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不同除草剂用量对水稻生产的影响研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
对施用不同剂量除草剂丁草胺和农得时的稻田处理研究表明,该配方在常量和倍量下能够较好防除沈阳地区稻田杂草,药后35d对杂草株数防效和鲜重防效分别达80%和90%以上,但对水稻株高和分蘖有一定抑制作用,且杂草一定程度表现出抗性;在不施用除草剂和施用半量除草剂的情况下,杂草竞争使水稻在株高和分蘖等方面部有一定的补偿作用,但水稻产量分别下降36.01%和54.80%,主要是因为有效穗和每穗实粒数的减少;除草剂狭义经济效益良好.  相似文献   

[目的] 白花鬼针草是一种恶性外来入侵杂草,近年来已侵入农田,对农业生产及生态系统带来严重危害。为筛选防治白花鬼针草的有效除草剂,分析评价了13种常见茎叶处理除草剂对幼苗期和成株期白花鬼针草的防治效果。[方法] 采用整株盆栽法,在白花鬼针草幼苗期(2~3对叶期)和成株期(6~7对叶期)分别进行茎叶喷雾处理,每种除草剂设置3个剂量。[结果] 供试的13种除草剂中,灭生性除草剂草甘膦、草铵膦和敌草快对幼苗期和成株期的白花鬼针草防效达到100%。选择性除草剂中,麦草畏和辛酰溴苯腈对幼苗期和成株期的白花鬼针草均有较好的防效,三氯吡氧乙酸、乙羧氟草醚和氯吡嘧磺隆在高剂量下对幼苗期的白花鬼针草有较好的防除效果,但对成株期的白花鬼针草防效较差,氯氟吡氧乙酸、乳氟禾草灵、灭草松、二氯吡啶酸、乙氧氟草醚对幼苗期和成株期白花鬼针草防效均较差。[结论] 白花鬼针草对多种化学除草剂具有较强的耐药性,生育期对除草剂防除白花鬼针草的效果有较大影响。灭生性除草剂草甘膦、草铵膦、敌草快及选择性除草剂辛酰溴苯腈和麦草畏适用于防除白花鬼针草。  相似文献   

【目的】普通豚草对新疆伊犁河谷地区的生态及旅游产业发展都造成了严重的威胁。本研究于2019年5月和7月中旬筛选218国道沿路林带农田交错生境下防治普通豚草的最适除草剂和施药浓度,旨在为防治普通豚草提供技术指导。【方法】采用田间小区试验,比较药后7、14、30和45 d的株防效、鲜重防效和株高,评价5月中旬8种除草剂的2个施药浓度对约12叶期、株高(6.20±0.13) cm的普通豚草,以及7月中旬21%氯氨吡啶酸AS的5种施药浓度对约20叶期、株高(16.26±0.68) cm的普通豚草的防治效果。【结果】方差分析表明,5月中旬株防效和鲜重防效最高的是75%苯嘧·草甘膦WG 900和1350g·hm~(-2),其次是30%草甘膦AS 5250和6750 g·hm~(-2)、48%三氯吡氧乙酸EC 4170和6255 g·hm~(-2)、21%氯氨吡啶酸AS 300和375 g·hm~(-2),最低的是20%硝磺草酮SC 637.5和750 g·hm~(-2)。7月中旬,21%氯氨吡啶酸AS对普通豚草的株防效和鲜重防效较好浓度是600 g·hm~(-2),药后45 d株防效和鲜重防效分别为69.7%、93.4%,其次是450和525 g·hm~(-2),药后45 d株防效和鲜重防效分别为47.8%、86.4%和51.7%、91.5%。【结论】综合普通豚草种子萌发情况、防治成本、药剂成分及对环境的影响等因素,5月中旬防治伊犁河谷地区林带生境下的普通豚草时,建议施用75%苯嘧·草甘膦WG 900 g·hm~(-2)、30%草甘膦AS 5250 g·hm~(-2)、48%三氯吡氧乙酸EC 4170 g·hm~(-2)、21%氯氨吡啶酸AS 300 g·hm~(-2); 7月中旬防治公路林带生境下的普通豚草时,建议增加药量,施用21%氯氨吡啶酸AS至少525 g·hm~(-2);防治时期上,建议在5月中旬左右进行防控,可大幅降低用药量并方便农事操作。  相似文献   

磺酰脲类除草剂残留的微生物降解研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
磺酰脲类除草剂是一类高效、低毒和高选择性的除草剂, 此类除草剂能有效地防除阔叶杂草, 其中有些品种对禾本科杂草也有抑制作用。由于该类除草剂易残留药害及容易对地表水造成污染, 因而其在环境中的持久性和环境安全性备受人们关注。本文综述了磺酰脲类除草剂的应用概况及其作用机理、降解磺酰脲类除草剂的常见微生物种类及影响微生物降解效率的因素, 最后展望了微生物修复技术与抗除草剂的转基因作物是解决除草剂残留药害的最佳途径。  相似文献   

乙草胺是一种主要用于防除禾本科杂草的酰胺类除草剂,苄嘧磺隆是一种用于防除阔叶杂草的磺酰脲类除草剂,乙·苄复配制剂由于扩大了除草谱而被广泛应用于稻田中,但大量使用也带来了环境隐患。本研究从长期施用乙·苄复配制剂的稻田土壤中筛选到1个可耐受600 mg/L苄嘧磺隆的乙草胺降解复合菌系,从中分离到4个细菌菌株66C-1、66C-2、66C-3、66C-4,利用形态、生理生化及分子生物学方法,分别鉴定为粘质沙雷式菌(Serratia marcescens)、Psedomona shunanensis、恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putida)和硝化还原假单胞菌(Pseudomonas nitroreducens)。这4个菌株等比例混合构成的降解菌系HXDW可以利用乙草胺为唯一碳源、但不能利用丁草胺、异丙甲草胺和吡氟酰草胺等其他酰胺类除草剂。降解菌系HXDW在乙草胺初始浓度为100 mg/L的无机盐培养基中,0.1%~2.0%Na Cl浓度范围内生长良好,最适培养温度为25℃。提取降解菌系不同部位粗酶液对50 mg/L乙草胺进行处理,胞外提取液的24 h乙草胺降解率为44.95%,表明降解菌系HXDW对乙草胺的降解作用主要存在于胞外。  相似文献   

为筛选出适于桃苗圃利用的除草剂,以桃砧木品种‘Nemaguard’幼苗为材料,通过土施11种推荐剂量的除草剂,研究不同除草剂处理后桃砧木幼苗药害等级、营养生长、根系结构、叶片光合特性等生理指标的变化,并基于主成分分析对不同除草剂的安全性进行综合评价。结果表明:土施精喹禾灵对桃砧木幼苗无明显药害,而其他10种除草剂处理后,砧木幼苗表现出不同程度的失绿、萎蔫、斑枯等症状。氯氟吡氧乙酸异辛酯造成砧木幼苗迅速萎蔫枯死,药害指数(PI)为100.0%,土施草甘膦异丙胺盐、草铵膦、乙草胺和二甲四氯钠后,PI均超过65.0%。与清水对照相比,所有除草剂均不同程度抑制砧木幼苗叶面积增长,其中幼叶面积和成熟叶面积分别减小10.0%~56.2%和5.8%~44.4%。除精喹禾灵外,供试除草剂均提高了砧木叶片和根尖细胞电解质渗透率,并显著抑制砧木根系生长,其中叶片和根尖细胞电解质渗透率较对照分别上升21.2%~145.0%和36.9%~291.4%,总根长、根表面积、根体积和根尖数分别减少37.3%~75.3%、35.7%~83.0%、44.3%~89.9%和42.6%~73.7%。精喹禾灵、硝磺·莠去津、...  相似文献   

【背景】2009~2012年辽宁省草原沙化治理工程在辽西北展开,以彰武县为重点治理地区。由于长期缺乏对草原毒害草的重视,少花蒺藜草在彰武县全县范围内扩散蔓延,并已发展到难以控制的局面,给草原生态环境带来极大影响。【方法】对精喹禾灵、烯禾啶、咪唑乙烟酸、烟嘧磺隆、乙草胺+烟嘧磺隆、乙氧氟草醚、高效氟吡甲禾灵等几种除草剂(组合)进行筛选,并进行大面积示范,调查其防治效果。【结果】供试的7种药剂(组合)对少花蒺藜草均有一定的防除作用。其中,精喹禾灵和高效氟吡甲禾灵2种芳氧苯氧基丙酸酯类除草剂防除入侵生物少花蒺藜草效果最为理想,能够有效控制其生长和危害,施药15 d后防除效果分别可达到89%和79%。此外,药剂筛选试验结果还显示:咪唑乙烟酸、烟嘧磺隆和乙草胺+烟嘧磺隆对少花蒺藜草也有较好的防治效果,施药19 d后防效基本达到80%以上;乙氧氟草醚最差,防治效果只有66%。【结论与意义】5%精喹禾灵乳油除草效果较好,虽然对试验区内的其他禾本科牧草有一定的杀害作用,但对区内的补播牧草草木樨、小叶锦鸡儿等未产生任何药害。这对草原补播改良区少花蒺藜草的综合治理有着积极意义。  相似文献   

大狼耙草是危害生物多样性的一种恶性杂草。使用使它隆、二甲四氯、草甘膦3种除草剂对大狼耙草进行不同浓度、不同防治时期防除效果研究,结果表明:使它隆对大狼耙草平均致死率为92%,二甲四氯为85%,草甘膦为82%,但三者差异不显著;高、中、低3种浓度(使它隆分别为0.47、0.40、0.33g·L-1,二甲四氯分别为2.80、2.33、1.87g·L-1,草甘膦分别为5.18、3.89、2.59g·L-1)对大狼耙草致死率差异极显著,高浓度溶液防除效果较好;大狼耙草植株在幼苗期(植株高20cm)、生长盛期(植株高40cm)、花期(植株高60cm)3个防治时期致死率差异极显著,幼苗期防除效果理想。研究表明,在大狼耙草幼苗期使用0.47g·L-1浓度的使它隆防除效果最好。  相似文献   

【背景】薇甘菊是一种外来入侵的恶性杂草,对当地农、林业造成了严重的危害。【方法】研究了草甘膦、氨氯吡啶酸、甲嘧磺隆、噻吩磺隆、苯磺隆、百草枯、五氟磺草胺、单嘧磺隆和单嘧磺脂9种除草剂对薇甘菊的化学防治,调查各药剂对薇甘菊的植株鲜重抑制率、叶片覆盖度和抑花率。【结果】氨氯吡啶酸25~100gai.hm-2、草甘膦1538~2306gai.hm-2、甲嘧磺隆100~400gai.hm-2、百草枯750、1125gai.hm-2、五氟磺草胺125gai.hm-2、噻吩磺隆11.25~33.75gai.hm-2和单嘧磺脂15~60gai.hm-2对薇甘菊营养生长控制效果较好。其中,百草枯短时间有效,草甘膦、五氟磺草胺、单嘧磺脂、单嘧磺隆、氨氯吡啶酸和甲嘧磺隆对薇甘菊的抑花率较高,苯磺隆和单嘧磺隆基本无效,且9种药剂对橡胶树均未表现出药害。【结论与意义】适当降低氨氯吡啶酸、甲嘧磺隆、草甘膦、五氟磺草胺、噻吩磺隆和单嘧磺脂的浓度可以保持薇甘菊营养生长而扼制种子蔓延。本研究首次发现五氟磺草胺、噻吩磺隆和单嘧磺脂对薇甘菊有良好的抑制效果。  相似文献   

通过除草剂"大田净"的不同时期和不同浓度施用,观测其对烟田杂草的防除效果.试验结果表明,揭膜培土时(移栽后25d)喷施杂草防除效果较好;喷施不同浓度间,400倍液、550倍液比800倍液防治效果好.建议在揭膜培土时喷施550倍"大田净"进行除草.  相似文献   

黍稷的名实考证及规范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黍稷是起源于中国最古老的作物,糯者为黍,粳者为稷。长期以来对黍稷的称谓一直不能统一,特别是对稷的称谓在农史界一直争论不休,难以定论。本文从黍稷的起源演化过程、细胞学和遗传学的研究、黍稷是人类最早驯化的作物、我国甲骨文和古农书的记载等方面,论证了黍稷的起源早于粟。并以此为据,进一步辩证了稷不是粟,同时指出将黍稷称为软糜和硬糜、糜黍、糜子、黍子等不同称谓的不足之处,进而认为以黍稷作为规范称谓为好。  相似文献   

In the year 2006, the first experience with the NO-TILLAGE system for sunflower crops was organized in Romania, using the Pioneer PR64E83 sunflower hybrid resistant to the tribenuron-methyl herbicide. The experience took place in the Danube river flood plain, on an alluvial soil with a content between 3.1-4.5% and a content of clay of 34-40%. In the conventional system, in the fall of the year 2005, autumn ploughing was carried out, along with harrowing, and in spring the land was tilled two more times, using both the disk and the harrow. Before sowing, the land was prepared by using the combiner-machine. After the sunflower sprouted, three-time mechanical hoeing between the rows, as well as three-time manual hoeing on the sunflower row were performed. In the no-tillage system, no autumn ploughing, nor any other soil work were performed, and the sunflower was sowed directly, by using the Gaspardo seeder. Before sowing, the soil was covered in proportion of 70% by species of weeds of the Cirsum, Sonchus and Polygonum amphibium type. To destroy these species of weeds, 3 days before sowing, the soil was treated with the Roundup herbicide in a dose of 7 litres/ha. After the sunflower sprouted, when the plants had 4-5 leaves, the following sulphonylurea herbicides were applied post-emergently. (1) Express 50SG--which contains tribenuron-methyl (2) Granstar 75DF--which contains 75% tribenuron-methyl (3) Titus 25DF--which contains 25% rimsulfuron (4) Mistral--which contains 40 g/L nicosulfuron (5) Lintur 70WG--which contains 4.1% triasulfuron + 65.9% dicamba (6) Peak 75WG--which contains 75% prosulfuron The Express 50SG and Granstar 75DF herbicides were selective for the sunflower hybrid PR64E83, and the other herbicides although belonging o the same sulphonylurea group, they proved to have a very phytotoxic effect upon the sunflower crop. In the report, selectivity is presented depending on the dose of herbicide, weed control and sunflower production.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, over a range of 5 to 30 C, on phytotoxicity of simazine, atrazine, propazine, prometryne, prometone, and ipazine to young Pinus resinosa seedlings were investigated in growth chambers. Herbicides were applied to the soil surface and then mixed into the soil before pine seeds were planted. Development of recently germinated seedlings was then studied for 7 weeks. High temperatures greatly accelerated herbicide toxicity, but the effects of temperature varied greatly among herbicides. Atrazine and simazine were more toxic than other herbicides tested at all temperatures. Toxicity of simazine and atrazine was apparent early, whereas effects of propazine, prometryne, prometone, and ipazine were somewhat delayed. After 7 weeks maximum dry-weight production of shoots under each herbicide treatment and control occurred at 20 C, with some decreases noted at lower temperatures and marked decreases at progressively higher ones. At 20 C final seedling dry weights following treatment with simazine or atrazine were only one-third as high as in control plants. Growth was also reduced in lesser amounts by propazine, prometryne, prometone, or ipazine. Variations in phytotoxicity of different triazine herbicides appeared to be related more to their structural differences than their solubilities. Under the constant environmental conditions of the experiments, toxicity symptoms in plants treated with triazine herbicides appeared more rapidly and decisively than in previous field experiments under fluctuating environments. The influence of high temperatures in enhancing triazine toxicity appeared to involve complex interactions of physiological activity of plants and temperature effects on herbicide uptake.  相似文献   

Broomcorn millet is widely grown in Asia and Europe. This cereal is a very efficient user of soil water and is particularly adapted to sandy, dry soils and dry weather conditions. As one of the oldest crops in ancient China, it has played an important role in the formation and development of Chinese civilisation and culture. It is still one of the major grain crops in northern China where harsh climate conditions prevail. The genetic diversity and relationships among 32 accessions of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) from the major areas for broomcorn millet growing in China, in addition to six Indian landraces, were evaluated by PCR analysis with six introns splice junction or long random primers. A total of 56 DNA fragments across all materials were scored; among them, 42 (75%) were polymorphic as indicated by their absence in at least 1 of the 38 accessions tested, indicating a high variation at the DNA level among those accessions. Pair‐wise genetic dissimilarity (Dice’s coefficient) ranged from 0.0286 to 0.4737. The clustering largely corroborated with the geographical location of the origins of those accessions. The data indicated that the glutinous/non‐glutinous trait is also associated with the clustering. Majorities of the landraces from Yulin of Shaanxi were clustered into five groups, and majorities of the cultivars or breeding lines from Inner Mongolia were clustered into three groups. The results of this study suggest that the landraces from Yulin of Shaanxi were extensively utilised in the breeding programme of Shanxi, whereas this feature was not observed in the breeding programme of Inner Mongolia.  相似文献   

The use of herbicides is a common and intensive practice in no tillage systems. The herbicides can influence, directly or indirectly, the population of edaphic arthropods. Collembola is a group that functions as a bio-indicator of soil conditions. The degree of abundance and diversity of Collembola provides the level of soil disturbance provoked by agricultural practices. This experiment was designed to compare the influence of herbicides on the population fluctuation of Collembola in a no-till soil preparation system. The work was conducted in a non irrigated no-till area at the Núcleo Experimental de Ciências Agrárias of the Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Campus de Dourados, in soil planted with corn as a surface covering, during the period of December, 2002 to December, 2003. The data were analyzed according to a completely randomized model, in a split plot design. The plots received four types of herbicides: glyphosate, atrazine, 2,4-D and nicosulfuron. A fifth plot did not receive any herbicide (control), for a total of five treatment types. The sub plots were represented by their collection times (10, 20, 30 and 40 days after the herbicide applications). Both the type of herbicide and the time of data sampling influenced the Collembola population fluctuaction. The treatments with atrazine and 2,4-D caused the most reduction of the population of Collembola, depending on the time of application.  相似文献   

Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) of soil herbicides followed by enzyme immunoassay analysis (EIA) is explained in a step-by-step process. Extracted herbicides, include 2,4-D, simazine, atrazine, and alachlor. The herbicide, trifluralin was not successfully analyzed by EIA because of crossreacting metabolites. Problems with SFE, including uneven packing of cells, leaks, uneven flow and clogging, can largely be eliminated as the method parameters are optimized. It was necessary to add modifiers including methanol or acetone to the SF CO2 to increase the solubility of the analytes. Detection limits of 2.5 ng/g soil for atrazine and alachlor and 15 ng/g soil for simazine and 2,4-D without concentration of the sample were achieved. Recoveries above 80% and relative standard deviations (RSDs) less than 15% for 2,4-D simazine, atrazine and alachlor were achieved. Atrazine and alachlor recoveries were above 90% with RSDs below 10%. Forty soil samples could be extracted and analyzed in an 8-h day.  相似文献   

A 50% dichlorvos containing insecticide formulation (Unifosz 50 EC) and a 50% atrazine containing herbicide formulation (Hungazin PK 50 WP) were studied in chicken embryos after administration as single compounds. Applied concentrations of dichlorvos were 0.1% (corresponding to the plant protection practice), 0.05%, 0.02%, 0.01%. Applied concentrations of atrazine were 0.66% (corresponding to the plant protection practice), 0.33%, 0.132%, 0.066%. The test materials were injected directly into the air-chamber of eggs on day 0 of the hatching period and evaulation was carried out on day 19 of incubation. The chicken embryos were examined for the following: rate of embryo mortality, body mass, type of developmental anomalies. After the single administrations of dichlorvos containing insecticide formulation and atrazine containing herbicide formulation on day 0 of incubation, the average body weight of chicken embryos significantly did not decrease as compared to the control. After the individual administrations of pesticides the incidence of developmental anomalies was sporadic. The embryonic mortality markedly increased at the highest concentrations of pesticides. The rate of embrio mortality were 61% (dichlorvos insecticide containing formulation) and 52% (atrazine containing herbicide formulation). In summary, the 50% dichlorvos containing insecide formulation (Unifosz 50 EC) and the 50% atrazine containing herbicide formulation (Hungazin PK 50 WP) were toxic to the developing chicken embryos at the highest concentration in our study. The toxic effect was expressed in the high rate of embrio mortality.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in a demonstrated field in El-Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, during the winter of season 2020 to evaluate the leverage of four post-emergence herbicides i.e., tribenuron-methyl, clodinafop- propargyl, pyroxsulam and pinoxaden compared to control on total protein and amino acid contents in three wheat cultivars (Shandwel 1, Giza 171, and Sakha 95). Generally, the use of foliar herbicides led to a significant decrease in essential, non-essential amino acids and protein contents. However, tribenuran-methyl herbicide signifcantly increased the levels of proline, glycine, arginine, and histidine, but cystine and threonine not affected as compared to control. On the other hand, foliar herbicide application was significantly increased physiological , biochemical parameters and yield of Shandweel cultivar as compared to the other varieties. The physiological and biochemical models of dual-herbicide-tolerant wheat cultivars add to our understanding of the crop. In recent agricultural systems, herbicide tolerant plants are important for long-term weed management. Therefore, the study recommended the safely usage of Tribenuran-methyl as foliar herbicide in weed managment.  相似文献   

It is clearly seen from data that roots of Convolvulus arvensis L. have more and less intensive regenerative period during growing season. The more intensive period is in autumn, because in that time roots culminate nutrients, carbohydrate as starch and sugar. The less intensive regenerative or shoot-growing period is in spring, called "late spring bud dormancy". Experiments were conducted to get more information and further details about the regenerative capacity of roots close to and far from the collar of Convolvulus arvensis L. Root segments closer to collar have an intensive regenerative capacity than those ones further to collar. By data of Bakke et al. (1939) is well known, roots exhumed from deep soil layers are able to create shoots with low intensity. So finally we can exclaim that regenerative capacity is decreasing further to collar. Using mechanical weed control it is sufficient to till the upper layer of soil, but many times. Chemical treatments are most effective in the integrated weed control. It is clearly seen that auxin-type herbicide such as 2,4-D, fluroxipir, MCPA. dicamba give the best result. They gave 95% weed control effect used them separately or in combination with other herbicides. Combination of Banvel 480 S (dicamba) and Logran 75 WG (triasulfuron) introduced 95% weed control effect. Only one time got absolutely 100% weed control effect, in the case of Glyphosate active substance. Caused total plant destruction. Excellent result was given with the application of Pledge 50WP (flumioxazin). Herbicides mentioned above are absolutely allowed to take an important and significant part in chemical plant protection against Convolvulus arvensis L. Other herbicides like Granstar 75DF (tribenuron-methyl), Basis 75DF (rimsulfuron + tifensulfuron-methyl) and Huszár (jodosulfuron-methyl-sodium + mefenpir-diethyl) are not so effective against Convolvulus arvensis L., as compared to the previous ones.  相似文献   

提高糜子(Panicum miliaceum)镉耐受性与低积累能力对镉污染地区糜子的安全生产具有重要意义。该研究以镉耐受和镉敏感糜子品种为材料, 通过苗期水培和全生育期盆栽试验, 分析不同形态硒和四价碲对镉胁迫下糜子生长、根系形态、镉吸收转运和籽粒矿质营养含量的影响。结果表明, 外源添加硒和碲能缓解镉毒害, 其中有机硒缓解效果较好。与单独镉处理相比, 硒和碲能够促进根系直径增加并抑制镉吸收, 最高可使根系镉含量降低33%。此外, 硒和碲能够增加细胞壁和液泡中镉的占比, 提高镉耐受性。叶面喷施硒提高了糜子籽粒中锌、锰和钼等矿质营养元素含量。无机四价硒能更有效地抑制镉从营养器官向籽粒的转运, 在5 mg·kg-1镉处理下, 可使镉敏感和镉耐受品种籽粒镉含量分别降低11.3%和20.3%。综上, 外源添加硒能够显著提高糜子镉耐受性并减少籽粒镉积累。研究结果可为镉污染地区糜子的安全生产提供参考。  相似文献   

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