育珠、普通石蜡切片和放射自显影的方法,对一种淡水育珠河蚌──背角无齿蚌珍珠囊形成过程中的钙代谢途径进行了研究,结果表明,由植入小片带入的钙在珍珠囊形成的过程中,主要代谢途径是:(1)随小片细胞脱落而进入游走细胞;(2)从小片进入初生珍珠囊,初生珍珠囊脱落后进入游走细胞;(3)从小片进入育珠蚌结缔组织,其中一部分再进入育珠蚌表皮,随粘液和壳质分泌;另一部分则进入次生珍珠囊表皮,分泌成为珍珠质的组成部分。实验结果说明了小片中的钙要参与育珠蚌组织的钙代谢,小片的质量对珍珠形成有重要的作用。  相似文献   

不同pH值对三角帆蚌珍珠质分泌的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
邱安东  石安静 《动物学报》1999,45(4):361-370
运用多种组织化学方法和透射电镜技术,研究了5种pH水环境(pH5、6、7、8、9)对三角帆砷外套膜珍珠质分泌的影响机制,结果表明,在中性水环境中,贝体能积极地从外界水环境中吸收钙,并能旺盛地合成和分泌贝壳珍珠层及珍珠有机基质前体物质,持续的酸性水环境导致贝体的钙严重丢失,并引起珍珠质分泌细胞对有机基质前体物质的合成和分泌能力减弱,持续的碱性水环境虽能导致贝体对钙的积累,但珍珠质分泌细胞合成和分泌珍  相似文献   

自从de Capite首次将光因子应用于植物组织培养的调控以来,对高等植物组织培养中光质效应的研究正越来越受到人们的关注,已有一些报道,但大多侧重于形态学方面的,而作为一种生态因子光质在植物组织培养系统中生理生态效应的研究较少。光质不仅对双色花叶芋(Caladium bicolor)组织培养中的器官发生有影响,而且对其生理生化过程也产生影响,因此,本实验以光质对双色花叶芋离体培养的生理生态效应为中心,着重探讨了光质对叶绿素a、叶绿素b及类胡萝卜素含量、过氧化物酶、过氧化氢酶活力、碳水化合物、蛋白质、DNA及RNA含量的影响。有关光质对整体栽培植物体内色素含量影响的情况已有大量报道,但很少有人进行过离体条件下的实验。另外,过氧化物酶及过氧  相似文献   

珍珠不仅是名贵的中药材,而且还能加工成高级装饰品和化妆品,是出口创汇的重要物资。当前人工养殖河蚌育珠是农村广大农民脱贫致富的一条重要途径。本文就河蚌育珠的历史、育珠的研究现状作一个介绍,以供参考。一、珍珠生产的历史回顾我国是世界上采集和应用珍珠的最早国家。在公元前2200年,《尚书禹贡》中就记载了大禹治水后曾规定江浙等地产的蚌类珍珠作为贡品。春秋时代的《书径》中也有关于珍珠的  相似文献   

圆背角无齿蚌离体培养的外套膜组织钙代谢   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本次实验采用离体组织培养技术研究外套膜组织的钙代谢,它排除了蚌体内的其他因素,如神经、激素等对外套膜生理、生化等方面的影响,并用组化方法对外套膜中钙及有关粘多糖的分布进行了观察研究,期望能进一步了解外套膜组织钙代谢调控的机理,同时,为淡水珍珠养殖业提供一些参考资料。    相似文献   

地钱叶状体组织离体快速培养地钱是中学和大学植物类群的一个教学材料。为随时培养大量的实验材料,我们试用了琼脂培养基(用一般的完全培养液配制),按组织培养程序培养和盆土内组织块离体培养的简易方法,快速培养都获得了成功。剪碎的地钱叶状体的组织块都能出芽并长...  相似文献   

褶纹冠蚌外套膜组织培养的分泌物的偏光显微镜…   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以淡水育珠贝中珍珠形成较快的褶纹冠蚌为材料,用相差显微镜观察组织培养的外套膜的分泌物的形成和变化,用偏光显微镜观察分泌物的双折射现象,并与活体外套膜的分泌物、贝壳的角质层、棱柱层、珍珠层的双折射现象进行比较。结果表明:离体培养的外套膜细胞不仅能产生活体细胞相同的分泌物,而且分泌物还能在培养过程中形成结晶,并逐渐生长。发现外套膜的不同部位分区培养所形成的分泌物的性状与结晶性质和活体有一致性,表明组织  相似文献   

圆背角无齿蚌血细胞培养   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
用新设计的培养基培养了圆背角无齿蚌的血细胞,在倒置相差镜下进行了活体观察及扫描电镜摄影,发现培养的血细胞无颗粒细胞、颗粒细胞、透明细胞和类淋巴细胞,前三者均能伸出长的伪足和突起,与瓶壁紧密贴附,呈体外培养的成纤维细胞型;后者呈圆形,不与瓶壁贴附;四者的比例约为4:2:3:1。在活体内注射或在培养基上加入PHA和ConA,培养2-7d中,每天取部分供加入秋水仙素,用空气干燥法制片,作染色体观察,但未观察到转化细胞和有丝分裂相。研究结果表明,圆背角无齿蚌的颗粒细胞、无细胞和透明细胞在体外贴附玻璃表面的特征与高等动物的巨噬细胞类似,而不贴瓶的圆形细胞与高等动物的淋巴细胞类似,但在体外培养均不能繁殖,它们可能是高度分化的细胞。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Perkinsus marinus , a pathogen of eastern oysters ( Crassostrea virginica ), has been successfully propagated in vitro. Cultures of the parasite were initiated from heart fragments of an infected oyster. the cultured protozoan (designated Parkinsus -1) was similar in morphology at both the light and transmission electron microscopy levels to histozoic stages of P. marinus in naturally infected oysters. In addition, cultured cells incubated in fluid thioglycollate medium produced enlarged cells (prezoosporangia) that stained blue-black in Lugol's solution, a response characteristic to Perkinsus spp. and used in routine diagnosis. Polyclonal antibodies raised against P. marinus prezoosporangia reacted positively to Perkinsus -1. Finally, the cultured cells infected susceptible oysters and reisolation of Perkinsus -1 cells was possible from the hearts of experimentally infected oysters. the culture medium contained most of the known constituents of cell-free hemolymph of oysters. the success achieved in culturing P. marinus will allow further investigations aimed at reducing mortalities caused by this important oyster pathogen and at addressing many unanswered questions about its biology and pathobiology.  相似文献   

体外培养小鼠颌下腺细胞,形态学观察可见有上皮样细胞生长。免疫细胞化学及蛋白质印迹转移分析结果表明,体外培养的颌下腺上皮样细胞可合成并分泌表皮生长因子。  相似文献   

The granulocytic chalone is secreted by mature granulocytes and inhibits 3H-thymidine incorporation of proliferating granulocytes in vitro . The effect and the cell line specificity of this chalone was assessed with the in vivo diffusion chamber culture technique. Tests were carried out on cultures from normal mouse bone marrow cells and mouse and rat blood leucocytes. The majority of the DNA synthesizing cells in marrow cultures were proliferating granulocytes. Macrophages and immunoblasts proliferated in rat leucocyte cultures, when the chambers had been carried for 5 days in host mice. Repeated chalone or control injections were given i.p. to the host mice during 6–7 hr prior to 3H-thymidine injection. Isotope uptake of proliferative granulocytes was reduced by the chalone treatment. No such effect was found on the rat immunoblasts and macrophages. The viability of cultured cells was apparently not affected by the chalone treatment.  相似文献   

The protozoan oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus releases a complex set of extracellular products (ECP) during in vitro culture. These products have been previously implicated in parasite virulence, and their expression can be altered by medium supplementation with oyster tissue homogenate. Little is known regarding ECP function, regulation, or mechanism of storage and release. Perkinsus marinus ECP were purified from a protein-free medium and used to produce a panel of five monoclonal antibodies. Several of the antibodies recognised series of proteins implying that the ECP may originate from comparatively few parental molecules. The ECP are secreted by several pathways, including the release of one product from an external cell layer, and two other products from two morphologically distinct intracellular compartments. Antibodies against separate epitopes on one protein provided information about possible protein structure. A sandwich ELISA format allowed sensitive quantification of that protein and showed significantly reduced protein expression in oyster tissue homogenate supplemented cultures. Immunopurification allowed tandem mass spectroscopic amino acid sequencing of that protein. Another antibody was used to characterise the P. marinus cell wall. This antibody specifically bound to trophozoite and tomont walls, and was used to investigate the morphological and antigenic changes in these walls during Ray's fluid thioglycollate medium-induced formation of hypnospores. It was also used to confirm that oyster tissue homogenate supplementation could induce formation of hypnospores. This antibody labeled P. marinus cells in fixed oyster tissue in a species-specific manner.  相似文献   

We have studied the functional interaction between retinoic acid and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), using the mouse epidermis as a model system. Treatment with retinoic acid increases expression of TGF-beta 2 in cultured keratinocytes in vitro, as well as in the epidermis in vivo. This TGF-beta 2 is secreted in a biologically active form that can bind to surface receptors, in contrast to most other conditions in which TGF-beta is secreted in a latent form. Specific antibodies to TGF-beta 2 partially reverse the ability of retinoic acid to inhibit DNA synthesis in cultured keratinocytes. The regulation of TGF-beta 2 expression by retinoic acid may have important physiological and pharmacological roles in the maintenance of epidermal homeostasis.  相似文献   

为获取高活力的外套膜细胞, 研究通过常压室温等离子体(Atmospheric and room temperature plasma, ARTP)诱变和流式细胞术等技术分析了不同诱变气量组(10、12和15 SLM组)和处理时间对三角帆蚌(Hyriopsis cumingii)体外培养的外套膜细胞的细胞活性及生物矿化相关功能的影响。结果表明: ARTP诱变360—900s能显著升高各组三角帆蚌外套膜细胞活力, 且在900s时达到最大值(P<0.05); 渗透压稳定剂的添加, 显著提高了诱变过程中12和15 SLM组在360—900s作用时间下的细胞活力(P<0.05), 其中12 SLM组外套膜细胞增殖指数显著上升至最大值(P<0.05); 诱变后细胞体外培养24h时结果显示, 12 SLM组720s的外套膜细胞活力显著达到最高(P<0.05); 15 SLM组(诱变时间为720s, 下同)SOD活力随着诱变气量的增大呈显著下降趋势, 且在15 SLM组显著降至最低水平(P<0.05), 相反, 微核率在15 SLM组达到最大值; 生物矿化分析表明, 外套膜细胞Ca2+的浓度、生物矿化相关的关键酶(碳酸酐酶、碱性磷酸酶)和钙调蛋白基因(Calmodulin, CAM)基因均在12 SLM组达到最大值(P<0.05), 而EFCB1(EF-hand calcium-binding domain-containing protein 1)基因结果显示在10 SLM组达到最大值(P<0.05), 12 SLM次之; 以上分析表明, 氦气诱变在气量为12 SLM, 处理720s时与渗透压稳定剂连用对外套膜细胞活性及其他生物学活性影响最为显著, 暗示氦气诱变可有效作用于外套膜细胞的离体培养, 为三角帆蚌建立细胞系提供生物学基础与新思路。  相似文献   

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