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短小芽孢杆菌作为芽孢杆菌属基因工程受体菌的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
陈启民  耿运琪 《遗传学报》1989,16(3):206-212
以质粒pUB110 DNA转化B. pumilus 289原生质体,转化频率为10~(-3)—10~(-9)与B.tubtilis 168系统相当;但B.pumilus 289原生质体的再生频率(0.3—12.0%)略低于B.subtilis 168(1.53—24.16%);在无选择压力条件下质粒pUB110在B.pumilus 289中经过45个世代周期,自发丢失率小于3%,同于B.subtilis 168系统。外源基因在B.pumilus 289中经25个世代周期丢失率低于5%,而在B.subtilis 168系统中则高达24%;外源基因的表达水平亦高于B.subtilis 168系统。因此,B.pumilus 289是一个值得进一步开发的基因工程受体系统。  相似文献   

外源质粒在枯草芽孢杆菌BF7658中的稳定性及其基因表达   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
耿运琪  蒋如璋 《遗传学报》1990,17(5):398-404
通过B.subtilis噬菌体PBSI转导,已将携带热稳定α-淀粉酶基因的质粒pAmy411引进了B.subtilis BF7658.转导频率为10_(-9)转导子/PFU。尽管pAmy 411的诲贝数在B.subtilis BF7658中较在B.subtilis AS 1.1176中高1倍,但其传代稳定性却较后者低。质粒携带的热稳定α-淀粉酶基因的表达水平在B.subtilis BF 7658中较在B.subtilisAS1.1176中高6倍。  相似文献   

本文研究了5种烈性大豆根瘤菌噬菌体在大豆根瘤菌菌株间的普遍性转导。噬菌体psc和psx能在慢生大豆根瘤USDA110菌株间转导营养缺陷型标记和卡那霉素抗性标记。快生大豆根瘤菌MD3菌株间可通过噬菌体pfm转导营养缺陷标记和卡那霉素抗性标记。噬菌体pfc和pfx可在快生豇豆根瘤菌ANU240及其变种ANU265间转导抗性基因和定位于共生质粒(sym质粒)上的结瘤基因(common nod)。所有转导频率均在10-6~10-7之间。用紫外线处理噬菌体裂解液可以相应提高转导频率。  相似文献   

通过诱变剂处理,从原来不出现感受态的短小芽孢杆菌(Dacillus pumilus)289中筛选获得一株具有感受态的菌株——B.pumilus N 246。感受态培养和转化操作与枯草杆菌(B.subtilis)基本相同。  相似文献   

通过接合转移,把F1、F11、P、W、X、Ⅰ型的14种质粒分别引入大肠杆菌复制发动突变型dnaP 18,发现只有Ⅰ型质粒R144对于dnaP18具有抑制作用,消阻遏质粒R144 drd3的抑制能力高于质粒R144约一万倍而达到完全的抑制。以下事实说明R144 drd3并不通过整合到dnaP18细菌的染色体上而带来对于dnaP18的抑制:(1)dnaP18(R144drd3)细菌的染色体标记的转移频率在10~(-7)以下,而其质粒标记Km~R的转移频率约10~(-1);(2)这些菌株的DNA抽提物的电泳图谱和电子显微镜照相都说明质粒DNA的存在。 用带有质粒R144 drd3的E.coli作为供体,用E.coli dnaP18菌株作为受体,通过噬菌体P1转导得到的两种Km~R转导子中一种能在42℃形成菌落,而另一种则不能;将转座子Tn10转座到R144drd3上以后,同样使受体成为能在42℃形成菌落或不能形成菌落两类。这些结果表明,质粒R144drd3上存在着与dnaP18抑制有关的特定区域或基因。  相似文献   

乔明强  蒋如璋 《遗传学报》1989,16(5):389-398
利用从Bacillus pumilus 289中分离出的隐秘质粒pNK289(7.2kb)的复制起始调控区及启动区DNA片段和质粒pPL 601上的氯霉素乙酰基转移酶结构基因(cat-86),构建了能在B.subtilis和B. pumilus中稳定传代的质粒pNQ216(4.1kb)和pNQ402(2.8kb)。在非诱导条件下,其在含Cm的LB平皿上的外显率都比pPL600高约30%,可以用作芽孢杆菌基因克隆的质粒载体。  相似文献   

酵母7209-1 A(a)DNA,用pHC79为载体,以BamHⅠ、PstⅠ和Hind Ⅲ酶切,经体外重组和包装后,转导至大肠杆菌HB101和SC294中。在我们的实验条件下(对酵母DNA适度酶解,F/V值为15,连接时DNA总浓度为200—250微克/微升以及BHB 2688/BHB2690比值为5),重组建库效率达到10~6CFU/微克载体DNA,重组子双抗值降低到10%或5%以下。 大肠杆菌HB101和SC 294的10~6个重组体克隆中,观察到酵母基因对leuB 6及proA2(在HB101中),leu6,metB1,argG,his1(在SC294中)等营养缺陷型的互补(校正)效应。由于互补频率(10~(-3)—10~(-4))比上述基因突变自发回复率高2—3个数量级,因此可以说,酵母的上述基因在大肠杆菌中获得了功能表达。对pYeleu5和pYeleu7单克隆DNA的再次包装转导和再次互补测试表明,我们已使酵母leu~+的互补效率提高10~4倍。本文还报道了在HB101中的酵母基因文库Leu~+ Pro~+的表型共转导现象,频率为30%以上。  相似文献   

原生质体电融合构建酵母多倍体的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为考察将STA基因导入酿酒酵母的可能性和研究糖化酵母在不同核倍性下STA基因的表达效应,从酿酒酵母HU-TY-1A及糖化酵母5101-7C、5206-1B、5301-14D出发,通过原生质体电融合技术,构建了11株核倍性分别为2n、4n、5n及8n的酵母多倍体.所用电融合参数为:交变电场强度200v/cm,频率1MHz;电脉冲强度9kv/cm,宽度40μsec,脉冲数2个,间隔10sec,波形为方波.在糖化酵母单一亲株融合组合中,融合株检出采用菌落形态作为初检指标取得一定效果.其它融合组合则采用遗传标记检出更为可靠.所得融合率约为5×10~(-5)—1×10~(-3).所有融合株经15代以上传代培养,遗传稳定.  相似文献   

目的 观察Ad-GFP-nm23-Hl抑制人高转移肺巨细胞癌株95D细胞生长和转移的作用,为后期nm23-Hl基因和腺病毒载体用于95D及其他肿瘤的基因治疗提供一定的理论和方法.方法 应用MTT法及Transwell小室法分别检测95D细胞经Ad-GFP-nm23-Hl作用后的细胞体外增殖活性、黏附能力以及侵袭力的变化.同时应用人高转移肺巨细胞癌株95D裸鼠移植瘤模型,研究Ad-GFP-nm23-Hl对此移植瘤生长的抑制作用.结果 10~8PFU/ml、10~9PFU/ml、10~(10)PFU/ml处理组,可以明显抑制95D细胞的增殖、黏附和侵袭能力,其抑制作用呈剂量-效应关系.10~9PFU/ml 的Ad-GFP-nm23-Hl对移植瘤的抑瘤率为38.23%,较对照组差异显著.结论 Ad-GFP-nm23-Hl对人高转移肺巨细胞癌株95D细胞的生长和转移以及95D实体瘤具有抑制作用.  相似文献   

目的研究不同亚型的甲型流感病毒在单个核细胞内的复制情况,探讨其免疫应答机制。方法①细胞培养:复苏A549、MDCK细胞后,用DMEM培养液常规培养;外周血分离得到单个核细胞,用RPMI1640常规培养;②空斑形成试验:用空斑试验检测病毒A/Shantou/169/2006(H1N1)和A/Shantou/602/2006(H3N2)的病毒原始滴度;检测流感病毒感染单个核细胞后的病毒滴度变化。结果流感病毒感染单核细胞后,上清液的病毒滴度下降,36、48、72 h病毒滴度<10 PFU/mL;而其细胞裂解液病毒滴度上升,滴度由9.5×10~4 PFU/mL上升至1.63×10~5 PFU/mL。流感病毒感染淋巴细胞,其细胞上清和裂解液病毒滴度均下降,其中上清液H3N2病毒滴度在48、72 h均<10 PFU/mL;裂解液病毒滴度则由4.8×10~5 PFU/mL下降至1.8×10~3 PFU/mL。结论不同亚型的甲型流感病毒在单核细胞和淋巴细胞中的复制存在差异。单核细胞可以吞噬流感病毒但不能直接灭活流感病毒,而淋巴细胞却可以直接抑制流感病毒的复制。  相似文献   

Transposition Tn917 was introduced into Bacillus pumilus 289 by protoplast transformation with plasmid pTV32. The temperature-sensitive replication property of pTV32 was maintained in B. pumilus. Tn917 was transposed efficiently in B. pumilus with 4.8 x 10(-4) transposition rate. The yield of auxotrophs was about 0.65% in all insertional mutants. It indicated a prospects for the use of Tn917 as a tool for insertional mutagenesis and genetic manipulation in B. pumilus.  相似文献   

As part of an effort to develop systems for genetic analysis of strains of Bacillus pumilus which are being used as a microbial hay preservative, we introduced the conjugative Enterococcus faecalis transposon Tn916 into B. pumilus ATCC 1 and two naturally occurring hay isolates of B. pumilus. B. pumilus transconjugants resistant to tetracycline were detected at a frequency of approximately 6.5 x 10(-7) per recipient after filter mating with E. faecalis CG110. Southern hybridization confirmed the insertion of Tn916 into several different sites in the B. pumilus chromosome. Transfer of Tn916 also was observed between strains of B. pumilus in filter matings, and one donor strain transferred tetracycline resistance to recipients in broth matings at high frequency (up to 3.4 x 10(-5) per recipient). Transfer from this donor strain in broth matings was DNase-resistant and was not mediated by culture filtrates. Transconjugants from these broth matings contained derivatives of a cryptic plasmid (pMGD302, approx 60 kb) from the donor strain with Tn916 inserted at various sites. The plasmids containing Tn916 insertions transferred to a B. pumilus recipient strain at frequencies of approx 5 x 10(-6) per recipient. This evidence suggests that pMGD302 can transfer by a process resembling conjugation between strains of B. pumilus.  相似文献   

Some Properties of the PBP1 Transduction System in Bacillus pumilus   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Bacteriophage PBP1 is a flagella-specific virus that performs generalized transduction in strains of Bacillus pumilus. PBP1 is morphologically and serologically distinct from two other flagella-specific phages, PBS1 and SP-15, which perform generalized transduction in certain Bacillus species. The DNA extracted from PBP1 particles has a buoyant density of 1.690 g/cm(3) in cesium chloride gradients, a melting temperature of 86.1 C, and a sedimentation velocity of 47S in neutral sucrose gradients. Assuming the molecule is a linear duplex, PBP1 DNA has a molecular weight of approximately 76 x 10(6). In two strains of B. pumilus which are sensitive to both PBP1 and PBS1, co-transducible genetic markers are more tightly linked by PBS1 transduction than by PBP1 transduction. The size of the fragment of bacterial DNA carried by PBP1-transducing particles, inferred from transduction studies and sedimentation analysis of viral DNA, suggests that PBP1 may be useful for genetic studies of extrachromosomal DNA elements present in two strains of B. pumilus. Genetic exchange of chromosomally located genes between the plasmid(+) and plasmid(-)B. pumilus strains NRS 576 and NRRL B-3275 has been demonstrated by PBP1 transduction.  相似文献   

Selective plasmid transduction in Bacillus pumilus.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The inducible temperate bacteriophage phi75 and a clear-plaque-forming variant, phi75C1, mediated transduction of a 4.4 X 10(6)-dalton multicopy Bacillus pumilus plasmid, pPL10, at frequencies of 10(-5) to 10(-6) transductants per plaque-forming unit. phi75- and phi75C1-mediated transduction of several chromosome markers tested did not occur at a detectable frequency. phi75-mediated plasmid transducing activity resides in particles that are similar to infectious particles in sedimentation velocity and buoyant density.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage PBS1 mediates generalized transduction in Bacillus pumilus NRRL B-3275 (BpB1). Transduction frequencies for single auxotrophic markers are of the order of 10(-4) transductants per plaque-forming unit in crude phage lysates. The characteristics of PBS1 propagated on BpB1 and the properties of the system of transduction are similar to those reported for PBS1 propagated on Bacillus subtilis. By transduction, eight amino acid auxotrophic markers in BpB1 have been oriented into two linkage groups. One group contains the auxotrophic markers arginine A, leucine, and phenylalanine, and the other group contains the markers lysine, serine, tryptophan, isoleucine-valine, and isoleucine. The nature and relative order of the markers within each linkage group suggest that the arrangement of genes in these areas of the chromosome of BpB1 is similar to the arrangement of phenotypically comparable genes in two linkage groups (defined by PBS1 transduction) in B. subtilis. However, transduction of any of the above cited markers in BpB1 to prototrophy with PBS1 propagated on B. subtilis 168 could not be demonstrated. In addition to BpB1, seven other strains of B. pumilus can be infected with PBS1. Transduction has been demonstrated in three of these strains.  相似文献   

Broth cultures of Bacillus pumilus NRRL B-3275 (BpB1) grown at 25, 30, or 37 C contain 1 to 2% spontaneous auxotrophic mutants in both the exponential and stationary phases of growth. Of 70 such mutants isolated from cultures grown at 37 C, approximately two-thirds reverted at such a high frequency as to preclude their study. Of the remaining 22 mutants, 18 required a single amino acid, 1 required adenine, and 1 required uracil. Two of the auxotrophs each required two unrelated amino acids resulting from two independent mutations. All of the mutations reverted spontaneously. Enhanced reversion of approximately one-third of the mutations was obtained with nitrosoguanidine, ethyl methane sulfonate, or diethyl sulfate, or with more than one of these mutagens. The reversion of one mutation was enhanced by 2-aminopurine. The reversion of the remaining mutations was not enhanced by the above mutagens, nor by mutagens known to induce (and revert) frameshift mutations in other bacterial systems. Nine of 10 mutants examined did not show a selective growth advantage over the parents. All but three of the mutations could be linked by PBS1 transduction to one of the previously described auxotrophic markers in strain BpB1. No evidence was obtained for clustering of the mutations on the BpB1 genome. Six of the mutations conferred a requirement for serine. One linked by transduction to trp-2, three linked to argA1, and two (ser-2, -3) linked to argO1. Pigmented mutants (containing a carotenoid-like pigment), which occur spontaneously in BpB1 cultures at a frequency on the order of 1 to 5 mutants per 10(4) cells, link by transduction to ser-2, -3. Spontaneous mutants of strain BpB1 resistant to rifampin, streptomycin, erythromycin, 5-fluorouracil, or 5-methyltryptophan occur at a frequency similar to that of strains of B. pumilus which do not exhibit a high rate of spontaneous mutation to auxotrophy. It is suggested that certain sites or regions of the BpB1 genome exhibit a high rate of spontaneous mutation.  相似文献   

猪生长激素cDNA在芽孢杆菌中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用随机克隆的枯草杆菌启动子-信号序列构建茅孢杆菌分泌载体pUS186。用限制酶将切除了信号序列的猪生长激素cDNA从质粒pLY3-PGH 604切下,亚克隆至pUS186,并在该cDNA的下游接上地衣杆菌α-淀粉酶基因的转录终止子,构建猪生长激素表达质粒pSGH 1864,将此质粒转化蛋白酶双缺陷的枯草杆菌DB104及短小茅孢杆菌289。SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检出在发酵上清液中多出一条22kD的蛋白带,抗猪生长激素血清免疫印迹法证明这一蛋白带具有免疫活性,表明猪生长激素cDNA已在枯草杆菌及短小茅抱杆菌中表达。  相似文献   

Biological control is an efficient and environmentally friendly way to prevent damping-off disease. Micrographs were used to investigate the ability of Bacillus pumilus (B. pumilus) SQR-N43 to control Rhizoctonia solani (R. solani) Q1 in cucumbers. The root colonization ability of B. pumilus SQR-N43 was analyzed in vivo with a green fluorescent protein (GFP) tag. A pot experiment was performed to assess the in vivo disease-control efficiency of B. pumilus SQR-N43 and its bio-organic fertilizer. Results indicate that B. pumilus SQR-N43 induced hyphal deformation, enlargement of cytoplasmic vacuoles and cytoplasmic leakage in R. solani Q1 mycelia. A biofilm on the root surface was formed when the roots were inoculated with 10(7)-10(8)cells g(-1) of soil of GFP-tagged B. pumilus SQR-N43. In the pot experiment, the biocontrol reduced the concentration of R. solani. In contrast to applications of only B. pumilus SQR-N43 (N treatment), which produced control efficiencies of 23%, control efficiencies of 68% were obtained with applications of a fermented organic fertilizer inoculated with B. pumilus SQR-N43 (BIO treatment). After twenty days of incubation, significant differences in the number of CFUs and the percentage of spores of B. pumilus SQR-N43 were recorded between the N treatment (2.20×10(7)CFU g(-1) of soil and 79%, respectively) and the BIO treatment (1.67×10(8)CFU g(-1) of soil and 52%, respectively). The results indicate that B. pumilus SQR-N43 is a potent antagonist against R. solani Q1. The BIO treatment was more effective than the N treatment because it stabilized the population and increased the active form of the antagonist.  相似文献   

Plasmid pSL103 was previously constructed by cloning a Trp fragment (approximately 2.3 X 10(6) daltons) from restriction endonuclease EcoRI-digested chromosome DNA of Bacillus pumilus using the neomycin-resistance plasmid pUB110 (approximately 2.8 X 10(6) daltons) as vector and B. subtilis as transformation recipient. In the present study the EcoRI Trp fragment from pSL103 was transferred in vitro to EcoRI fragments of the Bacillus plasmid pPL576 to determine the ability of the plasmid fragments to replicate in B. subtilis. Endonuclease EcoRI digestion of pPL576 (approximately 28 X 10(6) daltons) generated three fragments having molecular weights of about 13 X 13(6) (the A fragment), 9.5 X 10(6) (B fragment, and 6.5 X 10(6) (C fragment). Trp derivatives of pPL576 fragments capable of autonomous replication in B. subtilis contained the B fragment (e.g., pSL107) or both the B and C fragments (e.g., pSL108). Accordingly, the B fragment of pPL576 contains information essential for autonomous replication. pSL107 and pSL108 are compatible with pUB110. Constructed derivatives of the compatible plasmids pPL576 and pUB110, harboring genetically distinguishable EcoRI-generated Trp fragments cloned from the DNA of a B. pumilus strain, exhibited relatively high frequency recombination for a trpC marker when the plasmid pairs were present in a recombination-proficient strain of B. subtilis. No recombination was detected when the host carried the chromosome mutation recE4. Therefore, the recE4 mutation suppresses recombination between compatible plasmids that contain homologous segments.  相似文献   

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