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石门雄黄矿周边地区土壤砷分布及农产品健康风险评估   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对石门雄黄矿区周边土壤和作物进行了系统研究.结果表明:矿区表层(0~20cm)土壤砷含量平均为99.51mg·kg-1,比湖南省土壤砷含量背景值高出5.34倍,为当地普通农田土壤的9.70倍;矿区水田和旱地表层土壤砷含量分别为43.51和115.1mg·kg-1,分别超出国家土壤环境质量II级标准0.45和1.87倍,相应的表层土壤样本超标率分别为62.5%和50.0%;矿区粮食作物、蔬菜和水果可食部位砷含量分别为0.16、0.06、0.01mg·kg-1,作物样本超标比例由高至低的顺序为粮食作物蔬菜水果,其中以稻米、红薯中砷含量超标较严重,稻米砷含量最高达0.84mg·kg-1,超过国家食品质量标准4.6倍,样本超标率达62.5%.土壤砷含量与作物砷含量呈极显著正相关(P0.01),当地居民通过食用矿区农产品进入人体的平均日摄取砷量为6.416μg·kg-1·d-1,远高于WHO的推荐标准,相应人群健康风险指数为21.39,是对照区的15.39倍.  相似文献   

采用土壤培养方法,研究了不同含砷水平土壤中添加外源磷或有机质对砷在板蓝根地下部和地上部累积与分配的影响。结果表明,在外源添加磷或者有机质的情况下,与自然土相比含砷土对板蓝根的生长有一定的促进作用;在自然土(13.4 mg/kg)中,外源磷没有明显影响板蓝根地下部对砷的累积,却显著降低了砷由地下部向地上部的转运,并且添加200 mg P2 O5/kg显著降低了砷在地上部的累积。然而,在含砷土(33.4 mg/kg)中,100 mg P2O5/kg处理显著降低了砷在地下部的累积,但随磷用量的增加反而促进了地下部砷的累积;在添加有机质试验中,10 g/kg的有机质显著降低了自然土中板蓝根地下部和地上部对砷的累积,并且砷的吸收能力也明显下降。在含砷土(23.4 mg/kg)中,添加5 g/kg的有机质不仅降低了砷在板蓝根中的富集,而且降低了其对砷的吸收能力,提高了砷由地下部向地上部的转运,但是随着有机质施用量增至10 g/kg,地下部砷含量及其吸收砷的能力均有一定程度的增大。因此,在砷水平较低的自然土壤上种植板蓝根添加200 mg P2O5/kg和10 g/kg的有机质是控制砷在该草药体内积累的适宜用量,而在砷水平较高的土壤上100 mg P2O5/kg和5 g/kg的有机质是降低板蓝根体内砷累积的适宜用量。  相似文献   

有机胂饲料添加剂对猪场周围及农田环境污染的调查研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对广东省长期使用阿散酸为饲料添加剂的15个大型猪场的周围环境及农田进行了调查,结果表明:猪场内长期施用猪粪为肥料的甘薯根内的总砷含量已为国家规定最高检出限(0.5mg/kg)的3—6倍;甘薯地土壤的砷含量介于25.83~55.54mg/kg,远远大于自然界最高砷含量的背景值(15mg/kg);而且甘薯的各种组织的总砷含量与土壤砷含量成正比。绝大多数猪场鱼塘水的砷含量已超过渔业水质标准0.05mg/L;虽然鱼肌肉的总砷含量未超过国家规定标准0.5mg/kg,但是在鱼的可食性组织脂肪、脑的总砷含量却远远超标,约为肌肉组织中3-4倍。猪场排污口附近的土壤,砷污染范围介于200—500m之间;其中在距排污口约5m,50m的土壤,砷的含量远超过自然界的砷含量的最高背景值15mg/kg。长期施用猪粪作为肥料的稻田,大多数土壤砷含量已超过国家规定的最高标准;另外,水稻有一定的砷富集能力,而且水稻各种组织的砷含量与土壤的砷含量也存在明显的正相关。  相似文献   

广州、深圳地区蔬菜生产基地土壤中邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)研究   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72  
对广州 (含增城、花都 )和深圳地区的 9个代表性蔬菜生产基地进行调查采样 ,利用超声波提取 -硅胶柱净化 -气相色谱 /质谱联机检测技术 (GC/ MS) ,分析了土壤中属于 U.S.EPA优控污染物的 6种邻苯二甲酸酯 (PAEs)化合物。结果表明 ,6种PAEs化合物总含量 (Σ PAEs)在 3.0 0~ 4 5 .6 7mg/ kg之间 ,其中 37%样品的Σ PAEs在 10~ 2 0 mg/ kg,2 2 %样品的Σ PAEs在2 0~ 30 m g/ kg。各蔬菜基地中以联兴基地的 Σ PAEs平均值最高 (35 .6 2 m g/ kg) ;广清基地的 Σ PAEs平均值最低 (10 .31m g/kg)。各 PAEs化合物中以 DEHP的含量最高 ,Dn BP次之 ,两者共占 Σ PAEs的 90 %以上。BBP、DEP、DMP和 Dn OP的含量均在 2 .0 mg/ kg以下。与美国土壤 PAEs控制标准相比 ,除了 Dn OP外 ,其余 5个化合物均不同程度超标 ,其中 DEP、Dn OP、DEHP超标较普遍且较严重。但所有 PAEs化合物的含量均低于美国土壤 PAEs治理标准。总体上看 ,上述蔬菜基地土壤中PAEs的含量较高 ,说明受到了不同程度的污染  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验 ,研究在红壤中施用不同浓度的硒肥对豆科牧草圆叶决明植株生长、叶片硝酸还原酶活性、根瘤固氮酶活性及其叶肉细胞超显微结构的影响。试验结果表明 ,施 0 .5~ 2 mg Se/ kg土不同用量的硒肥处理的圆叶决明植株株高、分枝数和植株干重 ,比不施硒肥的对照处理分别提高 11.71%~ 18.97%、0 .5 5 %~ 2 2 .6 1%和 5 2 .9%~ 14 4 .9% ;植株的硒含量随施硒浓度的提高而明显增加 ,不施硒 (CK)处理的植株含硒量仅为 0 .0 2 5 mg/ kg,当施硒肥量为 2 mg Se/ kg土 (S2 )时 ,植株的硒含量达到0 .2 2 2 mg/ kg,比对照增加了 7.88倍 ;施硒量为 1mg Se/ kg土 (S1)处理圆叶决明的叶片硝酸还原酶活性最大 ,比对照提高2 81.5 % ,比施 2 m g Se/ kg土的增加了 2 0 6 .1% ;根瘤固氮酶活性以施用 2 mg Se/ kg土的处理为最大 ,比对照增加了 4 9.4 1%。植株叶肉细胞超显微结构变化的观察结果表明 :施不同用量硒肥处理均能比对照处理增加植株叶绿体的数量 ,其中以1.5 mg Se/ kg土的施用量处理效果最好 ,而 1.5 m g Se/ kg土和 2 mg Se/ kg土处理对提高叶绿体的基粒数量和片层密度效果较佳 ,但对稳定叶绿体的双层膜结构效果则不明显 ;而施用 1.5 m g Se/ kg土和 1mg Se/ kg土处理则显示了减少线粒体的数量 ,降低线  相似文献   

用低浓度(1毫克/升以下)含砷污水灌溉农田,作物生长发育正常,作物和土壤中含砷量与清水灌溉的相似。当砷的灌溉浓度为5、20毫克/升时,可使小麦、水稻产量下降。浓度5毫克/升的砷溶液,使水稻体内含砷量显著增高。该浓度可作为作物的危害浓度。土壤中加入一定量的 Feso_4,有降低水稻对砷的吸收作用。  相似文献   

山东寿光农业利用方式对土壤砷累积的影响   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
对山东省寿光市不同农业利用方式下土壤砷的累积状况进行了调查.结果表明,寿光市农田土壤砷平均含量为9.63 mg·kg-1,最高值为15.15 mg·kg-1,以山东省当地的土壤背景值(9.3 mg·kg-1)为基准,有53.1%的样本出现了砷富集现象.所调查地区土壤砷含量的空间分布为西、东、北部较高,中部居中,南部最低.不同农业利用方式下土壤砷含量呈现出明显差异,按由高到低顺序排列为小麦/玉米地>棉花地>设施菜地>露天菜地,分析呈现这种规律的原因发现,土壤砷含量的差异除了受当地土壤砷背景值影响外,还不同程度地受农业活动的影响.随着设施菜地种植年限的增加,土壤砷含量呈增加趋势.猪粪和鸡粪中的砷可能是设施菜地土壤砷累积的重要来源,施用豆肥可在一定程度上减少土壤砷的累积.  相似文献   

选取中国北方3种重要的集约化种植体系小麦玉米轮作、大棚蔬菜和果园,研究了3种体系年度氮素输入输出关系、土壤硝酸盐的累积、不同体系地下水硝态氮含量的动态变化.结果表明,大棚蔬菜年度化肥氮、有机肥氮、灌水带入的氮和总氮输入量分别为135.8、1881、402和36.56kg·hm-2,分别为小麦玉米田的25、37.5、83.8和5.8倍,为果园的2.1、10.4、6.82和4.2倍.不同系统降水输入的氮在142~189kg·hm-2之间.3个体系氮输出量分别为280、329和121kg·hm-2.氮素年度盈余分别为349、332.7和74.6kg·hm-2.0~90cm土层硝态氮累积量分别为22.1~2.75、1173和613kg·hm-2,90~180cm土层硝态氮累积量分别为2.13~2.42、10.32和976kg·hm-2.在0~180cm剖面中,小麦玉米田各层土壤硝态氮处于相对均一分布,大棚蔬菜以表层最高,30cm以下各层也远高于大田,果园土壤硝态氮累积随土壤深度而增加.3种体系均表现出硝酸盐的明显淋洗.大棚蔬菜区浅井地下水硝态氮含量99%超过了10mg·L-1.而大棚深井和果园浅井超标率均为5%,小麦玉米深井为1%.大棚蔬菜区地下水硝态氮含量与井深呈指数函数降低关系.  相似文献   

不同生态系统土壤氨基酸氮的组成及含量   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
采集于内蒙古白音锡牧场、陕西澄城、杨凌、宜川和太白山等地不同生态系统的 1 2个土样 ,用 6 mol/ L HCl水解 ,经 H型酸性阴离子交换树脂柱纯化后 ,用 Beckman 1 2 1 MB型氨基酸分析仪测定了 1 7种常见氨基酸。测定结果表明 ,不同生态系统土壤酸解氨基酸含量有很大差异 ,表现为草甸土壤 (氨基酸含量为 2 2 83.9μg N/ g) >森林土壤 ( 1 733.6μg N/g) >草原土壤 ( 85 6 .3μg N/ g) >农田土壤 (平均为 2 4 8.5± 37.8μg N/ g) ,并且氨基酸氮与土壤全氮有极显著的正相关关系 ( p<0 .0 1 ) ;在氨基酸中以中性氨基酸所占比例最大 ,平均为 5 3.99% ,其次为碱性和酸性氨基酸 ,分别为 2 4 .94 %和2 0 .5 9% ,含硫氨基酸最少 ,仅为 0 .4 8% .游离氨基酸以草甸土壤最高 ,为 1 4 .5 8μg N/ g,其它土壤在 1 .1 4~ 8.6 7μg N/ g之间 ,大部分在 2~ 3μg N/ g。游离氨基酸不仅数量低 ,而且种类也比酸解氨基酸少。不管是酸解氨基酸 ,还是游离氨基酸 ,在 0~ 2 0 cm土层的含量均大于 2 0~ 4 0 cm土层 ,从不同土壤样品的平均结果看 ,对酸解氨基酸 ,0~ 2 0 cm土层为96 0 .9μg N/ g,2 0~ 4 0 cm土层为 5 2 8.9μg N/ g ;对游离氨基酸氮 ,0~ 2 0 cm土层 6 .2 8μg N / g,2 0~ 4 0 cm土层 2 .2 2μgN/ g。施用氮  相似文献   

两种农作体系施肥对土壤质量的影响   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
寇长林  巨晓棠  高强  甄兰  张福锁 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2548-2556
不同农作体系施肥措施差异引起的土壤环境质量变化 ,会进一步影响该体系的生产力并对大气和水体环境产生潜在影响。选取中国北方两种重要的集约化种植体系 (大棚蔬菜和小麦 -玉米轮作体系 ) ,研究了经过长期施肥后 ,0~ 30 cm土壤有机质、全氮、微量元素与重金属的差异以及 0~ 90 cm土壤剖面的硝态氮、铵态氮、速效磷、速效钾、p H和电导率的变化。结果表明 ,大棚菜地氮、磷、钾化肥投入量达 N 2 82 3、P 92 8和 K 92 5 kg/(hm2 · a) ,分别为小麦 -玉米轮作农田的 4 .7、10 .1和 2 3.4倍。大棚菜地还施用了大量的有机肥。菜地土壤养分大量积累 ,尤其是硝态氮和速效磷 ,0~ 90 cm土层二者分别达 1389.8kg N/hm2和 132 1.1kg P/hm2 ,为农田的 5 .6和 8.4倍。速效钾和铵态氮累积量分别为 1817.3kg K/hm2 和 10 0 .4 kg N/hm2 ,为农田的2 .2倍和 1.8倍。同时 ,大棚菜地土壤中的养分还存在严重的淋溶现象。大棚菜地有机质、全氮和有效铁、锰、铜、锌含量分别为农田的 1.3、1.4、1.2、1.3、1.3和 1.4倍。镉含量为农田的 3.8倍。镉与土壤速效磷含量呈显著正相关 ,可见 ,磷肥的大量投入是镉在土壤中累积的主要原因。大棚菜地各层土壤 p H均明显低于农田相应土层 p H,而 0~ 30 cm和 30~ 6 0 cm土层的电导率则  相似文献   

Extensive use of chromium (Cr) and arsenic (As) based preservatives from the leather tanning industry in Pakistan has had a deleterious effect on the soils surrounding production facilities. Bacteria have been shown to be an active component in the geochemical cycling of both Cr and As, but it is unknown how these compounds affect microbial community composition or the prevalence and form of metal resistance. Therefore, we sought to understand the effects that long-term exposure to As and Cr had on the diversity and structure of soil microbial communities. Soils from three spatially isolated tanning facilities in the Punjab province of Pakistan were analyzed. The structure, diversity and abundance of microbial 16S rRNA genes were highly influenced by the concentration and presence of hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) and arsenic. When compared to control soils, contaminated soils were dominated by Proteobacteria while Actinobacteria and Acidobacteria (which are generally abundant in pristine soils) were minor components of the bacterial community. Shifts in community composition were significant and revealed that Cr (VI)-containing soils were more similar to each other than to As contaminated soils lacking Cr (VI). Diversity of the arsenic resistance genes, arsB and ACR3 were also determined. Results showed that ACR3 becomes less diverse as arsenic concentrations increase with a single OTU dominating at the highest concentration. Chronic exposure to either Cr or As not only alters the composition of the soil bacterial community in general, but affects the arsenic resistant individuals in different ways.  相似文献   

Reduction and coordination of arsenic in Indian mustard   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
The bioaccumulation of arsenic by plants may provide a means of removing this element from contaminated soils and waters. However, to optimize this process it is important to understand the biological mechanisms involved. Using a combination of techniques, including x-ray absorption spectroscopy, we have established the biochemical fate of arsenic taken up by Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). After arsenate uptake by the roots, possibly via the phosphate transport mechanism, a small fraction is exported to the shoot via the xylem as the oxyanions arsenate and arsenite. Once in the shoot, the arsenic is stored as an As(III)-tris-thiolate complex. The majority of the arsenic remains in the roots as an As(III)-tris-thiolate complex, which is indistinguishable from that found in the shoots and from As(III)-tris-glutathione. The thiolate donors are thus probably either glutathione or phytochelatins. The addition of the dithiol arsenic chelator dimercaptosuccinate to the hydroponic culture medium caused a 5-fold-increased arsenic level in the leaves, although the total arsenic accumulation was only marginally increased. This suggests that the addition of dimercaptosuccinate to arsenic-contaminated soils may provide a way to promote arsenic bioaccumulation in plant shoots, a process that will be essential for the development of an efficient phytoremediation strategy for this element.  相似文献   

武汉市蔬菜重金属污染现状的调查与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对武汉市6种蔬菜的供食部位及所对应的土壤中重金属Hg(汞)、Cu(铜)、Pb(铅)、Cd(镉)、Cr(铬)、Zn(锌)、As(砷)含量及分布特征进行了检测,结果表明:Pb、Cr是武汉市蔬菜中主要的污染元素;Hg、Cd只在个别叶菜类上超标;Zn、Cu、As无超标样。在所时应的土样中,普遍存在污染的是Cd,其它6种重金属元素均未超标。  相似文献   

Arsenic contamination from groundwater used to irrigate crops is a major issue across several agriculturally important areas of Asia. Assessing bacterial community composition in highly contaminated sites could lead to the identification of novel bioremediation strategies. In this study, the bacterial community structure and abundance are assessed in agricultural soils with varying levels of arsenic contamination at Ambagarh Chauki block, Chhattisgarh, India, based on polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) of the 16S rRNA gene and the most probable number-polymerase chain reaction (MPN-PCR). The results revealed that the bacterial communities of arsenic-contaminated soils are dominated by β-proteobacteria (36%), γ-proteobacteria (21%), δ-proteobacteria (11%), α-proteobacteria (11%), and Bacteroidetes (11%). The bacterial composition of high arsenic-contaminated soils differed significantly from that of low arsenic-contaminated soils. The Proteobacteria appeared to be more resistant to arsenic contamination, while the Bacteroidetes and Nitrospirae were more sensitive to it. The bacterial abundance determined by MPN-PCR decreased significantly as As-toxicity increased. In addition to As, other trace metals, like Pb, U, Cu, Ni, Sn, Zn and Zr, significantly ( p < 0.01) explain the changes in bacterial structural diversity in agricultural soils with different level of arsenic contamination, as determined by canonical correspondence analysis (CCA).  相似文献   

Arsenic contaminated rhizospheric soils of West Bengal, India were sampled for arsenic resistant bacteria that could transform different arsenic forms. Staphylococcus sp. NBRIEAG-8 was identified by16S rDNA ribotyping, which was capable of growing at 30,000?mg?l(-1) arsenate [As(V)] and 1,500?mg?l(-1) arsenite [As(III)]. This bacterial strain was also characterized for arsenical resistance (ars) genes which may be associated with the high-level resistance in the ecosystems of As-contaminated areas. A comparative proteome analysis was conducted with this strain treated with 1,000?mg?l(-1) As(V) to identify changes in their protein expression profiles. A 2D gel analysis showed a significant difference in the proteome of arsenic treated and untreated bacterial culture. The change in pH of cultivating growth medium, bacterial growth pattern (kinetics), and uptake of arsenic were also evaluated. After 72?h of incubation, the strain was capable of removing arsenic from the culture medium amended with arsenate and arsenite [12% from As(V) and 9% from As(III)]. The rate of biovolatilization of As(V) was 23% while As(III) was 26%, which was determined indirectly by estimating the sum of arsenic content in bacterial biomass and medium. This study demonstrates that the isolated strain, Staphylococcus sp., is capable for uptake and volatilization of arsenic by expressing ars genes and 8 new upregulated proteins which may have played an important role in reducing arsenic toxicity in bacterial cells and can be used in arsenic bioremediation.  相似文献   

Long-term use of arsenic contaminated groundwater to irrigate crops, especially paddy rice (Oryza sativaL.) has resulted in elevated soil arsenic levels in Bangladesh. There is, therefore, concern regarding accumulation of arsenic in rice grown on these soils. A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the impact of arsenic-contaminated irrigation water on the growth and uptake of arsenic into rice grain, husk, straw and root. There were altogether 10 treatments which were a combination of five arsenate irrigation water concentrations (0–8 mg As l–1) and two soil phosphate amendments. Use of arsenate containing irrigation water reduced plant height, decreased rice yield and affected development of root growth. Arsenic concentrations in all plant parts increased with increasing arsenate concentration in irrigation water. However, arsenic concentration in rice grain did not exceed the maximum permissible limit of 1.0 mg As kg–1. Arsenic accumulation in rice straw at very high levels indicates that feeding cattle with such contaminated straw could be a direct threat for their health and also, indirectly, to human health via presumably contaminated bovine meat and milk. Phosphate application neither showed any significant difference in plant growth and development, nor in As concentrations in plant parts.  相似文献   

Using chemical extraction to evaluate plant arsenic availability in contaminated soils is important to estimate the time frame for site cleanup during phytoremediation. It is also of great value to assess As mobility in soil and its risk in environmental contamination. In this study, four conventional chemical extraction methods (water, ammonium sulfate, ammonium phosphate, and Mehlich III) and a new root-exudate based method were used to evaluate As extractability and to correlate it with As accumulation in P. vittata growing in five As-contaminated soils under greenhouse condition. The relationship between different soil properties, and As extractability and plant As accumulation was also investigated. Arsenic extractability was 4.6%, 7.0%, 18%, 21%, and 46% for water, ammonium sulfate, organic acids, ammonium phosphate, and Mehlich III, respectively. Root exudate (organic acids) solution was suitable for assessing As bioavailability (81%) in the soils while Mehlich III (31%) overestimated the amount of As taken up by plants. Soil organic matter, P and Mg concentrations were positively correlated to plant As accumulation whereas Ca concentration was negatively correlated. Further investigation is needed on the effect of Ca and Mg on As uptake by P. vittata. Moreover, additional As contaminated soils with different properties should be tested.  相似文献   


The southern part of the Tamar valley area in SW England is highly mineralised and mines in the region were the world's principal producers of tin, copper and arsenic during the mid nineteenth century. The Devon Great Consols Mine, covering 67.6 ha (167 acres) is situated in this area. Residues from the mining activity resulted in unvegetated spoil tips and local soils highly contaminated with As (range 120–52600 μg/g As). Sequential chemical extraction procedures were conducted on eight surface samples (0–15 cm) taken from a 2.0 km long transect from within the mine site to agricultural grassland. The proportion of water extractable As in agricultural top soils was lower (0.05–0.3%) than the values obtained for mine wastes (0.02–1.2%). Arsenic was found to be concentrated in the Fe-organic and residual fractions, which accounted for up 93 % of the total As in mine spoil and nearby soils.  相似文献   

The ability of Phaseolus vulgaris, Mentha aquatica, and Pteris cretica to release arsenic (As) species from contaminated soil was tested in rhizobox experiments in three soils differing in their physicochemical parameters and total and mobile As concentration. Relatively low uptake of arsenic by P. vulgaris and M. aquatica resulted in very low and ambiguous changes in rhizosphere soil compared to bulk soil. However, there were observed differences in the distribution of the mobile As portion in soil to individual As species as affected by plant species and/or plantation conditions of these plants. Higher percentage of mobile arsenite in mint rhizosphere seems to be related to more reducing conditions during cultivation of these wetland plants. P. cretica planted in the soils containing between 36 and 1436 mg As kg−1 was able to accumulate between 80 and 500 mg As kg−1 in aboveground biomass. The extractable concentrations of As compounds in rhizosphere soil of P. cretica showed a clear depletion of arsenate (representing more than 90% of extractable arsenic) with the distance from plant roots. However, the As uptake mechanisms, as well as As transformation within hyperaccumulating fern plants, differ substantially from those in higher plants. Therefore the finding of suitable higher plant tolerant to the As soil contamination with good ability to accumulate As in aboveground biomass remains for the further research.  相似文献   

The effect of enhanced soil risk element contents on the uptake of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn was determined in two pot experiments. Simultaneously, transformation of arsenic and its compounds in beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) plants was investigated. The mobile fractions of elements were determined in 0.05 mol L−1 (NH4)2SO4 extracts and did not exceed 2% of total soil arsenic, 9% of total cadmium, 3% of total lead, and 8% of total zinc, respectively. Although the soils were extremely contaminated the mobile portions of the elements represented only a small fragment of the total element content. Arsenic contents in beet plants reached up to 25 mg As kg−1 in roots and 48 mg As kg−1 in leaves in the soil characterized by the highest mobile arsenic portion. Arsenic portions extractable with water and phosphate buffer from the beetroot samples did not show significant differences between the extraction agents but the extractability was affected by the arsenic concentration. Arsenic was almost quantitatively extractable from the samples with the lowest total arsenic concentration, whereas in the samples with the highest total arsenic concentration less than 25% was extractable. Arsenate was the dominant arsenic compound in the extracts (70% in phosphate buffer, 50% in water extracts). A small portion of dimethylarsinic acid, not exceeding 0.5%, was detected only in the sample growing in the soil with the highest arsenic concentration. The role of betalains (betanin, isobetanin, vulgaxanthin I and vulgaxanthin II) in transformation/detoxification of arsenic in plants was not confirmed in this experiment because the plants were able to grow in the contaminated soil without any symptoms of arsenic toxicity.  相似文献   

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