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广州市常见行道树种叶片表面形态与滞尘能力   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刘璐  管东生  陈永勤 《生态学报》2013,33(8):2604-2614
以广州市常见的18种行道树为对象,通过扫描电镜观察比较了行道树的叶表面形态结构、应用接触角测定仪测定了绿化树种叶片的接触角对滞尘能力的影响.结果表明:不同树种的滞尘量差异显著,18种植物叶片雨后第26天的最大滞尘量在0.066-1.831 g/m2,物种间相差达27倍以上.叶表面具有网状结构,气孔密度较大(20<气孔密度<60个)且气孔开口较大(如芒果)容易滞留粉尘;叶表面平滑具有蜡质层,气孔排列整齐,无明显起伏(如红花羊蹄甲、桃花心木、大叶紫薇、鹅掌藤),滞尘能力较弱.植物叶片接触角与滞尘量呈负相关(r=-0.614),接触角<90°的表现为亲水性.易润湿的植物叶片雨后第26天最大滞尘量在1.0-1.831 g/m2,叶片表面的形态结构凹凸不平,具有钩状或脊状褶皱、突起等且20<气孔密度<60范围内,测得的接触角较小(芒果、重阳木、高山榕),使得粉尘与植物叶片接触面积较大,粉尘不易从叶面脱落,滞尘能力较强.而接触角较大的盆架树、麻楝、大叶紫薇、鹅掌藤和红花羊蹄甲的滞尘量均<1.0g/m2,其特殊的表面结构和疏水的蜡质使颗粒物不易吸附在植物叶片上,因此滞尘能力较弱.由此可见,植物叶表面蜡质含量和气孔密度及其叶片接触角的大小是影响植物叶片滞尘能力的主要因素,在进行城市绿化时,适当考虑选择叶表面形态有利于滞尘的绿化树种,将可提高城市植被的环境效应.  相似文献   

惠州城市植被的滞尘效应   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
邱媛    管东生    宋巍巍  Peart M.R. 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2455-2455~2462
城市植被对城市环境质量的改善发挥了巨大作用.研究了广东省惠州市不同功能区4种主要绿化乔木(大叶榕、小叶榕、高山榕、紫荆)的滞尘能力,比较了不同功能区叶面降尘的重金属和S含量差异,并利用遥感影像技术估算了惠州城市植被的地面总生物量及叶总生物量,推算了惠州市的总滞尘量.结果表明:在达到饱和之前,4种绿化乔木叶面滞尘量随时间延长而增长,大叶榕、高山榕与紫荆、小叶榕两组植物的滞尘能力存在显著性差异 (p<0.05),滞尘能力差异为1.2~2.44 倍,不同植物滞尘量由大到小排列为:高山榕>大叶榕>小叶榕>紫荆;不同植物滞尘能力的差异尤其与植株的叶面积、叶倾角、枝条硬度、枝条伸展角度等相关.不同功能区植物滞尘量差异显著(p<0.01),4种植物在不同功能区的滞尘总量排序为:工业区>商业交通区>居住区>清洁区.不同功能区植物叶面降尘的重金属和硫含量存在显著性差异(p<0.05),降尘综合污染指数由大到小为:工业区(包括电厂)、商业交通区、居住区、清洁对照区;降尘中重金属含量高负荷.惠州建成区植被的地面生物量为3.2×105 t,叶面积总量为808.4 km2,全年滞尘量达4430.7 t,可去除大气中Cr、Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb、S的量分别为1.63,2.70,5.54,0.04,1.84,19.52 t.  相似文献   

佛山市主要城市园林植物滞尘效益分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
研究了佛山主要园林植物净化大气环境的生态效应,测定了佛山市15种主要城市绿化植物滞尘能力,采用相关的指标和评价分析方法,建立相关模型,同时对影响植物叶片滞尘能力的有关因子进行了分析和探讨。研究表明,不同地点及不同种类的植物的滞尘量差异显著,乔木树种滞尘量最大,说明乔木植物是滞尘的主体。不同植物滞尘能力的差异与叶片的表面特性(皱纹、粗糙、绒毛、油脂等)及其湿润性有密切关系,滞尘量的多少与树冠总叶面积、枝干分枝角度、树冠形状等有关。  相似文献   

不同树种叶片微观结构对其滞纳空气颗粒物功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空气颗粒物能够危害人体健康,而植被可以有效减少空气中颗粒物的浓度,提高环境质量。本文利用原子力显微镜、扫描电镜检测不同树种叶片表面微特征(气孔密度、蜡质层、油脂、绒毛、纹理等)、粗糙度和湿润性,研究了城市中不同树种叶片微结构对滞纳空气颗粒物功能的影响。结果表明:不同树种之间滞尘能力存在差异,针叶树种滞尘能力要高于阔叶树种;叶片表面结构对于树种滞尘能力的影响非常显著(P0.05),其中测试树种中油松、白皮松叶片滞尘主要受气孔密度、蜡质层厚度、油脂、纹理的影响,而旱柳、五角枫、银杏和杨树叶片滞尘能力主要受叶片表面粗糙度的影响;叶片表面湿润性与叶片的滞尘能力存在显著负相关(P0.05)。  相似文献   

北京城区行道树国槐叶面尘分布及重金属污染特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
戴斯迪  马克明  宝乐 《生态学报》2012,32(16):5095-5102
叶面尘分布范围广、累积时间长,能够较好地指示近地面大气颗粒物污染特征和累积状况。为揭示城市道路交通的大气颗粒物污染特征,研究了北京城区不同类型道路两侧行道树国槐(Sophora japonica)的叶面滞尘量,分析了叶面尘主要重金属的浓度和污染特征,采用相关分析和主成分分析法探讨了颗粒物重金属的主要来源。结果表明:国槐叶面滞尘量在快速路、主干路、次干路、支路上的比值为100∶84∶75∶75,受车流量影响较大。行道树国槐的平均叶面滞尘量为0.68 g/m2,庭院树国槐(远离交通)叶面滞尘量是0.51 g/m2,两者差异显著。行道树叶面尘重金属元素Cu、Zn、Pb在叶面尘中的浓度达到土壤背景值的6倍,空间分布较均匀,主要来自交通排放,庭院树叶面尘重金属污染也受到交通排放的重要影响。  相似文献   

在测定武钢工业区园林植物滞尘能力的基础上,结合绿地实地调查和武钢工业区园林绿地GIS,比较分析了园林绿地不同植物种类和层片类型的滞尘能力,并定量研究了武钢厂区园林绿地的滞尘效应.结果表明,不同园林植物的滞尘能力有较大差异,这主要与不同植物的叶表面特性、树冠结构、枝叶密集程度等差异有关.不同层片类型滞尘能力依次为落叶阔叶灌木>常绿阔叶灌木>绿篱>常绿阔叶乔木>落叶阔叶乔木>针叶乔木>草本.武钢厂区园林绿地的日滞尘量是9.51 t,年总滞尘量为3 089.98 t.其中常绿阔叶乔木层片年滞尘量最大,达991.68 t,落叶阔叶灌木层片最小,只有0.0181 t.由于园林绿地的滞尘量取决于所构成植物的滞尘能力及其叶面积绿量,因此,选择滞尘能力强的植物,并以乔灌草不同生活型植物进行合理配置,是提高园林绿地滞尘效应的有效途径.  相似文献   

城市行道树对交通环境的响应   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李寒娥  李秉滔  蓝盛芳 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2180-2187

东北地区城市针叶树冬季滞尘效应研究   总被引:62,自引:4,他引:58  
对不同种针叶树同一降尘条件及同种针叶树不同降尘条件的滞尘能力进行研究,结果表明,针叶树在东北的冬季有很强的滞尘作用,不同的针叶树滞尘能力排序为沙松冷杉>沙地云杉>红皮云杉>东北红豆杉>白皮松>华山松>油松,不同针叶树叶表面结构不同,滞尘量较小的白皮松、华山松和油松表面平滑,细胞与气孔排列整齐,而滞尘量较大的红皮云杉、沙松冷杉、东北红豆杉的针叶表皮平滑程度较差,细胞与气孔排列较前3种植物差,在红皮云杉叶表面上有大小不等的瘤状物,不同针叶树叶断面形状与滞尘量相关,白皮松和油松叶片的上表面呈弧形,不易附着灰尘;华山松叶片呈三棱形,上表面较窄,附着灰尘的量较小;两种云杉的叶片呈四棱形,上表面较3种松属植物的叶片要宽与平展,因此相对滞尘量要大;沙松冷杉和东北红豆杉的叶断面形状都较扁、平,这种断面正是构成其滞尘量大于3种松属和两种云杉属植物的主要因素。  相似文献   

北京市26种落叶阔叶绿化树种的滞尘能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为筛选适用于北京市的具有优良滞尘能力的绿化物种, 提高城市植被滞尘效应, 选取北京市园林绿化应用最广泛的26种落叶阔叶树种, 应用质量差值法, 于2014年夏季对不同树种单位叶面积滞尘量进行测定, 计算单叶滞尘量与单株滞尘量, 并对树种滞尘能力进行了相应的聚类分析。结果表明: 不同树种间滞尘能力存在较大差异, 选择不同的滞尘量计量单位, 树种滞尘量排序会相应地发生变化。对26种北京市常用落叶阔叶树种从叶片、植株与综合滞尘能力三个方面的聚类分析均可得到相应的分类, 各类别代表不同级别的滞尘能力水平。研究分析认为, 植物滞尘能力与其叶表特征、滞尘方式、株型结构、整株叶量及所处环境含尘量等密切相关, 评价树种滞尘能力时应进行综合考虑。  相似文献   

气孔是植物叶片与外界环境进行水汽交换的门户, 利用气孔特征反映植物对环境变化的响应与适应有助于了解干旱区绿化植物的适应策略。于2019年7月通过气孔印迹法对兰州市40种主要绿化植物气孔性状进行观察与测定。采用标准化主轴估计和系统独立比较分析建立气孔性状间的相关关系; 通过计算Blomgerg’sK值以检验系统发育信号; 利用聚类分析和主成分分析对气孔性状特征进行功能群划分。结果表明: (1)在所研究的植物中, 气孔性状特征在个体间差异显著, 植物生长型(乔木、小乔木、灌木和草本)会显著影响气孔长度、宽度、开度和密度, 叶习性(落叶和常绿)仅对气孔开度有显著影响; (2)气孔长度与宽度、气孔开度与面积间均为显著的异速生长关系, 气孔密度与面积和开度间为负异速生长关系; (3)系统发育会对气孔性状的相关关系产生显著影响, 虽然气孔性状的系统发育保守性不强(K < 1), 但气孔开度和气孔开张比具有显著的系统发育信号; 4)依据气孔性状特征可以将绿化植物划分为: 低密度-大面积、高密度-小面积和中等密度-适中面积共3种功能群。结合系统发育和异速生长理论能更好地解释气孔性状变异及适应策略。  相似文献   

The following species of Curculionoidea are recorded from Canada for the first time, in ten cases also representing new records at the generic level: Ischnopterapion (Ischnopterapion) loti (Kirby, 1808); Stenopterapion meliloti (Kirby, 1808) (both Brentidae); Atrichonotus taeniatulus (Berg, 1881); Barinus cribricollis (LeConte, 1876); Caulophilus dubius (Horn, 1873); Cionus scrophulariae (Linnaeus, 1758); Cryptorhynchus tristis LeConte, 1876; Cylindrocopturus furnissi Buchanan, 1940; Cylindrocopturus quercus (Say, 1832); Desmoglyptus crenatus (LeConte, 1876); Pnigodes setosus LeConte, 1876; Pseudopentarthrum parvicollis (Casey, 1892); Sibariops confinis (LeConte, 1876); Sibariops confusus (Boheman, 1836); Smicronyx griseus LeConte, 1876; Smicronyx lineolatus Casey, 1892; Euwallacea validus (Eichhoff, 1875); Hylocurus rudis (LeConte, 1876); Lymantor alaskanus Wood, 1978; Phloeotribus scabricollis (Hopkins, 1916); Scolytus oregoni Blackman, 1934; Xyleborus celsus Eichhoff, 1868; Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabricius, 1801); Xylosandrus crassiusculus (Motschulsky, 1866) (all Curculionidae). In addition the following species were recorded for the first time from these provinces and territories: Yukon – Dendroctonus simplex LeConte, 1868; Phloetribus piceae Swaine, 1911 (both Curculionidae); Northwest Territories – Loborhynchapion cyanitinctum (Fall, 1927) (Brentidae); Nunavut – Dendroctonus simplex LeConte, 1868 (Curculionidae); Alberta – Anthonomus tectus LeConte, 1876; Promecotarsus densus Casey, 1892; Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, 1902; Hylastes macer LeConte, 1868; Rhyncolus knowltoni (Thatcher, 1940); Scolytus schevyrewi Semenov Tjan-Shansky, 1902 (all Curculionidae); Saskatchewan – Phloeotribus liminaris (Harris, 1852); Rhyncolus knowltoni (Thatcher, 1940); Scolytus schevyrewi Semenov Tjan-Shansky, 1902 (all Curculionidae); Manitoba – Cosmobaris scolopacea Germar, 1819; Listronotus maculicollis (Kirby, 1837); Listronotus punctiger LeConte, 1876; Scolytus schevyrewi Semenov Tjan-Shansky, 1902; Tyloderma foveolatum (Say, 1832); (all Curculionidae); Ontario – Trichapion nigrum (Herbst, 1797); Nanophyes marmoratus marmoratus (Goeze, 1777) (both Brentidae); Asperosoma echinatum (Fall, 1917); Micracis suturalis LeConte, 1868; Orchestes alni (Linnaeus, 1758); Phloeosinus pini Swaine, 1915; Scolytus schevyrewi Semenov Tjan-Shansky, 1902; Xyleborinus attenuatus (Blandford, 1894) (all Curculionidae); Quebec – Trigonorhinus alternatus (Say, 1826); Trigonorhinus tomentosus tomentosus (Say, 1826) (both Anthribidae); Trichapion nigrum (Herbst, 1797); Trichapion porcatum (Boheman, 1839); Nanophyes marmoratus marmoratus (Goeze, 1777) (all Brentidae); Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel, 1952 (Brachyceridae); Acalles carinatus LeConte, 1876; Ampeloglypter ampelopsis (Riley, 1869); Anthonomus rufipes LeConte, 1876; Anthonomus suturalis LeConte, 1824; Ceutorhynchus hamiltoni Dietz, 1896; Curculio pardalis (Chittenden, 1908); Cyrtepistomus castaneus (Roelofs, 1873); Larinus planus (Fabricius, 1792); Mecinus janthinus (Germar, 1821); Microhyus setiger LeConte, 1876; Microplontus campestris (Gyllenhal, 1837); Orchestes alni (Linnaeus, 1758); Otiorhynchus ligustici (Linnaeus, 1758); Rhinusa neta (Germar, 1821); Trichobaris trinotata (Say, 1832); Tychius liljebladi Blatchley, 1916; Xyleborinus attenuatus (Blandford, 1894); Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff, 1868 (all Curculionidae); Sphenophorus incongruus Chittenden, 1905 (Dryophthoridae); New Brunswick – Euparius paganus Gyllenhal, 1833; Allandrus populi Pierce, 1930; Gonotropis dorsalis (Thunberg, 1796); Euxenus punctatus LeConte, 1876 (all Anthribidae); Loborhynchapion cyanitinctum (Fall, 1927) (Brentidae); Pseudanthonomus seriesetosus Dietz, 1891; Curculio sulcatulus (Casey, 1897); Lignyodes bischoffi (Blatchley, 1916); Lignyodes horridulus (Casey, 1892); Dietzella zimmermanni (Gyllenhal, 1837); Parenthis vestitus Dietz, 1896; Pelenomus squamosus LeConte, 1876; Psomus armatus Dietz, 1891; Rhyncolus macrops Buchanan, 1946; Magdalis inconspicua Horn, 1873; Magdalis salicis Horn, 1873 (all Curculionidae); Nova Scotia – Dryocoetes autographus (Ratzeburg, 1837); Ips perroti Swaine, 1915; Xyleborinus attenuatus (Blandford, 1894) (all Curculionidae); Prince Edward Island – Dryocoetes caryi Hopkins, 1915 (Curculionidae); Newfoundland – Scolytus piceae (Swaine, 1910) (Curculionidae).Published records of Dendroctonus simplex LeConte, 1868 from Northwest Territories should be reassigned to Nunavut, leaving no documented record for NWT. Collection data are provided for eight provincial and national records published without further information previously.  相似文献   

All known taxa of the genus Endothyrella Zilch, 1960 (family Plectopylidae) are reviewed. Altogether 23 Endothyrella species are recognized. All species are illustrated and whenever possible, photographs of the available type specimens are provided. Five new species are described: Endothyrella angulata Budha & Páll-Gergely, sp. n., Endothyrella dolakhaensis Budha & Páll-Gergely, sp. n. and Endothyrella nepalica Budha & Páll-Gergely, sp. n. from Nepal, Endothyrella robustistriata Páll-Gergely, sp. n. from the Naga Hills, India, and Endothyrella inexpectata Páll-Gergely, sp. n. from Sichuan, China. Helix (Plectopylis) munipurensis Godwin-Austen, 1875 is synonymized with Helix (Plectopylis) serica Godwin-Austen, 1875, and Plectopylis (Endothyra) gregorsoni Gude, 1915 is synonymized with Helix (Plectopylis) macromphalus W. Blanford, 1870. Plectopylis plectostoma var. exerta Gude, 1901 is a synonym of Plectopylis plectostoma var. tricarinata Gude, 1896, which is a species in its own right. Five species of the genus Chersaecia viz. Plectopylis (Chersaecia) bedfordi Gude, 1915, Helix (Plectopylis) brahma Godwin-Austen, 1879, Helix (Plectopylis) Oglei Godwin-Austen, 1879, Helix (Plectopylis) serica Godwin-Austen, 1875, and Plectopylis (Endothyra) williamsoni Gude, 1915 are moved to Endothyrella. The holotype of Plectopylis hanleyi Godwin-Austen, 1879 seems to be lost; therefore, Plectopylis hanleyi is considered to be a nomen dubium.  相似文献   

As part of an ongoing revision of the family Gonyleptidae, we have identified many species that are synonyms of previously described species or misplaced in this family. This article summarizes these findings, adding previously unavailable information or correcting imprecise observations to justify the presented taxonomic changes. The following new familial or subfamilial assignments are proposed: Nemastygnus Roewer, 1929 and Taulisa Roewer, 1956 are transferred to Agoristenidae, Agoristeninae; Napostygnus Roewer, 1929 to Cranaidae; Ceropachylinus peruvianus Roewer, 1956 and Pirunipygus Roewer, 1936 are transferred to Gonyleptidae, Ampycinae; Gyndesops Roewer, 1943, Haversia Roewer, 1913 and Oxapampeus Roewer, 1963 are transferred to Gonyleptidae, Pachylinae. The following generic synonymies are proposed for the family Gonyleptidae: Acanthogonyleptes Mello-Leitão, 1922 = Centroleptes Roewer, 1943; Acrographinotus Roewer, 1929 = Unduavius Roewer, 1929; Gonyleptes Kirby, 1819 = Collonychium Bertkau, 1880; Mischonyx Bertkau, 1880 = Eugonyleptes Roewer, 1913 and Gonazula Roewer, 1930; Parampheres Roewer, 1913 = Metapachyloides Roewer, 1917; Pseudopucrolia Roewer, 1912 = Meteusarcus Roewer, 1913; Haversia Roewer, 1913 = Hoggellula Roewer, 1930. The following specific synonymies are proposed for the family Gonyleptidae: Acanthogonyleptes singularis (Mello-Leitão, 1935) = Centroleptes flavus Roewer, 1943, syn. n.; Geraeocormobius sylvarum Holmberg, 1887 = Discocyrtus serrifemur Roewer, 1943, syn. n.; Gonyleptellus bimaculatus (Sørensen, 1884) = Gonyleptes cancellatus Roewer,1917, syn. n.; Gonyleptes atrus Mello-Leitão, 1923 = Weyhia brieni Giltay, 1928, syn. n.; Gonyleptes fragilis Mello-Leitão, 1923 = Gonyleptes banana Kury, 2003, syn. n.; Gonyleptes horridus Kirby, 1819 = Collonychium bicuspidatum Bertkau, 1880, syn. n., Gonyleptes borgmeyeri Mello-Leitão, 1932, syn. n., Gonyleptes curvicornis Mello-Leitão, 1932, syn. n., Metagonyleptes hamatus Roewer, 1913, syn. n. and Paragonyleptes simoni Roewer, 1930, syn. n.; Gonyleptes pustulatus Sørensen, 1884 = Gonyleptes guttatus Roewer, 1917, syn. n.; Haversia defensa (Butler, 1876) = Sadocus vallentini Hogg, 1913, syn. n.; Liogonyleptoides minensis (Piza, 1946) = Currala bahiensis Soares, 1972, syn. n.; Megapachylus grandis Roewer, 1913 = Metapachyloides almeidai Soares & Soares, 1946, syn. n.; Mischonyx cuspidatus (Roewer, 1913) = Gonazula gibbosa Roewer, 1930 syn. n.; Mischonyx scaber (Kirby, 1819) = Xundarava holacantha Mello-Leitão, 1927, syn. n.; Parampheres tibialis Roewer, 1917 = Metapachyloides rugosus Roewer, 1917, syn. n.; Parapachyloides uncinatus (Sørensen, 1879) = Goyazella armata Mello-Leitão, 1931, syn. n.; Pseudopucrolia mutica (Perty, 1833) = Meteusarcus armatus Roewer, 1913, syn. n. The following new combinations are proposed: Acrographinotus ornatus (Roewer, 1929), comb. n. (ex Unduavius); Gonyleptellus bimaculatus (Sørensen, 1884),comb. n. (ex Gonyleptes);Gonyleptes perlatus (Mello-Leitão, 1935), comb. n. (exMoojenia);Mischonyx scaber (Kirby, 1819), comb. n. (ex Gonyleptes); and Neopachyloides peruvianus (Roewer, 1956), comb. n. (ex Ceropachylus). The following species of Gonyleptidae, Gonyleptinae are revalidated: Gonyleptes atrus Mello-Leitão, 1923 and Gonyleptes curvicornis (Roewer, 1913).  相似文献   

The species of seventeen genera of Agathidinae (Braconidae) from Vietnam are revised: Agathis Latreille, 1804, Bassus Fabricius, 1804; Biroia Szépligeti, 1900; Braunsia Kriechbaumer, 1894; Camptothlipsis Enderlein, 1920; Coccygidium de Saussure, 1892; Coronagathis gen. n. (type species: Coronagathis cornifera sp. n.); Cremnops Foerster, 1862; Disophrys Foerster, 1862; Earinus Wesmael, 1837; Euagathis Szépligeti, 1900; Gyragathis gen. n. (type species: Gyragathis quyi sp. n.), Gyrochus Enderlein, 1920; Lytopylus Foerster, 1862; Therophilus Wesmael, 1837; Troticus Brullé, 1846, and Zelodia gen. n. (type species: Zelomorpha varipes van Achterberg & Maetô, 1990). Keys to the Vietnamese species are given.Sixty-five species are recognised, of which twelve species are newly recorded for Vietnam: Bassus albifasciatus (Watanabe, 1934), Coccygidium angostura (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), Cremnops atricornis (Smith, 1874), stat. n., Disophrys erythrocephala Cameron, 1900, Gyrochus yunnanensis Wang, 1984, Lytopylus romani (Shestakov, 1940), comb. n., Therophilus festivus (Muesebeck, 1953), comb. n., Therophilus javanus (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus lienhuachihensis (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus marshi (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia absoluta (Chen & Yang, 1998), comb. n. and Zelodia longidorsata (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n.Forty-two species are new to science: Agathis citrinisoma sp. n., Bassus albobasalis sp. n., Bassus albozonatus sp. n., Biroia soror sp. n., Braunsia bicolorata sp. n., Braunsia devriesi sp. n., Braunsia maculifera sp. n., Braunsia nigrapiculata sp. n., Braunsia pumatica sp. n., Camptothlipsis hanoiensis sp. n., Coronagathis cornifera sp. n., Earinus aurantius sp. n., Earinus brevistigmus sp. n., Euagathis flavosoma sp. n., Disophrys maculifera sp. n., Disophrys quymanhi sp. n., Disophrys rhinoides sp. n., Gyragathis quyi sp. n., Therophilus annuliferus sp. n., Therophilus cattienensis sp. n., Therophilus contrastus sp. n., Therophilus crenulisulcatus sp. n., Therophilus depressiferus sp. n., Therophilus elongator sp. n., Therophilus levisoma sp. n., Therophilus marucae sp. n., Therophilus mellisoma sp. n., Therophilus nigrolineatus sp. n., Therophilus nuichuaensis sp. n., Therophilus parasper sp. n., Therophilus planifrons sp. n., Therophilus punctiscutum sp. n., Therophilus robustus sp. n., Therophilus rugosiferus sp. n., Therophilus scutellatus sp. n., Troticus alloflavus sp. n., Troticus giganteus sp. n., Zelodia albobasalis sp. n., Zelodia anginota sp. n., Zelodia bicoloristigma sp. n., Zelodia brevifemoralis sp. n. and Zelodia flavistigma sp. n.The following new synonyms are proposed: Euagathis nigrithorax Bhat & Gupta, 1977, Euagathis variabilis Enderlein, 1920, Euagathis variabilis var. tibialis Enderlein, 1920, Euagathis variabilis var. melanopleura Enderlein, 1920 and Euagathis variabilis var. sucarandana Enderlein, 1920 with Euagathis abbotti (Ashmead, 1900); Euagathis jinshanensis Chen & Yang, 2006 and Euagathis sharkeyi Chen & Yang, 2006, with Euagathis forticarinata (Cameron, 1899). The genus Amputostypos Sharkey, 2009, is synonymised with Coccygidium de Saussure, 1892, syn. n.The following new combinations are given: Bassus subrasa (Enderlein, 1920), comb. n., Gyragathis angulosa (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Lytopylus romani (Shestakov, 1940), comb. n., Therophilus annulus (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus asper (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus cingulipes (Nees, 1812), comb. n., Therophilus daanyuanensis (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus fujianicus (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus javanus (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus lanyuensis (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus luzonicus (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus muesebecki (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus rudimentarius (Enderlein, 1920), comb. n., Therophilus similis (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Therophilus sungkangensis (Chou & Sharkey, 1989), comb. n., Therophilus tanycoleosus (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus tonghuaensis (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus tongmuensis (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Therophilus transcasperatus (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Troticus latiabdominalis (Bhat, 1978),comb. n., Zelodia absoluta (Chen & Yang, 1998), comb. n., Zelodia achterbergi (Chen & Yang, 2006), comb. n., Zelodia albopilosella (Cameron, 1908), comb. n., Zelodia chromoptera (Roman, 1913), comb. n., Zelodia nihonensis (Sharkey, 1996), comb. n., Zelodia cordata (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia diluta (Turner, 1918), comb. n., Zelodia dravida (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia exornata (Turner, 1918), comb. n., Zelodia longidorsata (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia longiptera (Yang & Chen, 2006), comb. n., Zelodia maculipes (Cameron, 1911), comb. n., Zelodia nigra (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia philippinensis (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia reticulosa (Yang & Chen, 2006), comb. n., Zelodia quadrifossulata (Enderlein, 1920), comb. n., Zelodia ruida (Sharkey, 1996), comb. n., Zelodia similis (Bhat & Gupta, 1977), comb. n., Zelodia penetrans (Smith, 1860), comb. n. and Zelodia varipes (van Achterberg & Maetô, 1990), comb. n.  相似文献   

Bruno Massa 《ZooKeys》2015,(524):17-44
Results of the study of specimens collected in tropical Africa and preserved in different European collections and museums are reported and extensively illustrated. The following three new species are described: Horatosphaga aethiopica sp. n., Dapanera occulta sp. n. and Cestromoecha laeglae sp. n. In addition, new diagnostic characters or distributional data for Ruspolia differens (Serville, 1838), Thyridorhoptrum senegalense Krauss, 1877, Horatosphaga leggei (Kirby, 1909), Horatosphaga linearis (Rehn, 1910), Preussia lobatipes Karsch, 1890 and Dapanera eidmanni Ebner, 1943 are reported. Finally, Symmetropleura plana (Walker, 1869) is proposed to be transferred to the genus Symmetrokarschia Massa, 2015, Conocephalus carbonarius (Redtenbacher, 1891) to the genus Thyridorhoptrum Rehn & Hebard, 1915; the genus Gonatoxia Karsch, 1889 is proposed to be synonymized with Dapanera Karsch, 1889.  相似文献   

New material collected recently throughout the Afrotropical region has led to a major reassessment of taxa within the genera Anelaphinis Kolbe, 1892, Atrichelaphinis Kraatz, 1898 and other closely related genera. As a result, the name Megalleucosma Antoine, 1989 is here synonymised with Anelaphinis and a lectotype is designated for the type species, Cetonia dominula Harold, 1879. The genus Atrichelaphinis is redefined and a new subgenus, Atrichelaphinis (Eugeaphinis), is proposed for Elaphinis simillima Ancey, 1883, Elaphinis vermiculata Fairmaire, 1894, Niphetophora rhodesiana Péringuey, 1907, Atrichelaphinis deplanata Moser, 1907 (with Anelaphinis kwangensis Burgeon, 1931 as junior synonym) and Anelaphinis sternalis Moser, 1914. Additionally, three new species and one new subspecies are recognised and described in this new subgenus: Atrichelaphinis (Eugeaphinis) bomboesbergica sp. n. from South Africa; Atrichelaphinis (Eugeaphinis) bjornstadi sp. n. from Tanzania; Atrichelaphinis (Eugeaphinis) garnieri sp. n. from south–east Africa (Tanzania, Zimbabwe); and Atrichelaphinis (Eugeaphinis) deplanata minettii ssp. n. from central Africa (Malawi, Mozambique, Congo-Kinshasa, Congo-Brazzaville, South Africa, Rwanda, Zambia, Zimbabwe). The genus Atrichelaphinis is compared to its closest relatives and two separate keys are proposed, one for Atrichelaphinis and one for the sub-Saharan genera exhibiting completely or partially fused parameres.  相似文献   

Male and pupa of Tanytarsus calorifontis sp. n. are described. Diagnoses, hypopygium drawings for the examined species and distribution are given for: Tanytarsus akantertiusSasa & Kamimura, T. angulatus Kawai, T. atagoensis Tokunaga,T. bathophilusKieffer, T. boninensis Tokunaga, T. formosae (Kieffer), T. formosanusKieffer, T. infundibulusChaudhuri & Datta, T. kikuchiiSasa, Kawai & Ueno, T. konishii Sasa & Kawai, T. mcmillani Freeman, T. mendax Kieffer, T. miyakobrevis Sasa & Hasegawa, T. monstrosus Chaudhuri et al., T. ogasaquartus Sasa & Suzuki, T. ogasatertius Sasa & Suzuki, T. okuboi Sasa & Kikuchi, T. oscillans Johannsen, T. ovatus Johannsen, T. oyamai Sasa, T. pollexus Chaudhuri & Datta, T. shouautumnalis Sasa, T. shoudigitatus Sasa, T. takahashii Kawai & Sasa, T. tamaundecimus Sasa, T. tonebeceus Sasa & Tanaka, T. tusimatneousSasa & Suzuki, T. unagiseptimus Sasa, T. uraiensis Tokunaga, T. yakuheiusSasa & Suzuki and T. yunosecundus Sasa. Tanytarsus ikiefeus Sasa & Suzuki is a new junior synonym of T. konishii. Tanytarsus ikifegeus Sasa & Suzuki, T. miyakoflavus Sasa & Hasegawa,T. oyabepallidus Sasa, Kawai & Ueno, T. simantoopeus Sasa et al. and T. tusimatheius Sasa & Suzuki are new junior synonyms of T. okuboi. Tanytarsus nippogregarius Sasa & Kamimura is a new junior synonym of T. bathophilus. Tanytarsus cultellus Chaudhuri & Datta and T. sibafegeus Sasa et al. are new junior synonyms of T. oscillans.Tanytarsus insulus (Guha et al., 1985) is a new junior synonym of T. ovatus. Tanytarsus sakishimanus Sasa & Hasegawa, T. vinculus Chaudhuri et al., T. parvistylus Chaudhuri & Datta, T. fusciabdominalis Guha et al. and T. euformosanus Kikuchi & Sasa are new junior synonyms of T. formosanus. Tanytarsus tsutaprimus Sasa, T. tokarajekeus Sasa & Suzuki, T. tusimatlemeus Sasa & Suzuki, T. tusimatopeus Sasa & Suzuki and T. yakugeheuus Sasa & Suzuki are new junior synonyms of T. shouautumnalis. Tanytarsus togasiroidus Sasa & Okazawa is a new junior synonym of T. shoudigitatus. Tanytarsus tusimatjekeus Sasa & Suzuki and T. tusimatkeleus Sasa & Suzuki are new junior synonyms of T. akantertius, and Tanytarsus tusimatpequeus Sasa & Suzuki is a new junior synonym of T. tusimatneous. Virgatanytarsus toganiveus (Sasa & Okazawa), Cladotanytarsus utonaiquartus (Sasa) and Zavrelia tusimatijeus (Sasa & Suzuki), all previously placed in Tanytarsus, are new combinations.  相似文献   

Ten genera of Physoderina from the Oriental Region are diagnosed and described, and twenty six species representing eight genera (Paraphaea Bates, Anchista Nietner, Metallanchista gen. n., Diamella nom. n., Allocota Motschulsky, Orionella Jedlička, Endynomena Chaudoir and Dasiosoma Britton (Oriental species only)) are revised. Keys to genera and species are provided, along with distribution maps, habitus images, photographs of the name-bearing types, and illustrations of male and female genitalia of available species. The female internal reproductive system is illustrated for fourteen species. Two genera, Anchista and Taicona, previously placed in Calleidina, are moved into Physoderina. One new genus is described: Metallanchista, gen. n. (type species Metallanchista laticollis, sp. n.). Two new generic synonyms are proposed: Taicona Bates, 1873, junior synonym of Allocota Motschulsky, 1859; Teradaia Habu, 1979a, junior synonym of Dasiosoma Britton, 1937. A new generic replacement name is proposed: Diamella, nom. n. for Diamella Jedlička, 1952 (junior homonym of Diamella Gude, 1913). The status of Paraphaea Bates, 1873 is resurrected from synonym of Anchista Nietner, 1856. Five new species are described: Paraphaea minor Shi & Liang, sp. n. (Hoa-Binh, Tonkin, Vietnam), Anchista pilosa Shi & Liang, sp. n. (Chikkangalur, Bangalore, India), Metallanchista laticollis Shi & Liang, sp. n. (PhaTo env., Chumphon prov., Thailand), Allocota bicolor Shi & Liang, sp. n. (Dengga to Mafengshan, Ruili, Yunnan, China), Dasiosoma quadraticolle Shi & Liang, sp. n. (Menglun Botanical Garden, Yunnan, China). Fourteen new combinations are proposed: Paraphaea binotata (Dejean, 1825), comb. n. from Anchista; Paraphaea formosana (Jedlička, 1946), comb. n. from Anchista; Paraphaea philippinensis (Jedlička, 1935b), comb. n. from Allocota; Metallanchista perlaeta (Kirschenhofer, 1994), comb. n. from Allocota; Physodera andrewesi (Jedlička, 1934), comb. n. from Allocota; Diamella cupreomicans (Oberthür, 1883), comb. n. from Physodera; Diamella arrowi (Jedlička, 1935a), comb. n. from Allocota; Allocota aurata (Bates, 1873), comb. n. from Taicona; Dasiosoma bellum (Habu, 1979a), comb. n. from Teradaia; Dasiosoma indicum (Kirschenhofer, 2011), comb. n. from Diamella; Dasiosoma maindroni (Tian & Deuve, 2001), comb. n. from Lachnoderma; Dasiosoma hirsutum (Bates, 1873), comb. n. from Lachnoderma; Orionella discoidalis (Bates, 1892), comb. n. from Anchista; Orionella kathmanduensis (Kirschenhofer, 1994), comb. n. from Lachnoderma. Five names are newly placed as junior synonyms: Paraphaea eurydera (Chaudoir, 1877), junior synonym of Paraphaea binotata (Dejean, 1825); Anchista glabra Chaudoir, 1877, and Anchista nepalensis Kirschenhofer, 1994, junior synonyms of Anchista fenestrata (Schmidt-Göbel, 1846); Allocota caerulea Andrewes, 1933, junior synonym of Allocota viridipennis Motschulsky, 1859; Allocota perroti (Jedlička, 1963), junior synonym of Allocota aurata (Bates, 1873). One new replacement name is proposed: Dasiosoma basilewskyi, nom. n. for Dasiosoma hirsutum Basilewsky, 1949 (secondary junior homonym of Dasiosoma hirsutum (Bates, 1892)). One species is downgraded to subspecies rank: Anchista fenestrata subpubescens Chaudoir, 1877, new rank.  相似文献   

The genus Gasteruption Latreille, 1796 (Hymenoptera: Evanioidea: Gasteruptiidae: Gasteruptiinae) from North Iran and Turkey is revised, keyed and fully illustrated for the first time. In total 36 species are treated of which 33 are recorded from Turkey and 23 from Iran. Fifteen species are new for science: Gasteruption aciculatum van Achterberg, sp. n., Gasteruption agrenum van Achterberg, sp. n., Gasteruption brevibasale van Achterberg & Saure, sp. n., Gasteruption coriacoxale van Achterberg, sp. n., Gasteruption flavimarginatum van Achterberg, sp. n., Gasteruption heminitidum van Achterberg, sp. n., Gasteruption henseni van Achterberg, sp. n., Gasteruption ischnolaimum van Achterberg, sp. n., Gasteruption nigrapiculatum van Achterberg, sp. n., Gasteruption paglianoi van Achterberg & Saure, sp. n., Gasteruption pseudolaticeps van Achterberg, sp. n., Gasteruption punctifrons van Achterberg, sp. n., Gasteruption schmideggeri van Achterberg & Saure, sp. n., Gasteruption scorteum van Achterberg, sp. n. and Gasteruption smitorum van Achterberg, sp. n. Twenty-one species are reported new for Turkey and 16 species new for Iran. Fifteen new synonyms are proposed: Foenus terrestris Tournier, 1877, Gasteruption trifossulatum Kieffer, 1904, and Gasteruption ignoratum Kieffer, 1912, of Gasteruption caucasicum (Guérin-Méneville, 1844); Gasteruption daisyi Alekseev, 1993, of Gasteruption dolichoderum Schletterer, 1889; Gasteruption assectator var. nitidulum Schletterer, 1885, of Gasteruption freyi (Tournier, 1877); Gasteruption schossmannae Madl, 1987, of Gasteruption hastator (Fabricius, 1804); Gasteryption fallaciosum Semenov, 1892, Gasteruption dubiosum Semenov, 1892 and Gasteruption obsoletum Semenov, 1892, of Gasteruption insidiosum Semenov, 1892; Gasteryption schewyrewi Semenov, 1892, of Gasteruption jaculator (Linnaeus, 1758); Gasteruption floreum Szépligeti, 1903, of Gasteruption lugubre Schletterer, 1889; Gasteruption trichotomma Kieffer, 1904, and Gasteruption palaestinum Pic, 1916, of Gasteruption merceti Kieffer, 1904; Gasteryption foveiceps Semenov, 1892, of Gasteruption nigrescens Schletterer, 1885, and Gasteruption libanense Pic, 1916, of Gasteruption syriacum Szépligeti, 1903. Gasteruption lugubre Schletterer, 1889, is recognised as a valid species. Lectotypes are designated for Ichneumon assectator Linnaeus, 1758; Ichneumon jaculator Linnaeus, 1758; Foenus terrestris Tournier, 1877; Foenus freyi Tournier, 1877; Foenus nigripes Tournier, 1877; Foenus goberti Tournier, 1877; Foenus granulithorax Tournier, 1877; Foenus minutus Tournier, 1877; Foenus borealis Thomson, 1883; Faenus diversipes Abeille de Perrin, 1879; Foenus rugulosus Abeille de Perrin, 1879; Faenus obliteratus Abeille de Perrin, 1879; Faenus undulatum Abeille de Perrin, 1879; Faenus variolosus Abeille de Perrin, 1879; Gasteruption distinguendum Schletterer, 1885; Gasteruption laeviceps Schletterer, 1885; Gasteruption thomsonii Schletterer, 1885; Gasteruption foveolatum Schletterer, 1889; Gasteruption sowae Schletterer, 1901; Gasteruption foveolum Szépligeti, 1903; Gasteruption floreum Szépligeti, 1903; Gasteruption caudatum Szépligeti, 1903; Gasteruption syriacum Szépligeti, 1903; Gasteruption merceti Kieffer, 1904 and Gasteruption ignoratum Kieffer, 1912. A neotype is designated for Gasteruption tournieri Schletterer, 1885.  相似文献   

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