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新疆多年生小麦族植物染色体数的观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
孙根楼  颜济  杨俊良   《广西植物》1990,10(2):143-148
本文对1987年采集于新疆的多年生小麦族(Triticeae Dum. )属种进行了细胞学观察。该地区多年生小麦族各属种的染色体数目变化范围是从2n=14到2n=84,前者主要存在于大麦属(Hordeum)、新麦草属(Psathyrostachys),而后者全部集中于赖草属(Leymus).其中染色体数目为2n=28和2n=42的频率最高,主要存在于鹅冠草属(Roegneria)和披碱草属(Elymus)。Roegneria gobicola, Roegneria kuqaensis, Roegneria tahelacona, Roegneria zhoasuensis的染色体数为首次报道。  相似文献   

普通小麦和新麦草属间杂种的产生及细胞遗传学研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
孙根楼  颜济 《遗传学报》1992,19(4):322-326
进行了普通小麦和华山新麦草属间杂交,运用杂种幼胚培养技术,首次成功地获得了它们的属间杂种。F_1形态趋于中间型,均完全不育。F_1花粉母细胞预期类型(2n=28)的减数分裂中期Ⅰ平均染色体配对构型为26.72Ⅰ+0.62Ⅱ+0.01Ⅲ,后期Ⅰ和后期Ⅱ有落后染色体,多分体具大量微核。结果表明普通小麦和华山新麦草的染色体组间不存在同源或部分同源性。还观察到花粉母细胞异常减数分裂现象。用普通小麦回交,未获得回交后代。  相似文献   

关莉  陆阳  刘璐  朱世新 《西北植物学报》2014,34(9):1771-1775
采用常规压片法研究了菊科(Compositae)假福王草属(Paraprenanthes Chang ex Shih)、翅果菊属(PterocypselaShih)和紫菊属(Notoseris Shih)3属5种植物的染色体数目及核型,其中林生假福王草(Paraprenanthes diversifolia)的核型为首次报道。结果表明,该5种植物的染色体数目均为2n=18,核型结果分别为林生假福王草2n=8m+10sm(2SAT);翅果菊(Pterocypsela indica)2n=4m+10sm+4st;光苞紫菊(Notoseris macilenta)2n=10m+8sm(2SC);三花紫菊(Notoseris triflora)2n=10m(2SAT)+8sm;南川紫菊(Notoseris porphyrolepis)2n=12m(2SC)+6sm;林生假福王草和紫菊属4个种的核型为"2A"型,翅果菊的核型为"3A"型。  相似文献   

Elymus与普通小麦属间杂种的细胞遗传学研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
卢宝荣 《遗传学报》1992,19(2):150-155
本研究以Elymus pendulinus(Nevski)Tzvelev(2n=4x=28,SSYY)、E.shandongenisis B.Salomon(2n=4x=28,SSYY)与普通小麦(Triticum aestivum L.:2n=6x=42,AABBDD)进行了属间远缘杂交。通过对杂种胚的离体培养,两个组合均产生了杂种F_1植株。杂种F_1为多年生,植株生长旺盛;形态上介于亲本种之间而兼具双亲的某些特征;穗状花序发育正常,但均完全不育。两个组合的根尖和花粉母细胞染色体数目为2n-5x=35。通过对杂种减数分裂染色体配对行为的分析,发现其MI染色体的配对水平很低,二价体均为棒状,每细胞的平均染色体交叉数在0.25-0.31之间。这表明E.pendulinus t E.shandongensis 所含的SY染色体组与普通小麦的ABD染色体之间的同源程度很低。由于在E.shandongeasis 及其它具有SY染色体组的Elymus 单倍体中,SY染色体组之间的部份同源染色体配对数均明显高于该杂种中的配对数,这表明存在于普通小麦中的ph基因及其它具类似作用的基因系统能抑制SY染色体组之间的部份同源染色体配对。  相似文献   

对横断山及邻近地区风毛菊属(Saussurea)、帚菊属(Pertya)和针苞菊属(Tricholepis)的8种菊科植物进行细胞学研究,其中异叶帚菊(Pertya berberidoides)(2n=2x=32=28m+4sm)、针苞菊(Trichole-pis furcata)(2n=2x=32=16m+ 16sm)、中甸风毛菊(Saussurea dschungdienensis)(2n=2x=30=30m+Bs)、丽江风毛菊(S.likiangensis)(2n 2x=32=26m+6sm)、倒齿风毛菊(S.retroserrata)(2n=2x=32=14m+18sm)和显梗风毛菊(S.peduncularis)(2n=2x=36=26m+ 10sm)为首次报道染色体数目和核型,长毛风毛菊(S.hieracioides)和三角叶风毛菊(S.deltoidea)的核型公式分别为:2n=4x=64=30m+34sm和2n=2x=34=22m+ 12sm,与前人报道的一致.8种植物中,除中甸风毛菊和异叶帚菊的核型不对称性为1B型外,其余6种的核型不对称性均属于2B型;在中甸风毛菊中首次发现B染色体.结合现有的细胞学资料分析表明,风毛菊属和帚菊木族的染色体数目存在变异,并且存在明显的非整倍性;此外,分布于横断山区的风毛菊属植物仪有两种倍性(二倍体和四倍体),而且多倍化并不占主导地位.  相似文献   

首次报道了华南地区兔儿风属(Ainsliaea DC.)(菊科-帚菊木族Asteraceae-Pertyeae)3种植物共4个居群的染色体数目和核型。其中长穗兔儿风(A.henryi Diels)的染色体数目为2n=24,核型公式为2n=16m+8sm;三脉兔儿风(A.trinervis Y.C.Tseng)的染色体数目为2n=26,核型公式为2n=16m+10sm;莲沱兔儿风(A.ramosa Hemsl.)2个居群的染色体数目均为2n=26,核型公式为2n=26=22m+4sm。所有居群的染色体由大到小逐渐变化,核型没有明显的二型性。这些结果表明兔儿风属植物确有x=12和x=13两个基数,其中x=13可能是该属的原始基数。  相似文献   

对小麦及其4种近缘属间禾草进行了长时间 (0.5~5.7年, 个别8.6年) 的愈伤组织培养,在继代过程中染色体数目的变异在染色体倍性低的簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa, 2n=2x=14)及新麦草(Psathyrostachys juncea, 2n=2x=14) 倾向于数目的增大;染色体倍性高的小麦 (Triticum aestivum, 2n=6x=42) 趋向于数目的减少;而倍性居中的羊草 (Leymus chinensis, 2n=4x=28) 既有增大也有减小;染色体倍性最高的高冰草 (Agropyron elongatum, 2n=6x=70) 最为稳定,但也有减少的趋向。愈伤组织的胚性主要与二倍体及亚二倍体的总水平相关。  相似文献   

2002年8月对陕西、宁夏部分地区分布的小麦族(Triticeae)植物进行了调查与收集,共收集小麦族植物6属、16种、145个居群,并对每一物种及其居群的分布区、生境、海拔、2n染色体数目等进行了分析。同时,对所收集材料的可利用性、调查收集的基本单元以及小麦族植物的保护进行了讨论。  相似文献   

获得了硬粒小麦(2n=6x=28、AABB)与中间偃麦草(2n=6x=42、NNE_1E_1E_2E_2)杂种F_1及回交后代材料。统计分析杂种F_1及回交一代PMC MI染色体配对构型,认为中间偃麦草具较远缘的同亲关系(distant homologous)染色体组。由三价体出现频率分析,中间偃麦草不含小麦的B染色体组,建议用NE_1E_2为其染色体组公式。根据回交一代及其自交后代染色体数目,分析了六倍体小偃麦这一人工新物种的形成过程。  相似文献   

紫苏属植物染色体数目和核型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对26份紫苏属材料进行染色体数目的观察,并对其1种(包括紫苏和白苏)及2变种材料各一份进行核型分析.结果显示,紫苏属植物染色体数均为2n=40,其核型公式分别为紫苏[P.frutescens(L.)Britton var.frutescens(zi-su)]2n=40=20m(2SAT) 10sm 10st;野生紫苏[P.frutescens var.purpurascens(Hayata)H.W.Li]2n=40=18m 14sm(2SAT) 8st;回回苏[P.frutescens var.crispa(Benth.)Deane ex Bailey]2n=40=10m(2SAT) 14sm 16st;白苏[P.frutescens(L.)Britton var.frutescens(bai-su)]2n=40-24m 12sm(2SAT) 4st.结果表明,紫苏属不同原(变)种植物的染色体数日相同,但在核型上存在一定的差异,其染色体核型为首次报道.  相似文献   

国产13种鸢尾属植物的核型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对中国产13种鸢尾属Iris植物进行了核型研究。其中中甸鸢尾I.subdichotoma、长葶鸢尾I.delavayi、大锐果鸢尾I.cuniculiformis为中国特有。大锐果鸢尾的染色体数目及核型为首次报道,核型公式为2n=22=4m 6sm 12st(2SAT)。长管鸢尾I.dolichosiphon的核型为首次报道,核型公式为2n=22=4m 12sm 6st。中甸鸢尾的染色体数目为新报道,核型公式为2n=42=20m 22sm。矮紫苞鸢尾I.ruthenicavar.nana的染色体数目为新报道,3个居群的染色体数目均为2n=42,核型公式分别为中甸居群2n=42=30m 12sm(2SAT),丽江甘海子居群2n=42=28m 14sm(2SAT),中甸尼西居群2n=42=36m 6sm(4SAT)。结合以往的细胞学研究结果,显示尼泊尔鸢尾亚属subgen.Nepalensis是一个染色体数目变化较大的类群,其中的中甸鸢尾可能是联系野鸢尾属Pardanthopsis与尼泊尔鸢尾亚属的重要类群。已报道的紫苞鸢尾I.ruthenica染色体数目为2n=84,与我们所研究的变种矮紫苞鸢尾(2n=42)呈倍性关系,通过与相邻类群的分析比较,认为紫苞鸢尾应是由二倍体类群演化而来。还对鸢尾属内染色体数目的变化和核型进化的趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

报道了黄山地区18种木本植物的染色体数,分属于15个科中的18个属,其中14种和2个属为首次报道;同时对Aphananthe,Fortunearia,Loropetalum,Holboellia,Platycarya属的染色体数及其在分类上的意义作了简单讨论。  相似文献   

The order Anguilliformes comprises 15 families, 141 genera and 791 fish species. Eight families had at least one karyotyped species, with a prevalence of 2n = 38 chromosomes and high fundamental numbers (FN). The only exception to this pattern is the family Muraenidae, in which the eight species analyzed presented 2n = 42 chromosomes. Despite of the large number of Anguilliformes species, karyotypic reports are available for only a few representatives. In the present work, a species of Ophichthidae, Myrichthys ocellatus (2n = 38; 8m+14sm+10st+6a; FN = 70) and four species of Muraenidae, Enchelycore nigricans (2n = 42; 6m+8sm+12st+16a; FN = 68), Gymnothorax miliaris (2n = 42; 14m+18sm+10st; FN = 84), G. vicinus (2n = 42; 8m+6sm+28a; FN = 56) and Muraena pavonina (2n = 42; 6m+4sm+32a; FN = 52), collected along the Northeastern coast of Brazil and around the St Peter and St Paul Archipelago were analyzed. Typical large metacentric chromosomes were observed in all species. Conspicuous polymorphic heterochromatic regions were observed at the centromeres of most chromosomes and at single ribosomal sites. The data obtained for Ophichthidae corroborate the hypothesis of a karyotypic diversification mainly due to pericentric inversions and Robertsonian rearrangements, while the identification of constant chromosome numbers in Muraenidae (2n = 42) suggests a karyotype diversification through pericentric inversions and heterochromatin processes.  相似文献   

In this paper, eight species of the genus Euphorbia L. were cytologically studied. The three species of the subgenus Chamaesyce Raf., E. hirta, E. humifusa and E. hypericifolia, had chromosome numbers of 2n = 18, 22 and 32, with their basic chromosome numbers being x = 9, 11 and 8 respectively. The two species of the subgenus Poinsettia (Grah.) House. E. dentata, with 2n=28, a tetraploid, and E. cyathophora, with 2n= 56, a octoploid, had both the basic chromosome number of x= 7. The three species of the subgenus Esula Pers, E. lathyris, E. helioscopia and E. hylonoma, had chromosome number of 2n= 20, 42 and 20, with their basic numbers being x= 10, 7 and 10 respectively. The basic chromosome number of x = 8 is new for E. hypericifolia, in which x = 7 was previously reported. This indicates that this species had both ploidy(2n = 4x = 28, 8x = 56) and dysploidy(x = 7, 8) variations. In E. dentata, there occurred also ploidy variation (2n = 2x, 4x and 8x). A tetraploid cytotype of E. esula was found in China, its diploid cytotype and hexaploid cytotype being previously reported in North America, the Iberian Peninsula and some other European areas. Based on our results and those previously reported, we support the viewpoint that x=10 may be the original basic chromosome number of Euphorbiaand discuss the role of polyploidy and dysploidy in the speciation and evolution of this genus  相似文献   

Karyotypic analysis of ten species of the genus Mikania was carried out using Feulgen staining. Species belonging to the following sections were analyzed: Section Thyrsigerae containing M. additicia (2n = 34), M. hemisphaerica, M. lanuginosa, and M. punctata (2n = 36), and Mikania sericea (2n = 42), which adds a new basic chromosome number (x = 21) to the genus and to the tribe Eupatorieae; Section Corymbosae with M. hastato-cordata (2n = 34) and M. involucrata and M. microptera with 2n = 36 chromosomes; Section Spicato-Racemosae with M. sessilifolia, with 2n = 108 chromosomes. One unidentified species with 2n = 34 chromosomes was also analyzed. All the species studied show one large pair of chromosomes with a secondary constriction in the middle region of the long arm. The morphology of this chromosome suggests that it can be considered as a cytological marker for the genus. Because of the distinctive inflorescence types found in the genus Mikania and the high frequency of species with x = 18, a correlation between morphological and chromosomal evolution is discussed. The present study suggests that the basic original chromosome number for the genus is x = 18, from which the others (x = 17, 19, 20, 21) have been derived by aneuploidy to form the observed aneuploid series.  相似文献   

Basic chromosome numbers of terrestrial orchids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chromosome numbers of forty-one Brazilian species belonging to 11 genera of preferentially terrestrial orchids (subfamilies Cypripedioideae, Spiranthoideae, Orchidoideae, and Vanilloideae) were examined. Previous records for these subfamilies were reviewed in order to identify the ancestral chromosome numbers of terrestrial orchids. The variation observed within the subfamilies Spiranthoideae (2n=28, 36, 46, 48 and 92), and Orchidoideae (2n=42, 44, ca. 48, ca. 80, 84, and ca. 168) was similar to that previously reported in the literature. In the subfamily Spiranthoideae, some species of Prescottia (subtribe Prescottiinae) and some genera of Spiranthinae showed a bimodal karyotype with one distinctively large pair of chromosomes. The analysis of chromosome numbers of the genera in subfamilies revealed the predominance of the polyploid series 7, 14, 21, 28, 42 with a dysploid variation of ±1 in each ploidy level. These results suggest that the basic chromosome number of terrestrial orchids is x1=7 for the subfamilies Spiranthoideae and Orchidoideae, as well as other Epidendroid orchids, and that the majority of the genera are composed of palaeopolyploids.  相似文献   

裸蒴属的核型及三白草科四属间系统关系的探讨   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
本文首次报道三白草科裸蒴属中华裸蒴(Gymnotheca chinensis Decne)和白苞裸蒴(G. involucrata Pei)的染色体数目。两个种的体细胞染色体数均为2n=18,染色体基数为x=9。三白草科原始祖先的染色体基数假定为x=11,裸蒴属可能是经非整倍减少演变而来。裸蒴属间期核型属球状或棒状前染色体型。本文根据三白草科染色体研究的结果和现代地理分布格局,结合其他分枝学科的研究资料,对科下四属间的系统发育关系提出了初步假设。  相似文献   

Bernini C  Marin-Morales MA 《Cytobios》2001,104(407):157-171
This is the first karyotype characterization of Brachiaria species. Twelve accessions belonging to five species were analysed. The basic chromosome number was x = 9 and 7, the same reported for the tribe Paniceae. Variations in the chromosome number were observed in B. decumbens (2n = 18; 36) and B. humidicola (2n = 36; 42; 54). Chromosome numbers of 2n = 18 in B. ruziziensis and 2n = 36 in B. brizantha and B. jubata were recorded. Inter- and intraspecific karyotype differentiation of the accessions analysed was facilitated by variations in karyotypic symmetry. The karyotypes were generally considered symmetrical, with a tendency to asymmetry in the direction of the polyploids. It is suggested that addition, deletions and mainly polyploidy have been the most direct causes involved in the chromosome evolution of this genus.  相似文献   

We made a cytogenetic analysis of four species of Oxyopidae and compared it with the karyotype data of all species of this family. In Hamataliwa sp, the mitotic cells showed 2n♂ = 26+X(1)X(2) and telocentric chromosomes. The 2n♂ = 28, which has been described for only one oxyopid spider, is the highest diploid number reported for this family. Peucetia species exhibited distinct karyotype characteristics, i.e., 2n♂ = 20+X(1)X(2) in P. flava and 2n♂ = 20+X in P. rubrolineata, revealing interspecific chromosome variability within this genus. However, both Peucetia species exhibited telocentric chromosomes. The most unexpected karyotype was encountered in Oxyopes salticus, which presented 2n♂ = 10+X in most individuals and a predominance of biarmed chromosomes. Additionally, one male of the sample of O. salticus was heterozygous for a centric fusion that originated the first chromosomal pair and exhibited one supernumerary chromosome in some cells. Testicular nuclei of Hamataliwa sp and O. salticus revealed NORs on autosomal pairs, after silver impregnation. The majority of Oxyopidae spiders have their karyotype differentiated by both reduction in diploid number chromosome number and change of the sex chromosome system to X type; however, certain species retain the ancestral chromosome constitution 2n = 26+X1X2. The most remarkable karyotype differentiation occurred in O. salticus studied here, which showed the lowest diploid number ever observed in Oxyopidae and the second lowest registered for Entelegynae spiders.  相似文献   

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