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通过对抗蚜的河农16和感蚜品系Tx623B、Tx622B、Tx3197B、千三、晋五及杂交种的物理特性、组织结构、生理生化特性的对比分析,研究了不同基因型高粱理化特性与抗蚜性的相关性。结果表明,高粱抗蚜品系叶片表面较感蚜品系的细胞排列整齐、致密、表皮细胞直径较感蚜品系小、叶片薄、叶片表面光滑、叶片颜色浅。感虫后各品系过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性均有升高,与蚜虫的诱导存在相关性,但不同品系感蚜前后均不存在趋势性变化;苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)酶活性感虫前在抗虫的河农16及杂交种中具有高水平表达,并与其他感蚜品系存在显著差异;蚜虫侵害诱导后PAL酶活性均有上升,但抗蚜品系中表现稳定,酶活性变化幅度与叶片损伤程度存在相关性,PAL酶活性与高粱的抗蚜性存在明显的相关性。感虫前后氨基酸含量及其变化与高粱品系抗蚜性间无相关性;在感蚜虫前,抗蚜品系及其杂交种可溶性糖含量显著高于感蚜品系,接虫后感蚜品系可溶性糖含量升高显著。  相似文献   

不同基因型高粱的理化特性与抗蚜性的相关性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对抗蚜的河农16和感蚜品系Tx623B、Tx622B、Tx3197B、千三、晋五及杂交种的物理特性、组织结构、生理生化特性的对比分析,研究了不同基因型高粱理化特性与抗蚜性的相关性.结果表明,高粱抗蚜品系叶片表面较感蚜品系的细胞排列整齐、致密、表皮细胞直径较感蚜品系小、叶片薄、叶片表面光滑、叶片颜色浅.感虫后各品系过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性均有升高,与蚜虫的诱导存在相关性,但不同品系感蚜前后均不存在趋势性变化;苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)酶活性感虫前在抗虫的河农16及杂交种中具有高水平表达,并与其他感蚜品系存在显著差异;蚜虫侵害诱导后PAL酶活性均有上升,但抗蚜品系中表现稳定,酶活性变化幅度与叶片损伤程度存在相关性,PAL酶活性与高粱的抗蚜性存在明显的相关性.感虫前后氨基酸含量及其变化与高粱品系抗蚜性间无相关性;在感蚜虫前,抗蚜品系及其杂交种可溶性糖含量显著高于感蚜品系,接虫后感蚜品系可溶性糖含量升高显著.  相似文献   

黄伟  贾志宽  韩清芳 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2177-2183
研究了蚜虫危害胁迫后不同抗蚜性苜蓿品种叶片内丙二醛含量及防御性酶活性的动态变化。结果表明:在蚜虫刺吸诱导的过程中,高感品种的MDA含量始终高于高抗品种,并且高感和高抗品种均保持上升的趋势;高感品种的SOD、POD和PAL活性始终低于高抗品种,其中高感和高抗品种的SOD和POD活性均表现先上升后下降的趋势,而PAL活性上升到高峰后均趋于稳定;CAT活性在高感和高抗品种间表现为交替的上升下降;高抗品种的PPO活性前期低于高感品种,而后期高于高感品种。由此可见,在蚜虫危害胁迫下,高感和高抗品种间MDA、SOD、POD、PAL和PPO活性的变化与苜蓿的抗蚜性密切相关,均可作为苜蓿抗蚜性鉴定的生理指标,而CAT活性变化与苜蓿抗蚜性的联系有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

对42个苹果栽培品种叶片褐斑病进行了田间发病状况调查与抗性鉴定,分析了叶片气孔密度和大小与抗病性之间的关系,同时研究了不同抗性品种离体叶片接种病原菌后超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、多酚氧化酶(vPo)、过氧化物酶(POD)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性和木质素含量的差异变化。依照抗性分级标准,供试材料中抗病品种有14个(其中高抗品种2个),感病品种有28个(其中高感品种7个);叶片气孔密度与病情指数之间存在显著正相关,相关系数r=0.683;叶片接种后,诱导了4种酶活性和木质素含量的升高,抗病和感病品种的SOD和PP0活性无显著差异,而抗病品种的POD和PAL活性以及木质素含量显著高于感病品种。苹果叶片的气孔密度、POD和PAL的活性以及木质素含量与褐斑病抗性有关。  相似文献   

黄瓜褐斑病菌毒素对抗、感黄瓜品种的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在黄瓜褐斑病菌毒素的作用下,黄瓜品种的根数、根长、芽长受到了抑制,根的电导值及叶片的苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性升高。抗病品种的根数、根长、芽长受毒素的影响较感病品种小,即感病品种对毒素敏感,且抗、感品种的电导值差异达显著水平。抗病品种的PAL活性增加幅度较感病品种大。  相似文献   

绿盲蝽取食与机械损伤对棉花叶片内防御性酶活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
毛红  陈瀚  刘小侠  张青文 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1431-1436
为探明绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum (Mayer-Dür)取食和机械损伤对不同抗性棉花叶片内主要防御酶活性的影响以及防御酶与棉花抗绿盲蝽性的关系,以棉花3个不同抗性品系为材料,室内条件下测定绿盲蝽取食和机械损伤处理后棉叶中苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、过氧化物酶(POD)和多酚氧化酶(PPO)的活性.结果表明:对...  相似文献   

研究了不同猕猴桃品种展叶孕蕾期自然感染溃疡病菌前后一年生枝条、叶片内过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)酶活性的变化情况.结果表明:感染溃疡病菌前后,抗病品种和感病品种枝条及成叶中防御酶系活性变化规律存在一定的差异.品种未受溃疡病菌感染时,一年生枝条、叶片中的POD、PPO、SOD、CAT酶活性抗病品种的酶活性均低于感病品种.品种自然感染溃疡病菌后,一年生枝条、叶片POD、PPO、SOD、CAT、PAL酶活性均升高,且酶活性的增加幅度是抗病品种中酶活提高倍数高于感病品种.而且这种增量在不同保护酶类以及不同组织部位是有差异的.  相似文献   

辣椒感染疫病后生化指标的响应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用生理生化分析方法研究了辣椒感染疫病后叶片中几个生化指标的变化。结果表明,染病前后感病品种叶片中可溶性总糖含量持续高于抗病品种;抗病类型品种和感病类型品种的可溶性蛋白含量变化规律均表现为先升高后下降,但接种前其叶片中可溶性蛋白含量两者间无明显差异;抗病类型和感病类型辣椒接种后保护酶活性均升高,而且感病类型的POD和ASP酶活性在接种后120h显著高于抗病类型;高抗类型叶片中PPO活性增加幅度显著大于感病类型,但抗病类型品种PPO活性上升趋势比较平缓。接种后,感病品种PAL活性上升幅度小于高抗品种,接种后96h PAL活性开始逐渐下降。可溶性总糖含量和苯丙氨酸解氨酶可以作为辣椒苗期抗疫病鉴定的生化指标。  相似文献   

马铃薯不同品种感染早疫病菌后防御酶活性变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过测定抗性不同的马铃薯品种接种和未接种情况下叶片内防御酶活性,研究马铃薯品种对早疫病的抗性机制。结果表明,在接种处理后,各品种植株体内苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、过氧化物酶(POD)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性均提高,抗病品种酶活性增幅高于感病品种,说明上述4种酶与品种抗性有一定的关联。  相似文献   

探讨了茉莉酸甲酯(methyl jasmonate, Me-Ja)诱导烟草幼苗抗炭疽病与苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活性、木质素和富含羟脯氨酸蛋白(HRGP)含量的关系。 Me-Ja处理烟草幼苗不仅可以提高幼苗抗炭疽病的能力,而且明显提高幼苗的PAL活性、木质素和HRGP含量; 3个不同抗性品种的烟草幼苗的PAL酶活性、木质素和HRGP含量三者与感病程度之间的负相关都达到显著水平,表明PAL、木质素和富含羟脯氨酸蛋白(HRGP)在茉莉酸甲酯诱导抗病中起关键作用。  相似文献   

Leaf curl disease caused by Cotton Leaf Curl Burewala virus (CLCuBuV) has been recognized as serious threat to cotton in Indian subcontinent. However, information about cotton–CLCuBuV interaction is still limited. In this study, the level of phenolic compounds, total soluble proteins, and malondialdehyde (MDA) and the activities of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), peroxidase (POX), catalase (CAT), proteases, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) were studied in leaves of two susceptible (CIM-496 & NIAB-111) and two resistant (Ravi and Co Tiep Khac) cotton genotypes. Disease symptoms were mild in the resistant genotypes but were severe in highly susceptible genotypes. The results showed that phenolic compounds, proteins, PAL, POX, CAT, proteases, SOD, PPO, and MDA play an active role in disease resistance against CLCuBuV. The amount of total phenols, proteases, MDA, and PPO was significantly higher in leaves of CLCuBuV-inoculated plants of both resistant genotypes as in non-inoculated plants, and decreased in CLCuBuV-inoculated plants of both susceptible genotypes over their healthy plants. POX, protein content, SOD, and PAL activities showed lower values in resistant genotypes, while they decreased significantly in susceptible genotypes as compared to the noninoculated plants except PAL, which showed non-significant decrease. CAT was found to be increased in both susceptible and resistant genotypes with maximum percent increase in resistant genotype Ravi, as compared to non-inoculated plants. The results showed significantly higher concentrations of total phenols and higher activity of protease, MDA, SOD, and PPO in resistant genotype Ravi after infection with CLCuBuV, suggesting that there is a correlation between constitutive induced levels of these enzymes and plant resistance that could be considered as biochemical markers for studying plant-virus compatible and incompatible interactions.  相似文献   

The study focused on the dynamics of Malondialdehyde (MDA) contents and the activities of protective enzymes in the leaves of alfalfa varieties with various resistances to Aphis medicaginis Koch. The results showed that susceptible varieties always had higher MDA contents than resistant varieties, and the MDA contents tended to rise in both susceptible and resistant varieties in period of the varieties were pierced and sucked by aphids. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activities in susceptible varieties were lower than those in resistant varieties, and in both susceptible and resistant varieties the SOD and POD activities tended to rise at first and then decline, and the PAL activities rose to their peaks and then tended to remain stable. In the susceptible and resistant varieties the catalase (CAT) activities appeared to rise and decline alternatively; the PPO activities in resistant varieties were lower than those in susceptible varieties in early growth, but higher than those in susceptible varieties in later growth. It follows that infested by aphids, susceptible and resistant varieties had the MDA contents, variations of SOD, POD, PAL and PPO activities were closely correlated with their aphid resistances, hence these indexes could be used as physiological indexes for testing aphid resistance of alfalfa, whereas the relations of their CAT activities to their resistances needed to be further studied.  相似文献   

Huang W  Jia Z K  Han Q F 《农业工程》2007,27(6):2177-2183
The study focused on the dynamics of Malondialdehyde (MDA) contents and the activities of protective enzymes in the leaves of alfalfa varieties with various resistances to Aphis medicaginis Koch. The results showed that susceptible varieties always had higher MDA contents than resistant varieties, and the MDA contents tended to rise in both susceptible and resistant varieties in period of the varieties were pierced and sucked by aphids. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activities in susceptible varieties were lower than those in resistant varieties, and in both susceptible and resistant varieties the SOD and POD activities tended to rise at first and then decline, and the PAL activities rose to their peaks and then tended to remain stable. In the susceptible and resistant varieties the catalase (CAT) activities appeared to rise and decline alternatively; the PPO activities in resistant varieties were lower than those in susceptible varieties in early growth, but higher than those in susceptible varieties in later growth. It follows that infested by aphids, susceptible and resistant varieties had the MDA contents, variations of SOD, POD, PAL and PPO activities were closely correlated with their aphid resistances, hence these indexes could be used as physiological indexes for testing aphid resistance of alfalfa, whereas the relations of their CAT activities to their resistances needed to be further studied.  相似文献   

The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae), is an important cotton pest in northern China, especially in the seedling stage of cotton. After large scale commercial use of transgenic Bt cotton, cotton aphids became one of the most important cotton pests. A 2‐year study was conducted to evaluate the role of four winter wheat varieties that were resistant or susceptible to wheat aphid, Sitobion avenae Fabricius (Homoptera: Aphididae), in conserving arthropod natural enemies and suppressing cotton aphids in a wheat–cotton relay intercropping system in northern China. The results indicated that wheat–cotton intercropping preserved and augmented natural enemies more than a monoculture of cotton. The density of natural enemies in cotton was significantly different among relay‐intercropping fields with different wheat varieties. The highest density of natural enemies and low cotton aphid populations were found in the treatment of cotton in relay intercropped with the wheat variety Lovrin10, which is susceptible to wheat aphid. The lowest density of predators and parasitoids associated with high cotton aphid populations were found with the wheat variety KOK1679, which is resistant to wheat aphid. The results showed that wheat varieties that are susceptible or moderately resistant to wheat aphid might reduce cotton aphids more effectively than an aphid‐resistant variety in the intercropping system by enhancing predators to suppress cotton aphids during the cotton seedling stage.  相似文献   

In the present investigation an effort was made to realise the role of feeding host plants on some enzymes’ activities. The results showed that the enzymes’ activities were changed in the aphids feeding on different host plants which assist in detoxification of their host metabolites. It is important when the aphids are exposed to insecticides. The results indicated that the measured enzyme activity has significant changes depending on the host plant. It is shown in this study that there are no significant differences between different host plants on esterase activity (p = 0.446); however, there is a significant difference between GSH activity (p = 0.047) but this relationship is not significant on MFO activity (p = 0.417). Among three strains of Ag-PP, Ag-MO and Ag-FA, strain Ag-PP was the most resistant strain against neonicotinoids, and the resistance mechanism was related to metabolic increase in carboxyl esterase activity. The results showed that strain of Ag-MO was the most susceptible strain against neonicotinoids. The result of this investigation also showed that the general esterases might play an important role in conferring or contributing to neonicotinoid resistance in the cotton aphids.  相似文献   

Abstract The individual esterase activity which is measured by filter paper test (FPT) method may determine the resistance of cotton aphids Aphis gossypii (Glover) against organophosphorus (OP) insecticides. For testing accurately resistant level caused by different insecticides, we applied FPT method for measuring inhibitory action of methyl-parathion, monocrotophos and omethoate to α-NA esterase of individual cotton aphids, and compared the inhibitory frequencies of these three insecticides to susceptible population (BCA) and resistant population (GCA). Results showed that their inhibitory frequencies of the susceptible population were evidently higher than that of the resistant population. The inhibitory rate of α-NA esterase in F1 generation individual cotton aphids by monocrotophos was low when the cotton aphid population had been treated in advance with monocrotophos, but it got to 75%-90% when the cotton aphid population had been untreated in advance with monocrotophos. Besides, the differences in esterase activity were not obvious between them. In same region when cotton aphids were treated with insecticides the inhibitory frequency of esterases in individual by the insecticides was lower than counterparts in individual cotton aphids which were not treated with insecticides. All these demonstrated that inhibitory frequency of α-NA esterase in individual cotton aphids by OP insecticides could be used as a technique of forecasting pest resistance.  相似文献   

Extensive use of insecticides on cotton has prompted resistance development in the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Glover) in China. A deltamethrin‐selected population of cotton aphids from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China with 228.59‐fold higher resistance to deltamethrin was used to examine how carboxylesterase conferred resistance to this pyrethroid insecticide. The carboxylesterase activity in the deltamethrin‐resistant strain was 3.67‐, 2.02‐ and 1.16‐fold of the susceptible strain when using α‐naphthyl acetate (α‐NA), β‐naphthyl acetate (β‐NA) and α‐naphthyl butyrate (α‐NB) as substrates, respectively. Carboxylesterase cDNA was cloned and sequenced from both deltamethrin‐resistant and susceptible strains. The cDNA contained 1581 bp open reading frames (ORFs) coding a 526 amino acid protein. Only one amino acid substitution (Val87‐Ala) was observed between deltamethrin‐resistant and susceptible strains but it is not genetically linked to resistance by the catalytic triad and signature motif analysis. The real‐time polymerase chain reaction analysis indicated that the resistant strain had a 6.61‐fold higher level of carboxylesterase mRNA than the susceptible strain. The results revealed that up‐regulation of the carboxylesterase gene, not modified gene structure, may be responsible for the development of resistance in cotton aphids to deltamethrin.  相似文献   

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