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植物C_2H_2型锌指蛋白的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
锌指蛋白是转录因子的一种,对真核生物的生长发育及逆境胁迫的耐受能力都有着重要关系,而植物C2H2型锌指蛋白是研究较多、较为明确的一种锌指蛋白,该蛋白大部分锌指结构具有一段高度保守的氨基酸序列QALGGH,这是植物中独有的特征,且据报道该C2H2型锌指蛋白与逆境胁迫是相关的。本文主要综述了植物C2H2型锌指蛋白的分类、结构和功能,植物C2H2型锌指蛋白与DNA、RNA和蛋白质的相互作用,以及概述了与盐胁迫、低温胁迫、干旱胁迫、氧胁迫和光胁迫等逆境胁迫相关的植物C2H2型锌指蛋白,最后还对其进一步的深入研究进行了展望,这就为日后利用基因工程技术改良作物品质、提高作物的抗逆性提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

基因转录调节是植物对非生物胁迫适应机制的一个重要方面,转录调节因子在胁迫信号转导途径中调节下游基因的表达,在建立植物对胁迫适应性过程中起到重要作用.锌指蛋白是功能多样的转录调节因子蛋白家族,家族成员在植物响应非生物胁迫方面扮演着重要角色.本研究以秋茄C2H2型锌指蛋白编码基因KcZFP为目的基因,在烟草中过表达KcZFP,分析C2H2型锌指蛋白在植物耐盐性中的作用.研究结果显示:转基因株系中,KcZFP表达量显著提高.过表达KcZFP的烟草植株的耐盐性明显提高,在200 mmol/L NaCl处理的条件下,KcZFP过表达烟草中脯氨酸水平远高于野生型植株.对光合作用参数比较分析显示,在KcZFP过表达植株中净光合速率受盐胁迫的影响小于野生型植株,光合系统在一定程度上得到了保护.研究结果说明KcZFP作为转录调节因子参与了植物的渗透调节,对植物的耐盐性具有贡献.  相似文献   

C2H2锌指蛋白转录因子家族在真核生物中具有重要的生物学功能,广泛参与植物叶的发生、花器官的调控、侧枝的形成及逆境胁迫等生命过程。植物C2H2锌指蛋白不仅结合DNA和RNA,而且与蛋白质之间相互作用。本研究利用普通烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)基因组数据库,运用Blastp比对,结合Pfam和SMART分析,鉴定了118条普通烟草C2H2锌指蛋白家族成员;对烟草C2H2锌指蛋白家族进行了进化树分析、结构域分析、物理化学性质分析、染色体定位、基因结构分析、三维结构分析及组织表达分析等。结果表明:不同成员的氨基酸长度差异较大;系统进化及结构域分析显示,所有C2H2家族成员可以被分为5个亚家族,同一亚家族成员之间在结构域和理化性质上呈现较高一致性;每个成员都含有C2H2结构域,在数量上存在较大差异;将所有基因家族成员定位在22条染色体上;组织表达分析表明,每个C2H2亚家族都有成员在不同组织中表达,在叶及根中有些基因的表达量较高。  相似文献   

GmC2H2转录因子基因是本实验室获得的一个编码172个氨基酸携带516bp核苷酸的转录因子,属于经典C2H2型锌指蛋白.通过构建植物表达载体GmC2H2-pCAMBIA1304,借助优化的Floral-dip法转化模式植物拟南芥,经潮霉素Hygromycine( 45-50 mg/L)抗性筛选获得转基因拟南芥植株.GUS组织染色分析表明,GmC2H2基因在生长12d的转基因拟南芥幼苗中,表达部位主要集中在根部.对转基因拟南芥进行了低温(1℃)和脱落酸(200 μmol/L)胁迫处理,测定其生理生化指标,通过real-time qPCR确定目的基因在转基因拟南芥中的表达情况.结果表明,携带GmC2H2目的基因的转基因拟南芥中脯氨酸和可溶性糖水平要高于野生型植株,而丙二醛水平要低于野生型,在抗逆性方面明显优于野生型拟南芥植株;并且胁迫处理下的转基因拟南芥中GmC2H2基因的表达量要高于未胁迫处理的转基因植株,说明GmC2H2基因的表达受低温和ABA的诱导,初步明确了该转录因子基因的功能.  相似文献   

水稻C2H2型锌指蛋白基因RZF71的克隆与表达分析   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
郭书巧  黄骥  江燕  张红生 《遗传》2007,29(5):607-613
利用生物信息学和RT-PCR方法从水稻幼苗组织中分离了1个新的C2H2型锌指蛋白基因RZF71, 该基因编码一条250个氨基酸残基的多肽, 含有两个典型的C2H2型锌指结构。半定量RT-PCR分析表明: RZF71在根、茎、叶和幼穗中呈组成性表达, 在根中的表达丰度略高; 在高盐和PEG6000胁迫的水稻幼苗组织中, RZF71的表达显著增强, 但低温和ABA处理对该基因的表达量影响不大。农杆菌介导的洋葱表皮细胞GFP瞬时表达实验表明: RZF71定位于细胞核内。讨论了RZF71可能作为一个转录调控因子在水稻耐高盐和渗透胁迫中的作用。  相似文献   

旨在研究C2H2型锌指蛋白在植物生长发育、非生物胁迫信号转导过程中的作用。前期从新疆无苞芥中克隆的一个单锌指基因Op ZFP,利用叶盘法将Op ZFP基因转入普通烟草中。半定量RT-PCR表明,在转基因植株中Op ZFP基因能够高效表达。烟草耐盐性分析显示,在高盐胁迫下,转基因植株的根长要长于野生型植株,且转基因烟草丙二醛(MDA)的含量要明显低于野生型植株;并且高盐胁迫处理,野生型烟草离体叶片叶绿素降解率高于转基因植株。这些结果表明,过量表达Op ZFP的转基因植株可以提高植物对盐胁迫的抗性。  相似文献   

以‘云香’水仙为材料,采用PCR技术分离中国水仙WRKY转录因子家族成员NtWRKYY2(GenBank登录号为KX056496),其开放阅读框(ORF)长度为867bp,编码289个氨基酸。氨基酸序列比对及系统进化树分析显示,NtWRKYY2编码蛋白含1个WRKY结构域和C2H2锌指结构(Csx4Cx23HxH),属于第Ⅱd类WRKY转录因子。实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)分析显示,NtWRKYY2在‘云香’水仙应对盐胁迫中显著上调表达。利用InFusion克隆技术成功构建过表达载体pMDC140-NtWRKYY2,并采用农杆菌介导叶盘法转化烟草,获得11株卡那霉素抗性植株,转化子进一步PCR检测结果显示,其中有8株目的基因已成功导入烟草基因组中,转化率为72%。盐胁迫处理和叶绿素荧光参数分析显示,盐胁迫处理后NtWRKYY2过表达的转基因烟草萎蔫和黄化程度小于野生型植株,Fv/Fm值下降幅度小于野生型植株。研究表明,NtWRKYY2过表达的转基因烟草具有抵抗盐胁迫的能力。该研究为水仙抗盐转基因育种提供备选目的基因。  相似文献   

锌指蛋白在调节植物防卫基因表达和抗性反应上起关键作用。目前,对大豆中C3HC4型RING锌指蛋白基因的研究不多。本研究利用核蛋白筛选系统(NTT)筛选大豆(铁丰8号)干旱处理5h的cDNA文库,获得一个RING锌指蛋白基因。该基因全长927bp,编码308个氨基酸,含有C3HC4-type RING锌指结构域,命名为GmRZFP1。系统进化树分析显示,Gm-RZFP1属于C3HC4-type锌指亚家族。Real-time PCR结果表明,GmRZFP1基因受干旱、高盐、高温、低温、乙烯和ABA等胁迫诱导表达,表明该蛋白涉及多种胁迫相关的信号传导途径。亚细胞定位结果表明,163hGFP-GmRZFP1融合蛋白定位于细胞核中。本研究结果有助于研究该类基因在大豆逆境应答反应中的作用,阐明大豆抗逆分子机制。  相似文献   

C2H2型锌指蛋白的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
锌指基因家族是人体中最大的基因家族,它参与细胞分化、胚胎发育,并与许多疾病的发生相关.根据半胱氨酸(c)和组氨酸(H)的数目和位置可将锌指蛋白分为c2H2、c2Hc2、c2c2 CHCC2C2、C2C2C2C2等亚类.c2H2型锌指是最普遍的类型,它们作为重要的转录调控因子参与许多的生理过程.c2H2型锌指蛋白包含的锌指数目从1个到30多个不等.依据锌指的数量以及在蛋白中的分布情况,大多数c2H2型锌指蛋白属于下列3类之一:1)含3个c:H:锌指的蛋白(tC2H2);2)含多个锌指的c2H2型锌指结构蛋白(mac2H2);3)锌指成对间隔排列的c2H2型锌指蛋白(spC2H2)、一些c2H2型锌指蛋白能识别并结合特异性RNA或DNA片段.另一些则只能与RNA结合.通常锌指蛋白含锌指数目越多。它选择结合的能力就越强.  相似文献   

C2H2型锌指蛋白转录因子家族是真核生物中广泛存在且具有重要生物学功能的锌指蛋白转录因子之一,在真菌生长发育、分生孢子形成、致病性以及胁迫应答等过程中起着重要作用。砷超标是影响冬虫夏草品质的重要因素之一,本研究基于冬虫夏草菌基因组数据库,利用Hmmsearch程序及PFAM、SMART等在线软件,对冬虫夏草菌C2H2型锌指蛋白(OsC2H2)家族成员进行鉴定,并对OsC2H2基因结构、保守结构域、系统进化分析及砷胁迫下基因表达等进行分析。结果显示,全基因组水平共鉴定出的23条含有C2H2保守结构域的Os C2H2基因,其定位在14条scaffold上且不存在串联重复,不同OsC2H2保守结构域数目及排列方式存在差异;系统进化及基因表达分析显示,18条OsC2H2基因在进化上相对保守,5条OsC2H2基因进化上存在差异,且多数OsC2H2基因响应砷胁迫。通过对全基因组水平OsC2H2进行鉴定及相关生物信息学分析,为进一步研究其结构和功能提供相应理论基础,同时为揭示冬虫夏草砷富集提供参考。  相似文献   

Zinc finger proteins were involved in response to different environmental stresses in plant species. A typical Cys2/His2-type (C2H2-type) zinc finger gene GmZF1 from soybean was isolated and was composed of 172 amino acids containing two conserved C2H2-type zinc finger domains. Phylogenetic analysis showed that GmZF1 was clustered on the same branch with six C2H2-type ZFPs from dicotyledonous plants excepting for GsZFP1, and distinguished those from monocotyledon species. The GmZF1 protein was localized at the nucleus, and has specific binding activity with EP1S core sequence, and nucleotide mutation in the core sequence of EPSPS promoter changed the binding ability between GmZF1 protein and core DNA element, implying that two amino acid residues, G and C boxed in core sequence TGACAGTGTCA possibly play positive regulation role in recognizing DNA-binding sites in GmZF1 proteins. High accumulation of GmZF1 mRNA induced by exogenous ABA suggested that GmZF1 was involved in an ABA-dependent signal transduction pathway. Over-expression of GmZF1 significantly improved the contents of proline and soluble sugar and decreased the MDA contents in the transgenic lines exposed to cold stress, indicating that transgenic Arabidopsis carrying GmZF1 gene have adaptive mechanisms to cold stress. Over-expression of GmZF1 also increased the expression of cold-regulated cor6.6 gene by probably recognizing protein-DNA binding sites, suggesting that GmZF1 from soybean could enhance the tolerance of Arabidopsis to cold stress by regulating expression of cold-regulation gene in the transgenic Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

A novel C2H2-type zinc finger protein gene, ZFP15, was cloned from rice by RT-PCR approach. The ZFP15 gene encodes a protein of 144 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 15 kDa. The ZFP15 protein comprises two C2H2-type zinc finger domains, a putative nuclear localization signal (NLS) at its N-terminus but the DLN-box identified in all reported plant C2H2-type zinc finger proteins was not found. A homology search revealed that ZFP15 gene was localized within a cluster of C2H2-type zinc finger genes in BAC clone OJ1754_E06 mapped on chromosome 3. All three members in the cluster encoded proteins showed high identities in amino acids and might contribute to a co-regulation. The RT-PCR assay revealed that ZFP15 mRNA was not regulated by cold, salt, drought and ABA stresses, though CRT/DRE and ABRE elements were found in the promoter region of ZFP15 gene. The expression profiling also showed that ZFP15 mRNA was expressed with a lower level in leaves and roots, but not detected in stems. Besides, ZFP15 was shown to accumulate much more in flowering spike than in immature spike. Thus, ZFP15, as the first characterized C2H2-type zinc finger protein in rice, might play a regulatory role on rice spike development.  相似文献   

A cDNA for the gene ZFP182, encoding a C2H2-type zinc finger protein, was cloned from rice by RT-PCR. ZFP182 codes an 18.2 kDa protein with two C2H2-type zinc finger motifs, one nuclear localization signal and one Leu-rich domain. The DLN-box/EAR-motif, which exists in most of plant C2H2-type zinc finger proteins, does not exist in ZFP182. The expression analysis showed that ZFP182 gene was constitutively expressed in leaves, culms, roots and spikes at the adult rice plants, and markedly induced in the seedlings by cold (4 degrees C), 150 mM NaCl and 0.1 mM ABA treatments. The approximate 1.4 kb promoter region of ZFP182 gene was fused into GUS reporter gene and transformed into tobacco. The histochemical analysis revealed that GUS expression could not be detected in transformed tobacco seedlings under normal conditions, but strongly observed in tobacco leaf discs and the vascular tissue of roots treated with NaCl or KCl. Expression of ZFP182 in transgenic tobacco and overexpression in rice increased plant tolerance to salt stress. These results demonstrated that ZFP182 might be involved in plant responses to salt stress.  相似文献   

植物C2H2型锌指蛋白的结构与功能   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
黄骥  王建飞  张红生 《遗传》2004,26(3):414-418

Ming  Nan  Ma  Nana  Jiao  Baozhen  Lv  Wei  Meng  Qingwei 《Plant Molecular Biology Reporter》2020,38(1):75-94

In plants, C2H2-type zinc finger proteins play important roles in multiple processes, including plant growth and development, as well as biotic and abiotic responses. In the present study, based on the presence of the C2H2 domain (CX2~4CX3FX5LX2HX3~5H), 112 C2H2-type zinc finger proteins were predicted in tomato. Through gene and protein structures analyses and phylogenetic analysis, the 112 C2H2-type zinc finger proteins were divided into five subfamilies. Members of the same subfamily shared similarities in gene and protein structures, while members of different subfamilies contained different numbers of the C2H2 domain. The tissue expression pattern analysis showed that 24 C2H2-type zinc finger proteins are constitutively expressed in all tissues, indicating that they may play important roles in the growth and development of all tissues. In addition, under chilling (4 °C), heat (42 °C), high salinity (200 Mm NaCl), and osmotic (20% PEG) stresses, members of C2H2-type zinc finger family were induced to varying degrees, which suggested that these genes were involved in multiple abiotic stress responses. This study will provide theoretical basis for further research of C2H2-type zinc finger proteins in tomato.


A cDNA for the gene ZFP182, encoding a C2H2-type zinc finger protein, was cloned from rice by RT-PCR. ZFP182 codes an 18.2 kDa protein with two C2H2-type zinc finger motifs, one nuclear localization signal and one Leu-rich domain. The DLN-box/EAR-motif, which exists in most of plant C2H2-type zinc finger proteins, does not exist in ZFP182. The expression analysis showed that ZFP182 gene was constitutively expressed in leaves, culms, roots and spikes at the adult rice plants, and markedly induced in the seedlings by cold (4 °C), 150 mM NaCl and 0.1 mM ABA treatments. The approximate 1.4 kb promoter region of ZFP182 gene was fused into GUS reporter gene and transformed into tobacco. The histochemical analysis revealed that GUS expression could not be detected in transformed tobacco seedlings under normal conditions, but strongly observed in tobacco leaf discs and the vascular tissue of roots treated with NaCl or KCl. Expression of ZFP182 in transgenic tobacco and overexpression in rice increased plant tolerance to salt stress. These results demonstrated that ZFP182 might be involved in plant responses to salt stress.  相似文献   

一些在组织和细胞分化中起重要作用的蛋白质包含锌指结构域.为了克隆分离和研究与造血细胞分化和发育成熟相关的蛋白基因,利用编码C2H2型锌指蛋白结构域中部分保守氨基酸序列设计简并引物,以骨髓cDNA为模板,进行PCR扩增,得到若干新的锌指蛋白基因EST.用其中一条为探针筛选人骨髓cDNA文库,获得了一个新的锌指蛋白基因全长cDNA,GenBank收录号为AF246126,长3 888 bp,包括一个完整阅读框,编码686个氨基酸,包括17个典型的和2个非典型的C2H2模体,命名为HZF2. RNA印迹、人多组织mRNA斑点杂交分析结果显示, 其在T淋巴细胞发育和定居的器官组织胸腺、淋巴结中有较高表达,在脾脏、胎肝有中度表达,在B淋巴细胞发育的骨髓中表达很低,在外周血几个淋巴细胞系中仅有极微量的表达,提示HZF2可能对于T淋巴细胞发育和增殖有重要功能.该基因也在脑组织的若干部位、胎盘及肾上腺有较高表达,在多种其他组织细胞有微量表达,说明其可能对维持这些组织细胞的生理功能也起一定作用.将编码HZF2读框的DNA顺序克隆到pEGFP-N1载体中,转染3T3细胞,证明表达的HZF2-GFP融合蛋白定位于细胞核,这与根据HZF2蛋白结构推测其可能作为DNA结合蛋白行使调节基因转录的功能是一致的.  相似文献   

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