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根据可能发现于江西赣州晚白垩世南雄组地层中一件标本报道了窃蛋龙科一新属种——斑嵴龙。新标本具有以下不同于其他窃蛋龙属种的特征:由前颌骨和鼻骨形成的脊冠具有阶梯状的后端,表面有两个纵向的沟槽和许多倾斜的条痕;外鼻孔延长,其后侧与眶骨相近;翼骨腭骨支背缘有一深窝;齿骨后背缘有纵向沟槽;上隅骨前背缘有小结节。斑嵴龙腭部和下颌的一些特征不同于窃蛋龙科的其他属种,但近似于更原始的窃蛋龙类。这些特征表明斑嵴龙代表窃蛋龙科中相对原始的一个属种。这一系统发育假说得到了定量的系统发育分析的支持。斑嵴龙的发现不仅增加了晚白垩世窃蛋龙科的分异度,而且为这一类群的特征演化提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

报道了具嵴冠的兽脚类恐龙一新属种,安龙堡双柏龙(Shuangbaisaurus anlongbaoensis gen.et sp.nov.).双柏龙发现于云南省楚雄彝族自治州双柏县下侏罗统冯家河组中,保存了部分头骨带下颌.双柏龙沿两侧眼眶背缘向上有嵴冠发育,这在其他兽脚类中未曾报道过.与其他早侏罗世体型较大且具一对矢状嵴冠的兽脚类(双嵴龙属和中国龙属)相比,双柏龙还独具一些特征组合,如相对较高的前颌骨体、抬高的前颌骨腹缘、后腹向延伸的轭骨后突及较小的上颞孔.比较研究表明,尽管中国“双嵴龙”(“Dilophosaurus”sinensis)可能应归入中国龙属(Sinosaurus),但未必属于模式种.双柏龙的发现将有助于研究基干兽脚类的演化,尤其是各类头骨骨饰在其中的作用.  相似文献   

报道了具嵴冠的兽脚类恐龙一新属种,安龙堡双柏龙(Shuangbaisaurus anlongbaoensis gen.et sp.nov.)。双柏龙发现于云南省楚雄彝族自治州双柏县下侏罗统冯家河组中,保存了部分头骨带下颌。双柏龙沿两侧眼眶背缘向上有嵴冠发育,这在其他兽脚类中未曾报道过。与其他早侏罗世体型较大且具一对矢状嵴冠的兽脚类(双嵴龙属和中国龙属)相比,双柏龙还独具一些特征组合,如相对较高的前颌骨体、抬高的前颌骨腹缘、后腹向延伸的轭骨后突及较小的上颞孔。比较研究表明,尽管中国"双嵴龙"("Dilophosaurus"sinensis)可能应归入中国龙属(Sinosaurus),但未必属于模式种。双柏龙的发现将有助于研究基干兽脚类的演化,尤其是各类头骨骨饰在其中的作用。  相似文献   

记述了一件发现于内蒙古临河巴彦满达呼上白垩统乌兰苏海组的窃蛋龙科新材料并建立了一新属新种——戈壁乌拉特龙(Wulatelong gobiensis gen. et sp. nov.)。新属种具有以下不同于其他窃蛋龙科成员的独特特征:外鼻孔大而细长,腹端低于前上颌骨中部;上颌骨的颧骨支呈带状,并向后延伸至眶前隔之后,叠覆于颧骨外侧面;外侧视,上隅骨的前背突基部收缩。戈壁乌拉特龙具有一些其他窃蛋龙科成员不具有的近祖特征,而与更原始的窃蛋龙类接近,说明戈壁乌拉特龙代表了窃蛋龙科中一个相对原始的属种。这些近祖特征包括:下颞颥孔的背缘较窄,泪骨的前突和后突相对较长,外翼骨和外下颌孔的位置都相对靠后,肩胛骨短而纤细,肠骨的耻骨茎较坐骨茎向腹侧延伸更长并前后向更宽,坐骨较短,以及第三跖骨近端侧扁等。因此戈壁乌拉特龙的系统发育位置可能居于原始窃蛋龙类和其他窃蛋龙科成员之间。对巴彦满达呼恐龙动物群的初步分析支持巴彦满达呼红层代表了蒙古高原戈壁地区上白垩统红层中的最早沉积层位的结论。  相似文献   

贵州中三叠世安顺龙(爬行纲:海龙目)一新种   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
中国的海龙类以前仅发现于法郎组瓦窑段,包括安顺龙和新铺龙两属。最近在法郎组竹杆坡段也发现了海龙化石(完整的骨架,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所标本编号V 13782),被归入安顺龙属。标本产自贵州兴义乌沙,时代是中三叠世拉丁期。此标本小于黄果树安顺龙两个已知标本,但是根据以下特征判断应该是个成年个体:头骨相对较小,许多骨缝愈合,髓椎线(neurocentral suture)封闭,肱骨上各种结构已经显著分化,掌骨和跗骨骨化程度高。根据以下特征建立一新种,乌沙安顺龙(Anshunsaurus wushaensis sp.nov.):头骨相对较小(相对肩臼至髋臼长度);轭骨后突短,向后延伸不超过下颞孔之半;后背区的神经棘高度小于宽度,其背缘有垂向沟、脊;间锁骨十字形,前突基部宽;肱骨外髁沟明显,内髁很发育,在内腹侧有脊但无孔;第五掌骨比第四掌骨稍长;第四指失去一个指节;髂骨板向后背向展开;7个跗骨骨化。  相似文献   

记中国南方广东省南雄盆地晚白垩世一新的窃蛋龙类化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中记述的窃蛋龙类一新属新种:遗忘始兴龙Shixinggia oblita gen.et sp.nov.是由北京自然博物馆于1995年采自中国广东省南雄盆地的始兴县。它具有以下特征:相对短的肠骨前突,肠骨高度与长度之比率大,并且肠骨的前突及后突的腹边缘均高于髋臼的背边缘。遗忘始兴龙还显示另一特征为股骨近端转子嵴内表面具有一大的气孔,胫骨近端也有类似的相对小的孔,而这些孔在其他已知的窃蛋龙类中均没有报道。这是继2003年报道的黄氏河源龙之后,中国南方第二个新的窃蛋龙类化石。  相似文献   

晋祠蝠蚤lschnopsyllus(Hexactenopsylla)jinciensis,新种 鉴别特征:本新种与山西蝠蚤(I.shansiensis Liu et al)相近,但有明显区别。♂性抱器可动突背端角具2根粗刺鬃,其后缘近基部具1很短的钝刺鬃;抱器体后腹角呈大的锥形突;阳茎端的腹侧具2叶状结构,一为三角形,一为椭圆形。  相似文献   

吉林省中部早白垩世泉头组-原始鸟脚类恐龙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了在松辽盆地白垩纪沉积中首次发现的原始鸟脚类恐龙化石,并根据其头部特征建立一新属新种——娇小长春龙(Changchunsaurus parvus gen.etsp.nov.)。化石产于吉林省公主岭市刘房子镇山前泉头组上部紫红色含砾泥质砂岩中,同一层位还产有兽脚类、鳄类、恐龙蛋、哺乳类等化石。娇小长春龙是一种混合了原始的和衍生性状的小型鸟脚类恐龙。它具有某些比多数鸟脚类和头饰龙类要原始的特征,例如,5颗前上颌齿、前上颌骨吻部只有很短一段齿缺、前上颌骨与上颌齿之间的间隙较小、颊齿两侧的釉质对称、前上颌骨腹侧边缘与上颌骨腹侧边缘基本处于同一水平线等。同时,娇小长春龙也具有一些与真鸟脚类类似的进步特征,比如眶前孔小、外下颌孔缺失。娇小长春龙具有颧骨突,这在鸟脚类恐龙中较为罕见,它的颧骨突表面具有鲕状构造,这一特征未见于其他已知鸟脚类。娇小长春龙的前齿骨形态与角龙类接近,腹支明显长于侧支,前齿骨与齿骨的愈合方式同角龙类相似。娇小长春龙的确切系统分类位置需要进一步的工作来确定。  相似文献   

作者于1981年8月进行四川省贝类资源调查时,在蒲江支流采到尖嵴蚌属一新种——四川尖峭蚌 Acuticosta sichuonica sp.nov.该种壳小,壳长26.5mm,壳高14.5mm,壳宽10.1mm;外形星卵圆形;前背缘短而低下,后背缘平直,与腹缘近于平行;壳面从壳顶至壳中部有五条似同心状的凹槽,最下一条较长,粗大。  相似文献   

根据头骨和下颌建立了海龙一新属新种——短吻贫齿龙(Miodentosaurus brevis gen.et sp.nov.)。其正型标本是采自贵州三叠纪法郎组的一具骨架(台中自然科学博物馆标本编号NMNS-004727/F003960)。虽然头后骨胳还没有修理,但是几近完好的头骨和下颌显示出许多与众不同的特征,足以确定该标本代表了一新的海龙属种。短吻贫齿龙是个体较大的海龙,其全长超过4 m,头骨背部最长约为33 cm。吻直且极短是其最显著的特征之一。其他主要特征有:前颌骨沿前背中央有一隆嵴;上颌仅前颌骨有6枚圆锥形齿,无上颌骨齿;上颌骨沿前腹侧缘有一沟槽;下颌齿骨齿都集中在前端且至多不超过6枚。依据上述这些特征很易把短吻贫齿龙与其他已知海龙相区别。短吻贫齿龙头骨顶面松果孔大且很前位,头骨腭面的锄骨和翼骨均无齿,它的颈较长(至少可以辨认出13个颈椎)。这些特征显示短吻贫齿龙可能与包括中国安顺龙属(Anshunsaurus)在内的Askeptosauroidea超科有相近的系统关系。  相似文献   

The fossil record for neoceratopsian (horned) dinosaurs in the Lower Cretaceous of North America primarily comprises isolated teeth and postcrania of limited taxonomic resolution, hampering previous efforts to reconstruct the early evolution of this group in North America. An associated cranium and lower jaw from the Cloverly Formation (?middle–late Albian, between 104 and 109 million years old) of southern Montana is designated as the holotype for Aquilops americanus gen. et sp. nov. Aquilops americanus is distinguished by several autapomorphies, including a strongly hooked rostral bone with a midline boss and an elongate and sharply pointed antorbital fossa. The skull in the only known specimen is comparatively small, measuring 84 mm between the tips of the rostral and jugal. The taxon is interpreted as a basal neoceratopsian closely related to Early Cretaceous Asian taxa, such as Liaoceratops and Auroraceratops. Biogeographically, A. americanus probably originated via a dispersal from Asia into North America; the exact route of this dispersal is ambiguous, although a Beringian rather than European route seems more likely in light of the absence of ceratopsians in the Early Cretaceous of Europe. Other amniote clades show similar biogeographic patterns, supporting an intercontinental migratory event between Asia and North America during the late Early Cretaceous. The temporal and geographic distribution of Upper Cretaceous neoceratopsians (leptoceratopsids and ceratopsoids) suggests at least intermittent connections between North America and Asia through the early Late Cretaceous, likely followed by an interval of isolation and finally reconnection during the latest Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Shunosaurus, from the Middle Jurassic of China, is probably the best‐known basal sauropod and is represented by several complete skeletons. It is unique among sauropods in having a small, bony club at the end of its tail. New skull material provides critical information about its anatomy, brain morphology, tooth replacement pattern, feeding habits and phylogenetic relationships. The skull is akinetic and monimostylic. The brain is relatively small, narrow and primitively designed. The tooth replacement pattern exhibits back to front replacement waves in alternating tooth position. The teeth are spatulate, stout and show well‐developed wear facets indicative of coarser plant food. Upper and lower tooth rows interdigitate and shear past each other. Tooth morphology, skull architecture, and neck posture indicate that Shunosaurus was adapted to ground feeding or low browsing. Shunosaurus exhibits the following cranial autapomorphies: emargination of the ventral margin of the jugal/quadratojugal bar behind the tooth row; postorbital contains a lateral pit; vomers do not participate in the formation of the choanae; pterygoid is extremely slender and small with a dorsal fossa; quadrate ramus of the pterygoid is forked; quadratojugal participates in the jaw articulation; tooth morphology is a combination of cylindrical and spatulate form; basipterygoid process is not wrapped by the caudal process of the pterygoid; trochlear nerve has two exits; occlusal level of the maxillary tooth row is convex downward, whereas that of the dentary is concave upward, acting like a pair of garden shears; dentary tooth count is 25 or more; and the replacing teeth invade the labial side of the functional teeth. Cranial characters among the basal sauropods are reviewed. As Shunosaurus is the earliest sauropod for which cranial remains are known, it occupies an important position phylogenetically, showing the modification of skull morphology from the prosauropod condition. Although the skull synapomorphies of Sauropoda are unknown at present, 27 cranial synapomorphies are known for the clade Eusauropoda. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 136 , 145?169.  相似文献   

A new species of the hadrosaurine hadrosaurid Gryposaurus was discovered in the late Campanian Kaiparowits Formation of southern Utah. Gryposaurus monumentensis , sp. nov. is distinguished from other Gryposaurus species by possessing a more robust skull, enlarged clover-shaped prongs on the predentary oral margin, an anteroposteriorly narrow infratemporal fenestra, and other autapomorphies plausibly associated with feeding adaptations. The derived morphology revealed in G. monumentensis necessitates revision of the generic diagnosis of Gryposaurus , including the addition of synapomorphies that further aid in distinguishing this taxon from Kritosaurus . A revised phylogenetic analysis places Gryposaurus within a monophyletic clade that includes Brachylophosaurus and Maiasaura . Gryposaurus monumentensis represents the most southern example of Gryposaurus , and underlines the remarkable diversification and long duration of this genus. Based on the phylogenetic, geographical, and stratigraphic evidence at hand, Gryposaurus was the most diverse genus within Hadrosaurinae; it also possessed one of the largest geographical and stratigraphic distributions, spanning more than five million years of the Campanian, and ranging from Alberta in the north to Utah (and possibly Texas) in the south.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 151 , 351–376.  相似文献   

Abstract: An isolated anterior caudal vertebra from the Qingshan (= Ch'ing shan) Formation (Early Cretaceous) of Shandong Province, China, is redescribed and shown to be an advanced diplodocid sauropod. This specimen possesses several derived character states that are typically observed in advanced diplodocoids or diplodocids, including the following: a mildly procoelous centrum; a deep pit‐like pneumatic fossa immediately below the caudal rib; wing‐ or fan‐shaped caudal ribs; and complex lamination of the neural spine. The neural spine is apomorphically short and the centrum is short relative to its height compared to those of other diplodocids, which, when coupled with the specimen’s unique geographical location and stratigraphical age, suggests that it probably represents a new taxon. This caudal vertebra provides the first convincing evidence that diplodocids were present in Asia, perhaps as a result of the dispersal of neosauropod lineages from Europe and/or North America during the Early Cretaceous. The discovery of a member of the Diplodocidae in the Early Cretaceous also indicates that this clade did not become extinct at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary as previously supposed.  相似文献   

A partial skeleton of a new pterosaur, Jianchangnathus robustus gen. et sp. nov. from western Liaoning, China, is described. The specimen (IVPP V16866) was collected near Linglongta, Jianchang County, whose deposits have a disputed age that range from Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. The new species shares several features with the non-pterodactyloid Scaphognathus from the Late Jurassic deposits of southern Germany, such as a deep anterior end of the lower jaw, a piriform lower temporal fenestra with the ventral margin broader than the dorsal one and the interalveolar spacing of the maxillary teeth about three alveolar spaces, allowing its allocation to the Scaphognathidae. The main diagnostic features of J. robustus include the large maxillary process of the jugal, the convex alveolar margin of the lower jaw and the procumbent disposition of the first three pairs of dentary teeth. The new Chinese taxon also differs from Fenghuangopterus lii, which comes from the same deposit and is here regarded as Scaphognathidae incertae sedis, mainly by the lower number of teeth and several proportions of the wing elements. The discovery of J. robustus demonstrates a larger diversity in the pterosaur fauna of the Linglongta region so far dominated by the non-pterodactyloid clade Wukongopteridae.  相似文献   

Diplodocids are by far the most emblematic sauropod dinosaurs. They are part of Diplodocoidea, a vast clade whose other members are well-known from Jurassic and Cretaceous strata in Africa, Europe, North and South America. However, Diplodocids were never certainly recognized from the Cretaceous or in any other southern land mass besides Africa. Here we report a new sauropod, Leikupal laticauda gen. et sp. nov., from the early Lower Cretaceous (Bajada Colorada Formation) of Neuquén Province, Patagonia, Argentina. This taxon differs from any other sauropod by the presence of anterior caudal transverse process extremely developed with lateroventral expansions reinforced by robust dorsal and ventral bars, very robust centroprezygapophyseal lamina in anterior caudal vertebra and paired pneumatic fossae on the postzygapophyses in anterior-most caudal vertebra. The phylogenetic analyses support its position not only within Diplodocidae but also as a member of Diplodocinae, clustering together with the African form Tornieria, pushing the origin of Diplodocoidea to the Middle Jurassic or even earlier. The new discovery represents the first record of a diplodocid for South America and the stratigraphically youngest record of this clade anywhere.  相似文献   

Abstract: Chigutisauridae is the longest‐lived trematosaurian clade (from early Triassic to early Cretaceous). They were reported in Argentina, Australia, India and South Africa. This contribution reports a putative chigutisaurid specimen in the Carnian of southern Brazil (Santa Maria Formation, Paraná Basin). The material comprises two skull fragments, a mandibular fragment, a clavicular blade and a humerus. Ontogenetic features point to an early development stage of the specimen. The presence of a long, straight and pointed tabular horn, which runs parallel to the skull midline towards its tip, and a distinctive projection in the posterior border of the postparietal indicates a close relationship of the Brazilian chigutisaurid with the Indian Compsocerops cosgriffi. Three distinctive and combined characters suggest that the Brazilian chigutisaurid is a distinctive specimen: the presence of an alar process of the jugal in the ventral margin of the orbit; jugal does not extend well beyond the anterior margin of the orbit; and tabular does not contact the parietal. These characters could justify the erection of a new taxon; however, they might reflect its immature ontogenetic stage as well. Accordingly, we attribute this new specimen to Compsocerops sp. Argentinean and Indian occurrences are dated as Norian, so the presence of a Carnian chigutisaurid in southern Brazil indicates that western Gondwana chigutisaurids have first occupied the Paraná Basin and later migrated towards west (to Argentina) and east (India). However, the presence of ghost chigutisaurid taxa cannot be dismissed, because their long temporal range contrasts with their still short (in comparison with other temnospondyl groups) geographic distribution. Hence, they might have been more geographically widespread than their fossil record suggests.  相似文献   

根据一保存完整的骨骼(包括头骨、下颌和全部头后骨骼)建立了鳍龙类的一新属新种——利齿滇东龙(Diandongosaurus acutidentatus gen.et sp.nov.)。标本采自云南省罗平县中三叠世安尼期关岭组上段。新属种既具有肿肋龙类(包括Dactylosaurus,Anarosaurus,Serpianosaurus和Neusticosaurus)吻部两侧不收缩、眶前区域长于眶后区域、眼眶大于上颞孔等典型特征,同时又具有幻龙类(包括Simosaurus和nothosaurians)前颌和下颌前部犬齿型齿发育、上颌具1或2个犬齿型齿等典型特征。新种的额骨和顶骨均愈合,额骨两后外侧支的末端后延超过上颞孔前缘,轭骨和鳞骨相交将眶后骨排除于下颞孔之外,方轭骨发育,锁骨前外侧缘具一突起,3对荐肋以及最前部尾肋的外侧端均未见明显收缩。这些特征也多表现出肿肋龙类和幻龙类的混合特征。此外,新种还具有一些较为独特的特征,包括前额骨和后额骨沿眼眶背缘相交,第3至第8对尾肋的长度超过荐肋,后肢末端发育异常膨大的爪趾骨。系统关系分析表明,滇东龙既不是肿肋龙类也不是幻龙类;它可能与由乌蒙龙、幻龙类和传统的肿肋龙类所构成的分支亲缘关系最近,为始鳍龙类基干类群。  相似文献   

Michin csernai gen. et sp. nov. from the Early Cretaceous (Albian) limestones of the Tlayúa Quarry, Puebla State, Central Mexico, is assigned to the Teleost clade Pachyrhizodontoidei as it possesses the enlarged inner premaxillary tooth, which is a unique synapomorphy of this clade. Additionally, the occurrence of relatively primitive characters (e.g., united parietals, angular and articular completely fused, caudal fin with five uroneurals) suggests that Michin csernai represents the most basal representative of the pachyrhizodontids.  相似文献   

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