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目的 为确定猪链球菌2型(SS2)江苏分离株9801是否具有纤连蛋白/血纤维蛋白原结合蛋白基因(fbps)。方法 根据已发表的SS2 fbps序列,设计并合成1对引物,以SS2江苏分离株的基因组为模板,采用聚合酶链反应(PER)方法扩增fbps,克隆于pMD-T18载体。测定阳性质粒插入序列。利用DNAstar软件,比较所测序列与不同来源SS2的fbps和FBPS与链球菌属其他种同源蛋白的同源性。结果 扩增的fbps为1 938 bp,江苏分离株与猪源致病性SS2荷兰分离株的fbps序列有5个碱基不同,与ATCCA3765株有3个碱基不同,同源性均达99.99%以上。推导的氨基酸序列比较,分别有4个和2个氨基酸不同,同源性均为99%以上。纤连蛋白结合蛋白(FBPS)无前导序列,无锚定序列,与链球菌属其他种的同源Fn结合蛋白的同源性为68.8%~76.0%。结论 FBPS是一种无锚的黏附素。  相似文献   

<正>生活在中国西南地区的儿童很少接种肺炎链球菌(S. pneumoniae)疫苗,肺炎链球菌是导致高发病率和高死亡率的重要病原体。此研究旨在分析儿童肺炎链球菌菌株的分子特征,以及基于潜在蛋白质抗原的新疫苗策略。使用PCR进行分子表征、包括血清型、毒力基因和菌毛分析。对7个管家基因进行测序以鉴定序列类型(ST),并使用微量稀释肉汤法分析抗生素抗性。此外,作者通过攻击和被动转移分析评估了重组纤溶酶和纤连蛋白结合蛋白A(rPfbA)在小鼠肺炎  相似文献   

串联重复序列广泛存在于真核生物的基因组中,它通过影响染色质的空间结构及基因表达从而影响生物的遗传与进化.本研究以琴叶拟南芥(Arabidopsis lyrata)基因组为材料,分析了1~50 bp重复单元的串联重复序列特征.研究发现串联重复序列在基因的5'UTR和启动子区域密度最高(8757 bp/Mb,8430 bp/Mb),而编码区CDS的密度最低(2406 bp/Mb).基因组中重复模体最高的为单核苷酸重复的T/A碱基,5'UTR中包含大量的二核苷酸重复模体,而在CDS中主要是三核酸重复模体.串联重复序列特征在琴叶拟南芥基因组不同区域的差别,显示其与基因表达和调控功能相适应.本研究深入探讨了串联重复序列在植物基因组中的特征及作用,为重复序列调控基因表达及植物基因组进化提供借鉴.  相似文献   

无乳链球菌(Streptococcus agalactiae)是链球菌属最主要的致病菌之一,又被称为B群链球菌(group B Streptococcus,GBS)。S. agalactiae致病性主要由毒力因子和表面蛋白引起,毒力因子包括荚膜多糖、溶血素、菌毛岛屿、透明质酸酶、磷酸甘油激酶和CAMP因子,表面蛋白是αC蛋白、表面免疫相关蛋白、黏附蛋白、纤维蛋白原结合蛋白、层黏连蛋白结合蛋白和纤溶酶受体蛋白。近8年的S. agalactiae耐药情况统计数据发现,S.agalactiae已对19种抗菌抗药物产生耐药,检出20个耐药基因和12种毒力因子。国内外S. agalactiae分子分型方法主要致力于血清型、多位点序列、脉冲场凝胶电泳、菌毛岛屿和细菌前噬菌体基因分型。本文阐述了S.agalactiae生物学特性、流行性致病信息、耐药性研究现状和分子分型方法研究进展,以期为进一步探明S.agalactiae耐药机制、开发治疗S. agalactiae的新型药物提供参考。  相似文献   

酵母核糖体蛋白基因组合转录调控位点统计分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
田瑞琴  张静  胡俊 《生物信息学》2010,8(2):127-133
真核基因的转录调控是后基因组时代研究的主要问题之一,其基础是认识DNA上转录因子结合位点(模体)及分布状况。基于马尔可夫链模型对酵母核糖体蛋白基因上游启动子序列中模体出现次数进行统计,利用Z-score统计量抽提出过表达和低表达的模体,其中95%的模体与实验得到的转录因子结合位点相符合。然后将抽提出的模体两两配对,通过与背景序列比较,找出酵母核糖体蛋白基因中出现概率及距离分布均具有统计显著性的模体对,这些非随机出现的模体对具有潜在的组合转录调控功能,其中一些模体对的组合调控作用已有实验支持。对提取出的模体对在序列中的位置分布进行分析,发现近94%的模体对位于转录起始位点上游,超过半数的模体对两模体之间的最短距离在0~100bp之间,距离小于30bp的模体对接近30%,这样的短距离间隔有利于两模体的相同作用。这些结果将有助于对酵母核糖体蛋白基因转录调控机制的深入认识。  相似文献   

锌指蛋白基因ZNF191   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
锌指是Miller等人 (1 985年 )最初在爪蟾转录因子TF IIIA中发现的一种特殊结构 ,即在蛋白质一级结构上 ,存在着C X2 4 C X12 H X3 H的序列单元 (C :半胱氨酸 ;H :组氨酸 ;X :任意氨基酸 ) ,其中的 2个半胱氨酸和 2个组氨酸通过配位键与一个锌离子结合 ,成手指状结构 ,这类序列单元被称为锌指模体 ,含有锌指模体的蛋白质称为锌指蛋白。研究表明 ,锌指蛋白作为一类转录因子而广泛地参与基因表达的调控。这种调控作用主要是通过它与特定的DNA序列 (如启动子 )和蛋白质的结合而实现的。锌指蛋白与胚胎发育和细胞分化…  相似文献   

本研究利用生物信息学在线软件对脂肪酶Lip906的二级结构和模体信息进行预测,同时对其三级结构进行同源建模和模建结果质量评价,预测该蛋白质的活性位点信息,旨在从蛋白质序列特征和分子结构水平理解其在酯类水解过程中的作用。结果表明,模建的Lip906蛋白结构品质较高,具有7段α-螺旋和2组β-折叠结构,是一个典型的α/β类蛋白,表面呈弱负电势分布;Lip906蛋白具有5个不同模体,可能参与不同生化反应或执行不同的功能。这些研究结果对理解Lip906蛋白功能以及配基结合位点定位非常重要,也为脂肪酶Lip906的突变设计提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

对肺炎链球菌双组份系统中的组氨酸激酶YycG进行同源模建, 并分析其与底物ADP的相互作用, 为寻找特异性的激酶抑制剂提供了理论依据。采用同源模建的方法构建YycG蛋白的三维结构, 并用ProCheck、Profile_3D软件对此结构模型的合理性进行验证; 用Autodock4.0软件将结构模型与ADP进行自动对接, 分析二者之间的相互作用。序列比对结果显示肺炎链球菌YycG蛋白与Thermotoga maritima X-ray晶体结构序列的同一性达33%; YycG模建后的结构与模板能很好的叠合; 在活性口袋处的保守的氨基酸残基Asn145、Asn149、Lys152以及口袋内部的疏水残基在结合、水解底物ADP的过程中发挥重要作用。组氨酸激酶YycG的模建合理, 该结构模型可作为设计抗菌药的研究起点。  相似文献   

锚蛋白重复序列模体是生物体内最普遍的蛋白质序列模体之一,在多种细胞活动中主要介导蛋白质与蛋白质的相互作用。采用生物信息学的方法,在基因组水平上搜索和鉴定了水稻锚定重复序列蛋白,通过分析蛋白质二级结构,进行水稻锚蛋白基因家族的聚类分析,并在此基础上,用RT-PCR的方法分析水稻锚定膜蛋白的表达模式,为水稻锚蛋白基因的研究提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

很多革兰氏阴性致病菌使用Ⅲ型分泌系统(type Ⅲ secretion system,TTSS)将毒力因子直接注射到宿主细胞质中,其中某些效应蛋白(即毒素)需要专一的Ⅲ型分泌系统分子伴侣才能有效分泌。尽管2000年Cheng等提出这些分子伴侣中应该存在保守的氨基酸序列或保守的分泌信号,但是以往的研究并没有发现保守的氨基酸序列或分泌信号。文章作者通过生物信息学模体搜索对45个Ⅲ型分泌系统分子伴侣的氨基酸序列进行分析,找出5个与Ⅲ型分泌系统分子伴侣功能有关的保守模体和模体组合。其中一个为已知的,一个比已知的34氨基酸多肽重复(tetratdco peptide repeat,TPR)模体更具有Ⅲ型分泌系统分子伴侣SycD家族特征,其他3个为新的模体。每个Ⅲ型分泌系统分子伴侣家族包含一个或多个模体,这揭示了同类分子伴侣序列中确实存在保守的位点,暗示着同类分子伴侣可能存在相同的空间结构和功能,进一步支持了Birtanlan有关相同的空间结构具有普遍TTSS三维分泌信号的假说,并基于此分析和同源分析预测出27个新的可能的Ⅲ型分泌系统分子伴侣。  相似文献   

Streptococcus pyogenes interacts with host fibronectin via distinct surface components. One of these components is the Sfbl protein (streptococcal fibronectin-binding protein, now specified as class I), an adhesin that represents a protein family with characteristic features. Here we present the complete structure of a novel fibronectin-binding protein of S. pyogenes , designated SfbII, which is distinct from the previously described Sfbl proteins. The sfbII gene originated from a λ EMBL3 library of chromosomal DNA from group A streptococcal strain A75 and coded for a 113kDa protein exhibiting features of membrane-anchored surface proteins of Gram-positive cocci. The expression of biologically active fusion proteins allowed the determination of the location of the fibronectin-binding domain within the C-terminal part of the protein. It consisted of two and a half repeats which share common motifs with fibronectin-binding repeats of other streptococcal and staphylococcal proteins. Purified recombinant fusion protein containing this domain competitively inhibited the binding of fibronectin to the parental S. pyogenes strain. Furthermore, polyclonal antibodies against the binding domain specifically blocked the Sfbll receptor site on the streptococcal surface. No cross-reactivity could be detected between anti-Sfbll antibodies and the sfbl gene product, and vice versa, indicating that the two proteins do not share common immunogenic epitopes. Southern hybridization experiments performed with specific sfbll gene probes revealed the presence of the sfbll gene in more than 55% of 93 streptococcal isolates tested. The majority of the strains also harboured the sfbl gene, and 86% carried at least one of the two sfb genes.  相似文献   

A novel fibronectin-binding protein from Pasteurella multocida (PM1665) that binds to the fibronectin type III9-10 modules via two helix-hairpin-helix motifs has recently been described [1]. This protein shares homology with competence-related DNA-binding and uptake proteins (ComEA and ComE) from Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Here, we show that recombinant PM1665 (now designated ComE1) also binds to DNA through the same helix-hairpin-helix motifs required for fibronectin-binding. This binding to DNA is non sequence-specific and is confined to double-stranded DNA. We have cloned and expressed ComE1 proteins from five members of the Pasteurellaceae in order to further investigate the function(s) of these proteins. When expressed as recombinant GST-fusion proteins, all of the homologues bound both to fibronectin and to double-stranded DNA. Inactivation of the gene encoding the ComE1 homologue in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae indicates major roles for these proteins in at least two processes: natural transformation, and binding of bacteria to fibronectin.  相似文献   

Invasion of mammalian cells via cell adhesion molecules of the integrin family is a common theme in bacterial pathogenesis. Whereas some microorganisms directly bind to integrins, other pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus indirectly engage these receptors via fibronectin-binding proteins (FnBPs). In this review, we summarize the structure-function relationship of FnBPs and the current view of the role of these proteins during pathogenesis in vivo. A major focus will be on recent findings on the role of cholesterol- and sphingolipid-rich membrane microdomains for integrin-initiated uptake of fibronectin-binding bacteria and the surprising inhibitory function of caveolin-1 in this process. The detailed mechanistic understanding of host cell invasion by fibronectin-binding S. aureus can not only serve as a paradigm for other fibronectin-binding pathogenic bacteria, but might also reveal the physiological regulation of endocytosis of ligand-occupied integrins.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of autoimmune-associated antibodies has suggested a structural relatedness between genes used to encode autoantibodies and those encoding unrelated antibodies without autoreactive specificities. Subsequently, the basis for cross-reactive idiotypes across germ-line lineages, as well as conserved interspecies cross-reactivities of autoantigens among serologically similar antibodies, may result from evolutionary duplication of particular types of recognition motifs. As a first step toward elucidating structural recognition principles underlying possible cross-reactive epitopes involved in autoimmune pathologies, structural features of selected motifs associated with native ligand binding are examined for their inherent occurrence in antibody and T-cell receptor repertoires. This analysis considers the putative recognition features representative of common motif subsets shared with loop structures in CDR2 and FR3 regions of antibodies such as charge-2x-charge-x-charge or hydrogen bond donor (acceptor)-2x-charge-x-hydrogen bond donor (acceptor) type motifs, where x is any residue that can participate in maintaining a loop conformation. Such tracts encoded in the CRD2 and FR3 regions of heavy chains of antibodies and T-cell receptors (TCRs) associated with autoimmune dysfunction, with non-autoreactive antibodies, and with native host proteins. Such evolutionarily conserved motifs may be targets for complementary interactions involving autoantibodies and receptors.  相似文献   

Tankyrase (TNKS) is a telomere-associated poly-ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) that has been implicated along with several telomere repeat binding factors in the regulation of Epstein-Barr virus origin of plasmid replication (OriP). We now show that TNKS1 can bind to the family of repeats (FR) and dyad symmetry regions of OriP by using a chromatin immunoprecipitation assay and DNA affinity purification. TNKS1 and TNKS2 bound to EBNA1 in coimmunoprecipitation experiments with transfected cell lysates and with purified recombinant proteins in vitro. Two RXXPDG-like TNKS-interacting motifs in the EBNA1 amino-terminal domain mediated binding with the ankyrin repeat domain of TNKS. Mutations of both motifs at EBNA1 G81 and G425 abrogated TNKS binding and enhanced EBNA1-dependent replication of OriP. Small hairpin RNA targeted knock-down of TNKS1 enhanced OriP-dependent DNA replication. Overexpression of TNKS1 or TNKS2 inhibited OriP-dependent DNA replication, while a PARP-inactive form of TNKS2 (M1045V) was compromised for this inhibition. We show that EBNA1 is subject to PAR modification in vivo and to TNKS1-mediated PAR modification in vitro. These results indicate that TNKS proteins can interact directly with the EBNA1 protein, associate with the FR region of OriP in vivo, and inhibit OriP replication in a PARP-dependent manner.  相似文献   

New methods are described for finding recurrent three-dimensional (3D) motifs in RNA atomic-resolution structures. Recurrent RNA 3D motifs are sets of RNA nucleotides with similar spatial arrangements. They can be local or composite. Local motifs comprise nucleotides that occur in the same hairpin or internal loop. Composite motifs comprise nucleotides belonging to three or more different RNA strand segments or molecules. We use a base-centered approach to construct efficient, yet exhaustive search procedures using geometric, symbolic, or mixed representations of RNA structure that we implement in a suite of MATLAB programs, “Find RNA 3D” (FR3D). The first modules of FR3D preprocess structure files to classify base-pair and -stacking interactions. Each base is represented geometrically by the position of its glycosidic nitrogen in 3D space and by the rotation matrix that describes its orientation with respect to a common frame. Base-pairing and base-stacking interactions are calculated from the base geometries and are represented symbolically according to the Leontis/Westhof basepairing classification, extended to include base-stacking. These data are stored and used to organize motif searches. For geometric searches, the user supplies the 3D structure of a query motif which FR3D uses to find and score geometrically similar candidate motifs, without regard to the sequential position of their nucleotides in the RNA chain or the identity of their bases. To score and rank candidate motifs, FR3D calculates a geometric discrepancy by rigidly rotating candidates to align optimally with the query motif and then comparing the relative orientations of the corresponding bases in the query and candidate motifs. Given the growing size of the RNA structure database, it is impossible to explicitly compute the discrepancy for all conceivable candidate motifs, even for motifs with less than ten nucleotides. The screening algorithm that we describe finds all candidate motifs whose geometric discrepancy with respect to the query motif falls below a user-specified cutoff discrepancy. This technique can be applied to RMSD searches. Candidate motifs identified geometrically may be further screened symbolically to identify those that contain particular basepair types or base-stacking arrangements or that conform to sequence continuity or nucleotide identity constraints. Purely symbolic searches for motifs containing user-defined sequence, continuity and interaction constraints have also been implemented. We demonstrate that FR3D finds all occurrences, both local and composite and with nucleotide substitutions, of sarcin/ricin and kink-turn motifs in the 23S and 5S ribosomal RNA 3D structures of the H. marismortui 50S ribosomal subunit and assigns the lowest discrepancy scores to bona fide examples of these motifs. The search algorithms have been optimized for speed to allow users to search the non-redundant RNA 3D structure database on a personal computer in a matter of minutes.  相似文献   

The serum opacity factor (SOF) of Streptococcus pyogenes is a type-specific lipoproteinase of unknown biological significance. We have sequenced the sof gene and characterized the corresponding SOF protein from a strain of type M63. It was found that sof63 is related to sof22 and that, similar to SOF22 [25], SOF63 binds fibronectin. Moreover, we demonstrate opacity factor activity in a Streptococcus dysgalactiae fibronectin-binding protein FnBA that is structurally related to the SOF proteins of S. pyogenes. Sequence analysis of these three SOF proteins showed a unique periodical pattern of conserved and variable regions. The enzymatically active part of SOF63 was localized to the fragment corresponding to the entire set of conserved and variable sequences, while for fibronectin-binding a single repeat in the C terminal part of the protein was sufficient. The results show that streptococcal SOF proteins form a novel family of bifunctional proteins with lipoproteinase and fibronectin-binding activities. Received: 7 June 1999 / Accepted: 5 October 1999  相似文献   

This work describes the cloning and sequencing of genes encoding fibronectin-binding proteins from Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus strain VTU211. A gene encoding a cell-wall protein FNZ was amplified and sequenced. In the same bacterial strain, a second gene termed fnz2 was now discovered, encoding another fibronectin-binding protein (FNZ2). The complete amino acid sequence encoded by fnz2 was deduced and compared to that deduced from fnz. The sequence comparison of the fnz and fnz2 predicted that fibronectin-binding activity is localizing a domain in the C terminal part of FNZ2, since this domain is composed of three repeats, which contain a motif similar to what has earlier been found in other fibronectin-binding proteins in streptococci. Three parts of fnz2 [fnz2(1-8), fnz2(2-4), and fnz2(4-3)] were amplified using polymerase chain reaction and ligated into an expression vector, and recombinant FNZ2 proteins were produced in Escherichia coli. Fibronectin bound to the FNZ2(1-8) [amino acids 212-396] and FNZ2(2-4) (amino acids 36-448) but not to the FNZ2(4-3) (amino acids 36-191) in a Western ligand blot, showing that repeat domain of FNZ2 protein was sufficient for binding of fibronectin. Purified FNZ2(2-4) protein was also shown to display collagen-binding activity to collagen-coated microtiter wells. These results show that recombinant FNZ2 has fibronectin- and collagen-binding activities.  相似文献   

BBK32 is a fibronectin-binding protein from the Lyme disease-causing spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. In this study, we show that BBK32 shares sequence similarity with fibronectin module-binding motifs previously identified in proteins from Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry are used to confirm the binding sites of BBK32 peptides within the N-terminal domain of fibronectin and to measure the affinities of the interactions. Comparison of chemical shift perturbations in fibronectin F1 modules on binding of peptides from BBK32, FnBPA from S. aureus, and SfbI from S. pyogenes provides further evidence for a shared mechanism of binding. Despite the different locations of the bacterial attachment sites in BBK32 compared with SfbI from S. pyogenes and FnBPA from S. aureus, an antiparallel orientation is observed for binding of the N-terminal domain of fibronectin to each of the pathogens. Thus, these phylogenetically and morphologically distinct bacterial pathogens have similar mechanisms for binding to human fibronectin.  相似文献   

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