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广州市常见行道树种叶片表面形态与滞尘能力   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刘璐  管东生  陈永勤 《生态学报》2013,33(8):2604-2614
以广州市常见的18种行道树为对象,通过扫描电镜观察比较了行道树的叶表面形态结构、应用接触角测定仪测定了绿化树种叶片的接触角对滞尘能力的影响.结果表明:不同树种的滞尘量差异显著,18种植物叶片雨后第26天的最大滞尘量在0.066-1.831 g/m2,物种间相差达27倍以上.叶表面具有网状结构,气孔密度较大(20<气孔密度<60个)且气孔开口较大(如芒果)容易滞留粉尘;叶表面平滑具有蜡质层,气孔排列整齐,无明显起伏(如红花羊蹄甲、桃花心木、大叶紫薇、鹅掌藤),滞尘能力较弱.植物叶片接触角与滞尘量呈负相关(r=-0.614),接触角<90°的表现为亲水性.易润湿的植物叶片雨后第26天最大滞尘量在1.0-1.831 g/m2,叶片表面的形态结构凹凸不平,具有钩状或脊状褶皱、突起等且20<气孔密度<60范围内,测得的接触角较小(芒果、重阳木、高山榕),使得粉尘与植物叶片接触面积较大,粉尘不易从叶面脱落,滞尘能力较强.而接触角较大的盆架树、麻楝、大叶紫薇、鹅掌藤和红花羊蹄甲的滞尘量均<1.0g/m2,其特殊的表面结构和疏水的蜡质使颗粒物不易吸附在植物叶片上,因此滞尘能力较弱.由此可见,植物叶表面蜡质含量和气孔密度及其叶片接触角的大小是影响植物叶片滞尘能力的主要因素,在进行城市绿化时,适当考虑选择叶表面形态有利于滞尘的绿化树种,将可提高城市植被的环境效应.  相似文献   

植物叶表面的润湿性及其生态学意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
石辉  王会霞  李秧秧 《生态学报》2011,31(15):4287-4298
植物叶表面的润湿性是各种生境中常见的一种现象,表现了叶片对水的亲和能力。叶面的润湿性可以通过测定气、固、液界面的接触角大小确定,接触角θ<110°的为润湿,θ>130°的为不润湿,表现出斥水性。影响叶片润湿性的主要因素有叶面蜡质含量与形态,叶面绒毛数量、质地、形态和分布方式,气孔和表皮细胞形态和大小,叶水分状况等。叶表面的化学组成和形态是影响叶润湿性的主要内在原因,但外界环境的变化通过影响表面的结构和形态来影响叶润湿性。叶面的润湿性是植物叶片截流降水的微观基础,水分在润湿性强的叶面上铺展呈膜;在不润湿的叶面上形成水珠,容易在风和重力的作用下离开叶面;铺展的水膜,又会对叶的光合作用产生重要的影响。不同润湿性的叶面,滞留、吸附、过滤各种大气污染物数量不同;这些污染物沉降在叶片表面,与叶面发生相互作用,从而改变叶面的润湿性。植物叶含水量的高低对叶感染病菌有重要的影响,在病菌感染期间如果叶表面完全润湿则有利于病菌侵染;一旦病菌侵染,又会对叶面结构造成破坏,需要考虑润湿性能对防治病虫害的农药液滴持留的影响。对于润湿性小、斥水性大的植物,其叶表面表现出一定的自清洁功能;根据这些高疏水性、具有自清洁性的植物叶面特征,可利用或借鉴生物学信息进行仿生设计或制造新的功能材料。润湿性作为固、气、液三相作用的综合结果,是认识植物界面关系的微观基础,对于植物叶面生态功能的认识具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

城市绿化植物叶片表面特征对滞尘能力的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
王会霞  石辉  李秧秧 《应用生态学报》2010,21(12):3077-3082
以西安市21种常见绿化植物为对象,采用人工降尘方法测定植物叶片的最大滞尘量,研究植物叶片表面绒毛、润湿性、表面自由能及其分量对滞尘能力的影响.结果表明: 21种供试植物叶片的最大滞尘量在0.8~38.6 g·m-2,不同树种最大滞尘量差异显著,物种间相差40倍以上.叶片表面绒毛数量及其形态、分布特征对滞尘能力具有重要影响,可能与绒毛和颗粒物间的作用方式有关.除叶片表面着生绒毛的悬铃木、国槐、榆叶梅和毛梾4个物种外,其他植物叶片接触角与最大滞尘量均呈显著负相关.接触角较小、易润湿的植物叶片最大滞尘量在2.0~8.0 g·m-2,而接触角较大的银杏、三叶草、紫叶小檗和鸡爪槭的最大滞尘量均<2.0 g·m-2.叶片表面自由能主要表现分子间色散力的作用,而极性分量对表面自由能的贡献低于20%,可能与叶片表面含有的非极性或弱极性物质有关.最大滞尘量与叶片表面自由能及其色散分量呈显著正相关,而与极性分量的相关关系不显著.  相似文献   

茄子叶片绒毛与侧多食跗线螨抗性的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了27 个茄子品种叶片绒毛对侧多食跗线螨(Polyphagotarsonemus latus)的田间种群密度、叶片为害指数、种群增长倍数的影响.结果表明:不同品种茄子叶片绒毛密度和长度存在一定差异;同一品种叶片正面绒毛密度小于背面,正面绒毛长度大于背面;7个抗性较强品种叶片背面平均绒毛密度显著高于6个抗性较弱品种的平均绒毛密度.茄子叶片背面绒毛密度越高,螨的田间种群密度、叶片为害指数越低,茄子的抗性越强.  相似文献   

不同树种叶片微观结构对其滞纳空气颗粒物功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空气颗粒物能够危害人体健康,而植被可以有效减少空气中颗粒物的浓度,提高环境质量。本文利用原子力显微镜、扫描电镜检测不同树种叶片表面微特征(气孔密度、蜡质层、油脂、绒毛、纹理等)、粗糙度和湿润性,研究了城市中不同树种叶片微结构对滞纳空气颗粒物功能的影响。结果表明:不同树种之间滞尘能力存在差异,针叶树种滞尘能力要高于阔叶树种;叶片表面结构对于树种滞尘能力的影响非常显著(P0.05),其中测试树种中油松、白皮松叶片滞尘主要受气孔密度、蜡质层厚度、油脂、纹理的影响,而旱柳、五角枫、银杏和杨树叶片滞尘能力主要受叶片表面粗糙度的影响;叶片表面湿润性与叶片的滞尘能力存在显著负相关(P0.05)。  相似文献   

对生长在荫棚3种不同光照条件下和全自然光下的热带雨林4个冠层种(望天树、绒毛番龙眼、团花、红厚壳)和3个中层种(玉蕊、藤黄、滇南风吹楠)树苗叶片气孔特征以及它们的可塑性进行了研究、结果表明,这些植物的气孔全部着生在远轴面.7种植物中,玉蕊和绒毛番龙眼的气孔密度较大,滇南红厚壳和团花的保卫细胞最长.随光强的增大,气孔密度和气孔指数增大,单位叶气孔数在低光强下较大.除团花外,其它植物叶片气孔导度在50%光强处最大,而光强对保卫细胞的长度影响不显著.相关分析表明,气孔密度与植物单位叶的面积呈负相关。而与气孔导度的相关性不显著、尽管两种不同生活型植物气孔指数和单位叶气孔数在不同光强下的可塑性差异较小,但冠层树种气孔密度和气孔导度的可塑性显著高于中层树种.  相似文献   

以不同抗白粉病的苦瓜品系幼苗为材料,对它们的叶片及上下表皮厚度、栅栏组织及海绵组织厚度、叶片结构紧密度及疏松度、蜡质含量、比叶重、气孔及茸毛密度等叶片结构进行观察比较,探讨苦瓜白粉病抗性与其主要叶片结构指标的关系。结果显示:(1)抗病苦瓜品系叶片的蜡质含量显著高于感病品系,与病情指数呈显著负相关关系,蜡质层是其抵抗和延迟病原菌侵入的一个有力结构屏障。(2)感病品系叶片的气孔和叶背面茸毛数量显著多于抗病品系,且叶背面的气孔及茸毛密度与病情指数呈显著正相关关系,即气孔和茸毛越少越抗病。(3)抗病苦瓜品系的叶片栅栏组织以及海绵组织排列整齐、紧密,而高感品系的叶片组织出现大量孔隙,较难观察到完整细胞。(4)抗病品系叶片厚度、下表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、叶片结构紧密度明显高于感病品系,而感病品系的海绵组织厚度、叶片结构疏松度明显高于抗病品系;且苦瓜比叶重与其白粉病抗性关系不大。研究认为,苦瓜叶片蜡质含量、叶背面气孔及茸毛密度可以作为苦瓜白粉病抗性鉴定的参考指标。  相似文献   

为了探讨荒漠植物叶片表皮微形态结构对长期荒漠环境的适应特征及其分类学意义, 应用扫描电镜对中国干旱半干旱荒漠区28科74属117种200多个自然居群的植物叶片(或同化枝)表皮微形态进行了研究。荒漠植物叶(或同化枝)表皮的基本特征是: 表皮附属物相当丰富, 包括大量的表皮绒毛、角质膜蜡质片层或晶体颗粒、表面瘤状或疣状突起以及相对下陷且密度较低的气孔器。对表皮微形态结构及附属物组成进行对比分析, 将荒漠植物粗分为11种基本类型, 包括表皮完全被形态各异的蜡质层或表皮毛覆盖、不同形态类型的表皮毛和蜡质层结合、蜡质层与不同分布类型的气孔器或表皮毛结合, 以及各种突起的表皮细胞与蜡质层的结合等。根据抗逆所依赖的表皮及其附属物微形态结构, 将荒漠植物适应环境胁迫的叶片表皮微形态分为6种主要类型, 它们分别依赖于表皮毛、角质层蜡质、表皮凹凸结构、表面突起、混生的附属物以及上下表皮异化特征。荒漠植物叶表皮微形态结构的适应特征是通过表皮附属物(绒毛和角质膜蜡质层)与表皮结构(凹凸、乳突和气孔器)的相互协调作用, 共同抵御强光、降低叶片的蒸腾来提高植物对干旱等不利环境的抗性。该研究在一定程度上阐明了荒漠植物对逆境的适应机理及其演化趋势, 并为优良固沙植物的筛选提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

中国白杨派杨树叶片表皮特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用光镜和扫描电镜对中国9种白杨派杨树叶片的表皮特征进行了研究,结果表明该派植物的气孔器为不规则型,仅分布于叶片的背面,气孔器与表皮细胞平齐、不呈下陷状,大小变化较大;表皮毛为单细胞、非腺性的长绒毛,毛细长而扁平,不具分枝,气孔器密度、表皮毛、角质层和蜡质层等表皮特征不仅与树种有关,而且在同一树种的长枝叶与短枝叶之间,也有明显的差异。另外,还对白杨派杨树的生态类型进行了探讨。  相似文献   

植物叶脉结构决定着叶水分运输能力,而气孔特性则与水分散失有关,研究二者间的关联性对认识与植物水分利用有关的生理功能间关系及其调控有重要理论价值。本研究以冬小麦为例,系统研究了15个小麦品种(系)旗叶的叶脉性状及其与气孔性状间的关联性。结果表明:在小麦3种类型叶脉中,小纵向脉的密度占叶脉密度的65.8%;小纵向脉间距与大纵向脉间距及横向脉间距均呈显著正相关,大、小纵向脉密度与其间距呈极显著负相关;供试小麦品种(系)叶片上、下表面的气孔大小相差不大,但上表面气孔密度显著高于下表面,上、下表面的气孔长、气孔宽与气孔密度存在显著正相关,但气孔长与气孔密度之间存在显著负相关;3种类型叶脉中,大纵向脉与气孔特征间并无显著相关关系,而小纵向脉、横向脉和气孔特征间存在一定的相关性,小麦品种(系)叶脉密度与下表面气孔密度和总气孔密度呈显著正相关,但与上表面气孔长呈显著负相关,从而揭示了小麦品种(系)水分供给和需求存在协调性的结构基础。  相似文献   

Cotton leaves are more physiologically active than the bractand the capsule wall of the fruiting structures. To elucidatethe disparities in their physiological behaviour, epidermalcell density, stomatal index, stomatal size, trichome densityand type, and epicuticular wax ultrastructure of cotton leaf,bract and capsule wall were delineated using scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM). The epidermal cells of the outer periclinalwalls on both surfaces of the leaf and bract were raised andconvex. Conversely, the capsule wall epidermal cells were polygonalwith flat outer periclinal walls. The stomatal complex in theleaf and bract was paracytic, whereas in the capsule wall thestomatal complex was anomocytic. The adaxial and abaxial stomataof the leaf were coplanar to the epidermal surface, as opposedto the raised adaxial stomata on the bract. On the contrary,the stomata on the capsule wall surface appeared to be slightlysunken. Furthermore, the capsule wall stomata were larger thanthe stomata on either surface of both the leaf and the bract.The stomatal index was greater on the abaxial surfaces of theleaf and the bract (18.4 and 9.4, respectively) than their correspondingadaxial surfaces (14.4 and 4.7, respectively). Leaves had thehighest stomatal index followed by the bract and the capsulewall. The indumentum consisted of glandular and nonglandulartrichomes, the density of which was greater on the abaxial surfacesthan on the adaxial surfaces of the leaf and bract. The capsulewall indumentum lacked nonglandular trichomes. Epicuticularwax occurred in the form of striations. However, the striationpattern varied among the organs. This study clearly illustratesmorphological disparities in the epidermal features of leaf,bract and capsule wall, helping to explain their physiologicaldivergence. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Gossypium hirsutum, epicuticular wax, raised stomata, scanning electron microscopy, stomatal index, trichomes  相似文献   

Adaptations that reduce water retention on leaf surfaces may increase photosynthetic capacity of cloud forests because carbon dioxide diffuses slower in water than air. Leaf water repellency was examined in three distinct ecosystems to test the hypothesis that tropical montane cloud forest species have a higher degree of leaf water repellency than species from tropical dry forests and species from temperate foothills-grassland vegetation. Leaf water repellency was measured by calculating the contact angle of the leaf surface and the line tangent to a water droplet through the point of contact on the adaxial and the abaxial surface. Leaf water repellency was significantly different between the three study areas. The hypothesis that leaf water repellency is higher in cloud forest species than tropical dry forests and temperate foothills-grassland vegetation was not confirmed in this study. Leaf water repellency was lower for cloud forest species (adaxial surface = 50.8°; abaxial surface = 82.9°) than tropical dry forest species (adaxial surface = 74.5°; abaxial surface = 87.3°) and temperate foothills-grassland species (adaxial surface = 77.6°; abaxial surface = 95.8°). The low values of leaf water repellency in cloud forest species may be influenced by presence of epiphylls and loss of epicuticular wax on the leaf surfaces.  相似文献   

Jasmonates, including jasmonic acid and its derivatives such as methyl jasmonate (MeJA), are plant growth substances that control various responses. Jasmonates regulate leaf trichome density in dicotyledonous plants, but their effects on the trichome density of monocotyledonous plants, such as those in the Poaceae, remain unclear. In the present study we examined the effects of exogenous MeJA on the trichome density of Rhodes grass, which has three kinds of trichomes: macrohairs, salt glands, and prickles. Exogenous MeJA significantly increased the densities of macrohairs and salt glands on the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces and those of prickles on the adaxial leaf surface. Because exogenous MeJA significantly reduced the leaf area, we calculated the number of trichomes per 1000 epidermal cells to eliminate the effects of reduced leaf area. Exogenous MeJA significantly increased the number of macrohairs per 1000 epidermal cells on both adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces, but it significantly decreased the number of salt glands per 1000 epidermal cells on both surfaces. Exogenous MeJA had no significant effects on the number of prickles per 1000 epidermal cells on either of the leaf surfaces. These results indicate that exogenous MeJA alters the trichome density by affecting leaf area and trichome initiation, and the effects of exogenous MeJA on trichome initiation differ among the various trichome types.  相似文献   

27种木犀属植物叶表皮微形态特征的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了27种木犀属植物的叶表皮,测量并统计了气孔器类型、气孔大小、气孔密度、气孔指数及腺点密度等指标,以明确各种的叶表皮细胞形状及垂周壁式样、表皮角质膜、蜡质纹饰及气孔外拱盖的具体特征。结果显示:木犀属植物叶下表皮有气孔器,形状为圆形、椭圆形;气孔器类型多为不规则型,只有总状桂花和狭叶木犀为环列型;气孔器外围角质层有放射状、条状、环状、颗粒状等多种类型;叶表皮细胞形状有无规则形和多边形2种;下表皮腺点的数目远远大于上表皮。研究表明,木犀属植物气孔器和叶表皮细胞特征在种之间差异比较明显,可以作为种间鉴定的重要依据,具有重要的分类学意义。  相似文献   

The ontogenetic changes in stomatal size, frequency and conductance (gs) on abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces of sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L. Russian Mammoth) were examined under controlled environmental conditions. The stomatal frequency on the adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces decreased with leaf ontogeny and insertion level. The ratio of adaxial to abaxial stomatal frequency did not change with leaf ontogeny and insertion level, and 42–44% of total stomata was apportioned to the adaxial surface. Ontogenetic changes in stomatal pore length were detected and increased with ontogenesis. The stomatal length of both leaf surfaces had linear relationships with leaf area. Ontogenetic changes in gs were similar between the two surfaces. However the adaxial gs was lower than abaxial gs in leaves of higher insertion levels. Conductance had a linear relationship with width x frequency but not with pore area.  相似文献   

山东广义苦荬菜属(菊科)叶表皮微形态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高召兰  李法曾   《广西植物》2007,27(3):435-439
对山东广义苦荬菜属植物叶表皮微形态进行了光镜下的观察研究。结果表明:山东广义苦荬菜属9种植物叶表皮微形态可分为四种类型:(1)小苦荬型:上、下表皮均有气孔器,气孔器为不规则型,偶有非典型不等型,上、下表皮细胞为不规则形,垂周壁波状;(2)黄瓜菜型:上表皮无气孔器,下表皮气孔器为不规则型,偶有非典型不等型,上、下表皮细胞为不规则形,垂周壁深波状;(3)沙苦荬型:上、下表皮均有气孔器,气孔器为不规则型,偶有非典型不等型,上、下表皮细胞为多边形,垂周壁平直、弓形;(4)苦荬菜型:上、下表皮均有气孔器,气孔器为不规则型,偶有非典型不等型,上表皮细胞为不规则形,垂周壁波状,下表皮细胞为多边形,垂周壁弓形;与中国植物志把广义苦荬菜属划分为4个属的意见相一致。  相似文献   

Resurrection plants are unique among higher plants because of their ability to withstand long periods of dehydration without damages. In this study, leaf epidermis and palisade mesophyll of three resurrection species, Haberlea rodopensis, Ramonda serbica and Ramonda myconi, grown under full desiccation and benign conditions, were analyzed by differential interference contrast microscopy. Detailed investigation of adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces revealed species-specific differences in the size and number of epidermal cells and stomatal density. The applied full desiccation did not cause any significant deviations of these parameters from the controls. There were no changes in the size and number of mesophyll cells as well. Analysis of stomatal patterning displayed essentially hypostomatic leaves, having stomata mainly abaxially positioned. The most significant change detected in the leaves of dehydration-treated plants was the increased formation of adaxially positioned trichomes. This increase was very high in R. myconi, where the adaxial leaf surface was fully covered by trichomes. Despite the existence of small species-specific differences, the results showed uniform desiccation-related responses of the studied resurrection species. The quantified leaf epidermal and mesophyll features are discussed with respect to their possible contribution to the desiccation tolerance of resurrection species.  相似文献   

Aims Leaf epidermal micromorphology is an important adaptation of desert plants to arid environment. A micromorphological analysis of leaf epidermal tissue of desert plants was carried out in order to obtain qualitative and quantitative data on epidermal characteristics and to evaluate the long-term adaptive strategy of desert plants to aridity in desert conditions.
Methods The leaf (or assimilation branches) materials were sampled for more than 200 natural populations of 117 desert plant species from 74 genera and 28 families, in arid and semi-arid areas of China. The characteristics of leaf epidermal micromorphology of desert plants were then measured by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Characteristics of epidermal cell, trichome, stomatal, cuticular wax on adaxial and abaxial surface are presented.
Important findings Leaf epidermal micromorphology of desert plants showed abundant diversity in different classification levels. The desert plants adapted to environmental stress can be divided into 11 basic morphological types according to the structure of the epidermis, and their characteristics of leaf epidermal morphology were classfied into 6 main types according to the relationships between stress resistance and structural characteristics of epidermal micromorphology and their appendages. The main epidermal appendages of desert plants (such as trichome, cuticular wax) and epidermal structures (concave-convex and papillary structure, stomata) could cooperate with each other to improve the resistance of desert plants to drought and other adverse environmental stress by resisting the strong light and reducing leaf transpiration.  相似文献   

柳属植物叶表特征的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

The micromorphology of leaf epidermal cells and stomata of all eight species and one form (11 samples) of Cercis were observed by scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Both the adaxial and abaxial epidermal cells are polygonal or irregular in shape; the anticlinal walls are straight and arched or undulate. Two types of stomata, which occur only on the abaxial surface of the leaves, are found in the genus. The atypical paracytic type is present in only one species, Cercis chingii, and the anomocytic type is present in all other species. Interspecific differences are minor in the genus with regard to leaf epidermal characters, except for C. chingii, which is characterized by atypical paracytic‐type stomata, a two‐lipped outer stomatal rim, the highest stomatal density and undulate and densely pitted anticlinal walls in the adaxial epidermis. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 539–547.  相似文献   

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