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小鼠体细胞核移植程序的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王锋  蒋晓明 《四川动物》2006,25(3):459-462
采用直接去核法、透明带切割法、PMM法3种核移植方法进行小鼠卵母细胞去核的研究。3种方法都未对卵母细胞核进行示踪,仅以第一极体作为参照进行去核,都属于盲吸法范畴,在去核率上没有显著差异。直接去核法对卵母细胞造成较大的伤害,去核操作过程中极易使卵母细胞膜破裂,发生崩解;透明带切割法分步操作使操作变得柔和,对卵母细胞的刺激减小,去核卵母细胞的存活率较高;PMM法靠脉冲电压在透明带上打孔进行辅助去核,脉冲参数稍大或压透明带太紧都极易在击破透明带的同时击破卵膜,使卵母细胞发生崩解。在构建重构胚的过程中,胞质内注射法较电融合法而言,程序简单,带入的供体胞质较少,构建重构胚的效率更高。  相似文献   

首先用不同的激活剂孤雌激活体外成熟培养的牛卵母细胞,经试验获得:离子霉素、A23187和7%乙醇联合6-DMAP可有效地激活牛卵母细胞,并支持其发育到囊胚,但离子霉素激活效率显著优于其他两种(P<0.05);以10?S SOFaa 颗粒细胞为发育体系培养激活的成熟牛卵母细胞可得到较高的卵裂率和囊胚率(72.30%,14.91%)。其次,通过体外培养成年马皮肤成纤维细胞,将获得的成纤维细胞经血清饥饿培养后,作为核供体移入去核牛卵母细胞透明带下,电融合后,能得到融合的马牛重构胚,在交流电脉冲起始电压20V,持续时间10s,频率0.2MHz,结束电压15V,2次脉冲和融合间隔为0.125s的条件下,当融合电压为2.0kV/cm,脉冲时程为40μs时,重组胚的融合率和卵裂率最高(52.27%,71.74%)。  相似文献   

通过人-牛异种核移植技术获得异种克隆囊胚, 便于在不消耗人类卵母细胞的情况下从异种克隆胚中分离出人类干细胞。通过透明带下注射法将人胎儿成纤维细胞和牛耳成纤维细胞分别注入去核牛卵母细胞中构建异种和同种胚胎, 并比较两者之间的融合率、卵裂率、8-细胞发育率以及囊胚率。并对处于2-细胞、4-细胞、8-细胞、桑椹胚、囊胚阶段的异种克隆胚的线粒体DNA来源进行检测。结果表明, 异种克隆胚体外各个阶段的发育率均低于同种克隆胚, 尤其是8-细胞到囊胚阶段的发育率, 以及囊胚率都显著低于同种克隆胚(P<0.05)。异种克隆胚在2-细胞到桑椹胚阶段检测到人、牛线粒体DNA共存, 囊胚阶段只检测到牛线粒体DNA。结果表明: 牛卵母细胞可以重编程人胎儿成纤维细胞, 完成异种克隆胚植入前的胚胎发育, 异种克隆胚由于核质相互作用的不谐调, 影响其发育能力, 使其囊胚率显著低于同种克隆胚。牛线粒体DNA存在于植入前异种胚胎发育的各个阶段。异种克隆胚胎用于人类胚胎干细胞分离具有可行性。  相似文献   

家兔供体细胞的发育周期与重构胚发育的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用血清饥饿法处理体外培养的兔子胎儿成纤维细胞,并将其作为供体细胞移入去核卵母细胞内构建重构胚胎。检查供体细胞的细胞周期对重构胚的融合率、分裂率和着床率的影响。实验结果表明:培养基中血清含量在0.5%的情况下,G0/G1期的细胞比例由正常培养条件下(培乔液中含有10%FCS)的73.2%明显地增加到86%以上。饥饿1~3天的细胞作为供体细胞构建重构胚时,可明显提高重构胚的融合率,但是不同的饥饿时间其融合率并无显著的差异。饥饿处理可明显增加重构胚的分裂率,以饥饿处理3天为最佳。  相似文献   

人-山羊异种核移植胚胎发育的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以体外分离培养的人胚胎成纤维细胞为核供体,经血清饥饿培养后,通过显微操作技术移入山羊去核卵母细胞中,采用化学方法激活重组胚.通过体外培养观察,2-细胞胚胎发育率可达51.33%,4-细胞发育率为31.42%,但发育至桑椹胚阶段的胚胎数目大大减少,仅为9.73%.虽然目前尚未能获得异种核移植囊胚,但实验结果说明山羊成熟卵母细胞可以支持人体细胞核完成重编程,人-山羊异种体细胞核移植重组胚可在体外完成其早期发育.  相似文献   

萨能奶山羊是著名的奶用山羊品种,波尔山羊则是世界著名的肉用山羊品种.为了研究波尔山羊体细胞在奶山羊卵母细胞中的去分化,我们将成年波尔山羊的颗粒细胞或耳皮肤成纤维细胞作为供核细胞(试验组),移入奶山羊中Ⅱ期的去核卵母细胞透明带下,经电融合和离子霉素与6-二甲基氨基嘌呤(6-DMAP)激活,直接移入同期发情奶山羊输卵管或经体内培养,将发育的重构胚移人同期发情羊子宫内.妊娠早期作B超诊断,确立妊娠的观察至足月.同时将奶山羊的35日龄胎儿成纤维细胞作供核细胞(对照组),按试验组同样方法处理,将重构胚直接移入同期发情的奶山羊输卵管内.结果试验组,波尔羊颗粒粒细胞与耳皮肤成纤维细胞的融合率分别为78.2%(115/147)、57.4%(116/202),重构胚卵裂率为85.8%(115/134),桑椹胚、囊胚的发育率38.8%(52/134),早期妊娠三头,分别于妊娠40、60、60日龄终止妊娠.对照组,融合率为89.5%(136/152),早期妊娠率为42.9%(6/14),四头受体足月分娩,产四头公羊羔,其中三头存活,一头分娩时死于肺不扩张,并体重过大,显示胎儿过大综合症.经基因型鉴定证实,这四头克隆羔羊均源于同一胎儿成纤维细胞系.以上结果表明,波尔羊体细胞核在奶山羊卵母细胞中能够去分化,并维持一定程度的发育.  相似文献   

牛皮肤成纤维细胞经血清饥饿或预激活处理后获得核胞体,并注入去核卵母细胞内构建重组胚。检查重组胚24 h和36 h卵裂率以及8 d囊胚率,以评估供体细胞及其处理方法对体细胞核移植效果的影响。实验结果表明:来自3个年龄(6、18和36月龄)、2个品系(红安格斯肉牛和荷斯坦奶牛)的4头供体牛皮肤细胞重组胚的卵裂率和囊胚率均无差异。生长到完全汇合的36月龄荷斯坦牛供体细胞血清饥饿10-13 d组重组胚的36 h卵裂率显著低于0 d(对照)、3-5 d和6-9 d组,囊胚率显著低于3-5 d组;经5 μmol/L离子霉素或7%乙醇预激活5 min重组胚的卵裂率和囊胚率均与对照组无差异。  相似文献   

萨能奶山羊是著名的奶用山羊品种,波尔山羊则是世界著名的肉用山羊品种。为了研究波尔山羊体细胞在奶山羊卵母细胞中的去分化,我们针成年波尔山羊的颗粒细胞或耳皮肤成纤维细胞作为供核细胞(试验组),移入奶山羊中Ⅱ期的去核卵母细胞透明带下,经电融合和离子霉素与6-二甲基氨基嘌呤-DMAP)激活,直接移入同期发情奶山羊输卵管或经体内培养,将发育的重构胚移入同期发情羊子宫内。妊娠早期作B超诊断,确立妊娠的观察至足月。同时将奶山羊的35日龄胎儿成纤维细胞作供核细胞(对照组),按试验组同样方法处理,将重构胚直接移入同期发情的奶山羊输卵管内。结果:试验组,波尔羊颗粒粒细胞与耳皮肤成纤维2细胞的融合率分别为78.2%(115/147),57.4%(116/202),重构胚卵裂率为85.8%(115/134),桑椹胚,囊胚的发育率38.8%(52/134),早期妊娠三头,分别于妊娠40,60,60日龄终止妊娠。对照组,融合率为89.5%(136/152),早期妊娠率为42.9%(6/14),四头受体足月分娩,产四头公羊羔,其中三头存活,一头分娩时死于肺不扩张,并体重过大,显示胎儿过大综合症。经基因型鉴定证实,这四头克隆羔羊均源于同一胎儿成纤维细胞系。以上结果表明,波尔羊体细胞核在奶山羊卵母细胞中能够去分化,并维持一定程度的发育。  相似文献   

本研究以兔为实验材料,对细胞核过程中显微操作、电融合、电活化以及移核胚的培养等基本问题进行了研究。对兔进行PMSG-hCG超数排卵,收集成熟母细胞和16-细胞胚;后者经胰蛋白酶消化,去除胶膜和透明带,在不含Ca62 、Mg^2 的分离中分成单个卵裂球;然后,分别对两者做CB预处理;首次尝试采用WQilladsen法,去除卵母细胞核、并将单个卵裂球注入透明带,同时、与McGrath-Solter法进行比较;通过电融合使供体核进入去核的卵母细胞内;将所得移核胚在体外或在中间内体内培养并观察。结果表明:一、Willadsen法与McGrath-Solter法比较,核移植操作的成功率及以后的电融合率均无明显差异(Tab.1)。相对于后者,Willadsen法更简便、易于掌握并提高去核率。二、hCG超排注射后13-15h,观察卵母细胞发现:其中,67.8%保留有第一极体。此时的卵子若去除1/3胞质量,去核率可以达到58.3%。若推迟去核时间,第一极体退化,失去去核标志。三、比较不同电脉冲条件,发现强度为0.63kv/cm,持续160μs的一次电脉冲可获较高移核胚的融合率(70.8%)(Tab.2);并可使61.1%的成熟卵母细胞活化。四、比较移核胚在体外和在中间有体内两种培养条件,前者只有34.6%能发育到6-8细胞期,而后者有23.0%能发育到桑椹胚或囊胚(Tab.3)。说明:需进一步优化家兔胚体外培养条件。  相似文献   

影响猪体细胞核移植重构胚体外发育的若干因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以卵丘细胞为核供体细胞组成重构胚,卵裂率达到56.7%,发育至桑椹胚达11.7%、孵化囊胚率为6.7%,显著高于成纤维细胞组成的重构胚(p<0.05)。我们研究了卵母细胞的采集方法,激活方法和卵龄对卵丘细胞核移植重构胚体外发育的影响。以血清饥饿法将卵丘细胞诱导至GO或G1期,抽吸法/解剖法采集卵母细胞,体外培养33或44 h,将卵丘细胞置于去核卵母细胞的卵周隙中,重构胚以钙离子载体A23817或电脉冲结合6-DMAP激活处理,体外培养6天,结果表明,卵母细胞采集方法、激活液中细胞松弛素(CB)并不影响重构胚的发育(以卵龄44h的卵母细胞为受体);而以电脉冲结合6-DMAP激活处理能提高重构胚发育能力(以卵龄33 h的卵母细胞为受体)(p<0.05)。本研究显示,以电脉冲结合6-DMAP激活卵丘细胞重构胚,能在体外发育至囊胚  相似文献   

Mouse half-morulae were cryopreserved less than or equal to 1, 3, 6, and 12 hr after bisection by the vitrification method using 25% glycerol and 25% 1,2-propanediol as cryoprotectant. The developmental rates of the frozen-thawed half-embryos to blastocysts in vitro were 77.8% (63/81), 82.0% (41/50), 92.1% (117/127), and 0% (0/37), respectively. Sixty-one of the half-embryos that had been vitrified 6 hr after the bisection followed by transfer to five recipients resulted in a total of ten (16.4%) normal fetuses. Chimeric mouse embryos constructed by two half-morulae were also vitrified 6 and 16 hr after aggregation. Survivors were obtained from the former case: 40 (80.0%) of 50 frozen-thawed embryos developed in vitro to blastocysts, and, after transfer, six chimeric offspring were obtained from the 34 vitrified chimeric embryos. These results showed that mouse half-morulae and chimeric embryos could be cryopreserved by the vitrification method. It seems possible to manufacture a chimeric mouse embryo of defined genotypic composition that can be analyzed during its frozen state using the identical half-embryos of the components.  相似文献   

Nuclear transfer (NT) is used to elucidate fundamental biological issues such as reversibility of cell differentiation and interactions between the cytoplasm and nucleus. To obtain an insight into interactions between the somatic cell nucleus and oocyte cytoplasm, nuclear remodeling and gene expression were compared in bovine oocytes that had received nuclei from bovine and mouse fibroblast cells. While the embryos that received nuclei from bovine fibroblast cells developed into blastocysts, those that received nuclei from mouse fibroblasts did not develop beyond the 8-cell stage. Similar nuclear remodeling procedures were observed in oocytes reconstructed with mouse and bovine fibroblast cells. Foreign centrosomes during NT were introduced into embryos reconstructed with both fibroblast cell types. A number of housekeeping mouse genes (hsp70, bax, and glt-1) were abnormally expressed in embryos that had received nuclei from mouse fibroblast cells. However, development-related genes, such as Oct-4 and E-cad, were not expressed. The results collectively suggest that the bovine oocyte cytoplasm supports nuclear remodeling, but not reprogramming of mouse fibroblast cells.  相似文献   

Quick-splitting of bovine embryos   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Described is a simplified method of bovine embryo bisection amenable to on-farm embryo transfer. Using a microblade operated by a hand-held micromanipulator, Day 7 bovine embryos were bisected while in the zona pellucida. With a vertical motion, the embryo was pinned between the blade and the bottom of a plastic petri dish and bisected. Demi-embryos were transferred nonsurgically (without zonae pellucidae) into synchronized recipients. Pregnancy rates were normal with 5 13 (38%) and 9 20 (45%) of recipients confirmed pregnant 70 to 80 d after receiving either twin or single half embryos, respectively. This compared to 12 28 (43%) of recipients becoming pregnant from transfer of whole embryos. These data confirm that bovine demi-embryos do not need zonae pellucidae on Day 7 and that simplified field methods of bisection give normal pregnancy results.  相似文献   

Recently, mouse and human offspring have been successfully obtained from embryos developed after intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI), using a Piezo micromanipulator. In this study, the Piezo-ICSI procedure was used with in vitro matured bovine oocytes known to be difficult to fertilize microsurgically. The efficacy of Piezo-ICSI versus conventional ICSI was examined after oocytes were activated and fertilized with or without calcium ionophore (A23187) exposure. In conventional ICSI, the rate of fertilization was 19% (11/59) with A23187 and 5% (2/38) without it. However, when the Piezo-ICSI procedure was performed, the fertilization rate was 72% (47/65) with A23187 and 72% (28/39) without it. The rate of oocyte survival after microinjection was nearly similar for both methods. We suggest that the bovine oocyte is successfully activated and fertilized when an immobilized spermatozoon is injected exactly into the ooplasm through the oolemma, perforated easily by the pulsation of the Piezo. Moreover, an activating procedure such as exposure of oocytes to A23187 is not necessary, because the so-called sperm factor (oocyte activating substances) is incorporated into the ooplasm along with a spermatozoon. In this respect, the Piezo-ICSI was more efficient than the conventional ICSI method for fertilizing and thus obtaining more bovine embryos.  相似文献   

Park YS  Lin YC 《Theriogenology》1993,39(2):475-484
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of EGF and defined simple media on in vitro bovine oocyte maturation and early embryonic development. Bovine follicular oocytes were matured in vitro and co-cultured with frozen-thawed bull sperm, which was capacitated with Hepes buffered saline (HBS) solution. After incubation of oocyte-sperm complexes for 4 days, the cleavage rate was evaluated. The results obtained were as follows: 1) When bovine oocytes were matured and embryos were developed in Park-Lin medium 1 (PL(1)) containing fetal calf serum (FCS) or EGF + bovine serum albumin (BSA), the latter treatment was more effective in inducing embryonic cleavage (18%) than FCS alone (10%). 2) When bovine oocytes were matured in Park-Lin medium 2 (PL(2)) without EGF and the subsequent embryos were developed in PL(2) medium with EGF, the cleavage rate was 22.6%. 3) When bovine oocytes were matured in PL(2) medium with EGF and then the embryos were developed in PL(2) medium with EGF, the cleavage rate was 35.8%. 4) When bovine oocytes were matured in Park-Lin medium 3 (PL(3)) without EGF and then the embryos were developed in PL(3) medium, the cleavage rate was 50%. 5) When bovine oocytes and resulting embryos were matured in PL(3) medium with EGF, the cleavage rate was 53%. 6) The parthenogenesis rate induced by PL(3) medium in our current study was comparable to the findings reported by other laboratories. These results suggest that EGF stimulates in vitro bovine oocyte maturation and subsequently affects embryonic development. It is suggested that PL(3) medium is a better defined simple medium than the other media currently used by other laboratories for in vitro bovine oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the in vitro developmental potential of reconstituted mouse embryos produced from the cytoplast of pronuclear-stage embryos or oocytes and single blastomeres of 2-cell stage embryos by electrofusion. The cytoplast of pronuclear-stage embryos and oocytes were obtained by manual bisection with a fine glass needle under a dissecting microscope. The fusion rates of the reconstituted embryos produced from the cytoplast of oocytes and single blastomeres of 2-cell stage embryos (O-SB2: 38.1 and 41.5%) were significantly lower than those produced from the cytoplast of pronuclear-stage embryos and single blastomeres of 2-cell stage embryos (P-SB2: 91.2 and 97.6%; P<0.001). Reconstituted embryos were encapsulated in alginate gel and were cultured for 96 hours. Similarly, the cleavage and development rates to the blastocyst stage of O-SB2 (56.3, 61.2 and 2.0, 3.1%, respectively) were significantly lower than those of the P-SB2 (91.0, 91.2 and 18.6, 20.7%; respectively, P<0.05). The cleavage and development rates to the blastocyst stage (61.2 and 2.0%) of reconstituted embryos produced from single blastomeres of late 2-cell stage embryos and oocyte cytoplast improved after activation by ethanol treatment (76.1 and 21.7%). However, the use of single blastomeres of early 2-cell stage embryos as nuclear donors did not enhance the cleavage and development rates of the reconstituted embryos to the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

In this study, nuclear transfer (NT) embryos were produced by using C57Bl/6 mouse morula blastomeres and Kunming mouse metaphase II (MII) oocytes as donors and recipients, respectively, to investigate the effects of sucrose treatment of MII oocytes with different concentrations on the manipulation time of NT, electrofusion and the in vitro and in vivo development of reconstructed embryos. The results demonstrated that: (i) when the oocytes were enucleated with 1, 2 and 3% sucrose treatment, respectively, the enucleating rates were not affected by the different sucrose concentrations, but the manipulation time had significant difference and the mean nuclear transfer manipulation times of every oocyte were 180+/-10 s, 130+/-10 s and 120+/-10 s, respectively; (ii) different sucrose concentrations had no significant effects on the fusion rate and the in vitro developmental potential of the NT embryos (p>0.05). Furthermore, 59 embryos were transplanted into the oviducts of two recipients. In the end, three dead full-term developed fetuses were obtained on 21 days post coitus (dpc). These results suggested that the mouse MII oocytes enucleated via sucrose treatment might be an alternative source for mouse cloning and could support the embryonic NT embryos developed to term in vivo.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether oocytes obtained from bovine ovaries collected at commercial abattoirs for use in in vitro fertilization programs would be contaminated with bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) and/or bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). In total, of 85 samples tested containing 759 embryos produced by in vitro fertilization, 2 (2.4%) were positive for BHV-1 while none were positive for BVDV. The follicular fluid collected during oocyte aspiration tested positive in 11.8% for BVH-1 and in 4.7% for BVDV. Oviductal cells used to co-culture zygotes/embryos tested positive for BHV-1 and BVDV in 6.2% and 1.2% samples respectively.  相似文献   

A two-step polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was used to determine the sex of mouse preimplantation embryos obtained from oocytes fertilized and cultured in vitro, to investigate the differences in the developmental rates of mouse embryos according to the sex. All the in vitro developed embryos could be analyzed by this method. When the embryos were classified according to the time of morula to blastocyst transition as fast-intermediate- and slow-growing embryos, a significantly high percentage (78.0%) of the fast-developing embryos were identified as males; while a significantly lower percentage (42.5%) of slow-developing embryos were identified as males. The intermediate-developing embryos presented a sex ratio not significantly different from the total (57.5%). The deviation of sex ratio was further confirmed by embryo transfer experiment, where fast- and slow-developing embryos gave 76.2% and 25.7% male fetuses, respectively. We concluded that male mouse embryos fertilized and cultured in vitro develop faster than female embryos. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Bovine oocyte cytoplasm has been shown to support the development of nuclei from other species up to the blastocyst stage. Somatic cell nuclei from buffalo fetal fibroblasts have been successfully reprogrammed after transfer to enucleated bovine oocytes, resulting in the production of cloned buffalo blastocysts. The aim of this study was to compare the in vitro development of fetal and adult buffalo cloned embryos after the fusion of a buffalo fetal fibroblast, cumulus or oviductal cell with bovine oocyte cytoplasm. The fusion of oviductal cells with enucleated bovine oocytes was higher than that of fetal fibroblasts or cumulus cells (83% versus 77 or 73%, respectively). There was a significantly higher cleavage rate (P < 0.05) for fused nuclear transferred embryos produced by fetal fibroblasts and oviductal cells than for cumulus cells (84 or 78% versus 68%, respectively). Blastocyst development in the nuclear transferred embryos produced by fetal fibroblasts was higher (P < 0.05) than those produced either by cumulus or oviductal cells. Chromosome analysis of cloned blastocysts confirmed the embryo was derived from buffalo donor nuclei. This study demonstrates that nuclei from buffalo fetal cells could be successfully reprogrammed to develop to the blastocyst stage at a rate higher than nuclei from adult cells.  相似文献   

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