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记述采自中国贵州省梵净山自然保护区的隆线隐翅虫属Lathrbium 1新种--贵州隆线隐翅虫Lathrobium guizhouensis sp.nov..新种与Watanabe(1992)记载于中国浙江省的Lathrobium imadatei Watanabe,在颜色和外部形态上较相似,但根据雄性第6、7腹板无修饰毛区,第8腹板后缘凹陷明显较浅,阳茎的中叶和侧叶愈合等特征不难与后者区分.正模♂,贵州省梵净山自然保护区,23-07-2003,李利珍采.副模:2♂♂,4♀♀,同正模;3♂♂,2♀♀,采集时间和地点同正模,汤亮、胡佳耀采.模式标本保存在上海师范大学生物系昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

记述了中国毛角隐翅虫属TrichophyaMannerheim1新种,片口毛角隐翅虫Trichophya piankousp.nov.;首次提供了细点毛角隐翅虫Trichophya teniusZheng的雄性特征。片口毛角隐翅虫,新种Trichophya piankousp.nov.(图1~7)新种与四川峨眉山和卧龙自然保护区的细点毛角隐翅虫Trichophya teniusZheng很相似,区别为:体较短,体色黑褐,前胸和鞘翅的细粒更明显,雄性外生殖器形状不同。正模♂,四川北川县片口自然保护区,2005-09-24,王翠翠采。副模:13♂♂,16♀♀,采集记录同正模。词源:种名出自模式产地(片口自然保护区)的中文名称,"片口"。细点毛角隐翅虫Trichophya tenuuisZheng,雄性(图8~13)本种的雄性与雌性相似,但前跗第1~4节中等膨大,第8腹板后缘宽深弓形凹缘,与之有别。检视标本:2♀♀(模式标本),四川峨眉山和汶川县卧龙自然保护区。2♂♂,四川峨眉山,1983-07-25~26,卢英采;2♂♂,1♀,四川汶川县卧龙自然保护区,王萍采。  相似文献   

报道中国粪隐翅虫属的3个种,记述1新种,新疆粪隐翅虫Coprophilus(Zonyptilus)xinjiangensis sp.nov.,首次记录分布中国大陆的2个种,奇异粪隐翅虫C.(Z.)difformis Smetana和台湾粪隐翅虫C.(Coprophilus)formosanus Shibata.编制了该属的中国种检索表.模式标本保存在西华师范大学生命科学学院.新疆粪隐翅虫,新种Coprophilus(Zonyptilus)xinjiangensis sp.nov.(图1~10)本种与来自塔吉克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦的双斑粪隐翅虫C.(Z.)bimaculatus Luze很相似,但通过它的鞘翅黄色至黄色显红、无端斑,以及雄性外生殖器侧叶的不同形态可以区分.新种与来自中国台湾的奇异粪隐翅虫C.(Z.)difformisSmetana也相似,但它的身体较小,前胸无性二型,雄性腹部第8腹板后缘中部近弓形突出,以及雄性外生殖器的不同形态,与之有别.正模♂,中国新疆,1995-08,新疆八一农学院采.副模2♀♀,采集记录同正模.词源:新种种名源自模式产地地名.  相似文献   

记述我国四川省蛾眉山自然保护区圆胸隐翅虫属Tachinus、圆胸隐翅虫亚属Tachinus 1新种——峨嵋圆胸隐翅虫Tachinus (Tachinus)emeiensis sp.nov.。新种与Tachi-nus(Tachinus)licenti Bernhauer在颜色和外部形态上较相似,但根据体形较大,雄性第8背板中叶之间凹入浅,雄性第7腹板后缘中间几乎呈横切状,且颗粒区宽大,以及雄性生殖器侧叶顶端明显变细等特征可与后者区分。模式标本存放在上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自我国四川省九寨沟和湖北省神农架自然保护区的圆胸隐翅虫属Tachinus,圆胸隐翅虫亚属Tachinus 1新种——东洋圆胸隐翅虫Tachinus(Tachinus)parasibiricus,sp.nov.。该新种与分布于古北区的Tachinus(Tachinus)sibiricusSharp,1888在颜色和外部形态上很相似,但根据雄性生殖器侧叶近端部无缢痕,端部l/3处明显变厚;雌性第8背板中叶之间凹入明显较浅等特征可与后者区分。正模:♂,四川省九寨沟,2001-Ⅶ-27,李利珍、赵梅君采。副模:7♂♂9♀♀,同正模;2♂♂,湖北省神农架金猴岭,2002-Ⅷ-04,李利珍、汤亮采。模式标本保存在上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述中国四川寡节隐翅虫属Micropeplus Latreille 1新种,肖氏寡节隐翅虫Micropeplus xiaoae sp.nov.,提供了它的体形、头部、前胸、鞘翅、后胸腹板,腹部第3~7背板、第8腹板和雄性外生殖器的彩图.新种采自四川冕宁县的冶勒自然保护区的已死杂草中.编制了这个属的中国种检索表.模式标本保存在西华师范大学生命科学学院.肖氏寡节隐翅虫,新种M切印峥如xiaoae sp.nov.(图1~13)新种与来自台湾的Micropeplus spinatus Campbell很相似,但这个种的前胸中部有16个由脊范围的室,后胸腹板的中凹稍宽并超过后胸腹板长度之半,肩脊和伪缘脊之间无刻点,雄性外生殖器的侧叶端部仅有1根短刚毛.这个种也与日本的M.hiromasai Watanabe甜Shibata相似,但新种的前胸有16室,鞘翅刻点粗,肩脊和伪缘脊之间无刻点,以及雄性外生殖器内囊的结构不同,与之有别.正模♂,四川冕宁县冶勒自然保护区,2005-07-19 ~ 20,肖凡、周敏、宋甸远采.副模:21♂♂,15♀♀,采集记录同正模.词源:新种种名源自正模采集者肖凡的姓氏.  相似文献   

记述了我国毛须隐翅虫属Ischnosoma 1新种,太白毛须隐翅虫Ischnosoma taibaiensis sp.nov..对该种的形态特征进行了描述,并对雄性成虫的性特征进行了记述.新种属于I.spelaeum种组,该种组在我国尚属首次记载.新种与分布于西班牙的I.spelaeum相似,但根据鞘翅稀有不规则无毛刻点,雄性第8腹板后缘具粗大刚毛,阳茎侧叶背面具12根刚毛等特征可与后者区别.模式标本存放在上海师范大学生命与环境科学学院生物系昆虫标本室.正模♂,陕西太白山,2 350~2 750 m,2004-07-14,胡佳耀、汤亮和朱礼龙采.副模2♀♀,同正模.  相似文献   

记述中国四川巨须隐翅虫属Oxyporus Fabricius 1新种,拟狭巨须隐翅虫Oxyporus(Oxyporus)simlangustatus sp.nov.,提供了它的体形、第8腹板和雄性外生殖器的彩图和线条图.这个种采自四川马边县大风顶自然保护区和峨边县黑竹沟森林公园的菌中.模式标本保存在西华师范大学生命科学学院.拟狭巨须隐翅虫,新种Oxyporus(Oxyporus)simlangustatus sp.nov.(图1~9)本种与来自四川的狭巨须隐翅虫O.(O.)angustatus Zheng很相似,但这个种前胸中线上的黑带较狭窄,后胸腹板的侧部褐黄色,雄性外生殖器中叶的端缘中部稍凹缘,以及侧叶端部仅有1根微毛,与后者有别.正模♂,四川美姑县大风顶自然保护区,2006-09-11,邱光辉采.副模1♀,四川峨边县黑竹沟森林公园,2006-08-06,采集者同上.词源:新种种名源自与狭巨须隐翅虫O.(O.)angustatus Zheng很相似.  相似文献   

记述采自我国浙江省龙王山自然保护区和天目山自然保护区的盗隐翅虫属Lesteva 1新种——黄盗隐翅虫Lesteva ochra,sp.nov.。新种与Rougemont(2000)记载于同一产地的Lesteva elegantula在斑纹上较相似,但根据体形的差异可与后者区分;新种在体形上与记载于同一产地的Lesteva flavopuctata较相似,但根据阳茎的侧叶短于中叶可与后者区分;新种的阳茎形状与记载于同一产地的Lesteva submaculata较相似,但侧叶内侧没有柔毛可与后者区分。正模:♂,浙江省龙王山,2004-Ⅳ-24,朱礼龙采;副模:1♂,2♀♀,采集地点同正模,2004-Ⅳ-23,汤亮采;1♀,采集地点及日期同正模,胡佳耀采;1♂,1♀,浙江省临安市天目山,2001-Ⅴ-02,宋晨祖采。  相似文献   

记述中国四川冕宁县冶勒自然保护区颊脊隐翅虫属Quedius 3新种,其中,尤隐翅虫群(The Euryalus group)1新种,冶勒尤隐翅虫Qudius(Microsaurus)yeleensis sp.nov.,穆隐翅虫群(The Mukuensis group)1新种,郭氏穆隐翅虫Q. (M.)guoi sp.nov.,四川隐翅群(The Szechuanus group)1新种,凉山隐翅虫Quedius(Microsaurus)liangshanensis sp.nov..冶勒尤隐翅虫与来自甘肃的欧隐翅虫Q.(M.)erythras Smetana最接近,但第8腹板每侧各有4根长刚毛,雄性外生殖器侧叶中部窄缩、末端有宽深凹缘,侧叶下面凹缘两侧各有3或5个黑色感觉瘤,与后者有别.郭氏穆隐翅虫与同样来自甘肃的伊隐翅虫Q.(M.)epytus很相似,但雄性外生殖器中叶端部稍扩大,侧叶中部不窄缩、末端3曲,侧叶下面的感觉瘤群各由4至5个小黑瘤组成,与后者不同.凉山隐翅虫与来自云南的艾隐翅虫Q.(M.)amicorum Smetana最接近,但体较大,头部和前胸稀布微刻点,雄性第8腹板每侧各有3根长刚毛,第10背板在或接近端缘有1根长的和少数长短不一的刚毛,以及雄性外生殖器中叶端部的不同形态,与后者有别.  相似文献   

Hu JY  Li LZ  Zhao YL 《ZooKeys》2011,(84):13-21
Two new species of the genus Nazeris Fauvel collected from Nabanhe Nature Reserve, Yunnan Province, are described under the names of Nazeris nabanhensissp. n. and Nazeris caoisp. n. The male sexual characters are described and illustrated. A key to the Nazeris species of Yunnan is provided. A map of the collecting sites is given.  相似文献   

The maximum growth rate occurs in the first half of the 7th and 8th larval instars of the house cricket, at which time food and water consumption is maximal. Growth ceases in the last 2 to 3 days of each instar when food consumption is almost nil. The metabolic rate is twice, and the locomotory activity is four times, higher in the first 2 to 3 days than in the last 2 to 3 days of each instar. The %-gain in dry wt is 120% for the 7th and 139% for the 8th instar. The average digestive coefficient (AD) for the 8th instar is 67% and the average efficiency of food conversion to tissue (dry wt ECI) is 27%. The average daily food consumption for 8th instar larvae is 31.4 mg, and, therefore, we calculate that an average of 12 mg food is burnt per day for energy which is confirmed by the observed average VO2 of 1.2 ml O2/g-cricket/hr. Total lipids as %-total wt (239% mg-gain) increases in the first 4 days then remains constant in spite of cessation of feeding in the last 2 days. The RQ confirms the conversion of carbohydrates to lipids in the first half of each instar. In the moulting cycle carbohydrates are used for maintenance (when not feeding), but lipids are used at apolysis.  相似文献   

系统记述了广西崇左三合大洞早更新世堆积中出土的与巨猿伴生的小猪(Sus xiaozhu)和裴氏猪(S.peii)。三合大洞是小猪在我国境内至少为第12个产地,也是目前最靠南的产地。小猪在三合大洞的发现进一步证实了小猪的繁盛时期是早更新世,繁盛地区在广西。三合大洞是裴氏猪在我国境内至少第9个产地, 也是裴氏猪在我国境内目前最靠南的记录。裴氏猪在三合大洞的发现同样证实了裴氏猪的繁盛时期是早更新世, 繁盛地区也在广西。虽然小猪的时代分布从早更新世早期起并可能延续到晚更新世早期, 裴氏猪的时代分布从早更新世早期到中更新世早期, 但是迄今发现的小猪与裴氏猪同时产出的层位均为早更新世地层, 而三合大洞是迄今我国境内第6个小猪和裴氏猪伴生的早更新世地点。小猪和裴氏猪也经常出现在巨猿产地, 三合大洞是迄今它们共生的第5个地点。小猪和裴氏猪在三合大洞的出现指示三合地区在早更新世具有近水的森林和灌丛环境。  相似文献   

云南南涧凤凰山秋季夜间迁移鸟类多样性分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
2002年9月16日至11月28日、2003年4月6日至26日、2003年9月9日至11月26日,对云南南涧凤凰山秋季夜间迁移鸟类进行了研究。共网捕迁移鸟176种6677只,分属13目29科,其中红喉姬、红点颏、蓝歌鸲等雀形目鸟类数量优势度十分显著,表明该地迁移鸟类以雀形目等中小型鸟类为主。对网捕迁移鸟进行多样性分析,Shannon-Weaner指数为3·89,G指数为4·13,总的F指数为25·56,表明该地迁移鸟在种、属、科等分类阶元的多样性均较丰富。2002和2003年迁移鸟类多样性t检验结果表明,年间、月份间的多样性差异明显,即凤凰山迁移鸟类动态变化明显。  相似文献   

海南鳽(Gorsachius magnificus)隶属于鹈形目(Pelecaniformes)鹭科(Ardeidae),为我国Ⅱ级重点保护野生动物。本文报道了2019年5月至9月海南鳽 在贵州雷公山自然保护区干脑村南柳河(26?16? N,108?06? E,海拔771 m)的繁殖情况。海南鳽巢址选择在常绿阔叶林中,营巢于高大、枝叶繁茂、枝桠较多并有很强隐蔽性的阔叶树上。结合发现海南鳽幼鸟在贵州雷公山自然保护区分布区的增加,我们认为在贵州雷公山地区应该至少有1或2个繁殖种群。本次记录是海南鳽在贵州省的首次繁殖记录。  相似文献   

27 albino-rats were used to measure the growth of skull, spinal column, spinal cord, roots of the spinal nerves, and length of tail and extremities at their 1st to the 5th, the 8th, 11th, 15th, and 20th postnatal day. The growth rate of the distal and caudal parts of the distal body was higher than of the cranial and proximal ones.  相似文献   

 There is evidence that basement membrane components control differentiation of liver sinusoids and bile ducts. These processes occur in humans in the 9th gestational week (GW). Distribution of laminin, nidogen, and type IV collagen was studied during human liver development between the 6th and the 10th GW. Laminin and nidogen lined intrahepatic microvessels in the 6th and 7th GW decreasing in quantity at the beginning of the fetal period (9th–10th GW). Type IV collagen was detected in microvessels only from the 9th GW onward. In the early periportal matrix (9th–10th GW) laminin, nidogen, and type IV collagen were diffusely distributed. At these stages, basement membrane zones of larger portal vessels and of early bile ducts were also stained for all three glycoproteins. These results show that laminin and nidogen are localized in microvessels during early human liver development and decrease in concentration at the developmental stage during which microvessels become discontinuous. In contrast, type IV collagen is not present in early microvessels but occurs when laminin and nidogen disappear. The three glycoproteins occur together only in those areas of the developing liver in which, from the 9th GW onward, the differentiation of immature liver cells into biliary epithelium takes place. Accepted: 20 August 1998  相似文献   

Seasonal levels of LH, FSH, Prolactin (PRL) and testosterone (T) were determined in blood plasma of penned male white-tailed deer, ranging in age from 2 to 10 yr. Peak levels of T (observed around the rutting season in November) gradually increased until the 7th yr and then they began to decline slowly; a sharp decrease was registered in the 10th yr. Peak levels of PRL (measured in June) steadily increased until the 6th yr and then dropped rapidly in the 8-9-yr-old group. Peak concentrations of FSH (observed during September-October) rose gradually until the 6th yr, decreased in 8-yr-olds and then increased again in the 9th and 10th yr of life. On the other hand LH maxima (occurring during July-September) were rising until the 4th yr and then remained steady until the 6th yr. LH peaks in the 8th and 9th yr were more than 50% higher than that of the 4-6th yr. These data indicate that increasing peak levels coincide with approaching "prime male age" around 5-7 yr. In senior bucks (9-10 yr) decreasing gonadal function may be the sign of diminished responsiveness to pituitary hormones since gonadotrophins are elevated to the "castrate-type" levels.  相似文献   

A critical assessment of the literature data on the yellow wagtail Motacilla flava Linnaeus, 1758 (Passeriformes, Motacillidae, Motacillinae), at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries is carried out, assessment of its current numbers is given, and limiting factors and patterns of the species distribution on the study area of the European part of Russia, including the Middle Volga Region, are identified.  相似文献   

Development of Phaeophilacris bredoides Kalt. was studied under stable laboratory conditions: temperature of 26°C, air humidity 60%, and 12L: 12D photoperiod (Knyazev, 1985). The life cycle of Ph. bredoides includes four stages: egg, pronymph, nymph, and adult. The duration of embryonic development is 28 days. The nymphal ontogeny lasts 230 days and consists of 25 instars. The duration of nymphal instars (days) is: 1st—16, 2nd—6, 3rd—8, 4th—10, 5th—10, 6th—15, 7th—10, 8th—8, 9th—9, 10th—11, 11th—11, 12th—8, 13th—9, 14th—10, 15th—7, 16th—9, 17th—7, 18th—7, 19th—7, 20th—10, 21st—11, 22nd—7, 23rd—9, 24th—6, and 25th—9. The duration of adult life is 126 days in males and 125 days in females. Three periods were distinguished in the imaginal ontogeny of males and females: pre-reproductive, reproductive, and post-reproductive. The pre-reproductive period begins with the molt to the adult and ends with the onset of reproductive behavior in males and with the first copulation in females. Its duration is 4 (3–6) days in males and 5 (2–7) days in females. The reproductive period in males starts with the onset of reproductive behavior on the 4th (3rd–6th) day and lasts 119 (98–135) days. In females it begins when they start responding to males’ courtship behavior and lasts 116 (97–133) days. The female reproductive period includes two alternating phases: copulation and egg-laying. The egg-laying phase is initiated by successful copulation. The post-reproductive period in females starts when oviposition ceases and in males, when their reproductive behavior disappears. This period lasts about 3 (2–3) days in males and 4 (2–7) days in females, until the insect dies.  相似文献   

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