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程达 《生命世界》2007,(2):66-69
近年来,随着市场的热炒,普洱茶承载了太多的沉重使命,历史的、文化的、艺术的、商业的,过去、现在、未来,甚至担负了云南茶产业做大做强的希望。于是乎,它的热是一浪高过一浪,厂家、商家蜂拥而现,各种俗称、概念风声水起,生茶、熟茶、传统普洱茶、现代普洱茶、普洱古茶、乔木普洱茶、台地普洱茶、大树普洱茶等让人眼花缭乱,茶叶界、商界、学术界众说纷纭,莫衷一是,大有“横看成岭侧成峰”之势。  相似文献   

我省近几年应用白僵菌防治玉米螟做了一些工作。为进一步总结经验,提高防治效果,我们遵照毛主席关于“人类总得不断地总结经验,有所发现,有所发明,有所创造,有所前进”的教导,根据我省1973年农林科研计划,由河北省植保土肥研究所组织衡水、廊房、张家口地区农研所、河北农大、河北师大、保定农校、昌黎农校、廊房师专、芦台、汉沽、中捷人民友谊农场、邯郸原种场、安平、临西、宁晋、丰南、正定、灵寿、雄县、蠡县、平泉县的农林局、石家庄微生物农药厂等23个单位,在全省10个地区21个县76个大队或试验场,采用统一菌剂、统一设计方案,进行联合试验。进  相似文献   

黄领麻纹灯蛾Spilotoma imparilis Butl(=Diacriciaimparilis Butl)在昆明地区是多种果树,林木和农作物上的害虫。主要寄主有梨、桃、苹果、杏、柿子、梅、李、海棠、石榴、板栗、核桃、滇楸、青桐、榆、皂荚、刺槐、国槐、黄连木、柏、柳、女贞等。其中梨、苹果、桃、滇楸受害最重,严重时可将整株树叶全部食光,仅留下叶脉,呈现一片枯黄,影响翌年花芽的分化,影响产量和削弱村势,为此探索一些高效,低毒,低残毒的杀虫剂来防治黄领麻纹灯蛾是有现实意义的。  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾Prodenia litura Fab.的初步考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、发生情况 1.被害植物 斜纹夜蛾的幼虫,食性很杂,根据我们调查,在棉花、芋头、莲藕、大豆、绿豆、茄子、向日葵、包菜、白菜上,发生均相当普遍;此外,在丝瓜、番茄、芝麻、刀豆、扁豆、金花菜、蕹菜、红薯、马铃薯、黄麻、苋菜、葱、芥菜、高粱、水稻、玉米等多种植物上,亦常可见其取食。室内曾饲以99科290种植物,其中有90种喜吃,107种较喜吃,86种不喜吃,仅有荸荠、茅草、竹叶、甘蔗、芦苇、茭白、苏铁等7种,完全不吃,可见这种昆虫,对于食料植物的适应范围,是非常广泛的。  相似文献   

我国的亚热带水果资源丰富,品种繁多,营养价值高。例如闻名世界的荔枝、龙眼,以及它们的加工制品糖水荔枝、糖水龙眼、荔枝干、龙眼干、龙眼肉、荔枝汁、龙眼汁等在国内外市场十分畅销,深受消费者欢迎。有些亚热带水果,如香蕉、凤梨(菠萝)、柑桔、芒果、人心果、菠萝密、橄榄、余甘、杨梅在国内市场也深受欢迎。这些水果含有果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖、淀粉、含氮物质、多种维生素、果酸、果胶、芳香物质和纤维素等,不仅供给人体所需的热能和各种营养物质,调节人体正常生理机能,而且能促进食欲、帮助消化和治痰,成为人民生活中不可缺少的食物之一。因此,充分利用我国的自然气候,根据不同种类的水果的坏境条件和土壤的适应性,开发我国亚热带水果资源,发展优质品种,提高水果利用率。  相似文献   

(1):(2):3):1呼):2矛亡、了t、产‘、 5 9131518 峪 8l1l斗 ..............……、,/、.2、.jr‘、./、J产‘、/‘、/‘、2、..1、、l,几,人,几,二,‘,几弓‘,自,‘,山了.、了厄、了‘、矛了电、产r、了占、尹侄、Z‘、/吸、r.、d.n,‘.、Jl舀 ,‘..‘,L口山 .……,:、、了、.了、色了、.产、、‘J‘月,魂j月,,,门、︶产.、了.、Z卫.、了‘、了.L、(3):274):3护0 0 36 ,玉.二“.二 ..……、、J了、、2‘、、产、几.2斗通月月,人,紧跟毛主席的伟大战略部署把批林批孔的斗争进行到底···,·、···、·················…  相似文献   

目的通过实验,使学生了解真菌具有真正的细胞核,能产生孢子,体内没有叶绿素,营异养生活,并学习探索的方法。材料试管、显微镜、锥形瓶、固体培养基、培养皿、平菇菌种、无菌接种箱、可调控温箱、高压灭菌锅、温度计、U形玻璃管、广口瓶、三角瓶、橡皮塞、葡萄糖、酒曲、石灰水、木屑或棉籽壳、过磷酸钙、石膏粉等。方法把学生分为甲、乙、丙三组,每组4—8人,分别做以下几个实验,最后进行分析与讨论。  相似文献   

教育部显微标本定点企业,始于1958年,有着46年专业生产显微标本历史,其前身为河南师范大学生物制片厂,专业生产高等院校。科研机构所需的生物显微玻片(植物、动物、生理、胚胎、遗传、微生物、病理、中药等)2280余个品种,教学标本(浸制、干制),教学模型(解剖、针灸、组胚、生物、护理、妇产),生物实验及用具,生命科学图书及软件。  相似文献   

我们家族的兴衰 我的祖先在历史上一度非常兴盛,分布十分广泛,从北京附近的周口店,往南向西,包括华北、西北、华东、西南和华南,一直到与中国毗邻的缅甸和越南的北部都有分布。到目前为止,已在北京周口店、陕西、山西、浙江、安徽、江西、福建、台湾、广东、广西、湖南、湖北、河南、四川、贵州和云南等几百个  相似文献   

自从建国以来,动物学与其他事业一样,正以奋勇迈进之势,向前发展。全国动物学工作者为了改变历史上造成的科学和文化的落后面貌,而辛勤劳动,并在各地区组织了群众性的动物学学术团体,积极地开展学术活动。截至目前为止,全国各地已建立动物学会的有北京、上海、沈阳、成都、青岛、旅大、江苏、广东、山东、云南、甘肃、新疆、湖北暨武汉等地区;另外,有些地区的动物学与其他生物学科联合组织了生物学会,如天津、石家庄、厦门,福建、山西、陕西、安徽、湖南、吉林、内蒙等地区,青海省则成立了动植物学会,浙江省为动物水产学会,等等。还有些地方的动物学会正处在酝酿筹备阶段,如黑龙江省已由黑龙江大学、哈尔滨医科大学、哈尔滨师范学院、东北农学院、省卫生防疫站、省水产研究所和生物研究所等11个有关单位组成了筹备委员会,将于今年第三季度召开成立大会。重  相似文献   

The interaction of mouse liver catalase with subcellular membranes was studied, and an ionic interaction with a variety of membranes, including those derived from the microsomes, was observed. The interaction with microsomal membranes was found to be abolished by pre-treatment of catalase with neuraminidase, indicating a functional significance for catalase-bound sialic acid. Catalase activity was found to be enhanced when bound to membranes, and evidence for a weak association of catalase with peroxisomal structure in mouse liver was also obtained. It is concluded that mouse liver catalase has a capacity to bind to a variety of subcellular membranes in vivo and that this interaction may be consistent with a general protective role for the enzyme, as well as being compatible with a model of peroxisomal biogenesis which involves the interaction of catalase with microsomal membranes.Abbreviations LGF Large Granule Fraction  相似文献   

Digit ratio (as a putative indicator of prenatal androgen exposure) is related to a range of sexually dimorphic abilities, including spatial skills and mathematical ability. This study examined a phenomenon known as the SNARC effect (Spatial Numerical Association of Response Codes), which is taken as evidence of a mental representation of magnitude along a left-right-oriented number line, with low magnitudes associated with the left side of space, and high numbers with the right side of space. Participants made a parity judgement of numbers with responses made with a left key to odd numbers and a right key to even numbers. This was reversed for a second block of trials. Response times to numbers one to nine with both the right and left hand were calculated, and regression analyses conducted to analyse whether lower magnitudes were responded to faster with the left hand and higher magnitudes with the right hand. Participants with lower (more masculine) digit ratios on the right hand showed a stronger SNARC effect compared to participants with high digit ratios. This pattern of results was also found when the analyses were conducted separately for men and women. Results from left hand digit ratios indicated that only low digit ratio females showed a significant SNARC effect. These findings add to a growing literature on the relationship between digit ratio and cognitive abilities; in this case, simple cognitive representations that are accessed automatically rather than complex skills such as mental rotation or "mathematics" where a variety of solution strategies may be utilised.  相似文献   

We designed an experimental approach to differentiate the kinetics of protein binding to a lipid membrane from the kinetics of the associated conformational change in the protein. We measured the fluorescence intensity of the single Trp6 in chicken liver bile acid-binding protein (L-BABP) as a function of time after mixing the protein with lipid membranes. We mixed the protein with pure lipid membranes, with lipid membranes in the presence of a soluble quencher, and with lipid membranes containing a fluorescence quencher attached to the lipid polar head group. We fitted simultaneously the experimental curves to a three-state kinetic model. We conclude that in a first step, the binding of L-BABP to the interfacial region of the anionic lipid polar head groups occurred simultaneously with a conformational change to the partly unfolded state. In a second slower step, Trp6 buried within the polar head group region, releasing contacts with the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

Rheb, a small GTPase, has emerged as a key molecular switch that directly regulates the activity of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). Similar to other members of the Ras superfamily, Rheb has a C-terminal CaaX box that is subject to farnesylation. This study reports that farnesylation is a key determinant of Rheb's subcellular localization and directs its association with the endomembrane. Timed imaging of live cells expressing EGFP-Rheb reveals that following brief association with the ER, Rheb localizes to highly ordered, distinct structures within the cytoplasm that display characteristics of Golgi membranes. Failure of Rheb to localize to the endomembrane impairs its ability to interact with mTOR and activate downstream targets. Consistent with the notion that the endomembrane may serve as a platform for the assembly of a functional Rheb/mTOR complex, treatment of cells with brefeldin A interferes with transmission of Rheb signals to p70S6K.  相似文献   

基于小波分析的大豆叶绿素a含量高光谱反演模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
 2003和2004年分别在长春市良种场和中国科学院海伦黑土生态实验站实测了大田耕作与水肥耦合作用下大豆(Glycine max)冠层高光谱反射率 与叶绿素a含量数据,对光谱反射率、微分光谱与叶绿素a含量进行了相关分析;采用归一化植被指数(Normalized diffe rence vegetation index, NDVI)、土壤调和植被指数(Soil-adjusted vegetation index, SAVI)、再归一植被指数(Renormalized difference vegetation index, RDVI)、第二修正比值植被指数(Modified second ratio index, MSRI)等建立了大豆叶绿素a反演模型;应用小波分析对采集的光谱反 射率数据进行了能量系数提取,并以小波能量系数作为自变量进行了单变量与多变量回归分析,对大豆叶绿素a进行了估算。研究结果表明,大 豆叶绿素a 与可见光光谱反射率相关性较好,并在红光波段取得最大值(R2>0.70),但在红边处,微分光谱与大豆叶绿素a的相关性较反射率好 得多,在其它波段则相反;由NDVI、SAVI、RDVI、MSRI等植被指数建立的估算模型可以提高大豆叶绿素a的估算精度(R2>0.75);小波能量系 数回归模型可以进一步提高大豆叶绿素a含量的估算水平,以一个特定小波能量系数作为自变量的回归模型,大豆叶绿素a回归决定系数R2高达 0.78;多变量回归分析结果表明,大豆叶绿素a实测值与预测值的线性回归决定系数R2均高达0.85。以上结果表明, 小波分析可以对高光谱进 行特征变量提取,并可在一定程度上提高大豆生理参数反演精度。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The male bushcricket, Requena verticalis , calls with a signal containing two predominant frequencies, 16 kHz and 28 kHz. A synthesized call, made from a template of the natural call, was played to females under conditions of a two-speaker trial on a flat arena. Orientation pathways to a speaker emitting only a 16 kHz signal were more circuitous than the pathways made by females orientating to a speaker emitting only a 28 kHz signal. Females preferred a signal with both carrier frequency peaks present within the song to a signal with only a 16 kHz or 28 kHz carrier frequency, when the signal containing a double peak was kept at equivalent absolute intensity to that with a single peak. Females chose signals containing a more powerful high frequency peak over a signal in which both peaks were balanced. For the higher peak, they were able to differentiate between frequencies with a separation of 8 kHz but not of 4 kHz. They were unable to differentiate between frequencies with a separation up to 8 kHz in the lower peak when one frequency was held at 16 kHz; however, when this frequency was held at 18 kHz, females were able to distinguish between frequencies with a difference of 4 kHz. ( N.B. 18 kHz is 2 kHz above the mean value for this frequency within the natural population.) We conclude that females are choosing males on the amount of power in the higher frequency range of their song and that this may be equivalent to a close calling male in the field.  相似文献   

Metabolic shift analysis at high cell densities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: In high cell density cultures it is virtually inevitable that the environment to which the cells are exposed is heterogeneous. Thus, with suspended cultures, individual cells are subject to temporal changes in their environment whereas with aggregated or immobilized cells, the culture can be considered as being formed by a number of subpopulations, each with its own environmental characteristics. In addition, in a high cell density environment, high concentrations of end products may negatively influence the growth rate. This may result in the selection of organisms with an altered metabolic behaviour or with a decreased sensitivity to the adverse effects of the product. We discuss the consequences of this heterogeneity with regard to carbon source metabolism in view of the ability of many bacterial species to adapt to environmental conditions. Selection of variant organisms was found to occur with Clostridium butyricum when grown for a prolonged time in a medium containing approx. I-50 mM glucose. In contrast to the original strain, these variants could sustain a high maximal growth rate in the presence of butyric acid. In addition, they had acquired the capacity to spontaneously form aggregates and were able to carry out a completely solventogenic fermentation. Heterogeneous metabolic activity in aggregated cells is demonstrated with cultures of Lactobacillus laevolacticus , an aggregateforming lactic acid bacterium that converts glucose completely to o-lactate. By using microelectrodes, we show that the fraction of metabolically active cells decreases with increasing aggregate size: in larger aggregates steep pH gradients occur with the effect that only the outer layer of the aggregate is metabolically active, i.e. contributes to lactic acid formation, whereas with smaller aggregates all cells remain active. As a result, the net specific lactic acid production rate of the population as a whole is not invariably increased with increased aggregate size.  相似文献   

The ability to learn plays a key role in tuning and adapting the behaviours of animals for their unpredictable biotopes. This also applies to insect vectors of disease. Anautogenous mosquitoes need to find both sugar and blood for survival and reproduction. Learning processes are expected to contribute to a mosquito’s ability to undertake repeated feeding behaviours more efficiently with time, serving to decrease energy demands and avoid hazards. Here we report how visual learning by the Afrotropical malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae allows it to readily associate visual cues with the quality of a sugar source. Circular black and white patterns were used as visual cues. An. gambiae females were conditioned in cages with a chequered pattern paired with sucrose and a concentric pattern paired with non-palatable sucrose-NaCl and with reverse combinations. Hours later, significantly higher numbers of feeding attempts were counted on sucrose paired with the chequered pattern following conditioning with the same combination. This was also the case on the concentric pattern paired with sucrose following conditioning with this combination. However, the effect was weaker than with sucrose paired with the chequered pattern. These findings indicate a differential capacity of visual stimuli to induce learning, explained in our experiments by a significantly higher mosquito appetence on sucrose paired with a chequered pattern that mimics floral shape. Training that induced a higher propensity for feeding attempts was found to allow the females to display a fast learning curve (<4 min) on the less suitable concentric pattern paired with sucrose, several hours after conditioning on the chequered pattern paired with sucrose. This has important implications for mosquito behavioural ecology, suggesting that An. gambiae shows plasticity in its learning capacities that would allow it to readily turn to alternative sources for a sugar meal once initiated in the process by an appropriate stimulus combination.  相似文献   

In November 1975, as the first in the Netherlands, a full-time psychologist was employed at the Department of Cardiology of the Thoraxcenter of the Erasmus Medical Center. This innovative decision was consistent with a view to treat the patient as a whole rather than the heart as a single body part in need of repair, combined with the understanding that the heart and mind interact to affect health. The present selective review addresses the broad range of contributions of 35 years of psychology to clinical cardiology and cardiovascular research with a focus on research, teaching, psychological screening and patient care. The review ends with lessons to be learned and challenges for the future with respect to improving the care and management of patients with heart disease in order to enhance secondary prevention and the role of behavioural and psychological factors in this endeavour.  相似文献   

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