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【目的】研究中华蜜蜂囊状幼虫病毒(Chinese sacbrood virus, CSBV)VP1蛋白的分子进化特征及遗传多样性。【方法】利用RT-PCR方法,克隆了8株CSBV北京分离株VP1蛋白的基因编码区。【结果】序列分析表明,VP1蛋白基因编码区开放阅读框长945 bp,编码315个氨基酸,推测编码蛋白的相对分子量和等电点分别为35.42 kDa和9.23,具有亲水性和免疫原性。序列同源性分析表明,不同年份CSBV北京分离株VP1蛋白氨基酸序列间差异较小,仅个别氨基酸存在差异。北京分离株与辽宁分离株及越南分离株VP1核苷酸序列一致性达93%,与印度及韩国分离株VP1核苷酸序列一致性达92%,与英国分离株VP1核苷酸序列一致性最低,为88%。序列分析同时表明,CSBV北京分离株VP1蛋白序列存在特有的序列特征,同其他地区分离株比较,北京分离株VP1蛋白序列中存在着氨基酸的插入突变。序列替换率分析表明,亚洲型分离株间序列替换率低于亚洲分离株与欧洲分离株间的替换率。构建原核表达载体pEASY-E1-VP1,经IPTG诱导,CSBV VP1蛋白在大肠杆菌Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)pLysS菌株中表达。【结论】本研究提示CSBV不同分离株基因序列存在变异,结果为进一步研究CSBV致病性分化的分子机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

【背景】猪肺炎支原体是猪的一种重要的病原。该菌的研究工具较少,特别是缺少开展其致病机制研究需要的抗体。【目的】制备猪肺炎支原体Mhp366-N蛋白抗体并确定其应用范围和使用时的最佳稀释倍数。【方法】Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)-pET28a(+)-mhp366-N重组菌诱导表达Mhp366-N蛋白并纯化。纯化的蛋白免疫小鼠制备多克隆抗体。用免疫印迹和免疫荧光方法检测猪肺炎支原体AH株感染3D4/21细胞后的Mhp366蛋白,确定2种方法中Mhp366-N多克隆抗体的最佳稀释倍数;之后检测临床采集的猪肺泡巨噬细胞中的猪肺炎支原体;最后以免疫组化试验检测猪肺炎支原体感染的肺细胞。【结果】纯化的Mhp366-N蛋白纯度超过85%,免疫小鼠制备的抗血清效价在1:128 000-1:512 000之间。在免疫印迹试验中Mhp366-N多克隆抗体的最佳工作浓度为1:100 000稀释,免疫荧光试验中Mhp366-N多克隆抗体的工作浓度范围在1:1 000-1:10 000 000,其可用于临床采集的猪肺泡巨噬细胞和细胞系中猪肺炎支原体的检测。免疫组化试验结果显示猪肺炎支原体能够进入猪肺泡巨噬细胞、Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞。【结论】制备的Mhp366-N多克隆抗体为猪肺炎支原体致病机制研究提供了良好的研究工具。  相似文献   

【目的】为深入研究红斑丹毒丝菌的免疫保护性抗原及其致病机制,采用免疫蛋白组学技术鉴定红斑丹毒丝菌的免疫原性蛋白。【方法】通过SDS-PAGE电泳分离红斑丹毒丝菌C43065株的NaOH提取抗原,用兔抗NaOH提取抗原抗血清经Western blot检测免疫原性蛋白,通过MALDI-TOF质谱技术鉴定蛋白种类,并对部分免疫原性蛋白的编码基因进行克隆和测序。【结果】通过MALDI-TOF质谱技术从C43065株NaOH提取抗原中鉴定出9个免疫原性蛋白,分别为Spa A、伴侣蛋白GroEL、烯醇化酶、ATP结合盒转运蛋白、丙酮酸脱氢酶复合物E1、甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶、果糖二磷酸醛缩酶、50S核糖体蛋白L1、30S核糖体蛋白S4。其中烯醇化酶、ATP结合盒转运蛋白、甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶和果糖二磷酸醛缩酶已被证实与链球菌、牙龈卟啉单胞菌、脑膜炎奈瑟菌和结核分枝杆菌的致病性相关。C43065株伴侣蛋白GroEL、烯醇化酶、ATP结合盒转运蛋白、丙酮酸脱氢酶复合物E1、甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶和果糖二磷酸醛缩酶编码基因大小分别为1614、1296、1260、1005和867 bp,与已公布的红斑丹毒丝菌Fujisawa株相应基因的相似度高达98%。【结论】本文所鉴定的9个免疫原性蛋白,为进一步开展红斑丹毒丝菌保护性抗原及其致病机制研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

【背景】人源诺如病毒是急性胃肠炎暴发的主要原因,GII.4是过去几十年的主要流行基因型。2014/2015年出现的GII.17型变异株是中国首例导致大规模暴发的非GII.4流行株。通过对来自华南地区的诺如病毒GII.17型毒株的完整基因组序列进行分析,证实了该GII.17型突变株与先前确定的GII型变异株不同。【目的】制备广州地区GII.17型诺如病毒GZ-L343的病毒样颗粒,并系统表征其免疫原性及功能特性。【方法】借助杆状病毒表达系统制备GII.17-GZ-L343的病毒样颗粒,并通过氯化铯梯度超速离心对其进行纯化,制备抗血清并对其免疫功能进行评价。【结果】聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和蛋白质免疫印迹结果表明所得蛋白分子量大小约为58kDa;透射电镜结果表明病毒样颗粒直径约为30nm;酶联免疫吸附测定结果显示该病毒样颗粒具有较好的免疫原性;唾液组织血型抗原的体外受体结合测定表明,该病毒样颗粒与部分A型、B型、O型及AB型分泌及非分泌血型样本存在阳性结合;效价测定结果表明免疫所得血清效价在104以上;交叉反应结果表明该抗血清与异型病毒样颗粒不存在交叉反应。此外,体外阻断结果表明,该抗血清仅能阻...  相似文献   

【目的】利用大肠杆菌系统表达并纯化结核分枝杆菌MPT83蛋白,通过小鼠模型评价其免疫原性,建立血清学间接ELISA方法用于牛结核病临床检测,评价其应用潜能。【方法】构建p ET30a(+)-mpt83重组质粒,转化BL21(DE3)诱导表达并纯化,经细胞表面分子的流式细胞术(Flow Cytometry,FCM)分析、ELISPOT试验等分析其在小鼠中的免疫原性,建立间接ELISA方法,检测临床奶牛血样,评价其用于牛结核病血清学检测的潜能。【结果】SDS-PAGE显示目的蛋白成功表达,Western blot证实其对兔抗H37Rv多抗血清具有良好免疫反应性;FCM结果显示其下调树突状细胞表面CD80分子的表达,上调小鼠脾脏CD4+和CD8+T细胞表面CD69的表达,ELISPOT结果表明其诱导的特异性IL-4分泌细胞数显著高于IFN-γ分泌细胞数,表现为Th2型免疫应答;建立了ELISA方法,检测临床奶牛血样200份,与牛结核外周血γ-干扰素体外释放试验结果的阳性符合率和阴性符合率分别为48.6%和90%。【结论】在大肠杆菌系统中高效可溶性表达MPT83蛋白,其在小鼠模型中主要呈现Th2型免疫应答,并以该蛋白为抗原建立了牛结核病血清学检测的间接ELISA方法。  相似文献   

【目的】家蚕微孢子虫Nosema bombycis ADP/ATP转运蛋白可能参与搬运宿主细胞的能量。本研究克隆家蚕微孢子虫ADP/ATP转运蛋白基因,并进行原核表达、抗体制备及间接免疫荧光定位,为控制和防治家蚕微粒子病提供理论基础。【方法】通过同源序列比对鉴定家蚕微孢子虫N. bombycis ADP/ATP转运蛋白序列,采用生物合成的方法将编码3段面向膜内侧肽段的核酸序列拼接合成,在其两端引入BglⅡ和SalⅠ酶切位点,克隆至pUC57载体并测序,再亚克隆至含有二氢叶酸还原酶(dihydrofolate reductase,DHFR)标签的表达载体pQE40中,然后利用BamHⅠ和SalⅠ酶切获得含有DHFR标签的重组序列,并连接至pET30a(+)载体中进行诱导表达。通过SDS-PAGE、镍柱亲和层析和免疫印迹法鉴定表达蛋白,利用间接免疫荧光对ADP/ATP转运蛋白的分布进行检测。【结果】家蚕微孢子虫的ADP/ATP转运蛋白编码序列(GenBank登录号为EOB13854.1)全长1 524 bp,编码蛋白含有507个氨基酸残基,预测分子质量为59 kDa,等电点为9.35。具有12个跨膜结构域和TLC结构域,其中TLC结构域含有4个功能保守位点。与蜜蜂微孢子虫的ADP/ATP转运蛋白比较,氨基酸序列一致性达30%。系统进化分析表明微孢子虫ADP/ATP转运蛋白聚为一类,具有共同的起源。成功构建了NbADP/ATP-△TM-DHFR-pET30a原核表达重组质粒,目的基因获得表达,其融合蛋白分子量约为37 kDa,纯化重组蛋白并制备了多克隆抗体。免疫印迹分析表明,成熟微孢子虫中表达ADP/ATP转运蛋白;间接免疫荧光定位结果显示,家蚕微孢子虫孢子ADP/ATP转运蛋白定位于孢子质膜上。【结论】本研究将为阻断微孢子虫能量来源,达到控制和防治家蚕微粒子病提供新的思路。  相似文献   

【背景】课题组前期研究发现猪肺炎支原体Mhp367蛋白是体液免疫显性蛋白,但该蛋白不同区段与猪肺炎支原体恢复期血清的反应能力尚不明确。【目的】鉴定Mhp367蛋白不同区段与猪肺炎支原体恢复期血清的反应能力。【方法】利用不同的引物组合扩增mhp367基因片段,扩增的片段连接pGEX-6P-1、pGEX-4T-3或pGEX-5X-3载体,转化大肠杆菌DH5α感受态细胞。提取的质粒经Bam H I和Xho I双酶切及测序确定重组质粒是否构建成功。正确的重组质粒转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)感受态细胞构建重组菌。重组菌经IPTG诱导和超声破菌后,经与谷胱甘肽beads结合和SDS-PAGE电泳检测目的蛋白表达情况。表达目的蛋白的重组菌破菌后上清包被谷胱甘肽板,ELISA方法鉴定Mhp367蛋白不同区段与猪肺炎支原体恢复期血清的反应能力。【结果】构建了9个能以可溶形式表达目的蛋白的重组菌;9个Mhp367蛋白片段均为体液免疫显性,第394-524位氨基酸区段与猪肺炎支原体恢复期血清反应最强,是一个良好的疫苗候选抗原区段。【结论】本研究为猪肺炎支原体基因工程亚单位疫苗的研发提供了候选抗原靶标。  相似文献   

广东地区嗜肺军团菌的扩增片段长度多态性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】了解广东部分地区2002~2007年环境水中嗜肺军团菌的基因型及遗传学关系。【方法】参考欧洲军团菌感染工作组(the European Working Group for Legionella Infections, EWGLI)制定的分型草案(1.2版),采用PstⅠ酶对我室保存的2株标准菌株及41株不同时间、不同地点的嗜肺军团菌环境分离株进行扩增片段长度多态性(amplified fragment length polymorphism, AFLP)分析,电泳图谱与EWGLI进行比对。【结果】AFLP分型结果稳定,重复性好;43株嗜肺军团菌,其不同来源菌株呈现多态性分布,经AFLP分析得到33个基因型,辨别力指数为99.79%,其中Kingmed AFLP 011为优势基因型。按Dice系数≥0.8,可分为18个群,Kingmed AFLP D群为优势群,占总菌株数的34.88%。由电泳图谱的相似性,初步推断存在EWGLI 001 Lugano型、002 Lugano、012 Rome、013 London、014 London型、015 Dresden型、021 Lyon等7个基因型,以及多个未报道的新基因型。【结论】广东地区嗜肺军团菌的基因型十分丰富,AFLP技术是其分子流行病学研究的有效手段。  相似文献   

【目的】构建表达猪肺炎支原体免疫原性基因的重组猪霍乱沙门氏菌,对重组菌株的生物学特性以及对小鼠的免疫原性进行研究。【方法】分别将猪肺炎支原体的免疫原性基因p36、p46、p65和p97R1-Nrdf克隆到pYA3493,得到重组质粒pYA-36、pYA-46、pYA-65和pYA-97R1-Nrdf。重组质粒和空质粒pYA3493分别电转asd基因缺失株C500ˉ,获得重组菌株C36(pYA-36)、C46(pYA-46)、C65(pYA-65)、C97R1-Nrdf(pYA-97R1-Nrdf)和空质粒菌株CpYA(pYA3493)。研究重组菌株的生物学特性,并以小鼠为动物模型评价重组菌株在口服、肌注两种不同免疫途径下的免疫原性。【结果】成功构建表达猪肺炎支原体免疫原性基因的重组猪霍乱沙门氏菌,重组菌株能表达外源蛋白,生化和生长特性未发生改变,插入的外源基因亦稳定存在。小鼠的免疫原性结果显示:口服C36+C46+C65+C97R1-Nrdf组的猪肺炎支原体抗体极显著高于口服C36+C46+C65组和肌注商品疫苗组(P<0.01),但与肌注C36+C46+C65组无显著性差异(P>0.05);IFN-γ为肌注C36+C46+C65组显著高于肌注商品疫苗组(P<0.05),而与口服C36+C46+C65或C36+C46+C65+C97R1-Nrdf组差异均不显著(P>0.05);IL-4水平为口服C36+C46+C65组>口服C36+C46+C65+C97R1-Nrdf组>肌注商品疫苗组>肌注C36+C46+C65组,但各组之间差异均不显著(P>0.05)。对照组的猪肺炎支原体抗体、IFN-γ以及IL-4均与试验组差异极显著(P<0.01)。【结论】构建的表达猪肺炎支原体免疫原性基因的重组猪霍乱沙门氏菌,采用肌注免疫时具有较好的免疫原性,有望发展为猪肺炎支原体的基因工程疫苗。  相似文献   

【目的】针对肺炎支原体新型p1基因型(V2c型)菌株检测工作的需要,建立相应PCR检测方法并进行评价。【方法】针对新型V2c型肺炎支原体菌株p1基因变异区域序列设计特异性扩增引物,建立对V2c型肺炎支原体菌株进行PCR检测的检测方法并用相关基因测序进行验证。使用所建立的巢式多重PCR对北京地区2008-2011年分离到的214株临床肺炎支原体进行分型分析。【结果】特异引物可有效检测出V2c菌株,在其它型别菌株均无阳性扩增。214株肺炎支原体临床分离株中1型菌株占90.2%(193/214),V2a型菌株占0.9%(2/214),V2c型菌株占8.9%(19/214);未检出2型菌株。【结论】针对V2c型肺炎支原体所建立的基于p1基因的PCR检测方法,能有效区分以往方法无法检测出的新型V2c型肺炎支原体菌株,对开展肺炎支原体流行病学调查和病原分析有重要意义。  相似文献   

Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae, a bacterial species that specifically affects ovine and goat, is the cause of ovine infectious pleuropneumonia. We cloned, sequenced and analyzed heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) (dnaK) gene of M. ovipneumoniae. The full length open reading frame of the M. ovipneumoniae HSP70 gene consists of 1812 nucleotides, with a G+C content of 34.16%, encoding 604 amino acids. Comparative analysis with the HSP70 sequences of 15 Mycoplasma species revealed 59 to 87% DNA sequence identity, with an amino acid sequence identity range of 58 to 94%. M. ovipneumoniae and M. hyopneumoniae shared the highest DNA and amino acid sequence identity (87 and 94%, respectively). Based on phylogenetic analysis, both the DNA and amino acid identities of M. ovipneumoniae with other mycoplasmal HSP70 were correlated with the degree of relationship between the species. The C-terminus of the HSP70 was cloned into a bacterial expression vector and expressed in Escherichia coli cells. The recombinant C-terminal portion of HSP70 protein strongly reacted with convalescent sera from M. ovipneumoniae-infected sheep, based on an immunoblotting assay. This indicates that HSP70 is immunogenic in a natural M. ovipneumoniae infection and may be a relevant antigen for vaccine development.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma species are of interest as possible primary pathogens in the pneumonia complex of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Previous investigations have not commonly detected low frequencies of Mycoplasma spp. from free-ranging bighorn sheep, possibly due to the fastidious and slow growth of these organisms. We developed a culture protocol that employed an average initial 3-day enrichment culture in liquid Hayflick broth in a CO(2)-enhanced atmosphere. The broth was plated to solid Hayflick medium and the cultures observed for growth for up to 30 days. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed on DNA isolated from the enrichment broth and on isolates obtained from culture using Mycoplasma genus-specific PCR assays and species-specific PCR assays for M. arginini and M. ovipneumoniae. Some cultures that grew on Hayflick plates were picked as single colonies but were mixed because two organisms may grow together and appear as a single colony. Culture and PCR tests produced similar results for M. arginini, but for M. ovipneumoniae, culture alone was less accurate than PCR. Use of genus-specific primers also may allow detection of other species in samples negative for M. arginini and M. ovipneumoniae. Two methods of transport from field to laboratory (Port-a-Cul? tubes, cryoprotectant in liquid N(2) and Fisher Transport System) gave similar results under our study conditions.  相似文献   

In late spring of 1986, 10 of 23 Dall's sheep (Ovis dalli dalli) at the Metropolitan Toronto Zoo were moved to a new exhibit, where all developed severe respiratory signs refractory to anthelmintic and antibiotic therapy. In July, two animals died with chronic active bronch-pneumonia, and a third was euthanized because of pneumonia several months later. Bacteria were not isolated from the lungs of the first, steptococci and Pasteurella hemolytica were isolated from the other two, respectively; Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae was isolated from both. Pulmonary lesions in all three sheep were consistent with Mycoplasma sp. infection. Nasal swabs of the remaining animals yielded no consistent bacterial isolates; however, four of eight sheep were positive for M. ovipneumoniae. Viral cultures yielded an as yet unidentified herpesvirus. Sheep in the original and new herds had no serologic titers to parainfluenza-3, equine viral rhinopneumonitis, or infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, and had variable titers against bovine respiratory syncytial virus. No titers against M. ovipneumoniae were present in 13 sheep still in the original exhibit, but titers varied from 1:32 to 1:256 in eight pneumonic sheep. Sera taken from three sheep before or early in the outbreak were all negative for antibody to M. ovipneumoniae. Two of the affected Dall's sheep had been in contact with domestic sheep in the winter of 1985-1986, and M. ovipneumoniae was subsequently cultured from the domestic flock. Exposure to a new pathogen, and environmental and social stress in a new exhibit may have resulted in this severe disease in Dall's sheep.  相似文献   

A microbiological study of the mycoplasma flora in the respiratory tracts of cattle and goats in selected regions of Tanzania is described. In the examination of cattle, mycoplasmas were isolated from 60 (17.8%) of the 338 examined lung samples, 8 (47.1%) of the 17 lymph nodes, 4 (13.3%) of the 30 pleural fluid samples and 4 (3.9%) of the 103 nasal swabs examined. All the isolates were identified as Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides, Small Colony type except for one isolate from pleural fluid which was identified as Mycoplasma arginini. M. mycoides subsp. mycoides, Small Colony type was isolated from samples originating from Dodoma, Iringa, Mbeya, Morogoro and Shinyanga regions where outbreaks of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia had been reported. In the examination of goats, mycoplasmas were isolated from 54 (34.0%) of the 159 examined lung samples, 41 (18.1%) of the 226 nasal swabs and 4 (40.0%) of the 10 pleural fluid samples. The species demonstrated were Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae, M. mycoides subsp. mycoides, Small Colony type Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and M. Capricolum subsp. arginini. The isolation of M. capripneumoniae in the Coast and Morogoro regions confirmed the presence of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia in the regions.  相似文献   

Downy mildew, caused by Sclerospora graminicola, is an economically important disease of pearl millet in the semiarid regions of Asia and Africa. Amplified restriction fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to detect the extent of genomic variation among 19 fungal isolates from different cultivars of pearl millet grown in various regions of India. Fourteen AFLP primer combinations produced 184 polymorphic bands. An unweighted pair-group method of averages cluster analysis represented by dendrogram and principal coordinate analysis separated the mildew collections into four distinct groups. Isolates having characteristic opposite mating abilities, geographic relatedness, virulence, common host cultivars, and changes through asexual generations reflected heterogeneity of the pathogen. The use of AFLP to detect genetic variation is particularly important in selecting mildew isolates to screen breeding material for identification of resistant millet and monitoring changes in S. graminicola in relation to changes in host for effective disease management.  相似文献   

D2 dopamine-like receptors have been purified from five bovine brain regions (caudate nucleus, putamen, olfactory tubercle, frontal cortex, cerebellum) and the anterior and neurointermediate lobes of the pituitary gland using a combined ligand-affinity and lectin-affinity chromatography procedure. In all the brain regions except cerebellum and in the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary gland the purified species appeared as a M(r) 95,000 doublet on SDS-PAGE. In the anterior lobe of the pituitary an additional M(r) 142,000-145,000 species was seen. The M(r) 95,000 species had a low affinity for the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) whereas the M(r) 142,000-145,000 species had a higher affinity for WGA and additionally showed some affinity for concanavalin A. It is concluded that both the M(r) 95,000 and 142,000-145,000 species are D2 dopamine-like receptors and that the differences between the species are mainly at the oligosaccharide level. Some evidence was also obtained for heterogeneity at the protein level which may correspond to the D2(short) and D2(long) isoforms of these receptors.  相似文献   

Alcohol metabolism by Acholeplasma and Mycoplasma cell suspensions was determined using changes in dissolved oxygen tension to monitor oxygen uptake. All seven Acholeplasma test species oxidised ethanol and (where tested) propanol, butanol and pentanol. The rate of oxidation, at any particular substrate concentration, decreased with increasing alcohol molecular mass. Amongst 20 Mycoplasma species tested, M. agalactiae, M. bovis, M. dispar, M. gallisepticum, M. pneumoniae and M. ovipneumoniae oxidised ethanol. Propanol was also oxidised by M. dispar and isopropanol by M. agalactiae, M. bovis and M. ovipneumoniae. Isopropanol was oxidised at particularly high rates (V(max)100 nmol O(2) taken up min(-1) mg cell protein(-1)) and with a relatively high affinity (K(m) value<2 mM); oxygen uptake was consistent with oxidation to acetone. The significance of alcohol oxidation is unclear, as it would not be predicted to lead to ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships among 50 fruiting-mei (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc.) cultivars from China and Japan were investigated, using 767 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and 103 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. The polymorphism among the cultivars was found to be 69.77%, based on EcoR I + Mse I AFLP primer pairs. The sequence alignment of 11 group sequences, derived from 50 samples, yielded 103 SNPs; the total length of genomic sequences was 3683 bp. Among these SNPs, 73 were heterozygous in the loci of different cultivars. The SNP distribution was 58% transition, 40% transversion, and 2% InDels. There was also 1 trinucleotide deletion. AFLP and SNP markers allowed us to evaluate the genetic diversity of these 50 fruiting-mei cultivars. The 2 derived cladograms did display some differences: all cultivars formed 2 subclusters (1A and 1B) in the cladogram based on AFLP polymorphisms, and formed 3 subclusters (2A, 2B, and 2C) in the cladogram based on SNP polymorphisms; and, in the cladogram based on AFLP polymorphisms, most cultivars from the Guangdong to Fujian provinces (G-F) in China, from the Yunnan, Hunan, and Sichuan provinces (Y-S-H) in China, and from Japan grouped in cluster 1A, and 18 (78.26%) of 23 cultivars from Jiangsu to Zhejiang provinces in China (J-Z) grouped in cluster 1B. The results demonstrate that mei cultivars from Japan are clustered with cultivars from China, and support the hypothesis that mei in Japan were introduced from China. Cultivars from the J-Z region of China have more genetic similarities. Cultivars from the G-F and Y-S-H regions have fewer genetic similarities and suggest more germplasm exchanges in the past.  相似文献   

中国马铃薯晚疫病菌AFLP遗传多样性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用AFLP分子标记检测了我国部分马铃薯主要产区马铃薯晚疫病菌的遗传多样性及不同地区菌株间的亲缘关系。在200对引物组合中,利用6个菌株筛选出12对多态性好、带型清晰的引物组合。利用这12对引物组合对1997-2002年间采自我国黑龙江、河北、四川和云南4省的50株菌株进行了PCR扩增,共扩增出922条谱带,其中多态性标记530条,占57.5%。利用NTSYSpc软件中UPGMA算法构建了我国马铃薯晚疫病菌的亲缘关系树状图,聚类分析结果表明我国马铃薯晚疫病菌的遗传多样性与病原菌的地理来源有一定的相关性,而与交配型、生理小种和对甲霜灵的抗性无明显的相关性。用POPGENE软件计算了各群体间的遗传多样性参数,结果表明我国马铃薯晚疫病菌的遗传多样性程度不高,不同地区种群间分化不明显。  相似文献   

Ernø  H.  Al-Aubaidi  J.M.  Ojo  M.O.  Minga  U.M.  Sikdar  A. 《Acta veterinaria Scandinavica》1978,19(3):392-406
The purpose of this investigation was to give a survey of the classification of ovine/caprine mycoplasmas as a basis for the identification of strains isolated from sheep and goats. A total of 13 strains representing 13 species and/or serogroups were biochemically examined, and serological cross-titrations were performed using metabolism inhibition, growth inhibition and immunofluorescence. Serogroup 6 (Al-Aubaidi) was found to be identical with Mycoplasma capricolum. The results of identification of 57 isolates, sent to the reference centre from different countries, are given. On the basis of the above investigations and a comparison of some of the classification systems described in the literature, it is concluded that the following species have been isolated from goats and/or sheep: M. agalactiae, M. arginini, M. bovis, M. capricolum, M. conjunctivae, M. mycoides subsp. capri, M. mycoides subsp. mycoides, M. ovipneumoniae, M. putrefaciens, Acholeplasma granularum, A. laidlawii and A. oculi. In addition, both Ureaplasmas and strains representing 6 serogroups (groups 5, 7, 10 and 11 of Al-Aubaidi and groups 17 and 18 of Cottew) have been isolated. These serogroups ought to be finally species-classified as soon as possible. kw|Keywords|k]ovine/caprine mycoplasmas; k]classification; k]identification  相似文献   

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