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长期以来,水稻钻蛀性螟虫都是我国水稻上的重要害虫。近年来,随着水稻栽培制度的变更及全球性气候的变化,种群数量逐渐回升,为害日趋严重。因此,科学的调查方法和准确的预测预报,对该类害虫的综合治理具有重要意义。本文根据大螟Sesamia inferens(Walker)、二化螟Chilo suppressalis(Walker)和三化螟Scirpophaga incertulas(Walker)的生物学特性,总结了这3种水稻钻蛀性螟虫的田间调查方法;阐述了它们的发生期预测方法;探讨了在调查取样过程中的注意事项,以期为我国水稻钻蛀性螟虫的综合防治提供可靠的数据支撑。  相似文献   

光滑材小蠹生物学特性观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
光滑村小蠹XyleborusgermanusBlandford属鞘翅目小蠹科,是近几年发生在板栗树上的一种毁灭性蛀干害虫。调查表明在我省秦岭沿线发生面积占栗林总面积(包括野生板栗〕的85.8%,被害株率达2%~19.1%,严重地块可达30%多;平均虫口密度17.8头/株,最多达350头以上。被害树由于该虫沿年轮横向蛀坑凿道,切断树木输导组织,使树体水分及养分输送中断而枯死。自1990年以来,我们对该虫的生物学特性进行了研究,现将结果整理如下。l寄主与分布光滑材小合是一种杂食性害虫,在我省秦岭沿线危害9种树木的主干(见表)。2生活史光滑村小合1…  相似文献   

朱砂叶螨是河南棉田严重害虫之一。年可发生10代以上,1~2代在平均温度16~20℃时完成一代需19~29天,其余各代在平均温度22~28℃时为10~13天。26℃左右为最适发育温度,发育起点温度10℃左右,有效积温为163.25日度。以授精雌成螨在寄主植物枯落叶下,杂草叶下及土中越冬。3月上旬开始在杂草上取食活动,5月上旬开始侵入棉田,6、7月是螨量高峰期,9月上旬在田间消失,降雨量与虫口密度呈负相关。  相似文献   

刘联仁 《昆虫知识》1990,27(4):218-220
蓖麻坡天牛是我国近年发现为害蓖麻的一种钻蛀性害虫。本文较详细地研究了该虫的为害、形态特征、生物学特性和防治方法。  相似文献   

从事害虫预测预报或药剂防治试验,调查虫口密度是一项极其重要的工作。不少钻蛀性害虫(如食心虫、稻螟等)不易调查观测,所以不得不在作物生长期拔出大量秧苗或采下尚未成熟的果子来剖开检查。同样,在玉米螟预测调查或药剂防治试验效果的测定中,也必须在玉米生长期剖查植株里的幼虫数,但由于虫口集团在田间的分布是不均匀的(经作者调查并测定王米螟幼虫的田间分布,是符合生物统计学上的“核心分布”),因此进行幼虫密度调查时,就必须按照一定的取样方法剖查大量植株才能获得较可靠的虫口密度估计。这样不但对生产带来很大的损失,而且工作量也很大。所以如何设法减少剖茎数量并能获得较精确的虫口密度估计,是极需要解决的问题。 一、双重抽样法的基本原理及应用范围 双重抽样法特别应用于调查某一种不易观测或花费很大的人力物力才能观测的“复杂性状”(如上述潜  相似文献   

曾爱平  陈永年  曾颖 《昆虫知识》2012,49(2):529-532
白钩小卷蛾Epiblema foenella L.是药用植物青蒿(Artemisia apiacea Hance)的蛀干害虫,通过田间定点定时系统调查,得出该虫在长沙地区田间1年发生3代,以高龄幼虫在寄主残株及根部蛀洞内越冬,世代发育起点温度为12.122℃,有效积温为726.52日·度。描述了白钩小卷蛾各虫态及各龄幼虫的形态特征及生活习性,提出了有关预测技术及防治措施的建议。  相似文献   

湖北水稻蛀秆螟虫越冬情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻蛀秆螟虫是生产上的一类重要害虫。为了明确湖北省水稻蛀秆螟虫的种群发生现状和幼虫越冬情况,为害虫防治提供科学依据,本文从2013年至2016年连续调查研究了武穴、崇阳、广水、曾都、公安和远安等地螟虫的越冬生物学。对蛀秆螟虫越冬生物学的研究与分析结果表明,目前湖北省田间蛀秆螟虫发生种类为二化螟、三化螟和大螟,未见有褐边螟和台湾稻螟等。其中,二化螟为田间发生优势种群;三化螟仅在部分地区零星发生;大螟亦有一定程度地发生,并有加重趋势,应当引起重视和关注。这几种螟虫均以高龄老熟幼虫在稻茬中越冬,且在虫龄分布、越冬部位和头部朝向等方面存在明显的趋性,可能与其耐寒性、地区气候和栽培制度等有关。并对螟虫发生现状与栽培制度的关系进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

北京密云两种蛀果类害虫的发生及防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙淑玲  王进忠 《昆虫知识》2000,37(4):200-203
桃蛀果蛾与梨小食心虫是北京密云县燕落果树产区的主要蛀果类害虫 ,我们对两种食心虫的发生及其生物学特性进行了观察 ,并提出了防治两种食心虫的综合技术措施 ,使蛀果率由原来的年平均6 0 %降至 2 %。  相似文献   

紫薇毡蚧种群生物学特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文报道紫薇毡蚧EriococcusLagerostroemiae Kuwana的种群生物学特性。该虫80年末传入贵州,在贵阳地区每年发生3-4代,世代重叠极重,越冬代是第3、4两代的混合群体,越冬虫态有卵、若虫和蛹。分别估测了卵、雄若虫、蛹、雌若虫和雌成虫的发育起点温度(T0)和有效积温(K)。周年虫口变动有两个高峰:6月中旬至7月上旬和8月上旬至9月上旬。11月至翌年4月,因寄主休眠和低温导致虫口缓慢下降。雌成虫产卵量与寄主生长势好坏有关。控制紫薇毡蚧虫口最有效的天敌是红点唇瓢虫Chilocoruskuwanae Silverstri。药液涂干并辅之具内吸作用的杀虫药液灌根是目前较好的药剂防治方法。  相似文献   

<正> 鼎点金刚钻Earias cupreoviridis(Walker)是江苏沿海棉区主要害虫,一年发生4—5代,以蛹在棉秸、枯铃、残枝落叶等处越冬。东台每年都有发生,大发生年份有1966年、1967年、1971年和1981年。因早春寄主复杂,食料各异,影响发育进度,导致以后各世代重叠。由于幼虫钻蛀蕾铃,防治稍有疏忽,便可造成减产。为提供测报资料,准确地预测虫情,及时开展综合防治,我们今年对金刚钻部分生物学特性作了初步观察,现将观察结果报道于后。 一、成虫产卵习性 成虫一般在夜间羽化、取食、交配、产卵。 1.产卵前期及产卵量 1981年7月上旬于  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. A study of host preference of four pairs of populations of the cowpea weevil Callosobruchus maculates was carried out. The pairs had different geographical origins.
2. One population of each pair had been maintained for about 110 generations on cowpea Vigna unguiculata , the other population had been maintained on mung bean V. radiata . Half of the tested females from each population were raised on cowpea and exposed to this host prior to the assay; the other half was raised on mung bean. This design permitted assessment of the relative contributions of geographical origin, recent host use in the laboratory, and individual experience, to variation in host preference.
3. Host preference was assayed by letting the females oviposit on an equal-weight mixture of cowpea and mung seeds; two experiments were performed six generations apart.
4. Both experiments revealed a strong effect of geographical origin: populations originating from Nigeria laid a much greater proportion (68–86%) of their eggs on cowpea than those originating from Uganda and Yemen (30–42%); those from Cameroon were intermediate (56–60%). These preferences were not affected consistently by about 110 generations of laboratory evolution on one or the other host, or by experience of individual females.
5. These results indicate considerable geographical variation in host preference, and suggest that host preference is behaviourally inflexible and evolutionarily conserved.  相似文献   

我国稻螟灾害的现状及损失估计   总被引:40,自引:3,他引:37  
我国稻螟为害的确切记载始于 1 0 2 2年。 2 0世纪 5 0年代中期以前 ,以二化螟Chilosuppressalis(Walker)为害为主。此后十几年中 ,三化螟Tryporyzaincertulas(Walker)普遍大发生。 70年代 ,我国螟害轻微。 1 993年 ,二化螟急剧回升 ,三化螟也随之回升。 1 996年 2种稻螟大发生 ,此后连年暴发成灾。目前我国螟灾的主要特点是虫口密度高、受害范围广、受害程度重、持续时间长、经济损失大。首要螟灾区是沿江稻区 ,二化螟和三化螟分别约占 2 3和 1 3。全国年发面积约 1 5 0 0万hm2 ,防治约 3 80 0万hm2 次。该文首次估计年防治代价约 45 7~ 60亿元 ,残虫造成作物损失近 65亿元 ,总经济损失约 1 1 5亿元。由此可见 ,当前稻螟已取代稻飞虱、棉铃虫成为影响我国国计民生的头号害虫。  相似文献   

The sedimentation coefficients (s020, w) of the two sedimenting nucleoprotein components of broad bean stain virus (BBSV) were 92 S and 113 S, and of Echtes Ackerbohnenmosaik-Virus (EAMV) were 93 S and 114 S. Particles from each of these sedimenting components contained a single RNA species and two polypeptides. Estimates of the molecular weights of these constituents obtained by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels were: 42000 and 22200 (BBSV) and 41400 and 21800 (EAMV) for the polypeptides; and 2–64 and 1·62 × 106 (BBSV) and 271 and 175 × 106 (EAMV) for the RNAs. In mixtures, the protein and RNA components of BBSV and EAMV were indistinguishable from those obtained from particles of the yellow strain of cowpea mosaic virus. In freshly made virus preparations each of the sedimenting components of BBSV contained two, and those of EAMV contained three electrophoretic components. After storage for 7–10 days, BBSV preparations contained only the component migrating fastest towards the anode. Both BBSV and EAMV are distantly related serologically to cowpea mosaic but, whereas BBSV reacted only with antiserum to the severe strain, EAMV reacted only with antiserum to the yellow strain.  相似文献   

Experimental studies was made on the interspecies competition between the azuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis and the southern cowpea weevil, C. macultatus. And the following results were obtained.
  1. The reverse result of competition between the two species observed under the air-tight condition and the air-free one. That is, the population of the azuki bean weevils destroyedby that of the southern cowpea weevils under the former condition and vice versa under the latter. It is thought that such a reversal is due to the difference of sensibility of each species to the air-tight condition.
  2. Under the air-free condition, change of the time interval of food-supplying had no effect on the result of competition within the limits of this experiment. The population of the southern cowpea weevils was always destroyed by that of the azuki bean weevils. But there was a certain degree of correlation between the duration of co-existence and the interval of food-supplying.
  3. From the results, it is possible to say that by changing the degree of air-tightness, or the time interval of food-supplying, the co-existence period and the final result of competition can be changed.
  4. The different mechanism of competition between two species in the present experiment from the experiments ofUtida (1952) andYoshida (1957) were discussed.
  5. A difference in the mechanism of interspecies competition and intraspecies competition was expected from the level of total population numbers of two species and the individual weight of C. chinensis.

甘肃陇东玉米螟生物学特性的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘寿民  侯正明 《昆虫知识》2004,41(5):461-464
米螟性诱剂试验、形态鉴定表明 ,陇东发生的玉米螟 ,以亚洲玉米螟OstriniafurnacalisGuenee为优势种 ,也有少量的欧洲玉米螟Ostrinianubialis (H櫣bner)。有效积温计算 ,年发生 1 2 4代 ,其中蛹期3 3d ,产卵前期 7d ,卵期 1 2d ,幼虫期 46d。观察表明陇东玉米螟年发生基本 1代 ,局部 2代。 7月上中旬为蛾量高峰期。阶段性人工饲养表明 ,蛹期 2 1 8d ,产卵前期 2 8d ,卵期 1 0 1d。雌蛾寿命 7 9d ,雄蛾寿命 6 4d。影响发生的重要因素是降水量和天敌。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(2):115-117
This study was conducted to determine the effects of six different leguminous seeds (cowpea, white kidney bean, soybean cultivars Cheongja and Daepung, mung bean, and azuki bean) on the life history traits of the bean bug Riptortus pedestris (F.) (Hemiptera: Alydidae). The total developmental time from the first instar nymph to adult ranged from 18 to 25 d; R. pedestris fed with white kidney beans were the slowest to develop. In addition, bugs fed with white kidney beans had the highest mortality (93%) and the shortest longevity (18 d). R. pedestris fed with cowpeas, soybeans, or azuki beans had high reproductive success, with the highest egg hatching success recorded in bugs fed cowpeas. The results suggest that cowpea may be a beneficial food source for the development and reproduction of bean bugs.  相似文献   

为减小年际间气温变化对昆虫有效积温预测误差的影响,以新疆石河子垦区121团棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)羽化高峰期为例,利用single sine模型分别计算12年2种有效积温范围(10~30℃和10~35℃)的累计有效积温值,并获得其多年平均值,依此进行棉铃虫羽化高峰期预测;通过当年与12年(有效积温>0日期至羽化高峰日期)平均气温之差,对预测误差进行校正。结果表明:当年平均气温与12年平均值差值越大,预测误差也越大;各代直线回归校正模型均达到显著水平(P<0.05);2种有效积温范围下,校正后各代平均预测误差天数均有所减少,对越冬代误差校正效果最优,校正后各代历史符合率分别为83.33%、100%、100%和100%、100%、93.33%。该校正方法能够显著提高预测准确度,尤其适用于年际间棉铃虫发育期间平均气温变化较大的代别和地区,同时可为多种害虫预测误差校正提供了依据。  相似文献   

Plant cystatins show great potential as tools to genetically engineer resistance of crop plants against pests. Two important potential targets are the bean weevils Acanthoscelides obtectus and Zabrotes subfasciatus, which display major activities of digestive cysteine proteinases in midguts. In this study a cowpea cystatin, a cysteine proteinase inhibitor found in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) seeds, was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified with a Ni-NTA agarose column. It strongly inhibited papain and proteinases from midguts of both A. obtectus and Z. subfasciatus bruchids, as seen by in vitro assays. When the protein was incorporated into artificial seeds at concentrations as low as 0.025%, and seeds were consumed by the bruchids larva, dramatic reductions in larval weight, and increases in insect mortality were observed. Molecular modeling studies of cowpea cystatin in complex with papain revealed that five N-terminal residues responsible for a large proportion of the hydrophobic interactions involved in the stabilization of the enzyme-inhibitor complex are absent in the partial N-terminal amino acid sequencing of soybean cystatin. We suggest that this structural difference could be the reason for the much higher effectiveness of cowpea cystatin when compared to that previously tested phytocystatin. The application of this knowledge in plant protein mutation programs aiming at enhancement of plant defenses to pests is discussed.  相似文献   

寄主对豆野螟的药剂敏感性和体内解毒酶活性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
比较取食不同寄主植物的豆野螟MarucatestulalisGeyer幼虫对3种药剂敏感性的差异,及其体内4种解毒酶活性之间的差异。结果表明:取食不同寄主植物的豆野螟对高效顺反氯氰菊酯和灭多威的敏感性差异显著,豇豆>四季豆>扁豆;对茚虫威的敏感性差异不显著。取食不同寄主植物的豆野螟体内4种酶活性都发生了变化,乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)羧酸酯酶(CarE)和多功能氧化酶(MFO)活性之间存在显著差异,豇豆>四季豆>扁豆;但谷胱甘肽-S转移酶(GST)活性之间不具有显著差异。推测:取食扁豆的豆野螟体内产生对高效顺反氯氰菊酯和灭多威具有一定解毒作用的物质;而取食豇豆的豆野螟产生的某种物质对茚虫威具有一定的解毒作用,4种酶在其对茚虫威的解毒过程中起一定的作用。  相似文献   

Xu P  Wu X  Wang B  Luo J  Liu Y  Ehlers JD  Close TJ  Roberts PA  Lu Z  Wang S  Li G 《Heredity》2012,109(1):34-40
Association mapping of important traits of crop plants relies on first understanding the extent and patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the particular germplasm being investigated. We characterize here the genetic diversity, population structure and genome wide LD patterns in a set of asparagus bean (Vigna. unguiculata ssp. sesquipedialis) germplasm from China. A diverse collection of 99 asparagus bean and normal cowpea accessions were genotyped with 1127 expressed sequence tag-derived single nucleotide polymorphism markers (SNPs). The proportion of polymorphic SNPs across the collection was relatively low (39%), with an average number of SNPs per locus of 1.33. Bayesian population structure analysis indicated two subdivisions within the collection sampled that generally represented the 'standard vegetable' type (subgroup SV) and the 'non-standard vegetable' type (subgroup NSV), respectively. Level of LD (r(2)) was higher and extent of LD persisted longer in subgroup SV than in subgroup NSV, whereas LD decayed rapidly (0-2 cM) in both subgroups. LD decay distance varied among chromosomes, with the longest (≈ 5 cM) five times longer than the shortest (≈ 1 cM). Partitioning of LD variance into within- and between-subgroup components coupled with comparative LD decay analysis suggested that linkage group 5, 7 and 10 may have undergone the most intensive epistatic selection toward traits favorable for vegetable use. This work provides a first population genetic insight into domestication history of asparagus bean and demonstrates the feasibility of mapping complex traits by genome wide association study in asparagus bean using a currently available cowpea SNPs marker platform.  相似文献   

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