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【背景】薇甘菊是最具危害性的世界性杂草之一,目前已入侵我国香港、广东、海南、台湾、云南等地,而嘧磺隆是防治薇甘菊的一种高效药剂。【方法】采用室内生物测定和田间喷雾法,研究了商用药剂嘧磺隆与洗衣粉或柴油混合使用,对薇甘菊根、茎、叶片的杀灭效果及对后期残留茎干萌发率和种子萌芽率的抑制作用。【结果】嘧磺隆单独处理28d后,薇甘菊叶片、茎和根的死亡率分别为86%、92%和84%;而与洗衣粉混合处理后,死亡率分别升高至98.33%、97.67%和89.67%;与柴油混合使用后,死亡率分别升高至92.33%、95.33%和98.33%。经嘧磺隆单独处理后的薇甘菊后期茎干萌发率为9.67%;与洗衣粉、柴油混合使用后,萌发率分别降低至6%、5.33%。经嘧磺隆单独处理后,薇甘菊种子的萌芽率为44.67%;而与洗衣粉、柴油混合使用后,种子萌芽率分别降至28.67%、25.33%。【结论与意义】嘧磺隆与洗衣粉或柴油混合使用,对薇甘菊组织的杀灭效果及对后期茎干萌发率和种子萌芽率的抑制作用均优于嘧磺隆单独使用。本研究可以为薇甘菊的防控技术开发提供参考。  相似文献   

森草净杀灭薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)及其安全性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在深圳市内伶仃岛薇甘菊危害的不同群落生境中,设立9块样地81个小样方,用森草净(即70%嘧碘降水溶性粉剂)杀灭样地中的薇甘菊施量为0.0001~0.02g.m-2,结果表明:各浓度的森草净杀灭效果均较好,杀灭率随着用药量的增加而提高;在坡地和溪谷生境中,森草净用药量分别为0.05~0.1g.m-2、>0.2g.m-2能较彻底地杀灭薇甘菊。应用HPLC法检测样地土壤中嘧磺隆残留量,溪谷土壤中嘧磺隆半衰期C=C0.e-0.083T,T1/2=8.4,施药后37d消解95.9%,坡地高浓度级半衰期C=C0.e-0.046T,T1/2=15.1d,施药后37d消解85.0%,坡地低浓度级半衰期C=C0.e-0.090T,T1/2=7.7d,施药后15d消解74.2%。不同浓度森草净处理样地,施药后7、15、37d均可检测到嘧磺隆,并且含量越来越小,但施药后68d的土样,均未检测到嘧磺隆的存在。  相似文献   

23种农药对松毛虫赤眼蜂的急性毒性及安全性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用管测药膜法测定了23种常用杀虫剂、杀菌剂和除草剂对松毛虫赤眼蜂的急性毒性,并参考各药剂的田间推荐剂量进行了安全性评价。结果表明,在供试的7种杀虫剂中,噻唑膦、噻虫胺、虫螨腈、硫双威、啶虫脒和烯啶虫胺对松毛虫赤眼蜂成蜂均表现为极高风险性,多杀菌素为高风险性,在田间放蜂期应避免喷洒上述杀虫剂。供试的10种杀菌剂和6种除草剂对松毛虫赤眼蜂的风险普遍低于杀虫剂。其中,仅杀菌剂代森锰锌和戊唑醇对松毛虫赤眼蜂表现为高风险性;杀菌剂乙嘧酚磺酸酯、氰霜唑、百菌清和除草剂氟唑磺隆、五氟磺草胺、草甘膦异丙胺盐具有中等风险性;杀菌剂甲基硫菌灵、苯醚甲环唑、啶氧菌酯、氟啶胺、粉唑醇和除草剂氯氟吡氧乙酸异辛酯、高效氟吡甲禾灵、甲基二磺隆具有低风险性,但在生产应用中仍需谨慎操作,以减轻对天敌昆虫的杀伤作用并保护生态平衡。  相似文献   

【目的】普通豚草对新疆伊犁河谷地区的生态及旅游产业发展都造成了严重的威胁。本研究于2019年5月和7月中旬筛选218国道沿路林带农田交错生境下防治普通豚草的最适除草剂和施药浓度,旨在为防治普通豚草提供技术指导。【方法】采用田间小区试验,比较药后7、14、30和45 d的株防效、鲜重防效和株高,评价5月中旬8种除草剂的2个施药浓度对约12叶期、株高(6.20±0.13) cm的普通豚草,以及7月中旬21%氯氨吡啶酸AS的5种施药浓度对约20叶期、株高(16.26±0.68) cm的普通豚草的防治效果。【结果】方差分析表明,5月中旬株防效和鲜重防效最高的是75%苯嘧·草甘膦WG 900和1350g·hm~(-2),其次是30%草甘膦AS 5250和6750 g·hm~(-2)、48%三氯吡氧乙酸EC 4170和6255 g·hm~(-2)、21%氯氨吡啶酸AS 300和375 g·hm~(-2),最低的是20%硝磺草酮SC 637.5和750 g·hm~(-2)。7月中旬,21%氯氨吡啶酸AS对普通豚草的株防效和鲜重防效较好浓度是600 g·hm~(-2),药后45 d株防效和鲜重防效分别为69.7%、93.4%,其次是450和525 g·hm~(-2),药后45 d株防效和鲜重防效分别为47.8%、86.4%和51.7%、91.5%。【结论】综合普通豚草种子萌发情况、防治成本、药剂成分及对环境的影响等因素,5月中旬防治伊犁河谷地区林带生境下的普通豚草时,建议施用75%苯嘧·草甘膦WG 900 g·hm~(-2)、30%草甘膦AS 5250 g·hm~(-2)、48%三氯吡氧乙酸EC 4170 g·hm~(-2)、21%氯氨吡啶酸AS 300 g·hm~(-2); 7月中旬防治公路林带生境下的普通豚草时,建议增加药量,施用21%氯氨吡啶酸AS至少525 g·hm~(-2);防治时期上,建议在5月中旬左右进行防控,可大幅降低用药量并方便农事操作。  相似文献   

几种除草剂对薇甘菊的杀灭试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在广东内伶仃岛保护区东湾和深圳福田红树林自然保护区两地,用2,4-D、草甘膦、25%森泰、森草净4种除草剂对薇甘菊进行杀灭试验,结果表明:50~500倍液的2,4-D和草甘膦均只能杀灭薇甘菊的地上营养体,不能杀死根部;用25%森泰水剂注射薇甘菊主根,0.1~3mL/株的用量,可以在5~6个月内彻底杀灭薇甘菊;用森草净水溶性粉剂配制成的溶液,喷洒薇甘菊的茎叶,用药量在1~1000g/hm2时,可在2~3个月内彻底杀灭薇甘菊。  相似文献   

【目的】进一步研究橡胶树胶孢炭疽菌致病分子机理。【方法】通过含ILV1基因(具氯嘧磺隆抗性)的pSULF.gfp双元载体农杆菌AGL-1介导进行橡胶树胶孢炭疽菌遗传转化,利用氯嘧磺隆抗性标记筛选转化子,对转化子PCR验证及荧光显微观察;采用离体古铜期橡胶树叶无伤接种法进行致病性缺陷转化子筛选,并对转化子进行遗传稳定性检测。【结果】获得含3 721个转化子的T-DNA插入突变体库,转化效率为150 400个转化子/106孢子,从3 721个转化子中筛选得到致病性缺陷转化子25个;随机选取20个转化子进行遗传稳定性测定,在不含氯嘧磺隆PDA平板上继代培养10次后仍保持氯嘧磺隆抗性,且表型稳定,表明插入外源基因能够稳定遗传。【结论】可以利用根癌农杆菌介导橡胶孢炭疽菌转化,构建橡胶树胶孢炭疽菌T-DNA插入突变体库,筛选致病缺陷突变菌,为进一步研究该菌致病相关基因提供材料。  相似文献   

【目的】研究薇甘菊的入侵与地形、人为干扰间的关系,量化不同干扰因素对薇甘菊发生的影响,进一步揭示薇甘菊的发生规律,为薇甘菊的系统防治与管控提供技术支持。【方法】使用无人机遥感系统所获取的高分辨率航片作为数据源,通过目视解译方法确定薇甘菊的发生区域后结合3S技术手段,对深圳大鹏半岛210000 m2研究区内的薇甘菊发生状况与地形因子及人为干扰度间的关系进行系统分析。【结果】研究区内薇甘菊在低海拔区和阳坡分布居多,86.80%的薇甘菊入侵发生在人类轻中度干扰区,20°~40°坡度位置是薇甘菊的重点发生区。研究网格单元内薇甘菊的发生面积与坡度、高程显著负相关(P<0.01),与坡向相关性较差。【结论】在人为干扰较小的自然条件下,制约薇甘菊扩散发生的主要因子是入侵地的群落结构,而在人为干扰较为严重的地区,薇甘菊入侵的发生与人类活动消失后产生的空白生态位密切相关。  相似文献   

[目的] 白花鬼针草是一种恶性外来入侵杂草,近年来已侵入农田,对农业生产及生态系统带来严重危害。为筛选防治白花鬼针草的有效除草剂,分析评价了13种常见茎叶处理除草剂对幼苗期和成株期白花鬼针草的防治效果。[方法] 采用整株盆栽法,在白花鬼针草幼苗期(2~3对叶期)和成株期(6~7对叶期)分别进行茎叶喷雾处理,每种除草剂设置3个剂量。[结果] 供试的13种除草剂中,灭生性除草剂草甘膦、草铵膦和敌草快对幼苗期和成株期的白花鬼针草防效达到100%。选择性除草剂中,麦草畏和辛酰溴苯腈对幼苗期和成株期的白花鬼针草均有较好的防效,三氯吡氧乙酸、乙羧氟草醚和氯吡嘧磺隆在高剂量下对幼苗期的白花鬼针草有较好的防除效果,但对成株期的白花鬼针草防效较差,氯氟吡氧乙酸、乳氟禾草灵、灭草松、二氯吡啶酸、乙氧氟草醚对幼苗期和成株期白花鬼针草防效均较差。[结论] 白花鬼针草对多种化学除草剂具有较强的耐药性,生育期对除草剂防除白花鬼针草的效果有较大影响。灭生性除草剂草甘膦、草铵膦、敌草快及选择性除草剂辛酰溴苯腈和麦草畏适用于防除白花鬼针草。  相似文献   

在深圳市内伶仃岛薇甘菊危害的不同群落生境中,设立9块样地81个小样方,用森草净(即70%嘧碘降水溶性粉剂)杀灭样地中的薇甘菊施量为0.0001~0.02 g•m-2,结果表明:各浓度的森草净杀灭效果均较好,杀灭率随着用药量的增加而提高;在坡地和溪谷生境中,森草净用药量分别为0.05~0.1 g•m-2、>0.2 g•m-2能较彻底地杀灭薇甘菊。应用HPLC法检测样地土壤中嘧磺隆残留量,溪谷土壤中嘧磺隆半衰期C=C0•e-0.083TT1/2=8.4,施药后37 d消解95.9%,坡地高浓度级半衰期C=C0•e-0.046TT1/2=15.1 d,施药后37 d消解85.0%,坡地低浓度级半衰期C=C0•e-0.090T, T1/2=7.7 d,施药后15 d消解742%。不同浓度森草净处理样地,施药后7、15、37 d均可检测到嘧磺隆,并且含量越来越小,但施药后68 d的土样,均未检测到嘧磺隆的存在。  相似文献   

一株氯嘧磺隆降解菌分离鉴定及降解条件优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决氯嘧磺隆残留对土壤、水体污染及后茬敏感作物药害问题,为污染土壤微生物修复提供降解菌种资源,文中采用富集培养、逐级驯化等方法,从氯嘧磺隆污染土壤中分离到1株高效氯嘧磺隆降解菌T9DB-01,经形态特征、生理生化及16S rDNA序列分析,鉴定为假单胞菌Pseudomonas sp.。采用单因素实验探究温度、pH值、底物浓度、装液量和接种量对菌株T9DB-01降解氯嘧磺隆的影响,采用正交试验及验证,优化菌株T9DB-01对氯嘧磺隆降解条件。结果表明,在30℃,pH 8.0,底物浓度200 mg/L,装液量100 mL/250 mL,接种量4%的条件下,5 d后降解率达到93.7%。该降解菌株对氯嘧磺隆污染土壤原位生物修复具有一定的应用潜力。  相似文献   

A study was made of the effect of the herbicides 2,4-D, amitrole, atrazine, chlorsulfuron, diclofop-methyl, diquat, glyphosate, paraquat and trifluralin on the nodulation of sub-clover (Trifolium subterraneum L. ‘Clare’), the growth ofR. trifolii TA1 in liquid nutrient medium and the ability of herbicide-treated inoculum to successfully nodulate sub-clover plants. As concentrations of amitrole, diclofop-methyl and glyphosate in the rooting environment increased from 0 to 20 mg ai L−1, nodulation decreased linearly. The other herbicides at these concentrations caused more severe decreases in nodulation. Growth ofR. trifolii TA1 in nutrient broth was significantly retarded by all concentrations of diquat, 2 mg ai L−1 of paraquat, 10 mg ai L−1 of glyphosate and 2 mg ai L−1 of chlorsulfuron. Other herbicides did not suppress rhizobial growth. Inoculation with TA1 that had been grown in the presence of amitrole, atrazine or glyphosate and then washed free of the herbicide decreased nodulation of sub-clover, indicating that these herbicides may physiologically influence the nodulating potential of certain strains of Rhizobium. The remaining herbicides showed no indications of this effect.  相似文献   

A novel method based on the molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction (MISPE) procedure has been developed for the simultaneous determination of concentrations of sulfonylurea herbicides such as chlorsulfuron (CS), monosulfuron (MNS), and thifensulfuron methyl (TFM) in maize samples by liquid chromatography–tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). The molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) for sulfonylurea herbicides was synthesized by precipitation polymerization using chlorsulfuron as the template molecule, 2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DEAMA) as the functional monomer, and trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TRIM) as the cross-linker. The selectivities of the chlorsulfuron template and its analogs on the molecularly imprinted polymer were evaluated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The extraction and purification procedures for the solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridge with a molecularly imprinted polymer as the adsorbent for the selected sulfonylurea herbicides were then established. A molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction method followed by high-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry for the determination of chlorsulfuron, monosulfuron, and thifensulfuron methyl was also established. The mean recoveries of these compounds in maize were in the range 75–110% and the limits of detection (LOD) of chlorsulfuron, monosulfuron, and thifensulfuron methyl were 0.02, 0.75, and 1.45 μg kg−1, respectively. It was demonstrated that the MISPE–HPLC–MS/MS method could be applied to the determination of chlorsulfuron, monosulfuron, and thifensulfuron methyl in maize samples.  相似文献   

入侵害草薇甘菊的防除研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对薇甘菊MikaniamicranthaH.B.K.防除的最新研究进展进行了综述。薇甘菊的防除,目前主要采用人工清除、化学防除、生态防除和生物防治等方法,其中生物防治是最有效的防治方法之一。生物防治中艳婀珍蝶Actinotethaliapyrrha和安婀珍蝶A.anteas是较有前途的两种昆虫;柄锈菌PucciniaspegazzinideToni能使薇甘菊生长受阻、矮化、枯萎和死亡,在中国有利用的可能;凤凰木Delonixregia、血桐Macarangatanarius、榥伞枫Heteropanaxfragrans可以利用植物相克作用控制薇甘菊;菟丝子属Cuscuta的3种菟丝子能侵染薇甘菊,其中田野菟丝子Cuscutacampestris对薇甘菊控制作用较强,是以草治草的一种新方法。  相似文献   

Five field experiments were conducted in 1998 and 1999 in Minnesota to examine the influence of time of day efficacy of glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine] and glufosinate [2-amino-4-(hydroxymethyl-phosphinyl)butanoic acid] applications on the control of annual weeds. Each experiment was designed to be a randomized complete block with four replications using plot sizes of 3×9 m. Glyphosate and glufosinate were applied at rates of 0.421 kg ae/ha and 0.292 kg ai/ha, respectively, with and without an additional adjuvant that consisted of 20% nonionic surfactant and 80% ammonium sulfate. All treatments were applied with water at 94 L/ha. Times of day for the application of herbicide were 06:00h, 09:00h, 12:00h, 15:00h, 18:00h, 21:00h, and 24:00h. Efficacy was evaluated 14 d after application by visual ratings. At 14 d, a circadian response to each herbicide was found, with greatest annual weed control observed with an application occurring between 09:00h and 18:00h and significantly less weed control observed with an application at 06:00h, 21:00h, or 24:00h. The addition of an adjuvant to both herbicides increased overall efficacy, but did not overcome the rhythmic time of day effect. Results of the multiple regression analysis showed that after environmental temperature, time of day was the second most important predictor of percent weed kill. Thus, circadian timing of herbicide application significantly influenced weed control with both glyphosate and glufosinate.  相似文献   

Five field experiments were conducted in 1998 and 1999 in Minnesota to examine the influence of time of day efficacy of glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine] and glufosinate [2-amino-4-(hydroxymethyl-phosphinyl)butanoic acid] applications on the control of annual weeds. Each experiment was designed to be a randomized complete block with four replications using plot sizes of 3×9 m. Glyphosate and glufosinate were applied at rates of 0.421 kg ae/ha and 0.292 kg ai/ha, respectively, with and without an additional adjuvant that consisted of 20% nonionic surfactant and 80% ammonium sulfate. All treatments were applied with water at 94 L/ha. Times of day for the application of herbicide were 06:00h, 09:00h, 12:00h, 15:00h, 18:00h, 21:00h, and 24:00h. Efficacy was evaluated 14 d after application by visual ratings. At 14 d, a circadian response to each herbicide was found, with greatest annual weed control observed with an application occurring between 09:00h and 18:00h and significantly less weed control observed with an application at 06:00h, 21:00h, or 24:00h. The addition of an adjuvant to both herbicides increased overall efficacy, but did not overcome the rhythmic time of day effect. Results of the multiple regression analysis showed that after environmental temperature, time of day was the second most important predictor of percent weed kill. Thus, circadian timing of herbicide application significantly influenced weed control with both glyphosate and glufosinate.  相似文献   

薇甘菊挥发油的化感潜力   总被引:56,自引:8,他引:48  
外来植物薇甘菊 (MikaniamicranthaKunth .)已成为华南地区重要的杂草 ,其挥发油对植物、真菌和细菌均具有生物活性 ,对植物和水稻稻瘟病菌的抑制活性尤其显著 .随着薇甘菊挥发油浓度 (2 0 0、4 0 0、80 0、16 0 0mg·L-1)的增加 ,6种受试植物幼苗的生长随之明显减弱 .薇甘菊挥发油 (2 5 0 0 g·hm-2 )土壤处理 ,受试的 6种植物鲜重明显减少 ,出苗时间推迟 1~ 2d .薇甘菊挥发油在中等浓度 (40 0mg·L-1)时 ,对水稻稻瘟病菌的抑制作用最强 ,抑菌率为 5 3.38%;对香蕉枯萎病菌的抑制作用次之 ,抑菌率为2 8.6 6 %;对长春花疫病菌的抑制作用最弱 ,抑菌率为 18.6 9%.  相似文献   

百草枯和草甘膦对多刺裸腹溞的毒性效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘晓伟  席贻龙 《生态学杂志》2012,31(8):1984-1989
采用急性毒性实验方法研究了两种常见除草剂百草枯和草甘膦对多刺裸腹溞(Moina macrocopa)的48hLC50值,应用生命表实验方法研究了亚致死浓度的百草枯(0、0.01和0.04mg·L-1)和草甘膦(0、0.4和1.6mg·L-1)对多刺裸腹溞生命表统计学参数的影响。结果表明:百草枯和草甘膦对多刺裸腹溞的48hLC50值分别为0.626和26.287mg·L-1;百草枯浓度对多刺裸腹溞的生命期望、世代时间、净生殖率和种群内禀增长率有显著影响(P<0.01),草甘膦浓度对多刺裸腹溞的生命期望、世代时间和种群内禀增长率有显著影响(P<0.01),百草枯和草甘膦的交互作用对多刺裸腹溞的世代时间和种群内禀增长率有显著影响(P<0.01)。多重比较显示:当忽略草甘膦的影响时,0.01mg·L-1的百草枯使多刺裸腹溞的生命期望显著延长,而0.04mg·L-1的百草枯则相反,0.04mg·L-1的百草枯使多刺裸腹溞的净生殖率显著降低;当忽略百草枯的影响时,0.4和1.6mg·L-1的草甘膦均使多刺裸腹溞的生命期望显著缩短;与空白对照组相比,0.01mg·L-1的百草枯和1.6mg·L-1的草甘膦混合液使多刺裸腹溞的世代时间显著延长;而0.04mg·L-1的百草枯和0、0.4、1.6mg·L-1的草甘膦混合液均使多刺裸腹溞的世代时间显著缩短,种群内禀增长率显著降低。随着草甘膦浓度的升高,0.04mg·L-1的百草枯对多刺裸腹溞的毒性显著降低,表现出明显的拮抗作用。  相似文献   

Frankliniella fusca (Hinds) naturally disperses from winter weeds to crops in spring, causing direct and indirect damage. Field preparation before planting includes use of herbicides or cultivation to kill unwanted vegetation, which adversely affects F. fusca host plants and potentially influences F. fusca dispersal. Common chickweed, Stellaria media (L.), infested with F. fusca, was used as a model to study effects of timing and type of vegetation management on adult dispersal. Infested weeds were caged and F. fusca weekly dispersal was monitored using sticky traps. Weed management treatments performed at an early (14 April-11 May) or late (2 wk after early treatment) date consisted of glyphosate, paraquat, disking, hoeing, or untreated control. Late glyphosate and hoeing treatments resulted in cumulative dispersal statistically similar to or greater than from control plots. Compared with the control, significantly more F. fusca dispersed from the glyphosate and hoeing plots during the 3 wk after treatment. More thrips dispersed from the late paraquat treatment 1 wk post-application than from the control. Dispersal from the disked treatment and early paraquat treatment was similar to that of the control 1- to 3-wk post-treatment. Early treatments resulted in significantly smaller cumulative dispersal than the control in all but one instance. Late disking and paraquat treatments resulted in cumulative F. fusca captures that were statistically similar or less than that in the control. Winter weed management type and timing affect F. fusca dispersal magnitude and duration.  相似文献   

The absorption, translocation, and metabolism of thifensulfuron-methyl {methyl 3-[[[[(4-methoxy)-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]-amino]-carbonyl] amino]sulfonyl]-2-thiophenecarboxylate} were investigated in tolerant Essex soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], moderately tolerant Vance soybean, and spurred anoda [Anoda cristata (L.) Schlecht.], and susceptible velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medic.). Radiolabeled (thiophene-2-14C) thifensulfuron-methyl was absorbed readily by young seedlings of all species following a foliar spray with the herbicide. Spot-applied 14C-thifensulfuron-methyl was absorbed by the treated leaf of all species. Absorption of thifensulfuron-methyl was limited when excised stems of all species were dipped into the herbicide solution for 2 h. Translocation of absorbed thifensulfuron-methyl to other plant parts was limited in all species, regardless of the method of its application. Root exudation of leaf-applied thifensulfuron-methyl was observed in all species and it was higher in seedlings of spurred anoda and velvetleaf. The two soybean cultivars metabolized 62–70% of absorbed thifensulfuron-methyl at 3 days after treatment with spot-applied 14C-thifensulfuron. Velvetleaf and tolerant spurred anoda metabolized about 50% of the absorbed herbicide. The major metabolite formed in all species appeared to be deesterified thifensulfuron acid. Differential metabolism seems to be a contributing factor in the selectivity of thifensulfuron-methyl between the two soybean cultivars and velvetleaf. The metabolic basis for the moderate tolerance of spurred anoda to thifensulfuron-methyl is not understood at the present time.Plant Pathology, Physiology, and Weed Science Department, Contribution no. 628.  相似文献   

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