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郑彩玲  刘向东  翟保平 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1879-1886
采用寄主转接建立生命表的方法研究了棉花型和黄瓜型棉蚜对不同寄主植物的适应性,以及两寄主型棉蚜是否可通过中间桥梁寄主实现寄主互换的问题。结果表明,两寄主型棉蚜直接互换寄主后,其存活和繁殖力显著下降,表现为棉花型和黄瓜型棉蚜的净增殖率比在原寄主上分别下降980倍和12倍,平均世代寿命缩短5~12d。两寄主型棉蚜均能利用木槿植物,并且适应性没有显著差异。但是两寄主型棉蚜均不能在车前草和大叶黄杨上存活和繁殖后代。西葫芦作物对棉蚜在木槿、棉花和黄瓜寄主上的相互转移起到了重要的桥梁寄主作用。冬寄主木槿上棉蚜可通过甜瓜或西葫芦转移到黄瓜寄主上,棉花和黄瓜上棉蚜也可通西葫芦作物分别转移到黄瓜和棉花作物上,从而形成棉蚜在不同寄主植物间的相互转移通道,造成为害和病毒病的扩张。  相似文献   

棉花型和瓜型棉蚜形态和生态适应力的分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棉蚜由于长期在同种或同类植物上生活,形成了多种寄主专化型。本研究以室内长期用单一寄主培养的棉花型和瓜型棉蚜为材料,采用形态测定、生命表技术、对寄主的选择性试验,以及接触刺激等方法,研究了两寄主型棉蚜的形态分化和生态适应力的差异。结果表明,瓜型棉蚜的一些形态特征值(如体长)极显著地大于棉花型个体,但是头宽、口针和各腿节的长度与体长的比值却极显著的小于棉花型个体。采用7个形态指标与体长的比值,可将瓜型和棉花型棉蚜区分开来。在24℃和26℃下瓜型蚜的净增殖率(R0)极显著地高于棉花型蚜。27℃和32℃显著缩短了瓜型蚜的平均世代长度,而对棉花型蚜无影响。棉花型蚜对接触刺激的反应比瓜型蚜敏感。两寄主型蚜对寄主的选择能力表现为瓜型蚜显著强于棉花型蚜。因此,两寄主型棉蚜存在明显的形态和生态适应力的分化。  相似文献   

棉花型和瓜型棉蚜产生有性世代能力的分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高雪  刘向东 《昆虫学报》2008,51(1):40-45
为了明确寄主专化性是否会影响棉蚜的繁殖策略或生活史对策,采用低温和短光照组合(18℃,L∶D=8∶16)分别对棉花型和瓜型棉蚜进行有性世代的诱导,比较两寄主专化型棉蚜产生有翅蚜、雄性母、雌性母及无翅孤雌蚜的能力。结果表明:两寄主专化型棉蚜在产生有性世代能力上存在显著差异,表现为棉花型棉蚜在诱导后代中产生有翅蚜、雄性母和雌性母的比率显著高于瓜型棉蚜,并且雌、雄性母产生的时间明显早于瓜型棉蚜。瓜型棉蚜在诱导条件下产生无翅孤雌蚜的比率显著高于棉花型棉蚜,并且发现有不产生有性世代的营专性孤雌生殖个体,而在棉花型棉蚜中没有发现。产生性母蚜的棉花型和瓜型棉蚜均可同时产生孤雌胎生后代。寄主型与诱导时间长短对棉蚜有性世代的产生存在交互作用。采集于田间棉花和黄瓜上的棉蚜,也表现为棉花上的易产生有性世代,在诱导的第2代中产生性母蚜的比率显著高于黄瓜上的棉蚜,并且性母蚜比率在诱导的第2代与第3代间无显著差异; 但黄瓜上的棉蚜性母蚜产生比率第3代显著高于第2代。由此推测,棉蚜寄主专化性的形成与生活史特性的分化有关。  相似文献   

不同生物型棉蚜对夏寄主葫芦科作物的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖云丽  印象初  刘同先 《生态学报》2013,33(12):3706-3711
于2008、2009年连续两年采用模拟田间自然扩散法,系统地研究了棉花型棉蚜和甜瓜型棉蚜有翅蚜对11种夏寄主的选择性.结果表明,棉花型棉蚜对杂交葫芦、小西葫芦表现出强选择性及适应性,而对香瓜、黄瓜、西瓜及甜瓜均不选择,或即使选择其若蚜在其上也不能存活;甜瓜型棉蚜对甜瓜、香瓜、南瓜、黄西葫芦、大西葫芦、杂交葫芦等均表现较强选择性,而对棉花及小西葫芦表现不选择.但是,甜瓜型棉蚜在小西葫芦上也能产若蚜并存活.从而证明小西葫芦是两种寄主型棉蚜的共同寄主,有可能成为两者相互转换的桥梁寄主.  相似文献   

中间寄主植物在植食性昆虫的取食选择和进化方向上起着重要的作用。本研究在田间设置罩笼,结合生态学调查和生物型鉴定技术研究了中间寄主豇豆对棉花型棉蚜和黄瓜型棉蚜专化性的影响。研究结果表明,棉花型棉蚜在豇豆上需经过1周时间的适应才能在豇豆上繁殖并在接虫后的第31天达到峰值(1 019±191头/百株),但不能够继续转移到黄瓜上建立种群;黄瓜型棉蚜在豇豆上在接虫后的第11天首次被记录后,其种群密度就迅速增加,到接虫后的第28天达到种群数量最大值(16 810±2 966头/百株),但也未能成功转移到棉花上存活并建立种群。在本实验研究条件下,中间寄主豇豆不能够改变棉花型棉蚜对棉花的偏好性,也不能在短期内改变黄瓜型棉蚜对黄瓜的专化性。  相似文献   

棉蚜寄主专化型及其形成的行为机理   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
通过生活在甜瓜和棉花上的棉蚜Aphisgossypii Glover的行为,研究棉蚜的寄主专化型及其形成的行为机理。生物学观察显示: 两类棉蚜在寄主植物相互交换以后,定居数显著减少,棉花蚜型棉蚜的繁殖系数及若虫存活率显著下降,说明棉蚜存在甜瓜蚜型和棉花蚜型两种寄主专化型。通过刺探电位技术研究棉蚜的取食行为,以探索其寄主专化型形成的行为机理。结果表明: 甜瓜蚜型棉蚜在棉花上的取食行为容易被中断,但其口针定位韧皮部的能力并没有显著削弱;而棉花蚜型棉蚜在甜瓜上的取食行为受到更大的影响,口针无法顺利定位至韧皮部,并在2 h内根本无法在筛管内取食。生物学观察和EPG取食行为分析都显示: 与甜瓜蚜型棉蚜相比,棉花蚜型棉蚜对寄主的要求更严格-寄主专化程度更高,对寄主的利用率更高。  相似文献   

本文利用昆虫触角电位技术记录了棉平突蚜茧峰Lysiphlebia japonica(Ashmead)(Hymenoptera:Aphidiidae)对棉花挥发性次生物质(标样和提取物)和棉蚜信息素(性信息素和报警激素)的触角电位反应,没有发现雌雄间触角电位对差异(P>0.05)。所有测试标样中,活性最强的化合物是庚醇、己醛、庚醛、苯甲醛和饱合的六碳到九碳的直链正醇;雌雄蚜茧蜂都对绿叶气味物质反应强烈,而萜烯类化合物引起的触角电位反应相对较弱,在所有测试的萜烯类物质中,只有香叶醇表现出较强的活性;棉蚜茧蜂对棉蚜信息素的反应较为强烈,而对四种植物提取物,以棉花提取物活性最强,黄瓜次之,丝瓜和南瓜之间没有明显差别而且反应最弱。浓度反应曲线表明绿叶气味物质的反应域值比萜烯类物质低。根据以上结果,我们得出如下结论:绿叶气味物质可能是寄生蜂寻找寄主的远距离化学线索,而大多数萜烯类则在近距离内发挥作用;棉蚜信息素可能是很强的引诱剂,能够吸引寄生蜂而使其更容易找到寄主;羽化前经历对成虫触角的反应敏感性有一定影响。  相似文献   

【目的】棉蚜Aphis gossypii和棉长管蚜Acyrthosiphon gossypii是棉花上的共存种,本文拟明确不同恒温条件下两种蚜虫单种和共存时的种群动态、有翅蚜发生及在棉株上的分布情况,探讨温度对两者种间竞争的作用。【方法】棉蚜、棉长管蚜单种、混合初始等蚜量设置,分别置于室内21、24和27℃恒温条件下,系统调查记录各处理种群数量、有翅蚜数量及在棉株上的分布,应用内禀增长率rm、空间分布情况、有翅蚜比例为竞争判别指标。【结果】棉蚜单种种群过程的rm均大于棉长管蚜,共存条件下一种对另一种蚜虫的rm均没有显著影响;棉蚜种群97%以上在叶片活动,棉长管蚜在叶片的比例为55%~75%;同一温度条件,两种共存不影响对方在棉花叶片和茎秆上的分布;棉蚜和棉长管蚜主要分布于棉花中上部。随温度升高,共存种群中棉蚜向棉株下部移动的比例增加,单种和共存种群棉长管蚜趋向于棉株上部移动。同一温度条件下,共存对棉蚜上下分布没有明显影响。21℃和27℃棉蚜的存在对棉长管蚜没有显著影响,但24℃时共存可使棉长管蚜在下部的比例明显增加;随温度的升高,棉蚜有翅蚜比例下降显著,而棉长管蚜无显著变化。【结论】适温范围内,两种蚜虫种间竞争的存在不影响彼此的内在繁殖能力,棉蚜比棉长管蚜具有更强的内在竞争能力;温度对棉蚜在竞争活动空间上的影响不明显,而对棉长管蚜的上下位置的选择有一定作用;种间竞争和种内竞争加速棉蚜有翅蚜的发生。  相似文献   

不同棉蚜种群对棉花和黄瓜的适合度分化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过室内转接试验,研究来源于越冬寄主花椒、木槿、石榴和夏寄主棉花、黄瓜共5个棉蚜Aphids gossypii Glover种群对棉花和黄瓜的适合度。结果表明:花椒棉蚜、木槿棉蚜、棉花棉蚜转接到棉花上的成虫留居率和种群繁殖率均明显地高于黄瓜;黄瓜棉蚜转接到棉花上的成虫留居率和种群繁殖率均显著地低于黄瓜;石榴棉蚜转接到棉花上的种群繁殖率显著低于黄瓜,但成虫留居率在2种寄主之间没有明显差异。  相似文献   

分别对在四种夏寄主及棉花两个生育期和三个温度下的棉蚜的14个形态特征进行了种下数值分类研究。通过聚类分析和高氏距离分析,结果表明:夏寄主四季豆、西葫芦、棉花苗期的绿色蚜和黄色蚜间及蕾期的触角6节蚜型和5节蚜型间都无明显差异。但马铃薯蚜与棉花苗蚜、棉花苗蚜与伏蚜间的形态特征存在相当明显的分离,室内温度达30℃时棉蚜的形态特征与伏蚜相似。并分析出可用7个主要形态特征区分这些种下变型。  相似文献   

棉蚜对寄主的选择及寄主专化型研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
采用叶片选择法,生命表及EPG技术研究了棉蚜对寄主植物的选择和专化性,结果表明,棉花上生长的棉蚜对棉花,西葫芦和西瓜叶片均具有强选择性,而对黄瓜和南瓜选择性弱,西瓜,南瓜和黄瓜上生长的棉蚜对其原寄主选择性强,而对棉花选择性弱,棉花上的棉蚜转接到黄瓜和南瓜上,其存活率和繁殖力极低,棉蚜的取食行为在黄瓜和马铃薯,黄瓜和棉花之间存在明显的寄主专化型,黄瓜与棉花上的棉蚜相互转接均难成功,而黄瓜和马铃薯上的棉蚜转移具有不对称性。  相似文献   

取食不同寄主植物对棉蚜后代抗药性的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
测定了5种药剂对棉蚜Aphis gossypii抗氰戊菊酯、吡虫啉品系和敏感品系取食棉花、黄瓜和石榴的后代的毒力,并对它们的后代体内乙酰胆碱酯酶和羧酸酯酶的比活力做了初步探索。结果表明,氰戊菊酯抗性品系取食棉花比取食黄瓜的后代对氰戊菊酯的抗性大76.4倍,对灭多威、氧乐果、硫丹和吡虫啉的抗性也大0.5~4.6倍;取食石榴的后代对5种药剂的抗性介于取食棉花和黄瓜的之间。吡虫啉抗性品系的测定结果与氰戊菊酯抗性品系基本一致。敏感品系取食黄瓜比取食棉花的后代对5种药剂的敏感性更高。3个品系取食不同植物的后代相比,其体内乙酰胆碱酯酶的比活力,取食棉花的为取食黄瓜的2.4~2.8倍;羧酸酯酶的比活力,取食棉花的为取食黄瓜的1.8~2.4倍。证明棉蚜的抗性和敏感品系取食的寄主植物不同,可引起对药剂敏感性的变化。乙酰胆碱酯酶和羧酸酯酶活力的变化均是引起这种变化的重要因素。  相似文献   



The cotton-melon aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a polyphagous species with a worldwide distribution and a variety of biotypes. North China is a traditional agricultural area with abundant winter and summer hosts of A. gossypii. While the life cycles of A. gossypii on different plants have been well studied, those of the biotypes of North China are still unclear.


Host transfer experiments showed that A. gossypii from North China has two host-specialized biotypes: cotton and cucumber. Based on complete mitochondrial sequences, we identified a molecular marker with five single-nucleotide polymorphisms to distinguish the biotypes. Using this marker, a large-scale study of biotypes on primary winter and summer hosts was conducted. All A. gossypii collected from three primary hosts—hibiscus, pomegranate, and Chinese prickly ash—were cotton biotypes, with more cotton-melon aphids found on hibiscus than the other two species. In May, alate cotton and cucumber biotypes coexisted on cotton and cucumber seedlings, but each preferred its natal host. Both biotypes existed on zucchini, although the cucumber biotype was more numerous. Aphids on muskmelon were all cucumber biotypes, whereas most aphids on kidney bean were cotton biotypes. Aphids on seedlings of potato and cowpea belong to other species. In August, aphids on cotton and cucumber were the respective biotypes, with zucchini still hosting both biotypes as before. Thus, the biotypes had different fitnesses on different host plants.


Two host-specialized biotypes (cotton and cucumber) are present in North China. Hibiscus, pomegranate, and Chinese prickly ash can serve as winter hosts for the cotton biotype but not the cucumber biotype in North China. The fitnesses of the two host-specialized biotypes differ on various summer hosts. When alate aphids migrate to summer hosts, they cannot accurately land on the corresponding plant.  相似文献   

Liu X  Gao X 《Environmental entomology》2010,39(6):1878-1883
Variation in the reproductive mode of melon aphid Aphis gossypii Glover occurred on the large geographic scale, but the performance of different reproductive modes to use host plant is poorly understood. Life tables of melon aphid population that undergo the anholocyclic, androcyclic, and intermediate reproductive mode were conducted on different host plants. The results showed that the anholocyclic and androcyclic strains could become adults and produce offspring on cotton Gossypium hirsutum L., whereas the intermediate strain could not. The survival rate, net reproductive rate (R(0)), and intrinsic rate of natural increase (r(m)) of the androcyclic strain on cotton were significantly greater than that of the anholocyclic strain. The three strains could aptly use cucurbits host plants including cucumber Cucumis sativa L., pumpkin Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.), and zucchini Cucurbita pepo L.; survival rate and R(0) were not significantly different on these two host plants. Moreover, the r(m) of the anholocyclic strain on cucumber and the androcyclic strain on pumpkin and zucchini were significantly greater than that of the other two strains. The abilities of the three strains to use a host plant were flexible, because their r(m) on pumpkin or zucchini became equal after rearing for four successive generations; furthermore, the intermediate strain attained the ability to use cotton, and the performance of anholocyclic and intermediate strains to use cotton also significantly increased after feeding on pumpkin or zucchini for one or three generations. It was concluded that the reproductive mode and feeding experience affected the performance of melon aphid to use a host plant.  相似文献   

The aphid, Aphis gossypii, is a primary pest of citrus, cotton, cucurbits and greenhouse‐grown vegetables in Turkey and throughout Europe. There is some previous empirical data suggesting that host‐adapted genotypes of this aphid exist which may in fact be host‐races. To determine if host races of A. gossypii are indeed present in the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey, reciprocal host transfer experiments and life table analyses were performed with multiple asexual lineages (= clones) of the aphid collected from different hosts. The collection hosts included citrus, cucumber, eggplant, okra, sweet pepper and cotton. Aphid developmental times on the host from which the aphid was originally collected (= collection or natal host) were shorter (5.2–6.0 days) and had a higher intrinsic rate of population growth (rm = 0.25–0.44) than the 6.6–7.3 days required when the aphid was reared on a non‐original collection host (= non‐collection host or non‐natal host) and had rm = 0.03–0.30. Total immature mortality of the cotton clone, especially in the first nymphal stage, was high (51–100%) with low rm (0–0.03) on cucumber, citrus and sweet pepper. Aphid populations transferred from citrus, eggplant and okra to cotton (rm = 0.29–0.30) did not differ significantly in their performance from that of the cotton population on cotton (rm = 0.34), whereas that from sweet pepper and cucumber populations (rm = 0.22–0.24) were significantly lower. These data have allowed us to separate A. gossypii into two distinct biological groups: (a) a ‘generalist’ population obtained from cucumber, sweet pepper, citrus, eggplant and okra which exhibited statistically better development on cotton; versus (b) a population from cotton which, by comparison on reciprocal hosts, developed poorly on non‐natal hosts except on eggplant. Development of the cotton clone on cucumber and okra was not improved after four successive generations on the non‐natal host. The good development of A. gossypii from eggplant and cotton on these reciprocal hosts suggests that these particular clones were similar, if not identical, host races.  相似文献   

In China, Bemisia tabaci Q (commonly known as biotype Q) has rapidly displaced B (commonly known as biotype B) in the past 6 years. The mechanisms underlying such phenomenon have been studied extensively in recent years; however, we have not come to a definitive conclusion yet. In the present study, the differences in host suitability between B and Q whitefly adults to five host plants (cabbage, cotton, cucumber, poinsettia, and tomato) were evaluated based on their respective feeding behaviors using a direct-current electrical penetration graph (DC-EPG) system. Pair-wise comparisons of B. tabaci B and Q feeding on each of the five host plants clearly indicate that Q feeds better than B on tomato, cotton and poinsettia, while B feeds better than Q on cabbage and cucumber. The EPG parameters related to both phloem and non-phloem phases confirm that cabbage and cucumber are best suited to B, while tomato, cotton, and poinsettia are best suited to Q. Our present results support the contention that host suitability and adult feeding behavior contribute to the competitive displacement of biotype B by biotype Q. The discrepancy between field (previous studies) and laboratory results (this study), however, suggests that 1) whitefly displacement is apparently contributed by multiple factors; and 2) factor(s) other than the host plant suitability may play a vital role in dictating the whitefly biotypes in the field.  相似文献   

通过滤纸酯酶反应法比较 4种有机磷杀虫剂对北京和山东高密地区取食不同寄主植物的棉蚜β-乙酸萘酯 (β -NA)酯酶的抑制作用。结果表明高密地区不同寄主植物上的棉蚜 β -NA酯酶活力高的个体多于北京地区 ,同时辛硫磷对高密地区不同寄主植物上的棉蚜 β -NA酯酶的抑制作用亦高于北京地区 ,而久效磷和DDVP对两地区不同寄主植物上的棉蚜种群中 β-NA酯酶的抑制作用相似。  相似文献   

The capacity of the B biotype of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae), to invade has often been linked to its presumably wider host range than the non‐B indigenous biotypes. However, there are few experimental studies of the relative performance of the B biotype and non‐B biotypes on different host‐plant species. Here, we compared the performance of the B biotype and an indigenous non‐B biotype (China‐ZHJ‐1) of B. tabaci from Zhejiang, China on five commonly cultivated host plants, each from a different family: cotton, tobacco, cabbage, squash, and kidney bean. We also examined the effect of rearing host plants on the performance of the B biotype. Overall, the performance of the B biotype on the five species of plants was much better than that of the indigenous non‐B population. On tobacco, cabbage, and kidney bean, no individuals of ZHJ‐1 completed development to adulthood, whereas the B biotype developed successfully from egg to adult on all three plants. On squash, the B biotype survived better, developed to adulthood earlier and had a higher fecundity than ZHJ‐1. The two biotypes performed more equally on cotton, but even on this plant the B biotype female adults lived nearly twice as long as that of ZHJ‐1 and may have realized a higher life‐time fecundity. The B biotype also showed a substantial capacity to acclimatize to alternative host plants for improved survival and reproduction, on both highly suitable and marginally suitable host plants. We conclude that the host range of the B biotype of B. tabaci may be much wider than those of some indigenous biotypes, and this advantage of the B biotype over the non‐B biotypes may assist in its invasion and displacement of some indigenous biotypes in the field.  相似文献   

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