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为探讨底物中钙含量对牡蛎幼虫附着的诱导效应,本研究设计2因子随机区组实验,检验底物碳酸钙含量(4个处理水平:5%、20%、40%和60%)和海水中牡蛎幼虫丰度(低处理组:1 ind·m L~(-1),高处理组:7~8 ind·m L~(-1))对实验底物上太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)稚贝附着效果(密度和壳高)的影响。结果表明:钙含量和海水中牡蛎幼虫丰度均显著影响实验底物上附着牡蛎稚贝的密度(P0.05),钙含量对附着稚贝壳高的影响不显著(P0.05),幼虫丰度显著影响附着稚贝的壳高(P0.05);在相同牡蛎浮游幼虫丰度下,20%碳酸钙处理组对牡蛎幼虫附着的诱导能力最大,显著高于60%处理组(P0.05),5%和40%处理组的诱导能力介于中间;在碳酸钙含量相同情况下,高牡蛎幼虫丰度处理组中实验底物上牡蛎稚贝附着量显著高于低幼虫丰度处理组(P0.05),而平均壳高却表现为高幼虫丰度处理组低幼虫丰度处理组(P0.05)。  相似文献   

本研究通过监测浙江健跳港牡蛎礁海域的牡蛎幼体补充量,并开展田间实验,比较了两种底物(牡蛎壳、岩石)的牡蛎附着效果,从而确定合理的牡蛎礁修复方式,推荐适宜的建礁材料。结果显示:牡蛎自然补充群体中共有4种牡蛎,即近江牡蛎(Crassostrea ariakensis)、熊本牡蛎(C. sikamea)、福建牡蛎(C. angulate)和猫爪牡蛎(Talonostrea talonata),补充量中以熊本牡蛎占绝对优势,相对丰度达95%以上。牡蛎补充量介于0~44 200 个/m2,月平均补充量为(7 165±1 246) 个/m2。附着底物筛选实验结果表明潮区(P<0.001)和底物类型(P=0.004)均显著影响牡蛎补充量,两因子之间存在显著的互作效应(F1,16=8.214,P=0.011)。4个实验组间附着牡蛎密度的排序为:高礁区岩石>高礁区牡蛎壳>低礁区岩石=低礁区牡蛎壳(P<0.05);相对于牡蛎壳,岩石是更为适宜的牡蛎附着底物。本研究得出浙江健跳港牡蛎礁为底物受限型,可在退化礁区投放岩石修复牡蛎礁。  相似文献   

流溪河水库中瘤棘砂壳虫的摄食食物种类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
望甜  韩博平 《生态科学》2008,27(5):398-401
有壳变形虫是一些单细胞的,异养的,自由生活的,生活在由有机颗粒,石英啥,硅质的矿物质等以规则的顺序组成的外壳中的原生动物[1],广泛分布于世界各地[2],水生砂壳虫是其典型代表[3]。据报道砂壳虫摄食水中的微小颗粒以及轮虫,甚至是大型的浮游生物[4]。因而砂壳虫可能是水体中连接经典食物链和微型食物链的关键浮游生物。为了系统地研究砂壳虫的摄食行为的特点,在流溪河水库水体中进行了两年的野外监测并结合室内活体观察。瘤棘砂壳虫最初发现于贵州,杨军等人于2004年重新描述了该种类并给予系统地形态学和壳元素组成研究[5],是流溪河水库该属的一个优势种类。瘤棘砂壳在流溪河水库中于晚春出现,秋季消失,种群在夏季达到峰值。据活体观察,该种类属肉食性,其摄食浮游生物主要是轮虫,包括胶鞘轮虫,独角聚花轮虫(个体),螺形龟甲轮虫,红多肢轮虫(死亡个体),奇异六腕轮虫(死亡个体),对棘异尾轮虫(死亡个体),以及无节幼体(死亡个体)。瘤棘砂壳虫2006年出现于5月~10月,丰度范围为1.2~25.88ind.·L-1,2007年丰度范围为0.2~11.2 ind.·L-1。螺形龟甲轮虫和红多肢轮虫的丰度范围分别为0.2~101.2ind.·L-1,0.1~45.71ind.·L-1。胶鞘轮虫和独角聚花轮虫的丰度范围分别为0.02~11.4ind.·L-1,0~26 ind.·L-1,并且都是在夏季达到峰值。胶鞘轮虫和独角聚花轮虫由于身体柔软、游泳速度不快,是易被瘤棘砂壳虫摄食的轮虫。独角聚花轮虫在自然水体中有集群行为,能够抵御肉食动物的捕食,因为在自然水体中被摄食的几率较小。而其它的轮虫如龟甲轮虫,红多肢轮虫,由于外壳硬,游泳速度快,瘤棘砂壳虫对它们的捕食成功率很低。瘤棘砂壳虫主要依靠伪足进行摄食活动和爬行,其摄食行为和机制应该得到进一步的研究。  相似文献   

于2011年春季(5月)和秋季(11月)在东海陆架区进行浮游纤毛虫丰度和生物量的调查.春季和秋季纤毛虫的平均丰度分别为(614±861)和(934±809) ind·L-1,平均生物量分别为(1.70±3.91)和(0.93±0.99) μg C·L-1.表层纤毛虫丰度和生物量的高值区春季主要分布在近岸及远岸海区,秋季主要分布在远岸海区.春季纤毛虫的丰度和生物量在水体上层较高;秋季纤毛虫主要分布在水体上层,有时在水体底层也会出现丰度和生物量的高值.春季无壳纤毛虫群落的粒级较大,秋季较小.砂壳纤毛虫占纤毛虫丰度的平均比例春季和秋季分别为(26.9±34.3)%和(44.9±25.2)%.两个季节共鉴定出砂壳纤毛虫27属52种,春季丰度较大的种为原始筒壳虫、橄榄领细壳虫及筒状拟铃虫,秋季丰度较大的种为原始筒壳虫、小领细壳虫及矮小拟铃虫.纤毛虫丰度与温度、叶绿素a(Chl a)浓度呈显著正相关.砂壳纤毛虫丰度与盐度呈显著负相关,群落结构变化与温度显著相关.  相似文献   

2007年10月南海北部浮游纤毛虫的丰度和生物量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张翠霞  张武昌  肖天 《生态学报》2010,30(4):867-877
报道2007年10月南海北部海域(21°25.47′N 17°24.95′N,109°28.86′E 113°13.01′E)纤毛虫丰度和生物量的水平分布及砂壳纤毛虫的种丰富度。包括了13个断面的82个站位,Rosette采水器采水,水深低于15 m的站位采0,5 m和10 m;小于30 m站位,采0,10 m和底层;大于30 m的站位,采0,10,30 m和底层。纤毛虫丰度为0 5757 ind./L,平均(848±776)ind./L。无壳纤毛虫占绝对优势,其丰度占纤毛虫总丰度的比例平均为(91.9±9)%;纤毛虫生物量为0 12.09μg C/L,平均是(1.2±1.54)μg C/L,无壳纤毛虫的生物量平均为(0.94±1.27)μg C/L,占纤毛虫总生物量的78.6%。共发现砂壳纤毛虫16个属,49种,拟铃虫最多,具有一定的季节性。纤毛虫水体(40 m到表层)丰度为6.4×1069.1×107ind./m2,平均是(3.6×106±1.4×106)ind./m2;水体生物量3.6 195.8 mg C/m2,平均(48.1±33.7)mg C/m2。纤毛虫多分布于近岸浅水区(高温低盐,高Chl a),最大丰度要高于我国其他海区,不是Chl a最高的地方纤毛虫的丰度也最大,纤毛虫丰度最大时Chl a偏低。  相似文献   

江苏海门蛎岈山牡蛎礁生态现状评价   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
基于2013—2014年间的生态调查结果,评价了江苏海门蛎岈山牡蛎礁的生态现状。无人机航拍结果显示,江苏海门蛎岈山分布有750个潮间带区牡蛎礁斑块,总面积约为201519.37 m2;与2003年相比,海门蛎岈山牡蛎礁面积约下降了38.8%。活体牡蛎的平均盖度约为66%,2013年5和9月熊本牡蛎Crassostrea sikamea的平均密度分别为(2199±363)个/m2和(2894±330)个/m2。2013年5月海门蛎岈山熊本牡蛎种群的平均肥满度(CI)和性腺指数(GI)分别为(9.76±0.95)%和(1013±82)mg/g,均显著低于浙江象山港养殖的熊本牡蛎种群(P0.05)。海门蛎岈山熊本牡蛎的单倍体多样性和核苷酸多样性指数分别为0.119和0.00028,均高于长江口野生种群和浙江象山港养殖种群。海门蛎岈山熊本牡蛎种群受到尼氏单孢子虫(Haplosporidium nelson)的轻度浸染,其感染率(17.2%)低于浙江象山港养殖群体(47.3%)。泥沙沉积和人类捕捞是江苏海门蛎岈山牡蛎礁面临的主要胁迫因子,今后牡蛎礁恢复的重点是增加附着底物的数量。  相似文献   

于莹  张武昌  张光涛  肖天 《生态学报》2012,32(22):7220-7229
2010年7、8月在北黄海獐子岛海域进行了浮游纤毛虫丰度和生物量的调查。7月浮游纤毛虫的平均丰度为(5107±4451) 个/L,平均生物量为(10.17±9.06) μg C/L。8月浮游纤毛虫的平均丰度为(7894±7212) 个/L,平均生物量为(15.24±18.49) μg C/L。7月表层浮游纤毛虫丰度和生物量均呈现近岸多、远岸少的趋势。8月Y1-3、Y2-5两个站表层纤毛虫丰度较高,Y2-5、Y1-1两个站表层纤毛虫生物量较高。7月STA断面浮游纤毛虫丰度呈现表层或次表层高、底层低的特点。8月STA、Y1断面纤毛虫丰度在表层或次表层高、底层低,而Y2断面纤毛虫垂直分布较一致。7月纤毛虫水体丰度及生物量在近岸较远岸高, 8月纤毛虫水体丰度及生物量在离岛较近的Y2-5、Y1-1两站较高。7、8月航次中分别鉴定出砂壳纤毛虫17和21种,其中拟铃虫属(Tintinnopsis)种数最多,Tintinnopsis corniger Hada, 1964为中国海区的新记录种。7、8月砂壳纤毛虫丰度占纤毛虫总丰度的平均比例分别为(19.0±21.6)%和(13.0±16.1)%;7、8月砂壳纤毛虫生物量占纤毛虫总生物量的平均比例分别为(58.2±33.0)%和(42.6±33.2)%。7、8月两个航次中小型无壳纤毛虫在无壳纤毛虫丰度中均占绝对优势。  相似文献   

研究以经过连续7代人工选育壳白长牡蛎品系为素材, 通过巢式设计, 成功构建了12个半同胞家系和29个全同胞家系, 同时以未经选育的个体子代为对照组, 评估了各家系和对照组幼体在不同日龄下的生长和存活差异。结果显示, 不同日龄, 壳白长牡蛎家系幼体生长和存活率均高于对照组, 壳高和存活率分别提高3.65%—14.58%和1.11%—19.26%; 生长和存活性状在不同壳白家系间差异显著(P<0.05), 其中G11、G15和G35家系在生长和存活率方面均有较大优势, 在19日龄, 与壳白家系平均值相比, 其壳高的累积生长量分别增加11.87%、17.03%和30.32%, 存活率分别提高38.35%、33.41%和51.07%; 与对照组相比, 其壳高的累积生长量分别增加34.09%、28.18%和49.31%, 存活率分别提高65.00%、59.11%和80.18%。同时对壳白长牡蛎幼体壳高和壳长的遗传参数进行了评估。壳白长牡蛎幼体壳高和壳长的遗传力变化范围分别为0.28—0.81、0.42—0.88, 均属于中高遗传力; 壳白长牡蛎幼体不同日龄壳高和壳长的遗传相关和表型相关均为正相关, 相关系数的范围分别为0.35—0.81、0.57—0.85。研究为培育生长性能优良和存活率高的壳白长牡蛎品系提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

捕食是影响牡蛎种群建立和牡蛎礁发育的重要生物因子之一。通过室内受控实验测定了日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)、脉红螺(Rapana venosa)和黄口荔枝螺(Thais luteostoma)对4组规格(W1:壳高10-20mm;W2:壳高20-30mm;W3:壳高30-40mm;W4:壳高>40mm)近江牡蛎(Crassostrea ariakensis)和熊本牡蛎(C.sikamea)的捕食偏好性和捕食效率。双因子方差分析结果表明,日本蟳对2种牡蛎的捕食效率没有显著性差异(P>0.05),但牡蛎规格大小显著影响着日本蟳的捕食效率(P<0.05),即日本蟳对W1组近江牡蛎的捕食效率显著高于W2和W4组(P<0.05),W3组的被捕食效率介于中间(P>0.05);日本蟳对W1组熊本牡蛎的捕食效率显著高于W2和W3组(P<0.05),W4组的被捕食效率与其他处理组均没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。牡蛎种类(P=0.590)和规格大小(P=0.357)对脉红螺的捕食效率均无显著性影响,不同规格的两种牡蛎均呈现较低的被捕食效率。黄口荔枝螺对2种牡蛎的捕食效率无显著性差异(P=0.917),但牡蛎规格大小显著影响其捕食效率(P=0.035),即对W1组熊本牡蛎捕食效率显著高于其他3个规格组(P<0.05),但其对不同规格近江牡蛎的捕食效率没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。2种牡蛎的壳厚与其壳高之间均存在极显著的正相关关系(P<0.001)。研究结果表明,3种无脊椎动物捕食者对近江牡蛎和熊本牡蛎并未表现出差异性的捕食偏好,但对不同规格牡蛎的捕食效率具有种间差异。  相似文献   

太平湖浮游动物动态演替与环境因子的相关性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2012年11月至2014年10月, 对太平湖浮游动物群落进行了为期两年的调查研究。共鉴定出浮游动物45属89种, 其中轮虫 29属69种、枝角类5属7种、桡足类2属4种和原生动物9属9种; 优势种主要来自于轮虫异尾轮虫属(Trichocereca)和龟甲轮虫属(Keratella)。浮游动物的丰度值存在明显的季节变化, 表现为夏季最大, 平均达1326 ind./L, 秋季春季次之, 分别为608和605 ind./L, 冬季最小为216 ind./L; 垂直分布表现为春夏季太平湖表层浮游动物丰度最高, 中间层次之, 底层最小, 秋冬季则表现为中间层最高。浮游动物群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数中间层普遍高于表层和底层, Pielou均匀度指数表现为底层要高于表层和中间层, 季节变化表现为夏秋季显著高于冬春季的现象, 水质评价表明夏秋季水质好于春冬季。聚类和多维尺度分析表明: 太平湖浮游动物可分为夏秋季类群与春冬季类群, 两类群均表现为湖心与上下游区域群落结构差异较大, 其中春冬季类群差异较明显; 相关和逐步回归分析表明: 透明度和水温为太平湖浮游动物群落结构变化的主要环境影响因子; 依据结构方程模型(SEM)和冗余分析(RDA)的结果显示, 在溶解氧和水温较高的水环境中浮游动物丰度值表现为较大, 其中水温对轮虫的影响高于对枝角类和桡足类的影响。  相似文献   

Efforts to restore the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reef habitats in Chesapeake Bay typically begin with the placement of hard substrata to form three‐dimensional mounds on the seabed to serve as a base for oyster recruitment and growth. A shortage of oyster shell for creating large‐scale reefs has led to widespread use of other materials such as Surf clamshell (Spisula solidissima), as a substitute for oyster shell. Oyster recruitment, survival, and growth were monitored on intertidal reefs constructed from oyster and Surf clamshell near Fisherman’s Island, Virginia, U.S.A. and on a subtidal Surf clamshell reef in York River, Virginia, U.S.A. At the intertidal reefs, oyster larvae settlement occurred at similar levels on both substrate types throughout the monitoring period but higher levels of post‐settlement mortality occurred on clamshell reefs. The oyster shell reef supported greater oyster growth and survival and offered the highest degree of structural complexity. On the subtidal clamshell reef, the quality of the substrate varied with reef elevation. Large shell fragments and intact valves were scattered around the reef base, whereas small, tightly packed shell fragments paved the crest and flank of the reef mound. Oysters were more abundant and larger at the base of this reef and less abundant and smaller on the reef crest. The availability of interstitial space and appropriate settlement surfaces is hypothesized to account for the observed differences in oyster abundance across the reef systems. Patterns observed emphasize the importance of appropriate substrate selection for restoration activities to enhance natural recovery where an underlying habitat structure is destroyed.  相似文献   

Among the increasing number of species introduced to coastal regions by man, only a few are able to establish themselves and spread in their new environments. We will show that the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) took 17 years before a large population of several million oysters became established on natural mussel beds in the vicinity of an oyster farm near the island of Sylt (northern Wadden Sea, eastern North Sea). The first oyster, which had dispersed as a larva and settled on a mussel bed, was discovered 5 years after oyster farming had commenced. Data on abundance and size-frequency distribution of oysters on intertidal mussel beds around the island indicate that recruitment was patchy and occurred only in 6 out of 18 years. Significant proportions of these cohorts survived for at least 5 years. The population slowly expanded its range from intertidal to subtidal locations as well as from Sylt north- and southwards along the coastline. Abundances of more than 300 oysters m–2 on mussel beds were observed in 2003, only after two consecutive spatfalls in 2001 and 2002. Analyses of mean monthly water temperatures indicate that recruitment coincided with above-average temperatures in July and August when spawning and planktonic dispersal occurs. We conclude that the further invasion of C. gigas in the northern Wadden Sea will depend on high late-summer water temperatures.Communicated by H.D. Franke  相似文献   

Intertidal movements of fish larvae and juveniles on a mudflat in the Tama River estuary, central Japan, were investigated by comparing the abundance and sizes of fishes caught in the intertidal zone during flood tides with those in the subtidal zone during low tides. A total of 28465 individuals, belonging to 9 families and 20 species, were collected by small purse seine. Among the abundant species, planktonic larvae and juveniles of gobiids and Konosirus punctatus were more abundant in the intertidal zone at flood tide than the subtidal zone at low tide. Similar occurrence patterns were found in juvenile Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis and Lateolabrax japonicus, having fully developed swimming abilities. In contrast to these species, much higher abundances of epibenthic juveniles of 2 gobiids (Acanthogobius flavimanus and Gymnogobius macrognathos) were found in the subtidal zone at low tide, although they also utilized the intertidal zone at flood tide.  相似文献   


Biofouling poses severe challenges to pearl oyster Pinctada imbricata culture in China, and controlling it is both labor- and capital-intensive. The antifouling properties of wax, and wax mixed with Chinese herbs, sprayed onto pearl oyster shell surfaces during peak biofouling seasons were evaluated. Pearl oysters coated with three wax treatments (plain wax, Chinaberry seed extract, Chinese honeylocust fruit extract) and a control (no treatment), were cultured in nets for up to 60?days. Mortality rate, fouling organism and pearl-oyster weights, and shell height are reported for individual oysters on each of six sampling dates. With the exception of oysters submerged for 12?days, all oysters were significantly affected by treatment type and submersion duration. Fouling weight increased more rapidly over time in the control-treatment oysters. Wax-based coatings deterred fouling-organism settlement on oysters for at least 2?months during the intensive fouling season, reducing mortality and not adversely effecting growth.  相似文献   

Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) were introduced to the northern Wadden Sea (North Sea, Germany) by aquaculture in 1986 and finally became established. Even though at first recruitment success was rare, three consecutive warm summers led to a massive increase in oyster abundances and to the overgrowth of native mussel beds (Mytilus edulis L.). These mussels constitute biogenic reefs on the sand and mud flats in this area. Survival and growth of the invading C. gigas were investigated and compared with the native mussels in order to predict the further development of the oyster population and the scope for coexistence of both species. Field experiments revealed high survival of juvenile C. gigas (approximately 70%) during the first three months after settlement. Survival during the first winter varied between > 90% during a mild and 25% during a cold winter and was independent of substrate (i.e., mussels or oysters) and tide level. Within their first year C. gigas reached a mean length of 35-53 mm, and within two years they grew to 68-82 mm, which is about twice the size native mussels would attain during that time. Growth of juvenile oysters was not affected by substrate (i.e., sand, mussels, and other oysters), barnacle epibionts and tide level, but was facilitated by fucoid algae. By contrast, growth of juvenile mussels was significantly higher on sand flats than on mussel or oyster beds and higher in the subtidal compared to intertidal locations. Cover with fucoid algae increased mussel growth but decreased their condition expressed as dry flesh weight versus shell weight. High survival and growth rates may compensate for years with low recruitment, and may therefore allow a fast population increase. This may lead to restrictions on habitat use by native mussels in the Wadden Sea.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns of reproduction in a newly established population of Dreissena polymorpha are described for a site in the western basin of Lake Erie. Reproduction was monitored by histological examination of gonads, analysis of shell length-dry weight relationships, and following abundance of planktonic and settling larvae. Patterns of planktonic larval abundance and settling showed a distinct bimodal pattern in July and August, but conflicted with histological and length-dry weight data that showed spawning was a brief, highly synchronous event occurring in late August. Differences between histological data and abundance of larvae in the plankton can be explained as resulting from drift of larvae from disjunct populations of D. polymorpha which spawned earlier, into the study area. Veliger larvae were present in the plankton at low densities throughout the warm months before and after periods of peak abundances. The presence of these larvae can be explained by a combination of asynchronous spawning among local populations and postponed settlement by planktonic larvae.  相似文献   

The production of oysters in Guaratuba Bay, in the state of Paraná, Brazil, is still a mixed activity of mariculture and extractivism. The sustainable development of this production requires the monitoring of environmental, genetic, reproductive, and zootechnical variables. This study evaluated the importance of these variables on Crassostrea oyster production. Data were obtained between September 2009 and February 2011 from six evaluations: water quality, oyster larvae in plankton, capture of oyster spat by artificial collectors, molecular identification of collected spat and larvae, continuous evaluation of the reproductive maturity stage of adult oysters, and zootechnical performance achieved by experimental production. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, and water transparency were the environmental factors that had the most influence on the reproductive cycle (e.g. gonadal development and spat capture) and on the growth of the oyster. The highest rates for spat uptake were recorded in the summer, coinciding with the peak of sexual maturity of adults. The growth of the oysters, in terms of the weight of the meat, was related to the gonadal stage.  相似文献   

Since their recent introductions into Florida waters, three sessile invertebrates [Perna viridis (Asian green mussel), Mytella charruana (charru mussel) and Megabalanus coccopoma (pink titan acorn barnacle)] have expanded their range along the Atlantic coast in estuarine waters. Little research has been done to understand how these nonnative species interact with the ecologically and economically important eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. To assess the potential effects of P. viridis, M. charruana and M. coccopoma on C. virginica, the following questions were addressed in manipulative experiments. (1) Does the presence of nonnative species decrease oyster larval settlement? (2) Do oyster larvae avoid settling on nonnative species? (3) Do nonnative species decrease survival of juvenile oysters (spat)? (4) Do nonnative species hinder spat growth? We included two controls: absence of nonnative species and presence of the native mussel Geukensia demissa. The nonnative species influenced settlement, growth and survival of C. virginica in different ways. M. coccopoma and P. viridis negatively influenced larval settlement, whereas M. charruana had no influence on the total number of settled larvae. Oyster larvae avoided settling on all three nonnative species and the native G. demissa. Both nonnative mussels negatively affected survival of juvenile oysters but only M. charruana also reduced spat growth. The native mussel, G. demissa, had no negative impacts on total settlement, survival and growth of C. virginica; in fact, it increased larval settlement in some trials. These three nonnative species should be classified as invasive because all had negative effects on native C. virginica.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the relative roles that water column stratification intensity and possible inter-population behaviour differences play in determining depth of larval settlement of giant scallops, Placopecten magellanicus, in relation to thermoclines. Differences in timing of settlement of larvae from various populations were also examined. Two separate experiments were conducted in a 10.5-m-deep, 3.7-m-diameter, thermally stratified tank with larvae spawned from scallops collected from several adult beds located in areas with differing oceanographic regimes (Georges Bank, Mahone Bay, Passamaquoddy Bay). Previous mesocosm experiments had shown that veligers from these various populations differ in their vertical migration patterns. In the first experiment (December 1992-February 1993), larvae from all three populations were held in separate 9.5-m-deep tubes and exposed to a 1.5 °C temperature differential established over a depth interval of 1 m. The number of settled juveniles (spat) of each population collected at the end of the experiment increased with depth and showed no peak at or above the thermocline. This depth distribution of spat was most likely driven by preferential larval settlement. In the second experiment (February-May 1994), larvae spawned from Georges Bank and Passamaquoddy Bay stocks were held in 9.0-m-deep tubes and exposed to a 5 °C temperature differential established over a depth interval of 1 m. The number of settled spat of both populations was greater above this thermal boundary and increased with decreasing depth. This depth distribution was most likely driven by preferential settlement above the thermocline followed by upward post-settlement migration. The results from the two experiments indicate that larvae from various populations show similar trends in settlement patterns in response to similar thermal stratifications. Stratification intensity, however, does affect depth of larval settlement. In the second experiment, both populations of larvae settled throughout the time interval of collector deployment (larvae 32-82 days old). These results extend the range of planktonic developmental times generally reported in the literature and may be more indicative of natural planktonic development in the field. While Georges Bank larvae settled in consistent numbers through time, Passamaquoddy Bay larvae showed peaks in settlement at certain time periods, indicating that pulses of larval settlement may occur even from an individual spawning event.  相似文献   

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