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肾阳虚证候的人血清比较蛋白质组学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用双向电泳(2-DE)优化分离了除去高丰度蛋白(白蛋白和IgG)的老年体虚肾阳虚患者(以健康组为参照)的血清样本,对比分析pH 4~7范围的2-DE谱图,肾阳虚患者和参照组的平均蛋白点分别为(393±32)和(455±19)个. 其中肾阳虚证候表达量上调2倍(P<0.05)以上的蛋白点有26个,下调2倍以上的有33个. 用质谱获得上述差异蛋白的肽质量指纹图谱,并经数据库检索共鉴定出了49种差异蛋白质,其中有10种在肾阳虚血清中特异表达,有6种在健康组血清中特异表达. 蛋白功能分析发现,其中33种蛋白质的差异表达与肾阳虚证密切相关. 蛋白质TCRβ及transthyretin的蛋白印迹实验验证了2-DE 的结果. 该研究结果为阐明中医肾阳虚证的机理提供了一条新途径.  相似文献   

目的:对人未做处理的血清以及去除白蛋白和免疫球蛋白G(IgG)血清的蛋白质组学方法进行比较和优化。方法:应用双向电泳(2-DE)方法分离了未做处理的以及去除白蛋白和免疫球蛋白G(IgG)的血清,比较优化了高温变性、水化液成份组成及泡胀方式等影响血清2-DE分离效果的因素,并用质谱分析鉴定未做处理和已处理血清的2-DE谱图中部分差异蛋白点。结果:得到了分辨率和重复性较好的2-DE谱图,未做处理的血清、去除白蛋白及IgG血清的平均蛋白质点分别为(482±18)个和(523±29)个,质谱分析了9个差异蛋白点,鉴定为8种蛋白质,其中7种为功能蛋白质。仅出现在未做处理血清中的蛋白有4种,分别是维生素A结合蛋白、可溶性尿激酶血纤维蛋白溶酶原激活剂受体、蛋白激酶1抗原、血清白蛋白。4种蛋白仅出现在去除白蛋白和IgG的血清中,分别是NADH脱氢酶辅酶β亚基、肌动蛋白结合蛋白M1、T细胞活性受体β链、血小板生长因子C。结论:去除高丰度蛋白可增加一些低丰度蛋白质的检出,但非特异性吸附会导致部分功能蛋白质的丢失。  相似文献   

利用我室建立的原位鼻咽癌裸鼠模型,建立了稳定性较好的鼻咽癌裸鼠血清蛋白质2-DE方法,并比较了原位鼻咽癌裸鼠血清与对照组裸鼠血清蛋白质2-DE图谱之间的差异.与正常裸鼠血清比较,原位鼻咽癌裸鼠模型组血清增加了4个蛋白质点.利用MALDI-TOF质谱技术对血清差异蛋白点进行鉴定,发现SAA-1前体(serumamyloidA-1 protein precursor)在鼻咽癌裸鼠模型组血清中明显高表达,为寻找鼻咽癌血清生物标志物提供了有利的线索.  相似文献   

胆管癌胆汁蛋白质样品制备和双向电泳条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用合适的裂解液和沉淀方法,提取胆管癌胆汁中的蛋白质,获得分辨率高、重复性好的蛋白质双向电泳图谱.通过不同裂解液和蛋白质沉淀方法提取胆汁蛋白的效果比较,设计了不同的样品制备方法,并且对双向电泳(2-DE)的条件进行优化.结果显示,试验确定了适合胆管癌胆汁的裂解液配方(LSⅣ),丙酮沉淀的蛋白分布完整,沉淀效率相对较高.高伏时、长时间的等电聚焦可以获得高分辨率、重复性好的蛋白质双向电泳图谱.因此,本方法可以应用到胆管癌胆汁蛋白的提取,也可以对其他体液蛋白质样品的制备和双向电泳提供借鉴.  相似文献   

 应用蛋白质双向凝胶电泳 (two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, 2-DE) 技术,分析在急性重度失血性休克 (refractory hemorrhagic shock, RHS) 条件下,大鼠肝脏蛋白质组表达的差异.16 只雄性 Wistar 大鼠随机分成正常对照组 (sham hemorrhage shock, SHS) 和 RHS 模型组,每组 8 只.采用股动脉放血的方法制备模型,在规定时间内处死大鼠并分离肝脏,提取肝脏总蛋白质后进行 2-DE.运用 Image Master 2D Platinum v 5.0 凝胶图像分析软件对 2-DE 凝胶图像进行差异表达分析.有意义的差异蛋白质点用基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱进行肽质量指纹图谱分析,借助 Swiss-prot 数据库进行蛋白质搜索和鉴定.SHS 组和 RHS 组肝脏的 2-DE 图谱,分别平均识别到 698±11 和 700±13 个蛋白质点,SHS 组和 RHS 组肝脏间平均匹配率达88%~92 %.共发现 10 个差异有意义的蛋白质点,鉴定出了肿瘤抑制性抗原gp96、葡萄糖调节蛋白58、过氧还蛋白Ⅰ、细胞色素b5、谷胱甘肽转移酶、ATP合酶β亚单位、二磷酸果糖酶 B、三磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶等8种蛋白质.结果表明,以 2-DE 技术得到重复性和分辨率都较好的 2-DE图谱,并初步鉴定急性重度失血性休克后大鼠肝脏的差异表达蛋白质,为深入研究失血性休克的生理病理机制及寻找失血性休克预防和治疗的生物标志物提供了依据.  相似文献   

猪卵泡液样品制备方法对双向电泳图谱的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较不同的蛋白制备方法,寻找适合猪卵泡液的双向电泳样品制备方法,提高2-DE图谱的分辨率和重复性。利用ProteoExtract Albumin/IgG Remove Kit去除卵泡液中的高峰度蛋白;然后分别用丙酮沉淀法、TCA/丙酮沉淀法和超滤法进行样品浓缩,比较分析对2-DE图谱的影响。结果表明,TCA/丙酮沉淀法制备的蛋白样品获得的电泳图谱质量较好,蛋白斑点数目较多,斑点较清晰、圆滑,分辨率较高,重复性较好。TCA-丙酮沉淀法更适合于制备猪卵泡液的双向电泳蛋白样品,为进一步对猪卵泡液2-DE图谱进行分析、鉴定及寻找生物标记物提供了保证。  相似文献   

目的:探讨与大鼠吗啡成瘾和戒断相关的前额叶皮质(PFC)蛋白。方法:以固相pH梯度等电聚焦为第一向和垂直SDS-PAGE为第二向,分别对吗啡成瘾和自然戒断大鼠及正常大鼠的PFC蛋白质样品进行二维分离,2-DE图谱经ImageMaster 2D Plat-inum v5.0软件分析,选取4个差异蛋白点用基质辅助激光解吸附离子化飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)进行鉴定。结果:通过对2-DE图谱蛋白斑点的匹配及对比分析,与吗啡成瘾和自然戒断相关的差异表达蛋白斑点为79个;经质谱鉴定出2个有意义的差异表达的蛋白斑点:Snap25亚型-βSnap25突触相关蛋白25,β-肌动蛋白。结论:PFC的某些蛋白可能与吗啡成瘾和戒断相关,其中尤其是神经毒性相关的蛋白可能与吗啡成瘾机制相关。  相似文献   

强休眠玉米种子休眠前后的蛋白差异表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以强休眠玉米自交系08-641为试验材料,分别对处于休眠状态下的新鲜收获种子和经过10 d后熟作用破除休眠的种子进行了蛋白质组学差异表达分析。结果表明,通过双向电泳技术在3次重复试验下休眠状态的08-641鲜种子蛋白2-DE图谱上共检测到约600个蛋白质点,在经过10 d后熟作用破除休眠的08-641种子蛋白2-DE图谱上共检测到约620个蛋白质点,其中下调表达蛋白质点4个,上调表达蛋白质点4个,新增蛋白质点8个,缺失表达蛋白质点7个。经过质谱鉴定的差异表达蛋白质主要涉及球蛋白、胚胎晚期丰富蛋白、豆球蛋白等贮藏物蛋白质;蛋白酶体、山梨醇脱氢酶等参与物质代谢的蛋白质;热激蛋白等参与蛋白质结构、细胞功能调控的蛋白质。推测08-641种子休眠是由于种子内休眠相关蛋白的过量表达或缺失抑制了种子的正常萌发。  相似文献   

小菜蛾Plutella xylostella L.是世界性十字花科蔬菜的主要害虫, 已对多种杀虫剂产生抗性, 其中以对拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂的抗性发展最快。溴氰菊酯是拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂中杀虫毒力最强的品种。我们前期的研究发现, 小菜蛾溴氰菊酯敏感品系(DS)和抗性品系(DR)成虫期的蛋白质双向电泳(2-DE)图谱存在显著差异。本研究通过双向电泳技术从小菜蛾4龄幼虫中分离出89个有明显差异的蛋白点, 从中选出30个进行串联质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS)实验, 并利用蛋白质数据库检索这些在抗性品系中表达而在敏感品系中不表达或者不同品系中差异表达的蛋白质的归属、 性质和功能, 最终成功鉴定出10个蛋白。对其中的3个基因进行了荧光定量PCR验证, 发现这些蛋白质在mRNA水平的表达与在蛋白水平的表达是一致的。这些在溴氰菊酯胁迫下差异表达的蛋白为研究溴氰菊酯的作用靶标和作用机理, 以及筛选与其抗性相关的蛋白质提供了依据。  相似文献   

黄瓜叶片胞间隙蛋白质双向电泳体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄瓜种质‘PI088’幼苗为材料,提取胞间隙液,制备蛋白样品,通过对不同IPG胶条、等电聚焦条件、分离胶浓度、上样量等条件的探索,建立适合黄瓜叶片胞间隙蛋白质组的双向电泳体系.结果显示:(1)用pH 3~10的非线性IPG胶条,等电聚焦时间为70 000 Vh,分离胶浓度为10%,上样量为800 μg时,能够得到较好的2-DE图谱.(2)利用所建立的双向电泳体系找到了对照及接种霜霉菌后2d的黄瓜叶片胞间隙差异蛋白,其中的12个上调表达点和10个下调表达点的表达量变化在1.5倍以上.并选取一个差异点成功进行了质谱分析.(3)质谱分析结果显示,所找的差异点为一种酸性的几丁质酶,等电点为4.27.可见,采用所建立的双向电泳体系可获得分辨率高、重复性好的2-DE图谱并能很好地用于质谱分析.  相似文献   

Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), or cancer of the bile ducts, is primarily associated with infection with the liver fluke Opisthorchis viverrini in northeast Thailand. The disease is associated with late presentation, poses challenges for diagnosis and has a high mortality rate - features that highlight the need for tumor markers. At present, there are no specific tumor markers that can indicate the early stages and status of CCA. Proteomic analysis of the proteins expressed on the surface of tumor cells is particularly difficult since proteome-wide analysis of surface membrane proteins has thus far been hampered by the lack of effective strategies to profile hydrophobic membrane proteins. In this study, a sequential protein extraction was utilized to overcome this problem. Membrane protein was extracted from four CCA cell lines with different tumor forming capabilities. The non-tumor H69 biliary cell line was used as a control. Two-dimensional-PAGE followed by MALDI-TOF-MS was used to identify differentially expressed proteins. Among 20 up-regulated membrane proteins identified in the CCA cell lines was ANXA2, a participant in tumor invasion and metastasis in other cancers. Accordingly, ANXA2 was verified in human subjects by probing, using a commercial anti-mouse monoclonal antibody and a tissue microarray of CCA (301 diagnosed cases), where it was found to associate with one of several tumor progression stages as reflected by lymphatic invasion (P = 0.014) and metastasis (P = 0.026). Patients with high expression of ANXA2 had a significantly shorter survival time (P = 0.011). ANXA2 expression in tumors may be useful for predicting the poor outcome of CCA patients.  相似文献   

Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a crucial health problem in northeastern part of Thailand, which is caused by a combination of Opisthorchis viverrini infection and nitrosamine. A better understanding of its molecular mechanism is an important step to discover and develop the new diagnostics and therapies for CCA. To reveal the involvement of potential genes in the development of CCA, the present study investigated the expression kinetics of platelet-derived growth factor alpha (Pdgfa) and its receptor (Pdgfra) during the tumorigenesis of CCA induced by O. viverrini infection with quantitative RT-PCR, and confirmed the expression with immunohistological staining. The results showed that in the hamster model of opisthorchiasis-associated CCA, the expression of Pdgfa was increased after infection plus N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) administration, reached its peak at 2 months post infection, and remained at the high level until 6 months. Similarly, the expression of Pdgfra was increased time-dependently. The positive immunostaining for PDGFA proteins was observed in the cytoplasm of epithelial tumor cells of hamster CCA. Moreover, the analysis of the expression of these genes in 10 cases of human opisthorchiasis-associated CCA showed that Pdgfa was overexpressed in 80%, and Pdgfra was overexpressed in 40% cases (> 3.0 folds, compared with the expressions of adjacent normal tissues). This result suggests that PDGFA is likely involved in the tumorigenesis of opisthorchiasis-associated CCA, and may be a promising candidate biomarker for diagnosis and treatment strategies of CCA.  相似文献   

蛋白质组学(proteomics)诞生以来,高效准确的蛋白质检测技术受到越来越多的关注.最近 ,一种高灵敏度的蛋白质检测技术,邻位连接技术(proximity ligation assay, PLA)被建 立.该技术采用核酸适体(aptamer)或单/多克隆抗体 核酸复合物作为邻位连接探针(proximity probes).当一对邻位探针同时识别同一个目标蛋白分子时,它们将在空间位置上相互临近,通过连接反应形成一段可扩增的DNA标签序列,该标签序列能够反映待测蛋白的种类及浓度.该技术将对蛋白质的检测转变为对DNA核酸序列的检测,实现了特殊蛋白质的检测,定量及定位.文章从该方法的产生背景,发展过程,原理以及探针制备等方面对该方法进行了系统的介绍,列举了该方法的几种重要应用,并对该方法在蛋白质组学研究领域的应用前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Oxysterols are oxygenated derivatives of cholesterol generated by enzymatic reactions mediated by cytochrome P450 family enzymes or by inflammation-associated non-enzymatic reactions. Oxysterol binding proteins (OSBPs) are cytosolic high affinity receptors for oxysterols. We previously found that OSBPL-8 is upregulated in liver fluke (Opisthorchis viverrini)-induced hamster cholangiocarcinoma (CCA). Our aims were to determine the expression patterns of OSBP isoforms in human CCA tissues and to evaluate whether OSBPs could be used as molecular markers for the identification of blood-borne CCA metastasis. Expression levels of OSBP1, OSBP2, OSBPL-7 and OSBPL-8 in CCA tissues were detected using qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. Expression of OSBPs at mRNA level in the blood of CCA patients was also investigated. We confirmed increased expression of OSBPL-8 in O. viverrini -induced hamster CCA tissues. Moreover, increased expression of OSBP1, OSBP2, OSBPL-7 and OSBPL-8 was seen in human CCA tissues. Notably, a significant increased level of OSBPL-7 mRNA was observed in tumor compared to non-tumor liver tissue. Immunohistochemistry supported the mRNA results, in that OSBPL-7 protein was over-expressed in cancer cells and hepatocytes but not in normal biliary cells and surrounding inflammatory cells. Interestingly, in our preliminary results, significantly higher levels of OSBP2 and OSBPL-7 mRNA were seen in blood samples from CCA patients than in healthy controls. These results suggest that OSBP2 and OSBPL-7 might serve as molecular markers for the identification of CCA metastasis in the bloodstream.  相似文献   

Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), a malignant tumor derived from bile duct epithelium, occurs with a higher incidence in tropical countries, such as Thailand. Distinguishing CCA from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) of the liver often requires the use of histochemistry, so molecular markers for diagnosis and prognosis are still required. In this study, the two-dimensional (2-D) protein map of a Thai human bile duct epithelial carcinoma cell line (HuCCA-1) has been compared to human hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines (HepG2 and HCC-S102) and a human breast epithelial cancer cell line (MCF-7). Our results show that HuCCA-1 expressed a unique pattern of proteins. Forty-three major proteins were identified by matching to the map of MCF-7, and by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) and electrospray ionization-tandem MS (ESI-MS/MS). Cytokeratins CK8 and CK18 were overexpressed in both HuCCA-1 and HCC, while CK7 and CK19 were only expressed in HuCCA-1. Four specific proteins with MW/pI 57.2/5.21 (U1, vimentin), 42.2/6.20 (U2), 43.2/6.20 (U3, EF-TU), and 42.2/6.40 (U4, unidentified) were absent from HepG2. U2 showed high expression in HuCCA-1, while U1 and U4 showed high expression in HCC-S102. U2 could be separated in 2 proteins, U2/1 (alpha-enolase) and U2/2 (not identified) by using IPG pH 4-7. Galectin-3 showed high expression level in HuCCA-1 by 1-DE immunodetection, and gave only one spot with MW 32.9 kDa and pI 8.29 on 2-DE immunoblotting, Thus, certain proteins, namely CK7, CK19, U2/2 and galectin-3, may be good markers useful for differential diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma compared to hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

Clear cell adenocarcinoma (CCA) has a highly malignant potential in human epithelial ovarian cancer. The serum CA-125 is widely used as a marker for ovarian cancer, but the level is relatively low in CCA. Therefore, new sensitive biomarkers are required. In this report, we describe a promising proteomic analysis that is differentially expressed in CCA when compared to mucinous adenocarcinoma, using the ovarian cultured cell lines OVISE, OVTOKO, and MCAS. The disease-associated proteins were identified by 2-D differential gel electrophoresis (2-D DIGE) and MS. In this analysis, 18 up-regulated and 31 down-regulated spots were observed that had at least two-fold differences in the two CCA cell lines than in MCAS as control cells. Some of the proteins differentially expressed in CCA were previously observed as alternative expression levels in ovarian and/or other cancers in clinical samples. In a subsequent preliminary differential study using surgical specimens from patients with CCA, it was demonstrated that the identified proteins were expressed differentially in actual tissues, as well as in the CCA culture cells. The results from this investigation show the potentiality of a proteomic approach for identifying disease-associated proteins, which may eventually serve as diagnostic markers or therapeutic targets in CCA.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is often challenging, leading to poor prognosis. CCA arises via chronic inflammation which may be associated with autoantibodies production. This study aims to identify IgG antibodies directed at self-proteins and tumor-associated antigens. Proteins derived from immortalized cholangiocyte cell line (MMNK1) and CCA cell lines (M055, M214 and M139) were separated using 2-dimensional electrophoresis and incubated with pooled plasma of patients with CCA and non-neoplastic controls by immunoblotting. Twenty five immunoreactive spots against all cell lines-derived proteins were observed on stained gels and studied by LC-MS/MS. Among these, heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), enolase 1 (ENO1) and ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor 1 (RNH1) obtained the highest matching scores and were thus selected for further validation. Western blot revealed immunoreactivity against HSP70 and RNH1 in the majority of CCA cases and weakly in healthy individuals. Further, ELISA showed that plasma HSP70 autoantibody level in CCA was significantly capable to discriminate CCA from healthy individuals with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.9158 (cut-off 0.2630, 93.55% sensitivity and 73.91% specificity). Plasma levels of IgG autoantibodies against HSP70 were correlated with progression from healthy individuals to cholangitis to CCA (r = 0.679, P<0.001). In addition, circulating ENO1 and RNH1 autoantibodies levels were also significantly higher in cholangitis and CCA compared to healthy controls (P<0.05). Moreover, the combinations of HSP70, ENO1 or RNH1 autoantibodies positivity rates improved specificity to over 78%. In conclusion, plasma IgG autoantibodies against HSP70, ENO1 and RNH1 may represent new diagnostic markers for CCA.  相似文献   

建立食源性肥胖大鼠模型,对正常大鼠和肥胖大鼠下丘脑全蛋白进行双向凝胶电泳,产生下丘脑蛋白双向凝胶电泳图谱.对图谱进行比对分析后,从凝胶上切取差异表达的蛋白点,经胶内酶解,通过基质辅助激光解吸/电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF-MS) 对酶解后的肽段进行分析,再经数据库(NCBInr)检索,对蛋白质进行鉴定.研究发现,正常组表达图谱可检测到1 160±15(n=5)个蛋白点,肥胖组表达图谱可检测到1 070±10 (n=5)个蛋白点,与对照组相比,匹配率大于80%.并且成功鉴定了17种差异表达蛋白质,其中有7 种在肥胖组表达上调,10种表达下调.它们分别属于代谢酶、细胞周期调控因子、抗氧化蛋白、信号传导蛋白、蛋白酶体相关蛋白、细胞骨架蛋白以及未知蛋白等. 与正常对照组相比,肥胖组的蛋白质表达存在着较大差异,通过对差异表达蛋白的分析,提示了在肥胖发生的过程中,下丘脑神经中枢经历了一个非常复杂的信号活动和特定改变,为深入认识肥胖的发病机制奠定了基础.  相似文献   

As an antagonist of the JAK/STAT pathway, suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) plays an integral role in shaping the inflammatory environment, tumorigenesis and disease progression in cholangiocarcinoma (CCA); however, its prognostic significance remains unclear. Although tumor necrosis factor α-induced protein 3 (TNFAIP3, also known as A20) can decrease SOCS3 expression and is involved in the regulation of tumorigenesis in certain malignancies, its role in CCA remains unknown. In this study, we investigated the expression of SOCS3 and A20 in human CCA tissues to assess the prognostic significance of these proteins. The expression of SOCS3 and A20 was initially detected by western blot in 22 cases of freshly frozen CCA tumors with corresponding peritumoral tissues and 22 control normal bile duct tissues. Then, these proteins were investigated in 86 CCA patients by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and were evaluated for their association with clinicopathological parameters in human CCA. The results indicated that SOCS3 expression was significantly lower in CCA tumor tissues than in corresponding peritumoral biliary tissues and normal bile duct tissues. Conversely, A20 was overexpressed in CCA tissues. Thus, an inverse correlation between the expression of SOCS3 and A20 was discovered. Furthermore, patients with low SOCS3 expression or high A20 expression showed a dramatically lower overall survival rate. These proteins were both associated with CCA lymph node metastasis, postoperative recurrence and overall survival rate. However, only A20 showed a significant association with the tumor node metastasis (TNM) stage, while SOCS3 showed a significant association with tumor differentiation. Multivariate Cox analysis revealed that SOCS3 and A20 were independent prognostic indicators for overall survival in CCA. Thus, our study demonstrated that SOCS3 and A20 represent novel prognostic factors for human CCA.  相似文献   

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