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以热带地区湛江市常见的行道乔木作为研究对象, 研究行道树滞尘能力及作用机理, 为筛选生态效益高、适合热带环境种植的行道树种提供理论依据。选择热带街道常见的9种行道乔木在4个地点重复采样, 采用最新比例称重法计量尘埃质量, 纸重法测量叶面积, 并进行叶面微结构, 叶面特征, 叶柄长度和滞尘情况组合分析探索滞尘机理。这9种行道树的滞尘能力差异极显著, 麻楝滞尘能力最强, 达6.2907 g•m–2, 羊蹄甲滞尘能力最差, 为1.3136 g•m–2, 它们相差达5倍, 9个树种的滞尘能力从大到小依次是: 麻楝>小叶榄仁>非洲楝>人面子>大花紫薇>垂叶榕>雅榕>糖胶树>羊蹄甲; 植物的滞尘能力与其叶片气孔密度、开闭程度有关, 表明气孔密度小且开张程度大的植物叶片滞尘能力高于气孔密度大且开张程度小的植物; 植物的滞尘能力与叶片表面特征和伸展角度有一定关系, 其关键影响因素是叶面的纹路和粗糙程度, 而与叶片的质地关系不大; 关键研究结果是行道树叶柄长度与滞尘能力呈明显的负相关, 其叶柄越长, 滞尘能力相应越差, 羊蹄甲平均叶柄长度为3.43 cm, 滞尘能力最差。行道树间滞尘能力差异极显著, 行道树的气孔特征、叶面特征、叶柄长度和枝条伸展角度都会影响行道树的滞尘能力。  相似文献   

青岛市城阳区主要园林树种叶片表皮形态与滞尘量的关系   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
利用环境扫描电镜观察比较了青岛市城阳区11种园林植物的叶表面形态结构与滞尘能力。结果表明:不同树种的滞尘能力差异较大,其滞尘量相差达到4倍以上,降雨可显著降低叶面颗粒物附着密度,不同树种所受影响差异明显;不同树种叶表面结构不同,滞尘量较小的白蜡和火棘,其叶表面较平滑,细胞排列整齐;而滞尘量较大的悬铃木、紫荆和紫薇,其叶表面上有密集纤毛或呈现出明显的脊状皱褶,并且结构越密集、凹凸越明显,越有利于粉尘颗粒物的滞留。  相似文献   

不同树种叶片微观结构对其滞纳空气颗粒物功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空气颗粒物能够危害人体健康,而植被可以有效减少空气中颗粒物的浓度,提高环境质量。本文利用原子力显微镜、扫描电镜检测不同树种叶片表面微特征(气孔密度、蜡质层、油脂、绒毛、纹理等)、粗糙度和湿润性,研究了城市中不同树种叶片微结构对滞纳空气颗粒物功能的影响。结果表明:不同树种之间滞尘能力存在差异,针叶树种滞尘能力要高于阔叶树种;叶片表面结构对于树种滞尘能力的影响非常显著(P0.05),其中测试树种中油松、白皮松叶片滞尘主要受气孔密度、蜡质层厚度、油脂、纹理的影响,而旱柳、五角枫、银杏和杨树叶片滞尘能力主要受叶片表面粗糙度的影响;叶片表面湿润性与叶片的滞尘能力存在显著负相关(P0.05)。  相似文献   

城市绿化植物叶片表面特征对滞尘能力的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
王会霞  石辉  李秧秧 《应用生态学报》2010,21(12):3077-3082
以西安市21种常见绿化植物为对象,采用人工降尘方法测定植物叶片的最大滞尘量,研究植物叶片表面绒毛、润湿性、表面自由能及其分量对滞尘能力的影响.结果表明: 21种供试植物叶片的最大滞尘量在0.8~38.6 g·m-2,不同树种最大滞尘量差异显著,物种间相差40倍以上.叶片表面绒毛数量及其形态、分布特征对滞尘能力具有重要影响,可能与绒毛和颗粒物间的作用方式有关.除叶片表面着生绒毛的悬铃木、国槐、榆叶梅和毛梾4个物种外,其他植物叶片接触角与最大滞尘量均呈显著负相关.接触角较小、易润湿的植物叶片最大滞尘量在2.0~8.0 g·m-2,而接触角较大的银杏、三叶草、紫叶小檗和鸡爪槭的最大滞尘量均<2.0 g·m-2.叶片表面自由能主要表现分子间色散力的作用,而极性分量对表面自由能的贡献低于20%,可能与叶片表面含有的非极性或弱极性物质有关.最大滞尘量与叶片表面自由能及其色散分量呈显著正相关,而与极性分量的相关关系不显著.  相似文献   

武汉市15种阔叶乔木滞尘能力与叶表微形态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以武汉市15种常见的阔叶乔木为研究对象,通过3级滤膜过滤法测定了各乔木单位叶面积滞留不同粒径颗粒物(TSP、PM_(10)、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5))的质量,并通过扫描电镜观察比较了15种乔木的叶表面微形态结构,分析了微形态对植物滞尘能力的影响。结果表明:15种乔木单位叶面积的滞尘量存在显著差异(P0.05),综合滞尘能力最强的植物为二球悬铃木、桂花和石楠,除以上3者外,女贞和广玉兰分别具有较强的滞留PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)的能力;加杨滞留TSP和PM_(10)的能力最弱,玉兰滞留PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)的能力最弱。各乔木单位叶面积滞留PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)的质量分别占总粉尘量的0.7%—8.9%和3.6%—33.9%。叶表面微结构观察表明,叶表面粗糙、褶皱较多,或被有蜡质层的植物有利于粉尘颗粒物的附着。相关性分析表明,植物单位叶面积的滞尘量与叶表面沟槽的宽度呈显著相关,上下表面沟槽宽度越小,越有利于细微颗粒物(PM_(2.5))的滞留,下表面沟槽宽度增加,有利于粉尘总颗粒物(TSP)的滞留。由此可见,叶表面粗糙度、蜡质含量和沟槽宽度等微形态结构是调控绿化树种叶片滞尘能力的重要因素,在武汉以治理大气粉尘污染为目标进行城市绿化时,可考虑选择二球悬铃木、桂花和石楠等滞尘能力强的树种。  相似文献   

东北地区城市针叶树冬季滞尘效应研究   总被引:62,自引:4,他引:58  
对不同种针叶树同一降尘条件及同种针叶树不同降尘条件的滞尘能力进行研究,结果表明,针叶树在东北的冬季有很强的滞尘作用,不同的针叶树滞尘能力排序为沙松冷杉>沙地云杉>红皮云杉>东北红豆杉>白皮松>华山松>油松,不同针叶树叶表面结构不同,滞尘量较小的白皮松、华山松和油松表面平滑,细胞与气孔排列整齐,而滞尘量较大的红皮云杉、沙松冷杉、东北红豆杉的针叶表皮平滑程度较差,细胞与气孔排列较前3种植物差,在红皮云杉叶表面上有大小不等的瘤状物,不同针叶树叶断面形状与滞尘量相关,白皮松和油松叶片的上表面呈弧形,不易附着灰尘;华山松叶片呈三棱形,上表面较窄,附着灰尘的量较小;两种云杉的叶片呈四棱形,上表面较3种松属植物的叶片要宽与平展,因此相对滞尘量要大;沙松冷杉和东北红豆杉的叶断面形状都较扁、平,这种断面正是构成其滞尘量大于3种松属和两种云杉属植物的主要因素。  相似文献   

西安市常见绿化植物叶片润湿性能及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用接触角测定仪测定了西安市21种常见绿化植物叶片表面的接触角,探讨了叶片表面特性如蜡质、绒毛、气孔对接触角的影响。结果表明,植物叶片正背面、物种间的接触角差异均显著,叶片正面和背面接触角大小在40°~140°。接触角大小与变异系数呈负相关,可能由于接触角小的润湿叶片在不同的生境和位置下,受到环境条件的影响较大而出现大的变异;接触角较大的非润湿性叶片,环境物质持留时间较短,对叶片形态和组成影响较小,因而出现小的变异。植物叶片表面的接触角随蜡质含量的升高而增大。表皮蜡质去除后大部分叶片接触角明显降低,尤其是疏水性较强的银杏(Ginkgo biloba)、月季(Ro-sa chinensis)和紫叶小檗(Berberis thunbergii)。女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)正背面、加杨(Popu-lus canadensis)背面等亲水型的叶片蜡质去除后接触角反而增大。叶片绒毛的多少及其形态、分布方式对接触角具有重要的影响,不同的作用方式表现出润湿和不润湿的特征,人为将其去除可以增加叶片的润湿性。背面气孔密度与气孔长度、保卫细胞长度呈负相关;接触角则与气孔密度呈负相关,与气孔长度呈正相关。  相似文献   

城市行道树对交通环境的响应   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李寒娥  李秉滔  蓝盛芳 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2180-2187

张羚  陈沅江 《生态学报》2016,36(24):7960-7970
植物防尘是一类多功能复合、有很高环保经济价值的防尘技术,其关键是要优选出在不同粉尘污染环境中具强适生性的优势树种。为此,以我国南方某工业园区内4种常见灌木为研究对象,在室内仿真模拟的工业粉尘污染环境中,对盆栽植物样本的滞尘能力及其引起的叶表温度变化进行跟踪监测和适生性分析。实验结果表明,叶片滞尘会普遍引起叶表温度升高,不同粉尘环境中的叶表温度变化存在明显差异,含碱性物质和重金属元素的粉尘对植物的影响较为显著。所研究的4种样本植物在实验粉尘环境中的适生性大小顺序为:桂花、鹅掌柴、红继木、茶树。在工业园区绿化建设规划设计时,应在充分考虑粉尘污染环境特点的基础上,对计划引进植物进行适生性评价,选择粉尘阻滞吸附能力强且滞尘后叶片温度变化平缓的树种,从而更有效的利用绿色植物防治大气颗粒物污染。  相似文献   

北京市26种落叶阔叶绿化树种的滞尘能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为筛选适用于北京市的具有优良滞尘能力的绿化物种, 提高城市植被滞尘效应, 选取北京市园林绿化应用最广泛的26种落叶阔叶树种, 应用质量差值法, 于2014年夏季对不同树种单位叶面积滞尘量进行测定, 计算单叶滞尘量与单株滞尘量, 并对树种滞尘能力进行了相应的聚类分析。结果表明: 不同树种间滞尘能力存在较大差异, 选择不同的滞尘量计量单位, 树种滞尘量排序会相应地发生变化。对26种北京市常用落叶阔叶树种从叶片、植株与综合滞尘能力三个方面的聚类分析均可得到相应的分类, 各类别代表不同级别的滞尘能力水平。研究分析认为, 植物滞尘能力与其叶表特征、滞尘方式、株型结构、整株叶量及所处环境含尘量等密切相关, 评价树种滞尘能力时应进行综合考虑。  相似文献   

The epicuticular wax covering on plant surface plays important roles in protecting plants against UV radiation. However, the role of epicuticular wax in affecting leaf gas exchange under enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation remains obscure. In the present study, different aged leaves of Brassica napus were used to analyze the responses of crystal structure and chemical constituents of epicuticular wax to UV-B radiation and the effects of such responses on gas exchange indices. Enhanced UV-B radiation significantly decreased the amount of esters in all leaves except the first leaf, amount of secondary alcohols in the second, third and fourth leaves, and amount of primary alcohols in the second and third leaves, while increased the amounts of ketones and aldehydes in the first leaf. Enhanced UV-B level had no significant effect on the amounts of alkanes and total wax in all leaves. Exposure to UV-B radiation resulted in wax fusion on adaxial leaf and stomata opening on abaxial leaf. Fusions of plates and rods on adaxial leaf surface covered most of the stomata, thereby influencing the photosynthesis in the upper mesophyll of leaves. Enhanced UV-B level significantly reduced the net photosynthesis rate (P N) but increased the stomata conductance (g s), concentrations of intercellular CO2 (C i ), and transpiration rate (E) in all leaves. Both UV-B radiation and the wax fusion induced by enhanced UV-B radiation resulted in different stomata status on abaxial and adaxial leaf surface, causing decrease of P N, and increase of g s, C i and E in leaves.  相似文献   

Wettability of the leaf surface, surface tension of the liquid, and stomatal morphology control penetration of stomata by liquids. The critical surface tension of the lower leaf surface of Zebrina purpusii Brückn. was estimated to be 25 to 30 dyne cm−1. Liquids having a surface tension less than 30 dyne cm−1 gave zero contact angle on the leaf surface and infiltrated stomata spontaneously while liquids having a surface tension greater than 30 dyne cm−1 did not wet the leaf surface and failed to infiltrate stomata. Considering stomata as conical capillaries, we were able to show that with liquids giving a finite contact angle, infiltration depended solely on the relationship between the magnitude of the contact angle and the wall angle of the aperture. Generally, spontaneous infiltration of stomata will take place when the contact angle is smaller than the wall angle of the aperture wall. The degree of stomatal opening (4, 6, 8, or 10 μm) was of little importance. Cuticular ledges present at the entrance to the outer vestibule and between the inner vestibule and substomatal chamber resulted in very small if not zero wall angles, and thus played a major role in excluding water from the intercellular space of leaves. We show why the degree of stomatal opening cannot be assessed by observing spontaneous infiltration of stomata by organic liquids of low surface tension.  相似文献   

Under the situ terraced field experiments, effects of artificial UV-B radiation enhancement (0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 kJ m?2) on spatial situation and surface structure of leaves and responses index of two local cultivars rice (Oryza sativa L.)—Yuelianggu and Baijiaolaojin in Yuanyang County, China in shooting stage were studied. The results showed that: (1) due to the enhanced UV-B radiation, leaf apex–base distance, leaf pedestal height, leaf rolling degree and wax content in leaves increased, while leaf apex–stem distance, distance between leaves and leaf angle decreased. The response index of growth was positive when UV-B levels were 2.5 and 5.0 kJ m?2, which showed some adaptation. (2) The enhanced UV-B radiation resulted in smaller stomata with higher density and more papilla for both rice cultivars. (3) The enhanced UV-B radiation also leaded to larger silica cells and significantly increases the amount of papilla, spike and epidermal hair for both rice cultivars. (4) Yuelianggu cultivar showed an excellent adaptation on the aspect of spatial situation with UV-B radiation of 2.5 and 5.0 kJ m?2, while Baijiaolaojin exhibited better adaptation respecting the surface structure of leaves when UV-B was 2.5 kJ m?2. By changing spatial situation of leaves, structure and density of stomata, and non-stomatal structures (wax layer, silica cell, cork cell, papilla, spike and epidermal hair), two self-retention rice cultivars could adapt to the increased UV-B radiation. On the aspect of the response index, Baijiaolaojin showed better adaptation than Yuelianggu did when the UV-B was 2.5 kJ m?2.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2007,31(1):93-101
This study investigated the seasonal modification of wax deposition, and the impact of epicuticular wax on gas-exchange as well as photoinhibition in Leucadendron lanigerum, a species from the Proteaceae family with wax-covered leaf surfaces and the stomata also partially occluded by wax. The results of this study demonstrated that the deposition of epicuticular wax in L. lanigerum is dependent on the age of the leaf as well as the season, and generation and regeneration of wax occur mostly in spring while transformation and also degeneration of wax crystals occur in winter. Epicuticular waxes decreased cuticular water loss, but had little impact on leaf reflectance. The temperature of leaves without wax was lower than that of wax-covered leaves, indicating that the rate of transpiration impacted more on leaf temperature than reflectance of light in the PAR range in L. lanigerum. The wax coverage at the entrance of stomata in L. lanigerum increased resistance to gas diffusion and as a consequence decreased stomatal conductance, transpiration and photosynthesis. Also, the results indicated that epicuticular waxes do help prevent photodamage in L. lanigerum, and so this property could benefit plants living in arid environments with high solar radiation.  相似文献   

The topography and wettability of the underside of English weed (Oxalis pes-caprae) leaves and of their biomimetic replicas are investigated. Polyvinyl siloxane molds were cast from the leaves and then filled with an epoxy pre-polymer to produce replicas. The particular topographical structures of leaves and replicas were evaluated by optical microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis. The static wettability of leaves and replicas was assessed by contact angle measurements, while the dynamic wettability was characterized by estimating contact angle hysteresis and studying the dynamic behavior of impacting water droplets. A smooth glass slip and its replica were used as control surfaces. The replica moulding method used was able to transfer the characteristic pattern of irregular 100 μm - 200 μm × 60 μm convex papillae interspersed with stomata of the original leaf to the epoxy replicas. The static contact angle of 143°± 3° and the contact angle hysteresis of 2~ indicate that the underside of the English weed leaf is close to superhydrophobic. The lower contact angles (130° ± 4°) and higher hysteresis (31°) observed for the replica when compared with the original leaves were associated to an inaccurate replication of the chemistry and structures of the three-dimensional wax projections covering the plant surface. Also, trichomes in the original leaves could not be accurately reproduced due to their flexibility and fragility. Differences in wetting behavior were also evident from droplet impact experiments, with rebound regimes prevailing in the original leaves and regimes characterized by higher adhesion and larger dissipation predominating in the replicas. Nevertheless, the morphological features of the leaf transferred to the replica were sufficient to promote a clear hydrophobic behavior of the replica when compared with the smooth epoxy reference surface.  相似文献   

To provide more insight into the removal ability of urban air dust and associated metals by plant leaves, and thus guide urban green planning to improve air quality, 15 plant species leaves collected from Beijing roadside were analyzed for size fractions of leaf surface dust (SD) and inner wax dust (WD). Seven associated metals Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn were also measured. Metal Accumulation Index (MAI) was calculated for different species leaves at various dust sizes and soluble forms, respectively. Cluster analysis was used for the plant species and correlations between dust and metal concentrations and for inter-metal concentrations were calculated for both surface and inner wax dust. Mean leaf total dust TD (SD?+?WD), SD and WD were measured as 1159, 817 and 342?mg m?2, respectively, with the highest values observed all in Euonymus japonicus. Most species leaves collected larger ratios of SD than WD except Salix babylonica and Robinia pseudoacacia. While SD was presented at all particle size fractions for all plants, nearly all species leaves collected higher proportions of WD >10?µm. Mean metal levels of leaf TD of all species ranged from high to low as Fe?>?Cr?>?Zn?>?Pb?>?Cu?>?Mn?>?Cd, but with different orders for individual species. Metals were observed in all sizes of SD/WD, although the size distributions were various for certain metals. Intercorrelations of metal concentrations in leaf SD/WD were positively significant except Pb, which may have different emission sources. Species Prunus cerasifera f. atropurpurea, Syringa oblata, Malus micromalu, Koelreuteria paniculata and Robinia pseudoacacia may possess better overall metal collection ability due to their relatively higher MAI values, but species Euonymus japonicus, Malus micromalu, Ligustrum x vicaryi and Koelreuteria paniculata were identified as the best choices in removing air dust based on cluster analysis and suggested to be planted at heavy trafficked road site for air quality improvement.  相似文献   

He C X  Li J Y  Guo M  Wang Y T  Chen C 《农业工程》2008,28(7):3008-3016
As main photosynthetic organs, leaves are very sensitive to exterior environments. Water deficiency obviously affects the biological and physiological characteristics of leaves. Xylem pathways increase when trees grow tall, which results in the increase in water gravity as well as pathway resistance. Accordingly, the physiological characteristics of leaves change along with tree height. In this research, the photosynthetic characteristics and carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) in the leaves of 4 tree species, Platanus hispanica, Robinia pseudoacacia, Fraxinus chinensis and Ginkgo biloba, were measured. The results showed that the leaf photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (Cond) and internal CO2 concentration (Ci) reduced along with tree height, while the leaf δ13C increased along with tree height. The One Way ANOVA and LSD tests showed that the leaf photosynthetic characteristics and δ13C varied significantly at different tree heights (P < 0.05). The decrease in leaf photosynthetic capability and the increase in δ13C along with tree height indicate that the leaves at the tree tops suffer from water stress. These results support the hydraulic limitation hypothesis.  相似文献   

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