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目的从病原学角度了解安徽省猪群中PCV2的感染情况。方法PCR检测临床疑似PCV2感染的病料,阳性病料接种于PK15细胞中进行PCV2的分离和增殖,再经PCR检测、间接免疫荧光试验、电镜观察,以及ORF2基因序列分析等鉴定。结果9份临床病料中均扩增出630bp的PCV2特异性DNA片段,分离鉴定获得5株PCV2,分离毒株之间及其与27株国内外参考毒株之间的ORF2基因序列同源性在87.3%~99.8%。结论首次从病原学角度证实安徽省猪群中PCV2感染的普遍存在,分离毒株与国内外参考毒株的同源性均较高。  相似文献   

【背景】猪圆环病毒(Porcinecircovirus,PCV)可以引起断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合症(Postweaningmultisystemicwastingsyndrome,PMWS)。【目的】了解安徽省部分地区猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)的遗传变异情况。【方法】采用PCR技术,对2016-2018年间安徽省部分地区猪场疑似PMWS感染的组织样品共计31份进行PCV2检测和全基因扩增,并通过DNAStar等生物信息学软件对所得到的PCV2毒株基因序列进行遗传进化分析。【结果】所得的8株PCV2安徽株与GenBank上已发表的国内外参考毒株相比较,核苷酸相似性为92.8%-99.0%,ORF2及其推导的氨基酸序列相似性分别为85.8%-99.6%和82.5%-100%。遗传进化树分析结果显示8株安徽株中有1株PCV2a,2株PCV2b,5株PCV2d,未发现PCV2c、PCV2e和PCV2f基因型。此外,通过对ORF2基因编码的氨基酸序列分析,发现各基因型Cap蛋白氨基酸序列上的位点具有其独特性。【结论】近年来PCV2在安徽地区的猪群中感染较为普遍,其中PCV2d基因型的感染病例增多,逐渐成为安徽地区的优势流行株。本研究为安徽地区的PCV2防控提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

猪圆环病毒2型ORF2编码与病毒毒力相关的结构蛋白--核衣壳蛋白(Cap),该蛋白可以用于PCV2感染的血清学调查,但不同区域的PCV2分离株的ORF2特别是其抗原表位序列存在一定的突变.本研究将PCV2浙江分离株ORF2的主要抗原表位以及PCV1 ORF2进行了原核表达,将分别纯化的融合蛋白Cap2s和Cap1s免疫SPF兔后制备多抗,并进一步分析了纯化蛋白的免疫原性和多抗的特性.Western blot结果表明无论Cap2s和Cap1s均能与两个多抗发生交叉反应,而PCV2或PCV1阳性猪血清只能分别特异性地识别Cap2s和Cap1s.IFA结果则证明两个多抗对于天然Cap蛋白无交叉反应性.利用Cap2s作为包被抗原对13个猪场的259份血清样品的PCV2抗体进行ELISA检测,平均阳性率为80.69%(209/259),而各猪场的阳性率差异较大(48.28%~100%).以上结果表明Cap2s可作为一个型特异性抗原用于浙江省本地猪场猪群血清中PCV2抗体的监控,而其多抗也可用于免疫组化对PCV2感染进行有效诊断.  相似文献   

根据GenBank上发表的PRRSV ORF7、PPV VP2及PCV的基因组序列设计合成引物,建立了分别用于检测PRRSV、PPV和PCV的RT-PCR、PCR及复合PCR方法.应用建立的复合PCR方法对送检的127份病料进行了PCV的检测,对鉴定为PCV2阳性的67份病料再分别进行PRRSV和PPV的检测,以确定猪群中PCV2与PRRSV和/或PPV混合感染情况,结果表明,35份样品表现为PRRSV与PCV2混合感染,占样品总数的52.3%;18份样品表现为PCV2与PPV混合感染,占26.9%.另外,还有一定比例的三重感染,共5个样品,占7.5%.由此可见,猪群中PCV2与PRRSV及PPV混合感染比较普遍.  相似文献   

猪圆环病毒2型ORF2编码与病毒毒力相关的结构蛋白--核衣壳蛋白(Cap),该蛋白可以用于PCV2感染的血清学调查,但不同区域的PCV2分离株的ORF2特别是其抗原表位序列存在一定的突变.本研究将PCV2浙江分离株ORF2的主要抗原表位以及PCV1 ORF2进行了原核表达,将分别纯化的融合蛋白Cap2s和Cap1s免疫SPF兔后制备多抗,并进一步分析了纯化蛋白的免疫原性和多抗的特性.Western blot结果表明无论Cap2s和Cap1s均能与两个多抗发生交叉反应,而PCV2或PCV1阳性猪血清只能分别特异性地识别Cap2s和Cap1s.IFA结果则证明两个多抗对于天然Cap蛋白无交叉反应性.利用Cap2s作为包被抗原对13个猪场的259份血清样品的PCV2抗体进行ELISA检测,平均阳性率为80.69%(209/259),而各猪场的阳性率差异较大(48.28%~100%).以上结果表明Cap2s可作为一个型特异性抗原用于浙江省本地猪场猪群血清中PCV2抗体的监控,而其多抗也可用于免疫组化对PCV2感染进行有效诊断.  相似文献   

根据GenBank上发表的PRRSVORF7、PPVVP2及PCV的基因组序列设计合成引物,建立了分别用于检测PRRSV、PPV和PCV的RT-PCR、PCR及复合PCR方法。应用建立的复合PCR方法对送检的127份病料进行了PCV的检测,对鉴定为PCV2阳性的67份病料再分别进行PRRSV和PPV的检测,以确定猪群中PCV2与PRRSV和,或PPV混合感染情况,结果表明,35份样品表现为PRRSV与PCV2混合感染,占样品总数的52.3%;18份样品表现为PCV2与PPV混合感染,占26.9%。另外,还有一定比例的三重感染,共5个样品,占7.5%。由此可见,猪群中PCV2与PRRSV及PPV混合感染比较普遍。  相似文献   

本研究旨在了解不同人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)感染途径群体中戊型肝炎病毒(hepatitis E virus,HEV)抗体情况,探讨HEV疫苗接种的必要性。采集HIV感染者的血清或血浆,利用酶联免疫吸附试验(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)检测HEV IgG抗体、IgM抗体及抗原,荧光定量聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)检测HEV核酸,Roche高纯化HIV-1核酸定量检测试剂盒(PCR荧光法)检测HIV感染者的HIV载量。比较分析不同HIV感染途径群体中HEV流行率的差别。结果显示,HIV感染者中HEV IgG抗体的阳性率为37.4%,静脉吸毒、成分献血和传播途径不明HIV感染群体的HEV IgG抗体阳性率分别为49.3%、39.5%和30.4%。HEV核酸荧光PCR检测结果均为阴性。3种HIV感染群体之间HEV IgG抗体阳性率差异无统计学意义(χ~2=2.978,P0.05)。HEV IgG阳性与阴性感染者之间HIV载量差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结果提示,为保护HIV感染者免受HEV感染,应考虑接种HEV疫苗。  相似文献   

安徽省禽呼肠孤病毒感染的血清学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解禽呼肠孤病毒(Avian reovirus,ARV)在安徽省鸡和鸭群中的感染情况。方法应用ELISA方法对采自安徽省205份鸡血清和218份鸭血清进行ARV抗体检测。结果肉鸡阳性率为55.88%,蛋鸡阳性率为92.23%,鸭群感染率为43.12%。结论禽呼肠孤病毒感染在安徽省鸡群和鸭群中感染较为普遍,应引起高度重视。  相似文献   

中国西藏部分地区猪戊型肝炎病毒流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E Virus,HEV)感染是一个重要的全球公共卫生问题,而猪被认为是HEV的天然宿主。HEV可以跨种间传播,且已经证实生吃感染的猪肉会导致人感染。在中国西藏许多地区仍然有生吃猪肉、猪肝等的习惯,且不同种家畜混合饲养,极易造成HEV感染和传播。然而中国西藏地区猪HEV流行情况报道甚少。文中对中国西藏5个地区市(拉萨、日喀则、山南、那曲和昌都)猪血清进行HEV Immunoglobulin-M(Ig M)和Ig G抗体检测,并通过逆转录巢氏PCR(RT-n PCR)进行HEV RNA检测和定量RT-PCR(q RT-PCR)进行病毒拷贝计算,首次报道了藏猪血清HEV RNA阳性率。结果显示,在西藏猪中HEV有较高的流行趋势。猪血清HEV Ig M抗体阳性率高达7.6%(26/340),HEV Ig G抗体阳性率为1.8%(6/340),HEV RNA阳性率高达7.6%(26/340),血清中病毒拷贝高达1.7×107 copies/m L,而且5个地区有不同的流行趋势。结果表明西藏猪HEV感染情况严重。有关部门应加强管理,以避免人与动物之间的交叉感染和暴发。  相似文献   

目的研究猪圆环病毒3型(porcine circovirus3,PCV3)对BALB/c小鼠的感染情况。方法将雌性BALB/c小鼠分为两组,实验组感染PCV3组织毒,对照组接种同样剂量的PBS。感染后每天观察小鼠状态,并在第0,3,7,11和14天采血进行荧光定量PCR检测和ELISA检测。实验结束后,对所有动物进行安乐死和剖检,对心脏、肝、脾、肺、肾、脑和淋巴结取样进行荧光定量PCR检测,并制片进行组织病理学检查。选择PCR检测阳性组织进行PCV3CAP基因测序分析。结果PCV3组织毒感染小鼠不引起明显的临床症状和病理变化。病毒可在感染早期的血清中检测到,病毒含量最高的器官是肝脏和脾脏,PCV3感染小鼠后核酸序列未发生变化。随着感染时间的增加血清中抗体水平逐渐升高。结论PCV3可以感染BALB/c小鼠,并在小鼠体内增殖。本研究结果为猪圆环病毒3型致病性的研究以及防控提供了参考。  相似文献   

Samples were collected from 203 wild boars (Sus scrofa) hunted in Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany from November-January 2008 and 2009. Samples from the lung and tonsil were analyzed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) type 1 (European type) and type 2 (American type). A qPCR to detect porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2)-specific genome was performed on tissue homogenates including lung, tonsils, and inguinal lymph nodes. Serum samples were tested for antibodies against PRRSV and PCV2 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). No PRRSV was detected in any of the 203 samples and one sample had detectable antibodies against PRRSV. We detected PCV2 in organ materials from 103 wild boars with a prevalence of 50.7%. The number of wild boars positive for PCV2 by PCR varied according to the population density of wild boars among woodlands. More positive samples were detected in woodlands with a high density of wild boars. We found no correlation between the number of PCV2-positive wild boars and the density of domestic pigs in the surrounding area. The number of wild boars positive for antibodies against PCV2 by the INGEZIM Circovirus IgG/IgM test kit was low (53 sera positive for IgG- and three sera positive for IgM-antibodies) in comparison to the higher positive results from the INGEZIM CIRCO IgG test kit (102 positive and 12 inconclusive results).  相似文献   

Since epidemiologically-based science on PCV2 in porcine semen is patchy, we investigated 806 Austrian (A) and German (G) AI boars from five studs, and boars from Austrian farms used for on-farm semen collection, for the presence for IgG/IgM in blood by ELISA (n=754) as well as for PCV2 DNA in semen (n=472) and if positive, also in blood of a few boars by nested PCR and sequencing. A total of 420 boars were tested for both PCV2 in semen and antibodies in blood. Boars were aged between 8 and 82 months at sampling. None of the boars tested positive for IgM but 60.1% did for IgG. PCV2 DNA was detected in 86 (18.2%) semen samples. Minor differences were found between boar populations with respect to the number of antibody positive boars and no differences for DNA in semen. Phylogenetic analysis of 28 sequences revealed a genetic diversity of PCV2 in semen within and between boar populations, with sequences belonging to both PCV2 genotypes 1 and 2. Mean nucleotide sequence identity was 95.7%, with maximum pairwise difference of 8.8%. Boars < or =16 months were tested more frequently positive for IgG (P<0.001) and for PCV2 DNA in semen (P<0.05) than older boars. Of 80 boars tested positive in semen, 34 (42.5%) were antibody negative. A total of 58 semen positive boars with (n=33) and without (n=25) IgG were all tested negative for PCV2 DNA in serum. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the ubiquity of PCV2 in the Austrian and German boar population. Genetically diverse PCV2 can be encountered in boar semen. Shedder boars cannot be detected on the basis of serology. There is an apparent possibility of PCV2 being transmitted through semen.  相似文献   

[目的] 猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)是严重危害世界养猪业的重要传染病,即猪圆环病毒相关疾病(PCVAD)的重要病原,其致病机制及流行规律尚未阐明。本研究对2010-2015年间采集自中国华东地区的病料进行PCV2检测,以探讨中国华东地区PCV2的分子流行病学特征,分析PCV2的遗传演化规律。[方法] 本研究利用PCR方法对384份断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合征疑似发病猪样本进行检测,并对随机选取的42份阳性样品进行PCV2全基因组的测定和分析。[结果] 华东地区普遍存在PCV2的感染,阳性率为41.15%。序列扩增获得42株PCV2全长基因组,同源性和系统进化树分析表明,基于PCV2 ORF2和全长核苷酸序列构建的系统进化树结构是基本一致的。从病料中测得的42株PCV2与11株参考毒株序列的ORF2基因的核苷酸和氨基酸序列同源性分别为87.0%-100.0%和82.5%-100.0%。遗传进化分析显示,53株PCV2毒株可分为4个基因型,即PCV2a、PCV2b、PCV2c和PCV2d。本文获得的42株序列ORF2基因的核苷酸和氨基酸序列同源性分别为89.6%-100.0%和86.8%-100%,可分为3个基因型,即PCV2a、PCV2b和PCV2d,其中69.05%(29/42)属于PCV2d基因型,为优势基因型;PCV2b未在安徽和浙江出现。Cap蛋白的氨基酸序列分析表明,42株PCV2毒株总体多样性较低,存在4个主要的高变区,且不同基因型具有代表性突变位点。本研究获得的42株Cap序列在抗体识别的关键位点存在一定程度变异,这是否导致PCV2抗原结构、致病性以及疫苗效果的改变,还有待深入分析。[结论] 2010-2015年间,PCV2在华东地区猪群中存在较高的感染率,遗传演化相对稳定,基因型无明显地域差异,且PCV2d为优势基因型。42株PCV2 Cap序列有明显差异,但同一基因型具有代表性突变位点。本研究为探讨华东地区PCV2的遗传进化和致病机理提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

目的对安徽省临诊疑似PMW S家养野猪病例进行猪圆环病毒2型(PCV2)分离鉴定,并对分离株的全基因组进行克隆与序列分析。方法应用PK-15细胞进行PCV2的分离与增殖,根据PCR、IFA、电镜技术进行PCV2分离株的鉴定,克隆分离株的全基因组,并对序列进行分析。结果获得1株来自安徽家养野猪源PCV2分离株,命名为YZ0901。该毒株全基因组长为1 767 bp,属于PCV2b基因型。与GenBank已发表的国内外参考毒株的同源性介于93.9%~99.2%,与安徽分离毒株彼此之间的同源性介于93.4%~99.5%。结论安徽省家养野猪中存在PCV2感染,分离毒株与家猪源病毒差异不大,PCV2核苷酸序列比较稳定,其进化不存在明显的地域相关性,家养野猪源PCV2的基因型与当地PCV2流行株的基因型密切相关。  相似文献   

Aim of the study: The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between the phase of infection (acute or persistent) and the ability of quantitative PCR to detect DNA of Toxoplasma gondii in circulating leukocytes in blood. Methodology: Animal serum samples were examined (50 sheep, 47 dogs, 32 dairy cows, 91 wild boars and 36 rabbits) for the occurrence of IgM and IgG antibodies to T. gondii by ELISA. Uncoagulated blood samples from the same animals were examined for the detection of T. gondii DNA in circulating leukocytes by real-time PCR. Results: Only IgM antibodies, characteristic for acute infection, were detected in 45 of the 256 serum samples (17.6%). Only IgG antibodies, corresponding with chronic infection, were detected in 120 of the 256 samples (46.8%). In 91 of the 256 samples (35.5%) neither IgM or IgG were detected by ELISA. For real-time PCR, animals were divided into three groups based on the serological results: (group I — acute infection, group II — chronic infection, and group III — no infection). In group I, the presence of T. gondii DNA was detected in 9 out of 45 samples (20%), whereas in group II only 1 of 120 samples was positive for T. gondii DNA (0.8%). In group III, no DNA of T. gondii (0/91 samples) was detected by real-time PCR. Significance: The proof of DNA by real-time PCR in IgM positive samples was statistically significant in comparison to IgG positive samples (P<0.0001).  相似文献   

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) has emerged as one of the most important pathogens affecting swine production globally. Preclinical identification of PCV2 is very important for effective prophylaxis of PCV2-associated diseases. In this study, we developed an ultrasensitive nanoparticle DNA probe-based PCR assay (UNDP-PCR) for PCV2 detection. Magnetic microparticles coated with PCV2 specific DNA probes were used to enrich PCV2 DNA from samples, then gold nanoparticles coated with PCV2 specific oligonucleotides were added to form a sandwich nucleic acid-complex. After the complex was formed, the oligonucleotides were released and characterized by PCR. This assay exhibited about 500-fold more sensitive than conventional PCR, with a detection limit of 2 copies of purified PCV2 genomic DNA and 10 viral copies of PCV2 in serum. The assay has a wide detection range for all of PCV2 genotypes with reliable reproducibility. No cross-reactivity was observed from the samples of other related viruses including porcine circovirus type 1, porcine parvovirus, porcine pseudorabies virus, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and classical swine fever virus. The positive detection rate of PCV2 specific UNDP-PCR in 40 preclinical field samples was 27.5%, which appeared greater than that by conventional and real-time PCR and appeared application potency in evaluation of the viral loads levels of preclinical infection samples. The UNDP-PCR assay reported here can reliably rule out false negative results from antibody-based assays, provide a nucleic acid extraction free, specific, ultrasensitive, economic and rapid diagnosis method for preclinical PCV2 infection in field, which may help prevent large-scale outbreaks.  相似文献   

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