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利用尸食性蝇类发育生物学推断死后间隔时间的前提是对其幼期种属的准确鉴定。本文对沈阳地区室内常见的4种尸食性蚤蝇幼期的主要形态特征进行了描述。结果表明:根据其口器、体壁突起、气门和呼吸角等特征不仅可以区分虫龄,还可以鉴别4种蚤蝇。  相似文献   

双向凝胶电泳图谱用于常见尸食性蝇类初孵幼虫的鉴别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李凯  叶恭银  胡萃 《昆虫学报》2005,48(4):576-581
双向凝胶电泳分析技术已在生物科学各领域被广泛应用,蛋白质组作图的意义已经日益显现。通过对4种常见尸食性蝇类初孵幼虫蛋白质组双向凝胶电泳和图象分析,发现各种类间双向凝胶电泳图谱差异显著,并对相应的等电点和相对分子量进行聚类和判别分析,结果表明,建立合适的尸食性蝇类初孵幼虫的双向凝胶电泳图谱可用于鉴别形态学极易混淆的昆虫种类。图4参17  相似文献   

赵博  王贺  王玲  王卫杰  李泽民 《昆虫知识》2010,47(2):360-367
为了满足实际工作中利用蝇类幼虫日龄推断尸体死后间隔时间的需求,采用形态观察与图像分析相结合的方法对巨尾阿丽蝇Aldrichina grahami(Aldrich)、大头金蝇Chrysomya megacephala(Fabricius)幼虫前气门、后气门、头咽骨进行了研究,筛选适合日龄推断的指标。结果显示:2种尸食性蝇类幼虫前气门、后气门、头咽骨均随着时间的延长发生规律性的变化。其中,咽骨的骨化面积、平均光密度,后气门的平均光密度是最理想的判断幼虫日龄的指标,为法医昆虫学精确推断死后间隔时间提供重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

药(毒)物对尸食性蝇类生长发育影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕宙  李学博  莫耀南 《昆虫学报》2010,53(4):464-469
药(毒)物对尸食性蝇类生长发育影响是法医昆虫毒理学领域里一个十分重要的研究方向,其研究结果可对与药(毒)物相关死亡案件的死亡时间作出修正。随着近年来全球毒品及药物滥用情况的日趋严重,其所导致的死亡案件也越来越多。这类案件常常需要应用尸食性蝇类生长发育历期来推算死后经历时间(postmortem interval, PMI)。为了阐明该领域的研究进展以及未来研究的焦点和难点,本文在阐述法医昆虫毒理学概念和特点的基础上,按照不同的药(毒)物分类,对近年来药(毒)物对尸食性蝇类生长发育影响在国内外的研究进展进行了综述。研究表明,某些药(毒)物对尸食性蝇类生长发育具有一定的影响,且这种影响存在种属差异。目前,该领域的研究尚限于宏观现象观察阶段,其研究范围在不断拓宽,既有的研究也在进一步深化,但还有许多问题有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

五种常见嗜尸性蝇类的分子鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解决法医学人员对于嗜尸性蝇类的鉴定难题,对中山市、广州市及西安市5种常见嗜尸性蝇类共17个样本,对其线粒体COⅠ基因的348 bp大小片段进行了RFLP和DNA序列分析,采用ABI377测序仪测序,DNASTAR软件预测限制性位点,DdeⅠ, DraⅠ和HinfⅠ3种限制性内切酶消化,非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测酶切结果,MEGA3.0软件包进行序列分析和构建系统发育树。结果表明: 采用mtDNA扩增结合银染技术和DNA序列分析,均可以方便快捷地进行上述三地5种常见嗜尸性蝇类的种类鉴定。本文结果为法医昆虫学中嗜尸性昆虫DNA鉴定数据库的建立提供了数据资料。  相似文献   

嗜尸性蝇类是法医昆虫学调查中最重要的目标,作为早期到达尸体并主要促成尸体组织腐解的昆虫,对死亡时间的推断,特别是腐败尸体死亡时间的推断具有重大意义。本文针对我国嗜尸性蝇类的主要种类及形态识别、各种类生长发育、在尸体上的演替进行了综述。  相似文献   

mtDNA中COⅠ分子标记在常见食尸性蝇类鉴定中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
死后不同时间,在尸体上出现不同种类食尸性蝇类的演替规律,可用于准确推断死亡时间。传统上仅依据蝇类形态学特征来判断种属,但由于蝇类的形态结构复杂和种间形态差异微小等特点,对蝇类尤其是对蝇类幼虫的种属鉴别很难。因此应用分子生物学方法对食尸性蝇类及其幼虫进行种属鉴定非常重要。本研究主要是利用此方法对我国西部部分地区常见双翅目食尸性蝇类包括:开普黑蝇、大头金蝇、丝光绿蝇及部分卵,铜绿蝇、棕尾别麻蝇及部分幼虫和蛹的线粒体DNA(mtDNA)上细胞色素氧化酶辅酶Ⅰ(COⅠ)中278 bp的基因序列进行鉴别。除个别蝇类如丝光绿蝇与铜绿蝇外,该方法均能有效地将上述食尸性蝇类鉴定到种属水平。在我国,它将成为法医鉴别食尸性蝇类种属的可靠依据。  相似文献   

贵州产棘蝇属四新种(双翅目:蝇科)魏濂艨(贵州省安顺地区卫生防疫站,安顺市561000)近十年来,作者在贵州地区采集了大量的蝇类标本,其中棘蝇属Phaonia R.-D.的种类较丰富,连同本文的描述该地区共记载了10新种(亚种)。模式标本保存于作者所...  相似文献   

嗜尸性蝇类在命案死亡时间和现场推断方面有着十分重要的应用, 而DNA 条形编码技术能摆脱对虫卵和幼虫的饲养以及后续物种鉴定方面专业知识的依赖, 有助于实现现场采集蝇类样本的快速鉴定。本研究采集了北京地区7个嗜尸性蝇类优势种共77个个体的样本, 测定了所有个体线粒体DNA 上细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COI)基因1 120 bp的序列。基于序列的系统发生分析显示, 同一物种不同个体的序列均以高达99%的支持值聚集在一起。序列间的分歧统计表明这些蝇类在物种内的个体分歧不超过1%, 而不同物种间的净分歧均超过7.74%, 最高可达14.85%。滑动窗口分析表明, 在整个序列区段种间差异位点存在较平均的分布。通过测定COI基因的序列, 建立了北京地区7个嗜尸性蝇类优势种的DNA条形码, 据此实现了对这些物种准确、快速、简单的区分和鉴定, 同时也为后续应用于物种鉴定的种属特异性位点之筛选提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

1980~1990年,采集用网捕法,分类用昆虫学分类原理与方法,调查四川省二郎山山区有瓣蝇类种类及其相关情况.结果 显示,二郎山山区蝇类有307种,隶属8科25亚科93属.其中特有种有197种,占已知种的64.16%,发现二郎山新纪录种132种,占已知种的42.99%;区系成分分析表明,二郎山山区有瓣蝇类以东洋区成分为主.成蝇年周期中的密度高峰在5月和6月,优势种为紫兰优毛蝇、家蝇和反吐丽蝇;发现黄粪蝇、密胡邻种蝇和黑尾黑麻蝇幼虫可在大雪覆盖下的孳生地过冬.本研究对二郎山山区有瓣蝇类的区系组成和分布等相关特点有了初步了解;但二郎山为横断山脉一部分,地形地貌相当复杂,是最具生物多样性地区之一,尚需深入研究.  相似文献   

贵州兴义实蝇类昆虫多样性特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】掌握贵州兴义实蝇的种类组成和不同生境中的发生规律及多样性变化。【方法】2010-2011年,在贵州兴义 5个不同生境的监测点,采用性诱剂、食物引诱剂及被害瓜果培养法对实蝇类昆虫种类和数量进行了系统调查和监测,并对监测数据进行分析。【结果】贵州兴义实蝇优势种包括桔小实蝇 Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)、瓜实蝇 B. cucurbitae (Coquillett)、南瓜实蝇 B. tau (Walker)及具条实蝇 B. scutellata (Hendel),且不同年份各监测点实蝇优势种及相似性系数(0.33~0.89)存在差异;但其年种群动态相似。聚类分析结果显示,两个农村生境果园中实蝇种群关系最近,城市混合果园与其他生境果园中实蝇种群关系最远;各监测点的多样性指数在不同年份也不同,监测的2年间 Simpson 指数、Shannon 指数和均匀度指数分别在0.11~0.68、0.28~1.25和0.18~0.62之间。【结论】贵州兴义实蝇种类丰富,种群发生规律与气候、寄主、生态位竞争等因素有关;相近生境混合果园诱捕到的实蝇种数和数量大于单一果园;离城区越近,实蝇发生期越早,数量越大。研究结果为了解该地区实蝇种类分布以及预防实蝇危害提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

House flies (Musca domestica) infected with Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus (MdSGHV) were found in fly populations collected from 12 out of 18 Danish livestock farms that were surveyed in 2007 and 2008. Infection rates ranged from 0.5% to 5% and averaged 1.2%. None of the stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans), rat-tail maggot flies (Eristalis tenax) or yellow dung flies (Scathophaga stercoraria) collected from MdSGHV-positive farms displayed characteristic salivary gland hypertrophy (SGH). In laboratory transmission tests, SGH symptoms were not observed in stable flies, flesh flies (Sarcophaga bullata), black dump flies (Hydrotaea aenescens), or face flies (Musca autumnalis) that were injected with MdSGHV from Danish house flies. However, in two species (stable fly and black dump fly), virus injection resulted in suppression of ovarian development similar to that observed in infected house flies, and injection of house flies with homogenates prepared from the salivary glands or ovaries of these species resulted in MdSGHV infection of the challenged house flies. Mortality of virus-injected stable flies was the highest among the five species tested. Virulence of Danish and Florida isolates of MdSGHV was similar with three virus delivery protocols, as a liquid food bait (in sucrose, milk, or blood), sprayed onto the flies in a Potter spray tower, or by immersiion in a crude homogenate of infected house flies. The most effective delivery system was immersion in a homogenate of ten infected flies/ml of water, resulting in 56.2% and 49.6% infection of the house flies challenged with the Danish and Florida strains, respectively.  相似文献   

Phlebotomus duboscqi is the principle vector of Leishmania major, the causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), in West Africa and is the suspected vector in Mali. Although found throughout the country the seasonality and infection prevalence of P. duboscqi has not been established in Mali. We conducted a three year study in two neighboring villages, Kemena and Sougoula, in Central Mali, an area with a leishmanin skin test positivity of up to 45%. During the first year, we evaluated the overall diversity of sand flies. Of 18,595 flies collected, 12,952 (69%) belonged to 12 species of Sergentomyia and 5,643 (31%) to two species of the genus Phlebotomus, P. duboscqi and P. rodhaini. Of those, P. duboscqi was the most abundant, representing 99% of the collected Phlebotomus species. P. duboscqi was the primary sand fly collected inside dwellings, mostly by resting site collection. The seasonality and infection prevalence of P. duboscqi was monitored over two consecutive years. P. dubsocqi were collected throughout the year. Using a quasi-Poisson model we observed a significant annual (year 1 to year 2), seasonal (monthly) and village effect (Kemena versus Sougoula) on the number of collected P. duboscqi. The significant seasonal effect of the quasi-Poisson model reflects two seasonal collection peaks in May-July and October-November. The infection status of pooled P. duboscqi females was determined by PCR. The infection prevalence of pooled females, estimated using the maximum likelihood estimate of prevalence, was 2.7% in Kemena and Sougoula. Based on the PCR product size, L. major was identified as the only species found in flies from the two villages. This was confirmed by sequence alignment of a subset of PCR products from infected flies to known Leishmania species, incriminating P. duboscqi as the vector of CL in Mali.  相似文献   

An extensive survey of the ectoparasites infesting bats in Paraguay provides information regarding the taxonomy and host distribution of streblid bat flies at a geographic interface between subtropical and temperate habitats. Five families of bats representing 45 species, including Molossidae (5 genera and 15 species), Natalidae (1 genus and 1 species), Phyllostomidae (11 genera and 15 species), Noctilionidae (1 genus and 2 species), and Vespertilionidae (4 genera and 12 species) were collected from 24 localities across Paraguay and sampled for ectoparasites. In total, 2,467 bat flies were collected, representing 11 genera and 31 nominal species of Streblidae, of which 6 genera and 24 species are new records for Paraguay. No streblids were collected from vespertilionid bats; 23 species infested phyllostomids, 6 species noctilionids, 1 species a natalid, and 1 species molossids. Streblid bat flies were highly specific to certain host groups and individual host species, and their geographic distributions closely followed those of their host bats. Of 31 streblid species surveyed, 27 were monoxenous (i.e., associated with a single host species), and 4 were stenoxenous (i.e., associated with a group of phylogenetically related hosts). The number of streblid species is greatly reduced in the Chaco region west of the Paraguay River, largely because of the lack of phyllostomid host bats.  相似文献   

记述我国贵州省梵净山四齿隐翅虫属Nazeris 1新种,即贵州四齿隐翅虫Nazeris guizhouensis sp.nov..新种与发现于我国云南的Nazeris alpinus Watanabe较相似,但根据雄性第7腹板后缘不凹入,雄性第8腹板后缘的凹入较宽而浅,阳茎中叶端半部明显狭窄且侧叶较直(侧面观)等特征可与后者区分.正模♂,贵州省梵净山,2003-07-23,李利珍采.副模:8♂♂,4♀♀,同正模;5♂♂,3♀♀,采集时间、地点同正模,胡佳耀、汤亮采.模式标本存放在上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院生物系昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of blood‐feeding flies in two temperate forests in the southeastern U.S.A. was determined by placing 15 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention miniature light traps (12 CO2‐baited, three unbaited controls), without lights, at three heights (1.5 m, 5.0 m, 10.0 m). More than 6550 haematophagous flies, representing 49 species in four families, were collected. Eighteen species were taken almost exclusively (90–100%) at 1.5 m or 10.0 m, and the mean number of flies per trap differed significantly with height for another six species. Five species exhibited shifts in vertical distribution between the two forests, indicating that forest structure could influence the height of host searching. Most (52.5%) mammalophilic flies were collected at 1.5 m, whereas most (56.4%) ornithophilic flies were taken at 10.0 m, suggesting that host associations influence vertical distributions. The significant differences in the composition of haematophagous fly populations among forest strata emphasize the importance of trap placement in vector surveillance and of understanding the ecological relationships of blood‐feeding flies.  相似文献   

Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) light traps were modified for use with light-emitting diodes (LED) and compared against a control trap (incandescent light) to determine the effectiveness of blue, green, and red lights against standard incandescent light routinely used for sand fly surveillance. Light traps were baited with dry ice and rotated through a 4 x 4 Latin square design during May, June, and July, 2006. Trapping over 12 trap nights yielded a total of 2,298 sand flies in the village of Bahrif, 6 km north of Aswan on the east bank of the Nile River in southern Egypt. Phlebotomus papatasi comprised 94.4% of trap collections with five other species collected in small numbers. Over half (55.13%) of all sand flies were collected from red light traps and significantly more sand flies (P < 0.05) were collected from red light traps than from blue, green, or incandescent light traps. Red light traps collected more than twice as many sand flies as control (incandescent) traps and > 4 x more than blue and green light traps. Results indicate that LED red light is a more effective substitute for standard incandescent light when surveying in areas where P. papatasi is the predominant sand fly species. Each LED uses approximately 15% of the energy that a standard CDC lamp consumes, extending battery life and effective operating time of traps. Our prototype LED-modified traps performed well in this hot, arid environment with no trap failures.  相似文献   

Tropical herbivorous insects are astonishingly diverse, and many are highly host‐specific. Much evidence suggests that herbivorous insect diversity is a function of host plant diversity; yet, the diversity of some lineages exceeds the diversity of plants. Although most species of herbivorous fruit flies in the Neotropical genus Blepharoneura are strongly host‐specific (they deposit their eggs in a single host plant species and flower sex), some species are collected from multiple hosts or flowers and these may represent examples of lineages that are diversifying via changes in host use. Here, we investigate patterns of diversification within six geographically widespread Blepharoneura species that have been collected and reared from at least two host plant species or host plant parts. We use microsatellites to (1) test for evidence of local genetic differentiation associated with different sympatric hosts (different plant species or flower sexes) and (2) examine geographic patterns of genetic differentiation across multiple South American collection sites. In four of the six fly species, we find evidence of local genetic differences between flies collected from different hosts. All six species show evidence of geographic structure, with consistent differences between flies collected in the Guiana Shield and flies collected in Amazonia. Continent‐wide analyses reveal – in all but one instance – that genetically differentiated flies collected in sympatry from different host species or different sex flowers are not one another's closest relatives, indicating that genetic differences often arise in allopatry before, or at least coincident with, the evolution of novel host use.  相似文献   

A new genus of Tabanidae mimetic of flies is described: Muscotabanus new genus, Muscotabanus rafaeli new species, based on 12 females collected in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. It is presented a discussion for separating the new genus from Diachlorini species which resemblance with sarcophagids flies. It is characterised by striped thorax, banded abdomen, long slender palpus subequal antenna length, labella predominantly membranous, except for a narrow sclerotised plate, basicosta bare, wing hyaline and stigma brown.  相似文献   

Blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and flesh flies (Sarcophagidae) were collected using a bait trap in Osaka City between April 1998 and June 1999. Seven species from four Calliphoridae genera and three species from one Sarcophagidae genus were captured. Seasonal fluctuations of captured adults for most blowflies showed a bimodal pattern, having peaks in spring and autumn, whereas all flesh flies were captured between spring and autumn. The sex ratios of captured flies were mostly biased toward females.  相似文献   

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