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论我国昆虫多样性的保护与利用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
尤民生 《生物多样性》1997,5(2):135-141
本文论述了保护昆虫多样性的意义、我国昆虫多样性的基本特点及面临的问题、昆虫多样性的保护战略和利用对策。文中强调指出,昆虫是生物界的一个主要类群,在我国,需要防治的害虫大约只占全部昆虫种类数的1%,其余种类对人类都是有益或者是中性的,它们不仅可以作为显花植物的传粉者、为人类提供食物和各种工业原料,而且可以作为许多害虫或杂草的天敌,以及用于环境净化和科学研究。我国由于地域辽阔,生境复杂,因此,昆虫种类极为丰富,珍稀物种及有益昆虫较多。然而,由于受到人类活动的干扰,我国昆虫多样性面临着生境遭到破坏,物种濒于灭绝,天敌大量减少等问题。为了有效地保护和利用我国的昆虫资源,作者提出了一些战略和对策。  相似文献   

生物多样性保护现状及其研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物多样性是地球上所有生命的总和,是40亿年以来生物进化的最终结果,也是世界上的自然财富.它包括几百万不同种类的植物、动物和微生物以及它们所拥有的基因和由这些生物与所在地环境所构成的生态系统.因此,生物多样性包括三个层次的概念,即遗传多样性、物种多样性和生态系统多样性.此外,人们还重视更高层次的多样性即景观多样性.生物多样性是人类的生物资源,有的已为人类所利用,而大部分它的潜在价值尚未被人们所发现.自然保护在20世纪40年代已开始受到重视.自80年代初以来,有关生物多样性国际会议频频召开,1992年,世界资源研究所(WRI)、  相似文献   

生物多样性不仅是分类学家对物种的认识,而是直接关系到对环境,特别是对人类生存的价值问题。占动物世界80%的昆虫多样性研究一直受到科学家们的重视。世界昆虫有多少种,目前尚无定论。Simpson(1952)认为世界生物为200万种,Mayr(1969)估计为  相似文献   

茶园蜘蛛、昆虫群落动态的研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
王勇  张汉鹄  邹运鼎 《生态学报》1991,11(2):135-138
该文研究报道了皖南地区茶园蜘蛛、昆虫的种类和群落结构,结果如下:1.茶园中昆虫、蜘蛛种类有28个,其中5、6月群落中动物种类多,多样性指数大。调查期内,品种园内动物优势种是天敌。2.主成分分析(PCA)表明:在无人为干扰的品种园内,节肢动物群落结构稳定;进行化学防治的采摘茶园群落结构不稳定。此研究对于在茶园内合理使用农药、繁荣生物群落,提高茶叶品质有重要意义。  相似文献   

茶园蜘蛛、昆虫群落动态的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王勇  张汉鹄  邹运鼎 《生态学报》1991,11(2):135-138
该文研究报道了皖南地区茶园蜘蛛、昆虫的种类和群落结构,结果如下:1.茶园中昆虫、蜘蛛种类有28个,其中5、6月群落中动物种类多,多样性指数大。调查期内,品种园内动物优势种是天敌。2.主成分分析(PCA)表明:在无人为干扰的品种园内,节肢动物群落结构稳定;进行化学防治的采摘茶园群落结构不稳定。此研究对于在茶园内合理使用农药、繁荣生物群落,提高茶叶品质有重要意义。  相似文献   

用1995~1996年在广西英罗港红树林区取样所得的资料探讨了英罗港红树林昆虫群落及其多样性特点.结果表明,英罗港红树林昆虫种类有195种;主要优势种为黑褐举腹蚁(Crematogaster rogenhoferi)、东京弓背蚁(Camponotus tokioensis)和三条螟蛾(Dichocrocris chorophanta);内滩昆虫群落多样性高于中滩、外滩.潮汐和风暴对昆虫群落多样性的影响是决定群落结构水平的重要因素;内滩、中滩和外滩影响多样性的主要成分是均匀性.  相似文献   

钟茗  王锋 《生命世界》2008,(1):108-109
它们是这个星球上数量最多、最为成功的动物,无论是从个体的数量、物种数与基因多样性上看,在地球的生物多样性中都占有十分重要的地位。它们就是节肢动物中的昆虫,全世界已知超过上百万种,分布更是几乎遍及整个地球,没有其他纲的动物可以与之相比。昆虫与人类的关系复杂而密切,有的昆虫给人类提供了丰富的资源,也有的给人类造成深重的灾难。尽管它们与其他大型动物相比不够引人注目,但只要细心观察,您就会对它们那不可思议的庞大家族深深着迷……  相似文献   

栖息地的减缩和破坏是野生动物种群衰退重要因素之一,尤对那些小型且不为人们注意、目前仍属非经济动物种类,其栖息地的减缩和破坏更是最重要原因。对这种现象,有识之士都在大声疾呼:保护生物多样性,保护人类赖以生存的地球。近年来国外对动物园的功能提出了许多新的...  相似文献   

中国是世界12个生物多样性巨丰的国家之一,也是亚洲及太平洋地区生物多样性和特有性最高的两个国家之一。中国具有世界最高的山系和许多不同的生物栖息环境,跨古北和东洋两界。这些特征可用来说明其丰富的物种多样性和高特有性,迄今中国已报道的昆虫种类约为45000种。特有成分明显多于周边国家。特别是西南山地和热带地区,特有成分比例很高。人类干扰,栖息地丧失、森林减少和污染等迫使未知数目的种类处于濒危状态或已灭绝。本文提出了中国昆虫保护的建议,包括:鉴别优先保护对象,开展濒危物种的生物学和生态学研究,监测栖息地和多样性的丧失,编制珍稀和濒危物种“红色名录”和数据库,建立昆虫保护区,开发昆虫人工饲养和繁殖技术。  相似文献   

黄河湿地银川段昆虫群落组成及其多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2007年5~10月,通过对银川市黄河湿地保护项目区内昆虫群落的调查表明,宁夏银川市黄河湿地的昆虫共有9目81科233种.在12 297号标本中,双翅目、直翅目个体数量较多,而双翅目和膜翅目的物种数较多.样地昆虫种-多度曲线符合对数级数模型,表明黄河湿地银川段环境质量较差.昆虫群落季节动态变化和多样性指数的变化说明7月份昆虫个体数量和种类数最多,同时群落多样性指数最高,群落最稳定.  相似文献   

Insect diversity of a Costa Rican dry forest: why keep it,and how?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The dry forest of the 108 km2 Santa Rosa National Park in northwestern Costa Rica contains as many as 13 000 species of insects (including 3140 species of moths and butterflies) sustained by and sustaining about 700 species of plants and 400 species of vertebrates. These insects require explicit conservation attention. They are more than just decorations on the plants; rather, they are the building blocks and glue for much of the habitat. They are the food for much of the carnivore community, and the insect species are not merely interchangeable bits of nutrients. They are major killers of seeds, and thereby influence both the plant species composition of a habitat and prevent the better competitors from taking it over. They are the primary pollinators and are specific enough to be neither interchangeable nor replaceable with other animals; the seeds resulting from their pollination activities are major animal foods in the habitat. They are a diverse, puzzling, complex, intrinsically attractive, and major part of the intellectual display offered by tropical wildlands, the display that will be the eventual foundation for most of the reason why tropical wildlands will be retained as such in the future.
The retention and maintenance of insect species richness in a tropical wildland is strongly rooted in the preservation of plant species richness, in maintaining habitat mosaics (different members of which are used by a given insect in different seasons), in preserving a large diversity of habitats, and in recognizing the threat posed by insect crop associates in nearby agricultural lands.  相似文献   

Insects are one of the most important groups in the natural world. They affect the life and welfare of humans in many different ways. While some insects are referred to as pests, others are beneficial to humans. For example, they may serve a function as pollinators of many cultivated plants, as natural enemies of harmful species, or as producers of valuable materials such as honey and silk. Several insect species, however, are not currently known as being harmful or beneficial. Nevertheless they are extremely important as essential components of both natural and modified ecosystems. In China, only 1% of insect species described are major pests. The majority of insects are either neutral or beneficial to humans. China, with its vast territory, diverse climate and ecosystems, is amongst the richest countries in insect diversity. However, as a result of the economic and population growth and development, Chinas insect diversity is now faced with habitat degradation, species extinction, and a decline in the natural enemies of harmful pests. These problems are due to the expansion of agriculture, urbanization, industrialization, pollution, mining, tourism, introduced species, hunting, and the illegal trade in endangered species. In order to exploit the beneficial components of insects as biological resources and to effectively control their harmful aspects, many national strategies, legal actions and capacity-building activities have been developed and implemented. These efforts work towards the goal of insect diversity conservation in China.  相似文献   

Entomology in Mauritius has historically been linked with the agricultural and medical fields but concern should now be directed towards the conservation of native forest insects given that they are key components of the local ecosystem. Despite its young age, small size and remoteness, the island has a well-developed native insect fauna with a high proportion of endemic species. A majority of the insect orders are represented on the island. We document the current state of knowledge for Mauritian arthropods, with particular focus on the Coleoptera. This is the most diverse order locally with 1,032 species. In addition, it is the best catalogued historically, providing a framework for future conservation studies to evaluate the current status of this group. We explore the current threats facing the native insect fauna and highlight the needs for concern on this vital component of local biodiversity. We recognize that the initial step for conserving the native insects will depend largely on the establishment of a local taxonomic knowledge base with international expert input.  相似文献   

昆虫物种多样性在生物多样性保护研究中有重要地位。湖北神农架自然保护区生物多样性极其丰富,保存状态相对良好,是我国生物多样性研究的关键地区之一。然而该地区的昆虫多样性研究极为薄弱,就是一般的物种调查也为数不多,所以调查主要昆虫类群的组成与数量变化,能为本区的生物多样性研究积累资料,并为长期监测打下基础。我们选择暖温带针叶林、落叶阔叶林、针阔叶混交林、亚高山草甸、箭竹林及溪边灌丛6种不同环境,以23块样地为代表,以巴氏罐诱法为主,结合网筛、扫网等方法,进行全面的标本采集与数据收集。经初步整理鉴定和数据分析,得到如下结果:(1)共获得标本58 368号,昆虫标本46 213号,其中膜翅目和鞘翅目数量较多,其次为半翅目、同翅目、双翅目、直翅目及脉翅目等。此外,环节动物、软体动物、多足纲及蛛形纲动物也有相当数量。在膜翅目中,个体数量最多的是蚂蚁(蚁科);在鞘翅目中个体数量较多的类群依次是隐翅虫科、步甲科和叶甲科。(2)昆虫分布与环境的关系非常密切:仅从较高分类阶元来看,如昆虫纲的鞘翅目、双翅目、直翅目、膜翅目等,不同环境对昆虫数量分布的影响并不显著;而从相对低的分类阶元来看,如统计鞘翅目中步甲科、隐翅虫科等,则可以显示不同环境对昆虫数量分布的显著影响。(3)在一些特殊地点,发现若干比较特殊的昆虫物种,这表明神农架地区在昆虫物种保护上具有特殊地位。  相似文献   

Regions of mediterranean-type climate represent most extra-tropical biodiversity hotspots, being both highly diverse and highly endangered. Though renowned for their plant richness, these regions’ insects constitute the bulk of their alpha diversities. Data on insect distribution and rarity are generally lacking for such regions, and are often considered unattainable. Intensive field inventories combined with statistical extrapolation methods can provide a sufficient understanding of alpha, beta, and gamma diversity components for application to conservation planning. These are essential to assessing the adequacy of a regional reserve network for the conservation of insect diversity. Here the beetle faunas of three protected areas spanning three major ecoregions in the California Floristic Province were inventoried and analyzed for species richness, complementarity, and uniqueness. These surveys produced collectively nearly 1,200 species from all three sites, estimated to be about 80% of their total faunas. Diversity was highly partitioned among sites, no one site containing more than 60% of the species. Dissimilarity was moderate to high for all comparisons, and all sites contained >40% unique species. Comparison of these results with those based on species of co-occurring plants reveal incongruent species richness but congruent similarities among sites. These results provide quantitative support to the perception that mediterranean insect faunas show high spatial variability. Along with online specimen level data on distribution, rarity, and seasonality, these results will help speed the incorporation of insect data into serious conservation planning.  相似文献   

The visual organs of insects are known for their impressive evolutionary conservation. Compound eyes built from ommatidia with four cone cells are now accepted to date back to the last common ancestor of insects and crustaceans. In species as different as fruit flies and tadpole shrimps, the stepwise cellular patterning steps of the early compound eye exhibit detailed similarities implying 500 million years of developmental conservation. Strikingly, there is also a cryptic diversity of insect visual organs, which gives proof to evolution’s versatility in molding even the most tenacious structures into something new. We explore this fascinating aspect in regard to the structure and function of a variety of different insect eyes. This includes work on the unique compound–single-chamber combination eye of twisted-winged insects and the bizarre evolutionary trajectories of specialized larval eyes in endopterygote insects.  相似文献   

Changing attitudes to nature conservation: the entomological perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unlike some other kinds of wildlife, insects have little attraction for the public. Insects tend to be a specialist interest, partly because the numbers of species are so large. This concentrates attention on insect identification and the impossibility of accomplishing this in the field except in a few cases. Some conflict between economic entomologists and conservationists has been apparent. Conservation organizations, including those specifically interested in insects, have influenced attitudes, as has the development of ecology, applied biogeography, and other scientific disciplines. Legislation for insect conservation is not satisfactory; not enough emphasis is laid on habitat conservation and the concepts of protected and endangered species are confused. Better cooperation and understanding between legislators and field entomologists are desirable. Species conservation in Britain emphasises butterflies. Many of the species thought to be threatened with extinction in 1925 are also of priority concern today. Better habitat management and re-establishments, both national and local, are important conservation activities. In the Third World, conservation is closely linked with utilization of the resource. This rational and sustainable use is in accordance with the World Conservation Strategy and benefits the rural poor in areas where attitudes to conservation in the developed world are inappropriate.  相似文献   

Wang XL  Yao YJ 《ZooKeys》2011,(127):43-59
Ophiocordyceps sinensis (≡ Cordyceps sinensis) is one of the most valued medicinal fungi in China, used for its invigorating effects in strengthening the body and restoring energy. The fungus parasitizes larvae of moths and converts them into sclerotia from which the fungus fruiting body grows. Since the late 1950s, considerable effort has been devoted to the study of host insects related to the fungus. In the present paper, the research history of insect species associated with Ophiocordyceps sinensis is briefly reviewed and an extensive literature survey is presented. Ninety-one insect names, spanning 13 genera, related to host insects of Ophiocordyceps sinensis are investigated. The relationships between the reported insect species and Ophiocordyceps sinensis are analyzed. Fifty-seven of these are considered as recognizable potential host species of the fungus distributed throughout the Tibetan Plateau, whilst eight are considered as indeterminate hosts and 26 as non-hosts. Among the names of recognizable potential host insects, three are invalid (nomen nudum) and require further study. This work provides basic information for management of the insect resources and for the conservation and sustainable use of Ophiocordyceps sinensis.  相似文献   

Insects on the brink of a major discontinuity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Population surges and local extinctions are not uncommon among insects. In response to climatic changes in the past, insects have often shifted their ranges. This long-term range shifting and the vagaries of short-term weather makes reserve selection unrealistically rigid for many species. Although some insect species are surviving in reserves, others have disappeared from such small areas because of adverse weather. In contrast, many other insects depend on localized disturbance for survival. In response to anthropogenic disturbance, some native insects have become more abundant and widespread, such as Orthoptera in response to grazing and burning, and some Odonata in response to aquatic weeds and water impoundment. The effect of some exotic invasive insects on some native ecosystems is of major concern. Human-induced insect population crashes and species extinctions are becoming more common and widespread, and exacerbated by the synergistic effect of the various local impacts with global changes. A major insect population and species extinction discontinuity is beginning to take place. Yet, there is also an increase in range and abundance of some other insects. The world is becoming increasingly species-poorer and more homogenous in its insect fauna.  相似文献   

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